The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 29, 1913, Image 7

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    I derived from the use of
Doan’s Tom under Benny driva on Shportin |
Kidney Pills has been permanent. I fjjj}. Se sawga der Tom huts shtore
Estimates of Lumber and Mill Work a Speciality
{gladly confirm my former testimonl- jot naeksht om Fraelich seim vats-
at much less expense.
and wife spent Save all of he
and Mrs. Samuel apply them to the
supply potash, which
wife near Landisville.
wood "ashes and
orchard. They
is a necessary
Jonas Snavely
Sunday with Mr.
Snavely, at Manheim,
won’t take
~y THE BULLETIN, MOUNMT JOY. PA. Wednesday, January 29, 1913,
k = , -
”) CRY lech use vu are a monkey if \ THOROUGH TEST PENNSY LVANEA DUTCH aR rir ddr bbb PEPPER RPI P PEPIN EEE
1 1 n ht, -
DONY Re that One to Convince the Most Skeptical What Shwilkey Jumblaso k Has To — A ’
lulletin Reader, Say This Week : / Jip
J reap Darwin concluded h L1010 \ NV v)
piust have I from The test of time is the test that d X No }
J PAN Ze becau 0 many counts ly 2 101 Y, / 4
Lk ich nkeys of them Doan's Kidney Pills have made Ralsed on a angle nN ; Corner Square and E. King Sts.
. » y PP Nuwnnprpomn”
J solves on just such simple things their reputation by effective action. Park & Pol ard 7 of, WER .
as the The following case is typical, Growing — ! DGETIELD
\ ; KSTION Mount Joy residents should be Food. a
WITH POC R om : convinced Tan you 13
\ C Do you want to help prove that The testimony is confirmed—the eat it? .
AAR Cure the theoly wrong? Then buy proof complete .
A our coal from us Testimony like this cannot be ig- 4 ~
"iin |} Llearing Dale o r
BE a MOORE Miss Mary A. Stoner, Donegal St., - , ~
. . { Mt. Joy, Pa, says: Kidney trouble B hi d :
lin my case was caused by a strain, eat t 18 recor i
Deal er in |The secretions from kidneys were | The only way possible is to feed b ets u S an
{ . jarnasual 24 7 Sak aged fost | the Park & Pollard Gritless- ; 2?
[of the time. hen suffering in | Chick . oe .
ick and Growing Feed just
v Coal, Lumber, Grain, (that way I saw Doan’s Kidney Pills My leva freindt ich hop guta news as directed in their ol Book ; >
- ar 3 *] 3 » ra - . : .
) atvertised any I for log ag I eh oe a He hen on We sell the feed and give away . INO eul [ 1S
. 3, y live denkt des der Tom Katunzy dote
t Le. us BlOve . the books free. 3
9 Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cemen (all the claims made for them. I war ower aer laept weisder gut The book : ” 2 1S th a doll ;
nd Fertilizer |was given prompt rellef and was noch. Sis tzu gute fer war si ower € Doo’ alone 1s worthy a doar A M S . Oo “ie
1 a {benefited in every way. (Statement gig jch hop tzu eme gshwetzt usht a| ©F more to you. . oney aving pportunities Galore
J - |glven October 26, 1907.) ‘pore dawk tzrick. _— h h B Ki d f N
; ih A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid | Time is the Test Ich farich mer kenta der Tom | : On the best In 0 ew
9 for in | Later Miss Stoner was interview- forlera un mer wella oll hofa sis ¥} dt&S 5 Fl C .
gre led and she said: “The great benefit nix drin. Letsht wock wara der LIE AI] teh mani: oor Loverings
2) al.” ‘house, rous kawfa. imported from Europe. Recent lots
> 4 | For sale by all dealers. Price 80 \,, oo qruna wara hut der Tom Dave been found to contain from 15| fF OP OUr own stock, enable us to offer values that have never been
Y FLORIN PENNA. conts. Foster-Milburn Co., New enyhow ivers shtock gagookt un '© SO per cent. of hairy vetch seed. b equalled by this or any other store. All the Rugs, Carpets and
3 York, sole agents for the I\'mited , , .. .... druf, so manuvers the remainder being forms of spring y Linoleums involved are strictly high-grade, fresh, up-to-date
—— EE —————————————————————— Le maena eppas. Ich kon gwiss ich Vetch not hardy in the northern : merchandise, and a great bargain a the following prices.
