1 was all run down, weak and had no appetite, and after all that time gy 1 am glad to say Vinol has brought ! ful variety.” “For summer Zeller, auct, Tuesday, Feb. 18-—~On the prem- | isos in West Donegal Township, [ ps artlcularly strong.” near Rheems, mules, horses, wag-| “Crepe and cotton voile ons, stone crusher and steam arill-| worn for shirt-waists and ing outfit, farm implements, ete., by| frocks.” Jno, W. Eshleman and M, R. Hoff- “Tendency toward making man, assignees for the benefit of [sleeve an important feature. creditors of Winfield I.. Heisey and “Struggle between America wife. Zeller, auct. | Paris on long versus short skirt” Saturday, Feb. 22-—On the prem-| “Combinations of several materi- ises at the southeastern limits of|als in one gown is the rage.” Mt. Joy borough, 5 horses, cow,!| “Flouncings and bordered heifers, large lot fat hogs, shoats,! terials popular.” chickens and good farming imple-} Mount Joy wear, linen will be will be morning the and ma is to have a new fash- McKonly and famijy and D. S. Mar- Measles at Elizabethtown tin, all of Lancaste,. Messrs. M. H. More than two hundred cases of E H Kaul measles are reported in FElizabeth- and E. H. Kauffman, pg, § Martin and Bd. S. Hershey, Of this place. town, and the schools of the lower Hats have arrived at Getz Bros. $1.00 to $3.00. They're beauties,’ Take a look at them. All the local news in the Bullevip #7 Best paper in town—Bulletiy YOU WILL MONEY d ki most of chicks. Aang Ta by Giving all back my health and strength, wisich | Mrs. Kathryn Strauss and daugh- 1s just what 1 was told it would do. » jtef Helen of lancaster, spent Sun- We are confident that Vinol is the day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. best body-builder and strengthcreator |S. M. Cover we have ever sold. | The following visited H. S. Brad- od Be I TI ore Is (ley and wife during the past Week: Benefit you. Abram Bradley, John Maze and wife W. D. CHANDLER, DRUGGIST and Levi Nissley and wife, of Man- Mount Joy, Penna. heim, and Mrs. John Metzler and John S. Bradley. An Excellent Sermon Mr. and Mrs. John Sheaffer and On Sunday evening Rev. Rishel, son Emanuel, visited her parents, pastor, preached a special sermon Mr. and Mrs. George Ellinger, at to a large turnout of members of Colebrook, on Thursday. They Court Mount Joy No. 228, Foresters spent Fridatfiand Saturday in the] sf America in the Bethel of the homes of John Ellinger and | Church of God. The church was ap- Nathaniel Moyer propriately decorated for the occa- G. W. Foose and wife entertained sion. A feature was a large draw- the following guests at a turkey ing, the emblem of the order by diw~« 4: their home on Sunday: Rev. Rishel. which is mow on dis- Harry Rutt und wife, Philip Sivain, mm at {TE OTTICE. wife and Canjld, Harry wallace, | rere tl Meee wife and two agyghters, Jeremiah ments bv J. Lem Swarr. Aldinger, | jon magazine, auct. | Beginning | Saturday, Feb. 22—At his sta-lhart & Co. {bles in Mount Joy Borough, a car-|present to and Lebanon! attractive 32-page Ream Zel- | cation to be known as { ler, ising.” Bach month it will bring to Thursday, Feb. 27-—On the prem-| the women of Mount Joy advance ises, the Martin BE. Garber farm, on|news of the smart styles about to | the road leading from Mt. Joy to|appear the centers of the { Columbia, 2 miles south of Mt. Joy! world. | horses, mules, cows, buils, hogs,| Skilled designers, illustrators and | chickens, a lot of good farming im-| style authorities in Paris, New York | plerments, baled hay by the ton, ete.