The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 11, 1912, Image 4

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    y and Mosquito Dangerous? _S23e
With spongy feet, collects the invisible germs of diseases, spreads
our food and poisons us with typhoid and cholera, The mosquito with
injects into our veins malaria and yellow fever. The bacteria of consump-
on, or grip. are everywhere present for us to breathe into our lungs. The blood
which flows ‘hrough our veins and arteries is our protection, It should contain
healthy red and white blood corpuscles—capable of warding off these disease
germs, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a blood medicine and alterative
made entirely without alcohol, a pure glyceric extract of bloodroot, golden seal,
Oregon grape root, queen's root, mandrake and stone root, which has enjoyed a
good reputation for over forty years, I'he refreshing ine
fluence of this extract is like Nature's influence the blood
is bathed in the toni¢c which gives life to the blood the
vital fires of the body burn brighter and their increased
ietivity consumes the tissue rubbish which has accumulated
the winter,
* Abou y ye iro while in Newark, New Jersey, 1 had chills
MicHAEL MAGuUIs of ational Military Home,
| nt to Kansas City and in the spring of 1877 the chills and
Doctors and everything 1 tried failed to do me good.
I 1 Dr. Pier Golden Medical Discovery advertised. | took
( f it and the chills vanished In about a year afterward
I felt « « ng back so I got another bottle and have never had
J { ver or ague since I'hat is all of twenty years ago,
for I had hills about twelve years before 1 started to take ‘Golden
Medical I very
M. MAGUIRE, Dr. Pierce's Pleasent Pellets are for liver ills,
sledjeedeoboderiedderdeodedecderderdederferdeieiodesioiodd dedhedeirdeb dodbdd dbe
i Summer Shoes Reduced
+ At least a dollar or two less than usual; many *
I pairs as low as half price. bs
3 See Windows for Great Bargains 2
i ~
t Get $2 to $4 Oxfords for $1 to $2 %,
i We fit you just as carefully, as though you paid :
Y full orice an
h 4 iui pric i
+ Regular $3.50, $4, $5 and $6 now $2.45, $2.85 %
: +
$ and 34 3
$ Boys’ $3 Oxfords at $1.85 i
: gm :
Ae on -
i i
+ 18S N. Queen Street, LANTASTER 1
: ofeefoofeofecirefefocociocdovoafocfosiosfooirfedpiped
‘““All Work and No Play Makes
Jack a Dull Boy”’
more to clean out
dull care than any medicine
the fun on
Witch, Sam
gator, o1
rm and factory, you
e the sfaction « owing that vou are contributing to the
pbuilding and
pend o ; we depend on them now
October 1-2-3-4
“Why, for instance,
of most countr
Is Your Piano Intertaining?
You Say No! Why?
pecaase, perhaps, you cannot pay,
ome one else comes to play
e the piano you now ra
Famous Hardman Autotone
have to wait until
home when wt will
inment, you don’t
1sic on the piano and
d right in your
Norman, who
nhliegm, his en
of indu
siedrefororf jofocfosfectfocfochojscfodofpaforiofesionts: food sfosie sfeoosfeets fo oge
PPbdedd dd did bd rider didb doibid bb dd bad dopdopddy fdbibitirted
ear that song you
Gold,” and to know J
ever know until you :
Hardman Autotone +
payment plan will enable to purchase a Hard- J
have the World’s Best Pi: %
your home, 4
i NIT o1fnnson Q., §
16 and 18 West King St., LANCASTER, PA. *
H deviestesdeobedeoioododoobooledeodeoddedodeds
“Of course no American famil
George Lamparter’s Sons
Bell Phone No. 920.
Ind. Phone No. 1:99
Speleodreforfoodeoderiorfeodeofooiorfecfoodscfonfe dood forforfesfocforerd
Cf eee
Read The Edicion
being insufficient to sup
Aonual Convention To Be Held
Hohrerstown on Saturday
of earnest Sunday
ifternoon se
we presented for
raded lesson 8S
ohn F., Knittle |
| nm mi ons
ession Rev, S (
ill entertan
to the Hol
er ——
Must Have Permit to Plant Poles,
I'( | will her
)é inde regi
High 1 1¢ 1
v » Higl
comp i
hed rou S ma orde
ir poles ind be removeq
ture not a pole can be plante«
1 main h 1 0 nd
without permit, which will 1
ranted under conditions suitable
calityv where the work is to
sss tienes
Family Theatre
theatrical people, own the tl
rformers come to
IL 1lt i
Geographical Puzzles,
I'rance has t!
wed south
the Scotw
and more hot
the Prussian
man of Ger ny. Northern Italy is a
nd the man from
compatriot from
and fractious child
so, but why?
tands on a
id fashion and
district are always on the
vy. ti 1 » oreat migra.
in the world's history gone west
1 east ?’—London An
n England many years ¢
ican woman of prominence who
somewhat annoyed by a tactless
lishwomun who undertook to ban
and who said:
“I take it for granted that vou have
ne ¢oats of arms in your new coun-
one unless it was borrowed from
wiry,” replied the former
r instance, has your family any
1 cause for pride over vonr
grandfather?’ persisted this particu
larly tactless female cad
th American woman opened
up and replied; as calmly as possible
the circumstances, “Not much
perhaps, only that my grandfather on
s side received Burgoyne's
when he surrendered at Sara-
and my grandfather on my fa-
ther's side received the sword of Corn:
wallis at Yorktown.”
