The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 18, 1912, Image 3

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PA. Wednesday, September 18, 1912,
is the only kind I sell
Rockers “i
Picture Frames
* Extension & Other Tables
China Closets,
In fact anything
Kitchen Cabinets
Undertaking and Embalming
Joi OY
All Xinds Concrete Work © a an a rena
All Styles and Colors
Porches, Columns and
Door and Window Sills anc
of the Best i.
Grades of Cement
{ « \ i ( e the fence
problem for those who have a grave
Davenport pit nearby It would almost seein
hat with concrete posts and woven
wire fence ( 1 be built th
vould be 8 per: 16 18 th farm
\eve e immed
¢ eav 1 But it should
used as soon as the urface become
dry enough ( erize easily w
EE, out d in : t! T t role
a she ad be od ' ' easons
rticularl rough
shi til
I'he \ ite Conservatic
Commission Wing p the i
portance of the weed question.
the n ter of quack grass the com-
find that, of 499 farms,
228 are infested to the average ex-
tent of three and one-third acres
More than half these farms have
, patcheg of Canada thistles. the
average of which reaches the sur-
I area of more than five and
one half acres per farm. Wild mu
tard exists on 112 of these farms
an average extent of twenty and one
half acres per farm A weed census
is a new thing for a state to take,
one of the finest lines of
ast Main St.,
The New |
Since taking charge of the Yoblonovitz Shoe store I have added
At From 98¢ to $2.48
feund in this town. They
the best there shoes and coop, depending on the size of
considered when
All Kinds Bipelring
huge loss in land, in labor and
The method used by most of the
large establishments engaged
Men's, Women’s and fattening poultry in this country,
to feed the chickens in crates from
troughs according to information
collected b) the United States De-
partment of Agriculture. From six
to ten Dbir«
com- division of the battery or feed
eo Rates Moderau
Sold strictly on
Lancaster Automonile Co.
230-238 W. King St.,
We are Always Prepared to serve
Moderate Charges.
Don’t fail to see us before plae-
ing your order this year.
J. N. Stauffer & Bro.
Mount Joy, Penna.
“9909999099009 9544
19 Bpring Gardens
Phila., Pa.) Ein Deutse
rArtz, 0
the Disease Itsel, it’s a curse of huma
After You Are Through | Kxcha nge
Experimenting with The |
Mount Joy, Pa.
With the Best
New 1912 Cars Now Here
Also hunch Counter
Tripe, Oysters in Every S{yle
Ete., Etc., are served
A. |
‘Good Stabling Accomodation
| Local and Long Distance Telephone« |
/ The largest and only strictly first |
class fireproof garage and repair |
shop in Lancaster City of County.
It's A Cure That's Sure
® % os 2 | ids
2000000006000004 JONES BREAKUP
Always in stock
West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa.
“For many youre 1 We
200904 $009 e000
At last I foun a qui
in those mild,
really wonderful
tormerl 5 N. 6th
Spe list. The German Treatment, the only
Guaranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, oth: os
can’t Care, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse than
Skin & Private Diseases, Excesses, both sex, Abnses, Weaks |
. Nervous Debility, Lost Mankeod, Drains, Atrophy,
Rossen, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Rupture & "Stricture,
ne cutting, Kidney, Bladder, 46 yrs. practice £6 yrs. I
. in Germany. Book Free, tells all, exposing Mas
iy & Country 4 Avertising Frauds. Hrs. 9-4,6-9; Sun. 9-
you pur- birds and the ideas of the feeder
Two or three chickens do better in
division togetl 1at when or
on bir s placed in each comp
ment, ai the «« of equipment and
am labor per ird varies inversely wit
short the number « irds in each di
Give me Another method which i sed tc
ynside le exten a small s«
1 « 1 € =
I'h thod lapted fo 18
tl I P he armer doe not
care ( ( ¢ rouble
g I I € € rice €
ceived for | fed yirds does 1
p t ¢ ( and fe
( p i
) e hog
i 1
vhere the latter are fed out in “
dr l this an open question
to dze om the fol
1], M. Backensioe, Pro. io oo eo
« een I ‘
} y ole se I 1
von ( ¢ 1 Y (
: : 21
O71 1 nte and then a
ere « and e older or
ened « The net gain -
duced hry } asturing seas
onlv 1 even sever hundred
1ollars Cont out the rice «
he grain consumed (three hundred
and twenty-five dollars’ wor
we'd have a total, on adding in the
value of the hay cut from the field
during the season, of nine hundred
dollars. There is over two hundred
dollars more than the value of the
hay crop from an equal area and
over four hundred dollars more
than the value of a corn crop from
fifteen acres of equally productive
The person who raises chickens,
turkeys, ducks or any other fowl
naturally feels a greater pride and
interest in thoroughbred stock, and
therefore, gives the flock better care
than would be given to mongrels.