| ang other cities will keep Bernbart 5th, monthly customers illustrated publi- “Good Dres- February issue their will and all an load of good Berks County horses by Ed auct, in dress grade are closed. At present the higher grades are closed until Entire Party Periihed | by Perry C. Bates. Zeller, auct. | & Co. continually in touch with the further notice. Now we have the news that Cap- | Yetnesasy, Feb. 26—On theltrijymphs of all the most famous i do tain Scott and his entire harty per- Promises 1 ie Colebrook road, | modistes and most fashionable wo- Thanks ished in an effort to find the South nr boing men. : : { ~ We wish to thank al] those who in Pole. Serves him right. He should 25 head Durham ana. Holstein cows | ren, el. To Jssasgons | ‘any way assisted at the funeral of hunt poles nearer the ®quator.| . 1. meen 3 Holstein heifers, 8 Of ress HOM VOY Tre the late Jonas Risser. What's the use hunting for the oth-| = Yo o i" a ers, 8| wil accompany these style an- x Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eshleman 'er end when we know its ther, gg | 8 5 oats, to 150 Ibs, 2|pnouncements. The publication will : ’ } tli ein ' pecially since Cook found the gpe breed sows, 1 boar, 200 chickens &|be edited by the editors of The 3 "end. a large lot of farming implements|padies’ Home Journal, the well 2 Early Spring i 3 by A. W. Eshleman. Zeller, Auct. | known women's periodical. Saturday, March 8 — On the | This sweeping provision for creat- premises on the John Shultz farming in Mount Joy a style authority in East Donegal township, near | of the first rank has been made Maytown, horses, colts, cows, bulls| possible by an arrangement which and a large lot of good farming | Bernhart & Co. have concluded implements by Samuel S. Rosen-| with '3,000 other leading dry goods berger. Zeller, auct. | merchants in all parts of the U. S. | Bern- takes a dry shave regularly mot has long bine tail fenthers, Each quill is adorned from base to tip with soft blue down. ‘I'his arrangement the bird dislikes. Therefore with its sharp beak it uips quills from the base out to nbout un inch trom the tip, where it maintains a neat oval of soft blue whisker. wetion seems silly on the bonmnot's part to certvin phllos- ophers, though it seems no sillier than man’s action in regularly scraping bare his cheeks and chin while he main- tains on his upper lip an oval of soft hair not unlike the bonmot's tail oval —Kxchange. She Had Kissed the Blarney Stone. the bhure such d “Oh, yis, mun,” sald Kathleen, ap plying for a new situation, “I lived in me last place t'ree weeks, mum, an’ though I say it th't shouldn't I gev ix- cellent satisfaction.” “And why did yon leave?” ventured the lady who was looking for a serv- ant. “Sure. I couldn't get along wid th' missus at all, she wor that ould am’ cranky.” “But maybe you'll tind we old and cranky 00.” “Cranky ye may be, mum. for sweet faces likes yours is sometiines decelv- fn’, but ye're not ould. I ¢'n see that at a glance!"—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Pickings For the Parson. A Dover bridegroom gave his best man an envelope. “Hand it to the parson after the cere- mony,” he said, “but don’t do it osten- tatiously.” The best man followed instructions but it seems that he performed his task too covertly, for the father of the bridegroom, after the pair bad depart ed, believed thar an omission had oc- curred and quietly pressed a banknote into the minister's hand. But he also was too secretive about it, and before the party broke up the bride's brother felt called upon to draw thing of his early struggles with th PAGE POUR THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, February 12, 1918 SPORTING HILL NEWHN f 8 tor Voice of the Tiger. . = RUN-DOWN | PEOPLE ¢ , a ; ale Reffls The tiger may be “shod with silence,” Te Finvat English Odes. ERISMAN'S CHURCH Messrs. A. K. and A, L. Behm, of If you got your posters printed at | but he has a voice that i rifyl Among the many fue odes 1n the John Geiband Minnie Ross were vice 1 n . vibe N x y Manheim, were Sunday guests of A. |this oflice we will insert notice like, ~ terrifying. y.gilsh language Macaulay character ~~ . y It is sald the voice of the tiger, # wo {god Dryden's “Alexander's Feast" as married on Saturday Made Svony & by Vinol. iD, Frankhouser and family the following In the register FREE | I zed Dryde 4 ] : ¥ 5 derful thing In its way, {3 not only the the noblest, and Dr. Richard Garnett Martin Metzler spent sunday Rundown conditions aro caused | D0. M. Nissley and wife and H. H.| frou. now until day of sale. As we, | most mournful, but the most terrifying, ' agreed with him lu thinking it the friends at Petersburg by overwork, worry, too close oof '\jjjler and wife spent Sunday with | have an exceptionally large circula- i of jungle sounds nnd that It is a power ¢ ve. The finement, a chronic cough or cold . ge crcua ! finest ode we have. The full title #8 It is not what we earn, but what hi » . us relatives at Lancaster ination this will thoroughly advertise — ful ald to him in bis hunting. ‘Che pa: | «jz jexander’'s Feast; or, The Power of hi ’ Which 1t in dificult to cure. \. II. Wenger, wife and daughter |y le and \ p | novanck STYLES TO BE PUB. | tives believe the deer henviuyg ihe U \ Ode For St. Cecilia's Day.” save that makes us rich. We want to say to every person in ‘ JOT your sale and remember it costs you mp? wild ble Froth 1e LU) Musie—An Ode For St. Cecilia's Day. It is ' so a Na ger's volee and unable (row the rever , “ " » 8 not what we oat, but what this condition—you need Vinol, our |Miss Kmma spent Sunday with Levi|nothing LISHED MONTHLY BY LO. Spenser's Epithalamium, Mliton's { . : ng | berating nature of the sound to locate | «ge on the Nativity,” Keats' od we digest that nourishes us. delicious cod liver and fron tomie (|. Bby and family Friday, Feb, 14--At the Washing- CAL MERCHANTS the position of the enemy stands still . ter Col : It is ha ' vhs without oil, the great strength cre iases BB a # : Dis- , ' . Sepia R “Io 8 Nightingale” and “On a Greclan 8 not what we read, but what aor’ It will apply iron to the blood Misses Emma and Fannie 8- | ton House, Mount Joy, two lots of) - — and so gives him the chance of stalk Uru” and Shelley's “To a Skylark® | We remember that makes us learn pe 3 sup! eb » a . . : =) . a i * i 3 . in » 4 1 ) » - in the most easily assimilated form, singer spent Saturday and Sunday | ground with two frame houses and Ladies Home ' Journal Editors win og ts m. Spurtsnin hold there is ..0 potable Instances of this class of ed ante dio. healthy appetite, | With relatives at Bismarck outbuildings on Fairview street ”) Edit Private Publication of Bern. | proba y Some truth n this, for unless 0, and to these must be added, Mp and Mrs. Monroe Metzler strengthen your digestive organs and Mrs, Florence Keener, of near|Mr. Elmer Heisey. Zeller, auct hart & Co. | Sue i tollowing Roe Heer gby DAs seen 4p ,ngh their form 1s irregular, Words. spent Tharsis fternoon with Mr make you eat better sleep better and | Mastersonville, was a guest of J. B.| Saturday, Feb. 15—At his ware- remeecnee almost Is Impossible from the o.ty's magnificent “Intimations of Cayrg ny wie : teal bett: . : . sound alone to tell with any certainty ”" emma’ Hl Metzler's mother near Lititz, er, I*ralich and family, on Sunday. rooms in Mount Joy, a large lot of| Bits of Spring Style News From | where be is.