1 Nr Have “Nerves?” This is the reason why women have ‘‘ nerves.’ When thoughts begin to grow cloudy and uncertain, impulses lag and the warnings of pain and distress are sent like flying messages throughout limbs and frame, straightway, nine times in ten, a womanwill lay the cause of the trouble to some defect at the point where she first felt it. Is it a headache, a backache, a sensation of irritability or twitching and uncontrollable nervousness, something must be wrong with the head or back, a woman naturally says, but all the time the real trouble ery often centers in the In nine cases out of ten the seat of the difficulty is here, and a else which posters have been printed or THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA.° Farmers Column SALE REGISTER Eggs=—RKero- Lice When = ing and Storing of in this paper. Death to are advertised ‘ sene Sure : pre " ! ————————————— A Notice In This List iy Read by Seve A — WE SELL CHEAPER eval Thousand People Weekly USEFUL INFORMATION FOR THE BECAUSE WE GIVE FARMER : a S. & H. GREEN Following 1s a list of sales for ,,. vy... of Skim Milk—The Keep- TRADING STAMPS Wednesday\ October{ 30, 2. nt & RR AA Leinbach & Co. Fug PHONE |SKRVICH JUST CALL 1100 47-49 North Queen St. AND HAVE ‘THE LANCASTER, PENNA. CHARGES REVERSED womanly organs, ) woman should take rational treatment for its cure, The josal disorder und inflam These notices are given FREE until Applied Properly—Dairy Notes . mation of the delicate special organs of the sex should treated steadily and | day of sale. : ’ $2 : B S T P U \% it 0 5 d T systematically, fe Thursday, Oct. 31—At the late, .. Nb om: dmBIH 1d esure 10 ay S a visi n atur ay he Last Dr. Pierce, during a long period of practice, found that a prescription made residence of Christian Seitz. near Cows that are on pasture shoul from medicinal extracts of native roots, without the use of alcohol, relieved over 99 ” ny He have free access to salt, » per cent, of such cases. After using this remedy for many years in his private prac. |Mt. Joy, a large lot of personal [ .. 00 40 increase the ay of Our Big ANNIVERSA RY SA LE tice he put it up in form of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that oid dice it |property by Ezra Nye, executor of C.'! i tl a t keep up the milk | easily procurable, and it can be had at any store where medicines are handled. | Qai mew Zalla J grain ration 0 eep e | rR ' "ed Sin . ’ : [Se a Seveared xa r, ye! Aow IT IS OUR DESIRE TO MAKE THIS LAST DAY OF THIS SALE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL OF Mes. Lina B. HAWKINS, 6. Zeus, Va., writes: “I had been failing in health Tuesday, Nov. 12-—On the prem- Hm . Apa ik ALL. WIT "HIS EN { V ! WE BR IN x " : t y tp 10 Lins B. Haweive, o. Zot, Va, writes: ico rls Gboioh §isen mear Marti Moore's Mita! The heifer whose first milk |B ALL. VITH THIS END IN VIEW WE HAVE PLANNED SOME EXTRAORDINARY SURPRISES oma woakness was my trout and | was gotting very bad but, thank to Doctor | C8 1O VEEL PR0rO8 WL Hlperiod is tons, frequently develops | @ THAT WILL DELIGHT EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE ALREADY ATTENDED THIS BIG BIRTHDAY the habit of long periods. PARTY. BELOW WE ITEMIZE A PARTIAL LIST OF THEM. A GLANCE AT THE BRIEF DE- Pierce's medicines, I am well and strong again. ite Prescription,’ and used the ‘Lotion Tablets.’ Doctor Pierce's wonderful medicines.” I have nothing but praise for |. —————— - - ———————————— — | (C, H. Zeller, a lot z Jo- : : | yn 8 ot of ground on Co-| ireen feed fed to milk cows will lumbia Avenue, Mt. Joy, with im- = provements by Geo, Hal dC insure larger profits and as a good ™ . | provements by Geo. aines s 1 « Y Pi . ' 0 H. Zeller ce autos { VI a f aid to this result is a silo. a Of This Big Sale ‘eller, executors o e est: : o S our ano Nn er ainin | : ! 