The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 29, 1913, Image 1

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VOL. X1. NO. 36
$1.00 A
( I Union National Directors Organized ) Is N
J ! s Now Being Placed in Position at
d | on Monday ) ) the Water Works k [dll f
At the regular meeting of the ' Recently a movement was started
directors of the Union National in Council for the purchase of a
lo Il IITOW bank on Thursday the following 1 fl Plan new steam boiler for the Water RED
/ officers and directors were elected: Works. After procuring bids the i
President, H. C. Schock; vice pres- ) J J || Water Committee let the contract ) (i
ident, J. E. Longenecker; cashier, to the lowest bidder, the Fahrquar
- Emeritus, I. S. Longenecker: cash- gs ea Boiler Company of York. —_—
: i ier, H. N. Nissly: tellers, Simon F. 1 1 The large new boiler arrived here
Ml Mennonites Nominale [| Snyder and S. Nissly Gingrich, I Wil (ile IS Beller Waler last Wednesday, was unloaded on Nis Albert Hershey 0l
Directors, H. C. Schock, J. E. Long- Thursday and hauled to the pump- . ’
nid enecker, Eli. G. Reist, John GQ. ing station by Mr. Monroe Sheaffer. : J
Mel HI Minisier | Snyder, T. M. Breneman, Eli F. I Ihe Presen 10 Rale The old one was Immediately re- Place § I Vicli
Grosh, C. L. Nissly, S. B. Nissly, S. moved and replaced by the new . . . ) ]
mm — N. Mumma, Rohrer Stoner, J. W. boiler Saturday. | Harrisburg Concert Company Which Will Appear in Mt. Bm
¥HE CHURCH WAS CROWDED Eshleman, J. B. Keller and I. D.| YOU SHOULD HEAR THE MAT-| The masons are now busy wall- Joy Hall Hall Tomorrow Night. DEATH FROM STRANGU
UN SUNDAY ATERNOON Etelmay, Alter the business meet. Ten DISCUSSED MONDAY ing it im. R.ig of forty-five horse-; Reading from left to right--Thompson Martin, tenor soloist Grace EARLY SATURDAY MOR
.— ing the annual banquet was held at NIGHT power, same as the old one. Mr.! . ’ i
. : ~~ : : |M. E. church; Charles Lefevre, tenor soloist Bethlehem Church: Newell |-
There Will Quite Likely Be A Large |the Exchange hotel, where all the " Raubaugh is superintending its e- Albright, organi ) i807 \ y ‘he : Yi Aoki ~
k 4 Toma : . : ' ganist St. Paul's Episcopal Church; Charles Cassel, bass |Subject to Epileptic Spells,
Number of People in Attendance |Officers were present, as well as the| The Burgess and Borough Council [rection. soloist Grace Methodist Church and George Sutton, baritone soloist position is She Fell B
at the Drawing Which Takes | following other persons: H. 8S. Extend a Cordial Invitation to| The equipment at the Works now ,. Street Presbyterian Charch and hte of the Save 6 # le op Chair in a Bed ;
Place Thursday Forenoon at Nime | Newcomer, M. N. Brubaker, E. M.| the Tax Payers to Attend the Consist of a new d45-horsepower =o. Company of A Te ay Restix yt
O'clock | Trexler and Mr. Goldsmith, repre- Next Meeting of Council and Dis- | boiler, steam pump, large triplex] : : i : = oe 4 Rung,
— senting Kitzmiller Bros. of Shippen- cuss the Filtration Subject water pump, a smaller emergency| Jug Er — TTT TT, - { Was Founda
The spacious new church of the | burs. | [pump, a 50-horsepower gasoline en- | WOULDN'T TAKE CHANCES | Mrs. Albe t Herohay
