THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA BECINNINC WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18TH, STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN EVERY EVENIN LL ————o —- — ———————— aceon odation ol Is : ) a LY 2 » CUR i ! AN » 4 try pa : 4 ye Jd §, QR >/I 2878 IH ~ 2 « — A N 0 ! LE A : :% 5 IN 8 mg to he {oom Take Lunch In The “Tea Room” ets ~ She Leh fo The 3 0G f partake ‘ lot ’ It ver h Successor to Foster & Cochran furs. Wonier's. ad Furnishings Gloves, ¢ ig Lu 32-38 East King Street, Lancaster, Penna. Parcess for Smo moderate for vou THE STORE THAT PAYS YOUR CAR YoujiCan Bring The Whole Family to Lancaster and Back at Ou Itjcosts youfnothing, we pay one round trip car fare from your home town, any part of Lancaster County, with every Ten Dollars spent in the store; if your } are entitledito receive carffare for two members of your party; three with $30.00, and so on. Isn't this an item worth considering, particularly when it is a well known & Our Merchandise is Better and Our Prices Lower Than any Store in Lancaster Treat Yourself to a New | | No More High Prices] t furs fur coats and fur neces at prices that simjy : ¢ hem 0 one in Lancaster has ever before seen such-an enormous stock or s ' ut t reacon is plain. We sell furs on the same close margin that we se \ ¢ nd ( buy from reliable concerns, t of everything purchased, we You: Can Get a Good $15.00 as You Can Buy Furs Here With Your Serviceable One Here. The a , o AUTH COX} Y FUR COATS HIGH GRADE PONY COATS ’ 19 93 $47.50 Greatest Value in the country orth $30.0 oth anoitels he Seared A vel remarkable Overcoat of Col at the Skinn others HANDSOME COATS Of CONEY Rich, lustrous Black Coney FUR, $29.90 vorth $10 $5.98 Beautiful Black Belgian Hare Men’s Overcoats The Kind | Cg Ft: So mie bre Jewitt Bik Belgian Usually Sold at $20, Special I tons Tool with Tet pully st BOS RS \ Ane h alass SaPment ¢h ii : yored. before at ti {i 3 E % ther sto worth $17.50: QO QR rice Every man or young man with $1 ¢ Tailore ind finished in a skillfu rE LL i EE ‘The Boy or Girl a Coat F reat he Boy or a jaunty new Coat for the girl: newwine =s:ld-4 Special $40 Fur Men's Trousers Ire ercoat f ; : Fa able. These are tl k | of gifts to give. Here are enorinous assortments, arranged in special Oh Boys and Girls, Unmatchable Values IRTaESE & : i 4 Bovs' Overcoat: xtra well made of splendid quality worth $8. Special $6.98 (Cassimere Lined Overcoats ancy Worsted and y . A oh aterials: browns, ¢ s and blues; with mili- Girls’ Chinchilla Coats: all wool 25 00 Ti TS very air guaranteed; ae ity iy ¢ * vo . 0 ] tarv collar Show? t tOTOR & $4 + price : ry old | y at S . here onl tary collars. Shown i er stores at $4: our price made with large roll collar and turn back : no s 2 : Persian Lamb Collars; lined with K/2 ! $2.98 pockets; button close to neck; all sizes 3 Shell Strictly all wool Boys’ All Wool Chinchilla Overcoats; with all wool special $4.98 3riders Re RANG 1 hrov 3: sivas Ok op 7 vs YQ linings; blues, grays and browns; sizes 2% to 10; fully Girls’ School Dresses; -“inade of fine worth $6; special $4 08 galatea cloth; high neck and long sieev with plain band and fancy buttons: all si worsted and Cassi fine quality Marmot and Coney of high grade, fine all wool Kersey. nere Trousers; made by the best makers in 0 Zo an ; io 23 worth $3; $2.50 Lapyright 1912 The House of Kuppenheimes America: all sizes fully A limited number, all sizes, the Boys’ Fur Trimmed Overcoats: fur collar and fur greatest coat yet offered at the price. cuffs; made of fine all wool Kerseys; blues and browns; did $1.50 Dress for 98¢ . . TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! : , ; Gifts of Furniture Sania Chis Sate Bring The Riddiss Women’s Warm Lined Comfort Are Useful, Appropriate, Sensible TO TOY TOWN Extra Good $2.25 Values, $ Show attracts