The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 18, 1912, Image 1

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Personals Obituary Jods
| oe
ie, |
Local Notes | Florin News
Whe Our Sta if Re ars BF A | ‘Jef . y . \ | or of
Vhat ur Staff of Reporters Found some Well Known People From Our | Brief Local Happenings Gathered as | Local and Personal Briefs That Have
in the Card Basket Since Our Last | Neighborhood Have Passed to the | Fhey Occur With the Whirl of the | Occurred Since Our Last Issue in
Issue—Mauy People Were in and | Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue | World for Quick Reading Withh Our Hustling and Wide Awshe
el Out of Town, | done to Their Reward. the Past Few Days. | Neighbor Village. Florin.
widow 1 8 Slippers i & | 8 Grace Keener spent Saturday
dwuare Works ET am wn nls Bt nS an
home at Elizabethtown
Mrs Sophia Dowhower spent Frank Barnhard gu 39 vears. | Beautiful Poinsettias in bloom Mi Samuel Walters spent Satur-
estro EC Priday Lancaster. {died at Reading Mrs. Harry Zieg [ tor Christmas at Hoffer's 2t [day at Harrisburg
3 Mr { Loons of l.inglestown, { 3 J. B
: 1 ler of this place, is a sister For Rent; root house ir Rev }. Funk and wife spent
|the west war \ ppl) john Monday at Lancaster
Emmett Lester Ryan, son of Wm. | Buohl |
Found spent Tuesday in town
Fi Po friday in Philadelphia | Ryan, died at Columbia last week | A atch wner an |
e Fire to One Building---The Origin: rio METRE fray cr tlms. ar cr re have sie bY celine ot Ho Nel a
spent last | H. C. Brenner of Mechanicsburg
1 aged years in Smith eof Lancaster,
omer’s and prov | spent Tuesday in town
vn--- | he Large F rane Structure hn 5 Ephrata, was Miss Susan Eleanor Houston, a Joseph Brandt t the LaPierre ind Mrs. Harry Stoll spent
seen about wn Monday : ‘ : . i House has fine oysters whicl 3s
native of Columbia, died at Shamo ] a lich he is ‘day at Lancaster
. ’ ir I Vagenbach of Lancaster, !. selling at 35 and 50c¢
ts M S$8 f R ins---Deb- ia kin from the results of a stroke { ing at ahd 50c & quant. he Revival services at Cross
n a a Oo u vesterda n tow Mr. Brimmer, a motorman on our
— ——— : . : | ads are well attended
: Cleared Away Today i a x i . =. PS Clark, widow Vill- | a aid hr yx ae h oe Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Risser were
Columbia died
Saturday visitors to Lancaster
sister in Yo id Hollinger spent Mos
vigiting friends
Engle of |gurvi Anna, wife o Varo 224 ehil
on business f Josep} relatives
Ol Warrer I
The funeral |0F about
held this afternoon a P
urg made
in the
aly 1 . A T 1 (
; Salunga Mennonite Wachstetter won the
Frank Greenawalt | church :
birth of a daughter
interment at I. - 8, et : i Ut NOUS gilverware premium, given by A. D.
An Interior View of the Building D¢stroyed
py ; : . , he { Saturday
the north of the The M ing ews of this morn-|last Sat
Frevmeyer sold a valu
| ville.
| ! :
| Charles W. Hollinger ” 2 : 3 Lg riving horse to Mr. Henry Wit-
and connect- fing gai ‘The town chemical en-| Mrs. H. C. Schock and Miss Mary
mair yuilding i : § Schock have returned from a visit | ; Bre
main building. Pe w called into. service, bu chock 3 AVE ret 1rned ro a visi A message received Friday, ‘
alarm was sound Wi t even orched on to Madison, Wis | Buck gham ; 2 y 3 | will receiv
unable to cope with the situs : : ‘ 2 Rh neal ! N A
Company pre ), Sope Vv = Miss Maggie McConnaghy, of |
et of hose A number of workmen are busyf Ul : ney rtain have another | yohnstown, has arrived in town and
{ John
Charles W. Hollin e after Elizabethtown spent
Lancaster, died in that county on | 8 Ae ee hat tir home of Mr. and Mrs
Thursday The body was brought
burning bu leani: a the ruins an ress as we do not have ¢ hemical | will spend the winter here.
| here Monday for interment. The
eats. | The Ai Stan 1 be made to reyibut do have an enzine, is equs Rey er H. Egge of Mahanoy
eam In ¢ ) T¢ c family of Lan
‘ were held in the 193 ist Fy } ite the 3til | ez . Sunday in town as tHe
Deceased wa
trol in I as soon as The struc hich 1 town ii 3 county, Lan-j( as in town last Thursday and
not necessary ture destroyed will be replaced by cast lity, lu 1, can boast. We | Friday c: $ n his friends : Bo
= 3 | { ~ acon HOs
of hose The on just twice s larg have a } yrse-power ) ler | Miss 1a rr of Lan
e, and
Very good, ¢ Befor noon Mr tollman had line engine and can pump more |Mr. Jacob Gordon of Philadelphi:
not ne: ary ti 1 ar pe oallons 1 nit rom a Z orls it S lay at Hotel McGinnis
Scott Detwile
et A A
mamta ) st of
hia Mai, of This Place OE- W at i. Lac Manca Ex Christinas Checks Distributed Yl her daughte Mrs £ longeneck-
serves Its Thirty-fifth An- pires Suddenly in This Place/ the First National Bank
My ersary - {iss Minerva Engle, Mrs. Mame
e cele bratien of the thirty-fiffh William H of No. 511 i est The First National Bank 1 1e| Forten of Bainbridge, and Mrs. Em- |
Mversary of Gasiphia Lodge, Ne. Walnut street, [.ancaster, dropped members of their Ch tmas {ma Hiestand of Lancaster, were the ; tie ; : : hi : : : Sa : Eh
| of Masons, y of this place on 1 at 5 o'clock, Thursday evening ings Club happy on Saturday by rests of Mrs. Dr. W. B. Thome on| 8 ° itl . é ats er bi . : ‘ v ; 3 " re ; by phone: Be
: BF : in 11 ace while boardine he 1ailing them checks for 16 2amonht ver A Far 1 10 | EE a —— No }-5 K. Frevmey , Florin Pa.
rsday evening, was an occasion I th place, whil boarding the mailing them checks for the amount|Thursday. eased . vn | a
the assemblage of a large the trolley « for Lancaster. !| De- of their savings. There were 625] Mr. George H. Brown will leave} = lived > i ee Pig and Guinea Chases
mber of members of the order PUty Corcner B S Dillinger and depositors and checks were sent to |tomorrow to join his daughter Beat- To “as - bl . = atic: M William Darrenkami will
hd a very pleasant gathering. The coroner's physician, Dr. J. J {New- an amount aggregating $10,645.49 rice who will be on her way home bf pe y +8 I have sport galore on Christmas Day
} : : : : 3 : {and for a number of years served as]. ; ed as, as : (Mr. and Mrs. George QGrein ne
eeting was held in Masonic Hall,|PPer, Were summoned and | pro- in various amounts including inter-|from Massachusetts. They will ar- 3 1 C 2 bi . oe when he will have a greased pig \ Irs. George Greiner
: ¥ SE [0 { : ‘ard Constable in this place. Be- cain ! ig ; | Mastersonville hev Md
ver Garber’'s Drug Store, and, a|bounced death the result of pa- est. {rive here on Friday evening. i i : ? and guinea chases. Everybody is Vile They made the
: .. i f Momi : | : - Tait sides his wife he leaves these chil- by auto
hnquet followed at Mt. Joy Hall, |ralysis of the heart. The body was Members who failed to keep up| Miss L. A. Forney, missionary 3
. | : : ren: William and Mrs. Clyde Hass- bi A $03 " S v School : 30: v
hich was attended by 120 includ- removed to the undertaking estab-|their weekly payments received the | organizer of Harrsiburg, while en-|dren: William an Is e Hass-{,)) gesiring can participate The | School at 9:30; preachis
rd er 1 1 Don’t forge Or
atronage soli
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Risser and
the Misses Bertha Eby and Eva Greil
spent y at the home of
most cordially invited to attend and |
> : ABH one Zansas The F wing C. BE. 6:15: anc ach! ”.q
hncaster tfterwards taken to Lancaster by The checks are of a holiday design|spent several hours in town as the|Abilene, Kansas Th following et AQ 6:15; and preaching at 7:1
Jorshi ive eG . ; : 1 ;
Worshipful Master Oliver ed had an attack of acute indiges- hoilday envelope. The new club Mr. Norman S. Koons and family, . The December number of the
John Geistweit of this place: Aaron 2 = “““llowed by revival services All ay
William I Gorzas Rirht and again went to work Thursday 26, and judging from the success of | Miss Ellen Bolton and Mrs. Wm. was distributed early this week
: cake given by Mr. J. K.