®ld Mennonites on West Donegal T_T. | The regular meeting of Mount | £ine and a large water wheel, the 4 ¢ | T “i Fvory des a SY
street was crowded to its utmost ca- Plowed in January | lov Borough Council will be hela |'2tter being used continuously un- | ( Five Hoboes in the Borough Lockup a hep hoe pn s pe
pacity Sunday afternoon when nom \ very rare occurrence for thi inext Monday evening at 7:30 and Jess the water gets 00 tow. ( Last Aight Lene cast ood ro
mations were made for a minister. |community took place on the farm | avery tax paver, citizen and voter ig ! With the installation of the pro- ! 3 x % | wrdui morning
These well known men were blac-1of Mr Henry Fry, near Milton | eentls reijtested to atiend. osed filtration plant we have a ’ very suspicious Jjooking char- | Ms iii e
ed in nomination Mr Abram B.| Grove last Monday Jan. 20. when At this meeting the Burgess and better water system and pumping : $ of Rest or the | - in . ioee
Lutz and his son Henry Lutz; Mr. he busied himeslf plowing the en-|r, il will act zeneral bureau station than any borough in this } J é ff 1 e couldn't tell exactly which | R © : na oh inl He
Peter Kravhill nd his son Lehman e dav. Some oul oldest citi-|f ormati at the disposal of state and we feel safe in saying it / { \ were members of were soi ry that ‘me
Kraybi imu Garber Amos Nliss 1€ it remember any | th, public They are desirous of SHYpasges mally of the small: city ; ’ =. out u yesterday like 2 ud LE Ne ling 3
ly, Ist Mum? Amos F. Eby, | time en the frost wi it of thi ned d in reference tol 120ts. ‘Then, too, it must be re iow ; : wi: a eon
Eli Reist and Elmer Strickler dt ch n ex hin: OT pertaining. to membered that it has been a good : H Cons ¢ shatto was : 1aome was mime
The selection of a minister from i I Shonret sariier 1A Jani vaying proposition for many years Ni i tippe of Fhe k good ; he ut he found tha
this li of nomin ill take place 1 iD, Hosni important sabletts.. us ——— g ) to Frar the n 3 n 8 ges des 1 : or an
im the « rch tomorrow (Thursday) h t 4 : Perel ia = : i Auditors File Report ter ai otel d . a : ‘ersioy was &
Wore Hine crelock apd er, bos { Pr freely discussed and In i R Zitfmerinan ELC Ati Yagi ny I wells and the
duch Wn th ray l 0 ly Spear mel 1. M. G. Musnes the agdibon of I o put? she arose and WJ
kt litte ppointed. They : ; : Hn make i n and Marietta g ould think we he of the bed,
, ma ble thers are Ee : ' Combany. ‘Sled their ere fell forward on
applica + Shp li ——— y ro os Rae From ven i a nd ROAD WHICH WE ALL Ml A nother found her head wal
01 f I le ¢ Gilad to Se fui. Ahan ¢ Hensel. el : balan 1 4 distribution will i i 1 im Se loin A £ Re Deck wag re
Ce 1 h the ‘ y “ot iH b read. thus el el 1 on the common a treet eputy Cerone; B
Romine oct a ’ The | + : ‘4 gly i hich Hint to about $1 i From r in front I skewitz x a 1s Physician D
erson 1 hos ! th p ap y M M nortar & 100, and 58.9 per cent. on the bond orhood ; ; : ; ported to . ea investiga
Bears 1s ! 1 ( \ filte r plant ill cost ut of $75,000 If no cceptions Bo y 4 : n . : i net the The th death ‘was id
Ther 1 : . a ne to Their Reward, fell ould not give ¢ vy good tion.
