“ , THE BULLETIN. MOUNT Wov. ra Apne eon Apne ome femme eo Amer enn White House lL The man who appreciates the full importance of a neat dressy pair of shoes in completing an at- tractive suit, will readily recognize the necessary qualities in White House Shoes Graceful in design—Sensible in style —Comfortable in fit—Reliable in material. All styles, Black or Tan. $2.50 to $4.50 For That Hunting Trip A PENNSYLVANIA KNIT COAT Is a charming and chummy article of apparel, and if you do not own one you are surely missing a great measure of pleasure and comfort. A Pennsylvania Knit Coat is faultless. Thus, for many reasons it will Ie 4 V7 Q 7 y. AAS / J ; ¢ K 7 7 f | 3 in : : = 1 == serve you through many seasons. The unbreakable 4 jy &* EL 1 4 £ \ | Notair Buttonholes last to the last and guarantee _ Adi gy 4 7 shape retention. §50c¢. to $5.00. dD et 7 Your choice for President this fall may be right; you have your own opinion about it, we are sure; and you are casting your ballotifor what you think is the best for your country. Your man may win or he may loose as there is nothing sure before hand. There is always one winner and the rest loosers. Now when you vote on the clothes question it’s different, if you vote right everybody wins Getz Brothers’ Styleplus and Getz Brothers’ Unique are the best in clothes and the man Young men who are first voters, casting their first -— | Pm Wy their ballot for GETZ BROTHERS ALL-WOOL A TA SEW ALITA CET idisg A § Eran rl Tipe cup lf § gs ompe nt rosea ic “ Wy ar of, ’ % . 5 woriNJ is ine Dlaomralipes Seis pl a ey —— EC ————— pn———— - A ————C——— 31 LLETI : the stage : ‘ty MASTERSONVILLE MAYTOWN ' i n the eninge ) . CLEMENT JENKINS KK - 1 p mg promised Beware of tl trespassing signs Prof. H. B. Jacobs has 1 ned Mr. and Mrs. George Givens and e, Ear, Nose and Throat Ara Market A L MOUNT JOY, PA. ra a ? Woolworth Building J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. LLC i fusal tc if all 2 1 vould act decently Rober Bshl 1 ) near | S and voung peonle in- a v : > S . » a i anecaster, Pa. 7 1 : Office Hours: %a. m. to 3 p. m eturned home SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR History aad s ope him | Premise n ur fa re Miss Mai has returne 1 » > o 2 woul Shem ii ient hat he! would refrair from posting bills from a visit at York and thor six monthy in the West. Sunday and Other Hours Vy By Appointme ot y ! always have on hand anything L. in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham, partie h taj : : : : . loiogua, Dried Beef, Lard, Et "0 may dispose of } arties 1 ? Seen Laking oullngs pi si his place, one in need of apples or fresh sweet af 3 bh 28 3 8 | Solagus,, 1 3 ts : ps may dispose « ty ieee a Ny iam. Wh 7 Anpies Sh 5¥ H. J. WiLL i AMS Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork Entered at the post office at Mount | of easier loan rate to the fs yr to the hills to itness he trans- 5. Elizabeth Swiler, of Phila- cider can have their wants supplied te hn Prices alwa Ss i Pork i f, “y no - y 1 nt 3 ng 1 . . + sys ~ a . y OP . forming of nature i its bright d hia, is visiting her brother C. G. by calling on Christ Heisey or J. W. PAREEIIR { 7 tam Joy as second-class mail matter. {by putting in the lending in ala, All correspondents must have their |stead of the borrowing class. communications reach this office not “ie 8» later than Monday. Telephone news Hilles says that there is to be a Six Months. .....50 Cents i : is sak : ‘2% 1 nt 1811 yidding trespassing. es A car load of choi Three Months. . . .25 Cents Be ee ray : a October's righ lue weather is Miss Lilli: McCurdy of Miller d here one day last week from Both Phones | e apples arriv > Single Copies... ..2 Cents Sample Copies. . . delightful and the autum lle spent ¢& V day with her Lock Haven, Clinton county. Any eo — » [~ 1 " nae « 3 1 . x in 3 i i colors anc ) > i final rest in Longenecker and family. Heisey on Main street. Mother John H. Miller, wife and two Two car loads of steers arrived in H H. KRALL I | | The Stars, with Elam Shonk as children of Marietta were guests this place on Wednesday evening, #~t Main Street, Opp. Bank of importance between that time and | j,n451ide in favor of Taft. Manag- Foot Banded the Tigers with yesterday of Mrs. Miller's parents. containing fifty two steers, purchas- a: Gane | MOUNT Jo, PA. 