The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 18, 1912, Image 5
PAGE FIVE THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, September 18, 1912, Lebanon Valley Farms, Grist Mills, GRIEST'S MALL DELIVERY Nedi Fall Styles | Frit | ae Si am farm, at good town R, R., Station Tells How Sentiment Was Arous- Good bulldings, running water 20 od in Its Behalt Just Arrived From Looms neres of extra good tobacco soll a $70 per acre A Washington special dispatch to uli ual a ae TET PTTTTTTYTYT™S 137-acre Limestone farm, good |the Reading Eagle hag the follow buildings Located within about a|ing square of the Ephrata & Lebanon “Ten or twelve million of people trolley line Best Lebanon county |are personally concerned in the crea limestone soil and location, About [tion of the town and village mail de deeded i Lb Ls ae. ree - re id i a a oo oo » miles from Lebanon, Great bar-|livery service, authorized in the pos gain tal appropriation bill, which has just vZ-acre Limestone farm, on Berks | become a law,” was the declaration & Dauphin Turnpike and trolley | to-day of Congressman Griest, Lan line, between Lebanon and Myers- | caster, who is sponser for the town town Good stone house and run- | mail carrier appropriation carried in | ning water $7000.00, the bill, died db db 2b i. i 29%-acre Limestone farm at My- The new system will connect the dieiiodiedeaiediiiiodiedieaihiegegh died db dab a LJ a ee Case Sc Light and Dark Outings, while they last, per vd, erstown $6000.00, city delivery and rural mail services, 1 Case 10c¢ Light and Dark Outing, choice patterns, per yd Farm, Grist Mill and Saw Mill he said, “forming a three-linked | 1 Case 12¢ Outing, new patterns. These goods look like broad- 92 acres Brick house-—18 rooms, { mail collection and delivery organ cloth, per yd. one brick and one frame barn, wag- | ization covering the whole country, 1 Case of Calicoes, Blue, Gray, Black, Black gnd White and Light [Fy 9, a A A / Nw on shed, tenant house, pig sty 50 ft. [and giving the people of the United | long, Full roller process flour |States mail facilities second to no Colors; Elegant cloth, per yd. mill Modern saw mill. $6000, other country’s postal administra Small lot, good styles, heavy Seersucker Ginghams, Regular 12}3e¢ Tl-acre farm and hotel near |tion, In Pennsylvania there are no Jonestown, on State Road. $5200. [less than 200 post offices of the | Bee deele tooled BoB d 2. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTY grade, per yd. tvs vias Flemish suitings for school, house or street dress, looks like wool suitings, per yd. t2-acre farm, near Schaeffers-|second and third classes, and in the Belmar Suitings, for all dresses, same styles as English suit- [town, with saw mill. Large custom | country at large more than 4,000 ings, per yd. saw business $4300, offices, whose patrons are now com Another Samples freely given, All the Fall and Winter shades of part wool Poplar Cloth, per osc 3650. adjoining small town. $6,- | 360 government.” .2Be h0-acre farm, 1 mile from Leban- |pelled to personally visit the post | on, with extra fine buildings; 5 [office for their mail, not with stand PETIT TIFT TTT TYTTYTTeerids acres of timberland marketable ating the fact that such post offices produce material profit to the | vd. If you want your chickens to lay eggs, feed Rust's Egg Producer, 60 acres, between Campbelltown| Not since the establishment of . . y : ‘ s | i : . and Bachmansville. 