Wednesday, November 13th, 1912, THE BULLETIN, MCUNT 3 crm, AK TREES PEALED E FIVE JOY, PA. Vo 1 IW I IN 1 | Fine Elms in New York Endane| oo gered by Caterpillars. | a | — | | More Spraying Is Needed but There | Bema BLL Is Word] 2 Attractive She of Women's & Misses Goats & Suits BIG FREE DEMONSTRATION GOLDEN SUN COFFEE ome! Bring Your Friends TO OUR STORE Saturday, Nov. |6 M. S. BOWMAN East Main Street, ofoofeofocforforioaforferfe Advertise In The Bulletin Mount Joy, Pa. oofeofoofoofecfeofe eoderiorfocorforfecfoofesfociacfocforfosferferts SALE REGISTER EVERY POCKETBOOK WILL | ————— WELCOME THE NEWS L A Notice in This List is Read by Sev that our big Reduction Sale is now | eral Thousand People Weekly on. For now, with our prices cut| ———— to a fraction of the former size, each) Following is a list of sales for dollar will GO FURTHER—bring| which posters have been printed or you much more REAL SHOE, lelse are advertised in this paper. VALUE. And of this be assured— | These notices are given FREE until | offer, regardless of! day of sale. Friday, every shoe we the e*-emely low price, is genuine-| ly good. None but serviceable,|D- m. on the honestly made as well as stylish lickdale, Lebanon Co. Pa., a zLues are sold by us. {of 110 acres Nov. 29. 1912 At 2.30 | > premises, mile west farm with y Rutter, agent for the JU g G&G. KEENER Mount Joy, Pa. > —— | GIRL RESISTS HEAVY BOLT | Young Woman Unconscious Several | | Days, but Lives After Shock | That Melted Steel. in Street, 010 OP Baltimore, Md.—Medical | are interested in the peculiar case of Josephing Jones, sixteen years old, { who is slowly recovering at St. | Agnes’ hospital from a | stroke. one of the most interesting features HAVE YOU TRIED MAGIC EENER uill youtry thetrial size system. to pain. There was no muscular paralysis, but the nervous system was numbed. On making am investigation I found that the depression made in the sidewalk where she was struck measured two feet in diameter and fifteen inches in depth. A tremendous impact caused the sinking of the earth, While in Europe, several years ago, I searched for unusual electrical cases, but this one is the most marvel. ous I have ever known. The body resistance of the young woman is what saved her life. “The bolt melted her necklace and the steel rod of the umbrella she was carrying. The girl was burned the entire length of her left side, the wounds have not healed and may re- quire a skin grafting operation.” Public Sale! OF Real Lstate: Will bes_.d atk Nov. at your house today ere is nothing to equal it LEANING CLOTHING ir Spots, Cleaning Colors ER) OO os HE [74 BR or Ladies’ Coats or house cleéning and if slean the woodwork or 88 vee the furniture use a Public Saleon 29, i912 iises, the ize I left yod so that - friday, onvinced that there hing better, a 2 ““Gobin of Lick- the road SV ouse Cleaning il any quantity you want ry reasonable figure. 110 HN of less, d Railroaa mill, creamery, if J good buildings and rtile soil, nice lay of land and surroundings. Lickdale is 11 miles north of Lebanon on the Pine grove and Tre- mont Railroad. Trains leave Leb- leave ER 1 anon at R:05 and 1:50, and Lickdale at 4 P. M_ and 6 P. M. Full furnished by the arrangements made for a convenient inspection of the farm. Conditions Will Be Made Known By J. L. RUTTER The particulars will be promptly undersigned on re- quest and Agent Foi Owner. ust ( Bldg. , Farmers Tr oth Phones. J) 829 Cunferiand St. L.ebanoy, Pa. | | | improvements by | owner. | scientists lightning | Dr. Pierce Wilson says that | of the case is the fact that for several | days following the accident the girl was In a state of anesthesia caused | by the terrific shock on the nervous | “For some days she was insensible Not Enough City Money to do This Thoroughly, Says Com- missioner Storer, New York.