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan-|.. yeadoo makes » announce- Mahlon Ginder as captain, a severe Rev. E. E. Kauffman who has ed by three farmers, namely Harvey 3 3 8 ETA | «11 Telephone. ges for advertisements must Pposi-| + ipo there will be a landslide beating last week. The score in been pastor of the Church of God Hostetter, David Raffensherger and hl 4 ; 3 —— - ren é —Stars won 5, lost 1; Tigers for six years will remain here by Elmer Roland. Many of our good : E H 3 e i 'erms Moderate. Bell Telephone tively reach this office not later than in favor of Wilson, and the Bull games Monday night. New advertisements Moose managers are confident there won 1, lost 5. These are ball games appointment. farmers are a little timid at buying \ SE / A Bor CHARLES S. FRAN inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday | Loy 1. a Yandslide in favor of the played at the Mastersonville school. Charles A. Harter principal of the feeding cattle at the prevailing 5 \ ; : K night. Advertising rates on appli- olonel Why are the Debs and during play hours. Upper Leacock high school at Leola, high prices. : i oT ; AUCTIONFER cation. Chafin managers so modest? The Mastersonville school is pro- spent a few days with his parents While Mr. and Mrs. Christian] MOUNT JOY, PA. pp gressing very’ rapidly and if the in- Dr. and Mrs. G. / Rutte of near iz r 7 | A ¢ ee 8 i EDITORIALS te... foros SONLITID:. tos Boreal 32d Mrs Gu A Napier, 19 of notr Flusbethtown, were) ne ———— Prompt Attention given to Sales of oy rest continues as heretofore we, No further light can be thrown on passing through this place on Sun-| | Real Estate and P Pro n Tila slant 9 ure Jilhs Or Ferioc ri} : | » i 1 rye = “ Governor Wilson slept 12 hours The Wilharm Forgeries will accomplish a great deal. The the hole mystery on the Witmer day morning their horse scared at|Agt For Middletown Steam Laundry | istate: an ersonal Property. eS nnAny kars’} laa hidie 2 » forging checks anba Ane - : : i : : | i : ] Sunday, but he isn't sleeping on| After forging checks on banks parents are sending their children farm near town. Squire Hicks and an automobile and ran into the ficference: Jonas L. Minnich. the job. it Christiana, Middletown, Rliza- regularly and we hope they will con- a number of others are still working fence at Joseph Smith's house, | a beghiown and other places, Charles tinue to do so throughout the year. on the case. The latest reports throwing Mr. and Mrs. Rutt out of | " § PERT ry Just for argument’s sake: Sup- P, Wilharm of Lancaster, was Not only are we looking for the showing that the number of the the buggy. Although pretty badly | Electric LUNG DISEASE pose that Charles P. Taft had given pinched at Mountville while trying pupils to come regularly, but the automobile given was from Philadel- scared but not in the least hurt,| | “After fuar in our family had died those $800,000 to Roosevelt's pre- to work a bank there on a check patrons are welcome to call and see phia. the horse stood looking at the] o convention campaign? supposed to have been given by Dr.|us work quite frequently ie fos oe of consumption 1 was taken with al» IR. Lehman Mr. Wilkarm: is. y. I SR occupants picking themselves up.| i ers a frightful cough and lung trouble, | : i well known here, having be di RHEEMS The buggy was not broken and the tut my life was sa and I gained Another thing that nobody knows hown, I RYINg oon adil His Ignorance Convicts Him Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Witmer en- NOTse escaped with a few scratches, | 359 'Boutds “i using is what becomes of the baseball Or of “It” and later “Progress. B - : «t Lg) ai : Made A New Man OfHIim. § | 8 : ’ : he Swick ier Lik ecause he offered to sell 500 tertained Mr. and Mrs. Enos Floyd, Mrs. Rutt was not hurt but badly “I was suffering from pain in m i< aos in winter, an at they talk : 5 : two cent stamps for $6, Harry E. of Pleasant Hill on Sunday. freightened after which she boarded | § stomach, head and back,” writes BN i in about. viv Supply House Issues Execution Mecroskey, aged 33’ years, of near, The love feast held by the Breth- 2 trolley car for Elizabethtown. I. Alston, Raleigh, N. é rand, my : lv A i or > z mr Pts oy NS wes Yo es he on meme rE DISC OVE RY The foot hall players are about company has issued an execution for|He later admitt -obbed | di y ear v . ed that he robbed district was very largely attended. Read the M:. Jor BulletIn made me feel like a new man.” W. R. Patterson, Vi due to relieve the public mind by a $150,25 against Arthur M. Harlan, |the postoffice at Bridgeton. The church wag filled to its utmost Advertise ir the Mt. Joy Bulletin PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. PRICE 50c and €1 gahy Mr demonstration that the game has at of Elizabethtown. | : | : { J | lew! MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ENF 0009009009000 066(O