PAGER BIGHT. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. x Wednesday, December 14 Personal Property Sale Won Silverware Premium NONE ab AE bl TREN A BLOOD MEDICINE WITHOUT ALCOHOL. BRAVE MOTHER STORK. On Saturday, Dec, 21, Mr, C B. Miss Fannie Henny won the sli-|® Recently it has been definitly proven by experiments on animals that alcohol pul Ba. O APEe "PWR » rive ’ » lowers the germicidal power of he body and that alcohol paralyzes the white cor- Mer Nest Ablaze, She Will Stay by and Wh 3 id i igpony of'a large lot Ye SV als pr miu ph n by H EIN ; puscles of the blood and renders them unable to take up and destroy disease germs. Perish With Her Young. [of household goods at public sale Ebersole on Wednesday. - B Disease germs cause the death of over one-half of the human race. Bo strong is the mother love de the la on rs. Fannie oe — —-— - a ou rn m A blood medicine, made entirely without alcohol, which is a pure glycer oped In the stork and the lark that it [¢ n Eas eet. in this Santa Claus x tract of roots, such as Bloodroot, Queen's root, Golden Seal root, Mandrak n Stone root, has been extensively sold by druggists for the past forty years Dr of I'he | | | call the k stork, which spends the winter tor Shoes from Bernhart & Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. The refreshing influence of this extract 8 Nature's influc the blood is bathed in the tonic which gives life to the | i Egypt and the er In northern and the vital fires of +» body bura brighter and their increased activity consumes the western Eun ikes to build its nest a ft eS Se nN S sssue rubbish has accumulated during the winter on the top of some steep gable roof g . " NN : : ! O e { J Nor’ Dr. R. V. Pierce, the founder of the Invalids’ Hotel and Buch a nest is often a real nuisance to Surgical Institute, and a physician of large experience and man. It is from three to five yards in My line is very complete to lect from. amounts to a wrole passe actice “ . fi ake up i J { 3 R ‘ . prac ) Wa the first to m ike up an AvteraTive Extracr of diameter. It swarms with lizards, frogs roots, without a particle of alcohol or narcotic, hat 3 | toads and other disagreeable creatures ire, that write to let the a t benef ceived m the use of you cines and It becomes In course of time so heavy treatment at home Ht 38. } AYES, of ith, B.C. * that it will break the roof if not arti fered for thre f running sore 0 ou 5 they failed to nd or give reli Finally as in consumg ficially propped up tion and would have to t a specialist concerning my ear, that the avert) "SR varlons supcrsti dead bone must be cut out before the wound would heal. A kind friend Nevertheless for irk ne ‘ advised me to te to Dr. Pierce, which I did, and after seven months’ tious reasons the stork is not only we se of the treatment the sore is healed, nd 1 enjoy better health han | come but even courted by the Euro took the ‘Ge ry' and ‘Pleasant Pellets’ for pean peasants, and it cannot be denied troubles, shall slwa your. medicines, that the respect with which the bird Is Mrs. Heyes, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate liver and bowels. regarded is to some extent deserved If the house tukes fire and the young storks happen to be of an age at which they cannot be saved by being taken CT | 7 AND WHEN WE SAY FREE WE | 7 #® 2% MEAN THAT AND NOTHING LESS '66 Handsome 26 Piece Set OF THE away from the nest the stork mother does not abandon them. Standing ; 3 erect in the nest, flapping her wings to 4 4 waft away the smoke and the flames and crying out now and then, she re mains with her young, perishing with them. A full line of fancy decorat dishes. Many of them cannot matched elsewhere for beauty a price. My stock consists of Ame can and Imported ware. All kinds of Toys, Dolls a Christmas Tree Ornaments. i The skylark, which builds its nest in PPV NV ETT ATELY, 28 Jala, This is a Duke’s Mixture Umbrella the meadows, runs away from it when frightened. She proceeds for four or five yards under the clover and rises perpendicularly in the air, pouring forth . ’ ; i - her song in its wildest strains In order Whether you smoke Duke’s Mixture in pipe or cigar to divert the intruder’s attention. But ette, it is delightfully satisfying Everywhere it is the 4 the peasant boy knows that so long as choice of men who want real, natural tobacco. 