spr vh ap. JS eggs than § hens n’t del have eg ght alo & Poll all ab He ultry ive | kitchen jutely Pure baking Powder made 2i GrapeCream of Tartar Reeder, Chicago Ill Most well alse pc terns: every esses 1 in If yo oubt he wat 1at d bet his rin owner 1€T'¢ no pur + bet hether ble our pply. the ng wells 0 a w rilled aving where the be the sani- three will whatever to this, only. most fourths convenience The so called typhoid and called bilious malaria, that summer many cases are attacks or diarrhea and dysentary are very often due to contaminated drinking water, wells and cisterns, from water and water So many the drinking cooking purposes which used for is taken, back porch or feet of the 10 are often located in a room, or within a few kitchen door, or possibly within of styes and houses, such as When who or feet out pig stables. sick- ness prevails in families get from cisterns or they their water supply wells thus situated, are at a loss to understand it. visited a where present, Last summer I family the seemed to looking country sickness be up much in always and their surprised to find on water supply was very ef An Imported Chamois Complexion Gloth. To induce you to test the superior merits of SERINE TALGUM POWDER yeal druggist will hold can) at the reduced rate RSET ngoist about it. a SPECIAL SALE, (for this sale an Imported Chamois Complexion Cloth, worth 15 cents. offering you a regular 25 cent only) of 19 CENTS, and give RINE TALCUM POWDER, is a refined powder for refined people, the unanimous indorsement of mothers, nurses and j tary for the nursery and toilet. 1sed, and scientifically compounded. Ladies here is your opportunity to try it at reduced rate, besides ZOSsom. physicians. Refresh- Soothing and he dling. Only the best Delicately perfumed with sweet a liberal piece of Imported Chamois Complexion Cloth for your face. tured only by WILSON CHEMICAL COMPANY TYRONE, PA. For Sala By W. D. CHANDLER, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. AThe ‘New ‘Store nee taking charge of the finest lines of of the Yoblonovitz Shoe store I have added Men's, Women’s Children’s Shoes At From 98¢ t0'$2.48 to be found in this town. They com- prise the best there is in shoes and should be considered when you pur- chase that next pair of Shoes. All Kinds Repairing machinery I am to repairing on short and at right prices. Give me vour next job and let me show you. Having modern prepared do notice HARRY LASKEMITZ ain St., POPE OIPY are Always Prepared to serve rare Spring oe sas MOUNT JOY, PENNA It's A Cure That's Sure — -FOR- ». RHEUMATISM, GOUT, SCIATIC a SCIATICA, AND LUMBAGO We have cured Thousands with A and. THE BULLETIN, MOUN1 JOY, that it was obtained from a cistern located about 20 feet back of the loor. The well had a good curbing around It alright, but the ground for 6 or 8 feet away from the curbing sloped toward the well. This was due to the pump being defective, allowing the waste to form pudlles, in which a dozen or mo of ducks were having the of their lives Whenever a came or of the got at over these tht to say time rain children flowed whenever the one and the into the that the was given a good at fill out cistern back pump water well, It of puddles, drainel ri; back is needless the family ture, and the and yard Some head lec advised once to the of the up puddles, clean keep the ducks out visiting an the around time ago | was country the of course old acquaintance in and while snooping barn, was sanitary, of manure-pile, which appearances had added On the other barn-lot and to see, if everything well, found a which was a all to year on one side large from been much pig oc- had murder asked that replied by vear side a source of poison-—a The this for deadlier pen currel been thought well was located. to me that either friend designed My inspired particular that it doubtfully well, being select well, He of answered, or suicide, him to for a handy what spot listened criticism “Those was to a tirade of his and who are always afraid of diseases the them.” always get bit of his wife are ones who On he this cheerful op- timism had buried and two daughters, who had died be they his apparently ause were afraid of Nor is he a the U. 8S well rare excep- All nnumerable tion. over there are wells in similar loca tions. cold and root If the water very often taken as a p of purity It is cold and pleasant to drinl ut this evidence no that impurities are not oozing intp it from variou ource is commonly believed tionablly pure anl always 11 Most they indicated ques We fact that puri out earth that impurities from difficulty the neans have and nearby in forcing themselves into body of sub- terranean water, from which the to a An has been traced source built cess spring never by nature. over- sometimes little ance pool will of burdened innocent dist ye