The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 28, 1912, Image 5

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Mr. Lester Long
in town yesterday
Mir Austin of
was in town Wednesday
| Miss l.elia Metzgar of
visiting friends in town
Miss Bessie Eby of
here on a visit to friends,
Mr, C. H, Caffery of Philadelphia,
was in town Wednesday
Lemoyne Is
was in town yesterday
Mr. D. Mills of Philadelphia,
a visitor to town Wednesday.
Mr. Jno. A. Brown of Lebanon,
was a visitor to town Monday.
Mr, H. S. Snedom of the County
| Seat, Wednesday ir town,
| Miss Clare Manning has gone to
| Mec ‘haniesburg on a visit to friends.
Deputy Sheriff Stumpf was In
town yesterday afternoon calling on
Mr. E
ler of lancaster,
E. Stauff- |
town yves-
0. Reese and H
were in
| terday
.. Mr. and Mrs. 8. PF.
Eshleman and
| dawghter Saturday at Rocky
at the water works are being re-
| Mr. Charles Reinhold of Phila-
of Lancaster was
York is
Mr. D, FF, Gable received a fine
new piano this week
Mr, C, R. Stauffer of Harrisburg,
The plungers on the large pumps |
Lancaster, |
EVERY Pot KET TBOOK WILL delphia, spent last Wednesday in
. [Lientenant Chilton, of West |
that our big Reduction Sale is now Point. N. ¥.. is the guest of Mr, Ap.
on. For now, with our prices cut thur Schock
to a fraction of the former size, each Moasrs. 7. Bt. Blok and Henry}
dollar will GO FURTHER—bDring Wor ir. of Tancaster. Spoht. ves.)
you much more REAL SHOE terdov in town
VALUE. And of this be assured—| ,... A\rangq Fildshrand has |
every shoe we offer, regardless Of... vor to visit her sister who |
the extremely low price, is genuine- is quite ll
ly good. None but serviceable, Miss Sophia [Lopaz of Roxboro,
honestly made as well as stylish ,)5,q010nia, is the guest of Mrs. |
shoes are sold by us. John H. Buohl
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good of near
the Back Run, announce the birth of |
KEENER ‘wine
= a Mr. Harry Unna of San
and C. J. Schiemer of Detroit,
Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa.
visiting M. A. Rollman.
are |
| Double
- - Wedngsday, August 28, 1913.
= - ny
pr ———
rading ™*
A Matchless Clothing
Our entire stock of Men’s and Boys’ high grade cloth-
ing is now offered at matchless prices for quick clearance.
Come and see the attractive bargains all over the store.
You'll be well repaid for coming. Store open nights.
On Saturday, August 31st, We Will
Double S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
All Summer Shoes and Oxfords Greaily Reduced
Straw Hats at Half Price
of what it
A truely matchless bargain opportunity is this--the
greatest clothing sale Mount Joy has ever known. )
whatever are held back, everything must be sold, regardless ©
thought you could not afford are now priced to ‘meet your I
pocketbook. t
No suits
brings. Don’t delay. Step lively. The Suits you ©
Double S.
Saturday, August 23rd and 24th in All NT
a Ca tc: a
& H. Green Trading Stamps Given Friday and
CT ———
Mrs. M. M. Leib is spending some
Abi tA dedecdefodeiotoodobbibdedopgg | time at Glen T.och the guest of her
S44e pbb bbb bb bbb bETEETEE TTT 3 mother, Mrs. M. M. Aller
i SH PRICES i Mr. Emanuel Sumpman and fami-
i HIGHEST CA ¥ ly have returned home after spend-
3 . NIMALS i ing a month at Mount Gretna
& PAID FOR DEAD A + Mr. Daniel Hauenstein arrived
> i home Sunday from a three weeks
5 WHICH WE REMOVE PROMPTLY BY AUTOMOBILE TRUCK. 3 visit to friends thruout Ohio
3 1 Mrs. C. F. Strayer of Harrisburg,
+ | spending a few days here as the
* 9 | guest of Mrs. C. S. l.ognenecker
i George Lamparter’s Sons I “\.0 "0. ih ee
< 3 ianyaer were down to Rocky Springs
¥ LANCASTER, PENNA. ¥to hear Sousa’s band on Saturday.
+ 7 % | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and
* Bell Phone No. 920. Ind. Phone No. 1299 4 Caries Motte: ‘srant tens
Ett bbb bid bbb bbe bb bbb ddP (Sunday to vesterday at Mechanics-
| burg
- Tt g ? : | The Misses Mann and Miss Mary
POT TOM GGG dT EO ERs LL | Detwiler were guests in the family
Bu 8 or Mr. Michael Hoffman at May-
BR ® town yesterday
® HAVE You TRIE | Mr. and Mrs. C S. Longenecker
gland daughter Kathryn attended the
- g | funeral of Frank Hollenbaugh at
: M A ( [ {Maytown on Sunday
a 2 Miss Anna Cassel, after spending
= | three weeks visiting relatives and
wn C1 ends here, left or he home in
u .C hicago on Saturday.
I] - James and Elizabeth Siegrist left
& | for their home in East Berlin after
mw | Spe nding two weeks with their
: 2 grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A B.
{ Cling.