Remember the name—Doan's— , = sola: wos Az A states or various species of wild|
Y YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED 3 take oo other lape net denka wos der Tom maent. ters - ig -
y % ku id : Mount Shoy date about en dutseet Vetc¢hes of doubtful value. The ji 1 75 savonnerie Ax-
J : F 8 Ae shtodt mocha ve Shrortin Hill. Vos Seed of hairy: vetch is spherical 4 .
J S. & H. Trading Stamps Jpeadl] BACK RUN will aer in soem glayna blotz. varying from three thirty-seconds to 4 .
{Bs Miss Jennie Hossler visited Miss Siter is ich draw denk is es mer Ove thirty-secon's of an inch in inst Y Carpets
J WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF OOAL PUR | 5 Anna Rettew on Sunday. usht gfore kumma, ferlicht huts a J12Meter. averaging about one- ~elgth/ L m 2 J
CHASED FOR CASH AT Some of our tobacco growers are lot shaena mate dot druna des der of an inch. The seeds of most other 3
D I ’ done stripping but others have work Tom noch gshprengt? Es sin blenty vetches are more or less lens shaped | : » a aY
for a week or two yet. mate grawt doe in unserm shtodt es '2ttened at the ends and varying in|}
' 8 d er S Albert Shank and family visited ene suta date un des ene glicha S128 By spreading a small quantity |} These are the closest woven Axminsters made. Through
J (Wm. Brehm and family on Sunday. heira un ager breicht se aw net es Of the mixed seed on a card board 3 a fortunate purchase, we secured these magnificent Carpets to sell
Coal and Harry Geibe spent Sunday with t;wet mole froea. and gently shaking it the hairy § at a price that is equal to the cost of a Tapestry Brussels; and,
J David Waltz and family. Well Tom mer wells’ olf kuifa vetch will roll off leaving behind § as usual, our patrons reap the benefit. $1.10 Tapestry Carpet,
BUMBER YARDS jicob Ginder and adopted daugh- 4 "oo seine a nn Hin " most of the vetch sced that has been § (Full Ten-Wire), 83c a Yard.
: . ¢ . sed ag teran y ’ v 3
J ter Miss Martha Lawser, visited in uns bliva. Shportin Hill is en Be nw erent. The or ot [ Hartford Carpet Company's Famous Ten-Wire Carpet,
J Mount Joy, Pema the family of Rev. Allen Brubaker, yy ,.ur ploiz Im soomer, ower vos eh Way BCL guaranteed quality, in beautiful patterns and colorings. Full
ha Yr a near Mastersonville on Sunday. der dihenker vit dot im vinter. on 2 ea ne 3 Feghess rolls. New and perfect. Sale price, 83c a yard.
Sete agent for Congo Roofin . No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hang | Some of our neighboring schools yo ng another test: also e lemon color }
J Also Siding he tne ee Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc are closel on account of the pre- 0 oy rom du daetsht ferfreera on of the crushed seed. 3 86¢c Tapestry Carpets (Full Rolls); Sale price 69¢ a yard.
A y ’ ’ y Wiles H s 6 soema blotz. i J 38
J Agents for Alphas Portland Cement. Also Roofing Slate valence of measles but in the Back a hn It seems hard to many farmers, b $1.50 Wilton Velvet Carpets; Sale price $1.19 a yard.
) estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material | Run school not a case has developed but it is merely a matter of using 5 Extra quality, the best wearing fabric made; in beautiful
Telephone No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot and we hope it will stay so. F C Durenres males for a few crosses. § Oriental and floral designs.
| ho " 9 ; m you start with females—cattle, ¥ : '
| The YeviVal SETVIceS that Were to ar €rs 0 umn " swile. wi * $25.00 Axminster Rugs, floral and Oriental patterns; 9x
be held at Hossler’'s church this _ 5 sheen, hoes, fowls with no improved ; 12 feet; Sale price $18.50
J week were postponed until the 23rd USEFUL INFORMATION FOR THE blood in them (pure scrubs) if you 2 feet; e price v
of February and instead of Rev is $ FARMER happen to be so unlucky as to , $18.00 Tapestry Rugs (Seamless), 9x12 feet, Oriental
) Kauffman being present Rev. Light poscess them. Using a pure bred ; and floral effects; Sale price $11.95.
) will be here, The Raising of Pure Bred Stock— male, the scrub blood is Yeduced to : $22.50 Velvet Rugs (Seamless), 9x12 feet, beautiful pat-
Fllis Rettew and family enter- rhe Purchase of Impure Seeds— Ry per rent, I oe ESnerai cn In x terns, florals and Orientals; Sale price, $18.00
| F tained the following on Sunday: Lettuce in Winter Time—Prun. [V0 8enerations, falls to twenty 9 .
} O John Rettew, wife and son, Charles, ing Trees and Vines—Better five per cent. in three, to twelve $30 Body Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet; Sale price $23.50
J . Phares Sweitzer and wife; Misses Farming. and a half: in four, to six and a ¥ $2.25 Axminster Rugs, 27x64 and 27x60; florals and Ori-
2 “ Servi ol kiuds which every man can appreciate Mabel and Minnie Shelley, Messrs. fourth, and the sixth cross will give entals; Sale price $1.75
' 1ceapie Ki C . : ee ! Si ; am :
< ) Harry ani "Wayne Sheetz, George It's shocking the number of YoU Sates hie will have about 50c and 60c Cork Linolenm: beautiful tile effects: tfo
3 Gayer, Benjamin Horst, Harvey farmers who will excavate corn °N® and one-half per cent. of scrub yards wide; Sale price, 29c a square yard.
Soft and Stiff Hats, Fur and Cloth Caps, i. «ve hocks from the snowdrifiy eath "1 be. Infact, 95.48 par cont.
4 : ——————— - : : . pure. There will be only a trace of
And Cloves, of Every Description winter, but not so shocking as
P LANCASTER JUNCTION formerly. Silos and shredders have PCTUP- ry practical purposes a. ————————— —
: 5 5 : the herd oMflock will be pure-breds, "=
Mrs. Barbara Snavely spent Sun- reduced the number, Of co Shi
® day with Miss Rosanna Zerphy. A neglected asparagus bed on gourse, 18 /Ieans at you
: x ; . . 3 must have followed one pure-bred WwW rr
Isaac Walborn, wife and daughter the place is little commercial value, i ith th f th b a
spent Sunday with Jacob Ault and and to take up the old crowns and Sey } another o © same breed,
. aps ; i 3 Vacillating from breed to breed
family near® Lititz. reset them would be unwise when All I iv v Heetl 1 FINEST LINE OF
| Jonas Snavely and wife spent young plants can be obtained at a "= ORY Blve on a collection ©
Thursday with John | fertzler and moderate cost and a new bed planted mized Dickies You fits vette Roa : M Women’ S and
. sdajy 3 ar § > st & 8 ) ,
44 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. the original scrubs.’ Grade up! en 's,
80 very long—and
re rl QA
It’s the best offer ever made in this city. Enormous
cash purchases from the leading floor covering manufacturers o
this country, together with exceptionally strong price reductions
Children’s Shoes
At From 98¢ to $2.48
. \ | Mrs. Paris Rohrer and daughter, element of fertility. In addition to Why are there three objections to
Is It Worth While + Miss Gertrude, spent Sunday with the plant food value of ashes, they taking a glass of brandy? to be found in this town. They com-
3 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weaver. benefit the mechanical condition of Because there are three scruples prise the best there is in shoes and
- 3 Mrs. Peter Shelley, Mrs. Mattie the soil in making it mellow and to a dram. should be considered when you pur-
lo Suffer $i Nasoy, of Manheim spent Saturday friable. | Why is a pretty girl like a loco- chase that mext pair of Shoes.
