PAGE FOUR THE BULLETIN, They are so designed that they can’t slip or work off. The girths eross under body of horse, holding the blanket securely in place. You can jerk and pull the corners of the blanket. but you can’t budge jt—the girths lock it in place. Points of excessive strain or wear are heavily reinforced. All stitching is done with the utmost care. BA Blankets are made by the largest blanket factory in the world and go direct from that factory to vour dealer. This saves vou all bbers’ profits and gives you the best blanket monev can buv ot the owest prices. Remember, vou see and handle them before you buy. 5A Storm King Square Blankets have won grest nopulariv. They are remarkably warm, closely wover, strong. roe and heavv-- measure 84 x 90 inches and weigh 81be. § 1 for onl Ww twice as much. 5A Blankets outwear three ordinary blank ware Blanket for street vse Buy 2 5A Bias lankot stabhio use Mush Robe for carn Vid, AYRES & SONS, Ph A ETT SW TT » N 2 Fe > igi x Sa Nha EB UN PS SALUNGA lv tangle hat sc ir. and Mrs. FF. S. Strickler spent nots Sunday at her home in Manor Mrs. Cas of ( Mr. Phares Metzle lost a fine ne and friend « mule | kidnev stroke on Friday allers Mr. John Peifer at this writing is [Thursday : filling his silo and that s no joke a either, v tha rib oO Stray cats and dogs a viready x after the rabbits regardless o ame |, d wi ' 1 wardens. the machines Mr .and Mrs A. B Hershey on ced hursday entertained his mother, Nre ; \[1 : sisters, uncles and aunts. tondia Mi Barba ; oi Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Herr attend- Salung NTS Aids ‘Copnot S ed the funeral of her brother, Cyrus Wn forshe ; Land Mann of Manor, on Tuesday. ¢ . Frank Strickler has finished 1 (ttended the ¢ ery nice concret cellar under his|cparl Fonde a pe warehouse for storage purposes be thie spital T / Miss Silvia Hershey of Mount Joy|a very interesting oi nd n of and a few friends spent Thursday | the best citizens of Lancaster were with her sister, Mrs J oward Pei t ) xt \ fer. \ treat is promise Lreorge va olie of 0 hampion wttend ¢ welling ¢ corn cutters, savs the corn is so ba r th en 1 “alu A = fa { Bh “I Got This Fine Pipe With Liggett & Myers Duke’s Mixture” All kinds of men smoke Duke’s Mixture in all kinds of pipes—as well as in cigarettes—and they all tell the same story I'bey like the genuine, natural tobacco taste of . LANNNRN NAA GA = A A Io — Choice bright leaf aged to mellow mildness, carefully stemmed end then granulated—every grain pure, high-grade tobacco— that’s what you get in the Liggett & Myers Duke’s Mixture sack. You get one and a half ounces of this pure, mild, delightful tobacco, unsurpassed in quality for 5c—and with each sack you get a book of papers free Now About the Free Pipe Inevery sack of L Wyers Duke's Mixture we now pack a coupon You can exchange tiaese coupons for a pipe or for ma ny other valuable and useful I'hese presents cost not one 1oeett CF articles penny There is something for every member of skates. satcher’s gloves, tennis r sait uses. caues. umbrellas. and dozens of o Tust send 1s your name and address on a postal and as a special offer during Octo- ber and November only we will send you our new illustrated cata- logue of presents FREE of any charge. Open up a sack of Liggett & Myers Duke’s Mixture today Coupons from Dure's Mixture may be assorted with tags trom HORSE SHOE, J. T., TINSLEY’'S NATURAL LEAF, GRANGER TWIST, and Coupons from FOUR ROSES (loc tin double coupon) PICK PLUG CUT, PIEDMONT CIGA- RETTES, CLIX CIGARETTES, and other