ice res 9 | 8 unty new Women; fine me g e revers, d with sRirts. rest $ | ning Suits ¢ mixtures; and tri tailo Lined $b. best ganols autifully plain ffects. atin. torm r at value. serge, round fini lon} mannish |§ ¥y.. HH igen cluded dd from 0 many of them le things rove that hen buy a Specialty | TED (meee OOAL PUR “| creed or Bible. . H. Baker's CORAL and LUMBER YARDS NJ iy) No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hand g, Sasn, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. Portland Oement. Also Roofing Slate Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material | 183. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot HATS Tweed, Silk and Cloth Finished. plete. ye g ; ~ a Db to $3.00: velouf, $4.00. n r 113834 loves of every Ghai ngert & Haas orth Queen St., Lancaster Pa. Chrismas Gifts For All offer you the most desirable line to choose your presents ifts that are dscidedly popular and pleasing. See our Toilet Cases Vanity Cases Bracelets Bar Pins Shaving Sets Sfmoking Sets ings ija Vallieres Set Rings IJockets ttons Mesh Bags ing owel Cases engraving denfe free of charze. JH & SIMMONS STEER, PSNNRZAR. sheefertoafonfesfosionteoteciosfoofosirofesfocfeofeofectoferfectesfecduofecfesionis esfefostaciecte RR 1 = urniture Warerooms MOUNT JOY, PENNA. re Pra FURNITURS A SPECIALTY UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDER pat gta — for sale im lots to suit the — rE DvD ing and Enibairts = ER ———— E IN HOUSE OF THE EAST ESTABLISHEI' 1897 L. BEAR & CO. embers Chicago Board of Trade) BIROERE ERS \DING, Chestn d 15th Sts., PHILADELPL » 9 STMENTS 2 MN ES Grain rket in Ameri oolwoll Bld. Mount Joy, Penna 01 TD O10 00 OO | THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. HOW, WHEN AND WHY A SECOND ADVENT Denver Divines on es on Right Track, Says Pastor Russell ——— Ne World-Burring — Satan to The Power Vested In Messiah—His Kingdom Near—How It Will Appear. | Denver, Dec, 1.-| This city is stirred | Seventeen pastors of all denomina- tions have been discussing The Sec: ond Advent for a month, Now comes Pastor Russell tell- | ing us all that “The Earth abid- eth forever’ —that it will never be de stroyed by literal fire. According to him the great event of Christ's Com- ing will bring blessings such as we all desire. He seems to have the Bible and logic on his side too! Pastor Russell declared that false | concepts of the Second Coming of | Christ had done great injury. The view set forth in all orthodox creeds is that Christ will come again in the flesh. The resurrection will take place within twenty-four hours. The saintly | will rise in the air to meet the Lord. Then fire will come down from heav: en, and consume the whole earth. Pre millennialists claim that Christ will reign in fleshly glory a thousand years to bless the living. The majority of Christians disown this as ridiculous nonsense because thy believe little of A minority perceive | its inconsistency with the Bible. What Bible Students Now See. The “fire of that day” is symbolical, | already kindling in society, the ele | ments of which, Capital and Labor, | are getting hotter. Soon they will | melt, the symbolical “earth” will be | consumed with the “heavens” also, the | ecclesiastical powers. Their passing | away will usher in a “new earth,” or social order, and “new heavens,” the | Church in glory. | The Second Coming of Christ is as- sociated with blessings. Messiah will abolish the curse and bring in wonder ful blessings. The Day of Christ will | be “the last Day,” —the great Seventh Thousand-year Day. All humanity will be blessed, including the dead who will then be awakened. Christ Comes to Reign. As the redemption was necessary for man’s salvation so Messiah's King- dom is necessary to accomplish restitu- tion. The delay of more than eighteen centuries is Scripturally explained: (1) God designed Six Great One Thou- sand Year Days to teach mankind the exceeding sinfulness of sin. He pur posed that on the Seventh Day the blessing of Messiah should come. (2) An important work has been done since Calvary. An Elect Church has been gathered out of all nations— saints made perfect through suffering, a Little Flock, the “Church of the First-borns.” These are to become the Bride of Christ at His Second Advent. The Second Coming of Jesus is to elaim His Bride class, and to exalt them. As regards the world, He comes to bind Satan, to overthrow sin, and to uplift fallen humanity. St. Peter tells that Restitution work, not a literal burning of the world, awaits the Sec- ond Coming of Jesus: *‘Times of re- freshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.”