The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 18, 1912, Image 2
PAG wo THE BULLETIN. 18, 1913, Wednesday, September MOUNT JOY, PA. | | THE BULLETIN ST } 8314 NGA De a EE REE RR RS 8 RRR EER Wm - Miss Mar endlg returned from | MOUNT JOY, IP 2 = | . fOUNT JOY, PA. 2 = LAN KE TS = Virginia wes the mountain E. Giry = = a J. E, SCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. 2 =| +4 . i mie |B 3 ol weather = 1B SAVE row = wa bacco farmer | - SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR |E ‘VF SAVE YOU TWO PRO- 3 | " Six Months 50 Cents = FITS ON WOOL HORSE = ' \1 J | \ } i . ad } 0% Cents = =z Ma T 'w Shiree Mouths. . . 25 Cent 8 BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT = " wit) " Single Copies 2 Cents - = [1 : - . Sample Copies FREE £& FROM THE MAKERS, 18 Z a : : ne -— - -~ | \ | in laughter aaa - 5 THE WHY? OP IT. PRICED EB wviieiur: were the wioats of M ” - Entered at the post office at Mount | 2 ANYWHERE FROM =|. . > ~ - loy as second-class mail matter, Sy TO ‘RE FROM $1.00 TO = i : id wife on Frida | aN All correspondents must have their |S $10.50 = wil . Wilsul urned home | 8 - - - J | } Wee 3 fart communications reach this office not |Z 2 : ho V vi a : later than Monday, Telephone news |= FINES" STOCK LAP = Am end t Philadelphia and | n of importance between that time and | = ROBES IN THE COUNTY = Wayne . | wm : = 12 o'clock noon Wednesday. Chan- |5 4 2 Mr. and M l. L. Kline and Mr. | (wl? " ges lor advertisements must posi- | g FROX 52.50 TO $25.00. BY. 8 ng Mrs, Melvin Newcomer and sons | - . tively reach this office not later than | = ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE S|Melvin and Earle spent Sunday at | & v » ’ ” ® Monday night. New advertisements £ AT BOTTOM PRICES. FuLL 5 00"ston Boro |: he dame Price The Wor ver inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday | S : 2 Mr. and Mrs. Hulley and children ( + night. Advertising rates on appli- |S STOCK OF VETERINARY 2 (James and Anna Catharine of cation § MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL gz S!!ver Springs spent Sunday with i I HE BEST BH D OST S I YLISH om KIN =|Mr. and Mrs. Maelhorn ! - EDITORIALS § KINDS OF HARNESS Z| Dr. John Kendig wife and John - — - = sr— = =|Jr. autoed into our town on Friday - A 1 See - > " n n Money is tainted by its destina- = = afternoon The fine apples that | OT ES I T BE Worl yD - tion, not by Its source, uw S|came with them were very ac- - x ; “. ov oo | coh > E = - = cel table - = - { =2 When Mexico isn't negotiating|= 10% A QT = Mrs. Charles Green of Lancaster |: : a - LANCASTER, PA. - : i : oe 5 for peace she is endeavoring to|S =|and daughters Ethel and June are . AT OR NEAR THE PRICE break £ = [spending some time with her father’ mn . . ''9 9 E Tou 2|Mr. Henry Hiestand while Miss|® We know that every STYLEPLUS Suit is made to give good, hard ser- Those Standard O!l's pipe lines = ouU- "- | S e = | Bess is visiting relatives in York | ® . . . . v . into the Senate wig of mationallS gc, a Vice and to retain its fit and shape—tailored form—all-wool or all-wool-silk rhs uy Tet =| capitol should be plugged = Trunks at Half Price. Great Bar- 8 Ba amie Stoher of Lancaster . . . . . . apitol should plugged up. g : on £| Miss Mamie Stoher of Lancaster,|m fabrics in choice patterns. Handsomely finished and cut in the latest fashions . ¢ oo» = gains. On The Square Z Mr. Joseph Stalen of New Brunswick » Among the other by-products of | yyy | NJ Master Russel Zimmerman | _ by the best designing talent in the world. the petroleum are political scandals fand Mrs. Zimmerman of N.'Y., were | 8 and soile eputati Ss