Blanke ts Wear The Longest They can’t help it. Wear is bred into them. It took us years to learn how, but we stuck at it; now our 5A Blankets stand supreme— they outwear three ordinary blankets. Every 5A Blanket is closely woven from the strongest, tightest-twisted yarns our expert spinners can make. And it is all done to save you money—to e One blanket do the work of three—to save you trouble and expense. 5A Horse Blankets are sold by the largest horse-blanket factory in the world direct to your dealer. Here, again, we save you money by cutting out all jobbers’ commissions. You pay but one profit. The 5A Storm King is the most popular medium-priced square blanket on the market. Extra large, extra thick, extra strong, extra warm. Weighs 8 lbs., measures 84 x 90 inches. Price only 250 worth twice as much. See them before you buy any other. Buy a 8A Square Blanket for street use. Buy a 5A Bias Girth Blanket for stable 95 Buy a 5A Plush Robe for carriage or auto. WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. rrp se me — ara cv. A high grade gasoline that never goes ” back on you. Most motorists know that inferior gasoline gives more auld trouble than any other one thing. Waverly Gasolines 76° — Special — Motor Powes without carbon. Quick ignition—never fails. 6 Waverly gasolines insure instantaneous, powerful, clean ‘ explosion. Your dealer has them. If not, write us. WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO., Independent Refiners PITTSBURG, PA. / Also makers of Waverly Special Auto Oil. FREE —700 Pag Book —tells all about oils. Get Your Sale Hills J a? A Yaef Sl a Ad th. 4 CO do? RR AAD > Dv nied Herne £" 7 rat “20 Il [He | J atl Ui% ad — “] Got This Fine Pipe With Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture” All kinds ot men smoke Duke’s Mixture in all kinds of pipes—as well as in cigarettes—and they all tell the same story [bey like the genuine, natural tobacco taste of 9 on a= AEE I LF [NANA Sa Choice bright leaf aged to mellow mildness, carefully stemmed and then granulated—every grain pure, nigh robacco— that’s what you get in the Liggett & Myers Duk Mixture sack, You get one and a half ounces of this pure, mild, delightful tobacco. unsurpassed in quality for 5c—and with each sack you get a book of papers fr Mow About the Free Pipe f ers Duke's Mixture we now pack > coupons for a pipe or for many ls >, srade NAPE i ~ 174 ack : Ineverys acoupon You car ange other valuable and use articles These presents cost not one penny There is something fur every member of the family- skates satcher’s gio -ackets, cameras, toilet articles, and dozens of other things Just send us vour name and address on a postal and as a special offer during Octo- ber and November only we will send you our new illustrated cata- logue of presents FREE of any charge. Open up a sack of Liggstt & Myers Duke’s Mixture today eal umbrellas nSES. Auls NVAENELY Coupons trom Duke's Mrxture may be : assorted with tags from HORSE SHOE, ST, TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF, I GRANGER TWIST, and Coupons from FOUR ROSES (0c tin double coupon) PICK PLUG CUT, PIEDMONT CIGA. ” RETTES, CLIX CIGARETTES, and 5 0% coupons tssued dy us 4 { other ta Premium Dept. Eprom Tokaseo a S¢. Louis, oo ; THE BULLETIN, SALE REGISTER \ Notice in This List is Read by Seve eral Thousand People Weekly Following Is a list of sales for hich posters have been printed or lse are advertised in this paper I'hese notices are given FREE until lay of sale ednesda Oct On the prel i186 at Mavtown a lot ot groun vith frame house rame harn nid and all outbuilding in excel lent repair by Mrs Catharine Kantz Zeller, auct Thursday, Oct. 3—On the prem- ises in the village of Florin, 3 lots lof ground, with frame house, frame I. ings by Benj. IL. Garber. Zeller, jauct, Friday, Oct. 4 At Gantz’s Stock Mt. Jov, a carload of west horses and colt from 2 to old and weighing from 1000 0 1400 pounds, bv D. B, Kieffer & Zeller, auct Wednesday, Oct, 9-—0On the prem ses in Mt Joy Borough, a lot of ronnd on New Haven street with mprovements Also a large lot of rsonal property Dh Mrs. Lavinia hersole Mrs. Henry Hemsle and toward E. Ebersole, Heirs of Noah N. Ebersole, deceased. Zeller, Auct, Thursday, Get. 10—In Central tiall at Marietta, a large lot of real ate such as lots in Marietta bor- yach, farms in Rapho and East Donegal townships, and a lot of turnpike and bank stock by H Burd Cassel and George I. Cassel, AI. D., executors of Mary Jane Cas- > owns at $1.98 Wednesday we will have on sale one hundred $1.00 Alarm | a - Clocks fon 59¢ Thursday will be Towel Day. Values up to Hic at 39¢ i'riday and Saturday Special Sale of ladies’ and Misses’ $10 Chinchilla Coats, in Gray and Navy, at $7.75 And splendid special values Goods, full in every line of Dry from a stock