PAGE FOUR HOT FLASHES. Women in middle age often complain of hot flashes, They are at that stage of life when their delicate organism needs a tonic and helping-hand which only Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can give them, Many women suffer nee ed lessly from girlhood to womanhood and from motherhood to old age—with backache, dizziness or headache. A woman often becomes sleepless, nervous, * broken- down,’ irritable and feels tired from morning to night, When pains and aches rack the womanly system at frequent intervals, ask your neighbor about Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Mgrs. J. IMHOF, of 321 8, Bentalon Street, Baltimore, Md,, says: “1 wrote you about nine months ago, telling you of my condition 1 have a fine baby girl—she weighed nine pounds when born, She is my third « hild and the strongest of them all My suffering was only for two hours. | took several bottles of ‘Favorite Preseription’ and one of Dr Plo ree's Smart-Weed. | never hud a well « fay before 1 took your medicines, I waa surprised how well 1 felt—could eat— was always hungry, and never had a sick stomach. The no who was with me said the medicine was wonder ful because I got along so nicely after having had so much trouble before She intends to recommend it to all her suffering patients, Eve rybody is astonished at me because 1 only weisthed 102 pounds before and now 1 weigh 135. 1 have had several ladies come to me and ask about Dr, Pierce's medicine. Iam willing to recommend it to all who suffer and want help, If any want information | will be glad to give it SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, BUFFALO, N. ¥, Mgs, Imaor & CHILD, Are You Economical Qur’s Is a Shoe Store For The Whole Family Families use a lot of To support a family takes money To spend their money to the best advantage is the aim of every pro vider Our Shoe will prove profiitable to you, because they re honestl) made and honestly Priced. We stand back of every pair you here. Those who buy here again Our Hobby Solid Leather Shoes come Men's work shoes plain or tip toe $1.98 $2.25 $2.50 $3.00. Children's shoes 79¢. up according to size, Ladies shoes for all kinds of wear at the t to pa Dress shoes that have quality and style { vour Rubbers for winter Wilbur & Martin Shoe Co. 4 W. King St. LANCASTER ool Is Your Piano Intertaining? You Say No! Why? I Because, perhaps, you cannot pay, and have to wait until some one else comes to play for you. Now, why have a silent piano in your home when wt will gladly exchange the piano you now ave for a Famous Hardman Autotone Thtn, when you want music an netertainment, you don’t have to wait, you simply place a rol of music on the piano and tread, and you have the finest music in the world right in your own home. Just to think how nice it would be to hear that song you heard years ago, “Silver Threads Among the Gold,” and to know you are playing it yourself is a pleasure you never know until you have played the Hardman Autotone Our tasy payment plan will enable you to purchase a Hard- man on strictly confidential terms, and have the World's Best Pi: ayer in your home. Kirk Johnson & Co., LANCASTER, PA. 16 and 18 West King St., lecpsfosfeoooriootsoodonfoofooterfonfe ts fooio foofustesfesfocfote deoforforiesfociorfoniesfocfueerfofosfefocfocfocfosfoisoofocfook dood 4 A I VITO LID rr bi de THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, FOUR QUARTERS OF ~ EARTH ARE TO MEET Pageant of Darkness and Light, atl “The World in Ba timore,” Will Surpass in Excellence All Those of ihe Past. A great revival of interest in page pantry has sprung up in this country and abroad during the last few We have had historical many patriotic and semi-political pageants in various cities and towns; but none of these will approach either In operatic splendor or in unity of story the Pageant of Darkness Light to be given at Lyric Baltimore from October 25 to Novem ber 30, in connection with “The World in Baltimore” Missionary kEx- position. years KALI TEMPLE, INDIA SCENE, “THE WORLD IN BALTIMORE.” It is no mere string of scenes, | natives are gathered for a wedding. passed like a bewildering panorama | In the background the volcano Kil- before the spectators, while the or-|auea towers. A priest of the God- chestra plays snatches of Jeethoven, | dess Pale approaches and demands Grieg and Bantock. Instead, it was [that the bridegroom and a child play- built around a set motive, and drew | ing in the flowers close by be thrown ' its scenes from incidents of mission- [into the volcano as a sacrifice to the ary history. The excellent libretto | angry goddess. As he is about to lead | by John Oxenham, although short, them down, Queen Kapiolani bids de- contains some lyrics of great ryhthmic | fiance to th goddess. She taunts beauty The first scene is an Indian camp in the northwest. The chief of the tribe and his wife are in distress over the loss of their little