—New York Sun Immortality” and Tennyson's “Ode on A case has just come to our atten 3 Mrs. D. Dissinger visited ; “ Dressing" aiid En the Death of the Duke of Wellington,® Do you know that a person who " Mr. and Mrs. D. Dissinger visited [new and second-hand wagons, few Good Dressing | ton from West Scranton, Pa. Mrs. the homes of Harry Etnler and [good sleighs and fifty barrel tl “Never were materials and colors | - talks about his own always wants . A ’ » homes arry ull : D | . . i Shan Proper sare: Ror TT : VE Burt at Manheim on Sun-|choice Tn or les bs Mo . so lovely, and never such a wonder- | A Bind That Braves. How He Learned English. the big end of the conversation? o , bo rhs app Fy yer. : The bonmot, a South Awerican bird, Carl Schurz once told a friend som. The Rapho School Directors held The bon- la business meeting at the home of English langnage. He knew it ubon |A, K. Brubaker on Friday after- as American college boys know th noon. German-—that is to say, barely at a! ' . " | Daniel Metzler ¢ wife spen One day, “deciding such nonsense | iel Metzler and fe spent part of Thursday and Friday in must end,” he entered a bookstore and asked for the classic of the English | Elizabethtown vigiting friends and language. A wise clerk gave him relatives. “Phe Vicar of Wakefield! He core | Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Witmer and fully trauslated it into German an! app and Mrs. Christ Longenecker away for six weeks. At he translated his put his work the end of that time visited the Lincoln school on Thurs- translation back into English and then day P, M, made a searching comparison between | It is well to remember that the his version and that of Goldsmith's man who is always laying down original “After that” he sald, “l the law for others is apt to lay it knew English.” aside for himself Costly Silence. A. W. Eshleman spent the latter A representative of the local author | part of last week in Va., buying ity of a German city once informed the cows, this week he will return to conductor of the municipal orchestra i va.. to load and ship them. The that the extra pay demauded for the !cows will be sold at his public sale tuba players in the Wagner perfor: | Our prosperous neighbor Monroe ances would not be granted. “You |Metzler purchased from S. Snavely must give the opera without a tuba.” [a manure spreader. Mr. Metzler is he said. Finally. however, on the con | not considered prosperous because solicitation, the addi ductor's earnest a note!” Quite So. A Washington clubman finds a ces taln fellow member irritatingly opti | mistic at times. With this chap every disagreeable thing has its compensa- entertained at he buys up to date machinery, but tonal remuneration was conceded, hut | {because he makes farming profit- ~Xer the first act of “Die Walkure™ | the municipal representative referred i to hurriedly sought the conductor. “My Long and Taylor the tobacconista dear sir,” he exclaimed, with a groa paid our neighbor accompliment of despair, “we pay those tuba players that is worth repeating, they an- 6 marks each, and they haven't played [nounced that John 8S. Rohrer de- |livered the best quality and the best put up tobacco Landisville season. at their this received packing house Albert B. Erb Jr, dinner on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. tions, a principle he never falls to give expression to whenever oppor- Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Erb and daugh- tunity offers itself. ter Anna; Mr. and Mrs. Elias Mets “How are you ihi ining? asked |ler; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder and the optimistic