PAGE HIGHT THE BULLETIN, MOUNT joy, PA. Wednesday, September 18, 1912, omar ay pI of ground, with frame house, frame permet stable, carpenter shop and outbulld- | FTE YY . ive by Benj. L Garber. Zeller, | Sa [hursday, Oct 10-—In Central 0. py ip ’ rm Fall at Marietta, a large lot of real ate such as lots in Marietta bor a ren] nner MIR ON Tar A a paella uA RY || 1m -~ re — irnpike and bank stock by H . : h ; 2 ol and helrs of Abraham N. Cassel QJ) Q " AC) : . loceased. Also a lot of real estate 2 ; AN rere : ff | br Georee ) Cassel, \. D. C. H QQ Q — Le —~ ——y iV i Private Sale SE [0] 0) =7, — Es Tdi Dt lan pas: | Opesal 0) 0) b - Mat $ shooirodrefofonocfocfocfoctecteofestesfosforfortortesfosfosfucforforfofocfecfecfeodecirdede decfifecdorfecfodfecfocferjorfesiecierh THI \/ \ -~ near Kraybill's Church, 104 acres 9 t y 2 | : with stone and brick house, barn, . whe Yu lh : y WN « « SAN 0 qe === =f tobacco ghed and outbuildings by Why py | | Henry E, Witmer, Q 4 4 Q in AY sn oss tl AG I nt | | Is ~ 4 4 N POLITICAL TIDE TURNING QQ | | o 0 “IRAE 2 RT wo ‘enm—a—" 4 $ / 8 A . M ® 7 eo 4b» vei fteports From All Parts of the e 9 1 1as Girth woe. Country Show Republican Q . * ea City ; + pects Growing Brighter Every a Will Close His Place Of - — Day ® Q as orse Blankets : ———— y ; on Tun iy am emeet, The We e) Business On Account & y They are so designed that they can’t slip or work off. The iy publican ticket is coming into its PN . o > cross under body of horse, holding the blanket securely iB Da: own. The novelty of the third term Q Of A Holiday spen You can jerk and pull the corners of the blanket, but you can’t u ge immovement has worn o and, as was Q Q 8 > jit—the girths lock it in place. Points of excessive Stan OF Wear Ale expected, the political pedagogue A. Ee Span heavily reinforced. All stitching 1S done with the utmos care. osen at Balitmore hag failed Lo @ O St Will Cl On 0) V : i ti his y was BA Blankets are made by the largest blanket factory in the world et the expectations of his own ¥ ur ore 1 ose : s and go direct from that factory to your dealer. This saves you su party or of independent voters, S oD 1 1 sior raw 0 . a bbers’ profits and gives you the best blanket Zioney Con hiya in his is, the conclusion drawn from FRIDAY, SEPT. 20, AT 6 P. M. ® re west prices. Remember, you see and handle t em beiore yo Y. ii. reports from all Sections ; of | A sper 1 the country during the last few | ‘ » . ank reat popu {18 country : | ® d Q M: SA Storm King Square Bl ets have won great popularity. | ‘ And will remain closed until n They are remarkably warm, closely woven, strong, larg! a i a a ¢ y . : 1b: Sell for onl $2.50—worth Not alone do the national head- | measure 84 x 90 inches and weigh 8 th . di ios. quarters at New York and Chicago Saturday at 5:30 P. M. Shem twice as much. 5A Blankets outwear t ree ordinary report a radical change in popular | QQ Q he 5A Bias Girth Blanket for stable use. a ih M: Buy a 5A Square Blanket for street use. ~~ Buya sentiment, but State chairmen and | ® Wi 0) . 0 Q or carriage or auto. | | Buy 25A Plush Robe for local observers, writing from all} ill pen Again n Mi Pa. yarts of the country confirm the as- | Neve WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia, parts o ® ®) " seins. | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st, AT 5:30 P. M. 5 . York Chairman Hilles reports many | Q ” “ ® Mi Le EEE Srrr— —— ———— highly favorable indications. From | We Will Give Double S. & H. phia SALE REGISTER wiles west of Mount Joy, a tract of Chicago come like reports from Na-| ® : ® Mi mn lund containing 56 acres and 83 tional Committeeman Mulvane and | Green Trading Stamps Hw A Notice in This List is Read by Sev- pcrches with (rame house, bank Representative Diekema. From | [Q) : . 