The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 13, 1912, Image 8
dis PAGE BIGHT, Wednesday ovember - ACOH 00 MISSOURI CURE FOR GAPES Disease Most Prevalent in Damp Weather, Caused by Worm in Chick's Windpipe. (By MRS. JOHN J. MOORE, Missourl) A most common disease among chickens and one which causes great Joss in the summer is gapes. This disease, which is most prevalent in cool, damp weather, is caused by worms, which get in the young chick's windpipe, causing it to gasp for breath and if not dislodged, shutting off its supply of air, Sometimes the worm can be twisted put with horsehair, but this is a severe remedy and other worms may take its place, The following is a preventative and will check the trouble at once: Obtain the leaves of the common woodworm, sometimes called Jerusa- Jem oak, a plant which grows wild in most places, having an erect shrub bery stem and small, yellowish flow- ers, Its leaves when crushed have an unpleasant odor and are used in the manufacture of vermifuge and to protect clothing and furniture from moths and other insects, Mash the leaves and mix in a small quantity with the chicken's feed or put in the drinking fountains. Or, after the seeds have ripened, they may be used instead of the leaves and a quantity gathered for future use, SIMPLE FEEDER FOR POULTRY Automatic Device, Shown in Illustra: tion, as Practical as More Ex- pensive Contrivances. Something Special IN THIS SPACE ext Week IE EDERN THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. e222 Double Stamps or Double Coupons on Saturday, Nov. 16 @§ : SPECIAL Special Double JAC (Green Trading Stamps or Double Piano Contest Coupon: (Given Saturday, Nov. 16 The Season's Newest and Best Suits, Hats a) Shoes and F urnishings Are Shown Here A ) We Invite All Men Interested in Men’s Fashions For Fall, 1912 To See The New Things. Don’t Think You Must Buy Because You Loo TORRES ER aEw Are New Fall Shoes Are Splendid They Are of Quality That Will Make Many New Friends For Our Shoes $2.50, §3, $3.50, $4, $4.50, $5 buying. SHIRTS SHIRTS Dy T An Excellent Line of New Shirts, 50c to $2.00 UNDERWEAR We are now ready with all kinds of Winter Underwear for Men. m ERR EEE EERE ER EE ee An automatic feeder for poultry, sim- ple in design, yet apparently as prac- tical as similar devices of more com- | plicated and expensive design, is | shown in the illustration. The feeder, which is hung from any convenient | support, comprises a grain container provided with a discharge opening at | OL 100 OOOO OOO NL "TRUE VALUES full worth from our point of view means not only for of merit that is worth Values, money, but an article We were never more anxious than STYLISH FALL HATS IN MANY STYLES AND SHADES your your we are right true when so many goods of questionable merit By the public under the guise of Bargains. We are sure our goods and prices will prove to you they are true values, values, as we give you Quality. We want Our hat styles are correct. Qualities h you patronage. We are appealing for preference—but we want it on merit. few of our of 12¢ Outings, of Outings, of price on these your p very best to be had at each and every price. values: best Sc. 10c¢. Just a special One case style, both light and dark at 10c. 10c 12¢ One case One The merit Men's this line. case Cheviots, goods are low use we could buy this quanti- price. $2.5 ty at I. D. Beneman’s Depart. Store The Store That Pleases and Dress buying of Work the $2.25. at $2.00, Farm, Moulders’ but Quality 30 Shoes at Shoes in Same styles we advise the test the quality better grade, as they are cheapest. stands 20c¢. The finest in all the shade Colored Poplins, Ask One |! 