The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 06, 1912, Image 8

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November &,
Local and Personal Briefs That Have
Occurred Since Our Last Issue in
Our Hustling and Wide Awake
Neighbor Village, Florin,
Mr. Jacob Hatz of Harrisburg
called on friends in town Friday
Mr. L.emon lLeisey made a busi
ness trip to Harrisburg Tuesday
Mr. D. W Allen of Lancaster,
NA, =
made a business trip to town Mon
omething Special
Mr. Wm Stambaugh of York
pent several days in town last
Wee k
Mr. CC. N. Behrens of Harrisburg
Given Saturday, Nov. 9th Wi
CO ———————————" lori rin News axe Double Stamps or Double Coupons on Saturday ’ Nov. thd
Special Double JAC Green Trading
rin i 5 Stamps or Double Piano Contest Coupons
Card Bas
called on friends in the village on
Mr. Geo. Byerly of Lancaster
visited friends in the village on
Mr. P. Conley of Philadelphia
circulated among friends in town
last week
Mr. John H. Miller of Lebanon
called on friends in the village last
Mr. J. Paul Enck of Lititz was a
pleasant caller at the Florin Inn
on Saturday
Mr. Chas. W. Yost of Middletown
spent last Thursday in town as the
nest of relatives
Mr. FF. R. Strickler of Lancaster
was a pleasant caller on friends in
tcwn on Monday.
ext Week
To See The New Things.
The Season's Newest and Best Suits, Hats
Shoes and F urnishings Are Shown Here
We Invite All Men Interested in Men's Fashions For Fall, 1912
Don’t Think You Must Buy Because You Look
Many P
A. Rc
A. Ro
[.. Hers!
wn Mon
G.. My
day in
S. Voll
n yeste
B. Ho
rsday i
F. Con
jqno (1 LO SC
Mr. David M. Galloway of Cul-
pepper, Va., spent last Thursday in
town with friends
Mr. Charles Hallman of Lancas-
ter delivered several fine horses in
this section Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates and son
Albert of Mount Joy called on rela-
tives in town Sunday.
Mr. I, W. Belknap of Philadel-
phia was a welcome visitor at the
Florin Inn last Saturda.y
B | Mr. Sylvester Gainor has accept-
EERE EEE ER ivi ed a position with the New Stand-
ard Hardware Works at Mt. Joy
-_ Mr. Benj. Bradley had the mis-
000 EERE
Are New Fall Shoes
Are Splendid
They Are of Quality That Will Make Many New Friends
For Our Shoes
$2.50, $3, $3.50, $4. $4.50, $5
vn on
rge B.
in town
H. Shad
z here
211 ¢
in tov
Maley «
on bus
10%) 9
rry Lol
e parts
“ae Nol
Harry Getz
Is at the Co
fortune of falling into a well at
the home of Mrs. Quillie Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bates and
son of Shiremanstown spent Sun-
day in town the guest of the for-
ans only full worth for | ; i
Values, from our point of view means not mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
yeur money, but an article of merit that is worth your buying. ! Bates
We were never more anxious than we are right now to give you { The following guests were pleas-
antly entertained at the home of
3 any g 3 Ss ri are being sold
alues, when so many goods of questionable merit are be at tl
Hie vain Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gainor on Sun-
An Excellent Line of New Shirts, 50c to $2.00
By the public under the guise of Bargains. day: Mayor Wm. Gainor of New
We are sure our goods and prices will prove to you they are true York, John Weaver, Esq., of Phila-
delphia, Mr. Benj. Eichler and fam-
i f ) 10¢ . 1 Mi
We want you patronage. : { fy SY Peausa. Mr. Ses Wichler and
We are appealing for your preference—but we want it on merit Rush and SO0 of Sate Harb + i
i ) Hale i or, Mr
Just a few of our special values: Ezra Herr and family of New Dan
values, as we give you Quality.
1436 "AON ‘Aepinjeg uo suodno)) sjqno(y io sdureig s|qnoq@
We are now ready with all kinds of Winter Our hat styles are
Underwear for Men. very best to be had at each and every price.
irs. Estella B
the Wednesd
‘reda W
correct. Qualities the
k and
alled ¢
One case of 12¢ Outings, best style, both light and dark at 10c. ville. Mr. Christ Sheaffer and fami- Q)
r of near Moni nn " ~
One case of 10c Outings, 8c. ly of 1 Mount Joy, and Mr El- §
: t la Good of Conestoga. .
One case of 12¢ Cheviots, 10c. yor cones na &
The "ice ge 2 s are low because we could buy this quanti
The price on these ods ar ¢ ! \ Great
price. when ion 18 und ned
een, gg Io ID) Beneman’s Depart. Stored Y
0) . Earl
A est of
2 50 Shoes at $2.25. Moulders’ Farm, Work and Dress | and if lation of Rot alth y
© Same styles at $2.00, 1 » advise the buying of | good 3 attacked, quick 3 Fn § ~ lled «
they are cheapest 1 stands the test. : wR : De nh Yl h t h t Pl ”
ey are cheapest. Q is the tent, J Soins follows, | The Store Tha eases :
ag PODlins, 20c. The finest quality in all the | py
sample and shade card stor JAA eons
' Woolen Materials for Dress and | TY N . 1B k M 2
st ¥. 1: Opp. Union National Bank, Mount Joy, Penna. eoTET Tn
1 ER
y ¢ I 01 10c, > ethtowt
n Sur
A ; 7 1
1 T a my Li A (
88 > 2 yf eS NY 8 FH = A uj Y 2) B
e2Double Stamps or Double Coupons on Saturc ay, Nov.
