TIN NT JOY, PA. 5% SUHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR Six Months 50 Cents Three Months Single Copies 25 Cents = Cents Sample Copies FREE Entered at the post oflice at Mount Joy as second-class mail matter. All correspondents must have their communications reach this office not later than Monday. Telephone news of importance between that time and Wednesday. Chan- ges for advertisements must posi- tively reach this office not later than Monday night New advertisements inserted if copy reaches us Tuesday 12 o'clock noon night Advertising rates on appli- cation EDITORIALS Of two evils choose neither ote for Wilson It is never too lat t mend poli tical neces “ o_o The moutl of Oyster Ba is foaming a little more than usual » * . . That worried look on the children is caused by listening for the school bell They seem to be having a sweet time over that Sugar bill in the Senate Bull Moose is no T longer the question What will the 1e plural of plurality be? CI It is pretty safe to wager that Hearst hasn't any of Woody Wil son's letters * ® + 0» We have never been able to figure out satisfactorily how T.-R. finds time to eat, 3 eo eo Isn't there anything in our na- tional life that can be run without the use of Standard Oil? well get the full use of his office including its veto power, $ 5 9 Wilson If Woody gained Mr, Taft feels that he may as seven | STOCK OF VETERINARY MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS ward Kreckel LANCASTER, PA. Tou-R-TsT Trunks at Half Price I began to take Ly- i have any more cry- ing spells. vousness is better. | I will recommend your medicines to all suffering women | —Mrs. MARY HALSTEAD, Platea, Pa. ' | Box 98. Here is the report of another genuine case, which still further shows that Ly- dia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound may be relied upon. Walcott, N. Dakota. — “I had inflam- mation which caused pain in my side, | and my back ached all the time. so blue that I felt like crying if any one even spoke to me. I took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and I began to gain right away. I continued Great Bar- gains. On The Square Did You por Ty 1 dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will iver a NY be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Dakota. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi. | dia E. Pinkham’s | spent Sunday remedies, and [don’t | Mrs. Eli I sleep { sound and my ner- | I was | its use and now I am a well woman.” | — Mrs. AMELIA DAHL, Walcott, N. |at THE BULLETIN. MOUNT JOY, SALUNGA Will Cooper is serving as a jury Mr and Mrs Jacob evening with Mr. a: Shelly at their home Rohrerstown | | | certain hours in om Gorrecht 1d Jacob Musselman’'s house in Lan schools is al- PA. Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1912, |» AREER EER We Are Now Showing The New Fall Models In Styleplus Clothing $7.00 to $20.00 and Young Men's EERE EER JERE EW WE WW WA Oe BROTHERS MI BLANKETS | wh : - Emanuel Moss has come among E DESPONDENT achts Shwe ne - ’ WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- = rs: me of Mayiown, vi = Men S = Strickler on Sunday FITS ON WOOL HORSE Mart Nissiav of Stealton. wis lm BLANKETS BUYING DIRECT = iday guest in the Sam Eby | m FROM THE MAKERS, 18 S |. - . farmers of this neighbor THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED Z Find Relief in Lydia E. Pink- Wl thirty bushels of wheat tO} 0 ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 70 2, ham’s Vegetable Compound ;. ure I: $10.50, E) —TheirOwnStatements | Yr. and Mrs, Myers and son of io = . Baltimore, spent a few days with | FINES" STOCK LAP 3 So Testify. [Mr and Mrs. Weiss |e 2 | Theodore