25¢ card. Woolen Mat eric for sample and ils for Dress |! Opp. Union National Bank. Mount Joy,~ Pensa Automatic Feeder. hiefs bar Handker« erson ; a scoop pivoted under- opening, and a pendulum- ment with a ball at its kens peck at this ball, gz the pendulum to swing, s the scoop and allows a amount of grain to fall to the Stamps or Double Coron on Saturday, Nov. 16 7 New] Silveroi Spoons, 10e. ed 293g Double ve Se Three Silveroid Desert Spoons, Three Six Silveroid Table Spoons SALE | thus ¢ which certain ground. DOGS OF 01D ARE PRESERVED ASS IGNEES’ OF Valuable Real On Saturday, Nov. Soaps, 2 Tumb Patt any 5¢ Initial Journal pieces 10¢c Thin Ladies’ Home Embroidery Book. Stamps given and spent and Six South Kensington Museum in England Contains Many Specimens of Canine. Estate 30, 1912 reon erect- Scratching Beds. it is possible, do not keep laying or raise young chicks without very necessary article, even on Place your coops for the little ones near some shady place and there scatter coarse strawy manure about three inches deep, then keep It moist at the bottom, if there is no rain, and watch the little fellows go down after the angleworms that flourish at the bottom, and you will see your chicks flourish also. The currant brush is a good place. with all pur It = hens this the farm. necker plant her's London.—The rush to Europe season is at hand, and visiting Americans and others fond of all the animals and birds on earth are advised to vigit the South Kensington museum, which is the natural history branch of the Brite ish museum, London. The Kensington, building is an enormous place and only a two penny fare from Charing Cross BN eu the center of the metropo- lis. The collection of everything with legs and wings is nothing short of won« derful. In an ordinary zoological lection many of the most interesting creatures are asleep or otherwis hind the scenes. At South ton, however, every dead bird is very much “alive,” Homestead rockers free I ELAR EPI Tw S. B. Bernhart & Co. East Main Street, Mount Joy At 10 o’clc signed Winfield L. sell on the pi § vo-storv gal Townshijy he foll ing describ 304g ¥ bank I 1, corn ed real Adjoi and Sati 3 nt family made th 99 acres ust ave York St CONS RAMBOS, BEI KINGS, stone crib Krall 8 Coatesvil M Hostetter, others. ies and There lime col- % 8 i : ’ r Nn ge Sagres : Harry e bet eisev. Jacob Inne purpart No. Kensing- ~ Railroad. beast and and and one can y aunt, kilns au The nainir livided thirds interest in purpart N be fe red r the own thereof time. on two- 0. 9 will Allen Manhe ‘urniture Hall Racks Desks Tables, Davenport that 18 f bv T'S : oO ) ers N same sO) guests M Irrors Rockers — SEN kitchen othe and and C frame bank barn anc Adjoining Nos. 1 vlvania R¢ Her Her will ickley. property, ) ye Forte t several grandpa - Dieter. . Sload anc spent Sle One of the best ways to start is to get six hens, and grow. To successfully preserve eggs, per- fectly fresh ones must be selected. Remember that it is the profit per that counts, not the profit per : _ . 5 Picture Frames Ladies I'mple- Cone Mount other the | 10¢ i) H. S. Tobacco As- MOU vilroad farming ments, Stone ers, E pment Limestone ahove Stone and ad- No. 90 Extension & Other acres land, of of limestone No. 2, the Pennsyl lands of M: levators, o s and tion of ated on Lath, rches purpart pe equ opera joining vania Railroad Herr, B. H. Greider and others located partly in the village The buildings - thereon erected consist of a two-story stone house, frame bank barn and neces- outbuilding.s Purpart No. 3 will be study its form and peculiarities with a whole and part much detall and continued charm. | separate lots as laid out and All dogs are named and their breeds pereqd Winfield T. Heisey ing, owner and records given forth in draft of which is on file in the fie-| FIED lettering stuffing animals’ skins corder’s Office at laneasier, Pa. | with tow is over. The model of the The lots to be offerd being Nos. | body is now made of plaster and the On tracts Nos. 2 and 3 there are | skin 1s fitted on to the prepared bloclf | Valuable limestone quarries and | of the proportions of the living dog. lime kilns, with rofliosd Signe pi Already there is noticeable a consid SS alk He mala line of te y, offered the equal updivided two- erable change of type, an evolutio No. i A triangular lot in the] thirds interest of the undersigned | that can hardly be carried in th | village of Rheems, fronting 60 feet|in purpart No. 9. | mind's eye among the doge of quite g inches on the west side of Broad B. I recent times. street, and extending in depth ta! H : : e———e——— | Trolley Avenue, on which it has al - La frontage of 