who has strayed away. A band of Esqui- | maux come to. trade with the Indians and the medicine men of the latter incite the braves to the visitors | Just then a missionary brings the chief’s little daughter to camp and, having gained the 2 ( i preaches to 1 pt me I 11201 THE W Iy shocked at tl ; y tr y region dH ( A n xl at “The World i Baltimore,” showing native industries, idols and idol-houses, and the home ( ission aries and natives, will give ricans knowledge of the condi which these atrocities are an intimate tions under practiced. at a spot mis his Africa, famous from who has gearching for finds him thought and begs him to re: England, but Livingstone de- not to go until his work is men break The scene ghilts to Livingstone, the explorer, is resting Stanley, where | slonary journeyings been lost in turn to termines done, At this lere nim, news his {into a song of thanksgiving. pageants, | From the forests of Africa, the changes to the streets of a city A funeral procession is seen, scene in India. | leading a young widow to the funeral and | theatre in | pyre. Just as the pyre is about to be lighted, however, an English offi- cial comes in with a proclamation against the barbarous custom of burn« ing widows and the missionaries break into a jubilant chant The a coral scene of all is where the dramatic in Hawali, most beach but there is no an- rath from the crater of fire, the goddess is bro- | Pale ii | | | swerin | Ww and the power ol ken for these episodes was amish MacCunn. It is F wild, written | naturally foreign dances irges re are gloomy Indian thirsty war songs; | |! s of jubilee and | fanatical invoca- | i : : | tions of medicine men and native | priests; and many solos of every de- ( p 1 Kali, to whom erected in dia, and who wears a necklace of an skulls, is one of the unique at “The World in Balti- 25th to November 30th. been exhibitions more,” October prairie schooner Vorld in Bal November 30. AN old-fashioned | will be shown at “The | timore,” October 25 to TEA HOUSE IN JAPAN SCENE, “THE WORLD IN BALTIMORE.” he iit ee ee oh et m., at the office of Chas. H. Zeller, 5 ~e * A STI ature of “1 World in| TH: of the tropical Indian of A Proper] V Fitted hoe * timore 1e lo Sout! ca by some peculiar coin- o 5 a pe { i me form as the icy . ; Jo To] : on cal isquimo. Both will be Can’t Hurt the Most Sensitive Foot Be The Wert fo Baltimore : : ( it prayer in a Budd In buying Shoes, place Fit above all else. Style and Service b el ns ] > may be seen at are necessary, but if you sacrifice I'it, you sulter the loss of both % « ocracy altimore.” Style and Service No Shoe retains its shape that does not fit. = — No Shoe wears well that does not fit. \ suffer? SALE REGISTER I ) t, property of Kate This Shoe Store has a i lesforce—experts that now 3 d 1, now occupied how and will sell you corre ¢ Easy every ho you 4 A Notice in This List is Read by Seve Drabenstadt on 3 a y : wear them, 3 eral Thousand People Weekly Joy, Pa., by i yy 1 the heirs ’ ~ ? : i Following i a list of sales for TRY SHAUB'S 3 SFALL % plist of sale = dt or + | which posters h een |] ited or Saturday, Oct. 26-—On the prem- XX h Th ry... Y 1] ~ 2 el are dvertised in this paper esident of tho 1} . 1 nvr > WW ort je 1 Yice, ou Say 3 T » notices are given FREE until. Bennett, 2 horses, wagons, —————————— 3 dav of sale outfit, ete., by Etta M. + I 0 Bennett, admx. of Charles K. f § p= 2 ) 1. Zeller, auct Yo? i » = 0 A t! late - A a istian Seitz, near BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS and HOSIERY 5 y ot Ce tSbR ge IC > ) of personal ot 0) ) D1 ve. executor of C 18 N. Queen Street, LANCASTER : a Nye, executor of C. ta fa a ALT BD ased. Zeller, auct. pire dpi feof teiilnpip iii pid bd bbb bP bbb bbb Pod odd ' I A S———— . \T ( » Seipifeapdooipo dodo io oetdoofonfortosfoofosfoofoefeodostoafontofosfosiorfoeflofosirefoforforfociecfonforfpripofoofesfodeoiioiood deceased. 2 Aue A TEACHERS' INSTITUTE rrr 3 O Q I - ! HIGHEST CASH FE RI( ES + 3 rds, M ( a Pedagogues of Mount Joy Township te rie 0 ( n ( Held a Profitable Session PAID FOR DEAD ANIMALS Fann a pair of 2 vear oid black motes re i by Ed Ream. Zeller, auct. I'he teachers of Mount Joy town- > > = Oct. 19 At his ware- Ship held their monthly institute on CH WE REMOVE PROMPTLY BY AUTOMOBILE TRUCK. ar : ¢ WHI i C ron: Mt Jov. rniture by D. Saturday, October 5, in the Milton H. Engle Zeller. auct Grove High School building. 