hundreds every day ; : : Thousands of parents—girls and boys— visiting only furni- sands of pare g ang > = os a ; v I'he stvles and makes can't be beat for service, workma and what a busy place it is One would almost suppose it the : : : 3 A A the great special Toy Department, occupying the because here assortments are greater, : . : : : : ne ’ . : greater portion of our big basement. It is brim omfort. They are made of solid leathers, patent tips: wool lin V4 The greatest Christmas Furniture ture store in Lancaster Jut—it's our prices very much lower than elsewhere. RA > : ; full of interest for grown folks and children. that will appeal to women who demand well made shoes. that everything is brand new and Bverybody that sees this gathering of Gift Furniture says ‘‘it’'s the best in : : ! -§ Nothing could be more enjoyable than to bring town the little ones here for a few hours pleasure prey: Brass Beds; built with 2 inch s ather: special $19.90 There's a great company of dolls here; thous 0 4 B } Sh $ WwW ) C 3 heautiful Ma ands of the prettiest books: piles of games that 5, oys oes 1.98 omen 8 9 amusement: also 3 Worth $2.50 and $2.75 Sense Shod will give new ideas for winter vice and warmth, The best values we've yet offered. continuous posts and 12 one-foot Music Cabinets auti Pith Dall conne AD) wogany finish; built with large, instruction Toys; that will teach boys and girls = Russet Calf, patent c¢ d 20 o > ; ' : hings worth knowing; sieds, doll furniture a Ha & ; 29, $1 1.98 match up with piano; Colonial or things Won x : i oe Jo) farniiure, i a ! : The kind usually sold elsewhere gun metal and box calf r limited n y nw: foot pecial RQ regular ranch of cattle, some that moo; barking § = yn : pwr or : it ss aol ¥ t pecia £3.90 fous : ? at $2.50, special $1.75 and blucher cuts: made which are 11 values at ke arge roomy and com- : tell you all. : x : 3 Tos made with solid oak stitched sole; | growing boys; for outd store vould sell this beauti- ' > Ted LOZ " ea ( drawers polish inish to dancing Clowns, Trains, we can't begin to : : grain common sense shoes toe shapes: just the shoe price Dress- 8 with seat an ack up- with full ve to allow of every dress wear; stitched oa® arte tans: dios holstered in Chase leather: an ex- Santa Claus Is Here & Bids All Welcome shoe comfort and wervice. All sires | Sites 22 46 20 2 tere. Had mahogany, quartered Oo: ma- : ats i > hogany or birds’ eye Ee $4.98 Dolls, 5e¢, 1G¢, 15¢ to $5.98. | Electric Motors 98¢ up. and all widths. cial $15.90 ‘hina ts ad vhite Teddy Bears 49c¢ to $1.98 Steam Engines Three-piece Mission Suits de- quartered oak: handsomely finish- Doll Furniture, 25¢ to $5. Dy AAT OTH: 25 and 40c . signs similar to a fireside Rocker: ed: bent glass ends; French claw Dolly Wash Machines—to ., wk . =n $ pte Gl A E Ch t L Te finished in fume + Early feet and five deep shelves An ex- Tea Sets, from 10c¢ up. Mechanical Toys, 19 wp, oves re on very ris mas tra good value at $13.90 Sleds, from 49¢ up. Horns, 3¢ to 235c¢. Women's Fabric and Wool ! Kayser mawe; at 25c, 39¢ and 58¢; gs gjrect from France and Tta Go Carts from 79c¢ up. ; Drums,25¢ up. i extra fine silk gloves; all wanted . : ine selected skins; all sizg 73¢ up. lose Gloves, Women's Kid Gloves: impo English; seats upholstered in Span- Chairs from 79c¢ up. : Games, 5¢ (0 $1.25 ’ Po ddok i sizes. THe MEN S KNIT COATS Sewing Machines to $2.25. seDAvii Pantin > shades and sizes, ¥5¢. i she 5: < B k Bibl Mechanical Trains, 49¢ up. Women's Long. Kid Gloves; n° 1ades; $1.00 and $1.50. i Desks, $1.25 to $5. n ; “ £ 4 x S; : 00 S, Dies A Very Useful and Most Acceptable Gift Automobiles, $1.98 to $8. Air Rifles, i8¢c up white or black; $1.59; $2.25 up to Infants’ Mittens at 15¢, 2 This store has an established rtputation 5 ’ > : Tool Chests 49c¢ up. $2.98. fine silk ones at 75c¢. Testaments for the largest