The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 29, 1913, Image 8

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    PAGE RIGHT THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. me Wednesday, January 29,
THE BULLETIN siderable sym paid for the Arch. Bo A
Ra th tv a Sp = SPECIAL--Double S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Will Be
on the free list, such is the hopeful
pews from Washington; walter one
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR lined steak, please
Six Months . « 9
Three Months. . . . Mr. Taft has savoir faire remarks
Single Coples : + foreign critic He has. To show
Sample Copies vou further that we are right there
with the French language, we sub-
Entered at the post office at Mount mit that Mr, Taft also has avoirdu-
Joy as second-class mall matter. pols. |
Al correspondents must have thelr | « *
communications reach this office not! We are in receipt of a communi-
later than Monday. Telephone news cation from John D. Rockefeller,
of importance between that time and ‘requesting us to insert a two
12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Cban- column article relative to the Bu-
ges for advertisements must posi- |,.., of Social Hygiene. Of course, |
tively reach this office not later than | {John D., like so many others, mis-
Monday night. New advertisements |.) aq a newspaper for a charitable |
inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday |;,qtitution and not a business, nev- |
night. Advertising rates on appli- | er saying beans about pay. If you
eatlon. find the article in this issue, you |
|can find gold on the streets of Mt,
Given Every Wednesday and Saturday From Now
On Until Further Notice
Ask For January Red Letter Day Stamps 10 Extra--Free
Have You Taken Advantage of These
Matchless Clothing Bargains?
The shrewd, far seeing man is quick to take advantage of every opportunity to save
money. That's the reason so many are supplying the clothes needs of themselves and
Did not Castro always assert that
the United States was afraid of
Your Opportunity and Ours
Ours is the only magazine cover- |
Court ing exclusively the great events of
Outdoor Life: the higher class
narratives of adventure, travel and |
{achievement in the open; also ont]
their boys during this sale.
Can you afford to miss this opportunity? Remember, every Suit and Overcoat in the
. . * -
Increasing the Supreme
from 9 to 11 suggests going from
baseball to football.
- -
store is includded in this great sale.
ing, fishing and all sports. It is
realize that it is better to kill time | superbly printed and illustrated. We |
than passengers require the services of one man in
Sanus | each county to handle subscription ! y W y Suits and Overcoats
In Los Angeles a woman 105|agents Generous inducements to |
years old is to be married. Surely | workers. Write us Now for sample | ES ~~ .
: tv's. climate: is .rful, | copy and f ails .
that city's climate is wonderful, copy and full details. Address OUT J red uced to S | 2.00
considering the frosts [POOR WORLD PUBLISHING CO.
< v8 Box 732, New York City. jan. 8-4t. | = or
+ [Bex 735. New Yark Ort ta, Soke. | Wi reduced to $10.00
Hen's are laying again,
impression that spring has come Our Heme Markets 7 A 3 8 5 s
thus further disturbing the chaotic Butter, per 1b. ... : ‘ § ..30 3 WN 3 nN reduced fo 3 9g, 00
cold storage egg market Eggs, per doz.
ees flame nS Lak FAY iy nese to
The inaugural
en to assume til fort f or yf | Whea er b ? ¢ gil: SE ! A 7
: . 5 ’ } . 3 SN %i i ~ ! Sig
those: dignified celebration Prince rn iba. FL ’ f }( £ d }
: Ey FF ean § i JOE 3
ton pulls off when she
on gn
Railway managers are begining to
war no longer
but continuon
the hes
PE ———
get a f
pos Jp prams proman fi gov ss afiprmnes figrmarn irene nfipronet Riyronet yrcnce iy Breese esemeisetmmeietflomenll-
on no
have worked | y to
the wytelephor 1sine We : 3
on 5 3 > : ) ” Pe
can't say that we can approve of ] ‘ : pi > \ EX u e 1 )
y we ; : Lif : SN } Lh } A or « 264
members of her sex climbing those EA % 4 > : s8ot ibd Ladd
tall poles. bod EB oh JHE “LORD BALTIMORE BRAN! 4 , ed L : 2
4 SAD - "34S GOOD AS THE NAME } educe {Oo =
Among t sher rewards of |8l For Middletown Steam Laundry @
literature might be cited the con-| MOUNT JOY, PENNA
AY Rpow
Also Big Reductions on Rubber Boots, Felt Boots and Arctics.
Ribbed and Fleece Underwear, Usually 50c. Now 38c.
A 3 LIGGE TTamn,
ln ll
Have You Serr
the Coupon Now in
I. D. BENEMAN, olism
0000000000000 0000000000
Bows Catarrh Jelly
Gives Immediate Relief
Catarrh, Hay Fever, Asthma, Cold
in the Head, Influenza
Guaranteed or Money Refunded
Price 25¢. By Mail only
Bows Mfg. Co.
500 West 159th Street
Handkerchiefs PROCLAMATION .
constantly in use? Don’t let your waa Good Luck
cold grow into catarrh. Stop it at!