tags or coupons issued dy us Premium Dept. LpitteSymn Fite Go gO St. Louis, Mo. { In vening, O 12, In ‘ Levy rehonse at alunga I'l ‘ ll three classe inter rir | and I ru t | 0 tohrey | Hq (le | | Co \ 1 —— Additional Florin News | man Gantz low! | h A I thet B hake Monday Manheim \ ( Wallace o Philadel | 1 Sunday visitor in town | \ nd Mrs, Maurice of Her ent Sunday vn as the of riends NM ind Mrs Henry Nemsmeyer U'niongrove Pa., called on ids in town Sunda) 1 and Mrs, Boston Souder and rhter Miss Alice of Goodville, ent Sunday at the Florin Inn Mr. John Johnson and Mr. Smith Stony Point Perry Co., spent ral days in town as the guests of friends Mr. Maurice Metzler, Miss Clara Wallace and Mi W. H. Laus of Hummelstown, were Sunday guests it the Florin Inn, Rev. Funk of Reading has been pointed as the new pastor of the Florin to succeed Mease household church at Mease his family Rev Rev. will move ind effects to (‘resona A — | ee Local and Personal Mrs. David © Brady has a lot of ipe raspberries Mr. J. S. Lehman of Carlisle spent Monday in town Mr. Reuben Shellenberger spent Thursday in Lancaster, Mr. Wm. Walters left last even- inz for Columbus, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs William Strickler of Polo, 1H arrived here this morning on a visit to the family of H. 8, Newcomer. Miss Naomi Resh, with her fath mother o Baltimore Md., f Sund: vit] Albert Mumma nd ly and other friend Mr. ( I. Bennett and lady nd } Heilig, Christ and 1 i€ eil spent Sunday with i 1 Heil and family at York Apples and Complexion, In the near future girls won't have to sail under false colors. The rouge pot is destined to go to the scrap heap. No longer will it be necessary for Jennie to hide her reddened piece of chamois skin in her hat. Listen, girls! Apples are going to save the complexions of all American women! U. Grant Border of Baltimore, address- ing the International Shippers’ asso- ciation, at Chicago, said: “If women knew that eating apples will do more to make their complexions beautiful than all the face remedies in the | world, they would eat them morning, noon and night. Five years from now, when the countless apple orchards that have come into existence the past few years begin to bear full crops, the apple production in the United States will exceed 100,000,000 barrels. That will give every woman a chance to get a good, steady, reliable, fast-color | complexion for little cost.” Danger in Crabs. Crabs, no matter how fresh ¢hey be make some fellows sick nearly every time they eat them. Still they take a chance on it every once in so often just the same. Crabs must be very fine eating and have a lovely taste as they are being munched and put into the paunches of the crab-eaters. Crabs will eat a dead horse, or rats, pigs, cats or dogs decaying in the ocean. Perhaps if the crabs were pertned up and fed on the choicest of foods for some days, so as to get a few of the dirty germs out of them, as well as rid them of the filth they eat, then in a somewhat cleaner condition they might ot, after being eaten, turn the insides wrong side out and inside outward— both ways at the same time. Some foolish fellows feel highly insulted vhen they take a chance crabs. Eat 'em his gold ry much An gler once missed arette-case, and, being set about it, but not be quite in whether it had been lost or 1, resolved not to mention the tter to a soul-—pot even to his wife, Two years had od by wi , on his hapner 1 1 catorial ac i riv de, the ma ‘emarking: *1 say, d it cigarette- >’ etme (la to He Milton 1 ed in th 1 ng