2 : 3 : High School, is like Jones’ cider. it x oh J. K. Preymeyer
o'clock from his late residence wit
he Elizabethtown Home George ata | wre IT OC Schock Mrs Anna an
ev. W. H. Egge and Wm. B. Mc- Christmas coming on a Wednes- Bro. will sell at public sale 100 head As announced in these columns|poy of candy. They wil} be given
Mrs z Scho v Zercher farm south of town, brought :
called on Mrs. P. Frank hock who I was sppoloted. High Constable of i
An excellent program was rend- pou week. We urgently request all Among this lot will be 65 head of! wa...
two sons Jacob and George, Jr., Mr.|long and 21 inches wide. The leaf
: ee rece | a : ; , ity L Company {on
cGinnis, had charge of the ban | Gifts of Merit Maytown, were pleasantly enter-|this yecr. It was purchased by Mr.| The Elm City Lumber Company{on the Pennsylvania Railroad. He
: . hi lace : Cha og > ; {a 10-210 Juni ' DK: vc
lg guests from Harrisburg and. lishment of H. C. Brunner; but was amount paid in without interest. route to her home from Landisville, {ler of this place and Charles of place will be announced later t 10:30: Junior C. B. 5:15: Sen
r ~ hpi Ss a sisters also survive: Prayermeeti every T sday
Undertaker J. F. Long. The cdeceas- and were mailed in a handsome guest of Mrs. Emma Christman. [rofuer and sss ye a The December Pattersonian Sie savy na o
Mrs. é 8 . 4 e ana Mrs. atcn night services on e. 31, fo
bngenecker presided at the board : = Wa ;
tion on Monday; but recuperated will open on Thursday, December !Mrs. Miles Bolton and son Mark, De soniz as y 1ed ; .
there were responses to toasts ’ 5 ece of York, Alpheus of Florin and attersonian has been issued and invited
+ . : : * ve k uneral will Mr. Jacotl 7
Grand Master: District De- morning, at the Grey Iron Casting the first club, will no doubt have a|Koons of Linglestown, were guests John of Renoys. Iie Jo sl This very eroditabie mosthly Bey the cob Horst won the large
ry an . : trict it Company's establishment where he greatly increased membership. of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Backenstoe > he Sunday afternoon : 2 Sake
73 intenden ast Saturda is wi i
> Farershey; ~uperinien was employed as a patternmaker eel eee eee Sunday. t . h Eberl improves with age. I 3% Te 2y. This go be continu-
: interment in the Eberle cemetery ed by giving away three prizes:
Wilson and Henry Hershey Dov. Bolles Nast Weis _ Keller's Cattle Sale Schlegelmilch, P. Frank Schock and Tr Gir Now High Comtabh first, a 3-1b. box of candy, second, a
Fers. Addresses were made by ay Earlier Next Weck On Friday, Dec. 20, J. B. Keller & C. E Witmer made an auto trip to This is Some Leal ur New 2 onstable 2-1b. box of candy and third. a 1-1.
i ; 3 i i yhi Sunday wher they Mr. Lloyd Garman on the Jaocb :
aleb. day, our publication day, the Bulle-{of Fresh Cows, Springers, Holstein Philadelphia . several weeks ago, Mr. Frank Shatto|away T sday night, Dee. 24
Avi Se rnmai a da carlier, Heifers, Bulls and Cattle for Beeves. is visiting there. us a tobacco leaf of the Narrow his b h by the Court S
: : oan 3 « | this borough by Sz - .
d int d with very good be Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Fisher and |leaf Seed variety, that is 37 inches is porous ¥ the PONT. os atur Appointed Mail Clerk
red intersperse y E our correspondents and advertisers Erie County and Crawford County day to succeed the late Eli Willams Mr. John Givens, a well kn
nusic. i i arly i ; : x ee . ey OWR
to get it oi in RM omiay vem Cows and Springers. 1t and Mrs. Craut of Elizabethtown |is perfect and is a fine specimen. young painter of this place, his
Mr. J. W. McGinnis, of Hotel morning. ease bear this in mind. | et A eee and Mrs. Catherine Billett of near |Mr. Garman has a specialy fine crop Execution for $350. been appointed a railway mail clerk
uet and sgrved in pis usual eX- rnitial Handkerchiefy for Men and| Here's here you get them tained on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. |Jno. B. Longenecker, one of our (has issue? an execution for $250 {leaves today for Pittsburz and will
ellent mafer Ww Rernhart & Co. jhart & C. S. Longenecker. local packers, at 10 and 3 against BE. S. Moore, of Florin report there for duty Thursday.