No matter what kind of birds you
have, however, the same rule of
good care applies, With the right
kind of care and interest your flock
{will yield abundant satisfaction and
good profit and both of these are
felt to a greater degree by the own-
yer: of | the thoroughbred fowls.
Houses, yards and feed cost about
the same for either mongrels or full
bloods and a well kept flock of
thoroughbreds always attract atten-
tion and admiration from neigh-
bors, are often willing to pay
much better price for eggs for
hatching purposes from such stock
than ordinary eggs will bring.
Many buyers, every season, get ex-
least expens-
3 asing eggs from
to hatch pure bred stock. The
| breed best suited to your surround-
d purr them
to serve hould The
best meat producer is no as a
rule, a good egz producer and so
on, but with careful study of some
of the breeds a buver ought to be
le to know how to select just
{what will meet his ‘need.
Farmers Ss Column
[Well Bred Stock Affords the Most
| Profit and Measure—Does it Pay
to Raise Hogs—The Fertilizing of
Hall Racks | Pods. The Weed Gurstion
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, author- she
izing the State to Issue bonds to the
Amount of fifty millions of dollars for bunal
en, article three of the Constitution of | 1aWs repealing local or special acts may
Pennsylvania, so as to permit special | be passed:
legislation regulating labor. Nor shall any law be passed granting RQ 7 3
Bection 1. Be {t resolved by the Senate | | powers or privileges in any case where REFRESHING SHAMPOO
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen- | ll€ge
eral Assembly met, That the following is | &€
proposed as an amendment to the Con- | Jurisdiction to grant the some or give the | TAKE VG
stitution of the Commonwealth of Pean- | Fellef asked for FAKE ALONG A
sylvania, in accordance with the provi- | A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 2.
far as we know; but the Wisconsin
census indicates that one acre i
hoe tore every twenty in that state is serious-
ly infested with noxious weeds
“Section 7. The General Assembly shall | | Proposing an amendment to section three
not pass any local or special law author-| of article eight of the Constitution of
izing the creation, extension, or impalir- Pennsylvania.
ing of liens: { Section 1. Be it resolved by the House
“Regulating the affairs of counties, | of Fepresentatives of the Commonwealth
cities, townships, wards, boroughs, or| of Fennsylvania (if the Senate concur),
inal ce
“Authorizing the
altering, or ma
streets or alleys judges elected by the electors of the State TRACT ( 1 QTONE J
Relating 10 ferries or bridges, or in- | at large may be elected at either a gen- IT WILL ADD TO THE VACATION | TRAC E LIMES] E LANI
corporating I |
except for the
the partial repeal of a general law; but tax,
laws repealing local or speclal acts may 1
be passed: fy may,
“Nor shall any law be passed granting | {fo tax
powers and privileges in any case where |
Bection 7. The General Assembly shall
mot pass any local or special law authoriz-
townships, wards, boroughs, or school dis-
Changing the nan
Changing the venue in civil or eriminal
Authorizing t he laying out, opening, al-
tering, or maintaining roads, highways, |
streets or alleys: ly
ating to ferries or bridges, or incor
porating ferry or brid [
t for the erecti
AT X |
ROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THR! For the opening and conducting of elee- | Bection 1. No obligations which have PUBLIC SALE
CONSTITUTION SUBMITTED TO tions, or fixing or changing the place of | b etofors hich may heres | s \ BLE FARM
THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMON. | voting nfier be jesued, | inty or muniel- | OF VALUA E F.
WEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR | wnting divorces pali other than Philadelphia, to provide |
REJECTION, BY THE GENERAL AS- Erecting new townships or boroughs, | fo e construction o quisition of wa- | ; . a
BEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH | changing township lines, borough limite | terworks, subw erground railways | ON THURSDAY, SEPT, 19, 1812,
OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND PUBLISH. | or school districts | or street ¥, or the appurtenant en wm « Wo YK
ED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY Creating off or prescribing the pow: | thereof, shall 1 onvidered as a debt of | AT 2 O'CLOCK, P. M.
OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PUR. | er" and du of « re In counties, | & municipality, within the meaning of sec | a remise i
JANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE | cities, borough tow ips, election or | tion eight of article nine of the Constitu- | on the premises, s tuated on the
CONSTITUTION school districts tion of Pennsvivar r of this amend. Toad leading from the Manheim
Number One anging the law of descent or sue- unt i’ the net reve derived from sald | Road to the Colebrook Road, in the
« lon roperty for 1 ‘ f five ears. elth
A JOINT RESOLUTION Regulating the practice or jurisdiction | before or after the sition thereof. or [township of Mount Joy, Lancaster
Proposing an amendment to article nine, | °F or changing the rules of evidence in, | wh the same is constructed by the [County, Penna., about one and one-
section four, of the Constitution of the | "n° Judicial proceeding or Inquiry before | county or municipal ter the comple
half (13) miles east of Elizabeth
court aldermen, justices of the peace, tion thereof. shal e 1 n sufficient to |
ditors, masters in chancery or other te- | dur sald period ‘ 1 obligations
the Improvement of the highways of the als, or providing or changing methods | or if the sald abligatio hall be secured | Public sale, all that certain messuage
Commonwealth Jor Le £0 I tio: of debts, or the o- by Ly ns upon the respective properties. [and tract of land, containing one
Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate o cing of judgments, or prescribin and hall I « « cipal lability 0
. . affect udiclal sales of real estate: Ther ’ p ; nn 1. (hundre and twenty-seven 127
and House of Representatives of the Come | © R ‘ ! jue ‘ } 87 # real salate! the wi * municipalitie ountles shall | hun d ; ! ( )
nwealth of Pennsylvania in General regulating the fees, or extending mn gations to j e for the con- [acres and sixty-four and sixty-seven
Assembly met, That the follow! 3. | Powers and dutles of aldermen, justices | struction of property, as herein provided cap
ment to the Const tie Dow ng AMeNd- of the peace, magistrates or constables enid nlclpalit ties. Rinv. a} hundredth (64.67) perches, more or
) » Constitution o e ommon- Yamvele . +8 hy : ro 8 1 80 >
alth of Pen vania be, and ti Regulating the management of publie | tssue ohligati to provide for the inter- |legs, situated on the East and West
} ' BY) 10 BAME |g} 1g the building or repairing of | est nd I n PGR raing }
h i n “ovordance WIth | 4 hoo! houses and the raising of money | there Voy: Ah Ta ve |Sides of the said road leading from
¢ ie thereof: » . A ’ joe oF 1 ve . .
I'h of article nine, which fo oh » 2] pose OT thierasts > oh Sony Perntior for a [the Manheim road to the Colebrook
“ee bt &b ng the estates of minors or per- | ties ar } the pa e | Toad, and having thereon erected
J be crested by ty, except after due | levy a est and LARGE TWO AND ONE-
. ¢ 4 i 1 interest, to be re- | ing-fund re > Vv Be FRA ’
Ply casual deficiencies of revenue, repel | efoq I wares ten OF oF: 3 fed 13 HALF STORY BRICK
asion, su i ect afer ; ight | . 1 ’ t
Bate fo ves! rection, defend the | Remitting fines, penalties and forfel- | Pennsylvar Po] DWELLING HOUSE, with
Rte. wap, orto p existing debt; and | ¢,,, or refunding moneys legally paid | : | la ’
Gebt created to su deficiency In | tnt the tre or sida ddl Jo orn . } * spacious porches, well of
e shall never exceed, In th XE " th 4 ' ! period 1e . 4
Xt ANY Dhe cone a tion of dol ‘empl ng property from taxation: yea) f Jcipalities or | water at kitchen door, spring house
\ ’ Ey a . Le tin tr mining or man count I y " .