recent igsitors of . . a ay > . » and soiled. repuiations. Oe Mr. and Mrs if We know that every STYLEPLUS Suit is made in strict accord in the STYLE PLUS standard of ex- arrs u“shleman = The United States Treasury in Whoever missed the Father and ceptional quality and su erior workmanship at a medium price. Ever STYLEPLUS Suit is equal to the best wu running short of small bills has Mothers’ and Harvest Home day n nothing on the average citizen 3 gathering in the M. E. Church of | = $20.00 to $25.00 grades of other makes. . . . . Mount Joy aailed to see one of the o The Congressional record output most artistic displays of fruit, vege- You need one for style! You need one for comfort! You need one for economy! this year is 19,678,456 words, {tables and natures products gener-|® some of which were not knocks n falls at it has beer IT 20 FOT- . . . : . S i ® Lot Ano O08 | We make an offer that will save vou 2 [Dat It has been our good for. & Come in and get it here today—We are the exclusive STYLEPLUS agents in this town. anybody. = J tune to witness BE * ss sn money. If troubled with Mise Ida Shaffer Mrs. Samuel ® : Curious, isn't it, how mush easier Eby's niece of Brunnerville spent | g : : oh f run i spent | go it is to land American troops away DANDRU EF last eek in ti home of amuel | = off in Nicaragua than right across ‘ Eb; Elias [| 1 famil Re u . . rin need ( a oeneral ctimnlatine the street in Mexico. Ur 1n ne fag 1a] stimulating Hottenstein of Petersburg, Samuel a “eo oo and permane Qarber and family of Rheems weore|B Those holes found pounded in 3 Sundav at t hon of Mr. | H Speaker detk, were probab HAIR TONIC Se SN a a ly made during the the Balti-| A preparat will give perfect I'he Sunday School of the Breth-|m : . More convention was In Session, satisfaction an ing you lasting is closed for the Summer last |g Mount Joy Hall Building, Mount Joy, Penna. 1 * 8 =. 0 lu iT “ 1Sund fte ) Among those in- a Penrose anl Archbold both inti-|5° °C °° vited was the M, | Sunday o = mate that the Standard Oil aritcles Begshore's for Dandruft of Salunga in hody. The ORES EEE ER BNR TERR EERE ERR EEE REE published in Hearst's Magazine are > classes recited Psalms while the forgeries, but we haven't heard of vounger children little hvmns MILTON GROVE MASTERSONVILLE The Shippen School THE DOMESTIC VACUUM CLEANER any libel suits being filed 50¢. Botfle 39¢. $1.00 Bottle 79¢, | Rev. Rufus Bucher, Quarr] l Ba 1 Arnold and William Dit- Our wells are again becoming < like an ordinar et sweeper. Send > 8 Re Hottenstein and Forney of | Ienderier are 1 the sick list. shallow and if rain don’t soon fill FOR GIRLS card for circul nstration. When the crops are all safe Petersburg made addresses. Morris Shor Visited hls grand-ithe earth with moisture the town’s Pri rice st 0 nd 276 * harvested the Northwestern farmer : ~~ Mr. Samuel Ebv. relurhed home nother Mi Susan Swade On people will have a scarcity of water. Re- Opens September {9th an 1 be able to give his old roadster i he Frid tour thr h | Sund e September sun shines A ( I t 1 ur ougl 3 a pn. 111 a ourse >y ay to his d man and buy a new | ; he fou : Bins tn th p ‘iv SCrViess e Ev : ; aD Full Acade C I ima y , on ee 0 1 ountrie king the : es l ccredited by all tourir DYUgroist|= ee of fon chuniries teking 1 Be feonar Saturday ave i Ur Genres er ol ; ’ & * : : : : S central lo- in g. The nee S an ear the PR. PB This was a long session of Con ! vine : J el ' - fi > P. T - BR. gress but not the record session. | Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. 