The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 04, 1912, Image 1

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. Columbia Telephone Book ‘ |
uary Florin News rue oficil dirctors of tho Co Council Meets Corn. Contest| Local Notes
CH WE ALL MUSi | HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VIL (being compiled and will be off pin Now pois pur. | ME JOSEPH N. STRICKLER OF | MANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS OP
|of advertisements will be inserted : FIRST PRIZE eet——
. | WORKS |
n such a manner that the advertis —— Brief Local Happenings Gathered as
Mr. Milton N. Miller of Rapho hey Occur With the Whirl of the
Fownship a Close Second—Mr, World for Quick Reading Withis
| press very soon \ limited number NEAR MOUNT JOY, WINS GENERAL INTERES
focal and Personal Briefs That Have |
vn People From Our , rH
inler will be greatly benefitted . Tht
Have Passed to the Occurred Since Our Last Issue \ Resolution in Regards to the |
. ing ide e [directory will contain a complete
Since Our Last Issue or Fusing ona o Wide Awake ; ( : ’ oc h $12,000 Loan Was Passed—It , P. Pei i I I the Past | D
: Neighbor Village, Florin. ist of the subscribers in Columbia, 3 .t dno, KF, Peiffer of Salunga, Raise we Past Few Days.
ir Reward. R 2 Will Be Signed By the Burgess— : : y
{ Marietta, Mount Joy and Elizabeth- | I . . : ’: Most Perfect Kar | — —
ems : . . : | A Special Election Will be Held
Zones of Columbia Mrs. Jno, Wachstetter spent Sun-[town together with a revised list BL Dolls, toys and fancy goods at
3 ay at MN Joy ( » subscribers ' the wican |
t Alto on Sunday from [day at lount Jo of the Subscribe rs of the Americ an | ary 18, 1913
zed 29 years Mr. John Booth was a Saturday|Union Telephone Company and the | |
: visitor to Lancaster Enterprise Telephone and Tele A { section, closed on Saturday and the | home on Columbia Avenue
— —————— | Mount Joy Borough Council met |
beth McFarland, a life] Miss Mary Shires spent Saturday |graph Company Advertisers can
with every member, Burgess Hoff-
it of Marietta, { \ ‘
ag 3 vears Misses Jane and Blanche Zeller at once All ads are being insert- | {therein by the farmers of the sur-| A Farmers’ Institute will be held
ing aged 83 years. % : : : : eng ia Iman and Clerk Fellenbaum present. | :
spent Saturday at Harrisburg ed directly opposite the advertiser's
in Mount Joy on Tuesday, ¥Febru- |
: Our corn contest, the first ever | Donaven’s
conducted by a newspaper in this Mrs. J. Harry Miller is ill at her
. large number of entries really Turkeys sold a from 18 to 22
. : . in regular session Monday evening . :
died Sat-|at Landisville visiting friends be accomodated by applying to us proves the great interest taken |cents live over Thanksgiving
rounding community at Maytown December 20 and 21
— 3
ley of Marietta, died
in that place Thursday
Y ‘ : | The minutes of the last regular and
at Mr. Charles Carson made a busi-|name and number thruout the | :
i Sid special meetings were read and ap- . A " t IR i
ness trip to Lancaster last Friday.|book. Rates are very moderate. If! tenants the Simon R. Snyder farm |Dis bed with an attack of rheuma
Mr, Joseph N vickler. who Mr. Irvin M, Baker is confined te
| proved |
at the Eastern borough limits was | tis
awarded first prie by the judges for|{ We wis all th attention of
itis 'e 0 FAY Mr. Edgar McCarthy of Lancas-|interested phone or drop us a card 2
Ingitls, ed 21 years. s : ! } ? The report of Burgess Hoffman
ter was a visitor to our town Sun-|and we will be “Johnny on the :
a : showed collections for pole taxes, | leh. Hos . '
avina H. Reitzel, widow of day. Spot the largest and best ear of corn ex- | our readers to the spacious ad of '}
3 ‘ licenses, ete, during the month of
Columba | Misses Carrie and Mary Deibler
Fti : I )
2eitze ie ‘ i hibited He will be given a year's|D. Beneman on page
teitzel, died at pe : : : November to the amount of $419 3 : \ \
iof York spent Sunday with relatives K. G. E ti 1 subscription to the Bulletin and as ir. Amos Kaylor butchered a
| 1
| here. Hermit Castle No 36, K. 3 A . . .