Digging a Well
weld at the Farmers’ Cream-
barrels of water per day, which is
amount required, Mr. Wm. COC.
of Salunga, is now busy, sink-
ith-inch shaft for a sec-
well. This one is being dug at
the engine room.
etl eer.
Read the Bulletin
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin.
Advertize In the Mt. Joy Builetin. |
most su
are lots of puzzles in geog
raphy,” said the geographer.
1s the northern
's got a reputa-
n for being harder headed and more
businesslike than the south? The
sman and the York man we
i rpart in
istinguished for
rgy and his busi-
and rather pities the
f always far
The great
REGISTRY OF VOTERS PARCELS POS1 ight nor more and 79 cents
a ls length and girth cents, 9 cents
Books Are Iiled in The Office of | The Provisions of the Measure Are combined, nor likely to injure the zone 11 cents, 10 cents and $1.11
I'he County Commissioners | Explained. mails o posta equipment of em- over 1800 miles, 12 cents, 12 3
e— | Senator Bourne, chairman ot KF t per ounce up and $1
Al e I SESSOrs ¢ ept!Sena C( nitt 1 yostoffices, ha 0 yunces regardless of dis- The postmaster renera
1 f 1 their ok n thel 1 mndated with 11 tance Above Un ces for first make provision for indemnity
missioners’ office The returnsiquiries abou 1e detalls of the pro- pound, each additional pound and 11 surance and collection delivery
e followin 1s the n | ns ol ¢ ew parcels post law 1 1 1 ectiy 1 with onal ( 0 ~ Su : "2
0 each district 1 ich wi [ e effect ( Ji de one and 5 service, and may, with the convert
outs uary 1 next He made hi esponse ent espectively fift miles zone, with the inter-state commerce m- x
Conoy a 124 /in a general circular letter in whicl nd 35 cent toll mile zone, 6, mission after investigation, modify n
Done Eas he \ offici S mal of the ent ! sone, 7, 5 rates, weights and ZONE distances =
nso} ¥ 2 fa All ph a : ex wil and : Tom 600 mile zone, 8, 6, when experience 1as demonstra i =n
Owl : pa Basen y article is mailable if not over and 68 cent 1000 mile zone, 9. 7 the needs thereof
Mars nae ee mil one, J, ( the needs thereof, |
Eli n 5h ae S11 =n POL) OR E1016 1 0 :
Hempfield, 1 on
sa il] 2 |: ER a .
‘1 LEINBACH & CO. - i
Rohrerstown 303 Mm —_— . a =
H ipfield, W t m = u =u
Veantiille 11 iii gitse.s 13 |g g 5
Yoriiwes rn . . . 124 " 5 x
Gm 7 oH 3 ‘BE EH ER n
\m bog § § = Yom ; d | 4 %
| : Lm aie LD JE BBB 2 ¥
econ rd 16 xr : 4 . oe : :
hi 2 06 |B 3 :
Pld ' In the Latest Weaves and Coloring--Ready for 4 a
1S X 1 99 | m ° a =
bs ot | Your Inspection “
Upper 98 | 8 Fach season, as the new mate lals arrive, we think the designers and manufactur- )u
Lower oii ; 5 CIS are at their wits end, but this season they produce designs and colors combinatioy, =
i Siow fie ns sins a which surpass all former effects. We will not try to describe all of them but ask You ®
Cant m to come and visit our dress goods department and view these new things. : =
Newtown . sini ieinteinle > »
Sporting Hill x
Strickler’'s S. H
— etl) eens eee
Automobile’ Club's Next Meeting
This month's meeting of the
caster Automobile Club to
yon Square ..... vi
You'll find at 50e¢. a yard
A fine assortment of 36 inch wool batiste in every wanted shade 36 inc
thie newest fall colors -new whipcore
the newest for fall and winter wear.
and novelty suitings--the colors and 1
Datterns are
on Friday evening, Sept. 20, at
New Fabrics at 75e¢.
At 7.c we can show you some fiue quality storm serges in a full range of fall coi*
ors--heavy weight woven with clear twill- just.the fabrics for fall suits and
Quarryville, judging from reports =
received by the officers will be an-
other lar attended gathering.
The Clul
Quarryville for several vears but
not held a meeting in dresses-also
a good selection of English serges and fine novelty suitings.
The $1.00 Dress Goods
Priestleys all wool dress fabrics Every woman knows that a piece of dress goods
: ; THe AY Er a fv} y .n}} . A) x *
bearing the name Priestley-is absolutely all wool. T e serges 44 inches wids and
are sponged and shrunk; all new fall shades - superior quality--beautifully finished
that section is fully alive to the ad-
s of good roads and members
from that vicinity promise a large
number of new members as an in-
crease to the club’s strength, re-
sulting from the visit of the club
to the metropolis of Southern lLan-
caster county. The meeting will be
held at Fritz's Hotel where there
will be ample accomodation.
NE a. Ah
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletir '§ 47-49 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa.
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