3 Shortly after nine o'clock the open- L t 2 S we Det. 19-.0p the in xercises were conducted by ne exercises re v r George ampars? er » Ons i premises on Donegal street, % oii x ! : Mr. D. H. Singer, teacher of the Mount Joy, lot of household Sunnvi 1 ) Th institut v! | : : Sunnyburn school. e institute LANCASTER, PENNA, goods by artin A. Metzler. . # Voi A then sang “Holy, Holy, Holy. The gle, Auct. Saks a : Bell Phone No. 980. Ind. Phone No. 1299 bo ————————————m———— Principal C. Werntz then gave his Thursday, Oct. 24, at 7.00 p. opening remarks, which were pithy and encouraging. Miss Sue Brandt, Wednesday, October 16, 1912, PA. ‘.m -. I. A LEINBACH & CO. ; It Pays to Trade at LEINBAGHS| Tos aster store is fast becoming the most important and best trading place in Lanc- r,and why? BECAUSE IT PAYS TO TRADE HERE. better grade merchandisc-complete assortments-newest styles coupled with small prices Larger stocks- makes it the best. Our Economy Wednesday Sales When you learn to read vour advertisements as you read your news the cost of Jt makes a lot of differ- 11 RE ERE RC ETE EEE wear or use is going to be lowered for you. a a new fall Whether You Pay $20.00 for e To Buy It For $14.00 and Your incouie has nothing to do everything you ence, for example, in suit, that suit the same thing applies to madam, or whether you are ab everything you wear or use. with your prosperity. It is what vou save of that, that counts Every Wednesday we get together 50 or 100 items of merchandise to be sold on one day [ECONOMY WEDNESDAY] at Prices. We up with the firm's name and signature as a guarantee that they Are Real Bargains. Economy Wed- taken advantage of by thousands of people that look upon this Special advertise them--Back them The result is that Leinbach’s nesday bargains are ad. as a market report. They go over the quotations just as aman in business watch- es the market price of certain commodities. If you have not been doing it begin to-day. We Give ‘‘S. & H.”’ Green Trading Stamps “S. & H.” Be sure to save then. You receive in exchange for stamps articles J Ala = of utility and beauty for personal or household use. » » = 47-49 North Queen Street, Langaster, Pa. EEE EERE EEE Anniversary at St, teacher of the Florin Primary AGED LADY SCALDED Tenth Luke's School, discussed in an able manner ric—— Friday, Oct. 18, the feast of the “How to Keep Interest in thelMrs, Emanuel Christy, of Kinder- Evangelist St. Luke, will be ob- Primary Grades.” Miss Brandt not hook, Victim of Accident served by St. Luke's Episcopal Par- only gave theory, but very many rem Isl with special services in com- helpful and simple devices, which Yesterday morning Mrs. Emanu-|memoration of the tenth annivers- not only devised to afford meres] Christy of Kinderhook, was badly [#1 of the planting of the Church employment, but instruction, train-jsealded at her home in that pldiee. in this place. ing and skill, as their object She is well advanced in years and The services will be as follows: iss Helel : te Tr 0! the accident occurred while Mrs. Holy Communion at 7.30 a. m., the Bella re stekon) sang a SOl10, 1 Christ was ing in a small {Choral Even-song 7.30 p. m. At the which Ww nizniy appreciated by nilding, adjoining the house. At]early Eucharist the Rector will be S mt 9 o'clock she lifted a boiler |Celebrant, assisted bv the Rev. H. \I of Teaching Penman-|of wat rom the stove and was|B. Pulsifer M. A., Rector of St. 1] ably discussed by Princi-|about pour it into a tub when|John's. Church, Marietta. In the pal who advocated ‘‘not|}she ipped and fell The water ]evening service the Rev. Fr. Pulsif- iow much,but how well.” poured out of the boiler onto the|er will preach and the Rev Mr. Mr. I. Kraybill, teacher of the|uPper portion of her body Her [Berghaus will be assisted by the Florin Grammar School, discussed ries brought assistance and she|Rev. C. C. Kelsey, Rector of St. “How to Teach Reading.” He dis was carried into the house. A phy-|Paul’'s Church, Manheim. The ev- closed very carefully, but distinctly, siclan was summoned and found ening service will be largely mus- the ideals to be attained, as well as that she was terribly scalded about{ical in character, the music being abundant means to attain the end the body, both arms and face.|led by the vested choir. lesired. The Sein and flesh was literally] The Rector wishes to extend a After singing Charles Dickens’ barhoiied, She Suffered awful pain, |.5rdial invitation to all persons to “Autumn Leaves” the institute ad- and hor condition was regarded attend the services. All will be souraad. to’ mest on Suturday. Nok very serious and probably fatal. welcome at hoth services. | vember 2. A programme for that ee meeting will apyear later. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin Read the Bulletin BU Lk tat iata ida didaatiaiaitidbasdainadsdiastaataitiabaidiaiadlioiasinidosdiatanisdnin dl andianaid 2d WN How About CALENDARS» Please bear in mind that we have calendars We have the finest assortment of ever shown in this town, anything from the cheapest to the best. Among them are novelties from some of the foremost manufac- turers in this and foreign countries. If interested drop us a card and we Our prices will call with samples. are way below others. . . . TT TE PTY IY PY EY TY IS PER TE THOT PH TI TIT DD ISN TY MYT I PTR OTOH THE BULLETIN East Main Street, Mount Joy OADMLU ALAA UA Add AAA AAMAS MAMA MAA QI THIITIITRIERIIE IR PER IIIT ZAM A AAA db bb ®