5 to ae 5 My ; 1bu ban Trolley Hh 9 3 ' iin € Suquehant rips, social ad- The first session of the fiftieth con- 61 5 p.m on Plate hibited 1 onth and t he ical training and gress did not adjotirn antll October! wo pai St, MT. JOY, PA. the battlefield but various cont nty of time to develo competent super- 1888, ! £¥ | was held oma ( S } ore : : *s es oo { DLS halo : | Ko on Frid even On Sur The Hon. Jim Mann complains Por master do 2 wi | : r ] ; n eM that the official flag of House “you DONT NEED ep and the M : be ciation | ent I 1 Mrs. ( ) vill 1 1 ( lacks the proper number of stars: | PIL er Ing a by Spahr 3 Mt. Hor pie yf the } 0 | : Doe but we thought those scrappy 2 s . ; a : ! | 1 2dward Ober « near Lay h I 3 Democrats were making Jim see ! ’ Toad Detweon rented M Sue Es! fir plenty of them hese iavs LL 1 Se nga I ! nd n ; % $9 ow y 3 ! Ke 3 lisses GIngric th older Senator Penrose sa the Roose . i ! Lawn, l ds 0 ordi ite 60 YEARS’ | velt people tried to buy Mr. Taft's $3 : Germs ge during the Wwe EXPERIENCE colored delegates / wr ad M Bi of pupils 1ave enrolled a $5000 a head and : 2 or 1 Panlos ¢ ( 1 2 I Mastersonvil school I. 1] patters “got back by hp ¢ RE—_ = e : piel x | APY GQ ind lv on Sund liction is 1t the ts of th was appointed Supervisor to move | 5 : : : their manhood, integer chicken will live and [in the : of erecting: a house). J 8nd Mus. Phsres ? school year B. F. PEFFER 1 a thev . i : en ga | dauehte Ant te Mrs for 1 Or Dut perhaps they 8 3 you never saw chick- rt] ndent of grounds.] ° \ SYST Detore. Th nape WIARKS Agent ened the ante,” which is an appeal | ’ r f the Mrs. Ar n, pupils is running h A "DESIGNS Lu that the colored delegates from the { ® i you use ine mY id of the parents wonderful results t NS MOUNT JOY, PENNA. gonth understand Park & Pollard Gritless- LANCASTER JUNCTION } al h and I [ acco id. let ‘the — . STER . } 2 Repl Y Be 3 teacher X idge / 8 0» Chick and Growing Feed Abra H of mear Lititz, | iz Zari : t a pare id eacher co- Meet Me ue Brige and We'll ~ . were guests of+ Mr. and Mrs. arate and school life will be ¢ ave a ate ol It is getting rat ite The Te alizing effect of the spent Su Mr. and Mrs. | bine OPER end A : Pie Poa Vv, the season to do mu more th Lik shred ade led cod fish in 1 thi S feed Christ Rothfus { simon ngr 2 luxury to all. alto: Dest Yes Crosr ins To sont " : Y iia i 3 te v | win about it for next six I a ict wl iva vife of near School D A handsow | but by that time Council should just whal 1 i ed. 1 i Har and wife d the TROLLEY SCHEDULE Hane ur | er Ci etal dd Learnallabouttl iS wor nde rful A In Grosh and ‘Mrs. Sue TNA give tac matier of removing gar- feed fr heir Ye {5 rosy = nite Lancaster, Rohrerstoir™, Landisville, | UNI x har %otm Han eed from then ~ Book. {on Sunday evening Branch ( F St. Washington, D. bage next summer some. consider Wort! Tol] r and ni} Of Sanday evening. Salunga, Mt. Joy and Klizabeth- si : ation. We doubt whether orth a dollar to you. We nd friends C. Ammon town Street Railway Co. i ject would be an expensive one and | furnish it to you free, ere gla he hat he is Toe p " . . ; we do know that it would conform ; as Snavely, sr., and wif recove d is o be rT WARD enasylvania Railroad : v 4.30 with other good feature of o + Qunds: with. Mr. and Mri crite . : town. Soom wb tres BrancLs mm a I aos er a Personally-Conducted Excursions county that } MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Elmer Geib, wife and sons spe e 1 Pau Yo “ Crossings. better side Sunda Jacob Tren 7d Lshifter ot be 5 <istied N; RT ZELILER'S HighHNE, better Watsrand | ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 3 ar N ns s r { lagara Falls Al! Tlavors at All Times. Kept town I n 0 I F Jos Welfl late