be amer ! to read as follows: | ueacturing: but t lature may reg- | of } exe at basement, cement walks, ete.,
or on behalf of the State, except to supply | U1 41d AX the wages or salaries, the | te 1 valuation |AN EXTRA LARGE BANK BARN
dai \ neh hot f work or labor, and make vi- | of the X A they i i ‘
al defici [ f revenue, wsepel inva- | go y y rota — n 4 vaks ey Ce ¢ . 1 if ) id | frame chicken house and hog pens,
r v ( ofe rotect 1 welfare an LU n ¢ 6 f ha ve een
n q x he the of ons em; ed by the State, or by | assented te ’ of the elect wi corn cribs and wagon sheds, Fair-
t Ss 1K *D a
98 nb € ( nt i b ! town, town- | voting at a ich ian hanks & As lads Maia - c
wy de fic lencies in | ghi ol d village, or other civil | ner as she o A banks Standard Platform Scales, ad
Ai ig opus division of the », or by any contractor A tru I f : joining barn, all of the same being
, One Ol= | or cont rformn ‘wor! ¢ \ 3 tus "
I'hat the General | o, es f rt Jgbor a ; 3 ne M in first class condition, Orchards and
203 debt, may | ty, city, borough, town, township, school | == . fruit trees, first class meadow land
ssue bonds to the | gistrict, village or other eclvil division vith rt ing we . tl +h
of dollars for the | the cof GO TO with running water throughout.
iways of the C Jaw rebutting the Creating corporations, or amending, re- This is one of the very best farms
ay he Commonwealth. e r or extend e¢ charter areof : i { )
true copy of Joint Resomtion No. 1 Hew 5 or eS! a n th * i rs theseey: : in Northwestern Lancaster County
212 1 ‘ EY irantin ) 1y corporation, assocla 1 . .
ROBERT McAFER, or Individual any special or exclusive . . EN i ‘R and has always been maintained and
Secretary of the Commonwealth. privilege or ir
nity, or to any corpora- kept in first class condition. New
tion, association, or individual the right to | jo, Mai st ; u |
Number Two. lay down a railroad track: 2 ast Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. | fence have recently been erected
4 te . { Nor shall the General Assembly indi- " lor arts ¢ the p ise
A JOINT RESOLUTION PERU ath Sook Op Tn Ly FOR A jon parts f the premises. Telephone
Proposing an amendment to section sev- | the partial repeal of a general law; but GOOD SHAVE connection in farm house.
Sale e at 2 o'c h
STYLISH HAIR-CUT |S ile to be held at o'clock, p. m.,
fon Thursday, Sept. 19, 1912, when
[terms and conditions will be made
House of Representatives of the | | the granting of such powers and priv- gp anvthin in the Barber Li 5 e
s shall have been provided for by 5a g arhe ne | known by
:ral law, nor where the courts have
Philip Singer, Auctioneer.
Chas. G. Baker, Attorney,
slons of the eighteenth article thereof ROBERT McAFEE,
Amendment to Article Three, Section | Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Seven. -
Bection 2. Amend section seven, article | Number Three.
three of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, | —— " y F Tee, | Frait and Truek Farm
Which feuds us fllowsies A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION.
At Public Sale
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1912
Will be sold at Public Sale bv the
school districts: That the following is proposed as an | undersigned on the Premises in East
Changing the names of persons or|amendment to the Constitution of the | Donegal Township, Lancaster Co 1%
places: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in aec- “miles
| s g ; | miles west of Mount Joy, and 4); miles
*Che inging the venue in civil or crim- | cordance with the provisions of the eight- | | East, of El Hoxby tht own, on the Phil 1d el
ast. 0 I e iladel-
eenth artic cle thereof: —
ing out, opening, Section 2. Amend section three of arti-
r roads, highways, | cle eight, which reads as follows: “All |
phia and Harrishurg pike, the following
| real estate to wit:
or bridge companies, eral or municipal election, as circum- reas : i | Containing five acres more or less Bound
tion of bridges cross- stances may require. All the elections for FUN OF ALL THE FAMILY | ed by the Lancaster and Harrisburg Pike
treams form boundaries - idges o 2 Co he sev - Nort hl 1 1 2
ih Stas rion | Bs of Ue courts for he several Mik | Anybody can take good pietures| on the North, a public road on the East
town plats, streets or borough, and township officers, for regu- with a Brownie Camera jan 1 yolley nth
” lar terms of service, shall be held on the . go o | road on x ’ y 3 .