—Acts iii, 19-21. Christ's Kingdom to Be Spiritual. One great mistake we have all made is in not noticing that Jesus was hu- man for only thirty-three and a half years. before He was made flesh; and He was resurrected to a spirit condition— higher than His original one. How foolish we were to think of Jesus as a man (a little lower than angels) in the midst of the Heavenly host. He is now partaker of the Divine nature; His Church is to be *‘changed” and made “like Him.” As His descent was from a higher to a lower, so His ascent was from a lower nature to a higher, “far above angels.” His is the exceeding glo- ry which “no man hathseen nor can see” —“which no man can approach unto.” It is this glorious Being whose King- dom is about to be established. He and His Church will be as invisible | to men as are Satan and the fallen | angels. The .appearances of Jesus in the flesh after His resurrection were materializations, to prove: (1) that Jesus was no longer dead; (2) that He was changed, born of the Spirit, able | to go and come like the wind Parousia, Epiphania, Apokalupsis. Messiah's Kingdom will have earthly | representatives—the faithful saints of previous ages, raised to human perfec- tion instantly. Through these the in- visible Messianic Kingdom will op- erate. Jesus said, “Ye shall see Abra- | ham, Isaac, Jacob and all the prophets in the Kingdom.” The parousia of Jesus will come first —present but invisible. The world will continue with the ordinary affairs of life (while He is gathering the Church), | as in the days of Noah. | After the gathering of the Chureh, | there will be an epiphania and an apo- | kalupsis of Jesus. He will shine forth, | He will be revealed—not in flesh, but | “in flaming fire,” the trouble of that! to the Kingdom Dispensation To Mothers in This Town Mother for Children. cleanse the stomach, act on the| liver, and are recommended for | complaining children. A pleasant remedy for worms. ist, 25c. Sample Free. A. S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. tA Aen lief from Gray's Sweeet Powders idvertise In the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Be Bound—8in, Sickness and Death to Be Conquered—Man to Be Delivered. | He was a glorious spirit being | cannot reach the seat of the disease. | taken int ernally, | the best tonics known, Day. in which the present order wiil | Elizabethtown, be consumed in anarchy, giving place guilty at Court on Saturday to sell- |ing liquor without a license and on |Sunday. | accused was Children who are delicate, fever-|bought ish and cross will get immediate re- {sold. [$500 fine and six months’ imprison- PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH, Wh ut Shwilkey Bumblesosk Has To Huller- gevva Heinerich advice husht bully Du buck so em gooter sime u-bennicha helfa con dich aw umrode Ich hob en duchter, Presilla os boll uff eld un de will hira, will net hira ich hovva will. Mer breicha se aw wennich dahame un ich mane se set sich kup shloga. du geva se derfun tsu holdta. Well Danny, my arshte wid du hira di Won's ich kensht agener waega boo os ich mer net froga. is, ware awver se note nuch so socha ous em Kunsht mere rode we froke is, duchter? di di set odder ig don du hovva, hira willa awver won Prescilla, hovva don wile du uff duchter, will se de waul ware se in dime brief os se boll un sawgsht eld is, ich bahawh hut kenner. maidel net era fershtond on selera eld don Won se nuch era kelver ich dere by shtae, se is oldt ga-nunk far un de noddure sawgt ware se gleicha greeked se leeb ware don daid awver selver picka era tzimlich naixt con un ware se net gleicha con. mich dere sawga, leit bisniss, un wella Danny en era leeb Luss oldter picka hira orrick g’farlich, holtding os net shtrawatts hut, net grawd soocha se far en der fodder de match hut don blama se ene far era droovl un es naixt os du haersht sawga se, “My dawdy hut my fraw ga-picked un are mawk aw now by era laeva.’ Is sel net wore? Waisht householdtinga os grawd uff gabruchha sin? Uff mon yunga is en missliche se senet is Es is ken ols ebmohls glaena dreeb don won maucha ware house- un won es hell uresoch, ga-mauched wardt un wasser du net fun sella wake der onera hond, won tswae mit eram agena willa sich farmared | un | bariga, long 0s hen don is os era agener se shticka generally ertsoo so meeklich. De ga-bruffatzeid g'hired 0s gadonka shtride is warra by freind hen is os crack se era we se funera whip ivver nie mid we der kep, frisher shtarta widder far tsu un anonner Dohare mood broveera widder recht gleicha. set en fodder orrick ochtsome si we weit os are gait in sella socha far- freeda set enda mit gooter rode un en shtennicher g’'wold. awver by ba-ria protest ken Are doot's mit biddery Du sawgsht net hira wile breicht. Yaw, we draina Prescilla set dahame aw de dere se nuch un we elder os dere note En harlicher is en grosse g'nawd. De chance afforda de wart mae wennich os breicht. hirerawd se nemord Won wid es con forleera. blendy, un aney tsu du Prescilla moll nimmy don shunsht se mae. aw nemond is mae important in os we en fraw Danny, feel Es is