| Mr. Dillinger of the Street Com
ghts disease aged 71 years
{ Mr. Strickler is a subscriber and |nite-month old hog for Irvin Geist
an J. Yeager, a cigar manu has been for years, he will be! Weit which dressed 332 pounds
{ ager, Ee \ miitee reported all crossings order ; | TI I 1 1 1 ,
DE of Manticim. died on’ Sats | was a visitor to friends here Sun-|meeting Monday night elected the : nid 1 > redited with same, ie Hershey Chocolate Company
: ' ed are laid n regard to the street 1 ‘
from uraemic poisoning aged day. following officers 1 tl Mr. Milton Miller, residing along | ha purchased the Conoy Creamery
. 1 1¢
1 at lL.obata { Jainbridge from
Miss Ethel McGinnis of Manheim |of this place, at an animated
; ; markers committee decided to
Mr. Charles Newgard of la : \ M. M. Leib » Back Run, two miles northeast
S | 2 1 t
i . . « the matter over mmtil next :
- ter a Sunday visitor to friends '. C.—H. Young ) wn, was awarded second prize
bs al : Hn
Marv Elslager was str niin town \ f R *. H. Zell : six month's subscription for the
walking on the street Sunday| Mr. Jame Ulrich of Middletown 1 Ny Brubaker : . . . _ | secor lareest . Mr. Miller
a SS to own t ely
: : ado
umbia and died later at t made Bowman
Hospial, aged | Saturday Vi. 1 " H. Stoll
interred Newnher
Mrs. Susan Butcher
spending a | and, Samuel Bucher, and o1 a.
at Phila- sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Stumj The | $n Lied About Their Stock
uneral services will » held from |"
in Harris-| her late home, East Petersburg
Thursday morning ‘fend 1
contest and
Amos Barnhart 1 '] familton of Wright aby Pinna ‘ : Var é 1 th er we
= Amos rnhart,, aged sixty- {ville called on his mai friends in|g-- of rep 1 premi renison
| years, a well-known resident of | t
or 1,000 sh: : ent to
i.ancaster | Newville, West Donegal Township, rs. Henrietta Gish is spending | ' stondat . ! rvon repaire Le m? ( | . ets Mlle tl untains Saturda Here's
i baie . rE Padliiva Thas An "Ti- Ie x 1 yer “le : te tht Pr th \ Y t Hollinzer : 1 : 4
here with |died of he ar! failure Tuesday even everal . . a a Dl The plainti . . Yee i. a Nols er RT0-000 Vou a of zood luck
|ing. His widow and the following |ville h relatives 1 1 Buohl be given permission
| the stock o representations d ” | i ¢ nd
| mnect with the water main for . c : I Wm. H. Gantz is digging
{to him that it bore 6 per ce a
children survive: Walter, George, Tess: Horace Welsh and Geo
| David, Elmer and Minnie, of New-| Phillips of Lebanon spent Sunday] . : houses outside the bor | . I sink on the E. ¥ Baker properties
| : Y ldends, which he ( ing all ex : S t : periie
ille; Amos, in the U. 8S. army, ar i \ with friends not dot Poplar street So ordered 4 m1 : occupied by Fred Sheaffer and John
1 1e Ligll ar 1S 1 Ww al 1
ss devin Shank, of RElizabethtowl Mr ienry Rinehart returned on "h% iN —i Mr. Barto of -the Finance Com 1 in this fund ov Arndi
ed 1r 1 i 1d over e
The funeral was held on Friday at |S; from a visi of Wer: mittee reported the approval of a \ sauer kraut suppel will >
y ish Lab several | N,vember a Busy Month for id > of " |employes are busy ge t . P By oe
of bills. served at the Farmers’ Inn on Sat
1 o'clock at the house and at 1.30 s at Mifflintown . number :
Faw } ; : New Standard | readiness for mailing
: : r Rickso ‘ PF tho Ni i : . urday evening and the Forester's
month of November proved Mr. Ricksecker of the Finance |[t ig their intention to ; Band DT
anc )
at the Newville Union Church, with Mi Amos Winters and wife are Th
WI ; the | interment in the cemetery adjoin- [spending a few weeks : New York 3 : ‘ommittee 1 \( Wer: a 3 y : present to enliv ‘the
