PAGE SIX THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. — —— BEGGS MAILED 1500 MILES Now Ome Broken in Pact osc ne - Dutch Patrol FANON NO NAR § Rv Why Christmas Should § Weekly 4 Be Spent at Home perme nt By EDMUND CLARENCE STEDMAN £ * Fok de dese de de ode de de de de de doko de de de doe dee de ke de de dee dese de desk dee de ede de de de de de de de dee ke i" [: yi Sr Sat Christmas » " x * * r * % » * night | 5 | din lown Christmas, and it is fast by mortal } a can't be bothered ve the second sight, sort of day. It Is looked ' Amount to be Paid Weekly or Monthly chy 1 then upon as a nuisance because Christmas . " Ae msterdam {tide brings with it a necessary Increase in Class 5 for 50 Weeks Starting - | of expenditure in the form of tips and at Small Amount It’s Best to Remember n aco beneath tho close biack cap || © It Is becoming more and more the WEEKLY MONTHLY that every « A | wond u man body i Sependent fashion—fashion to be bothered—to od will To t vollaz n e take less notice of Christmas and spend our coat it away from home where there will be “plenty of fun to another i : eis . i ‘ { A es, t nme 3 v y ‘ d In the good old « ‘ nding Christ mas ai ere but a ne was never 3 tf } Kk; for one eamed of. Prepara " leg 1s b tions we » months beforehand v } ! Geese d tu 3 were fattened, plum approved fami : 1 re or e line mark puddings Vere nade prospective r wonde 1 vond on tl gue wel ne Ir nd, and the 1ctio 1 ne Ar 1 "Pe 1 yg 3 » 1 1 ction ol tetrus y 1 girls of the hon f inking of ach and re. Beecham’s 5 3 ‘ \ i a pew sohems { eoration Now, Remove the First Cause | © BD THT Five crc rs a8 i of Trouble COCA BUREIOR f0 Te winter evenings brought tions for women with every box. Sold everywhere, 10c., 25¢. i 7 ¥ we h ) rer al I ¢ Chr mas ddd dbp ori ddd olden holed 95 Total oolochoodeddod 5 bode fenforioe dleforjes bd efertosfore ole. Christ mas t had eray. 1 hi mn the steps of his club on Christmas morning, hesitated then held « his han hich Thack- eray grasped with all the warmth of his gre heart. Poth men returned to their fa: athering at home, feeling betier and happier men r : 9.5 1 3. Without a doubt a ily gathering | Dee, 1 2.5 Dec. 1.00 Dee at this festive and jovial season knits a 9 5( Total 1.00 the bond of love and vood fellowshiD impos) payments p Total payments for Total paym street and mile on mils, closer than at any other time. Old 5 al - 0 weeks 1... $25.50 50 weeks ym river bound to bound slights and hurts are forgotten; hard . x eas v Bo RY i ui Point, men of business relax and soften at 7 Prom Ms de Lino to Corlear's Hook the sight of the children who many a The Dutchmen's pypen glow, time have drawn out all that is best | payments, starting with the large But never a word from their lips is heard, ' fn them after it has lain dormant for amount and ending with payment|amount and ending with payment . : On All Players From Now Until Christmas 4nd none thels passing know, years until they have forgotten they | of 5 cents of 2 cents. | of 1 cent. irst streak of dawn had a tender side to their nature at + eee Ir onnson Ou bi ooin I | St. Mark's again they near, all. Yes, without a doubt home is the . ! a vault the nine men halt place for Christmas. ‘‘Oh, it will be | 16 and 18 West King St., LANCASTER, PA. | heir governor's voice to hear. 80 dull and uninteresting at home!” is nk of M | ynheeren,”” he says, ‘‘ye see . bo doll to year our borders spread. often the cry. It will only — | Lo, one by ¢ ne the landmarks gone, those who make it so. hs RRA TT eee er And marve pls come instead! And if there is a vacant chair or two ro Sc " ” 000 E00 TS Lm |, : which, alas, can never be refilled dash : © gr ETE IT Not sysht @ Windy Ist away the silent tear and be thankful | IIE TEI 0H E01! Tl FO Ml » Nor a garden plot we knew, : but a paling marks the spot that you are spared to taste the Joys t my pear tree grew. of still another homely Christmas. wearier still Your example of spending the festive o A Ns DasY din season will most assuredly instill the San Op om ’ love of the yearly family gathering into the younger generation, who will — . @ | 1us speaks old Petrus doubtfully emulate vour ideas in future years TRADING STAMIS = hakes hig val na 34, Boots Posterity will be indebted to you for | on 1 5 a ounc C C ° i : NN » showing how to keep up a geod old | ® Christmas which was suffering from 10 Per Cent--REDUCTION--10 Per Cent order of You may Te the large|payments, start amount and en You may reverse the order of You may reverse the payments, starling with Sesloelerbootootectoctestectecte Lacte te fac. Be olle Zootoo Se nete aed. 1543 | i | i | |! | |: It 4 FREE PHONE SERVICE} JUST CALL 1100 AND HAVE THE Best Brands of Wines and Liquors Always in Stock WE SELL CHEAPER BECAUSE WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN 8 BRR EEE chn a slump In the twentieth cen Wholesale Dealer in olas dri Vis D : 3 i" ox . ! y 4 38 By all means, then, spend Christmas at home, decorate your use, remem- ber the postman, the butcher, the sery ze TR Je ° x} . ashrew me for raven!” ; by a W ~~ | { (} VQ E