205 feet. J ee ee No. 5. A triangular lot" in the villag& of Rheems, fronting on the | 000000000000 00000000000600 Lancaster and Harrisburg ‘turn- WAN pike 90 feet, and adjoining the’ A reliable woman Elizabethtown and Florin Street Railway and the property formerly for cooking and general house work. known as the Canning Factory. Address Zz" ~~ * Kitchen Cabinets ben il 10CK, ik is an excellent food for grow- ing chicks and, in fact, for any class of fowls, It does not require much hard work to keep a flock in good condition in the summer, The simplest form of intestinal die- order to which chickens are subject is | ordinary diarrhea. Better that the chicks roost in the trees than that they be confined in a vermin-ridden building. | There can be no question that a lot | of fowls die yearly from no other | cause than a lack of food. The reputation of giving a square deal to every customer Is as necessary | as that of breeding birds of good qual- | | ity. Skim-milk is not a dear commodity In the poultry yard when {its bene- ficla! effects upon the stock are con- sldered. lody lice v!lIl worry a flock to r so nearly so as to destroy | These can be killed, “ . ~ China Closets, . of Mrs, ngrich, a Campbell nday even ’ week at Atg atives. Wentz and sor rg spent from with Mrs. Wen w. D. Chandler. hd Mrs H. Tr Mr. and Mrs. Wi hgal made a pleasa ghington House OI Frederick Sheaffer ters Annie and Ar "and daughter Ro lay as the guests of Fred Sheaffer. Harness, ete., ete. imence at 10 o’clock ! a. m., on SATURDAY, NOV. 30, 1912, when terms and conditions! ~] { will be made known by EMAN V ® bestos hing 1n the Furniture Line Sto Undertaking and Embaliming H.C. BRUNNIR MOUNT JIOY. PENNA J Y KLINE All Kinds Concrete Work BUILDING BLOCKS All Styles and Colors to con theems |Anclent Egyptian Greyhound or Ze lughl. sary JOHN W. ESHL M. R. HOFFMAN | Assignees for the benefit of | creditors of Winfield L. Heisey and | al wife. i as | | thereof in | num- | offered also a by CHAS. H. ZELLER, W. U. HENSEL, W. F. BEYER, JOHN E. SNYDER, S. R. ZIMMERMAN, Attys ALSO At the same time and place will Auct. S HEISEY, —————— HEISEY yo Frar Mrs. and two chi Dover, York Co, V Mrs. H. J. Stambaugl The trip was made Cunningh: Mrs. J. and , and Mr. [) ’ hbaugh Porches, Columns and Banisters Porto Rico's New Wonder From far away Porto Rico come reports of a wonderful new dis- covery that is believed will vastly benefit the people. Ramon T. Marec- ham, of Barceloneta, writes “Dr. King’s New Discovery is doing splendid work here. It cured me about five times of terrible coughs and colds, also my brother of a se- vere cold in his chest and more than 20 others, who used it on my advice. We hope this great medi- cine will yet be sold in every drug store in Porto Rico.” For throat and lung troubles it has no equal. A trial will convince you of its nee Door and Window Sills and | se... Lintles, Chimneys, Etc. Only a Fire Hero crowd cheered, as, with burned hands, he held up a small round box, “Fellows,” he shouted, “this Bucklen’'s Arnica Salve I hold, has everything beat for burns.” Right, also for boils, ul- cers, sores, pimples, eczema, cuts sprains, bruises. It subdues in- flammation, kills pain. Only 25¢ Frids At Far They years. colts and ones shot sale. Sale m., ter I iL ie No. 6. A small tract of land, containing 125 perches, adjoining purpart No. 1 on the north, and the Pennsylvania Railroad. On which is located a valuable spring of pure water. No. 7. A lot of ground in the village of Rheems, containing on Heisey Avenue 138.5 feet, thence along land of D. Brinser, 173 feet to Trolley Avenue. thence along gr. Haman ce Heilman, Mr. Harry 4 son John, Mr. Claren alt, Mr. Paris Shelly, M pan and Simon S ed the excugsion bh Sunday. t Retailer of the Best € I Grades of Cement 4906000000000 0 FIL.O XII IN. PEININA Advertise In The Bulletin at S. B. Bernhart & Co's. m—— A Wi —— merit. free. hart & Advertize in the Mt. Joy Bulletin Guaranteed by 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle S. B. Bern- J Co v Lock Box 15 Mj *0 000 Trolley Avenue 143 feet to Camer- on street, and along the east sige of Cameron street 142 feet. more Joy »