Gable and ife of ROBES IN THE COUNTY, 3| Plates Pa—"When I wrote to you "- FRe0fore Foe BG Wie 0H I troubled with female weak. | BU URB ET Hole BUA Th My } FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV. | firat 1 was tro : ness and backache, | of Dr. B. E. Kendig on Sunday ™ ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE ‘land was so nervous | Mrs. Robert Shoff returned to he | @ that I would cry at | home at Harrisburg after spending ! AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL the a rad) It. week with her friend, Mrs. Drace | would startie me sO. | Mo loy, in the State of Pennsylvania, ar EPORT OF THE CONDITION vi dip Rs NION NATIONAL MT. JOY BANK, in| the close of business June 14, 1912 | RECOURSES Lones and Discounts $ 456,665110 overdrafts, secured and unsecured 10 88 | ready bearng fruit in the erect and 121 40 | I manly walk and the look of assur- 4 40 0 00 ince so evident Sh Mr. and Mrs. Harry langhters Arline and Stauffer and Elizabeth and 268 6 141 18 100 000 53) L \ COURT PROCLAMATION dis, President and Hon. Aaron B. Has- Lancaster, Rohrerstoiv™=, Landisville, | sler, Associate, Judges of the Court Salunga, Mt. Joy and Klizabeth. of Common Pleas in and for the Coun ty of Lancaster, and Assistant Justi- town Street Railway Co. ces of the Courts of Oyer and Termi- TROLLEY SCHEDULE disville was struck and considerable [ U7, 5, Bonds to s re irculati 100,00 6 ———— ner, and General Jail Delivery and : an Other Bonds to secure U.S. Deposits y W000 WESTWARD Quarter Sessi f the P i damage was done to the roof and] pe mson t. S. Bonds 1,000 00 : Sessions of the Peace in and ”» | 1 ) luring Saturday's storm Bowls, S curities, ete L669 Oo | es, vis lot Lup. oy ob sh for the County of Lancaster, have Is- [ chimney CUrINg HALULCAY S SU | Banking house, furniture, fixtures 30,000 00 | 15" 35 416, 5.15, 6.16, 7.16, 8.16, 9.16, 11.16. | Sued their precept. to me directed, [| The hot sun in many sections of Other real essafe owns, . note: “i000 118 requiring me, among other things, {the county is rapidly ripening the Te Heerve nents) : oi 1615s | 1 of BR lode, 118, mp 4, HE Tm to make public proclamation thru- | tobacco crop and in a short time all | Puefromapproved reserved agents 33.213 0h | vas, 3.3%, 4.35, 6.36. 6.3, 7.35, 8.35, 9.35113. | out my bailiwick, that a Court of Oy- jour bs 8 ids Sircke ant ofller cask | hin al jeave’ Lanaiaviile_A m, 5.12, 8.61, 8.57. er and Terminer and a General Jail that the hdl has not ruined will be Wa 0 Hy Ly 15% CP 5. 18 Delivery, also a Court of the General | under roof 30 Leave Salunga—A m, 6.16, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, Quarter Sessions of the Peace and The Saturday afternoon storm did i 10.00 a a Re Jail Delivery, will commence in the A! 00 » 8.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, YR Court House in the City of Lancas- little damage by hail hereabouts, Leave Mount Joy—A m, 6.30, 6.15 7.15, eS 3 | . ~ wo oo | <15, 9.16, 10.15, 11.16. Pm, 12.15, 1.15, 2.1, | ter, in the Commonwealth of Penn- though things looked very suspici- Bo U0 1 015, Wb. oo, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.16, 10.15, | sylvania, : ‘ i cr A 7 | ous. Lightening in a few instances Fatal. su. ¥ oo. sisose de BT CS Blizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.45. |ON THE SECOND MONDAY IN i . g aoe «46, 9.45, 10.46, 11.45. Pm, 12.46, 1.45, 2.46 SEP [did considerable damage LIABILITIES VE 44D EAE 6.45, 1.05, 8.46. 9.45. 