town y a4 endin ks at $ Yor to be one of the busiest of the | Committe reported several trees | them on Saturday morning, Dec en the
ing Good’s meeting house. as guests of their son : . i ia Fe nny a : occasion,
y : : year for the New Standard Hard-|removed in the park. | In addition to this Christmas Sax
On Thanksgiving Day Mr and
Mrs. William Dillinger entertained
and n 3 ———— Mr. Fran] Snyder and frien ; ol y ; A r : ; v ; :
and md i : ¥ 1 d ware Works. The Company shipped Mr. Brown of the Light Commit-|ing Fund next year, the bank will
: |
friends Henry Greenleaf Miss Ida Givlier of Columbia were . { : ,
h friends in d a 2 : Y a ; Br } tive lumbia T®lout between 3 and 4 carloads of [tee reported all lights in good con-!open a savings fund department M I M I
Henry reenleaf, a resident of | calling on friends i own St ay th | : z mr. and Mrs. B. S Dillinger, Mr
3 ¥ e e cal 1 riends in t Sunday. roods to all parts of the world. dition. for depositors awd vill pay 3 6-10 linger, Mr
and Mrs. Jno. Runk and Rev. I. H
seker yf | Florin, died at the home of lis Mr. and Mrs. James Sweigart of], . ; ; ;
Snecker of lq ht M Ww McG tli ' : his month they will ship a car-] Upon motion it was decided to|DPer cent interest on all deposits. Horn at &i
si 53 i daughter, Mrs. m, McGarvey, a )enver spent Sunday in town as { ™ oi M : ; ae al dinnel
business - in 8 e I : load of choppers to Australia. hold the special election for the fil- The Savings Fund for 1913 will
Florin, on Friday forenoon, aged [guests of their daughter, Mrs. Hen- mee ——
rl A ene
. a ter plant loan on Feb. 18, 1913. i start December 26 but all those de Thi . .
tornell Uni-|80 vears. He leaves a wife and the |ry Freymeyer H R A irousof joinin I ti Five Gods or One?
. : 3 ' PPR ¥ : : orse an Away Y 1 Moll a y ,e , | SIFOUS d Ing can pay any ime Tied : . .
\ksgiving va- | following children, Wm., of Eliza- Mr. Harry Koser and family of a) | Clerk Fellenbaum then read the Zirin 4 in by { I'hat is the subject of the Krebs
3 ny 2 le ( 1 )
: A horse hitched to a bug and | wine resoluti hic : January. | 1.0 ; 2 Y Taaia
bethtown; Mrs. Wm. McGarvey of |Mt. Pleasant spent Saturday here 10v M | following esolution which wa Th : Soro ikis ' (lecture in Mount Joy Hall Friday
. : ™m : 5 . ’ a owned by Mr. Samuel Kraybill of | nase by he unanin : 4 ere is every indication that the! .vonine . . 3
rt of Furniss |Florin; Mrs. Ezra Troutwine, East|as guests of W, M. Hamilton and]. ay |passed by the unanimous vote of : evening, Dec. f Herewith are ap-
j : i East Donegal, ran away in town on|cguncil deposits next year will greatly ex pended a Jiri iviers. Bo
Mr. and Mrs. | Donegal, and Mrs. Joseph Allison, | family : ty ! ; | ] | , : pended a few clippings from papers
, . : : in Saturday. The animal fell on Mar-| ; a ’ NS init; .| ceed those of 1912. at places in hich Dr
Columbia. One brother, Nelson, of Mr. Milton Kern and lady friend : Resolved, That the Secretary of | at places ii which Di Krebs de-
ket street and later regained its a3 ' : ! nt livered this ¢ m L
: Councils be hereby directed and in-| livered this lecture The speak
feet and ran into the yard at Bube’s| (ote 1 to give notice for at leas Apples All Winter for themselves,
brewery where it was caught. The thirty days v weekly advertise i ( § ank still as ! Richmond, Va., March 12 1912
ohman spent | Hanover, York County, also sur-|of Landisville were Sunday visitors
nday at home [Vives. The funeral was held Mon-}at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
day at 1 o'clock at the house and | Booth. I . i
‘ > . y % 3 10rse sustained slight bruises and
tk of Rheems lift 2 o'clock at Cross Roads Meet Mr. John Carson of this place haf Bro] { ment