of Ter Bt 1 J MV Mrs G 7.0 Setloiih | Soe cial Prices to Parties, Festivals none Now wil can’t we ont owns y. Lancaster | Weaver vif nd d ¢ Ste . vis } 10 : Suppers, Ete. stepping forward to a gre nd | co 1 pent Sunday at caster e fo r's a 1 Round Trl better Mount Joy nau 8 dministration on said Snavel 1 vife 1 - : nT tif 415.0% $9 3 oun rip From { Mrs. C. H.Zeller sarbage removing Tw : : : . a jo pr A m, 1215 2 : x a garvag Roving ; I een granted to the sper Sunda vit H Y Arrive at Elizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.45 Mount Joy Pa, arietta Street MOUNT JOY week would be ufficient it weuld | yy ned all persons indebted 8, Mr. and Mrs. All Hoff : { 3.45, 9.45, 10.45, 11.45. Pm, 12.45, 1.45, 2.45 SPECIAL TRAIN » Cat oo : ; I 1 111 persor indel ffer. | 4, : 345 4.45, 6.45, 6.46, 7.45, 5.90, 9.45, 10.45. A m : " : HE make in our surroundings. It | thereto are requested to make im- Clarence and Amos Snavely spent |, ; Ne 12.30. h ; limina hose stenchy re : Sundav at tho a ; j =u Aire own, Hed A 5 would elimins te those stenchy odor e payment, and those Sunday at the same place L a 3 T G ok| Leave EI AER ABD m, 6.45, 7.4 te 2 2 DIE x from alleys, pits, barrels, ete., from 3 demands azz the same! James Rentschler and f | Ie i este Pom, 1245 6 26, : -1 § ig an s : mar g h am and familv o 5, £. 7 0 ing t , and g iin eg trains whence they are issueing every 11 presen t out delay for near Lititz; James Rentschler r ane \ iW hi Peck 86. 35,95, 108 4 5. within FIFTEEN DAY. he i he “After far in minute all summer. A little rain |gettlement to the undersgned. wife of Lancaster, and Mr, 2 2 - ti es 80s 35 [Faewednis urn of consumpti vas i ma wi ith and the smell is—well you know. LILLIE WELFLY of Newport, spent Thursday IR 1 avid 3 estand ana. 55 11.15, | § Mustrated ! full information may bef | a frightful cough and lung trouble, t ( JLLIE ILFLY, : [and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Heistand ! { 0 »m Tick ze { @ but my life was saved and I pained There was a time when quite a few | W, U. Hensel, Atty. Administratrix.|Friday with Amos Enterline and | 'f rt i'M iM John wan, P 12. $31 ourston |B 87 pounds thre using 3 : y of near and Mr. and Mrs. Joh 3 ; ¥ 30 ours to Thousa { ) using families in town kept pigs, when | Sept. 11-6t. wife. Mrs. A. E. Zerphey and Mrs. | or ici a ht : Sunday. | uf 7.30, "$30, $30, 10.30, "11.30 ): Maritime Pro | DR BLE &’ Irie f zabethtown, on Sunday. | pT 3 much of this refuse was consumed. | _ _ _1C. 1. Charles’ and son Domald of) gL no x ti Landisville—A m, 6.48. 1.3 | Joy: Aumniuis £3 a S Jow Di rs i 3 'n ar few ras Doatorshnure. « a iy Mr. and Mrs. Menno Hess, daugh-| 9.33, 10.33, 11.83. P. 233 133 233 | 8 TUSuUstl:yuebe 1e Park, mn a Now pig stys in the town are few Fase Petersourg, Spent Monday, wif") 1d sony Honey and Menno [15 LB, S55 eat es 430 48, 10 1553: || Angust 10, ; Great Lakes, Sept 2 ha vy and far between which is another the same place. a, ana s Ss 2 t Mennd 4 2 Ron | POLIO. T Tents lace | 7 lohrerst A . he . = 5 reason why we should have the Los ] Jr., former residents 1 Boe 6 10.56. ee P A "i 56. 186, i | DISCO 3 nia Ax Y : system. Few, few persons, if any, THe Minhas but now hailing from Anchor, visit ju , 456 5.55, 6.55, 7.56, 8.86, 9.66, 10.50. 11.86. j Terns Moderate. Bell Telephone W. RB Patterson VM z o i : i 5 wai ) 1e Men Whe Succeed ed Samuel Heisey and family on| Arrive = | hr eh lugton, Tex. rould object to this, as was found € ] i é ] Arrive at J ansaster A m, 630x, R15 | PRICE 50¢ 81.05 AT 4 would lent on nay as heads of large enterprises are] Sundav | #36, 10.15, 1135. Ls me 218, 115, 218. 