The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 13, 1912, Image 6
PAGE SIX THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY. PA Wednesdaff November 1 POULTRY PRIZES Steuben Farm, 4 hen Pe Usados APs fr trr i frmaslif ron coli roel) franc fon Rose Comb Brown Leghorn Hope & Som, 1 cocki 1 hen The New Winter Fashion Number of the Pictorial Review Fashion Book is Ready Those Awarded by the Lan. caster Co. Fair Ass. | Single Comb White Leghorns \ eonard . Waller, 4 hen; 3, Barred Rocks Ca oultsy. Yara “abl 9 4 AN : ' { . le he Y : ‘ cocks el } pullet a : el : B } ! ' lope & So 4 COCK } ) n * y on : Rose Comb White Leghorns el Jacol berly ulle Hope & Son, 1, 2 cock; 1 her cockerel; 1 pullet White Plymouth Rocks ingle. O b Buff 1 Horn ene ‘6 v9 . . Pine - Grove Poultrs ‘rh Single omb Bu Leg or 8 : 1 T Th P woes, hens rockon 2, | Lovin arrange & Sony 3 tock These Magnificient Coats Will Set the Town “Crazy” at This Price let , « hen cockerel 2 pulle PU chiand Farms i CO 8 Ralph K. Osmond, 2 cockerel } ken; 1 cockerel; 1 pullet yen, pulet BW : tel 9 ° - o ert, 4 y pulle Tes By | t's Not a Mistake. We Know They Are Wort al n ouglas, < } co : He 3 . ] Ren o cockerel: 1 pullet Rose Comb Buff Leghorn ! H. K. Forney, | } pulle Hope & Son, 1 cock: 1 hen 1 . : : : : A Re hot tr ucnerel. | cotkerel:. 1 pullet The greatest yet, you never saw such values in your life; whether you are interested in Coats or not, and every woman is at the prd Hope & Son, 1 ock; 4 hen; 3 4 gt ki _ " . . . . a . . dockorcl: 4 Bolle: I veh. 3 Siver Duckling Leghom ent time— come and see them anyhow. These are stunning coats for Fall and Winter, in many distinctly stylish models, which embody t ed, © Partridge PP archi hen . . . . H Eh Piya fo Re diet | “Steuben Farm, 3 hen: 2 pullet very newest effects; full length, swagger cut; long revers, inlaid with planne velvet, turn-back cuffs and patch pockets all edges bound wi . Kissel. 2 coc 35 at: Hope & Son, 1 hen; 1 cockerel; . . . . £. Js B. Riusel, 2 rock, 48 ullet, 11 puller. silk braid. Made of fine quality Boucle, the season’s favored fabric, in blue and black, brown and black, and gray and black. These coa . pullet S. (. Black Leghorns . ’ : stock Ro & Son. 4 pultet Users Clack Joghiorss sever. were made to sell at $15.00; they're a particularly good value at $9,98. | Silver Laced Wyandotts 1 1 Jpullet. ih ’ ’ ’ ’ J. C. Kreiner, 1 cock: 3 hen Lv 4. © Reeiner, | cock; 3 Len, WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ VERY WOMEN’S AND MISSES’ $18.50 12 a8 Hope & Sen, 2 A Souk; 1, 2 ag | Hope & Sols 1 o 201 2 py ; oy en SMART $10.00 TOP COATS AT... . TOP COATS; GREAT VALUES La 5 D » >a cockerel; , « pullet; sy #4 pen, . : yy ’ Steuben Farm, 3 cock; 4 hen, jon 3 pullet. Aremarkable offering of some very stylish models; they're Handsome, new models; made of the newest textures, in fine, on t Pa Golden Laced Wyandotts | 8. C. Black Minorca made of fine mannish mixtures and diagonals; with large revers mannish English mixtures, diagonals and two toned effects; full Geo. W. Cave, 2 cockerel; 1, 3; 0 John w i 2 hen; 1, and colars inlaid with broadcloth, in contrasting colors; turn- length models; with large revers, inlaid with velvet