8 esinie 0 | When a dairy man learns to use | @ ' leah Haines, deceased, Zeller, auct. : = Wednesd N »0—0 h the Babcock test he is started on ® ednesday, NOV, 2 - i i You Sa Nol! Wh ? premi n ar Mt. J 1 : 5 : the way to economic salvation. $1.25 Two-Toned Corduroys At 89c. | ‘emises ear A . JOY, a arge 1o . ar Nos re. / i i Yy » y Lot lumber. wagons harness Bav One paper says: Clean up fre- Nothing is more popular thi season than these two-toned corduroys. They are 28 inches | : 4 * "9 lquently., It would be better for the wide—have a soft, rich finish and high lustre—will giv axcelle Je: y , , i i straw, office fixtures, : 3 ; , § give excellent wear-——two color combinations t Because, perhaps, you cannot pay, and have to wait until : res ete., by dairy farmer to keep things clean pick from, are red and black or blue and lavendar . some one else comes to play for you. Harriet H. Breneman, Executrix. 1 th tin iy ! | a e 1e. Now, w / | Zeller, auct, . , why have a silent piano in your home when wt will | : Among the men who have been $35.00 Sample Suits; $22.75 gladly exchange the piano you now ave for a a { phe anally successful the i i School Report | phenomenally successiu on € About thirty sample suits an the same number of our own regular stock comprises this splen- F H d A } The Florin Primary Scliool ented farm those who have followed did collection of suits. These are as fine garments as any custom tailor could possible produce—you amous uaraman utotone its second month on Monday, Oct dairying stands out permanently. will fine every conceivable style, color and fabric—cut in newest fashion—many are copies of Paris h 23 : > ’ If the calves that are in the pas- models. i Thtn, when you want music an netertalnment, you don't I Nut . : 1 led | ture are expected to do well they ! : . - ‘ . ¢ Numbers o yupils NTO - 3 ave to wait, you simply place a rol of music on the plano and i 3 pur > € er should have plenty of shade and $3.75 Waists At $2.29 tread, and you have the finest music in the world right in your males 20, females, 22, total 42. ,....v of good clear water i i if i own liome | Percentage of attendance males, ir i : : eit In this collection are some beautiful creations, made of soft messaline, with the new Robes- . pam : itality is a very importan sierre .collar—in black avy blue, gray, C hag g hi " . 98, females 95. | pierre a n black, nav lue, gray, Copenhagen and white. Thenthere are batis ai . Just to think how nice it would be to hear that song you Ta os Barbara Sander. A characteristics in the dairy cow or marquisette waists, and fashion authorities give these dainty white waists a 0 atiste Neine and eard years ago, “Silver Threads Among the Gold, and to know La " ’ : BY . 10 € 3: n- any other farm animal. If weak J > pif ent place in the you are playing it yourself is a pleasure you never know until you joe: Mae Longenecker, ary [een- is li st returns ci vi along this line the best returns can : . have played the ler, Elma Wiley, Grace Wittel, Erle not b i ted $3 00 Blankets; $2.49 | Bear, Ada Shearer, Viola Hamil- 2 26 expe Ao that id up-to-date woman's wardrobe. Her is a splendid selection, and all are excellent values : . | is imperative iat we provide ? 8 ls re gan, : ji j cos os . Hardman Autotone | ton, Elsie Lefevre, Mary Hamilton, ’ 5 BS y : tidin 2 dairy Woolnap Blankets, look like wool and feel like wool. Will launder perfectly. The nap is soft Ss pans 0 g > dairy) Se , ‘ i hi » | Ruth Keener, Ruth Kline, Ruth Some means ne Hits tag fleecy and permanent; come in white gray and tan; have handsome colored borders. The size is 72x- herd over the season of falling pas- 48—the regular price is $3.00. Anniversary Sale Price—8$2.49. a Hard- | Musser TAKE DR, PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS FOR LIVER ILLS, | F of household goods by Mary N. Zeller, auct, riday, Nov, 15-—At With soiling crops and grain the dairy herd should maintain a pro- | the office of fitable production. rl EE" "'T™T SCRIPTIONS # It Will Certainly Pay You To Visit Us On The Last Day AND REMARKABLE LOW PRICES SHOULD QUICKLY CONVINCE YOU THAT — LD Our tasy payment plan will enable you to purchase {sence . : { Kraybill, Mildred Booth, Josephine i : i man on strictly confidential terms, and have the World's Best Pi I Arndt: Arvite Butzer. Aaron Wolo instead of vainly regretting | 