2 brick houses, [the rural delivery service about 16 7 rooms, large stone bank barn | years ago, has Congress approved 48x70 ft. Very nice farm at $4650. [such an important extension of the S B B h t GC Hotel and 64-acre farm at Bord- | letter carrier service of the post i . * ern ar { > 0. nersville, 1 mi. from R. R. sta. |office department as that which has Good buildings $7250.00, just been authorized. Under the | T0-acre Gravel and limestone new system carrier service will be! East Main Street, Mount Joy farm, 3 mile from Berks and Dau- | eventually established in all towns | phin turnpike, ¥ mile from R. R. [and villages having second or third Boole ole sheobectestesteoteoleoteote detect: deeds Bole al Be 2. ETRE TTTTITTTTTYT A Prominent Feature In Our Autumn Opening Exposition September 18, 19 and 20 WILL BE THE FASHION DISPLAY OFF NEW STYLES IN GARMENTS, GOWNS AND MILLINERY ON station, Brick house 10 rooms, | class post offices, and as there are | Bocteate ale Bock, TST new barn, ete. Near Henry C. Snav- several thousand such places, it is wi J 1 7 r ’ >. ¥ - . g . EVERY PO( KE IBOOK WILL I¥’s fruit farm. $6250, { estimated by postal officials that not WELCOME THE NEWS 90-acre limestone farm, extra less than 10,000,000 of people will | : fine, on Ephrata & Lebanon trolley | be served Heretofore the city de- that our big Reduction Sale is now : ! on. For now, with our prices cut to a fraction of the former size, each i ~—brin | dollar will GO FURTHER 2 gain at $8000, ceipts amounting to $10,000 or you much more REAL SHOE LR . | . 108 acres, 2 miles east of Millers- | more Henceforth the government VALUE. And of this be assured— i x tas : 7 : 4 or : " dl ¢ burg. Fine buildings. Good stock, will maintain the city deliver) aVOrv 0 3 | : every shoe Nes o or Togas Se or dairy farm. $4200, service for the large cities; town or X ne- : : i the extremely low price, is genu Residence and cigar stand with | village delivery for the smaller ly good. None but serviceable, } i wa : 1 n tvlist factory, Good central Lebanon lo- | cities and towns; and the rural de J 8 re sn : ; : : ‘ honestly made 2% We ag styhs cation, livery in the country districts. pofesboiaeaodealoiiode sido desis dede ded dso ddd ddd dd Bd 2S 2.2 2 2.8.2 line, 23 miles from Lebanon. livery service has been confined to | 107-acre farm, extra fine build-| places having as much as 10,000 | ojerfecfecierfocforforie ings, close to good town, Great har- | population or annual post office re i | 3 3 + i 3 i |p i od oo * | 3 x 5 3 *% 5 {3 % 5 k3 3 * 3 og go 3 5 oh * ogo + + * de 3 i w Living Models \T OUR EVENING RECEPTION, FROM SEVEN-THIRTY TO TEN O'CLOCK, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, # shoes are sold by us. i-story brick cigar factory, good | As in the case with all important central location, close to I.ebanon legislation, some Congressman must business center $6500 | father every new proposition. Early | 130 acres, 1 mile from R. R. sta-in the 61st Congress, Mr. Griest in od 5 REENER tion. Fairly ood stone house, | troduced what proved to be the only | a » poor barn. Good pasture land, run- bill in that Congress providing for | ice in the town . n Pa. ning water, ete, Well adapted for; mail delivery serv West Main Street, Mou t Joy, | and villag and his speech advocat AND AGAIN FROM TWO TO FIVE O'CLOCK, THURSDAY, SEPT. 19. A CONCERT WILL BE GIVEN WEDNESDAY EVENING AND THERE WILL BE MUSICAL AT- Seelealeeloatostontectoat todo tet. 8 2 2. 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 8 0 8.0 .0.0.0 TTT TTT TTT TTTTeTrTeTeTe reer irre e+e 44 +edidr id fruit. $1500 123-acre farm at Colebrook sta-!ing the TRACTIONS IN THE PIANO STORE BOTH EVENING AND AFTERNOON. LG tion, on C. & I.. R. R., 2 miles from | public sentiment VR 1 11 IH I I [i Ji J . : ; r aim 1 1 "a (Mt. Gretna. Fine home and sur-| action. The roundings. Great bargain at $6000. Taft was enlisted and tl WE BID YOU WELCOME—COME! 160-acre stock and dairy farm 5 HAVE YOU TRIED » good location $6850 Bn EN Ae ENDED DE HHP D DDI PII 20329 1 Central Boarding Stable, best MB T.ebanon trade Paying proposi MAGIC Ns ; Write me kind of farm you want } I If not will you try thetrial size left at your house today ? BE ry an] ant war tists and get one of my large lists of I.ebanon Valley farm bargains. Save 25 per cent to 50 per cent Ask vour neighbor who hought. ive an ollectior these eopl i : command nsideratior sfesfoeforforforfecfoniesfostocfocfociefesfocecfusiecfosfonfocfeciecfoofosfoefonfaiosfosfocfecfariecfociesionerfoodn dhofocfocfortscfosiodsciroforfocfeirefecfortectososisshoofocerforfocorfosforforfecfosfociocfocfonfe