10.46 Am. EPTEMBER, (THE 9th,) 1912, | The drill enforced by many of our | Capital Stock paid in 8 100.000 00 | 12.30. In pursuance of which precept Pub- I teachers. which is noticeable 2 125,000 id i 0 Bethtows A. hh lic Notice is hereby given to the May- 0 leachiers ch p en expenses | Leave zabethtown— m, 6.45, 7. . : = 6.621 08 | « TAD, 1048 TLE. 5s. i, 24 | and Alderman of the City of Lan caster, in the said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner £ and Constables of said City and Coun- ‘15 | tv of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper per- 0. sons with their rolls, records and ex- 30 |aminations, and inquisitions, and Leave Mount Joy—A m, 6.30x, 7.15, +15, 10.16, 11.15. 2.16 1. 2. 6, 5.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15, 10.15, Am 12.4. L.eave Salunga—A m, b5.46x, 7.30, + 89, 10.30, 11.30. 30 20. 5.38, 6.30, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30, 11. | | Cl £1 : Wor riosts of 20,000 00 | AE re a “is 1% their other rememberances, to do | £0 » of l.eola, were guests of co ww eave .an o— m, .48, y thos ines ‘hic i ne = Kendig ! wile San. $H,050 49 | (88. 9.83, 10.33, 1.83. P. m, 12.33, 1.83, 2.83. | | Oe ings which to their offices Relieves constipation, torpid liv- [ Dr B {endig and wife on Sun County of Lancaster, ss Yaak t.83 4.33 5.38, 6.33, 7.33, 5.33, 9.33, 10.33, 11.88 2pDer Rin = their behalf to be done, NEWTOWN | da The trip was made in Mr. Lasiuer of the above named bank ; 4 m, 1.03. and also those who will prosecute er, sick headache, heartburn, bili- Hin : a 5 ove statement is | Leave Robrerstown_A m, 6.10x, 71.55, 40; : » , Mr Harry Koehler wife nd | Stauffer’'s touring car. knowledge and belief, 56, 9.55, 10.56, 11.66. P m, 12.65, 1.56, 2.55, 48/08! the prisoners who are or then ousness, water brash, bad breath, , f Elizabeth Phd a : ur ” H N NissLey, Cashier | 65, 4.68, 6.65, 6.86. 7.66, 8.65, 9.56, 10.55, 11.85, | Sha be, in the jail of the said ; daug of Elizabethtown, sojourn Mir. James K. Kendig, though en- and armed Letore me this Otc | A m, 13. 3 county of Lancaster, are to be then izzi ic - od onest f her A nd | 1 t y ot ri noi rine A pt A 8 — ’ hy » .15, re Orta dizziness, prickly heat, distress af- cq as guests of her \ 1|tered in the Electric Engineering | S{'N\ BrRuBskeg Notary i | ar He. 3 eopelec An. S¥ i And loan to prosecuie against them ter eating, and clears the com- Mrs. John Kemerly Course 0 Delaware State College, Correct Ale Sy GENECK EL |» 5.15 615 7.15, 815 9.15, 10.15, 11.15 | aS Sha e just. ; , : . E. LONGENECKER wm. 1216 145. Dated at Lancaster the 14th day plexion. \ir. Emanuel Weaver of near Sa- lunga paid a visit to his parents, Mr, It corrects ills arising from lack [and Mrs. Henry Weaver on Sunday of exercise, improper food and ir- Mr. Christian Rige accompanie regular meals. Try it, better for PV his family of West Hempfield isited ler other, Mrs riscilla you than pills. Price 25¢ a bottle. oe 2 her Th her, a toggle on suncay. For sale at Mr. Morris Witt nd family o Ciétsmmbia, were Sunday visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs. An Ll BE JT UE JJM EADY $1.00 to $3.00 "EE - | i ” 1" 1 ov J LOE | 1 NOW R The Fall Hats Are Here And You Will Want One When You See Them leased | should prove = | vestment b and family and John Koser family, of n ir Mastersonville. On Monday our opened school nineteen ith an enrollment of Notice business lately con- v Charles K. Bennett on E. St., Mt. Joy, will be sold or The said business has been lI established for forty years, and a very attractive in- either for a purchaser or persons interested hould consult the undersigned, on he premises, or Charles H. Zeller, 3 East Main street, Mount Joy. ETTA M. BENNETT. ere eet ARI. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. he meat Mai essee Any will still wield the pet and your I. D. STEHMAN readers will be from time to time ! Directors M. BRENEMAN ) i THE CONDITION OF THE | NATIONAL BANK AT MOUNI1 Sho st : of Pennsylvania, at the Bons, Securities 112,204 00 | #111 be run betwwen Lancaster and Mt. | Joy every half hour form 6.16 a. m. to 8.15! On Baturdays a car will leave Lancas- er at 10.16 p m; Leave Elizabethtown |0f August, A, D. 1912, 1 m On DB erirdkys and special occasions cars MILTON EBY, Sheriff, WE v_IN. | ra school is struggling S pt. 4, 1912. | Sundays, first car leaves Lancaster at ) : . r dittenl Th 4 ‘ # 9 [8.16 a. m. Leave Elizabethtown at 7% RECOMMEND ilong under difficulties le cause RESOURCES {2. m. Car marked (x) connects with I AND SELL sf the difficulty seems to be Loans and Discounts 367,522 I 11 i : rt] 1 tor : of i r and unsec ron ’ i a | | i The | 1 1ess Ol ne directors U. S. Bon 0 secure circulation 100,000 OC He f township to allow all T 0 ih Bony Pos a ar Dep > 2 000 w THE DOMESTIC VACUUM CLEANER J HREGOLLARD ( 1 and parents to select any | Premiums on U.S. Bonds, . . 1,000 00 | yy orks like an ordinary carpet sweeper. Send | 7 . DBRY-MASH P for a patent. Write to-day. D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT LAWYERS, T 303 Seren St., 1 shave Her — Joseph B. Hershey | a Tonsorial Parlor wit hin FIFTEEN DAY. Wasiagion. B: C. Bl |]ing trains, a Augnst 1: Quebec, August Apgust 10, : Great Lakes, September 12. Bogs sis He Was nominated, how The {da Wittle. school and the name of High School | Banking », Fu ne bo Fix- ard for circular and demonstration. = y sioh the “ ’ [fe 5 ? is : ; : & “vo. 5 0) | mu h will he weigh on th morning | | Mr. Ravmond Hoffman. a st appeals to most of our neighbors | omer tos att Jo 00 | Price $10 and $16 | MAKES THEM of March 5? Druggist or l.ebanon Valley College ind so a good teacher in a nearby | Puetrom Fhaid An 1 Private Banks | L AY OR BUST : Si hah on Ee EY ay and Bankers, Trust Compan ’ spending his vacation at his home | school is to contend with this ie 1d Savir mks [ — FT Fri 3 ‘ : Due fr wpproved Reserve Agents On what ground does Senator | [in this place, returned to that innoying situation What is the | Checks hes Cast as | Penrose propose to sue those anti-| Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. 5 to tution on esume his | rem Focsolomer Mona) Banks, » Your can't loaf™ . 1 ractiona aper rrency iek- | Br ? Taft eleciors in Pennsylvania—non B48 p studies for the = 5, and Cents - 101 87 | 1 % i : Sr A {6.45 p. m. ay —_ : ) $ 201i | at least th suppor: was me Rally Dav for Foreigi LANCASTER JUNCTION nder note : 23,443 2 times per week when they eat The 8 3 a West Main St., MT. JOY, PA. |. a ag gig y Biv id with U.S. Treas 5,0 | bi : i was observed on Sunda I 1 Wa die wing splendid weathet D | Park & Pollard Dry Mash. : Op nasi cone le, hoverer, , that {church in this place. Re Spal for the toliaces and cers whichi ars 1 678,706 =3 For Sato i tite New York police Werte sulijecter ler of Mount Joy, ered a lec-| oro BRANDT & STEHMAM te great temptations, living, as ur an 7 ture on the ( 2 tl 1fternoor Q fe spel ( Mount Joy. Pa- did, in New York and the pastor preached v a a | | Ask the man who feeds it * eo oo @® : : : ny 1 jimnstructive sermon In the evening. |. Ix on and { \ ; Though the oat 1 t A collection for caus Sn el i > Ruhl 1 \ it i ¢ IB) 1 ( ! us, it is some 1 to reflect vith satisfying re > t k | If you are hungry for Buckwheat that she had to use our own lake A very destructive hail stori ara ¢ |Cakes, the kind mother used te breeze in so doing : Ww. H , . 4 BY mo 1 H son Jo- f | bake, we still have Buckwheat flour 8 “ : pt ited est empfield township Af 8 {on hand Miss | yf near | - es oe = . 