ic i Cries Petru 4 zoes well! ants and even your wife's or husband's | All Ki nds Y 11ES, t 4 101 ty ° ir patror t still iis round relatives. However poor you are you § 6 ANd Of 1h ans bell, can be rich in mind, thoughts and cheery words. When j sit down to the table—1 don't care whether it liz th groaus with turkey and plum pudding . - II chance befa | Jaid for twenty or thirty or whether it «OLD... NE h He x s and the meisjes merely trembles under the weight of 1 W. Harp er Whi iskey S f _. Shall have their hosen filled; much scantier fare and places laid for | A SPE per x ihr ; 18 1 the baker only three or four—if your heart is in | £ uild ol ce 1 11] < | sdal r : e right place you will say Medals for Pur- Shall merrily thrive and flourish. the ’ rl > he Sisiate . pase. Quality su Good nig 1 be of cheer! Here's to a happy Christmas We lay us down again Thank God we are at home!" — Pictorial | : wv WE Fair; Chica- : : fh: % To »p another year! Magazine. | [tk { | u = Bo! WE M choo p, h he. H 1 and Paris in 1900. ze St. Louis, in 1904. — = nce mq the es & waved, = oo . 5 Bi nC . wr: Ihe , , n Ones In Petrus = ing An After Dirge, Wt take this opportune time to thank YOU for [the great success that your liberal patronage has The Vv te enfolds ‘them round, E E nd | his bu Broke, broke, broke . Of my hard earned “bones,” oh, gee! ¥ A en : Sow Issn Be t e In looking backward over the past year we are gratified at the greatly increased patronage and And the crowing cock and the steeple clock Ob, well for the hegutiful gifts | i friendship we have enjoeyd. % fe} i fyb | een made possible for us. OT EA ER Proclaim ’tis Christmas day. As they rest in a falr array! : ~~ Tm Oh, well for the haunting thought | Th h e same liberal policies tha have b . 2 i " That intrudes, Does the whole thing pay? A West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, g A Sauntry. Named or Christmas, | £ present high standard will be pursued durin® the year 1913. South Africa was discovered by the ,,3 (ne giving still goes on i he threshold of the new year with the largebt. stock. the lowest i am 1 ’ 9 Portuguese, who were searching for As it has In the years gone by, | Today we stand before you on the t ' "S00 00M 0 RTI MSM ® | 31, ocean road fo India. Bartholomew | But the last of the merry holidays |= prices, the best service—we have ever offerc" ——— —— om Diaz was the commander of the two Brings again the same ol cry: | = ou to make this store your store—use our Reést Rooms Jrerestir little ships that formed the expedition | Broke, broke, broke! During the coming year we invite y¢ make y : 8 ’ 1 want 3 whe You are in Lancaster, make this beautiful Daylight Store him ur TTT EEE I Hi ir “ | : V5 apres TORT 01 TR 01 AT fn 1488. Eleven years later Da Gama Not a single cent, oh, gee! - Writing Room and telephones—in act, And the dough that I spent for the Christ courteous and painstaking and will be pleased to add thelr : oats | | took another Portuguese fleet south. | Yas gifts ! = your headquarters. Our salespeople are BLA N KETS! BLA N KETS! | He discovered Natal on Christmas day Will never come back to me. | experience to your judgment in making purchases, and thus named {t in consequence. —Judge. | Free Phone Service—When you wart tO order anything by telephone just } i reverse the charge and we will pay for th? message. : he means of building this immens¢ business to its BREE RE RRS RE 2 tell the of —— —— — License for Mt. Gretna | The proprietors of the Hotel | Cattle Bring Big Money Our. Mail ‘Order | Conewago, built at a cost of $100,-| H. B. Gingrich & Bo, theiwell any purchase of one dollar or over. ‘ | 000, have applied to the Lebanon known Lawn cattle Jealers, held | county court for a liquor license. another square deal public sale of We do not pay your ear fare to La There are three small hotels in and cows and other live stock at Fred- some way hage to be added to your purchg around Mt. Gretna park, but nomne|erick Hill's Union Square Hotel, on We will continue to give “S. & H” 'of them have licenses. Thursday. Fifty-five head were'= y gave on willt you spend—if | rrr wr... 'sold in just one hour aud twenty-, 2 o & HH way | | For Sale—An ice manufacturing 8 ame inutes. The stock Vag BEiDeli : fi / | plant, cold storage, slaughter hg ows and brought g | meat market and cattle g In $60 to ply to Beil H Mr. Horse Owner, I have a very fine line, of choice al-wool ———— —— square horse blankets. These blankets were made expressly to my order. All the latest patterns and weaves, size all-wool horse blankets 70-76, 80-84, 84-90, 96-100. : . Robes, $2.50 to $10. Silk Plush Robes, $10, $12, $14, $14.50. Stable Blankets, $1.00 to $2.50; Chase all-over Stable Blank- $2.50; All-wool Kersey Stable Blankets, $3.00 to $5.00, Come and look this line over; goods cheerfully shown. F. B- GROFF MOUNT JOY. PENNRHR. Department—You lean orier anything from us and we will prepay ch ncasfl¥ and return because if we did, that amount we don’t dc business that way. Trading Stamps.) They save on what you aving, “S. & BES thenin fide New Year by t / OL 1