—Visitors park within the last few days, and those who walk along the Fifth ave- nue side of the park, have been ap- | palled at the destruction done to the | fine elm trees by thousands of cater. | pillars, remarks a writer in the New York Tribune. They are the tussock moths, long known among landscape gardeners as one of the most persis. tent and destructive insects with | which they have to deal, Within the limits of Central park they seem to have sprung into life in unusually large numbers this year. Charles Downing Lay, the landscape architect of the park, said recently that in a recent trip through the parks of Brooklyn and the Bronx he saw come paratively few of them. BE. S. Avery, who lives at the Metro- politan club, and several other lovers of New York's flne trees, have called attention to this unfortunate state of affairs, and have not hesitated to say that unless the deadly moth situation fs taken in hand quickly and forcibly Central park and other sections of Manhattan island which possess hand. ! some trees will see many of the best specimens degenerated to decaying stumps before the approach of anoth er spring. Landscape architects and authori- ties on trees who were asked yester- day if it were too late in the season to do anything to counteract the de- | structive effects of these pests sald | on the contrary that this was the time | to get to work, As soon as the cater. | pillars emerge from their cocoons, which they are now doing by the | thousands, they start upward for the i green leaves, upon which they feed, and then return to the trunk to lay thelr eggs within the bark. If the trees are well sprayed with arsenate of lead mixture they will die before denuding the tree partially of the leaves. “This spraying is the second means of eradicating the moths,” sald Wil- liam J. Zartmann yesterday. For ten years he was superintendent of parks in Brooklyn. “My method of fighting the tussock moth has been to have workmen clean off the trunk and branches thoroughly in the winter with wire brushes. The small co- coons are swept out of their hiding Type of Trees That Suffer. pieces then for get the places, and, being caught on of canvas under the tree, are burned. This is a laborious job, with large trees the men must up to the top and scrape 1 branches and one man much more “The sprayi moths the end of June If thor can than three trees propags erythiz means at ished, machines v hand and ine ea ee Gerberich’s Plurality 306 A careful Dr. D. P. Gerberich the 17th district indicates that official plurality will be about votes. 2 000 bund 1 will sell fodder very reasonable B. H. Joy. south 48-3, tf. 3 mile No Zercher, Bell Phone revision of the vote of | for senator in | his | 306 | to Central | | had anything Inquire of | of Mt. | WITH THE SELLING SHOWN IN THE WINTER COATS THE WE'VE EVER PRESENTED. lot of these combinations of - \ very special coatings Smart ing velvet collar and cuffs coats for fifteen dollars, \lso button good arrivals in Velvet new trimmed faced \ very fortunate vet collars and bound with silk Also at $10, is a lot braid and have velevt collars A new plain t full assortment of black broadcloth coats are For the junior miss the girl most fastidious girl could wish. and And best of all, able shades of blue, brown novelty coat zibeline coat at $15. Every glove department has of the leading makes, and that so glove department It enjoys the and among others, the *H & gloves at leader B” Gueen dollar gloves. among fitting In black, self “Maggioni’’ is a real Italian Lancaster enuine Ma able agency in Sel II El oe efoofesfeee deep the inside of ever) SEASON SPLENDID COMPREHENSIVE ASSORTMENTS popular and are chinchilla coats collars purchase of braid. of regular very fashionable ailored suits for length tan, A fancy cheviot with strap back and large buttons has corduroy coliar and is only $12.50. A is in brown and has Robespierre collar good gloves but “Triumph” $1.00 are Have stitched or County for ggioni NOW AT ITS HEIGHT, THERE 1S UNUSUAL STOCKS OF WOMEN'S, MISSES’ THE BROADEST, AND THE INTERESTS JUNIORS’ THE BEST AND ARE VALUES New “Barrymore” Coats at $15 misses’ black, May be coats in woman's and sizes, are diagonal white, stripe heavy brown and black, blue with silk Have stunn- neck, Unusually and black and buttoned and bound braid. close at are in oxford $15, brown, and navy Full length, braid bound, Very Special Values In New Johnny Coats at $10. black buttoned close at diagonal stripe coats in May be and white Finished with black vel- neck. blanket coats in blue and brown with plaid backs. Bound in novelties, Coats For Stout Figures-- $18.50 sizes from 37 to 45. Very stout figures are in odd These and have guarenteed satin lining good coats Snappy Junior Coats. from thirteen to seventeen years are tht plain cheverons, Priced at $6.75 for nobbiest winter the fashion- a very smart coats T'here are cheviots, novelty sibelines in $16.50 for and an attractive coat to there's no two alike nobby and vestee of contrasting velvet Leading Makes