shier of the ] Di on of the P RMR. for \ M Ail- Misi 1 nl 128 ( ‘ h The \D \ x nad Q ind 1 § ) sed romotion creep Public Sale of Furniture ) 1 1 Oct. 19, Mr. D. H large lot of ill dispose of a liture at warerooms on 1in street, in at pub sale He will sell parlor suits, edroom suits, Springs, Mattresses, Cribs, Side- Brass Bedsteads, Room Chairs, China 21 eee et Ae. ene Closets, ete., ete. Quhseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin MOUNT JOY, PA. Rheems Farmers | INTERESTING CHOOLITOI Country Life” ress on Made by Haveisburg Minister and Another m Spread of Hscases by Kliza- hethtonwn Doctor | I Bra ‘ 181 y Fad \ ) al me mn i 1 n tl ho 01156 tl wod attend « if mie l ng tere d persor | Followin 1 lHaneon busine AN | here + charn il M ella ( Shan “Country Life" Rev. H. N. Bas r of Har u wey ! ive a talk on "Country Life in openin which he refered to scene of h eal life on he 1 n \ il earnest plea was ide for rever ence o the old folks on the farm The speaker stated that too often n interested in polities call on the farmers and fill them with flattery, They always refer to the bright side life to the dark side of the farmer's ker referred The spe of the farm, to which the farmer must lool There many burdens for the There reduce are honest farmer are taxes to pay, a mortgage to and wife children to keep It was that the found- and as serted by the speaker tional values in all lines. ation and cornerstone of the busines® interests of the world is the farm Too often those in authority unduly ctober 9 1912 ; son of our large stock of Summer Footwear. Yours for business We are determined not to carry a pair over the sea- Excep- interests at the The farming and a of High prices of living are confronting manufacturing expense of the farmers. result has been a decline in neglected system agriculture the people, the blame for which ig the infant out of the unjust handing gifts to industries at expense of the farms. It was stated that every The when all speaker {thing depends on agriculture | earth will rnish food other industries fall The stated that never before had he SO RRB SR KSEE EE FEE EI EERE EES SEEN H. L EB} West Main Street, Mount Joy td 2 A [oe Ev nt ARN 01 A GREAT GALE Ot JTWEAR Here's The Shoe Opportunity Of The Season a n “ n a o - = » n u " a 0 “ n n » " a = = es n n = J 1 EDR ) ab In known o political situation swveh exist 1 1 nt Represe tive of tt iff nt parties 1 ¢ either 1 le nor poli it 4 ; : : : assail t dividual alo: Pooch OEE BE 0 0 pa blan the other for rece iving _ . a . : SALE REGISTER / : : argo sums from certain sour ” a ut Your Butter Bill The crops of the farmers are so ——— great that the political situation may A Notice in This List is Read by Sev- USE JELKE HIGH-GBADE be over looked. Continuing. R Mr eral Thousand People Weekly “GOOD LUCK” Bas pleaded o a look into : ie Natur 1 referred. to. Anh % Following is a list of sales for B Rr i « nro, i re 3 ed ) © 1 - . ventions of tlie present doy at which posters have been printed or I i B= % A BE Contant mhrovenients on them Mm else are advertised: in this paper. ABSOLUTELY PURE the world © tea th These notices are given FREE until : 2 ? he world of agriculture he {Br OV nust 1 day of sale. Guaranteed Under Governing nprovements Mus he expected. . . Study of the soil will mean in- W esday, Oct. 9—On the prem spection i p : NT in Mt Joy Borough, a lot of ; creased profit on the f There A : For Sale on and After : . fa round on New Haven street with 1S nO exc » 101 an untertiie acre, ex- 9 rovements. Also a large lot