0] Mr YA 3 ve on . ‘ Soins . : u . e eral Thousand People Weekly barn, tokacco she a and outhuiidings Washington National Committeeman | * Fro 5:30 Till Closing Ti e calle vy John @G. Snyder and Henry G. perkins telegraphs in the most en- | m m In Following is a list of sales for shelly, adms. of Elias N. Nissley, couraging tone, and from Los An-| ®Q A S e day | which posters have been printed or Dec'd Minnich, auct. celeg it is learned that the conduct | ON SATURD Y EPT. 21st. Mr else are advertised in this paper. Wednesday, Sept. 25—On the of the Third Term party in the rve-! ® & Seat, These notices are given FREE until premises along the Harrisburg pike, cent local election there was such | : Mi: day of sale. a short distance west of Florin, 8 45 to disgust and alienate many | ® few Thursday, Sept. 19—On the prem tract of land with brick house, frame who had purposed to support | ® ®Q Mr ises in Mt. Joy township, 13% miles barn and outbuildings by Henry 8. Roosevelt and Johnson, marked bal-| as ~ Md., east of Elizabethtown, a tract of Brandt. Zeller, auct. lots being employed at most of the Q 0] : BEd ining 127 acres wi - Friday, Sept. 27 tT pom, of ing places 1 3 burg land containing 27 acres with mm Frid: v, ept. 2. : ‘ B. 1 polling places. . | Opposite Union Natl. Bank Mount Joy, Pa. ogo dav. provements by Mary C. Rider and the Florin Hotel Florin, Pa., two The Maine and Vermont elec- | 3 Mr Jacob D. Rider. Singer, auct. See ots of ground with a frame house. tions have served at once to demon- | e Sedrdodoadofesorforusdoode deste sfosferferderfesesfedferferdefefe . o> advertisement. stable and outbuildings, by William gtrate the hopelessness of a victory | . D fond Thursday, Sept. 19—On premises Widman. Zeller, au for the Third Tarm purty and to] ® Mr in Mt. Joy township, a tract of Wednesd: Oct. 2—On the prem- prove that the expectefl Democratic WW ; oo gravel land containing 92 acres, ises at Maytown. a lot of ground japgglide will not materialize this Q Q ih Bene with frame house, bank barn and all with frame house, frame barn and yeay, A A > outbuildirgs by Etta M. Bennett, shop and all outbuildings in excel- Republican managers have all ? QQ od administratrix of C. K. Bennett, de- lent repair by Mrs. Catharine 31gne been confident that the tide QQ Q Pens ceased. Zeller! auce. Kautz. Zeller, auct. would turn, #nd that on November Ww \@ sl Tuesday, Sept. 24—On the prem- Thursday, Oct. 3—On the prem- 4 it would be running strongly in & Q : i) ises in Bast Donegal township, 2 ises in the village of Florin, 3 lots the direction of President Taft. It Pd " ; ” ou, 2 om, . . om, © 0, ©, o A © © e o » oo, » o 3 cinity ms emma I Tb 1 Nar Bay ae 2222222222222 222222222202082 in & > " pecially gratinec and enco rage town that 13,000 votes should have been friend overturned in Maine by the date set Mes for the turning of the tide. And Bowm they believe that both Vermont and Colles Maine have shown conclusively how Mr. hollow is the claim that the country day w is certain to go Democratic in the Lemo: coming election, Mis The repudiation by Governor- QuNDAY SCHOOL \WORIERS | SSIES 1 LA ryn elect Haines of Theodore Roosevelt = | ® Lanca |B ce . s pe ‘ : \ low oN : Th: ‘ =} le has proved already a body blow 10 phyee Persons in This County