{ one sha was roken “13 : apples whic y c ne fre 'e aia “ :
! elt oken three in number, published in the : : A. papel One of the strongest
i til { : » 2 n lace address
Eliza | Borough of Mount J . 1 addresse
The Washington House Cafe
in newspapers, not exceeding |Parrels of choice Ne ‘ort ( Richmond's Young Men's Y. M., C
vith relatives |ing House." Interment in the ad-{and Miss Alice Klugh of Mt. Joy at
joining cemetery. tended the leap vear dance at of recent years
ition for the purpose of submitti Xenia, O Daily Republic Apr
; . ve . We printed a t E irculars for |, * Fortv-"
the family of Mrs. Andrew Wachstetter ss Sarah Shank of Lancaster 1.7 lot of circulars for ling guestio a los tf Forty-Two
J Mr. John B Gantz, who opened a : ($42 000)
Mrs. Andrew Wachstetter died at iss Mary Webb, Messrs. Clarence
Wood of Ver-| et ethtown on Thursday evening
E | , fine cafe at Mr. WN A Spickler’s
sole and Kath- | the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. ampbell \n Howard Arnts of : Pics
Washington House where he
Thanksgiving | G. L.eedom, near Schock’s Mills, onl Mount Joy were pleasantly enter-
i: : . . : i werything i season Mr
jetta. Friday morning at one o'clock from ned t dinner by Miss Rhoda : mn Si b
: : iy 3 ov : i {makes a specialt ) f catering | m
le of Elizabeth® {a complication of diseases at the age wwsh r home on Sunday J mak : eclaity « et Joy u ay, tl ochteenth d
of Mrs. Jno. E.|of seventy years and nineteen day:
| ap : ‘ 3 : » — ret GED eee . S . ) ® an
a Day. She is survived by her husband urs o é ( ) he
| 4 . . Vif s 1 : =
returned home | the following children: I 1ili] NS Shot a Wild Duck oc f se n ) a ( Meeting
ding a few days | R. Greiner of tl plac Mrs. J. G ‘he Fis National Bank Expects &o | On Friday Master Georze Groff, ang appr ag DA ‘wel Th § eting of the Hos
vtown Leedem of Schock’'s Mills; arry of Build Next Summer t3ed thirteen years, shot a wild [tv-Seven Th ind Dollars ($27 pite uxiliary wil held at the
der and daughter | Elizabethtown. Mrs. arry - - } due oY the Stauffer | ness 1000) tl ) t ¢ 1 home of Mrs Louisa Frank on
spent Thurs- ler of Oberlin anc Mrs arrie fter ussing the matter m the pumping sta orge 1 {the outst ling bonds is ler | Thursday afternoon, December 5th
friends. | Shreiner of Lancaster are sisters.|and con : he weekly board meet-|3CH'e sunner also shot three the four per cent. loan of 7 i, at three o’clock 2
ghman and fan i-{ The funeral was held on Monday | ing the directors of the First | abbits this season [ 1880, fa g due Sept , 1913, an t the same me ana piac the
with = Jacob Sou-|morning at Kraybill’'s church with | National Bank at their meeting SIRS ea SEE "fifteen Thousand ars 15,000) | 1 1
Rheems. {interment in the cemetery adjoin sterday took the second step to- Keller's Cattle Sale or so much thereof as may be neces- | 2 President ir x § frst quality. | This carload
B. Keller & Bro. on Friday,|garv for the erection and installa- "¢ m \ adies interested ! apples i he fine
t that has come
Mount Joy this fall If you want a
felter left yester- Ins. ward the erection of a new bank
8... ~~. building. First was the purchase of| Pc % Will sell at public sale 1€5 tion of a filter plant in connection |
re she is visiting
head Fresh Cows, Springers, Hol!-| with the water system of said Bor-|
hoice barrel Christmas come at
s quite ill. New Paper Carrier the excellent location and Tuesday's |
and Harry E.| Master Charles Garber has taken |action was the appointing of a com- |
1ksgiving Day at!the agency for the Harrisburg Tele- | mittee of three by President T. J.
once f YY W not last long
stein Heifers, Bulls and Cattle for|{oueh. and that this notice shall | Ptomaine Poisoning.