® 3 , . Mr. Michael Detwiler left yester-
=n If not will you try the trial Si1Zze ® day for Lebanon County where he
® 8 | oxpects to spent some time with
B friends at l.ebanon, Bismark, and
. left at your house today ? ® | Palmyra.
= 2 Mrs. Ed Ream and daughter Vi
. . ola, Misses Ruth Bowman, Florence
s There is nothing to equal 1t B | Heilie and Earla Baer spent Sunday
® ? as the guests of Mrs George Ul-
t Rheems.
and Mrs. H, E.
Fl hersole on
® {
® ® | Bernard and Mr. Scott Detwiler and
- \ . . ®m | sister Miss Mary Detwiler, made an
n | :
: of Grease or Tar Spots, Cleaning Colors A auto trip to Strasburg Monday ever
; . g|ine where they enjoyed the hospi
on Men S or Ladies Coats H | tality of Miss Marguerite Herr.
¥ : | Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Heilig and
= =|sons Alois and Robert, Misses Mary
¥ [tis soon time for house cleéning and if wer, Martha Stauffer, Barbara
& Frey, Martha Eby, Mary Reist., An-
& o : .
# you want to elean the woodwork or ¥ [na Dearbeck, Mary Hoffer, Caroline
= ; ; | Frank, Kathryn Gingrich, Lettie
. “brighten up the fdrniture use a 4 Long, Edith Myers, and Messrs.
w at |
. : 1 1ett Soil: 30 that g | Henry Stauffer, Clarence Reist and
3 : e y
B little of the cnist siz y “| Scott Detwiler were among those
8 you will be convinced that there #| who attended the Mount Joy High
¥ is nothing better. ® | School Alumni outing at Pequea last
a ® Thursday.
i C 1 ® 8 eee Aree
2 For } louse eaning = Entertained Their Classes
8 @! Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gerber enter-
3 We can sell any quantity you want 7 tained their Sunday School classes
. last Thursday. It was a very pleas-
= nable figure. a| :
2 at a very reaso 8 8 ant day for all. About twenty-five
|] . were present. Watermelons and
Give It a ¥ rial » many other good things disappeared
® as only boys and girls of their age
® can make them disappear, and all
3 CHESS SNGGSS5%%%5! ne = hope many more happy outings will
SR ] follow.
8 ae
W Nathan Eshleman Flected
a The Church of the Brethren, at a
meeting held at Green Tree Church,
elected Nathan Martin, a minister
of the Gospel. Mr. Eshleman had
been a deacon in the chureh for
some years, and Wm. S. Longeneck-
er has been elected a deacon to fill
the place made vacant by Mr. Esh-
Fast Main Street, Mount Joy. Pa.
mil... RL it. Joy Bull
Local Notes
1TiMS Os
siiel Local Happenings Gathered a
They Occur With the Whirl of the
wid for Quick Reading With
» Past Pew bays
Mr. Fred Sheaffer is ill at his
Mr, Jay Hauenstein is enjoying a
veek’s vacation,
Baker Harry W. Garber is about
with a new sorrel horse.
Mie Foresters Band will play for
e Red Men at Marietta next week.
Mrs. Daniel Derr has sour Kkrout
r sale at her residence in this
Big reductions in all summer
nits at Getz Bros. $9.00 for $15.00
Mr. Wm. Gantz has a lot of
¢indling wood for sale at his resi-
The Zink Yoblonovitz law-suits
before Squire C. H. Zeiler have been
Mrs. Rev. S. H.
well known here,
her home in Elizabethtown.
Our loeal jeweler, S. H. Miller,
has a crackerjack watch which he is
Read his ad or
Hertzler, who is
is seriously ill at
selling very low.
call at his store.
Sunday morning
pulpit in the U. B. church was very
acceptably filled by Rev. Martin.
Mr. William Sheaffer took sick
very suddenly while at work vester-
day. He was removed to his home
and is now greatly improved.
Our townsman Mr. A. K. Man-
ning has placed his order with the
local representative, Mr. M. B.
Hiestand for a 1913 Overland tour-
ing car to be delivered very soon.
Cyclamen plants in bud, a few
with open flowers: Chinese primrose
and evening the
and the new Baby primrose. A
good assortment of begonia rex,
palms, six varieties of ferns, voung
geranium plants for winter bloom-
are well grown,
Come and see them
aug 28-2t
ing. All these
healthy plants.
ys Greenhouses.
N\aadaadiaitaiaadadtidiiadadidadta dtd iiaddddt ad Aid dbd Abd dd dad bid biadd AAA AAR Al Abd ab ad diab 4 442
How About
Please bear in mind that we have
We have
the finest assortment of
ever shown in this town,
anything from the cheapest to the
best, Among them are novelties
from some of the foremost manufac-
turers in this and foreign countries. If
interested drop us a card and we
will call with samples. prices
areway belowothers. . . . . .
East Main Street, Mount Joy
SAAMMAMMAGAMMMMMAMM Abd bbb bbb ddr AAA bhb ARAMA hb bbb
Aa dadbdabaadaatddadd asad daddaaidabadtandiidadtdiaiabantadiaidastaiisiiadasiadidaniadtiid Addi aA AAA RAR REAR AAA AR AAR LE AA AY)