4 ly ¢ Ler, A ol- : —. r » airy ayer in your home. |gemuth, Darvin Loraw, Charles Vo- thiat x has . scarred. The Sains $6.00 Blankets; $5.00 ¢ ’ nds the pasture g | gel, Allen Shearer, Albert Booth, | 1% w 0 depends Rpon : . TN Pure Wool Blankets, and Ww mean pure wool, not one thread of cotton goes into their com "wr ys | ing > S an ay during ‘ait i . : : Bie om- . Wesley Wittle, Ray Forney, Henry | uring the sg ant : o ne position—just feel their fluffy thickn:ss and soft texture—come in pink, blue, tan and gray plaids y | WW p > Ss COWS 18 read- ’ — Wolgemuth, Ephraim Arndt, Ben- the wiliter fo. feed b's wa 2 Ue = would be excellent value at $6.00 pr. Anniversary Sale Price—$5.00. Ir 0 nson 0., jamin Sheets, Earl Fike, John Keen 5 Hessherous eu ssh ; | Kerosene is sure death to Tice iff Toggg) mm me mi me Sm mI) EO) er, ‘Walter Becker and Walton] erosene is su wl 11 — gr t abiTied ooo apiay. Spray ite Vialls, | NT 2 ER? 16 and 18 West King 8St., LANCASTER, PA. Visitors: Harold Wagner Irene 10055 i a ag SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION Rubiman, Christian Shearer, Jobn!®! Vill Rill sll vermin. Sprinkle SBA ADEE bb bb Add bb PP ESF PE bb Pb Seb bbb & Vogel, Miss Charlotte Stoner and the bottom of the nests Wb i ang : TT ee rT TT ree : : | cov ith a heavy coating of straw. Miss Beulah Loraw. joover With 2 : 1 1 1 ' ' ' Patrons and friends of educa-| 1erosene Is also very valuable in Yield to Vinol. roper y itted Shoe tion are cordially Tovited to visit preventing and curing scale disease The medical profession do not be- the selioo] : lin fowls. If it is used freely on | lieve that consumption is inherited, C 't H oy Sue H . |the roots once a week you will have but a person may inherit a weakness an urt the Most Sensitive Foot Sue H. Brandi, Teacher.| = oly legs. It promptly destroys | OF tendency to that disease. .. = fhe rod Yoqse that preys on the |. A prominent citizen of Evansville, In buying Shoes, place Fit above all else. Style and Service ar B 0 4000 80 Big Time at Baltimore re ° hi es 1nd, writes: ‘1 was ill for five are necessary, but if you sacrifice Fit, you suffer the loss of both We are indebted to Mr. Edgar H fowls at night, sapping their VeIV| months with pulmonary trouble, and Style and Service. No Shoe retains its sh Bentsel of Hi Firacr "life blood and retires to the roost | had the best of doctors; I had hemorr- : s shape that does not fit. entzel o ampton Institute, Va., poles during the day time hages and was in a very bad way No Shoe wears well that does not fit. Why suffer? . "ORT SZ ats webakiv oles during e day y 8 d / ay. in 3 ? {for programs and data relative to suggested | Through the advice of a friend I tried This Shoe Store has a trained salesforce—experts that know The Farmer, the Cigar Manufacturer i vou and the Cigar Maker are Under Obli- gations for His Fight for the Tariff. | to mendation, it the most I i The latest phase of the attack on was only by say in Baltimore. In part he There are many plans : : Vinol, and I feel that it saved my . sv keeping and storing eggs, but a : . i S: Yor kool g =r : life. It is all you recommend it to Hampton Institute sent up a very simple one appears in a Te be. I believe it is the greatest medi- Tn pd ; xchange: To every three gallons i ar is thers {large exhibit of work done by stu- Stenan; Ie . Se one on earth. 1 have advised 9 will hav lect ti I of water add one pound of fresh | to try Vinol, and they have had the ave a ecturer nere a » m . AQ and cigar makers and manu-|their behalf 1 int ire Si: ; fii transport dissolve sufficient gum | e~ . . 