1 1 I'he accident Ele i ty ¢ t ol ror | Rico's New Wonder R
} n tl 0 € wot I he un y rrom far away Porto Ric ( {
1an é action n = 4 o report of a wonderful ne 2 : I d
Fancy Worl dressed b y Jo covery that is believed will vastly TUES
( P lich he wa 4 benefit the people : n M M 1
fic fn Lively Contests In Mount Joy Yesterday; Highest Vote Every wr Ha 1, writes “D Viller spel
e fine > ha :
A — - King’s New Discover io
Polled In The East Ward et wi 3 ry ‘
Railroader 3 i ea hh I
r Dic 0 about five ti: of terrible ough >
1 : and colds, 1so mv brothe oe r were gu
M Divi RR. he election her esterday prov el interestin BY as a. re 7 eolg in his est and more Wine n Su
\ nful rris + : : 0 others, ed i ny
Tul Harris bro i bie vote, that in the Es ward ceedin every Vice : ( 3 J. Robe
yn Thursday He was relievy : 0 great medi- |
1 v fire e slipped from el n held thus fa Mount Joy, always a good tepublican town. cine wi yet be every drug | towry on
} ngine 1 1 to the track and v \ Taf 1 fe in Porto Rico.’ For throat Ti an Joanna
{ . : swweentiona trength for the Bull Vioose ticket, aft only 3 . ; 4 I hay ju 3 ( 1 11
ily cont i He was taken owed exceptional reng 01 1 : z j and lu or troubles it 1as no equal ! Tovnor
ospital carrving the Yast Ward by 15 votes and the West Ward )y 7 over A trial will convince you of farper,
a “ rit 50c and $1.0 ) = 1 + her moth
Roosevelt. Fhe Democrats were also ip and : wd 01 ed free Guaranteed by te 18 Sta eA » §/ East MN
She'll Bas or , Dy h ! £ as 1
hel Nigeover we lareer vote for Wilson than has ever been given : emocral yr Pres!- hart & Co oe : tite Ki
« of Mary Wood- ea CONSISTING Of a S11
old colored girl of! dent in this town. . ao — -
0,000 1 nit : of 43 : : he I EW. G } O. M Donaven Sold Twenty-Five Head | RAMBOS, BELLFLOWERS, SPYS old
Ty units o Ci Messrs. George H. Brown, rr. \ Garber and oN jonave Pa Ale ol a rat Sat | xd at
3200 worth—were in- Siam 1 1 Ils in the {t} i Sal of a carload of colts at | KINGS, GREENINGS, j
\ Hl Herr at the are running good ruout the count At a number of the polis in the 1e rarmers’ Inn tock va last | ALI \
q 3. a or ; : : : Frid: at Yio } mo Sie BALDWINS ;
Shin Fhe child has| |...1 gistricts Dr. Garber is running ahead but it will be next to im- - Tay to SorRo07 y- DP. B ieffer | : N of Rohre
Recital da A > I' listricts & Co. had to be postponed Bev ll rms : .
Il 16 days and i 3 : ! lieq they | his is a choice uit [ in town
: ’ possible to ge tl ( ect figure efore late this afternoon. did not arrive until early 1 i on ill i nm xe i -
: mornine r . : igh sa wil Db f AAT
a In the county Taft wins over Roosevelt by about 1,500 while Hon. ne The sale was then held | s farry
af ins ; Saturday, was largely attend 1 Isi
fathers Mill Sou W I wer Hetrick by about 5,000, the entire 1] i ely at ended and | $2 75 P »* Bhi klsie
{ ! offered at publi I$ OY Be ! ? oy Sileils 0a twen fy d, | lint 0 4 . th
! f 1 at public Ww sold bv |
11 property . wd Loe The vote fo e ticl appended 2 . tionee ( H \ > i3 : 1 a
: il J 77 of Ninatoss I 0 f 1 ¢ I ler at good price APO: } Come and see it Will deliver iw
the dwelling, with four : a = x i pt ri : 3 es i MouVt 1 2 V
Ee nd West Hea El = = G = 4 will be held in two wee! { Mount JO and Florin
fi perties were bought ° + = > = = mY | re
on, of near Lancas = = 2 = J Musical Festival in Marietta cy Ay]
ae = : ? i Friday evening the full choir o | ° DN. ewcomer 1
- St danl’'s P | hitiwat ‘ rv ; :
: ay St. Paul’s P. EE. church at Columbia! rain r M1
Don’t Forget This Sale Conoy SRG 119 60 18 139 53 74 | went to Marietta to take part in an | MOUNT. JOY, PA. :
On Monday, Nov. 11, Mrs. Susan Donegal East— Lincoln 8. H 70 | 16 70 14 ..' All Saints’ Day musical festival in | ra Ca
iar wdmini rix will sell a eo Q q 14 68 651 St. John’s churcl mT} : | :
: ! 1 a Maviown. .... ........ 5. 108 76 96 144 j& $0 ;.o0hn 8 chureh, | The choir of StL CD OA B }y OO We i
lot of household goods. furni Springville oa iain 50 2 61 55 17 61] Luke's church of this place, also] Rl. F Y
carpenter .and fencing tools,| pempfield East andisville 97 13 137 103 11 130 | took part. >
ete., at public sale from the home of Petersburg... i ..nio.i 30 27 125 83 27 121 | reas... » 3
the late High Constable Eli RORTerstown. i... vids casi avidin 75 54 94 107 53 bb! Baa O
Williams, on West Main stree ara Foret a a 9 - a 97 7 | A Big Tree 4
ams, on est Main street, Hempfield, West— Mountville 43 28 17 43 21 171 = "ne Tar : [ v a .