nix sawga, shtarns weldt. tsu'm Won doot luss mich dere hut gor naixta un recht hira der shurer far een en schlechte schlecht recht fraw farwelka bawn gait generally Won de der do mit mon divel os fraw. der mon de ga dull- ins ous draid don we en vung schlecht is un fraw mon's grawb. don doot shtanda far degrees awver by farrecked awile, draid are in een sow un SO. dere net du tzeega ich hob do sulsht, conclusion Now, Danny, du awver ageny g'sawt wes di wos ich mane. consht Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they Ca- tarrh is a blood er constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must tc tke in- ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface . Iall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribe d by one of the best phy- sicians in this country for yea and ig a regular prescription. It is comp sed ot combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina- tion of the two ingredients is what pro- duces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Os Sold by Druggists, price Tbe. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. ret ee A Heavy Fine Anderson colored entered a near of Joseph of plea made by the party of men some of it sentenced to claim that beer and Anderson was The a was They ment. renee err That Was Some Hog Engleside Farm, Marietta, Pa. At all Drugg- recently sold a Berkshire hog eigh- Address, [teen months old | pounds. that dressed 412 tA RP — Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin 08 won en ACT QUICKLY Delay Hag BY“n Dangerous in Mount Joy. Do the right thing at the right time, Act quickly in time of danger, In time of kidney danger Doan’s Kidney Pills are most effective, Plenty of evidence of their worth Mrs, F, Conrad, David St, Mt, Joy, Pa. “1 suffered intensely from kidney trouble and it would be hard to describe the misery I endur- ed. There was a constant, dull pain across my back that made my house- work a burden and I*was annoyed by chills and dizzy spells, The least tired me and I always felt When I saw Doan's Kid- advertised, 1 decided to give them a trial and procured a box at Garber's Drug Store. The first few doses helped me and I grew better rapidly as I continued their use. I am today In better than I have been for a long time, thanks to Doan’'s Kidney Pills.” (Statement given Oct. 26, 1907.) Mrs. Conrad was again and she said: “I am glad says work languid, ney Pills of health took this remedy Kidney Pills, My of the best since I two years ago.” Foster-Milburn Co., sole agents for the cents. York, States. Remember the and take no other. "nited The Week in Grain vwmpiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- tin, at Mount Joy, Pa., by Wm. L Bear & Co., Pennsylvania Building, Philadelphia, Pa., by D. B. Lehman, Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan- ‘aster. Penna Phila. Pa., trader's Dec. 4 affair 1912 An active within i year ara! Es | dere | sin | will | Nix | weldliche socha | odder en mon soocha | tsu | generally | ranges has prevailed Prices at the narrow price [in all parts. | are only fractionally removed | the levels of a week ago, with the | trading area at all times above that {| limit. Bearish now | found chief the | tailure of any to weekend sentiment has incentive in material advance its materialize during the six weeks which war in the general Foreign upon a visible manded attention. engagements have continued liberal the supply approaching that of a scale, European closely from an amount below 1911 With the of the is to anticipate a ago, | : materially two of Equator, the falling requirements from in the clothful domestic have Stocks [ [months ago. south approach {harvest | disposition off in European North America, and | cash prevailing offerings trade in markets generally, increased whenever prices have vanced. On the other the cereal list the fact that period of that Europe {during it to accumulation of close of to all rail shipments, hands, direct to the attention both harvest and heavy marketing is and has taken enough burden- With the feel and milling de- material prevent very some stocks the and they reached navigation, turn low been ang, improvement the will followed levels have in by mand be | advances followed the deferred Coarse grains have Wheat, favor with de- with | lead of liveries in i houses. ramet errs Place paper want Ideal Christmas Shopping this An If modern readers of a good old- thev holiday store with the fashioned Christmas spirit, enjoy doing their at the With Claus | will shopping Hager Store in caster Christmas greens, Santa faces, and beautiful floor for varieties of lights, the main brilliant colored | presents a background | the hundred and one { Christmas suggestions, made to eladden the hearts humanity The Basement Holiday. just of Store is of and attrac interest now, (laus is the the Toy as ‘“Wondertown.” 