and notch 1 | & ‘ocKerel. o ak, plist & Son, 2, 3 cock; 2, 3 hen;| Steuben Farm, 1 hen. back cuffs and patch pockets; full length models. collars; turn back cuffs, velvet inlaid, and patch pockets. An ex- ar are 1, 3 cockerel; 2 pullet. S. (. White Minorca traordinary offering. Steuben Farm, 1 cock; 1 hen. | Hope & Son, 1 cock; 1 hen ’ White Wyandotts | Steuben Farm, 2 hen FINE QUALITY CHINCHILLA $22.50 TOP COATS, OF 4 8 Let DONOVAN'S Do It Harry W. Souder, 3, 4 cockerel; | Anconas [ TOP COATS, WORTH $15.00 BA Ins y FINEST NOVELTY COATINGS Ww C F 2, 3, 5 pullet, | Hope & Son, 3 cock. Them Yt Ans. ovis Soni ove 5 Anas sre’s €e pa our Lar rar ] Earnest R. A. Letzan, 3 cock; 2, Steuben Farm, 4 cock; 1 hen; 2 These Coats are extraordinary at the price; there’ not an Misses’ and Women’s Coats, of the prettiest novelty coatings, payy ] S 3 hen: 2 cockerel; 4 pullet. cockerel; 2 pullet. other store that oan equal this wonderful garment, Made of fine in blue and brown, blue and black, gray and black, and brown from your home town ¢ . Howard H. Strickler, 2 cock Mountain Orchard Poultry Yards quality Chinchilla, in brown, light and dark gray; full length and black; graceful, full length models, of patch cut, belted back, anywhere TE i wiTH Sam’'l G. Weaver, 5 cock; 5 cock- 2 cock; 2 hen; 1, 3 cockerel; 1 a]: sa utif , ade 7 nish erel, Yor oll. models: beaunitally mede ‘and finished , large revers; turn back cuffs and large patch pockets. C La ’ ounty, to Lancester and Mrs. I. Tarbet, 1 cock; 1 hen; 1 eockerel; 1 pullet. White Dorkings “hase 8 -y ; cockierel: I punet. | OF $25.00 TOP COATS, AT of which amount to £10 Buff Wyandotts | Steuben Farm, 1 cock; 1 hen. | Stylish models, made of fine, soft double faced. Blanket Cloth, Some of the very handsomest models shown this season. Tail- or more Hope & Son, 2 cock: 1 hen; 2 Silver Gray Dorking ’ : fr cockerel; 2, 3 pullet: 1 pen. | Hope & Son, 1 cockerel; 1 pul-| front fastening in military fashion, with convertible collar; turn- blue and black, and brown and black; built on straight lines; We urge you to take a el; 1 pullet. | Steuben Farms, 1 cock | 9 acl n . Hope & Son, 1, 2 cock; 1 cock-| : : \/ Black Wyandotts rel, '$ CLASSY BLACK SERGE BEAUTIFUL $20 BLACK offer; remember this | A Hope & Son, 1 hen; 2 pullet. ‘ f COATS; WORTH $17.50 Ta a » BROADCLOTH COATS.............. " agent for C Hoke & n, 1, 2 cock; 1 cock=-i A 8 ' | rid 8 & Son, Ji | Swagger, full length models, of fine black serge; also, broad- Made of fine imported black broadcloth, with large revers and ts 7 | : : ‘ veh . teed die . olla Sneed y ai -q ilk brai: f SO a ¥ agents for cloth: handsomely tailored and finished; semi fitting back, man- collar; beautifully braided with silk brai; full length models and ut of T 3 mates Quick 0 own Folks _ | | Hope & Son, 4 cock; 4 hen. ENGLISH CLASS " $17.50 TOP COATS, OF 0 1 A VERY RARE OFFERING back again, on purchases Jacob Eberly, 5 hen. | Hope & Son, 2 cock; 2, 3 hen; 1 BEAUTIFUL BLANKET CLOTH... u J. C. Krei 3 cock; 3 he : reinas cock; 3 hen. [ full length models, in distinct, pu-to-date styles; straight back; ored of fine Boucle Chevron; two toned effects, in black and gray, E. J. Chandler, 2 hen: 1 cocker-|let. ! back