; 3 0 Such ortant ject re f to the eno within ten 5 Fa } Nn § rhe
arg H ¥ H h A ft to ) should not pass unnoticed 1 1 onfirmed abso r \ ’ Yoeoun| > a 3 : ! el to Jeceased was fo
such oc n Iw 4 hw Y a . John Houser +d Manheim leave th the Higl Constable's es a son at Mg
1al amount of inte era: : y aged 71 year consen : 1 he iage, One by
ss i ratifyis ) ILD TAKES CARBOLIC ACID SY, ; Catharine Englehart died at bo 8 We ng at Middletowy
RARE TREAT « regaining his — a ————— : In the Bankruptcy Court Columbia turday aged 79 years. a th Anchor also surv
i th | Physician, Hurrying to the Scene, : On Friday in the United States| Mrs Sara Moore. colored. dled B's o Back The funeral
Warrishurg Concert Company in Re- Badin ty | Has an Automobile Accident rT Covmiy in Ehincelntie a it Columbia Sunday night aged 80 After i i renuon dash ~2lternoon from
cital Tomorrow Night \ Good Sale bes os ESTA ; ; wou I» = pi 0 have Smarry i vears. for libe no, pariors of ‘Mr. H. Brunner, In
Ideal Spring weather brought al I'he one and a half Year old child Porte Elisgbeih own, deja ged an Uriah H. Douglas died at Wash- onr « ! Y { the nen was made in the Mt, Jo
There is no more popular form | 5°04 rowd of buyers to the horse ot JM. Releh, residing ear finfolinay Hatta. Phe greditors ington Boro from an apoplectic most wonderfu ani (Teer CENIGLers
oF shtertaiuinent than ral aussie J22¢ apple sale of Ed Ream and C.|€0 0 is in a serious condjtion, (are Bs Jo lows: : J. H, Hornatius) troke, aged 72 vears. by reducing its size to a small six rr — EE — —
Ftite apd. on the * Jppearanes of |S Frank in this place on Saturday. swallowed some carbolic acid (3 350; Charles FP. Adatns, $10.35] Mrs Sarah Hogendobler, widow column quarto, of which only ‘ball .
the Harrisburg Concer: Co. tomor [A large lot of fine apples were sold vingly. The mother 1g sick, and J. Philip Kirchmer, $3.74 {of «William H. Hogendobler, died at is home print, the balance being p
row evening, the people of Mt. Joy |! fair prices. Mr. Ream sold about aud nises the earbolie acid dilyted. | . rr - EE | Columbia, aged 72 years. printed at Baltimore. That much : erSona 0m PTS
and vicinity will be given an oppor- | fifteen head of the finest horses of- Fhe child came in the room and | Gathering Fruit in New Place Mrs. Susan Shelly, widow of Jno. tooted contest jevelopments show, .
tunity of hearing it at its best. | fered in this section for some time Dicked up the bottle and drank it.) Columbia beople In boats gather- K. Shelly, died at Manheim last was a bunco “It” advertised as
Critics without exception have | which also brought good prices. Mr. The throat was terribly buried and | ed 8pples on Saturday from Zhe Wednesday night, aged 84 years. the largest paper in the county, and | HE WHEREABOUTS OF OUR
said that this program is the great-|C- H- Zeller called the sale. the child was jpoonsions for over bosom of the Susquehanna. TheY! Mrs. Louisa J. Blackson of Co- after getting a few “new ones” re-| FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK
est of its hind thay have ever] ee etl ee ee three hours. Last evening, while Were yart of the contents of a car lumbia, died at Pittsburg while on duces to practically the smallest’
heard. This program comprising | Miss Baer Entertains * tie futher as toking bis breather, diled with Spples at Joes Wrecked a visit to friends there, aged 65 paper in the county. Last but not, ‘hat Our Able Corps of Reporters
nurhers, rand foo ihe Works of | Miss Eatin Baer entertaibed ok Dr. George R. Reich, of Marietta, 10103 ibe Rockville bridge (above years, least, the bladder was recently] Found in the Card Basket About
the best modern and ancient com-|her home on Thursday evening in the sues Inn automobile, me auto fHarshure) the Previons Thursdey r—— offered for sale but no one would Yourself, Your Friends and Your
posers, to songs from the late music- | honor of Miss Blanche Zeller, of stopped on the crogsing while a night, David Shultz bite. Acquaintances.