persou is uc encounter daughters Esther and Cathryn all ed his friend in the hrealifast room. from Landisville. “] had a miserable 1." said the other. “I never tered se in my | SE -— life.” Coffee and Tea The optimist rel’ in! That's | Are you satisfied with your bad! Bat,” he “you must remem wr that a bad night ening up, | ooffee? |Drug Store and I will show you one If not stop in at Garber’s {Also bread, cakes, buns, etc. renee tl Its Were Cutting Ice N. Stauffer & Bro. had twenty en engaged cutting ice the early of this week. It was from memere——— A MS ——————- NOTICE. All property owners having i ing extending over ‘their pavements | cr from their stables and not prop | erly connected thereby causing dam- | # to five inches thick. age to streets, gutters, sidewaiks, | Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Stoler and etc, will please sce to it that they [tile latter's son of are placed in proper shape there- |ar\. vigiting friends in this vicinity. by avoiding more urgent measures rica Ess i to be taken in the matter. ‘4 Best paper in town-——Bulletin. J. Atlanite City, | m, Clerk. | win 2t, R. All the 18cal news in the Bulletin, Expert Shoppers For Mail Order Customers We can help you many a time if you will just sitdown and write to us for the ar- ticles that you want for we have expert women shoppers who give mail orders their special attention. A twocent stamp will bring your order to us and you can always feel confident that it will get prompt satisfying attention. #® | Monday, March 10—On the premiand Canada. “Good Dressing will le E the minister aside and thrust a ten dof. 18 better than no o7:it ni alll”--New FOR CHRISTMAS | | es at the southeastern limits of he published simultaneously by all| jae bin upon kim. “Newark News of York Press. jo of the finest Coffees on the market SLs Aa el © | 9. Joy borough, entire lot of i these 3,000 stores. Each store, ll hhh... jthat sells for 35 cents a pound. TI py, ee IR ousehold goods by J. Lem BSWAarT.| jowever, will have a portion of the Queer Sones of Humor. Odd Propos:! of Warriage. |also have fine varieties of the finest Tp Y al Ajdinger, auct. magazine specially printed to carry{ “Don’t you admire a man who laughs That celshrai ier of flowee Teas on the market. Stop in and YOU WILL BE SURE 8 Shinsanid March 11—On the Cam-|iis own announcements, in this way | at danger?’ and figure subjects. Willimin Hunt, wa examine same. B. W. Garber’s = © ‘on farm near Donegal Springs, making the publication its private | “Only to a certain degree. He may O°" One occasion sfoued by & pryg Store, Mount Joy Pa., ot. TO HAVE IT =| 40 y =| cows, 12 steers, 1 fat bull, 7 organ | have courage, but he unquestionably gentleman to puiu ricuit in the _— ii Thang bulls, 3 Holstein heifers, 7 go far as is known, no other Fen a poor sense of humor,"=w Ritisne of kueeli 12 in nd “ Siarkeie trs, 26 tons baled hay and 90 g init hi ; io ashington Star. and an open wn were Our Home . . . ’ . om! S 2 | monthly publication of this type is | - : 2 or If You Join the First National Bank’s Christmas ios vuied straw by Samuel H.