cuffs and large patch pockets, with loose hanging back; large revers; finely finished. . : : Colored Dorking advantage of this liberald Soni : Red Cap 6 3 Steuben Farm, 1 cockerel: 1 pul- The Ideal Store For : so Siding, | lined with best guarenteed black or grey satin. lined with best guaranteed black satin. elephon let Silver Penciled Wyandotts Single Comb Buff Orpington J. C. Kreiner, 1 cock; 2 hen. | C. F. Winters, 2 cockerel; 2 pul-| nish notch collar; Hope & Son, 2 cock; 1 hen; 1, 2 let | eockerel; 1, 2 pullet: 1 pen. Mountain Orchard Poultry Yards | | Columbus Wyandotts 2, 3 cock: 3, 4 hen; 3 cockerel; 4; J. C. Kreiner, 2 hen, { pullet; 2 pen. Hope & Son, 1 cock: 1 hen: 2 J. U. Bruckit & Son, 1 cockerel; | cockerel: 1 pen | 2 pullet E. J. Chandler, 2 cock: 3 hen: 1/| B. J. Griselman, 1 cock; 2 hen; eockerel;: 1 pullet 1 4 cockerel: 3 pullet; 1 pen Partridge Wyandotts | Single Comb Black Orpington Our Fall Howard H. Strickler, 5 cock; > 3 Hoke & Son, 2 cock; 2, 3 hen; 1 . : : 2 hen. | cockerel; 2, 4 pullet: 1 pen, J. C. Kreiner, 4 k: 3 hen. | Pine Rose Poultry Farm, 1 cock: | 6 0 6 an QM nis men yl Hope & 0 0 wk: 5 hen: 1/1 hen } cockerel: 1 nn 11let. ) LO! | olson eockerel Steuben Farm > cockerel; 3 ~ ~ . Steuben Farm, 2 cocl ’ nn ullet | was debug chi | ah Never before has Lancaster seen such extraordinary values or such a mammoth stock of Millinery. 1 Single Comb White Orpington en si : Rows of Tables were piled high, with the daintiest and most stylish hats, all embodying the very latest fashion ic Mottled Javas . 8, 1, Brackit & Son, 2 eonk; 1, 3 This purchase was so immense that it was impossible to show the entire shipment during ti e opening days of this great pe & Son, 1 cock; 1, 2 hen; n, : D Ie Ty 1 or 1 {reine i, 2 corl 1 hen } cockerel } pullet 5 O A ding : | § 9 & 2 | Rose Comb Rhode Island Red He BO CL Olrinaston 4 SK. Meckley, 3 cock: 3, 4 hen:| Rose Comb White Orpington i ting to about 1-3 of the original h hich for we f j 2, 3 cockere N B: 3. Onsndles, 1 coon of We have reserved a big assortment amounting to about 1-3 of the original purchase which for want of space could not be d Isnola Poultrs ) 9 1 pull J ken: 1 cockerel: 1 pullet POLISH § first day of the sale. Anesly N \nder 1, cock; , reste lack Polisl . . ¢ n c . . ( 3 1 re i an gg 4 i In this sale are Hats of all kinds and quality; from .$1 felts, which we are selling at 49c¢., to the finest seal iach 2 hen. iner, 2 cock: 2 hen Paris. eta About 1-2 Regular Sing rle Comb Rhode Island Red cockerel , 2 pullet os 3 ® a poflet, Also Remember All flats Are Trimmed FREE. These included some of the “classiest” Hats. Some of them copies of recent importations, just EET, BY sani 3 Everything Averages / COCK ; cock: 1 I Qon 2 COC 1 2 hen i A ! ? i “ an i Minas. —— cme Light Br: ahma: 1s Toit WET pte OV RRCOATS--The Donovan Special oy . . Bearded White Polis] » . i ’ : a ha ¢ ES xia Pin A 4 AA N ay Pot? v ls ‘ 3 | : ’ Ch hor : wie 00 del--Overcoat and Save $5.00. A wide range of styles; Overcoats for young men; middle-aged men, fat men, thin men, all included in the DONOV. The “Donovan Special” at $15.00 is without a rival in America. It is a coat sold in every good clothing stor good value even at that figure. At $15.00 it is a clothing marvel, and to buy one at this price is like exchanging three five-dollar bills for “tw Non Bearded White Polish . 