2 > fon 3 rp 13 RR, T
once with
Clears out the nasal passhges com Arn } CL f A ei ¢ Subsets
pletely and stops the discharge t101
Chandler's Mentholum Balm is aj
Sure remedy, and it's pleasant to
New York City use. Burns, Cuts, Bruises & Chap-
ped Skins are instantly soothed and
Pure Food Serial No. 456053
) r speedily healed by the Balm-—Price
9099000099000 005009000 00
25C 6 Jor. ES TL ae [ East Main Street, Mount Joy, Penna.
| Meet Me on the Bridge and We'll DR. CROSS’ B Pag Ade > We elorors of
Have a Plate of the said Borough. the proceeds of said Next Door to Bender's Barber shop
Cold In The Head | applied and appropriat-
as lows \nty-Seven Thot 7 : Pa mm poy
Cure and Dollars ($27,000) thereof Store vpen Every Meek
will cure Influenza, Colds, Coughs, © ' : i re tHe dh dani >
Aches, Pains, LaGrippe and all oth- (ont loan of Se ptember 1 130, Da % 2 In th o> Yzar
er disorders resulting from a bad fa g due Se mber 1, 1913, and LY A St ~
cold. We recommend these tablets Fifteen Thor ¢ Dollars $15, RAARD
; ; “7” 000) or so much thereof as may be IRDEPERDENT PHORE Neo. 850
when parties prefer tablets to oint- a es
< iy : : 4 necessary for the erection and in- jan2 2-3mo $1
ment. Dr. Gross’ Cold in the Head ' ctajjation of a filter plant in con- |,
{Cure is worth four times the cost nection with the water system of 00
| 15¢ a bottle .at said Borough, in pursuance to a WHY NOT ‘MAKE 900, A MONTH - - That's {
AT ZELLER’ S| resolution passed by the Council of > d 3
| ! —r—— Mount Joy Borough December 2,
$50.°° a Week, almost $10.°° a Day
All Flavors at All Times. | 1912
{ Nn} D The amount of the last as-
pecial Prices to Parties, Festivals | rug sessed valuation of taxable Belling Victor Safes and fire-proof boxes
ans i 3 uation 2 READ t0 merchants, doctors, lawyers, dentists and
Su rs, Etc. S property in the Borough of well-to-do farmers, all of whom realize the need
ppe tor e of a safe, but do not know how easyitistoown
Mount Joy is ...........3823040 i
| + aT : Chi one, Salesmen declare our proposition one of
Mrs. C H. Zeller The amount of the exist- the best, clean-cut money-making opBORS}.
: | 6A ing indebtedness is $ 27000. ties Ryo} “Saeived. aan Previods exper:
| 5 . | 8 , sq -35 3.45 p. m. SR : n . nce can duplicate the success of others.
Marietta Street MOUNT: JOY Sunday Howrs § to 9-3 t0 6.15 p The amount of the pro- al I ne an SA i
| | WEST MAIN ST MT. JOY. PA posed increase of Indebted- will enable you to present the subject to cus
ay ht Sn ? "| ness is 15000.
tomers in as intone sting a Sonne? as though
i 2 ‘clock p ou were piloting them through our factory. en appointed as
every evening till 10 O'clock The percentage of the proposed Ee ng and instructions for, gelling safes, giving
h 0 s increase of indebtedness is a convincing talking points which it is impossible for a prospective customer to deny. Why
during the Holiday nroximat sly 1.822 per cent and Fm don’t YOU be the first to apply from your vicinity before someone else gets the territory?
proximatel S44 P " > . We can favor only one salesman out of each locality.
total debt of $42,000, would be 5.01 The 25th anniversary of our
| per cent. : : Er Sa en ae
{ All qualified voters can vote at ; p R75 BE factory in the world. Wide-
this election, which will be held at x Lo 7 E: ayake sen who re r
the usual and regular voting places; § 5 Ee a ¥ oy 3 andar to -
«For many years I was troubled, in 8 in Mount Joy Borough, on Tuesday, id ; FR a g#St our output. We are
spite of all so-ca'od remedies I used. § | February 18, 1913, between the LEER RT : 1 arging our sales organizaric :
At last Ifound quick relief and cure 8 hours of 7 o'clock A. M. and 7, EE a a < Bl butto learn all particulars, it
in those mild, yet thorough and § o'clock P. M. : he 0: Hg : ) will cost you only the price of
W AE. ; y he % LS el a postal car
really wonderful RR Fellenbagm pe
DR. KING'S ! Clerk of Council. i E he ee e "3 - oo Ask for Catalogue 161.
New Life Pills! | eT Eo |
Adolph Schingeck, Buffal 2# Best paper in town #Bulletin.
231CENTS BER BOTTLEATALL : All the local news in th¢ Bulletin. |
Liggett & Myers Duke’s Mixture makes a
great pipe smoke—and rolled into a cigarette
nothing can beat it.
It is the favorite smoke of thousands of
men who want selected, pure, Virginia and
North Carolina bright-leaf tobacco.
If you have not smoked Duke’s Mixture,
made by Liggett & Myers at Durham, N. C.
—try it at once.
Each sack contains one and a half ounces of
tobacco thatisequal to any 5c granulated tobacco
made—and with each sack you get a book of
cigarette papers FREE and
A Coupon That is a Dandy. .
‘l Aese coupons are good for many
valuable presents—such as watches,
cameras, jewelry, furniture, razors,
china, ete.
As a special offer, during Feb-
raary and March only,
we will send you our illus-
trated catalog of presents
FREE. Justsendusyourname
and address on a postal.
Duke's Mixture may bi
Best Ice Cream In Town
Weare Always Prepared to serve
Moderate Charges.
Don’t fail to see us before plac-
ing your order this year.
'® J. N. Siauffer & Bro.
Mount Joy. Penna.
P0000 PRO S090