sts MACHINERY AT €OUNTY van] long os telr eifony 10 Secure foliat/m lied Ts Tile sw} : : ll AdvertiseIn The Bulletin daddies ste oleae Beale ce Be Beale ot 8 2 2 sp i J hh hh a a i Congre This Year's Display to Be Largest! formati Se oh JE of prominent LSC 1 | a TR I ITIL The Machinery Department of 12 resenting town 11 RR 1 and berger, who appegl men was |the beginning of the Fair, four years There is nothing to equal it 2lago. Mr. Bomberger reports that othe non-delivery FOR CLEANING CLOTHING Bis oom fot li on, i : resolutions @ | mobiles, EC, sver shown here How About CALENDAR: zens, sedbadddbddbdbbdadidbiibild Hu Among those of Grease or Tar Spots, Cleaning Colors Ghali ra i 10 1 i o Harne on Men's or Ladies’ Coats Fi 5 Zesher Gonipany Suppl Company Landis, It is soon time for house cleaning and if : Company, B P| ise ban in VEE GRE 10 EO I you want to elean the woodwork or p | 11. S. Newcomer, of ger, of il Ih ~ Livrn Ant ROC 7 ud i Ls rn iim : Seni 2 the iinest assor Di calendars brighten up the furniture Use a 1 Quarryville little of the trial size I left yoi so that s Morse ol Readine: a ih ever shown in this town, We have 10 10 ET 1 you will be convineed that there B Machine Company, of Yori is nothing better 8 | Burkholder, of Denver: Germar ’ ' o Th < . : I Will e between 4.0 ) ., ® | Pratzert and E. H. Myers & Com 4 ! : 2 wh , and PECK MILLER anything from the cheapest to the gm bany, of Myerstown; C. H. Koger { Philadelphia This will be the ® For House Cleaning aE and Prenoman J Machine Works, of appearance of Houcl before Landisville; Brothers & best, Among them are novelties 4 . | meets Billy Vapke, ex-champion x = Jausman; S. A. Stoneroad, of ¥ SL ee a We can sell any quantity you want ® New Providence; J. Frank Luts, of | Widdle-weight of the world at th at a very reasonable figure. B® Denver: 'N, B. Holilnger, of Neits-| 01VIPI2 Club, in Palladelphia, ory 8 ville: Landis Brothers, of Rheems; | ol. . : n | lancaster and all’ will remember his ° 2 ® F. B. Bentz, of Brunnerville: M. B. | : y ive a ria | Hei jotcelient. Work wih Houcs ta m | Heistand, of Mt. Joy: West Minster | the. I tin f 1e st 1 Ss El wr ‘ irs . winter. In one of he gm | Nursery Company, of West Minster, | 4 | € Md., and the Leaman Motor Com- | a ; iy se % i Joe Bornell two weeks ago. There pany of Lititz, showing the Carter 3 from some of the foremost manufac- Sept. 27. Miller is a big favorite turers in this and foreign countries. If ver seen in [.ancaster, he shaded | interested drop us a card and we = mi. ; r : : is class to this wind-up and it may = Car running on a 50 per cent incline. | | be the last chance to see Houck at The Southern Pacific R. R. Com- | : . 'home in a long tinte as he has had | will call with samples. Our prices pany will also exhibit a large variety many offers. Jack Miller, who meets Johny Greiner, is a brother of Peck, and = [ BM of the products grown along its line, | and manufactured articles made | are way below others. there from. ——— A A — «ae. the whole family can fight. Kid AAAALMMMUAAMAMLAb bbb bd MLA MAb bbb bbb Ads bu Frazier recently boxed Russel in U. B. Announcements Lebanon and they both wanted to On Friday evening the 20th, Dr. | meet in Lancaster. What Al Lowery will hold the quarterly con- | Strasser and Tim Droney will do ference at St. Mark's U. B. church. | will be worth remembering. All the officials are urged to he ee T THE BULLETIN East Main Street, Mount Joy East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa. LA 0 RM present. Low Fares to the West Sunday morning and evening the Pemnsylvania Railroad. Tickers last communion service of this ocon-|., Rocky Mountains, Pacific Ceast. OE OO ference year will be held. Western Camada, Mewmico and South- The anuual conference will con-| waciorn points on sale every day | * : > I eS da eti nN Te: from September 24, to October 9 ea inclusive, at reduced fares. Consult Read the Bulletin nearer, Ticket Agemt. ATI TET TTT TYE TT TT POET TY FOTO POT TPT FTE FOYT FH OTP TPIT P01 PHYS FHSS ITOH SIH OTY ALA