1 f Saturday afternoon which destroved Her | ir = SE Y, . WR boat . ailing [oe L.a S 0 ershe | ¢ Canada ma bea 1 ng {the tobacco crop and also dama | vachts but we have Canada outclass- tho oe : { te © | Meet Me on the Bridge and We'll the ri crop to e | od vier Stes 6 nas ae i P| mas Snave j vife and chil- A Have a Plate of the all of smal Si1Ze es na w caster, ss fore and aft trolley car but f 1 2 : { € Sund Wit Mrs > above- -named g ah al : ar, yut fortunately no serious damage | 2 2 5 state- 3 2.3 + » ig : age | g ents, Mr. and Mrs. Al-| go Shove Sins! Best Iee Cream in Town 0 the crops 1 1 ie That Chicago woman 0 s 2 ! Old I I. M. Brubaker, Cas o ot : ; eet} Af Alfie. Peter B Shell and wife and | Subscribed and swor y helore Mio wt B. FF. FE hat big men make better husbands lay of Sep t., 1912 = == ya i ‘is . Sami Snvder and rife Ff Man- | A Biri Not than small wen. failed. i say MILTON GROVE an , 1 a a Mw : ot Man WwW. i HOLLOWBUSH, Notary P yo Mr rank Danner ¢ | nelm ent sunday 1 the h 1e8 I orrect Att £ whether she means big up and down | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Danner of |" Sigil Py : . oi 9 ; agen Sn hair icited r 1 3 v . | Jacob Wea r and Henry uch, ; 2 ori bis around Manheim visited Mr. anid Mrs, Jac. | Jac : 4: Hepry Buel Directors | MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Sv. Heisey on Sunday | Misses Mary Brenneman and Grace ) ! ‘ Sn Now i} ; ; Mrs. Fannie Mover was the guest |I'etter were guests of Miss Stella - or [mata man has invaded ihe lot Jacob Shank and daughters Mary] Wea Sund The Shi Sch 60 YEARS’ a White House grounds and milked land Lizzie on Sunda: | Mr. and Mrs. John Snavely are € 1ppen C ool f z EXPERIENCE 97) SS ¥ +1 14? T 1: Se I ys | the President's cow Pauline the | | 1 ale § 1 : 3 Ro Miss Blisie Qivelar nf Quan J LRe ha people ir the village, | AT ’ guard about the presidential goat is : Els Giveler of near Sunny-| lo - Cho FOR GIRLS ZELL.E R S 3 3 side school house, was the gues { z Bee { to be doubled. Ls Abloom Mota oS inhi be vrs. N Rothins was very] All Flavors at All Times. $9 8» : C. | os 9b sunday, | oaiceabiy sed’ Iast ‘Fri ld: v. the Re-Opens September 19th “pecial Prices to Parties, Festivals, With the Freshest Flowers of the Printing | Ar ang Mrs. Jacob W. Mover and | rised la 2 o , Suppers, Etc n ¥ aT T o | : rane paar DY. MOYO all Lo S 2 70+} v + Academic roe 3 113 2 TYP A ® Lie. On the other hand Ve O Art. ItIs a Complete, Up to Date Print- | (1 Emmert and Stanles dons inal 1 = r 70 hday Full Academic course Primary BE Traoe MARKS y why hc Nat Ca ing Plant, Ready to Do Your Commercial |, ooo oo oot 50 0 | A er 8 d 1 a visit on | [to Graduation. Accredited by all Comin hn, Mrs. G. H.Zeller ot cool off now, with the Printing Attractively, Your Law Printing ; : i . Pe ! s ro a | the Eastern coil ges. Sentral 0 Any one sending g a sketch and desc 5 | Mari 8 . 3.2% . reception was neld on Su Y atl access le t x» PP > > * , TN ervid oratory a end Accurately, Your Social Printing Artis. | ee M es ;M : h? BN cation, accessible to the P. R. R. { ations Street MOUNT 30% : in honor of Mr. and rs, John so suburb Trolley - $$ 9 eo 8 tically and All Printing Expeditiously. 3! nono! ot and Mrs. John ( S “ wife and | Station and to the Suburban Lrolley ! ; me Brosev at the home of it o s i M spent | Lines. Vacation trips, social ad- é 2 DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS 7 e explo e ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE parents. Ther Were. 41 ouestslc ¢ Tobit Sunvesl” aay ; i training and . a x 3 v ained ! 4 i John one z 4 H Eye, Ear, Nose an fi Ni iD f Joseph Welfl 1 - | present | at hletics ut 1petent super- ‘Scie wife merican, : y : i e and Throat I 3 A ‘ | vision. A handson ely i illustrate a weekly. y ir- 530-532 Woolworth Building : 5 2 1 I lisse ROSE na r rt Gp MRI ren ? culation II Ie 1 3 8 s somethin S - . ! ar montt ya or } B ( 1 Misses Mi 3 : | Further information may be ob- MUNN & C30 ave . 