in| e Res > aanirant for a third tern s : 3 w= > { / i the aspirar or a third term. Active Service Over 50 Years ] Annvi The pitiful showing of the third oe : . : { Wn. faded LE ; The executive committee of the|m : termers in the recent Michigan pri- ‘ q 1 i) Mr. ; : Lancaster County School Associa-|gg 31} h maries has been followed by the J re | ville, | Da tion met in Lancaster, Tuesday | gg 2 | 1 liation of Mr. Roosevelt, . . x 5 % { town 4 : 1 : afternoon, Rev. S. C. Enck, the|= oy So, too, the third term aspirant |= saz president, presiding. IEA oAle Or s : i 5 received a crus low from | spent 15 My Choice of Re — / : hid : % It was learned that there are} li 7) ’ Ki ty AR, his closest and most intimate friend I in thi At whelB er, i : 4 re ersSons 1 this county who : Duke’s Mixture Presents Senator Lodge, of sochusetts, lL 08 persons in this eungy Whos Mes Z] p : It : is . have been active in Sunday School] Trimb 3 ‘ 7 ‘ a 5 y ive 7. no 1 open ti president s am- 3 x 4 | Among the many valuable presents now given away 4 : . : . 3% Ea ! work as a teacher or officer for over ® dav ir wwith Liggett & Myers Duke’s Mixturethereissomething to p paign in Ohio, All who know Mr. fifty vears. They are Roland S. Bru-|B Rev suit every taste—and in this all-pleasing satisfaction the Lodge and appreciat. his great per- TL a ny) > actly like the tobace self. F I] classes rs 3 - ~ baker of Trinity Lutheran Sunday pg preach presents are exactly like the tobacco itse or all classes 4 sonal affection for Mr. Roosevelt re- t : tow Holl 1. D8 KE i i. of men like the selected Virginia and North Carolina bright Bh alize thot nothing short. of the con Jo! af New giana; 0. Bb. Ane: HB en =u leaf that you get in A viction that it was his solemn duty of Ephrata, and Miss Mary Lylls, of |m Mis 2 ’ ; i ot i * Smyrna. The State Sabbath School] gone 1 . to take this step would have led ue Hi Lain ial |. oll hi hi 1d friend and Association will award a meda to) enroll ilm ) (deser 18 1 ‘lend < { | : k Im to dosent 1 " "lone of them, or perhaps all of them, |® Mis sgpecially to take » 8 agains : | & : no i X ta : g i oS > pat Mr. Brubaker being recommended |& week 1m, he, effect © 11S course is | : | ae for first honor. |. Misses bound to be far reaching. : : = > ; The State convention will be held Mes From various sections come indi- 2 i n Buct ) ’ ¢ tl { boil in Philadelphia Oct. 8 to 11. hem : % 5 Juche cations of the resentment o )otn % : : = v county is entitled to send thirty]: I h Sh O ty t attend € the Germans and the advocates of lel te The president was au H ere S ce oe or ni Miss g : Ho . .._ | delegates. 5 au-| = MIS: : J universal peace over Colonel Roose thorized to appoint four delegates, |B Rineh: Now this famous old tobacco will be more popular & velt’s reckless and extravagant de- Le te i Gh of them. A otuaril £ Satara 4 theo exer oh Ji now a Loggers & Myers louder, aad % AT i $07 of Be pre sont ive Bont Sunday. Sheol. workers in thietll e easot ) at Yo equal in 0 an ¢ Y y p oseve has . i q ; q y 4 vy granulate tobacco you can buy > oldt, w om, Mr. e sevelt county who desire to attend the|M Miss f you haven't smoked Duke’s Mixture with the { characterized as a pickpocket, a vention in Philadelphia ag. dele-Te of Phi fr. i conve m ade 4 as le- | = Liggett & Myers name on the bag—try it now You liar, and a cutthroat because the : ; = town will like it, for there 1s no better value anywhere. representative dared to challenge gates should write to Miss Mary ik = W d : 1 th + *Werphe For 5¢ you get