selection and the very bets Hoa and lpdners to a Trunks. all siz be ! + ed : ons oy or ses r p to $5.98. KS, ¢ sizes, ofc up. For many years this store values in Knit Coats. This season’s show orses on wheels tia 5 a . : 3 has been of splendid service is a very remarkable one; consisting of good Magic Lanterns, 49c¢ up. - Animals, 10c to $2.25 Hosiery For 1 ts Save a Third On Wo in furnishing Books for Sun- colors, the best styles and weaves and ex- Movies, $1.49 to $3.25. Wagons, 25¢ to $1.59. : A day Schools, Classes, Public tra good qualities. ; Buster Brown Hosiery for women i SWEATER co Schools, etc. This year we At $1.25 and $1.50; an extra good Knit . and children; every pair guparan- Fhe sample line of a have prepared more extens- Jarker Auip-weol; heavy weight in black Men's Furs Silver Mesh and dl le a ost you wish * Westers Menufaeturer coms ively than ever. Choose and tan, all sizes. . less tha : ti books here—and save money. Fine grade of wool Jackets at $2 and : Leather Bags them; a useful gift, 25c. he cost of producto Children’s Books; in an as- $2.50. Collars and Gloves German Silver Mesh Bags; Worten's andi. Childten’s: Cotton is season’s mannish sty sortment of 25 titles: finely The best grades of Wool Jackets, in lined or unlined, spiendid val- : in sds at ’ Byron or roll collar; pocke bound: worth 19c—special black; extra special values at $3 and $3.50 Every piece guaranteed to ues at 50c up to $7.50 Woo) ond Resced Hosiery: ‘eXite She ton holes and seams all ha : 10 Dozen Men’s Jackets; extra heavy rove entirely satisfactory. A Zr : cial values at 12jc. ed. Cardi hi : 10¢ Books: ektra quality with pockets: all sizes; the best ideal gift Tor men ‘Beag Bags, Imported; Somes Special —Women’s Silk Hosiery; : Rrdingl, white, tan, ete. w 1 bound: with colored i= $1.50 Jacket to be obtained anywhere at An ideal 8 : Of the very prettiest styles; j : i 113 = rao: good paepr: the £1.00. Black Coney, Water Mink, extra special offerings: 30c¢ to black; a very fine quality usually $2.00 Sweater Coats at $1.4 kind that always sold at 25e, blended water mink, imita- $5. sold at 7T5c pair; special 5Oc. $3.50 Sweater Coats at $2. special 17¢ y tion Beaver, etc. Leather Bags; exceptional- Kayser Silk Hosiery; pure thread $3.98 Sweater Coats at $2.84 a ' 3 BIBLES and TESTAMENTS en’s Heav- Underwear $2.50 $3 ° $9 ly strong values at 98c and or Italian Silk; black, white or tan; $5.00 Sweater Coats at $3.6 Soft flexible Ioather bid: The famous Dr. Wright's Health Under- : $1.50; made of fine quality none better made: in holly boxes— $7.98 Sweater Coats at $5, Ings: a’ vers larze varlety: wear; fine wool fleeced lined: an extra good leather; close fitting frames; $1.00 and $1.50. $6.95 Sweater Coats at $i including reference bibles, garment 3t 81 SHAWLS with strong clasp. Other ex- text books: teacher's bibles: Men's heavy fleeced lined Shirts and cellent offerings at 50c to $5 x red letter edition; etc. Among Drawers; extra heavy Cotton; well made. A Fine all wool German im- Rock : ® jis : Fi A" ol Bed Bl \ § them are some extra good gaTmen! usually sold at 50c-price 3% 1¢ ported Cashmere shawls, hem “ Jaze. FOOINY 85 me o an values: far below usual pric- Men's Red Flannel Shirts and Drawers: 3 y comfortable; with seat an 3 stitched, 2 yds. by 4 yds. at hi y ol blank woven: h all wool; medicater: shi i ? : k i White and gray Wo Dn en; heay ec er; shirts single or double special prices. $7.50 to $20 back upholstered in Chase leather; an excellent value at ets with a cotton mixture; wap; gray large double bed size, closely 1Iy w es. dicto $2.75, Testaments 5c 10 1.5 | 2°10. $1.50 and $1.75 vines, $5.98 $16.90 oo Elrniummst yore fuser Domes sBsrnt Buren Pposaen fps rami fpommnt Furi forum dy fommemliffwmmoe jr ond postemB pores posuml fromeetpomnmt pooped} \
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