al comedies as well as the clever ar- | Florin, who left for New York on rapidly approaching freight Jreamy TT —_——— David Shultz, a, well known to- el eee CARABLINLL
rangements of popular songs and in- { Monday, from which place she goes wos Lome. They Jumped aud the May Remain Half Blind bacco grower of Washington Bor- Apples Apples Mrs. A. M. Vogel of Marietta ¥g
strumental numbers, is the result f to St. TL.ouis. A very pleasant even- machine was hit, demolishing the] Joseph Gross of Elizabethtown, by ough, died on Sunday aged 76 I have some nice N. Y. State bald- the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J.
of practically two years work by|ing was spent by a number of rear end, jabbing part of his spectacles into years. win apples left, strictly No.-1, the H. Cramer.
this organization and form a pro- | guests, the grand finale being a ya {one of his yes ou Ssjurdey. tore best that were shipped to this town| Messrs. Wm. Brown and Albert |
gram so well balanced from start to [ sumptuous repast. Martzall—Greider j the iris and is as yet unable to uso Mrs. Charlotte Curran this season with size, color and Myers were at Harrisburg Wednes-
fnish, that it can be appreciated | RE inwiiiins On Thursday morning, January | "at eye. Mrs. Charlotte Curran died at flavor which T am selling reasonable | day evening,
and enjoyed by anyone who enjoys | They Were The Ki 23, at eleven o'clock, Miss Mildred sw {her home in Marietta Sunday morn- from my residence north of town. Mrs. J. H. Cramer spent Wednes-
music ley Were The Rind Greider, daughter of Mr. and | Shoe Clearance Sale ling in her §Sth vear. * She was a Call and be convinced Also 2'day at Enola with her brother, Mr.
Mr. Charles Cassel, the well | Messrs. Harvey Garman and Ben Mrs. S. S. Greider and Mr. Milton| Mr. Harry Laskewitz is having algaughter of the late Reuben barrels of good cider winegar. Bell David Vogel :
known vocalist of this place, is JJamin Reinhold op herr Green JTree, Martzall, of near Petersburg, were big clearance sale of men's boys’ | Welchans and was born at May- Phone C. S. Frank 1t, Mrs. I H Cramer spent Thurs-
member of this company and ES oo hogs Io Mr. Ohnstian united in marriage by Rev. Peter R. | and children’s shoes in order toftown. = Glee day with Mr. and Mrs. David Eby,
seeds no introduction here. § Jarman, South of here, thet were! it his residence, at Done- | Make room for his Spring stock. Visited Our Schools near Nissley’s Mill
The program follows: | Jeantios One fressid See any fhe al They were attended | lhe exceedingly low prices will Mrs. Ezra Hostetter The borough schools at New Misses Olive <uth Shiffer of
Weimar Folk Song Liszt, Quar [ther ae PORA(S They yore hon by Miss Mary E. Greider, twin sister | Surprise you, Mrs. Susan G., wife of Ezra Hos- Holland were closed on Wednesday. Elizabethtows Sunday in
tette Gavotte in E-—Dreyschock, | igs kshires ahd only fifteen months of the bride and B. Roy Bender, | ye [tetter, died near Landis’ Mill, in the directors anted the town with th:
Stacatto Caprice—Vogrich, Mr. Al-{“'¢ After the ceremony the bridal party | Two Big Ones | Manor township, Sunday from the teachers the day to visit schools, Mr. Albert Lancaster,
bright: R Nevin, Ciribiribin, | ra eturned to the home of the bride's Mr. Samuel 8S. Holwager, ia stroke aged 79 years, Mrs. John elsewhere to see the methods em-!spent Sunday nest of his
Pestalozza Quartette : Lost Pro- Spoke at Strasburg parents where an elaborate dinner farmer south of town, killed twolg Reist of this place, is a daughter the work being done in gister Mrs. Jn 5
scribed (Martha) —Flotow, Mr. Le-| \ series of revival services are s served to about forty guests. fine porkers yesterday. They dress-{,f the deceased. . oth The schools of this mon | [“aola 8
fevre, Mr. Sutton Vagabondia— | being held at Strasburg where Mr. e ushers were Messrs. Alvin E. ed 445 and 469 pounds. Mr. Abram] place and Elizabethtown were vis! nd with
Bullard: Caro Mio Ben Girodani, ' Z. W. Keller of this place, welll =, ider. brother of the bride. and | Nornhold was the butcher. Mrs. Charles Shreiner ed G tiller.