|i; existence wr 7, written a de and am Butter, per 1b. ..........oo 3 Savi Cl b 2 Treigler. Pierce , auct. I issue of the new maga Will Build New Church offer of marriu to whom Eggs, per 802. .........x::«0 28 =! We i > Ste ta , 5 this unusnal prope ape wasitard, per Ib. ...... .. cen. 11 saving 1l =| ednesday, March 12—On the ‘zine now ready at Bernhart & Co's At a meeting of the cfficials of Eo g .ard, iia derr rrr aan ® phen, Je on Columbia Avenue, a pattern counter, presents a ig the Uuited Brethren Church of this on Sopiies : raw ing of Potatoes, per DU. ............s 50 . | large lc, § ji ’ ¥ i ; ses erself with a cheer per in her whe, y : Which Started DECEMBER 26, 1912 and Will be = Ion an of Housedoul b 800ds, Wag- array of new fashions. ; Jas committer wes: appointed hand, on which was inscribed a laconie eR y 0 & | Gr tools, lumber ete. by as a | with the express purpose of build- : Ee | + Pe : : s Open Until February 1st, 1913 # | Davi A Oriliant display of the ew] “Yes.” y avid Boyce g | ing @ SW C i i es. Oats, per bu 40 = . eller auct. styles, some direct from Paris, | ing a new church in view. Ls, 1 ’ : : Thursday “March 13 0 sl) S, Some PC1 n aris, { . . 7s 3— tl . ” : Ned y | t Cost Nothing to Join You Can't Lose a Penny ®lmiestond form, one tre Marien" JUefisd to Ameriean women) . i ma . y = : 2 from the French, some purely Amm- | 7as0we0ISE: EE) EE TR N11 1 1 1 GEE LE LE. 1 TE 1 PL pike, near Wolge ’ i wR gl { Wp 1 1 NLL x You Have Everything to Gain Gi gear We Spas i les,) oi n Wester diesels and Buster BB ® i 8, 3 atyle, hogs, arming Sita) : . re ga 7 ———— CT ———_S—— £= OUR CHRISTMAS SAVINGS OLUB IS A CO-OPERATIVE & implements, housel aA , © promenade suits, blouses and also/® 1 oop. TIRAPER cm SE DIRE SYRVIOn So - . An a - Re AL on i gd goods, etC.| girs hand made trimmings, grag | WE SELL CHEAPER | ir einbach & Co {FREE PHONE SERVICE . = PLAN TO HELP ONE ANOTHER SAVE MONEY FOR CHRIST- = | Vetdav Torch Ta Zeller, auct. duation and confirmation dresses, = ! BECAUSE WE GIVE | wl wl a JUST CALL 1100 i b / nm : as #—On the Lan- : : = : ot Y PAYING A LITTLE EVERY WEEK INTO A FUND caster a So « for little boys and | 1 S. & H. GREEN > AND HAVE THE i ’ MAS. © Ir : & Sager a Bary turnpike, 2 0 Whore be Ek in 8 | traving stamps | 47543 North Queen Si, CHARGES REVERSED | 2 : JEEKS, WHEN THE MONEY WILL BE DIVIDED niles east of Mt. Joy, myles Ses, 1. cela y Blue =f] ADING STAMP ARGES REVERSE ; BE ; IVIDED | ull. Boss, qos, BOTS justrations. Por cach dosien ana 8 JI LANCASTER, PENNA, — . AMONG THE MEMBERS ACCORDING TO THE CLASSES THEY wo: 00d farmine is ind a large ot ro yundreds of others not shown |® — ween’ Liab de¥ | iN iN mn » BULD arming inplements by B.i pn ey . @ HAVE JOINED. MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE INTEREST AT B Frank Emsweiler. gener. auct. | © & Co. have iu stock lad |B = I Saturdav March ro SE Home Journal Patterns from | & @ THE RATE OF 3 6-10 PER CENT PER ANNUM, PROVIDED B | Saturday, March, j5_a¢ nis ware- (.. No a i. a » a a a bouse in Mour ; joy even lot op Ton the .gArMOniy ay cadily. EB o B THEY PAY IN EVERY WEEK FOR THE FULL PERIOD. SUT WasonE nao lot of i le up 2t home by amy Woism. - % ii and 1g varlety of ssp = Bn # | farming imp} op, 0 4 i Tae's yo ) adaitioh to tho Ss shown % a In case you discontinue payments you will receive the full 8 7ollor. auet n 3 3. Moyer. ., re are numerous. special fashion 2 EB amount you will have paid when the Club closes—about De- ™ Thursday parch 20 . : rticles. Wm, Faversham, the mat-| > | B cember 15, when the fund will be disbursed and everybody be- mm caster ang Title ® on ae on inee idol, selects three dresses he | ® 2, & longing will get their money. = east of MM. re re of Die, = milo would like to see girls wear at|® 2 5 t. JOY, 8 large t o 0 5 = » x E ; Sous Bs 8 an i time. Julia Marlowe, the # 3 5 Cents Starts You, 2 Cents Starts You, | Cent Starts Yon, = Wr otlor, niiot. : picks out bridal dresses for |® x Or you can reverse Payments-——when @ i Easter weddings. Nancy Norton, a |g # i Sasy G5 ison student in a New York boarding | = ® oy s 2 = = $2.50 Starts You, $1.00 Starts You, 50 Cents Starts Youn, a ih e t inje is prob school, writes