[with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Buch, Mrs. When the temperature drops so motive?
From eyeache, headache or poor vision when relief i8 so near 3 [Buch was very ill but on a fair way low some of these nights hang a Because she sends off the sparks, | All Kinds Repairing
and can be had at such small cost? We make a thorough ex- 4 Of recovering. lishted lantern in the cellar, about transports the mails, and has a Having modern machinery I am
amination of the eyes without cost, and if glasses are needed, 4 | J2Mes Rentschler, wife and a foot from the floor making sure train following her. Prepared to do repairing om short
| turni th t the 1 ib ’ & daughter Katie, of Lititz; Harry it cannot fall and set fire to the What are the most unsociable notice and at right prices. Give me
arnish them at the lowest Lossible cost. % |Hollinger, wife and daughter Grace, house. The heat from it may be things in the world? | your next job and let me show you.
Amos Enterline and family spent enough to save the fruit and vege-| Mile stones, for you never see
| ESTABLISHED 1890, 3; ables f f i two of them together HARRY L.7 ASKEWITZ
@ '» Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob tables from freezing. : T
02 % ; I | Ober. Better farming may lie in just| Why is the letter F like death? |Hast Main St., MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
4 a — ‘such simple things as adjusting the| Because it makes all fall. 1 ASA
. 1 $100 Reward, $100 plow to do the best possible work, What is the difference between a ADL 101 CLE 0 A
5 ¥ The readers of this Rarer will be IN foeding stock so that not a bit of | ‘mouse and a young lady? B . 2
EL IL Tl ES vise gis wns compos our) oes arms tia” soe, we evo Cryprtaing” and Draperies
able to cute i el} its stages, and that is plans carefully laid. What the charms the he’s. w =
rrn all's ;atarrh ure 1s 1e on x » 3 1 3 -
5 LANCASTER, PENNA. erm C SOW brown to tho medical world needs is not so much, men | ————- Ee » This store is always in line with the best of everything when ®
raternity. atarr a constitut Ya] oy -
FEEEEES MAb bd beled did bbb bbb bb | Jiscase, Tequircs a constitutional treat- Who have thousands to lay out in | Couldn't Multiply ¥ it comes to =
> = fernally, acting “directly poh tho plosd 12nd and equipment as farmers who | [iio Willie's father | found his # Upholstery Goods =
aces of the system, there- kn the val f ail : 3 Z
TR ER io S founda tion of the gis. ON thE RS pails Sonihial son holding up one of he'8 op ean be given the most alluring charm or the diet op. §
€ 1tient stre é RB “v . ravine -
¢ ; 2 Fons titution an 5 engin toil to the tir ramos by the ears and saying, s posite, by its Curtains anl Drapery hangings. a
’ . - rl he proprietors * 2, | ow much is 7 times 7, now?” n , « x wu
Engle’s Furniture Warerooms a biti fini lies: “wum tus between now ana| mmieh 8 7 tmes 7. nowz | 1 Jo0 wast anise and duinly effects, Jer our Upholstery De ft
. ny case that it fails to cure. Send spring may be used to advantage, | « ph n ’ arg | = partment come to you: assistance. 3
= t of Lestinornials : I knew you couldn't, Here's ¥
= MOUNT JOY, PENNA. B gol ety et =. 504 Toledo, Ole. CULLING OU dead timber or branches another one. Six times 6 is how = Our large varied stock at a wonde rfully wide range of prices, a
&® a Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. that are too crowded among orchard | much?” 5 comprises all the newest and most attractive fabrics. Our corps =
i + iret See per = a — or shade trees cut close to the “Why Willie, what in the world |® fo experts are always at your service to alvise and assist you in "
GOOD HOMEMADE A BE Every time little Johnny sits shoulder so that the wound may are you doing with your rabbit?" |® your decorative proolems. iE:
| 2 down to his morning bowl of oat- readily heal next season. It is well | wijlie threw down the rabbit in| & TELEPHONE your orders for Car pet Cleaning, called ‘or
| UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDER 8 al he constitutes a minority or in the case of trees to paint in order | gisgust. “I knew our teacher was |B cleaned and returned the same day.