In Women’s Gloves. it is very seldon that a single department has so many Such with especially for them ave exclusive to that store is the case of the ‘“H & B” Queen, a “Maggioni many of our exclusive sale glove made us, and of selected lambskin and have stitched made proved themselves to be Paris point backs, two clasps, ove seams, and stitched, are perfect white white, tan, gray and mode We have the “Maggioni”’ kid glove and comes in a wide variety of shades envi- this popular glove [Look for th glove $1 name stamped on Qeedecerfeeteofosiosforfonfocfocfonisefofnforf- oonleiton: ojos] ocfocloctontoctosfusfostsionfoctesfesforenoriesle eopdeobodeoieodvoisdoodedoodoedociorioodoriocholofoofeceofoeoofoofoforforforforoofodofsdoodoiod ——— PAYS TRIBUTE TO BRONCO Points Out Useful Arizona Animal Trall. Writer Glowlingly ness of [.ittle on the When the Arizona bronco wishes to be safe for you and himself, he is the safest thing in the world; and when he wishes to be unsafe, life is a mer: ry chance. I went up and down trails in Arizona which were almost perpen- rough and stone-strewn, too; but there was little danger, for the bronco has, not the “ten pound,” but the “thousand pound” look! His nose is to the his eyes fasts ened on the trail, his footstep tha most beautifully careful thing the mind can conceive. One foot, placed before another preserves the balance, adjusts the weight for an-« other; and all this wonderful machina ery of equipoise, and’ safety you feel working under you like a delis cate machine. Yet this sage pioneer of the with his meticulous care of you and himself, was just a wild range-pony, hunted down by a range rider, driven, coaxed or duped into a corral, 1 bridled and ridden e ; wrenched out 5 heart brok-« en, and made int : ive while you 1 He is not 1 1; but of iron does over ragged country, sti s and flints and boul ant i and scrub, dicular, and ground, eases, stability trail trail, ken, saddled, of his wil e made month KING Compare e originally to do w the creation of the Irish pot: ato. It is the succu- lent root to which loving allusions are made by the great dramatist, who would have condemned the Mermaid as a tavern if he had been offered the tasteless bulb exploited by Masten Raleigh. doubting - lr Advertise In the Mt. For Sale—A whiskey Hotel number of good barrels. Call at Exchange For Sale—A jennylind in Al condition. Call on Harrison Stauf- 9 wyrights obtained or no fer, Mount Joy. | fo nd mods ' 1 brict descr iption, for § pte ntability. 26 yea A cent stamp for vad n head 1 Informat READ PACES 11 and 12 ! for a patent. Write to-da card or Bell | vents, wount| 4) SWIFT & C0. Joy. PATENT LAWYERS, 303 Seventh St, Washingtan, D. C. xperienc 3 A NOTICE NEW BOOKLET, animals and Notify by v1 will pay $1 per | for dead promptly re-| before applying move them phone, 7-5 Howard A Reward of Fifty Dollars For the and arres oe * HOTEL MoGINNIS oun] The undersigned having ibethtown and|ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a 2t | number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc., is now prepared to entertain traus- ient and regular guests RESTAURANT connection with conviction the party or parties hickens at the farm three miles west of Joy along the Eliz: Mount Joy Trolley Stauffer remodel- line. EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE Henry F, Donegal i i Breneman, | Lan-| in will Estate of Dr. late of East caster township hotel where serve in se Letters testamentary on § OYSTERS and TL having been grante he TURTLE Private din county, Pa., deceased. ason AMS in any SOT Pp, E DOC 00090090000000000000069 Bows Catarrh . Jelly Ur DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ta Joseph Welfly, 1 Catarrh, Hay Fever, Asthma, Cold in the lead, Influenza Township, ration on said granted to the indebted make im- those having inst the without delay for ment to the undersgned. LILLIE WELFLY, Hensel, Atty. Administratrix Guaranteed or Money Refunded been all persons I requested to ; . Co. 59th St York City No. 456035 P0099 09000€¢9020000000006 MADE EA es RTATN 1p for SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION. NEVER KNOWN T0 FAIL. payment, and mands aga same present them Serial ® ¢ * * > & Ld * ® 4 ® i °® * > = 3 2000000000000 00000500000000 UNITED MEDICAL CO., 80x 74, LANCASTER, PA. Sold in Mi. Joy by E. W. Garber and W. D. Chandler & Ca. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers