THE BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY. PA. Wednesday, October | | TING BULLETIN ET — BACKACHE SPORTING HILL |e EE EEE EEE RE ERD SEE NE Rd RE NR = | M., H, Kauffman and wife spent | » JUNT JOY, PA. | B AN KE S = Sunday at Leétaraoiville | W - . = . | & : ROLL, Editor & Prop'r. g g D. Dissinger and wife spent Sun P = | 8 = [aay vfternoon at White Oak » = a — | = ( or |W UPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR E WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- g w = : 3 an, o ! havc as er |e . | = - . vigited I 1e. home 0 no ‘ x Months 30 Cents |§ FITS ON WOOL HORSE g But a Symptom, a Date Sig [2 nger on Tuesds . TE SRS a Three Months 25 Cents = . 1 s . | ) 1 vite and 4 | / Shale. Cobies % Coats § BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT 2 pal Which Every Woman | / B. Fralich, wife and son |g HER wi 2 . 1 oe 1 EE £ FROM THE MAKERS, IS 2 (Lyman, spent Sund with John | g “RE are no clothes of an. other make priced $20.00 to $2500 that havea ® Sample oples. FREE |g 5 ' E Should Heed. Smith and family at Lancaster | - . rn " : - = - E THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED E IRR. “Yours she’ wie. adit TE better repu ation than STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17.00. - sntered at the post office at Mount | = Earth - 3ackache is svmptor f in : | . B si pridnsa ip higeduie E£ ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO £ we Bckad or derangmint. It vou have | William Gibble and wife took an {8 . : a y a8 second-class 8 = - J '8¢ rangement, } | “here ate \ ee 2 2» 2 ’ 3 SD AF $v} . . gi correspondents must have their E $10.50 Z| backache don’t neglect it. To get per. [AUt0 trip to Bareville, on Sunday |= [here are no clothes at $20 to $25 that w Hlgive vou more styie, more comfort, a 4 $ § = 50, = - , Jief v : "AC , 8 Barto, wife and daughter, |W . : communications reach this office not | & 3 of th nl ’ fief you must ig ou + Jouas Havic, wi id a “I'1 © more wear, more satisfaction than later than Monday, Telephone news | FINES" STOCK LAP 2 oD cvead aou’ irs. Wood. A Esther, spent Sunday at Penry ", v " - = § experience, with his brother, Martin Barto, and | ® importance between that time and | 2 a = da : en of nhs aC a W oeadav Chan ROBES IN THE COUNTY, = Morton’s Gap, Kentucky. — ‘I suffered | wife | o'cloc oon el sday. - - ? " 1 x > iovrders | | cf : ivertizements must posts | FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV. = two years with female disorders, my S. R. Garman. wife and daugh P ges for advertisements f = g -. health was very bad | Nbai rs t Sunday tl | tively reach this office not later than |S ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE 2 and I had a continual iy r/ ; pl Fron In q i eld : i or} ' g srtiseme - ae she whic ’ ome of J. Good, at East Peters. | Monday night New advertisements = AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL = g backache which was : ¢ | a inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday | = = simply awful. I could [burg | night. Advertising rates on appli- | STOCK OF VETERINARY 2 d not standon my feet | J. B. Fralich left on Monday |™ cation | & MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL = {long enough to cook |, New York, where he will » wv | - : % a meal s victuals “‘spectate the world's series base SALUNGA |= KINDS OF HARNESS = without my back l I eames n : |= = nearly killing me, | "31! Sames. | . Miss Clara Lehr spent . Sunday | § = and I would have A. E. Wenger, the coach maker, | with Minnie Eshlemal |g = suchdragging sensa- | received a lot of new sleighs this [8 thur Diffenderfer id family | = vail [ = tions I could hardly | week— This is a good time to take |m visited hei ot ar Penville = = - - bear it. I had sore- \.chotoe aa . han felar = = | ness in each side, could not stand tight your co ‘ n Miss Martha Eby and her friend |= = : : Jacob Miller, sr., and wife, Jacob . McCall's | B ANCASTER, PA = | clothing, and was irregular. I was com-| %¢ Na Hl : 4h w 1ade a run to Pequea and McCall's E — — N,N, A. = pletely run down. On advice I took | Miller, jr., and wife and Miss Irwin, on on Saturday | S = Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- [all of New Danville, visited Mrs. -» ye Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eby spent |& = | pound and am enjoying good health. It | {{arriet Brubaker, on Sunday Sunday at Lititz with his brother |S ou - -» | S ¢ = | is now more than two years and I have Thomas Kuaiselv. wite and child. | 2 i = = not had an ache or pain since. I do all i an ‘ 1 6s . ’ cphram Eby = - y e ) : . areare Cotner returne a ¥ ph A va is i corn Z Trunks at Half Price. Great Bar- =| my own work, washing and everything, [and Mrs. Margaret X ner re turned The Same Price the World Over Tobacco is curing nicely, an I | 5 nite Ou The Sausre = | and never have backache any more. I |t0 their home at Wilmington, Del, |® ; : J ‘: abundant. Why can we not be hap- 12 8 Square. think your medicine is grand and I praise [on Monday after spending three | @ That is our candid judgement, and as judges of clothing, we think we have py and content? | ORE | it to all my neighbors. If you think my | weeks in the home of S. N. |g > ia : An umbrella was left in the ware testimony will help others you may pub- | p.\;p,a cor a some class. But we don’t ask you to take our statements on faith. Just come in house and can be had at the home | ASK FOR lish it.””’—Mrs. OLLIE W)0DALL, Mor- J. B. Fralich and wife entertain- ee wr. ton’s Gap, Kentucky. = La 8 aE 8 nd investio: yt vour-elf— 1 . of Oscar Weidman, a If you have the slightest doubt (ed the following guests during the [2 and investigate for your elf—You be the judge Mr. Levi Shuman attended the BA LS A M SA N | TIS S UE that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta=- [past week; S. P. Raubauser, wife |= 4 ‘ . 7 dni funeral of Mrs. Amos Shuman on | ble Compound will help you, Write | 4 oo, Lester, of York: Mrs. John |® Try on a STYLEPLUS suit and compare it with the best you ever had at $20 Mondav afternoon. | to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. |" 14d Yi M ' 1 @ Fr ay : (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad- | Smith and daughter Mary, of Lan- 7% 1 . y : . nc: rou’ll be “out anvthi svar ; : : ’ f 2. 2 » 7 agree w onclusic ou’'ll not be “out” anything, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Honberger on | A ce. Your letter will be opened, |caster, and Mrs. Susan Young and | @ tO $25, and then if you don’t agree with our conclusion, } ) g Sunday entertained two Kready | read and answered by a woman, \d ught Lizzie. of Manheim = = as . | ° [and held in strict co nce. Rlgater sluule, i ne S : . y : rit iy Wi) famities from Union Square. | Toilet 4 held in striet confidence > ees 3 But its a pretty sure thing that you'll buy a STYLEPLUS suit and be “in Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Waltz, Mr. | | ERISMAN'S CHURCH f x 4 Cr ritms "av : LANCASTER JUNCTION a Tin “i 4Q 3 Ae and Mrs. Brandt were Sunday | ; P e r The farmers have ahont coms] or ei Re that difference of $3 to $8 in hard cash. r ) . | arr) ‘ , $ , visitors at Mrs. Susan Newcomer, | a p pleted the fall seeding. spent Sunday with his brother : . MI. and Mrs, Jacob Herr spent! .,, _ vety softness, heavily im-| The Sunday School at this place, .;, weaver n No other store in town sells STYLEPLUS— We are the exclusive agents. Sunday afternoon with their son | s i oi =e |closed for this season on Sunday. : : |; re wa : : i pregnated with healing balsam, and 5 Mrs. John Heilman and son, of Christ who cut a two inch gash into | : : : . Rev. and Mrs. Peter Brubaker|, . . i : it on JE . fe Tog, while he was felling trees | C1TeIUlly scaled in antiseptic pack- rit sents Sputsy with Jobs STYLEPLUS Suits i 2 ‘hile he was fe En { ; sited A 3rubake Shnday. | iF bis leg, ™ % 3 i : oy " ? |ages. It is recommended by physi- vigiied 5 runt ) on Sha Yel Hartranft and wife a . is ge x & g nicely John Hess from Millersville visit- i A Heh = Whe 90 in. Sheriff | cians 'as a healing agent, and as a y hb : i I of i I ; vis : Miss Emma Lump, of near|@ d Harry Shue sconsin, She | . his cousliy Marti Metzler on : . + Harry Bue o 3 t D B. BE | preventative of piles and diseases ed h 2 9 p we! | Landisville, Spent Sunday wih je U N I U E Su its $7 00 to 20 rry as ‘18 ) € P ON sunday 3 y 2 Harry. yas . YI r H ; ; ! 1 tl ncident to sewerage systems. This|>" Dea {Jacob Weaver and with Henry Buch |g » {endig’'s this week. e visited the | g : Albert, Nissly isited Menno et Rend a th i around Cone. P2Per Is treated with balsam, under : i yim : lana families. 2 iC al g Bro ar ( Ne} : nd family ear Manheim . 1 : Di bags nt i ; : Sar Harbor He | special process, which preserves : mi Re Y Jonas Snavely, jr., wife and son u Stoga ere Be Bale t ] n of | the soft flexibility of the paper wtih- on 5 nda to visitan Clarence and daughter, Anna May | = ‘other reorge as ¢ oke | Mr enry Erb a » visited : : : a io Sore: i 2 : ¢ out summing. Mr. Henry Ei and its V He were guests of John Heisey and |g ove for their mother donated one | s parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Erb « 7 wile n sund hundred dollars to the M. E. church | Packed in sealed cartons, never|.,; Sunday I s Sr 1 nd wi pent a O eo S O e S 3 Jonas Snave SI d wife spe of Safe Harbor and fifty dollars fa [handled cannot collect dust or Miss Anna Brubaker a student atic oo... 0 nd M vin =n =u =m the Reformed cemetery of Cone-|germs, and guaranteed to be abso-|yyizabethtown College spent Satur- Ylordhoy and With Mis. Levi Her = . stoga Centre where their Passi lately pure. Price 10c¢ a roll, or 3 |4ay and Sunday with her parents. |shey, at Manheir a grand parents are buried. (rolls for 25c, A. N. Eshlenian has spent the "vo... "Lo . ind son, | 'F HOI We are the exclusive dis- The Spelling Bee on Saturday | FOR SALE AT 10 d s gone|, a i: " 3 hii i a WHITE HOUSE i | lV ( as, an I ole 3 Se & jn . - r 3 nig for a most worthy cause, the | 1 the ir and apples. Adav. w Kis. hrother Irvin | SHOE tributors of the famous White benefit of our Fire Co., was finan- Ve ew of our people have at-|y, ® near Colel 1 : FOR MEN leisey,® ne: olebroc . : es cially not a success. The threaten- | Th ended tl Yorl Fair. tl being Coit ; un 3 Tends Wal mn House Shoes for Men. We ing weather wa great draw back e ! with the seeding and cor t untai 2 & . 1 m e mountai Sa aa 1 ; Ww i many fearing a storm did not at- | Dru ist Mot Metzler is reported to : , |= grarantee to sell yon a eit ? ‘ a cl en es which ” tend We fear such entertainments | gg the best crop of corn own in eh =n : ) as out 1 can offer will} —_— ) Hs. v being n excellent all pki @ Shee at from $2 50 to 24.50. become ore care | Sunday Hours 8 to 9—>5 to 6.45 p. m. D 2c UN = W 5 a ; . : ; he br y : ; 177 os BACK R | Show a large variety o in carrying the 2 Ife and WEST MAIN ST. MT. JOY. PA. H Metzler and family at- a ip : ho iahtar Ti e show a Ige riei) I : | David Waltz wife and daughter, | greater attention is given to] ended Gance's church and visited | i. : ia iy rr 1 1) 1) r er Hveenics. Eioht o'clock is too late | Jacob Snavely's on Sun.|ETi& Visited Henry Geib and family | ans aud all Black Leathers veenics. Light ) CK 1S Ie Jacob snavely s ( un- . ‘os too begin work. and eleven o'clock | THE DOMESTIC VACUUM CLEANER |. joniSinday at Millon Grove, |= RI : y diemlzsal Ventilation a . : Albert Rettew, wife and daugh- |g in Button, Bluchers and Hals. too late for dismissal entilatl | Works like an ordinary carpet sweeper. Send Mir, and Mrs. Daniel Metzler en- . : Kati . i Landi pS and heating should receive more at- | card for circular and demonstration. tertained at dinner on Saturday | + Sanne i Rye wa Fn 1s tention that visitors suffer no in- P : $ $ about a dozen of their nephews and | 3rubaker and wife, visitec John | onvenience from attending rice 10 and 16 x bo 3 * : : ghnow: J Dourte and family on Sunday. on convenlie » rom « NE. nie S. a t——————— 5 : | John Hosler and family enter-|®3 Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrer and : { ti fol i Sanday: J 8 TG PT x Fog . oo ail » 1e oliowing Or Sunday: | B MASTERSONVILLE family visited John Bucher and % Be : n ae 1 n ; \ ir : i ; i / { > : Sheaffer anc vife, @ Uncle Franklin Brubaker is now and family at Brunnerville on Sun-| ena . afte! hy ie S 2 | engaged in the ® auto business, [da [Datge Mart in za i of Eli y u having recently sold a Ford to one Rev Sandford Landis f7o18 oe own er L San reneman and | g of our neighbors. Frank believes | Witmer Christ Nissley’'s on gi ; ol : a in, { fami : | = 3 3 | Jenje lug é ly enter- | the Ford to he more serviceable for Saturday nd. Rev and Mrs 1 onainin LT mi y oni wm the price than any other car on the Brubaker on Sunday iained ihe folowing 0 Sunes, |= Abram Nohrnhold and wife, of near rket. Clarence Eshleman who is taking ATH be oe : ; o 4 Hoffer. | Moderate temperature prevails 1 course at the Millersville State!" . San : ae : o ih | » again and the weather is very de- [Normal spends every Saturday and : pi rt : ini ® ’ Poy io t | lightful Seeding time and the Sunday at home. ope a eM a M J H Il Bid M t J P farmers are taking advantage there Miss Anna Erb entertained at oe Bog on 1 family entertain |. ount oy a g. oun ay, €nna. of. Some grain fields are nice and ler on Sunday about 30 of her) Mr. Giv SY me fami eriertain 1 green, while others are still to be dy friends from Lititz, Manheim, ¢Q the following on Sunday: Ezra cag gym mm mmm ERE am) mmm S80: EE R00 NMR 00 sown. One half of the corn is on Yandisville; Mount Joy. East Peters. Havironit, Wife and gn the shock. Walnuts are plentiful vurz and Lancaster Bertha, of Lititz, and John Bradley | ghaying Halr Curing } C i 7 r M ¢ N t : i * : rife and daughters, Viola, B ertha | K all vieat larke and so are chestnuts. Mi Eb nieriained tats: F C 1¥Vi Cc Well! well the mass meeting boy ! ained at|. 4d Annie, and son, Elwood, of Joseph B. Hershey | ! well the mas 1 ting of her hool mates on T 1 i ' at Ns rsonville bv the Bull {Naumanstown, | f The undersigned having remodel giz > . vo ti ro : Bad Faturg WTernont 080 enter-/ _—— To NsSor ia I P art lor | >d the old Mooney Hotel, adding Moose adhere turned out to be a ed Miss Ebv. Mary { J WE ... | number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc. Wilson rally and now some of the | -— sis Mitsu Mic Totgenc) MARIETTA tiast Main St, MOUNT JOY | is now prepared to entertain trans enthusiastic Roosevelt mel are | B. I . I EN FEE R ry Brsh : reorge R of New Jersey, Three Chairs. No Waiting nt and regular guests. coming over to Wilson One o Agent : ye: Riva visiting her Agen for the Middletown Steam RESTAURANT he evening could | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Sa Mr. and Mrs. He: Q wre | Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday | ip connection with hotel where he 8 ways hava on hand anything hardly refrain from mentioning | NEWTOWN the guests of Mi nd Mrs. Albert |and delivered Friday will serve in season. I ne ine or Smoked] Mews, Ham; , | 3 \ \ olo o eof i ad Oto Wilson's name in ever tence he | Meet Me on the Bridge and Wel he Mt. Joy Builetin | Kronke, at Columbus, Ohio OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style 2 gon oo. 3 i hn Cy Tone ! y rtise the Mt. Joy Builetin CLEMEN' CNKIN ry : (i Also Fresh Beef, Ve: ork uttered Have 4 Plate of the i David Appley has the ends of the DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS I'URTLE SOY P, Ete. Etc. St j eof Yeah Pork aw io | € 1 by ne : ta futon Prices always right, Abra ¢ al t \ ( ) richt han ly 2 OS y Private dining room for ladies ¥ > Abran : | Best Iee Cream in Town [ ffman on next pg 1 f hand Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Y 1 n—— orning started | man cute $30-532 Woolworth Building = 12 H. KR . 3 hi is fu ; ; { : - 2 u By ng aro | £3 rote PI uy is nful and Lancaster, Pa. J. W. MoGinnis. $e ALL : 5 A) wil » him for som 2 ( ve ain Street, O 3 . Sl of Marietta, |" 8 2 Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m. | PROPRIETOR West Main Street, Opp. Bank, - Me | = 5 P ng Lair, al reel ~ Charles] i MOUNT JOY, PA ye ith ( } Sunday ’ . ¢ son Charles | a 1 The second quarterly meeting of Sunday and Other Hours sell Telephone 3 delightful | { ) IR the Bethel chfirct Rev. BR. © By Appointment | Socdeodocfecuudeodoafrofesdesdeniradooloboisiiodosfeojoofobuinb dy IY tengmgu : N& of So dino [ rot : F4 Napper pastor, will b held - Both Phones 4 , y Terms Moderate. Bell Tele . : | a XT] g s at” A 2 Rely, to : & i HARRY WILLIAMS 3 yo be. delopione on | > bs morrow with three special services. | EARLE Q ~ > Cul < £2) M3 3 > CHARLES S. FRANK where the N srgymen from ps Lancaster, Colum- % BARBER 4 y tended r= Wrhtavilla tad other. nines + 3 AUCTIONEER 1e ttended oC AM i nd : \ TNTsSviii c 2 1 laces ’e a 7 the | A pl = = LL.LE RS op Will there wi Shaving Massaging 3 MOUNT JOY, PA. Bi en All Flavors at All Times. f Sui tests of | SPEC! he evening t > Hair Cutting Razors Honed % | Prompt Attention given to Sales of : w and chilgren | pocial Prices to Parties, Hestivak Moor vill ! f the 1 | i Shampooing Toilet Waters & i fleal Estate and Personal Property. 2 Soman) 4. Amos Weidman and | Suppers, Ftc. Carrie | SUPP! ois. ay r Singelng Shaving Seaps Reference: Jonas L. Minnich. wife to in the latter's | na etl A rere fe pm auto. They visited all the featured | Mrs. C. H. Zeller Bs rs 3 x lass . 5 4 Agency For Elkhorn Laundry 0 — places at Bital “Aitel of : | Marietta Street MOUNT JOY ) p Sunday fass leeting ot Dheryme Hill fortu rune. PAGES 11nd 12 1 Opp. First National Rank 4 a a - é 8 & i > ipital t afresn- a \ ' v Saturdav n ot « 112 be | Ribs ; —— - : Ds tho ME Telreen ( Geltmacher On aturda) evening, Oct. 19, oR a patent. Write to-day. MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA i LUNG DISEASE ALS lecessar) 3 Loqiiy 0Omior cme Gi enscsacisianis there will be a Rem blicar Mass | a uy sou or here will be a publican M D SWIFT & oy | ososdedosdoiosfocontosfoenfosfutosdo de dofesfoenfonfecooforion ; re iL. A ; Kicked by a Mule Meeting at Fralic Hotel, Sport- | 7 | @ “After foar in our family had died “ani Vv wav o >almvra nville < 2 ow ay s 4 capital by way of Palmyra, Annvill M B who resides on ing Hill. This meeting will be ad- 303 Seventh St, “Washington, _ | of consumption I was taken with f§ and Lebanon for Reading. After rm West Hempfield town-|dressed by William H. Kready, ; jringts ra % | #8 a frightful cough and lung trouble, : ines s Barke. o ; nk 2 Dine: own. 5 : TR, I E | § but my life was saved and I gained strolling around the Berks county shi ustained a painful injury on|Esa., Bernard J. Myers, Esq., and Eg 87 os through using 3 city Jthey returned to : their re- y eveni He had just re-|H. R. Fulton, Esq. a —————., ne3 k DR K ING 'S = ective homes by way of Ephrata, turned from a field with a pair of| Arrangements for a number of |g § RENCH Fr -18 . ititz and Manheim. The weather y , he mules and while ,in the act of.0ther meetings and rallies through- | MADAME DEANS PILLS | 3 NEW ; was very delightful for such a trip Sold in Mt. Joy by E. W. Garber aed W. D. Chandler J i is | Ses : . | ; and all 4 hE a 0 & Co. Cali for free sample. > | StooDing by the side of one of the;out the city and country are being | 1 Sirs. Camratn Ravsas for Sobrassons Wavirat coon. NUT 8 X concerne enjoyed it v 2 Lo SR z nnirnals i {3 x Rs Sure! Spee: 1 : much 2 “ii animals it Kicked out front with | made. NEVER KNOWN TO FAN. Sx or I arswmanormim | [PISCOVERY | - . W. M. HOLLOWBUSH one of its hind legs. The hoof | i — li ———e for §1. 249 vcr Su With Send Voosg on Sd fo he pail sow i . uffering from pain in oy A W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Te Tm = AYE « ——— J r ' oul 3 NOTARY PUBLIC Biri kh Jushong on the forehead | The Case Was Settled UNITED MEDICAL CO. sox 74, Lancasver. Pa. M(B S Ses eresey Sal PRICE 50c and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGE Gis at Oreville Attorney-At-Law kuceking him to the ground, The] r 3 3 0, eig an | ennonite Home is full h y fick indicted 3 Tash over onan hen. Court met on Monday an Sold in M1. Joy by E. W. Garber | § 1iver and Kidneys did not work right, | : as | ¢8 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, ick infl 4 1 gash over an inch 11 nouncement was made that the case and W. D. Chandler & Co. | @ but four bottles of Electric Bitters Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. ates; Is to be enlarged as| Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri leveith which was dressed by the|of H. B. Luts against H. B. Landis | —- aE — |gmade me feel like a new man." §! peoog the Mi Jor Bulletin. JOS y i1 rato : : > . 7 possiblle. day at No. 52 North Duke Street family physician. had been settled. Read the Bulletin | PRICE 50 £13. AT ALL BAVC S7gnts. | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. gE : i i 4