of - 173 0 1 12 wt i as been abuse should all is a cept it has been abused Should all rsonal property by Mrs. Lavinia riaay, ct. it, coal and wood become exhausted the : od a I 5 i hersole, irs. Henry Hemsley and AT elements for light anc at can be 5 : : es $ penty for and heat can b foward E. Ebersole, Heirs of Noah extracted from the soil x i. g - & ! Ebersole, deceased. Zeller, Auct The talk was fellawad by # vood RR AL . Main Street solo in German by Miss Kline. whicl TNTs0aY: wal. s : MOUNT JOY, PENNA. ihc x he, which fall at Marietta, a large lot of real was 11 received : : vas well received state such as lots in Marietta bor- Talk by Dr. R, C. yagh, farms in Gross Donegal A talk on “‘Transmissibility of Disease’’” was given by Dr. R. C. urnpike and bank stock by H. Gross, of Elizabethtown. He said Burd Cassel and George L. Cassel, town Stre M.D, executors that houses are acarded for typhoid diphtheria, scarlet fevel sel and heirs of Abraham N. Cassel, ete, and pers un these places deceased. Also a lot of real estate 8.15, 9.35, ol \ 1 “ 3.15, 4.15, b. but tuberculosis is unrecarded. Too by George 1.. Cassel, M. D. C. H. 8 often, persons fail to think of the Zeller, auct. great danger of this disease, Dr Jaturday, Oct. 12—On the prem Gross told how diseases may be ises in Rapho township near New- spread through mill tears, per town, a farm of 163 acres and 28 spiration, ete He graphically des- perches with all improvements; . lia THELEMS ‘ 1 2 sts ste bv cribed how infar are killed by RHEEMS a Also tenant house, stable, ete., by : : 533 Ce Schwanger have sold the gq \ reider “Thriatis Q lesenses transmitied by the milk Pier iwanger have sc Samuel Greider and Christian S. 1 11( i h¢ ice house (reider administrs Q p > bottle He pleaded for extreme 'Padial ot 1 1 ul 1 Greide administrators of the i or : : 1 R. K. Landis estate of Martin I.. Greider de- cleanliness and fum tion in the : : s pear orchard > Zeller. Auc sick room. All stables should be ned nt rr ( eased. Zeller, Auct y y Ars Thirsd: s ri y em- fumigated at this time of the vear l n ! fhursday, Oct. 17—On the prem . A > : 1 t one half T BOT! Yi a Ban ick He gave as a formula for fumigation s in Mt. Joy bor a fine brick . . i arge brick varehouse o tablespoonfu of permanganate : large brick warehouse, potash and six o of formal- Nv. Grell Li cy poul frame implement warehouse, ete., nfficient for 1.000 dea of this D ( number and one-fourth interest in the Sherk I Ss with thoroughbred Ore Bank in West Hempfield Town- be used not i I a ( Mine « erels and 1s sl by Samuel S. der and y soon, For : ? 1 ] n Fa Chri n 8S. Greider, admir ma € ; . 1 1 10 float that the of the estate of Martin L. is not good, 1 2 3 EY '¢ o ieh 1 Cee rs d sed, Zeller, Auct. vay Ke ’ y 1 IM. pany are riday, Oct. 18 At the Farm- : vine to spend $100,000 for better ers’ Inn , Mount Joy, a f The Next Programme eq line and plant; carload of Crawford County colts : For the ! n 2 | al er rate arload of [olstein heifers a az the following threshed 10% Bd Ream. Zeller, auct. r 1 ) A¢ 4 nl ra 1 nour 1d Agricultural |, this summer. Saturday, Oct. 1 At his p W. B. McCalel sunerin- : - Gor s Dal ; SL I N. 1 in Some of the tobacce farmers paid poems in Mt. Joy, furniture by D. te P.R RR a : “Would te x : : re > y 20 cents an hour to get their tobacco 1. Engle. Zeller. auect. ah It Be P tal I ( er Countv A ad a 5 i ounty iy oused before the ‘frost should get lav. ‘Oci 24 a WD 1 to Establist I Plant?’’ Y, : H I 3 1 = : m., at the office of Chas. H. Zelle1 I SY “How hiimber te aK is ai. : pi r ; A bumper potato £YOD 18 3 xs WW. Main strect, property of Kate Would Ye Py o Field : affair among the following ’ : : Fall2 Pp , 1 asant ana adie’ hn AN a >| Hamaker, deceased, now occunied B the! Kra ntl icinity; P. K : y ; not vicinity; ? *{by Flora Drabenstadt on E. Main raat A neni as. nn viel f 00 bushels: ! 1 yas a yield of 1,400 bushel street, Mt. Joy, Pa., by Carson Will T i sidv 1.005 bushels ¢ Jacob o : : Will Take a Bride In Fridy 1,005 bushels and Jacob gy nn attorney for the heirs. | N I tic 1y 1 sued bj (nhns 1,050 bushels. The pre- Zeller, auct. Oh M 1 \ lershev nrice is fifty cents a bushel. ) : ; : 4 M Hershey, Fics Thursday, Oct. 31—At the late! “duis 1€ marriage ‘of YW i residence of Christian Seit near A ToT Viola Gertrude Mt. Joy, a property by God liowing app v C «ch of Appointments Cov- hurch ‘ The fo hurch of Ih Howard W. io ntments were Ezra the = 1} bure: Seitz, deceased Shippensburg: ; . townships, large Rapho and East and a lot of of Mary Jane Cas- lot of personal Nye, executor of C Zeller, auct. The wedding | Made vesterday at : —.w 1 . Rohrerstowr and Lal ille —— 3 ike 1a 0 Tuesday, Oct. 22, a : 2 Vill Landisville. | H- Hershey Rev. H. S. McNelly da meg V1 Aanaisv | | : a . % : | Washington Bo \ H, Snye Rev. H. S. McNelly, of Potts- . the home of the bride. Following | Shing | : > ¢ Joh Gasolines— ht ceremony there will be a recep- | der. itown, a former pastor of the United | Bainbridze and towenna—>M. C.!Brethren Churcl are ie I tion for the immediate friends and | Bainbridge and Rc 1 i Brethren : rel he pr .: died . 1 Manning. { Tuesday night from inflammation ex er—a m. 4.20, HI5: p.m. 1] 5.16, 7.15, 8.15, 9 WESTWARD Pm, 12.45, Yoav leave 1 oceasi 'ASOLIN pendent Refi PITTSEURG, PA. Favorite Oil, FREE 2. Fags, =n relatives of the famliy. ; oh : oh i . { Maviown—E. E. Kauffman, of the bowels. The deceased was in The bride and groom will take a | ” ] na i oe ! : bald } : : 3 Sve { Mount Joy—( D tashel. the ministry of the United short trip prior to their sailing for i ‘ | i : Elizabethtown—G. R. Hoverter. 3rethrer churct and was about the mission fields in India. They sail : C Wo ( 3 her Hire ! : H 2 ov. G 7. Getz, the pastor here, fifty ars fF age fe is survived from New York on Oct. 21, at 10 a. Rev. G. ¥ or ‘ . fifty years of age. e is sm e in i 8 y : was stationed at Wormleysburg. by his wife and two sons. His ents, m., on the S. S. George Washington, oe y oo 1 as WAV! \ : mali penn wee : ther, Mrs. Lizzie Mz ap, North German TLlovd Line, and they ;mother rs izzi arsh, of Gai Inde; : : i : ini "3 So ‘also survives. will reside in their future home, in| Opened Butterine Store als 1 i Ld ? rr een I OIE re cee Bosra, Bogra District, East Bengal, Jelke High-Grade Good Luck”, India. ! Butterine can be purchased at Mr. Mrs. Fannie Summy of Lancas- ———— } John H. Dietz's residence on East ter spent Monday with Mrs. Sarah i : r 3 ai Q + Vv + adv Suhseribe for the Mt. Jov Bulletin | Main St., Mount Joy. 1t Brady. TROLLEY SCHEDULE thtown—A m, 6.4 1.45, 8.45, 9.45, 10.46 f mucaster, Rohrersioi, Landisville, Salunga, Mt. Joy and Klizebeth- Railway Co. l.ancas- ne ind ave Elizabethtown Tr Mt. 5.18 A good motor is worthy of the very best gasoline. The three famous Waverly 16° — Special — Motor Give Power Without Carbon They are all refined, distilled and treated. They contain no “natural” gasolines, which are crude and un- refined and which carry the maxi- mum of carbon-producing ERLY OIL WORKS C0. Also makers of Waverly §; ial Auto Oil and Fat k— oil, soN Pra,