one and a half ounces of choice granulated ww RT 2 a ioint "debate. Me Swope, 352 W. Orange street, Lan- B e are etermined not to carry a pair over e Seq 5 Mis $0bacco Hasisnsse] by any i Sealey, and with each sack you \ any ) oe: 9 8 Jorg = a ‘| caster, to secure their appointment m > SAS get = book of cigarette papers FREE Bartholdt took the ground that the . E ers E is sper a H0i6 Ne Ann and receive credentials. They will ig f 1 k f = . E e f 'eS 3 € at : = mim F - ra wit Now About the Free Presents Fi po, Xen. 10 ! = oe Bt : i fd be issued in the order received. n son Oo our arge stoc oO Su er “ ootwear . XCep a ng e cou ‘ked w ’ icag was rfectly ust anc : Zerphe ... Th c pons_tow packed with Liggett & Myers Duke's 11cago 1s periectly jus : The cradle roll and home depart- = Sy Mix ure are good for all sorts of valuable presents These pres b proper and that Col. Roosevelt's Mise M Wall 1 Mi Bg . . . Mrs ents cost you not one penny The list includes pot only a . : ments, Miss Mary Wallace and Miss'= 1 1 11 1 Y rs for b Sin S ined ’ r lenunciatio yf the ¢ al com- : wv — smokers articles but po denuncat on of he Ravina 9 Alice Strickler, superintendents, re- = tiona va ues in a ines. ou u €S Sword: a <—: any able pre mittee and the national convention 2 A i = a Day dgsirabionte sents or R : spectively, have qualified for the = delphi women and children —hne was slanderous and wholly without : o : “Sat 1 Mrs. F fountain pens, umbrellas, Bb foundation in fic As onc. of tie county front line position, anc cameras. toilet articles, lend oo } Rel, a i . |efforts will be made to have the Mr. —, tennis racquets, catcher’s B eaders In the movement for uni- i cine : x of Co: gloves and masks, ete versal peace, Mr. Jartholdt has a tone hey on flopartmene in with yosi also. s As a special offer during host of admirers far beyond the front ne 1 osition a ledge $100 to Henry September and October confities of his own State. and they It was voted to pledge | C only, we will send you our } I . Co __|the State work for the ensuing Mr. RY illus od. o as well as his many rerman sup- : : ve new lasirated patalogas of {| 5 : ile i ih ot a vear, and to contribute $5 toward Philad presents Jus en porters, are indignant at the vi )- : - racati L ROD Eos vacatioc J 2 pame and address on a postal. pe erative. denunciation. bv. Rocse-|t2e expense of sending W. G. = oats . > g l.andes, of Philadelphia, to the In- 2 Mrs. > Coupons trom [Duke's Mestre, me velt adv.1t " 1 M , g be assorted with tags from RS : srnati s S ay Schoo conven- Mr. > SHOE. J. T., TINSLEY'S NATURAL b ar ternational ynday 8 tur BB LE A NO TWIST, cosdons Q r Ea) 1-pleces of cloth tion in Zurich. thur § from SE 10c-tin double bh or Sale—Several pleces of ¢ s : coupon). PICK PLUG CUT, PIEDMONT linings, 3 large display tables,| This county will hold its conven- BR Ci 4 ings, arge isplaj ¢ S, | : uests Lp z and other tags o> coupons issued by us. Xl Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, tion in I.ancaster Thursday, Oct. guest pues Premium Dagt £ Irons, tailor shears, small stove. In-|17. A good-sized booklet will be Mex — — Lager iho Tetasss bp, quire of W. S. Greiner, for Est. of {issued for the occasion which will ps 3 , i i y § y sc ES v Yu St. Louis, Mo. B Jacob H. Greiner, deceased. jot 2 Sistory of Senda 5 Tony “inden wt i — {work in this county, statistics a VAAAZAYITYAY | ve | sybscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin {other valuable nformation,
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