Two CGrenadiers—Schumann, Mr.| known in :evangelistic. work, spokelpp,peg Longenecker, Mr. and Mrs. | HEE ER | Mrs. Susan S. Shreiner, wife of llr rone M ed H
Sutton: Wanderer's Night Song jon Saturday evening and Sunday af- Martzall left this place on the! Temperance Lecture .» |Charles Shreiner. died at her home More Big Le, SJ ce Ww
Brewer, To Me Thou Art A Flower | ternoon. evening train for Harrisburg, | Mrs. Addie Parsels of Philadel-|ij5 Rapho township, near Mount Mr. William Miller tenants g 1
Protheroe, Quartette; Dream of | tel Mier Washington and Philadelphia. { phia, delivered a temperance lec-|fgpe, on Sunday from dropsy after the Clinton 1. Eby fa M Dovid. El
Love, No 3 Liszt, La Campanella | Were Visiting Schools CEE WER | ture in Mount Joy Hall last evening |p illness of two weeks. She was raise biz tobacco loaves. s ROTI DOE
aa asa, Wr. Ae The School Board of Bast Done- Accepted Position to a 8if sized audience. {forty-nine years of age and was a two to this office that me a of ay,
Mr. Cassel: Waltz Scie Wein. gal township, accompanied by Dr. Mr. Paul. Dieter resigned his po- | i member of the Church of the and 36 inches in length. :
Watiin.. Quartelte. Daniel Fleisher, superintendent of sition with. Sprecher and Gznss at | Soe 2 Year Ago | Brethren. Her husdand and : the bacco is cured very nicely ane Mrs. Che furray and Mrs. An-
de jthe®county schools, Spent a few days Lancaster, and is now acting in the | Last Youd ot this ume the Susque-|following children survive: Fred. specially fine crop. a Gotschali of Lancaster, spent
P. R. R. News visting the township schools this capacity of traveling salesman for Rupma Dar Sovorsd A Sei, re Ons apm ett le $sunday as the guests of Mr. and
New seats are being installed at Woah AWentysone i ally y the Egry Register Company, ek this winicr 2 [ole ve, Mes - Fo i; Brown Property Sold j= J. W. Murray.
the passenger depot. 1 : ey rm i Fhe Hilda M. Brown property at| Mrs. Isaac Maze and grandson
Conducior of Dillerville Local Executions Issued Will Quit Farming : [st nome. Florin, was sold at public sale on | Harry Aston of Manheim, spent
5 , Ida M. Forry has issued an execu- Extra Specials . a“ iad : q ne
Johnny Baldwin, has a new coat. : 4 : Mr. Roy Hoffman, who tenants it . ams 3 Saturday evening by Auctioneer |Sunday as the guest of the former's
George Hoffman will ship five car tion for $300 against Harry Forry, the farm of Burgess Clayton Hoff-| bo not fail tq see the special oF | Mrs. Mary Hammond Charles H. Zeller. Tt was purchased daughter, Mrs. J. E. Schroll.
loads of tobacco from here tomor- of Elizabethtown. man will quit farming in the Yerjusy. for Weduesiay and Saturday Mrs. Mary Hammond, wife of by Mr. Zeller for $750.00. Mr. Jacob Stehman f Co:
> Henry C. Brown has issued one . .|on display in the east window of|gpgward Hammond, died at her i = +» 10 nway.