0 York Lancaster, Pa. 3 1 i - r: 21 roadway, S Sth \ Yotit Be Mostrs Fcc ACK RUN | tained from Miss Shaub, field sec- 1 0 0.2 aga ew | Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m. 8 18 0 irs + E d . 2 Ta : shingt ge | 2 0 9» tare : ii graiite . Daws % 1c Hof g Firs retary, 225 FE. Orange St. Miss i Sunday and Other Hours A la I S s S dersig rsons indebted and on Sur 5 eri gu Underhiil, Principal, will receive { By Appointment requested for the police departme a p : ? : B H . | patrons at the School Building after Both Ph n - \I n S y i + of New York. Most likely the de- toed I tharies on 1 September Sth, corner of Lime and Pennsylvania Railroad pi Pres . or 1 da to S Ss Y site: of the members | Sell ; : 2 ( I eman. 0 Marion Streets. 1nd, 1877 Bell Lan., 994 account has som to d sent : Kai's BRvelile. Mr oid N de thous- | Personally-Conducted Excursions r CA it = d a ei v bush- | S y y ; . Gochnauer TO FRENCH FEMALE * s @ : | fter spending a short vac A 11 wife nd Mrs | Ni F 1 | PILLS. avid Sef y 5 < Att A i : i V e, ana J 8. | ; An = y est U a X- | e home of his pare: s | Her 3a d Ginder | lagara a S ok, pedo firir 0 8 place, Amos Young vis Niag \ n Sund | mber 1 two bags of flonr from a he t EHD Uline umn: 1 an Ya ffal f : . sin 10 "2 , 1.000 : i but 1 ne : : and Buffa efo I Clarence Hoste of near Lawn, | TRADE-MARKS and copyrights obtained or no October 10, 1912. rl Ty Tos ,00 feet, yut it ot stated what Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. sumin his position visited Har Rettew on Sunday. | ats i FREE SEARCH wii es | Round Trip From TE lucky housekeepe as beaned bj Subscribe for the st. Joy Bulletin. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart's di David Waltz and family enter- | Aten r NEW 9. M E he costiv projectiles dv : o a41Q famil] € nt stamp r NEW BOOKLET, Mount ley Pa. | $eldly t. Joy by E. W. Garber the costiy projectiles, Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. partment store, Har tained the following on Sunday: Al-| PRISL IoTaton, vita yours Tq: GYD Creadler co ‘ | READ PACES 11 and 12 before applying SPECIAL TRAIN of paliman wi Car { ~ : SAR IS dinning Car, and Day Coaches, running via the Picturesque Susyeherns Vale Bouts, ickets g z LUNG DISEASE “After fuar in our family had died of consumption I was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, allowed at Buffalo returnir Hustrated Bookl obtai but my life was saved and I gained Tours to Thousand Islands 15 | 87 pounds through using nd 29: Maritime Province ) DR KING’S uly 31: Adirondacks, . Muskoka Lak s lowstone Park, : Yel NEW East Main St. MOUNT JOY | Three Chairs. No Waiting Agen for the Middletown Steam Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday and delivered Friday. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | Advertise In the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | > 3 ] Terms Moderate. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | Reference: Jonas L. Minnich. DISCOVERY W. R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex. PRICE 50c and $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. r : or AA , CHARLES S. FRANK AUCTIONEER MOUNT JOY, PA. W. M. HOLLOWBUSH NOTARY PUBLIC Attorney-At-Law Prompt Attention given to Sales of | ¢§ West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa Subscribe for tne Mt. Joy Bulletin [Real Estate and Personal Property. | Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- { Bell Telephone " | | | day at No. 62 North Duke Street Eas