4 a ) eating their man, locust street yasterday. Rev. t > : : ud facturers of Lancaster Co. against champion Is that the kind of fibre! Icravhill . Yi : , shelac to make a thin varnish in | g= the f ntry of the tol 1 OL nbs] avn, With his mother "and hol. 1 1 1 tt ft | = the iree entry of the tobacco raised I ‘ f y \S MN . A : : alcoho et them dry, then after | && caste ounty are sister ill move fr¢ Monn 3 % ’ » - in the. Thillopine Telands. ” or: : : 9 : a 1 : € Sister, will move cm Mou JOY 10 giving each egg a coat pac] them in B : : ; € 3 ave never hereto-| Colum and occ n onagel” = Be * 3 | pete with the high-grade tobacco fore v A sod. yolitical* in tiointy i : bran or saw dust, When wanted | = O WwW 1 oiltical -iadjoining the h orth raised by our Laneas being lind to their : § 1 a . Yio Norn wash off the varnish and they are { £ . : ing blind t the Seventh treet in he neat r « y i farmers by high-priced X %e : . v " + cooked al Hii = bs — \ do not believe A — v ready to Be hohe. i : | & 10) t was Gr t's i tha re- nrove v coming It depends on how 1t 1S used, Ol | gr Ty ming ? z vented that most trous n= election $100 Reward, $100 yurse, but if the average dairy | = ; The readers of this paper will be 3 ean 5 | summation. The uns ro pleased to learn that there is at 1¢ ere offered thirty cents a hundred | &~ ia : 7 ol le ser-| dreaded di e th I ff The fight for free trade with the... : Oo for it he would regard the offer as | B= a ’ g . 5 1 Congressman : a Philippines and the free entry of ei one likely to be a losing one for the | & A | Philippine tobacco had the strong : a buver And vet the buver might | $= Py Fit £ na a . 3 Eh endorsement back’ of it of Colonel (y, time hy th make money on it as feed for pi | B= Roosevelt, who in his message he had pigs and no other feed b o> Please 1905 and again in 1906 urged totais corn, it would undoubtedly pay him | g@= ; a : Tis lative - ! : ; = free entry into country, of I ident of the to buy skim milk at thirty cents a| ® th tobacco raised by the cheap 3 : 3 hundred to feed with the corn. | &= e M1ini int Ameri 1 Union, o 3 ed = the Filipinos, to go nto Ameri ts or fundrog The South Dakota Experiment Sta- | Gg f 10 o cure. | cigars and thus displace the higher ou " : tion has proven that wher ration | & PE AEB Et ep ‘ toh: f I pu CO., Toledo, Ohio. . Va priced Lancaster Co ybace . a § z 75e. £1 pour of milk or | e- kis message of Dot 1005. urs 1 el al Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. butter mili is fed \ bush 5 tariff concessions to F : 5 Te : ani : wha {| . ariii Concessions 1 vohis ; ( orn adds nearly six pounds (0 | &- n th President Roosevelt said aX lered Gets a Promotion the. ual iof Th a > a y in ‘ % lv raeommaend. that thol crvice 0 your inmilciee ho I'he man friend ) 0) i | RL 1 a I earnestly recommend that thej ' 'é@ Le hresent prices about pay | &- ian : Di vere nopers o h House 5 1 1 will g ae = tariff now ir by the Dingley o fJouse, was Frysing learn | 4 thirts hundred for | $= best ( ¢ { > nevl]- | t . - bill upon the products of the Philip- 3 ¥ Pennsyl hat he ws n promot o Voli the hogs will gre ! a ” ° in <]¢ 1 3 ntirelv remo: in G heen 11 ¢ 3 | pine Islands be RE removed, orke da wid night y I 3 ; ro y LO faster, sell vounger and have less | hn a: y ed d é night so earnestly the Comptr rr ( I » 1 except on sugar and tobacco BY vie JHoris lat rh y : & Gompiroller of the PU Nd | chance to die of disease. In other | $= 3 Pm or HOTS 0 1€ At This rovi- eadi , 84 lwe 1 a that that tariff be reduced to ) . ri i : Is provi- Reading Railway Co. at I ladel- words the time ‘factor and the = : . SHA ar n the bill, that entually he phia He started witl i y hii { = per cent. of the present rates under . nself int feck bad : . : : plod Muth Fas Lo health factor will both be favorably | @ : r nts thot. = 2 Tinlv dd mse Into a sick bed, and pany as a stenographer M ry : 3 Ry ~ 1 the Dingley Act; that after July 1, | BIOL GHUIraly Potbrersl + pan : M I affected by the use of the milk. The - turers I 0 sop n Fran oon. a sb rei) e ered as yet. sit is a for Ir reside BE i 331 1909, the tariff upon tobacco and : : : Yi Jorme; Iden asl hioral is: Feed skim milk and | 8 : Philinnine NOW the enemies of ngressms donegal i Sugar produced in the Philippine ‘OF te enemies of Congressman Lonegai. butter milk to the hogs unless you | eo irolv POIAOA . Lriest wand the Republica arty rere tia lise § ; you |g Islands be entirely removed, and have i ror. ve} ican : part) Yoh ; have some use for them which will | #& . otwee i islands ave the elirontery to urge his de- adies, L : ‘our » Svc] Se that free trade between the islands it Decau } aa A ’ ook at Your Men make them worth more than thirty | > . . ' because e ad 1 ag 1 1 pe he BY x Ry Chul and the United States in the pro- Tw 3 ade Successiul And see that they wear Stvleplus cents a hundred. Moral No. 2 is: | = . . battle for our gre: ocal i srests Cl ine The ATO ther é RY ? 