iting to ceme teries, Sravevar, or | municipal election day; namely, the Tues- Brownies, $1.00 to $12.00 provements theron erect
grounds not of the State: ay xt llowing tt 8 nday m .
y the adoption or legitima- sa) 3 $9 i » oS Lies Jonas Bid The two best sellers are the $3.00 | fan LARGE TWO STORY SLATE
Assembly may by law fix a and $7.00, HH ROOF BRICK HOUSE.
changing county-seats, different y, two-thirds of all the mem- 23 3 ands
or changing county | bers of each House comsenting thereto: I also carry as a side line | FRAME BARN, HO
’rovide Tha uch elec 3 sha - 1 al 1
ties, towns, or villages, Prova sa £ Sac A Selon ¥ a Camera and Photo Supplies { And all other VO ) A
ir irters: s to read: | wel of water near
and conducting of Section 3 es elected by the — the door About 20 trees
’r changing the place | electors of t at large may be | Agent for Standard Steam Laundry. |!" £001 bearing con ! ting of
elected at ei a general or munlieipal [© © : | Apples. Pears Pea , Plums, Quinces,
orce : 5 5 e 1 5 circumst €S may require Apricots and Chen \ fine variety of
v townships or boroughs, All elect f es of the courts for | y Cranes wherrv, Raspherev and Black
hip lines, borough limits the ju i districts, and for Krall M cd 1{ M al ket I'beriv bed rood b oor: o EY ar 1 2 ack
cts cour city, ward, borough, and town- 2 + 1a ‘1 fan Ft 4 rE
es, or prescribing the ghip officers r regular terms of service, 1st Irees along [ne lentes ti Wout The
ies of officers in counties, ghall be held on municipal election land is all clean and in the highest state
towr election or the 1esday next following
of November in each r cot QO r 5
ging the law of descent or succes- 3 but the eral As Sch Iro
2 : t aw fix a d rent day, minute ) y
gulating the practice or jurisdiction il he memb of each exnect it 0 1
les of evidence in t Provided, That 1 n ve
ol 1 t € € rh €e Cov
12 or inquiry befor > held in an odd- ' oft : tl
ices of the peace Ar I led further, That I always have on hand anythir ay 3 oy 3
arbitrators, au r the several n the line of Smoked Meats, Hau : OH : b : ex-
cery, or other tri- liclal da i at the Y Ties ad X ¢ ! 20 Ww
1anging methods | present time, wh t office may | 30ologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Et An reon wishing to view the premises
or the enforc- | end in an odd-numbered shall con Also Fresh Beef, Vea Pork a prior to da f sa w please call on
I ribing the effect | tinue to i flices til tt t 1 h :
C nue t int the Ag . Pricos. a a sieht { the unde S i A 8
real estate: Monday of J in the next succeed iuntion. Frices always rig ta $a} a and 16 + thé Bary
fe xtending the | ing even-num i vear | ¢ t ; t ‘e | ml
A Sa'e to commence D. 1?
I ( es of ap 1, justices of A true cop f Concurrent Resolution £5 ar 1 il11 be 1 a wn by
eI constables: No. 3. 4 te KE R AL! oar hen jerms a oN ’
iat n nt of public ROBERT McAFEE, West Main Street, O lan} C. H.ZEL1]} B
the t ‘ ing z of school Secreta f Commonwealth li ain reel, pp. anh : gi Her S ; dt
of school the MOUNT JOV. Pa 1+ Auction Cry J. bran
N r K »
fter due no
, to be reclted
On Saturday, Sept. 28, 1912
penalties and forfel
at 2p. m., at BR. V. Pegley's
inding moneys legall ald | ena
nding gally pald enta f the Com t Mount Je the!
perty from taxation: t : § : Reams
1g labor, trade, mining or man- } : 31 I ! B
oy eferee I I ( t
*orporations, or amending, re- a
the charters thereof: |
0 any corporation, associa-
Made A New Man Of Him.