complete and to overflowing, with everything new and useful. Gowns We will offer, in our Bargain Section, Ladies’ Fine Wash IN THE BARGAIN SECTION Dresses white and colors; ¢ »g” $ Nig Gowns: ‘ > Ladies iH Night Y worth $3.00 to $6.00; At three excellent numbers; (two o_o dh - $1.3 & $2.50 each with embroidery insertion yokes another with wide ecru loce yoke beading and ribbon 88¢ With Japanese Good Bleached Muslin Sheets, tern on iront and scalloped ready hemmed 25¢ : Children’s Outing Flannel neck and sleeves i8¢ 1 Night Gowns; 2 to 8-year sizes P= 50¢ NIGHT GOWNS rhs 16 Dressing Sacques, fleeced Fine material Il sizes, wit Flanelette, in rich designs, with ) shirred wai i oO | Torchon lace edge on neck and shirred waist line 25¢ = 39¢ Seersucker Petticoats, In arms - : 3 5 39¢ blue and white stripes; flounce and band of 75¢ NIGHT GOWNS embroidered embroidery pat- Telling of The Low Prices In The Bargain Section effect 25¢ Silks Underpriced Black Sati dTafteta $1.00 Full Yard Wide in ies Silks, 69¢ $1.25 Black Satin Messaline and Pean de Sole ard wide S9¢ \ showing of New Wash Silks, as handsome Ss vel purchased: vard wide; with rich stripes 75¢ A New Shirting Silk: yard wide; heavy quality; with woven satin stripes, in beautiful effects; asilk worth $1.25 At S1 Charmeuse: the silk fabric of today: 40 inches wide; in a laree line of dark and evening shades; $1.50 Meteor, 40 inches wide, a popular silk, in all colors Crepe licht and dark; special $1.69 Children's Gingham Dresses Rompers plain colors, stripes and checks 25¢ KIMONOS $1.00 Ladies’ Long Kimonos, n pretty, dark designs 69¢ ladies’ Long Crepe Kimonos, ight blue, pink, lavender, and vith Persian band trimming, Q " 4 98¢ Children’s School Dresses, 6 o it-vear sizes: Ginghams, Per- cales, Linens 95¢ Knit Knee Skirts fleeced; light blue; good 50c¢ quality, > 29¢ l.adies’ 31 Fine White Shirt Waists: special 79¢ \ big variety of Ladies’ White and Colored Shirt Waists, worth up to $1.00, at 49¢ $1 Bird’s-Eye Cotton Diaper, inches 10 yds., 69¢ 24 wide; Ladies’ Dusting Caps: the | best in th emarket, 10¢ Ladies’ Good Quality Black Satine Aprons, 22¢ 25¢ Gray Stripe Gingham Aprons 15¢ $1.00 Dress Skirts, and natural 50¢ Taffeta Silk Petticoats; black and colors $2.98 $3.50 Satin Messaline Petti- black and colors $1.95 LACE CURTAINS Nottingham Curtains; Percale, in white $4.50 coats; Lace a showing of high-grade, all special new patterns: fresh, choice designs. AND ECRU length. WHITE Full in and Prices at « De» « aQir and up to £6.50 a pair TABLE width commence COVERS Agents’ samples for less than half price—6x4 and Sx4 sizes all new designs—worth $1.00 to $5.00: at 50¢- 98¢- $1.25 TAPESTRY Agents’ h2 and 250 COVERINGS samples of Tapes- tries—1 to 3 yards in a piece; [rich floral and Oriental de- |signs; all at Half Price. aloeloocforioefecfortorfooiecioadreforieciocfecfoctocfocisofecfocfeoforfocfocfocfcfe cocfofusfooiorh chrofoofrofofeciods EDITORIALS |& Even the chauffeur should have a|g little horse sense. m . . . - x fai s nm It isn't always the villainous cigar |= 13 : E- | that is foiled again. o 9 Oo @ ou A man may have an iron will, and a still his heirs may break it. oa . . * . . When a man talks about the good 5 0 da he generally means the a nights ss & HH \ man can always keep his wife's = 1 es keyed up by talking in his HB sleep > | . . . . m It's a waste of time to tell a man my ho suffers from a chronic thirst to up . = . * - mw It’s all right to take time by the H forelock, but don't tell your troubles = fore they happen. ou . ” . ® m If you are going to combine gg business and pleasure, be sure yoh lon’t lose the combination. . * . . Talk about swallowing a camel ind straining at a gnat. A pro- fessional sword swallower died the other dav from getting a fish bone in in continue day. Chicago, {erence organized ship of 22,943, enrollment of 38,007 members. sides the general officers of the con- ference there will be 200 ministers and lay delegates in attendance. oldest _pewspapels was sfspended issue. | his throat. ions Sali Asis sricymes United Brethren Conference . The 113th amnual session of the!d United Brethren Ephrata and Mon- of Pennsylvania Church at session until next G. M. Mathews, preside. The con- comprises 155 |Z member- | & the First in Bishop will district churches with a and a Sunday School Be- and the visiting clergymen, Ep ——————— x Has Gone to the Bad | The rE one of the in this county, | week's | last with We are determined no! son of our large stock o tional values in all lines. Ab MA APRN D0 Al oALe OF ER FOOTWEAR ill ] 11 RA 1 Here's The Shoe Opportunity Of The Season §- Ad t f Sn mmer =ootwear. O carry a pair over the sea- Yours for business OR Excep- 100 SE 10 G1 0 BREE EER i GJ OOO Rs | s lpm gis . k EB West Main Street, J i Mount Joy i” J {