7 ducts of each country then be pro- I oup,srest locel ImeresisiClothing, They are right fit, peed a balanced ration All the | will ca i 7 and voted for the bill of his party style and comfort. $7 $20 00. |. : : : vided for by law. i thai € : i 5) part) re : a comiort. »«.00 to $20.00, milk does is to balance the ration | E . 1 : made he Sr < ¥ 5 at "08 President Roosevelt repeated his 2 : Victory a tangible Getz Bros. furnished by the corn This it does | - i : 3 .“ . Tact and assured the perm: nev p ee eel mn. y * : recommendation in his message of a a Hler tune. permanency. of by supplying protein which corn | 8 great tobacce ple The 7: it tons 2 2 . Dec. 4, 1906, and declared: pRECO stable. The rabbit season opens Fri- Jacks. The proof of this is found in = «let us see to it that they (the, Are the people of Lancaster Co., day. the fact that milk alone is not as | & Tani iv a 5 etBss | particularly ) QE sof Ns oa Filipinos) are given free access to)! : ularly the thousands of tobac- good as a feed as the corn alone. ES co farmers and the allied cigar : — . : our markets.” li ga : the allied cigar and wi B 1 The rule is: . Not over three pounds = % a atis vata i682 obacco interests, un dful « . ; 3 3 : By the aid of Democratic votes, — g ose nmindful of re of skim milk or butter milk or say | & $%3 3 : . the service sir behalf and 1 the free trade Philippine bill passed oi ice in their behalf, and un- LIL \ three pints should be fed with a | 8 . : ivaii _|8rateful, as well? We are c¢ 32 the House in the Fifty-ninth Con ent they : : are confi pound of shelled corn or corn on ” < ey are not, and will s x 5 v gress by a vote of 250 to 71, uty the coat : ll so prove Gasolin meal. If you feed more milk you : < ; an-1° > ing eiection. Any her 3 = the bill was, fortunately for Lan Fox — 5 ig : Any other es waste a part of it. YA lead pen- 2 ’ 3 inter. | COUrse would be notice to the coun- pe ye : caster county’s great tobacco inter Virv thor we ha oe , the coun No Carbon cil is as much an essential part of a | ) : ye have neither sens ; : est, held up in the Senate. loa or er the sense Plenty of Power feeder’s equipment as a scoop 3 : t con-|! ourage to stand - up for oup shov This was the sitiatien the BO OW Iitforarts, and wold waco. Save trouble and expense. shovel. ries hen > Ir won ave 1S : fronted Congressman Griest ‘when! = "°° _ ° ; Thev're true Quality, not —_——re———— | lhe entered upon his Congressional | > $ ly defenseless before the crude, compressed gas i : .ladvocates f free trade w . . ra )eva tile . a . . = uties in the Spring of 1909, and as| ; of free trade, who prom- FREE—320 page book—all about oil, A valuable horse owned by Mr. : lise to be i nusual force i i = oe Republican leaders were in-| S 5 be in unusual force in the WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. ed by Col. Roosevelt's recom- | COMing Congress oct. 30-1t Pittshurgh, Pa. LAMP OILS LUBRICaNN Mr. Heilig lost ghe past year. i ever shown in this town, R. G. Heilig, died on Monday night | : from colic. This is the second horse | @BbbbbbMMAURALARAMAMANSIAIARAAMMMMIRAALMIAMIAMUMAUAMAMARAIMMMMAMMAAMAAMAMAMAMAMAMAS AAAI CALENDARS: bear in mind that we have calendars We have assortment of g from the cheapest to the Among them are novelties from some of the foremost manufac- 1 this and foreign countries. If interested drop us a card and we li with samples. Our prices arg way belowothers. .., . . . . THE BULLETIN st Main Street, Mount Joy CLL AA AAA AAA AA AAA Ab dia A Gl dab dada dda bia dad ta nd nN bbdddddtd iid st sd sts n TIT TTTTITIPYOTreereed bddidddid itd ds sss TET TTIIITrIrvrevTeeTreed bbdedddededb ddd ddoinbdodibdodd dd ddd E1111 111 G0 Bes ses EE #8 o HE a8 1 TT 4 8 A"