the cauce an spring, perhaps quite a its well parent. that water The and from The and best or supplies the a bored is purest well. should be enough drilled well on elevation deep to of proof.” Water if ever, dependable standpoint. There ways for it to become ed. If you are going to drill a well or dig a cistern this fall or winter, them on high from any an more strata “fool- pass through one Such a or rock. well is from a cistern is seldom, sanitary many from a are So contaminat- be sure to have ground anl possible source of pollution. Dear Doctor:— I have on the benefits to be electrical apparatus various kinds. T am confined in an office all lay and believe that is the cause of my lethargy and poor circula- tion. T thought the electric vibra- tor would be good for me to but would ask your advice first. Mrs. C. B given well protected a great deal derived from of been reading use, stimulation, electric vibrator, of the best sluggish circulation tivity of internal have no hesitancy in purchase a machine; that IT shall instructions as is without reatments and organs. [ advising and I glad to Vibratory by an doubt one for inac- the vou to to might add he write how it. All at at information vou use this all times pertaining of publication to to readers liberty write the all com- are for subject of health, Address Club, 5039 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago, Ill., with name and ad- dress in full and at least four cents in postage. rE EDs Wrong Medicine “Why are all these people flock- ing down to Hiram Hardopple’s barn?” asked the old farmer the hay wagon. ‘““He’s got a curiosity down thar,” chuckled the village constable. on \ \ Supervisors’ Convention Dec, 12 one has sald that good decrease profanity, dis- back tazes, sheriff sales, sour grapes and grouches, and that if anybody wants to know if road improvement is a good thing they should ask a horse, All these truths are clearly em- and as the country becomes Some roads will couragement, sorts of phaslzed more more road im- widespread. movement for provement But comparatively few people are know ‘‘the inside” machinery of legis- privileged to workings of the lat.on which help the farmer improvement, sterling ability the last session Harrisburg roads that Hon, Williamsport, the Super- at to ob- It is and his road of his invaluable tain because labors in legislature at earth of the for better Kalph Gibson, of has address County convention in the December been invited to visors of Lancaster their Lancaster 12. drafted a legal estab- Road Super every coming court house on Representative bill for the lishment County Gibson providing of Organizations county to in His plan to our present visor Pennsylvania, them School The provisions of the Gibson and it House of was similar Director make County Associa- tions. bill passed excellent, the Senate and the everybody through it to be just was needed to help bring good little bit but Gov- Tener vetoed bill. The said it necessary were most and what quicker the not roads a ernor Governor was form county hold discuss have supervisors organizations to road and con- and the Road the and study of why ventions Improve- Governor to about many problems Just there ment, learn the Supervisors it thought was less about roadmaking than Lancaster County will be a treat for everybody inter and ask of im hear for good road to of difficulties ested in questions the speaker, one in the road roblen lie the subject at will be side of the There speakers many address the be stated Representative convention It cannot at this Gil time whether the The o'clock: son wi speak in morning or afternoon session former ion starts at 9 the 2 o'clock 19 place. afternoon opening hour is Thursday, December at the the and court house day and = Teachers’ Institute for and Teachers’ Institute The districts local Flizabethtown West Joy of the boroughs, Donegal, Mount December Mount evening, Mount Joy townships, 7th, 1912, and held the Hall at On Friday Dr. SS. H. Schools of Mt. ( lecture Rapho will be in Joy December 6, Superintendent of Pa., de- “Hind Fore Dean, ‘armel, will liver a and "hought,”’ the is as follows. on will for also participate Saturday, and in program which 9A. M. Devotional Exercises, Grace Nix- dorf. The Ideal Dean, Responsibility with Reference of English Mabel Donovan. of Pupils, Walter in Teaching, Supt. S. H. the Elementary the the of Teacher to Preparation High School, Home Study Eshleman. The One Book Most Valuable to You in Teaching, Ruth dfcAllister. Recitation, Katie O. Miller The Psychology of Chas. I. Werntz, Nature [.iterature, Eckman for Punishment, in Bernice rr tll Ge Concert at Maytown Bible Class school, the give of will hall They uring The Lutheran Senior Sunday a concert in the band on have fine Thanksgiving fortunate of York and Philadelphia for