Beeves Among these will be an|eontain a statement of the amount Three cases of ptomaine poison- | Yours truly,
ir parents. graph. Master Charles DeLong, |Brown. The committee. consists of |¢Xtra good lot of Bulls I*.lof the last assessed valuation, .of|ing developed at Florin last Thurs- | H. S. NEWCOMER
penstein left ves- | who has been carrying the paper for|T. J. Brown, J. S. Carmany and ——se— the amount of the existing debt and {day an > are pleased to say that SEE he RE
pn, Ohio, where [some time, resigned on Saturday. Abram L. Nissley. Tts duties are Milk Goes up of the amount and percentage of the afflicted e recovered. Thty i Hens for Sale
: Fo make room for young sotck
future home. rr et rere to select plans for a new bank Farmers supplying milk to New [proposed increase, and the purpose re Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dukeman =
land of Elizabeth- building and present them to the| YOr'k are now receiving more
bst of Miss Catha- board. Definite action will be taken |they ever received since the Civil increased. is that the poison was contracted
ackenstoe of Ling-
: ty. § : : p we wi se jg . 3 yf >
! Gotmss than [for which said indebtedness is to be and his father. The presumption | $ ill sell eight or ten of our
Granted 2 Divorce vear-old white Orpington hens
At Court on Saturday Mary Det-
wiler of this place, was granted a
: ; fap : Far 2 ot Cg - r , ! (Kellerstrass and Cook strains
early in the Spring. War, $1.80 for a 40 quart can. Resolved: That a committee of |from cabbage eaten last Wednesday k ' strains)
Price $1.50 each. Some of them
now laying M. E. and R Hoffer,
Mt. Joy, Pa
— a ere
divorce from Joseph H. Detwiler on TT h- That milk retalls at 3 cents a|ipree ne appointed to see that ail
few days in town |, grounds of cruel treatment. Sold a Pair of Horses quary, legal requirements in the matter of Shooting Match Dec. 14
M. Backenstoe. Drm Messrs. W. H. Strickler and John SRE said loan, election and return On Saturday, Dec. 14, a grand
rsole and family Rollin. Mills 16 Resume W. McGinnis, of Mt. Joy, have re- Wanted at Once thereof are duly complied with. shooting match will be held at the :
t Manheim with toling AN Is to “res turned from New York, where they A bright young man to learn The following committee was] Farmers’ Inn, Geo. Morrett, “Get In Line”
: . pro-
: The rolling mills o fthe Penn Iron Sis : : "That je a Ht Shari
he trip by auto. Com il ume operations on |attended the horse show and. the printing. Good wages paid from |... anointed on the resolution: |Prietor, for a lot of turkeys and That is the title to the spacious
ompany will resume rations o : : and. tr : - rOTY OLR Yecke 30: v :
Jacob M. Schroll e Old Glory horse sslo. Mr. Strick- the start with an increase every |p go pijlinger, C. N. Mumma and | 2€ese Distance 30 yards and No.
advertisement of the Union Nation-
Monday, December 9, after a pro- S. ] / ;
Pll and family spent He hey . air p+ ied three months. Apply at the Bulle-|yy Tendall 8 shot. The match will be in charge
b longed suspension. ler sold a pair of * fine driving Wm. Tyndall. 1 « =e
: x 3 : <@ ; . Nie x er in this issne Re: js ,
lends at Manheim. horses wiich he had on exhibition tin office, East Main St. Mt. Joy Yt ihe Biifross slwns ile resolu: M J. H. Fogie of Columbia. 1 : : issne Read this ad over
3 > ses SIS HY = i Care ae i yi i
: J -ea = carefully as it will interest vou
I. D. Stehman spent at the show. % x ig g Vv tion relative to the loan, it becomes Further . i : and
t Harrisburg with Her Rare Pets The Sorrel Horse Hotel at Ldn- Fine china and cut glass at Don-|@ Urthermore this bank pays 3 and
aVeR’s 6-10 interest on deposits.
. a ——— “Yonanel’’ an be eo Counci ad-
Mrs. I. P rms Mrs. John W. Fisher of West caster has been sold to Andrew | Sospel id befor o ih 5
18.5: PF. Bowms Man journed he expressed himself in the
Man- on eel eee
S. Frank of Stevens affirmative
al Bank which appears elsewhere
g King’s Daunght€rs Meet. Gutfleisch, proprietor of the
ter, spent Th a tub in her kitchen. The King’s Daughters met at the|hattan Laundry. f mumps Cemetery Election
, al = anks- s home of Miss Erla Bear last even- —— > — Mr. Mumma, Chief of the Fire The Treasurer's repor: showed a The Henry Eberle Cemetery As-
Ek mother TS. 3 ing : : ; , department : swwervthine in p oe ; tise 'e :
i Excel Diari ; 1913 ing. Those present were Misses Double Green Trading stamps or |Department, reported everything in|hajance of $720.04 in the Bor-|sociation will hold a meeting and
xcelsior Diaries or 913 at]aq, Mishov : . . rst-class 1dition . : :
on SH 3 Sara Mishey, Elizabeth Barnhart, piano coupons given at I. D. Bene- [first-class condition ough account and $1,162.80 in the [election in the Friendship Fire Co.
z, Chagleg na . al] 4 Mae Zeller, Mary Detwiler, Martha man’s on Saturday. Mr. Hoffer of the Board of] Water account. building, Saturday evening next at
B. andl stationery, rist- fi ; Y ; : . "wo : : a
Ponaven’s 3 Stauffer, Miriam Engle and - Flor- pretties pee Health reported the measle epidem- A number of bills were paid and !7.30 All interested are invited to
> ence Reist. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin 'ic about terminated, and one case Council adjourned. attend
Donegal has two small alligators in