215. | CHARLES S. FRANK CE 50c and $1.05 AT i: ste. 3 sever, ve é ne a pe ights : a y joo . .15, 11.15, i ad se . . : A RE Sopra) Ee oS {men of great energy. Success, 10-{ Tne Hish Kehoni anened inst Mon. | 4m 12.15 14. AUCTIONEER = - tr for the purpose, was circulated and description, for FREE SEARCH and report on : ! Fhe High School opened last Mon-! on Saturdays a car will lea ive Lancas- Noti signed by every person that saw it Patentability. 2 Tear experionce XLET (day, demands health. To ail it to dav. September 2. with fair aitend-| or at 10.6 p m; Leave Elizabethtown MOUNT JOY, PA . Notice y every pers : e amp for 3 . o. ta on jn sSeplember Hy EA 8D m. : ; The meat busines - The petition was sent to Council fortipa’ jatens Information. Se wil aclo yous ji I's tial folly for a man w ance. Twenty-two pupils were en-| On or orlays ang Specs 1] occasions cars Prompt Attention given to Sales of ducted by Charles ad 4 ron k dow Eo Tics £5 : . £1 > un wen 1. C 3 A but at that time it was tabled and toREAD PAGES 11 a 3nd 12 betore applying endure a weak, run-down, half alive| .,jjeq first dav in the other schooll ~ os Ears aE ho Jon neater ang Mas Real Estate and Personal Property Mal ett on E. 5 | condition when Electric Bitters a 3 : : |p. m Reference: Jonas IL. Minnich. Main St., Mt. Joy, will be sold or nothing heard of it since. D SWIFT & C0 {will put hin’ right on hie t TS | house, where Harry Ebersole is £2} Sundays, first car leaves Lancaster at|__ " Bale leased. The said business has been “Danger, Blow Horn” signs 1 IN| 18 Teet In |oa0eq in teaching #1 a. m. Leave Elizabethtown at 7.85 5 EE ma The “Dang : : = ENT LAWYERS, ® short order. “Four bottles did me {2m Car marked (x) connects with Shaving. Halr Cutting | ¥©!! established for forty years, and throughout he town have cer- 303 Seventh st., Washington, I. L {more real good than anv other | —rTs ss | should prove a very attractive in- nly done a lot of good. Speed- ry : : ; . : tal thr town i Very i |medieine I ever took, writes Chas. Both Legs Cut Off | 38 FRENCH FEMALE Joseph B. Hershey | vestment either for a purehaser or Ing ¢ u ica thite of the past W. M. HOLLOWR = |B. Allen, Sylvania, Ga. “After Irvin B. Smithson of Haltwood, | MADAME EAR PILLS T Lessee. Any persons interested EXeepeions. s S 2 i oe pe . Mle + USH |vears of suffering with rheumatism, [near McCall's Ferry, was found | Ears, Cuetain Beiesy Tor Scerutions Wsmoiaz. nthe onso r ial Pa r lor should consult the undersigned, on e p V. 8 y E 7 fy: 3 ; | Sore b Munsravation. 3 1 P | NOTARY PUBLIC liver trouble, stomach disorders, {along the railsoad tracks in Co-| jf NEVER SO I A ss, Sey Sate, East Main St., MOUNT JOY the premises, or ‘Charles H. Zeller, ar. Attorney-At-Law {and deranged kidneys, I am again, [lumbia with both legs cut off on BR is a Tres irs. No Wai 5 East Main gal Most Joy. teases ef of ememenmmms i tc : : @ : : . ave them send your orders to ting a » f 42 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. [thanks te Electric Bitters, sound |Sunday morning. He died Shortivy 8 on TE0 MEDICAL COL nox 74, Lancasren. pu Agen for the Middletown Steam . BENNETT. Read the Bulletin | Dare at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- [and well.” Try them. Only 50 after being admitted to the] Laundry. Goods called for Tuesdas | — a 1 ROL A ; . : i Sold in Mi. Joy by E. W. Garber Advertise In the Mt. Jor Bulletin. { day at No. 52 North Duke Street [cents at S. B. Bernhart & Co's. Colmmbia Hospé#al. odin Mi. loy by SH Gn and delivered Friday. Advertise in the Mt. Joy BuHetina. { { E deo 2 2 [YES ( | |@} 0009990000000 00(0 aS =] NN heiy ®, a 8 < TEE