row. SE iRLs : spring and move to town. Mr. Daniel hart & Co's store. | ey rt es mmmees Kansas, who left here seven years
CS r— for $250 against Samuel Steffy. Brabaker will succeed Hin Bernhar 8 (home, near Chickies, from pneu- \ O hth 470. is h isit hi
Boughi a Truck tl eres ———-————— Ss monia, on Thursay, after a few A : . of Du their i ob BR Dy Jo 5: father,
: ! A case o : , in | Jae .
Mr. H. S. Newcomer, one of our Why He Set Tt Change in Rectors For Sale |days’ illness. She was sixty-two the ee of “i veivnea or Messrs, Carrol ha ow
extensive hardware merchants, has| There is a merchant in this place Rev. H. J. Geyser, who occuiped A fifty-egs Philo Dbrooder hatch-|years old and was a native of Mari- Mount Joy street last week. His cedon: of St. roo
placed his order for a one-ton In-{who went to a certain office and set|the pulpit of St. Luke's Episcopal | 7 $3.00: two large oil stoves, $2 etta. She was a lifelong member of eight year old duughter He a is | L aneast Wn
ternational auto truck. with the|his own advertisement last week. | Church since the resignation of Rev, each: all in good condition. M. E.{the Lutheran Episcopal church at the victim (0 5 {icv ‘a i Ss -
Commercial Automobile Company of |He said he wanted to be positive | Berghaus, has resigned and is suc-|& R. Hoffer, Mount Joy. 1t] Marietta and is survived by her hus- —— 1" ah o
Ephrata. that it was right at least once. ceeded by Rev. Gamble. RSS jpand and aged mother, Mrs. Gor- oak ; iF 1 Our old friend. ang
Smell pu ri e——— —_————— It Will Be a Big One don. The funeral services were ansies Blooming Now : j mas Mr. Clayton R.
A Family Reunion A Change in Clerks 3 The Feather Renovator will be Morris Levy, it is said will put up|held Sunday morning in the Mari-| re aan Ne M ama % Md made al
The family of John Panebecker Maret Pa pr concont feo operated until Feb. 22nd when it|at Manheim a tobacco warehouse for letta Latherap ehirel. Burial was thie offi ec Sitarden. It wor hn Ly ‘€ Wille he
gave a dinner on Sunday in honor of 3 in 25 ihe Fonics CTR : sr H will be discontinued. Please bring|the United Cigar Co. made in the Marietta cemetery. inthe Vard ai Bh Ch S ph jea ‘od
Mr. Panebecker’s 51st birthday. All|>T!D ¢ e 3 ? FR at Nr. H-Torders Monday or Friday. Reno- i 5 —— - the Jara = Jer home | Mr. H, E. Getz
the children but two were at home E. Ebersole’s store. vating Co., 10 South Market St, There Should Be More Alpheas Morton TAA) ‘ Harrisburg
ED Wee ya Mount Joy. 2t. Milton Grove and Schoeneck both | Alpheus Morton, a well known Employes Are Happy ¥ j the nual meetiy
Both Are Broke Just received another lot of- the ——— have active and interesting debating resident of Florin, died on Sunday| The Hershey Chocolate Company | 1 Socie
The Outlet Clothing Co. and Jag s Calendars. Those persons not Ex-Councilman Fli H Engle, who |societies. {forenoon aged 67 years. 4 months at Hershey, Pa., will distribute over | Ve: Hotel.
ob Weinberg, both gents loth mg received any can get them at )was quite ill, is improved this morn- ppm ADoser 26 days. He had been ailing $80,000 to its 800 employes as bou-t Our old fri
gt Lancagies-—are Dba
Ga rbef’s Drug Store.
Read the Bulletin
(Continued on page 5) jus money.