home to her chums | = lei nbach & vO. 47-49 N, Queen = = i 3 or cing In the world. w the smart New York girls are! = = Or 2% ¢ls., 50 cfs., and $1.00 Flat Weekly Payments Will Start You = Ne Ww aii it, and the inmates, * wearin: Eleanor Bramall tells | a St ] A *{ who furnish . . arp 4 = 25 In Class 1, pay lc the 1st week 2c the 2d week, 3c the 3d B | they please, + 3 1 - thate just og how last spring’s hat may be re- a treet., ancaster, Pa. =» week, 4c the 4th week, 5c the 5th week, 6c the 6th week, and 80 5 | cause they find tie 3 a modelled, and Margaret Withnell | ® x on for 50 weeks, and two weeks before Xmas we will mail you a - abie. The diet is liber with wine op Pictures and describes three pretty 2 Will deliver absolutely free of charge by Parcel Post = check for $12.75, with interest at 3 6-10 per cent. : | occasions and always ¢ tes. Th ways of wearing the hair. a . . . a , : Bic 00 work 10 do. So UIT apr) To SN aa. )B all articles of merchandise bought at this store whether Or in Class 2, pay 2c the 1st week, 4c the 2d weck, 6c the 3rd | worn and comparatively, free Inter wo helpful features are a dress-|g . . wu ask: oid oo cp. os we wil mall You 8 cherk twa Cop tore Bl a \ gree Inter und hat color chart, and a whatto-| g ordered by telephone or by mail; [provided the weight 2 | : ; wear-with-what chart. = . = Christmas for $25.50, with interest at 3 6-10 per cent. = Som On oe win fous Syn, indeed, | ote near dott in. two eolors isd is less than eleven pounds and the character of the ® i 5 1st week, 10c the 2 , 1be on Harrisoe Fi ; i 3 . ¥ Or in Class 3, pay 5c fea st oe ; ne d week, 1bc the g| tertain friends. \ | by Harrison Fisher. a goods conform to the Parcel Post regulations] 5 3d week, and so on, and we W 1} mai you 8 Sheck two weeks be- Bl a Bernhart & Co. announce that |® w fore Christmas for $63.75, with interest at © 6-10 per cent hl Not an Impostor, while the magazine is issued by|® = =! A proud young father teleg\raphed |them for their customers, they wi a 2 ers, y will|@ S Payments Must Be Made Every Week, Or May Be 2 the news of his new respeusiiilg £7 10 | po glad to present a copy to any |g : % m bis brother in this fashion: “A Mand- | woman Wbo cares to. call for it atlE * = | gome boy hus come to my house \and * e = = Made In Advance. Everbody Is Welcome to Join = ime on be sor nepiew. We Yara | their store. ’ 30) or Samples . #® | doing our best to give him a proper | Hercafter “Good Dressing” will |= = @ | welcome.” The brother, however, fiil | be ready on the 5th day of each a ; . . . . . = =| ed to see the point and replied: “I hae | month. us New Spring silks, dress goods and white goods are here in profusion. The pat- ® = | not got a nephew. The young man i = j 2 = : . . - . on Bohn 8 nop als tiie i k terns for spring and summer wear have never been prettier, especially the silks with g re eget ine “2: Now Sore '® their new Bulgarian color combinations and it is so easy for you to see these beauti- ® wn Bound to Dissgres. Mr. William Sholing. the west | = . . . . 2 = . ®| Hicks — The idea of his marr: end baker, has rented the Hershey |s ful spring fabrics—just sit down and write us a letter —tel]l us what you want—what ® "| Miss Roxley! Why, he’s a dyspeptic!\!store room recently vacated by | & : » = as A he) ' ) dC j1store ) |® colors you prefer and we will send you samples. = TR | icky What i Sunt Bot to do with} Daniel Hauenstein on East Maing y P y P = § ? e has plenty of money, and stre HH in y : rv. | = = Hicks—That's it. She'll pever agree | Bees. VE pes 2 Rotgerione y = -] with him; she's too rich.—Exchange {felling mostly home made candy. u a a =