9:30 to { particular Santa centre of | tion in Store, or Santa 11 | known at his bench from mornings, in the | children can see him. Of Santa latest mechanical toys and play- wonderful assortment seems as though every nicer It the children and to | works | in the and from | o'clock afternoons, course, demonstrates the things there vear, and a It Santa is brings will be a treat to take to the Hager Wondertown, watch them enjoy the visit. am ee el CI re ie toys. School Directors Next Thursday the twenty annual convention of the County Directors held Millersville School There m will County sixth Lancaster will be Normal will be 30 p. inter- East School in the chapel. at 9:30 a. and 1: exercises with music kigh school. sessions The spersed be the m by Donegal “Blood will tell” Gasoline is the blood—the life force—of the auto— get the best. ! Vim Free—320 page book—all about oil. Waverly Oil Works Ce. Pittsburgh, Pa. LAMP OILS LUBRICANTS commission health | interviewed | wd an opportunity to re-endorse Doan’s has been For sale by all dealers. Price 650 | New | name—Doan ‘s— | from | in | Balkans has com- ad- ec holders in past, Lan- better 2to 4|2 so all the Wednesday, December 4, 1812, Watt & Shan The Great Christmas Book Store Is Splendidly Stocked With All Kinds of Fiction and Holiday Gift Books the best kinds of few, when books can be secur- lists array In these days, at Christmas are will find if any pre the ed a nominal cost, very Here to without them, a great of best Books pared very you choose boys and girls, and beautifully who have not of well-informed salesladies whq books that all often most which Children from for the boxes. and hosts of latest gift Juvenile copyright editions bound books, in For those Books, to judge of good Consult read merits, are the their plenty children of love A few of the judges of ages them popular and Latest Copyright Books at 48¢ Red Page, freely had Ailsa titles to be Pepper Old Reliable, 8c, Hundredsof the newest The Master Mummer, Southerner, Max; Special Books For Bovs SCOUT BOOKS -— Goodsoundstories, Parents should by all “Pathfinder,” How Patrol Burns, John Marsh, full supply BOY of educa- matter. with the Patrol,” a copy Also, Series, their the Good,” boys Wolf 22¢ tional means “Campfires of Made whole series: “Woodcraft, or a Leader Alger other il- Swift and by Series, Dexter Series, lots bound Larry Allen Series, land and famous Tom Series, the Rockwood and of good stories of adventure sea; well and lustrated; a copy. SPECIAL—A lot of well-bound At 48c—The ever popular Rover Tomkins and ‘““The War Stories of the especially good, the 25¢ 19¢ Stratenmeyer, The latter historical Alger Books at each, Boys Series, Revolution.” because of authentic are many anecdotes. Cirls’ Books at 25c¢ Include books from such as Mrs. Meade, Southworth, Mrs. Shelodn, All nicely on good paper. authors Holmes, Garvies, etc. bound and printed Children’s BooKs at 25c¢ illustrated. books, 25c. Well and Fairy Tales and a number of other novelty And from 10¢ bound for wee mites are Linen and Untearable Books galore; to 25c¢. Boxed Gift BooKs, 48c handsome nicely box- Understudy, ete. bindings, Cupid's Closed Room, These in exceptionally include these and Arcady, The Right Man, are others: In the ed, and titles Back to Corner Square and E. King Sts. ARE YOU BUYINC YOUR Grocery Needs Where You Can Get The Best Quality at The Lowest Prices? You can answer this question correctely after you have ex- amined and compared our prices with what others ask and tasted the quality of our goods which are guaranteed to give you entire satisfaction. All goods Delivered. H. G. Hagenberger BELL PHONE Mount Joy, Penna. i TG 11 EL REE ERB Curtains and Draperies This store is always in line with the best of everything whea # comes to Upholstery Goods A home can be given the most alluring charm or posite, by its Curtains anl Drapery hangings. If you want artistic and dainty effects, let our Upholstery partment come to your assistance, the direct ep- De- wide range of prices, Our corps assist you im Qur large varied stock at a wonderfully eomprises all the newest and most attractive fabrics. fo experts are always at your service to alvise and your decorative problems. called for, TELEPHONE your orders for Carpet Cleaning, eleaned and returned the same day. Westernberger, Malev & Myers 125-181 East King Si, LANCASTER, PA. 00 1 1 RE) LY = OSD A EE —————— ES E1001 HSA Special on Watches I have just purcahesd a nume- ber of watches, undoubtedly the best values offered in that line for a long time. They are opea face, dust-proof nickel case, Rockford movement, 17 jewel, fully guaranteed, with care will last a lifetime. Can you beat it anywhere for only $10°? Also Repairing in All It's Branches MILLER, RRR EN EE EDS East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. Sg mms RE NU ERR -« “-