8 % 4 SHEE EERREES EIR EER SNS CS ED NESS BZN, Famous Rodgers Silverware MANUFACTURED BY Wm. A. Rodgers, Ltd. Or a 41-piece Dinner Set she remains hanging at the same point in the air he is still four or five yurds from the nest, and he uses the direc- 9 tion of her movements and the ring of her song to ascertain the exact spot. La If it chances that the young larks ar 9 Just about to break through the she . of the e , at which time the n Instinct is at its height, it is s at the very moment when the touched t! tack the intruder consisting of 6 Tea Spoons 6 Medium Knives 6 Table Spoons 6 Medium Forks B 1 Sugar Shell 1 Butter Knife Fancy Doilies, Fancy Square and Long Scarfs to match. Handkerchiefs, Ties in fancy boxes. VA) Guaranteed 21 per cent Nickle Silver, Solid and the same . : : bh Ze sac r | a half ounces of all through. Until furthe? notice we will giv away one In each 5c sack there are one @nd a f choice Virginia and North Carolina tobacco—pure mild, rich — best sort of granulated tobacco Enough to make many good, satisfying cigarettes—the kind that And with each sack you get a present above sets each week Bring Your Tickets Ev Each ticket good AN EMPEROR'S It Was the Origin of a C Saying In Austria. e makes -t A rolling popular coupon and a book of cigarette papers free Get an Umbrella Free The coupons can be exchanged for ali E0011 OR 5 3 pra PaaS RAVER D ZV > Ww 8 resents I'he list includes not only smc 8 t many desirable presents for women umbrellas Rl JT ETO OT OA OOO AUATAL ¢ toilet Va sks, ete December nly we lustrated presents .. - eps » X ; iress. Ask Opposite 0st \ ICE Vi 1 oy, enna. Ry Tt dé VY i py, for it on ostal today ¥ . Lo { fixture may 3 —————————————————————— ; ' a thal 3 3 of J ” 3 Duk dig ’ heihs SOE ] 3 ¢ 5s from HORSE AD \ LA a i 5] A OW Y’'S NATU- ® a ES . ~ ® 5 |B | SU d uld figure « Hy : HOE, J. T., TINSL Nivrct Sat (2ixron \ 2 «© penu, Mis physicians remo 4 >, AL LEAF. GRANGER TWIST, EWN OUEL FAL Y Ca OR ¢ WV B Ld Se pons from FOUR ROSES (Ik y trated ag » of food SRE £y ut ICK PLUG : § C CIGARETTES, W d am 3 X35 — 4 =! Le en Sree. ne aye Neen hu RANE > ody nn 1X CIGAR and other, OER BEEN Ee eR E BRR SR Sey ednesday Dec. 4 sonore SEE CA] Ham S | oe Mg dr a a ar TE EE Er sg a — | persisted in gratifying ew fancy. I TIER & ) hi . a A 3 po" wd . / ” \/ C = EB | TL mented tnd | BL 4 Advertise Your Xmas. Gog : LiogelfrMyesa Corban) B Rag was dangerous to his health to be liv sover S ped his foot and decl: RICK Of a Te re ee = eS leo] 5] 5] [eh | EB) eS] [eo] ko - oc — : i ~ Dur <4 ing on dump 3 ar nsisted on his ! A irk mae § y — deem ® SP dri fridges die debe foinbiieb dies | 517108 them up. The hitherto Hohe Phe. } Pe 5 i : PAVEANZ EEA I 1 ) 1 I Ne Bu 1] | LP i , (ERA ". >> “Emperor I am,” he shouted, “and Yes, kick off your old, wornout hasbeens and don a pair of dumplings I will have!” Shaub’s Shoes. There'll be no kick comming to you ‘bout our To prevent a stoppage of the govern i : . ment machinery opposition was with: 4 ; style, wear or price. | drawn, and his majesty clung tena < = ay = i ppp JE Smseuwwenapest Hemp siviss YE a AAA | ciously to his dumplings. Then the im- - mary | Im was oJ SPre Best or $3 4 4 50 | perial phrase became proverbial. and {gers HR os ’ 5 4 9 9 ® | thereafter when any one insisted on ; i 2 $ / Fo o'c gratifying a silly whim some one was after d | sure to say: a n { “Emperor I am, and dumplings I will | have!” At YOUR price you'll find Shaub’s Shoes in any style, any ig . - Profanity and Thought. {ps TE 7A SE | noon Sng Sn ahi ‘i: From Now On Until Christmas We Will Give | you ever notice it? Well, just notice | and see. We don't endeavor to explain SEALE ¢ : > BY ° 4 i it, but it is so. There must be some : 4 ¢ Double S. & $1, (Green Trading Sta MPS leather and in YOUR size. Invest tnvest today. WE'VE PLEASED FEET FOR 35 YEARS. HAVE STOOD THE TEST OF TIME. | psychological explanation for it—as, for ! instance, just at that moment the devil gets into the brain and scrambles it up so it cannot think. It is just like him to do it, for his greatest hoid in | Eze This is a golden opportunity for you to fill your this world is murky and disheveled SHAUB & CO. -e - ree 2 TEA BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY thinking.