ei ell nian r= a vs 26 2 a1 on 07 93 | 1e large hickory tree along the | 4) S
Nort 1western : e234 . 2D 10 | Donegal road, near the farm ten-| ila 2
Joug ht a Property NOIWOOA iii iis aie ess vibes 0 5 15 14 DZ anted by Mr. John Saviors | 4
Mr MA Nos , . ° aL aa QR 54 61 Qa 53 pg i an! y Mr. John BSaylors, a land- fami
I \ Rollman of the New Silver Spring ................ ’ 0 as 5 | mark for many years, was cut dow |
Standard tard ware Works of this Mt. Joy Boro—East Ward ....... 119 6 104 126 41 8h on Monday It was one hundr 1f 2 ve.
place, has purchased the fine and West War@ oo... Ci seein 92 8 85 88 52 80 hieh : : Teo Toe | Zery
| € 3 . vi bs ; bh righ. ,
modern dwelling of Mr. Albert Hol-| Mt. Joy Township,—Lower ....... H4 8 45 18 ? , f
. J = pes " - 15 ——— Eee | es to
linger on Poplar street on private Milton Grove ................ 50 i 59 61 0 D i ues
| terms. Mr. Rollman will take pos-! Rapho — Newtown ............. 56 15 40 52 14 45 Special bli spenc
| session in the Spring. [ Strickler’s Church ....... 23 5 2 A oy us Ladies’ 10c Embroidered Corner | u IC a € rents.
reat Gem Union Square ............ 50 23 . 86 - 99 | Handferchiefs, each 5c. 3 cross bar | Mrs
Meets Tomorrow ae — — = __— handkerchiefs for 10c. See window | or Mi
The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Gen- Wanted— Blacksmith, also steam | James S. Sherman display. 8. B. Bernhart & Co. oo
¢ ad— & g y © . . ———- Eee. erno ol
eral Hospital will meet at the home
ternoon at 3 p. m. | blacksmith, also
et ee eet Ieee.
Prsburg, brought us a twin tur-|
> | easter R. D. No. 8.
that is very odd looking and aste 3:
ormous size.
ill sell 2,000 bundles of corn : :
y S <1
very reasonable. Inquire Mrs. David trick
Zercher, 3 mile south of Mt. | sister, as 1s
| What? Bivalves.
120 to a
is parents for a few ays.
e M:. Jo; Bulletin.
or the Mt. Jov Bulletin,
go sold
Mrs. Michael Detwiler tomorrow | @rill operator, tenant for house and
tenant for dwel-
ling house who can operate steam
A Wilson Turnip | aril, at A. M. Garbe’s Mill, Chick-
fr. Mahlon M. Garman of East] . Apply to Chas. F. Bacon, Lan-
nov 6-2t
A rrr
Jacob H. Snavely, died at Lan-
Look | caster, on Thursday aged 63 years.
er of Salunga, is
also Mrs, Adam
Bell Phone No. 48-3. tf. | Ressler of East Petersburg.
TT — ew... | ot REE
Paul Brubaker was home They're Here
Are large as
quart, small as 65 to a
by the hundred.
H., A. Darren-
James Schoolcraft Sherman, vice]
president of the United States, died the time on Saturday,
at his home at Utica, N. Y., on! funeral of Vice President Sherman.
Wednesday evening at 9.42 o'clock | = = tr
of uremic poisoning caused by ©0000000000000000000000600
Bright's disease. He had been
suffering for a long time. His age WAN | [
rn AR A
was 47 years and 5 days
end green grocer, has just received
a large shipment of fine sweet po-
reasonable, Primes he sells for
90 cents a bushel, mediums at 75 § g Sres,
The post office was closed part of
owing to the
Sweet Potatoes Galore
H. H. Zeller, the new East
A reliable woma
$s for cooking and gegs
which he is selling very house worl
and | culls at 25 cents per
y )
Friday, Noy. 15
At Farmers Inn, Jt. Joy Ba
A gS.
They range in age fr] J
his is an extr{y :
i all those loo
buld not fail
to copnm
bis wil b