3 4 ; . : '¢ Son, 1, 2 cock: 2, 3 hen have frequently commented on it, and the other stores in town claim that we are “cutting the life” out o Hoke & Son, 1, White Cochins OS i lauRl = NEE manufacturers J. C. Kreiner, 2 hen. ; > g i p Hope & Son, 1 cock Steuben Farms, 1 hen ness, or, in other words, selling merchandise too cheap. cockerel; 1, 2 pullet. DUTCH Black Cochins Golden Spangled Hambur2s Any ma Hope & Son, 1 cock: 1, 2 her 1 Hoke & Son, 1, 2 cock: 1, 3 hen 1 2 cock: 1 pullet. 1, 6 cockerel; 1 pullet. . . . : Steuben Farm, 3 hen "Hyde Vill Poultry Yds., 2 cock; The season’s most authoritative models; some with patch pockets, belt or box back; also, some semi-shaped bac 12, 4 hen; 1, 2 cockerel; 2 pullet. Black Langshang | Hoke & Son, 1, 3 cock; 1 hen; 4] Hope & Som, 1 cock; 2 hen; 1,}.,.xerel: 1 pullet; 1 pen. a2 5 3 cockerel; 1, 3 pullet; 1 pen Bavmond Heuld. 3 hen. 3 5 2 : S , Steuben Farm. ¢ eck: "3 Ben: Lonchorals 5. 4 wali Jade «The House of Kuppenheimer,” Chicago, is represented in Lancaster by this store only. Their products are the tocxere.;, = pulet. | Steuben Farm, 4 cock; 5 hen. Si . . ; White Langshang | Gollen Penciled Humbmgs | in America, and are worn by men who demand authoritative style, beauty of fabric and satisfactory service $15.00 J. C. Kreiner, 3 cock. | Hope & Son, 1, 2 cock; 1 2 hen; | Hope & Son, 1 cock; 2 hen; #12 cockerel: 1, 2 pullet. | THE FAMOUS “STYLE CLOTHES” for Young Men; are the finest and most perfect clothes pullet. Steuben Farm, 3 cock; 1 cock-| : We have a board variety of smart, snappy models, at ths most popular price $10.00 n who buys one of these Overcoats will come back again, that is why we use this method of advertising fabrics, in the very newest shades and black; finished in a high-class custom manner; $15.00. Steuben Farm, 2 cock; 1 hen; 1| erel cockerel: 1 pullet. ! By x TRAN Silver Penciled Hamburgs { young men. MEDITERRANEAN | Hope & Son, 1. 2 cock: 1. 2 hen: White Faced Slack Spanish { 1, 2 cockerel; 1, 2 pullet. J. C. Kreiner, 1 hen. | Steuben Farm, 3 cock; 1 cocker-| | | | 2| > Hope & Son, 1 cock; 2 hen; 1 | Next Week's O 3 cockerel; 1, 3 pullet. : Silver Penciled Hamburgs Steuben Farm, 2 cockerel; 2 pul-| Hope & Son, 1, 2 cock: 1, ; Cl 5 1 b R | let. | hen; 1, 2 cockerel; 1, 2 pullet. r W 1 ea e( Blue Andalusian { J. C. Kreiner, 3 cockerel. | a i : 2 hen. Steuben Farm, 3 hen. \ cd i’ Hundreds of to J. C. Kreiner, 1 socks 8, | H & Son, 1 n; 2 cockere J 1 Pont ® will be put on sale, at heard of, at this time Singles Gogh Brown; Laghotn. | ztope 0 Hypimree Successor to Foster & Cochran a R. 8. Gooh, 2 cock; 1 cockerel; 1 2 cockerel: 1, 2 pullet; 1 pen. home. Surdl | 2 putiet, Cooke. 2-3 “hens 1 pul-| ’ Steuben Farm, 1 cock: 1 hen. | 32-38 East King iStreet, Lancaster, Penna. thea =xtrag | | | White Hamburgs | Hope & Son, 1, 2 cock; 1, 2 hen: Steuben Farm, 2 cock; 1 ock-11, 2 cockerel; 1 pullet. : | erel; 2 pullet. p Black Hamburgs 2 let. FRENCH Hope & Son, 1 cock; 1 hen; 2 Mottled Houdans wenfiprrarafiprens (Continued on page 7) eockerel; 3 Dpullet. :