occasion: Mr. J. M. Mr. J M. Snyder tenor; Mr. E. H. Mr. H. J. Moore sec Ethel Wantland E. H. Roth, The exercises evening. been in se( talent the Siller, First Tenor; second bass; Miss Mrs. Roth, first ‘ond bass; accompanist; reader, consist of inter- will solos, quartettes, duets, and esting readings. The affair promises to be one of the best of its kind that ever apppeared in Maytown and lovers are assured a fine treat. music BE New Wonder Porto Rico come wonderful new dis- Porto Rico's From far away of a PA. SUFFERED EVERYTHING For Fourteen Years. Restored To Health by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Elgin, Ill. —‘* After fourteen years of suffering everything from female com- plaints, I am at last restored to health, ‘1 employed the best doctors and even went to the hospital for treat. ment and was told there was no help for me. But while tak- ing Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound I began to improve and I continued its use until Iwas made well.” Mrs. HENRY LEISEBERG, 743 Adams St. Kearneysville, W. Va, — “I feel it my duty to write and say what Lyaia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done for me. I svffered from female weakness and at times felt so miserable I could hardly endure being on my feet. ““ After taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and following your special directions. my trouble is gone. Words fail to express my thankfulness. I recommend your medicine to all my friends.” — Mrs. G. B. WHITTINGTON, The above are only two of the thou. sands of grateful letters which are con- stantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which show clearly what great things Lydia E. Pinkham’s Ves et al Compound does for those who suffer from woman'’s ills. If you want Svein] adviee write to Lydia E. Pinkh Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Your letter will he opened, read answered by a woman and held strict confidences k 5h “ =) i Hy nerim X 1¢ i menting rT PiiAP STRICTLY ON New 1913 Cars Now Here Automobile Co. NEVER CLOSED | Lancaster GARAGE 230-238 W. King St. ASTER PENNA. Ihe largest and only strictly first fireproof garage and repair in Lancaster City of County. fass shop Dry Feet - You are sure of keeping your feet warm, dry and comfortable when you wear the famous Arctics We sell them EVERY PAIR GU \RANTE ED Also the Ever Reliable Freed Brothers Work Shoes For Men and Boys. gC J | COURT P MATION dJs, President and Hon. Aaron B, Hus? sler, Associate, Judges of the Court | fusing ty of Lancaster, and Assistant Justi ces of the Courts of Oyer and Termi- ner, and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and tor the County of Lancaster, have is sued their precept, to me directed requiring among other things to make proclamation thru aout my bailliwick, that a Court of Oy Ferminer and a General Jal a Court of the Genera jong of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Conrt House in the City of Lancas te in the Commonwealth of Penn svivania ON THE THIRD MONDAY NOVEMBER (THE 18th) 1912 In pursuance of which precept Pub ic Notice is hereby given to the May and Alderman of the City of Lan ter, in the said county, and all the stices of the Peace, the Corone; and Constables of said City and Coun v of ineaster, that they be ther ind there in their own proper per son with their rolls, records and ex- aminations, and inquisitions, and other rememberances, to do those things which to their officer appertain in their behalf to be done and also those will prosecute aguinst the prisoners who are or ther hall be in the jail of the said county of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecy against them as shall be just MILTON EBY, Sherift, mt public er and Del Quarter Sess ory IN th . Liner who Our Your Hens Laying? Feed For Eggs Don’t wait; start your birds at once by using any eof the ng Pratt's Regulator Egg Producer Rust’s Barker's Poultry Powder Kar-Prak Poultry oTnic National Poultry Powder Clover Brand for Poultry 3's Panacea assortment as out for A fine put these parties sale at = CHANDLER o Drugs Sunday Hours 8 to 9—5 to 6.45 p. 1 MAIN ST. MT. JOY, PA. WEST Cut Your Butter Bill HIGH-GRADE LUCK” USE JELKE “GOOD BUTTERINE \BSOLUTELY PURE Guaranteed Under Government spection For Sale on and After Friday, Oct. 11, ’12 AT § BLANK of Common Pleas In and for the Coun | \ WE. TS WE SAVER o YOU TWO PRO- FITS ON WOOL HORSE BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS, 18 THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO $10.50, FINES" STOCK LAP ROBES IN THE COUNTY, FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV. ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL STOCK OF VETERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL OF HARNESS ward Kreckel PA FTTH ITERATE ERIS IMME I RENEE 11 OTE KINDS re 1 LANCASTER, Tou-R-TST Half Price un The 3 Irunks at Great Bar gains Square GO TO W.B.BENDER East Main St, Mount Joy, Fa. FOR A GOOD SHAVE STYLISH HAIR-CUT REFRESHING SHAMPOO the Barber Line follow-* nything in CHRISTMAS TIME or Any Time Brownie Cameras picture making | has the samefascination for childrea up” and the little makes it all as simple aa | Picture taking and as for ‘“‘grown | Brownie A.B. C | Agent for Standard Steam Laundry. “YOU DONT weeo) J PILLS Gon vou negp C oA PARK & PD | OLLARDC \__ crown WING FEEL 104 2E. Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. REG {1A m AAI As NI ITED pECICAL €O., BOX 74, LANCASTER, PA. | RESTAURANT hotel where 1 serve in sei CYSTE FURTLE dining ison RS and CLAMS in any siyie SO I’, Ete. Et room for ladies Private J. VV. PROPRIETOR will live and er saw chick- * 1 you use the k& : Poll ard Gritless- : and Growing Feed ffect of the In this feed red. onderful r Book. rth to vou. We furnish it to you free. Brandt & Stehman MOUNT JOY, PENNA. McGinnis, | reports covery that is benefit the people. ham, of Barceloneta, King’s New Discovery is doing splendid work here. It cured me them. about five times of terrible coughs and colds, also my brother of a se- . vere cold in his chest and more than 20 others, who used it on my water ICE: NY QUANTITY at Very rate Charges. *t, fail to see us before plac- bur order this year. Stauffer & Bro. Mount Joy, Penna. LOG He OOePeeed NISTRATOR'S 'S NOTICE | of Joseph Welfly, late of egal Township, lancaster | Shaving Joseph B. Hershey ‘Tonsor ial Parlor | Bast Main St., MOUNT JOY Three Chairs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday. the Shoes Service pair, Lintuer and satis- Call and see the be in ladies beat. . every For can't faction believed will vastly Ramon T. Mare- writes “Dr. “That so? What kind of a JONES BREAK-UP AND IT WILL CURE YOU curiosity is it?” Always in stock at “Why, Hi’'s old red and white { 1 | h h Jersey cow. The other night the w. D. CHANDLER GO. 1d crriter had the colic and Hi DRUGGISTS AND APOTHECARIES went down with his lantern to give her a dose of cow medicine. Blam- West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Rt y ed if he didn’t make 3 mistake and _jyice. We hope this great medi- Sept. 4-3mo. give her a pint of gasoline. cine will yet be sold in every drug I BE 5G “Do tell! Don’t kill her, did it?” | store in Porto Rico.” For throat " id “Do tell! Didn't kill her. did jt?” | and lung troubles it has no oqnol Sir 2 : ial will since you of its Constipation] {funy effect. Now, instead of going A tris} will convince «For many years I was troubled, in spite of all so-cal'=d remedies I used. t last I found quick relief and cure | merit. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle | “Moo, moo!” like any other sensible in those mild, yet thorough and free. Guaranteed by S. B. Bern- , she goes ‘Honk, honk!” like} hart & Co them thar blamed auto- “5 EE . KING’ S record of having made more | speeches and said less than any er dim i pri enlie Pills |other candidate that ever went before the American people. Adolph Schingeck,’ Buffalo, N.Y. init ———— 25 CENTS PER BOTILEATALL DRUGCISTS. J | gy pecribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin | | i TRADE-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no fee. Send model, sketches or photos and brief description, for FREE SEARCH and report on patentability. 26 years experience Send 2-cent stamp for NEW BOOKLET, full of patent information. It will help you to fone D Dress Shoe I have the best CROSSETT. In a THE ES It 1n an 12 before applying for a EAD LP rite to-d D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St., Washington, D.C. Charles L.. Dierolf EAST MAIN ST. MT. JOY PA. 90600000000 W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law Letters Granted S West Sra tov. Ps Letters of administration were ‘$3 West Main Street, Mt. Jov, Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri ranted as follows: John S. Greiner * - Rapho, and Henry S. Greiner, of day at No. 2 North Duke Street Mt. Joy township, executors of Jos- eph F. Greiner, late of Rapho. Henry S. Rich, of Marietta, ad- ministrator of Mary Kearney. [ —_ rf lca im Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin BONE MEAL for Fertilizer Hafleigh & Co. Philadelphia of administration on said ing been granted to the ed, all persons indebted ' e requested to make im- | ayment, and those having | demands against the same | Int them without delay for | to the undersgned. t LILLIE WELFLY, | ty. Administratrix’| ES TY ; Ly: ME aoiicn | [PILES REE Sippocicr : Sold NCASTER, PA, . wend 5 a Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber aad W. Hiram Johnson made a national Price, 50 Cx» MARTIN RUDY, L . Samples Free. L. Chandler Call for tree sample. ° © & Co. Read the Bulletin