# one in favor of putting sugar on the to prevent drying ont and cracking. lying to us,” was all he said. » b 1
& ki i Lettuce, in winter, is not a rarity “Why 7? ask ; M
A iit & free list. , 3 Why how?” asked his father Western erger, aiey & Myers
g et eee mem on the table of the ordinary well “Why, she told wus this morning - 125-131 East King S:., LANCASTER, PA §
Ti Ais Shide : shipg Paid laboring man, and it is freely y abbits ; y :
Poplar Lumber for sale im lots to suit the purchasers - Tom Edison ays that ships Paid 7 [that rabbits were the greatest! : » ? _— A ;
a ; wrecked on the rock bound coast ©ffered, at moderate prices, in our multipliers in the world.” SRE Rv. Shh EB. SH SS Ey i
— Dep eree hould send lifelines ashore by kites. &rocery stores. We used to raise eat Eee : EE
| ? Here's an invention so simple that the [oore solid heading varieties, No Backache or Kidney Pains mm NT 0100 OD PE ——
Undertaking and Embalming 2 lalmost anybody could have thought Sore of t e tennishan type. under If you have pains in the back, ur-! 8 : a
2 gor it ious Tames. It. 16s horome WOME Lyyr Wiadder or « Kidney. tronbied |i Special on Watches ®
" REM a MHA AS n Tm G:eull, nOWever, 0 raise these dizziness and lack of energy. try on »
RT TH 1 OO SR : nice, solid heads free f i nT rh res yi =
RL . TL BR ¥ | 2s Subscribe for the Bulletin : Solid heads free from disease: Mother Gray's AROMATIC-LEAF., w ! have Just yu hese sure ff
- The loose heading, curly-leaved | 4; pleasant herb remedy AE a ber of watches, undoubtedly the
THE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST | B rand Rapids has vow crowded thel sorte Jevative tt Bas no equal, At) best values offered In the ‘ne
: # {others out of cultivation in the Druggists, or by mail 50c. Ask to-| @w for a long time. They are pen
ESTABLISHEI 1897 green houses over a wide range of day. SAMPLE FREE Address... | # face, dust-proof nickel case
ILLIAM L BEAR & CO | country. ‘We can grow this if no py. Mother Gray Co. LeRoy, N. Y. | ® Rockford movement, 17 jo 1, 3
| W ° o| Ga li Ss |other. It is little subject to disease. jan15-4¢ | Fe fully guaranteed, with care will 2
{ {Tt is a pretty good lettuce to eat, | = last a lifeti
(Members Chicago Board gf Trade) | soline | : ree el er la ast a lifetime. Can you best ®
too, and will stand close plantin any
BROKERS No Carbon 10 na Plating Yous t Florida a anywhere for only $101
Plenty of Power on greenhouse bench or in hotbeds O- Tuesday mormiogz Harrs BM -—a
n 2! } § y MM. . H 9,
PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts., PHILADELPHIA Save trouble and expense. |°" frames. Gover, ‘of Baiubridse. leit for Win a Also Repairing in All I's Branches
Warning has been issued by the 2 : Be yaad
dl STOCKS -BONDS—INVESTMENTS Te i true Quality, NOt | ;.iteq Staten department of agri. | tor Haven. Fla., where he will join 3
. crude, compresse gas. cult inst th his son, Herbert, who has been| =
80 SECONDS . 2 RRL ECS EREE—320 page book—all about oil, | “''"'UIT€ agains ® purchase, of cer living in Florida for some time 2 i ain Se
gard of Trade. To any G Americs WAVERLY OIL WORKS CQ. [tain gts of low grade hairy veteh X a . . ?
EE cli tc] =
ht = Cans Pittsburgh, Pa. . seed fiow being offered by ,whole- -
LAMP OILS WEBRICAN® salergk. The gre: part of this is &# Subseril r the Bulletin. J il tho