“I was suffering from pain in my
dividual any special or exelus ) ar >
privilege or immunity, or to any corposa- | ut of | 1 stomach, head and back,” writes H. :
tion, association or individual the right to | Yania., which rc 3 Tolows T, Alston, Raleigh, N. C.,, “and my § | '"¢ nkrupt
lay down a railroad track. pall 1 : on the | B liver and kidneys did not work right, C. H. ZELLER
“ gan 0 ¥ Ly r 1 terri y ” 5 3 » .
Nor shall the General Assembly Indl. | SATS SAIE OF OE Noniy 1eveing but four bottles of Electric Bitters Bt .ctce in Bankruptcy of R. V
rectly enact such special or local law by = and shall ind collected | ll made me feel like a new man.” pl
the General As-
Ss exempt
used for
| under gene
W. C. REHM, Attorney.
on public prope
public purposes
the granting of such powers and privileges worship, place £1} 10t used or held - or Tp
| vs BOT > rof 1 i v - |
shall have been provided for by general | f0F, Private or corporate profit, and instl- ELLER]. : Oak i
law, nor where the courts have jmrisdic- | iutions of pu public charit so as to @HAS. 5h. 4 44 | ¥resh Bread and Cakes Delivered
tion to grant the same or give the rellet | F62¢ as follows: RE STA” through town daily
asked for,” —so0 as to read as follows:— | All taxes shall be uniform upon the REAL ESTATE AND : =
ame ass t with the ter fresh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey
Buns every Wednesday & Thursday
ing the creation, extension or impairing of Seder ects of | %. Main St, Mount jo Funerals, Weddings and Suppers
Regulating the affairs of countles, cities, | 2X2100 : hose given prompt attention
’ . r taxes;
store & Bakery, West in Street
r Mount Joy, Pa.
settlement of Estates. Branch Store at BH. Desm's
ailing and Clerking of Public Sales
s of persons or places
Collection of Rents.
Surveying and Conveyancing
companies, ex-
idges crossing
ion of
streams which I rm boundaries between | te of Christian Seitz, late of
this and any other State: Rapho township, deceased.
Vacating roads, town plats, streets or . :
£1 € ent sa S
ating to cemeteries, graveyards, or I granted to €
public grounds not of t State { 1 : Ya . E us
Authoriz re adoption, or legitima- House els Rh Yeosls heen eff Se gu #: Joy by E Wg : fort 1 od
tion of children: wealth there e requested te mal im- aE Co Call for free sample.
Locating or changing county-seats, | bly met, : : ee y
ly 111 € 1¢ 1 T« ti INE NE 2 .
cting new counties or changing eeunty se@ as am| dais Rl his ADMINIS (ATOR AN i
on of Penn- lair lemandas against £ ot nd of . Cnt 1
Incorporating cities, towns or villages h the provi- Fstate \ a Guki, ld
by changing their charters: nth article thereof: — Joy Townshiy 1-ceased.
FoLll t ut Letters of n.inistration on
’ y ! signed, residing at Moun Joy, Pa tat :
Will Change Name What We Never Forget 2 estate having n granted to
EZRA NEY x : i 2
according t " Tele ol undersigned, all persons indebt
: : - 3 Spe - Execut thereto are requested to make im
+ meetir y « 1 ) 1 aor ¢ At nevs 13
t Good's Ineeiing house -on y a Be ALL mediate p: and those having
5 3 R < rT Q
€ the same
or Good's other i = delay for
p, { € £ 1
S ! Ire our is, Ss gned, resid-
i ¢ t manag 3 inp . : JOHN F. GUHL,
+ } ses x S
T e ceme Administrator
+n | its rit ¢ fo es
ted t ers : Coyle & Keller, Attorneys.
corns old s 0 25 I ttl imeem
at S Bernhart & Ce’s Read the Bulletin
riffs, commissioners, arbitrators, au- | pay interest and nking-fund charges town, the undersigned will gell by