—Ohio State Journal. the wes 18 N. Queen Street, LANCASTER mis | “4: books and rceive valuable premiums. Make no mis- i Se fei Where a Trunk Is a Box, } Don't look for the ticket agent at an i 3 & G di S English railway station, so that you SET take S. H. reemn Tra mg tamps counts more than ean buy a ticket to your destination Look for the “booking agent” and £ fli} : any other stamps given. oofeofostoeToofo stort sho ste sheote shocheoto ste ode oho oto ste steed % ook ( MASON hia Mi ; serves If emo enone a a a X EE ER EERE RR RRNA EO Lhrisimas Gils comfort “book” to the point, and, keeping in mind that what you really want is the ¢ baggage car. hunt up the “luggage ( 1 5 : van,” and. having found it, remember = e celebrat wee mnie ikon ey Make Your Xmas. Dollars Count For a “box,” not as a rsday eveni the asse Post. BY i » : . Ups and Gowen Ra, Spend Them Here Where They Will Buy Most. The Things {a Ai The world is like a staircase—some BZ Sd - i 3 . . . Sz der Oo. € go up and otbers come down.—Italian es We List Below Will Make Fine Gifts and They are Hi hd a very ple Proverb. eeting was he ee ——— al Wonderful Values er as hich was atte: Florin Primary School ended | F For The Man or Boy For The Woman RB esta Io month Tuesday, Dec. 3. f x] . . . : : Namber of pupils enrolled Tales Bey Nothing is more appreciated than a The following things would be more Worshipful females 23; total 43. Percent- on nice Suit, a good warm Overcoat, a than appreciated as they are indeed bngenecker pre there were age of attendance, males 93; fe- Xe 4 < i pair Shoes, a Hat or Cap, a Necktie, useful. A nice pair of Blankets or Willi / males 92. 5 ELH . . . . lam y nn EAE Shirt, Nice Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Comfort, a good Wrapper, a warm by Grand H 1] jJarbara Se , El- . . 1 4 aor har Sauder k: : Sweaters, Kid Gloves, Etc. Kimona and House Slippers, a good A. H. Her ma Wiley, Mary Keener, Grace Ba g . » . Eli Wittle, Ada Shearer, Viola Hamil-| Bree OC Coat or Suit, a Shirt Waist, a Muffler | izabet? ison an ton, Eisie Lefevre, Ruth Keener, | * and many other things which we will rs. Add For The Girl Bs. Adios Mary Hamilton, {line | Smee ry amilton, Ruth Kline Ryth) ; SS Be glad how Sou fore, Mtn aleb. Kraybill, Mildred Booth, Arvita But] . der, Asron Wolzemath, Hilsworthl We would suggest a pair Kid Gloves, Neideigh, Charles Vogel, Allen| a Head Scarf, a nice Coat orDress, New Christmas Goods of all sorts An excellent | Shearer, Albert Booth, Peter Me-| Re roe 2 good stylish Shoes, lovely Neckwear, greet you here at every turn. Come red interspersec Garvey, Roy Forney, Henry Wolge-| sie. uth, Ephraim Arndt, Benjamin] a Hat, a set of Furs, an Umbrella. and see them. Mr. J Ww Sheetz, Earl Fike, John Keener, (RET Hp G | Walter Becker and Walton Wiley. | oF 3 i { juet and sgrved Visitors—Mrs. Irvin Kraybill, Chas. | oq ad "$e! 2 Yisitow dm. fren Srayoil, Chas, I D BE NE M AN’S Mt. Joy's [deal Shopping P i W. L. Gardner, Mrs. Elizabeth Nis- ov » * ad 4 Opposite Union National B : g : That ts Artistic, ible and lasting g Overall Umbrella, Pocket BOF The House | no cn re vai a all pers, Stockings Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chocolate Sets, Fruit Sets, Water Sets, Lamps, Silveroid ForTheMother Spoons, Silveroid Knives and Forks, Sewing Machines, Com And The Girl forts, Blankets, A Sp Silk Dress, Wool Dress, ForThe Father | cotton Dress, Pair Shoes, Pair Slippers, Fancy Collars, ; Head Scarfs, Hand Bags, And The Boy Shawls, Kid Coe Hosiery, 7 Er ~~ nnn EERE LEER NETO EEE ROE TY wa Shoes, Gloves, Shirts, Sus- Wool Gloves, Aprons, Small penders, Cuff Buttons, Box Watch, Fancy Combs, Under- Collars, Watch, Underwear, wear, House Dresses. as well as many other useful articles for gifts. S. B. Bernhart & Co. : East Main Stx ~et, -- Mount Joy, Pa. AUTH ESE EGIL ELLE EE LLL ELE LL LTH { EE eley, Misc Minnie Will Miss Frances] Beatty, Irene Kuhlman, Theodore] TRE. ALES OEOE - Neideigh, Alfred Gingrcih, Mrs. c.| Pp 8. Wiley, Mrs. Heber Dukeman Si- Reag Ihe Rl letin, ) Good ang Va stone LIAN A bg Rs