The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 28, 1912, Image 4

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Why Women Are Not RICH.
Man is a millionaire many times over in the possession of blood cells, Wom
an is not quite so rich, for scientists have proven that the normal man has five mi
lion—the woman only four and a half million to a cubic millimetre of blood. :
t Dr. Pierce's medicine hao done much for me an
I highly recommend it. 1 heartily advise its use as a spring tonic, 2
further advise ailing people to take Dr “ierce’s medicines before
diseases have run so long that there is no chance to be cured.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser. 31 stamps, to pay for wrapping and mailing oaly.
a permanent cure,
their | lancaster, and Dr. Frank
is the only kind I sell—Furniture that 18 Furniturc
Rockers Mirrors Hall Rack
Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks
Extension & Other Tables, Davenpor
China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets
. Miss Eva Ibaugh, Formerly of
Florin, in a Dying Condition
Kline was| breeding. Another year I let my tus |
taken into custody and brought to| keys wander at their own will find
Coatesville, Doctor Kline admitted | roost where they pleased. Again I
| that the girl had visited his office | 8l0Wed some to go up in the trees—
eosntiy. Mis It b identified: hard storm blew them out and
recen Vise Saugh lcen drowned 24 beauties. Since these les
Kline as the physician in whose soms | have worked differently.
office she had taken treatment. I change either breeding hens or
Doctor Kline was taken back to|toms every other year. I usually buy |
Lancaster in custody. a thoroughbred bronze from some un.
In her antimortem statement flare fon a i ea bene for, |
H : . . , 8 n elr pou more
§ | Miss Ibaugh affirmed that she had healthy. One early turkey is more
zone to Lancaster with a letter of| profitable than three late ones, so 1
t vete
of f
tion to supply water to the public in
Mount Joy township and has no le-
gal right to supply water to resi-
dents of East Donegal or to dig up
the public highways in that town-
ship and lay water pipes there. It
is contended that the company dug
trenches and laid pipes. The plain-
tiff asks for a temporary injunction
to restrain the defendants from lay-
ing amy more pipes. Judge Hass-
ler granted the preliminary injunc-
given at I. D. Beneman’s store Sat-
nrday, August 31
—— SS —— ee
Students who come to Millersville
receive full credit fr what they al-
ready know, and
graduate as soon
credit to them-
school. They are
not pushed through the school. how-
ever, without being required to
study, but are expected to do faith-
ful, energetic work. r
’ ——-——
as they can
selves and
ee ee tA Ae en
Columbia Kills 414,200 Flies
The fly-swatting contest begun at
Columbia, about a month ago, came
to a close last Friday. Twenty bovs
and girls killed and returned to the
This Beats All
Miss Bertha Shonk of East Done-
gal raised a lot of sweet peas this
year that are exceptionally large.
One measures 7 ft., 4 inches and has
judges 414,200 flies. The first 54 flowers and another measures S
prize, $5 in gold, was awarded to ft., 4 inches and has 16 flowers.
Alpert Haug. TE
eee Se The Millersville Normal School
/ For Fall has had mearly 44,000 students in
attendance since it-opened its doors
as the First State Normal School in
Pennsylvania on April 17, 1855.
‘Cloth Hats will be ail the rage for
‘the men. All styles at $1.50. Getz
Bros. )
Select two four-inch pieces six feet
crosspieces, three feet long and three | will begin laying at five months of
be made of 2 by 4 stuff the desired
Convenient Chicken Roost.
cure them to the parallel pieces, says
the Iowa Homestead.
roosting quarters for chickens and
they wi
Read the Bullet}
to Doctor Kline from
Duer Mancil, a Downingtown
rinarian, whose arrest has been
the district attorney.
he Tbaugh family formerly
d at Florin and they have a host
riends in this vicinity.
use the first eggs and sell the later
ones. Chicken hens are set on the
first laying and the poultry given to
the first turkey hen that becomes
broody. Large, airy pens or coops
with ralnproof roofs are built quite
a dislafice from the house. i
The hens are kept up two weeks,
. |
With Five Crosspieces.
| day and starve them the next.
Any fowl is liable at times to pro-
duce an egg containing blood spots.
Well grown ducklings very often
Lay them parallel and nail five |
wide, to these. The legs may | age.
Chicks like heat, and it {s good for
them; but there is a difference in
| Don’t let chicks squeeze through
slated coops until their bodies are de- |
Poultry breeding as a pursuit is em- |
phatically a labor of love, but it is,
nevertheless, a labor.
rr etl A
Big Tobacco leaf
Mr. Emlin Buller, the painter at|
Florin, has an exceptionally fine!
crop of tobacco this year. On Fri-
day he brought a leaf to this office!
that was 25 inches wide, 36 inches |
long and weighed 12 ounces.
By means of long spikes se
Place these in
Il soon be perching upon it at Granted a Divorce,
Edna M. Snow, Marietta, as been
granted a divorce from her husband,
Alexander Snow, on the grougd of}
el Be me
‘rile fo Mt. Joy Builei
| One Good Way Is to Notice Difference
you will be unfortunate
In Volces—Mating Season Is
Wednesday, August
P. BR R.
day Morning
Fl and he was also badly bruised and
cut about
’ EB cen A
oF ‘man, Receivers,
uF | Entertained Their Classes
N= On Thursday evening Miss Geta
~ Bender entertained her Sunday °
School Class of the United Brethren to's
Church at her home in a very
pleasing manner,
Mr. Wm. Schutte
Sunday School Class quite a treat
taking them to Bender's last
"Thursday, where the day was spent
attendance wert: |
Hoffer, Walter Pen- 8%
Longenecker, John 21°
‘Bier, and Finley Weisenberger. Mr.
(John Murphy, the other member of
the class,
gave his Bethel
Those in house,
Toulouse Goose,
was unable 8
in attempts 1able to attend.
ises in
northeast of Rheems,
acres of limestone land
H. Zeller, auct,
Tuesday, Sept,
township, 70
by E. S. Metzler.
28, 1912,
See ad.
Joy, a carload
See ad.
Mt. Joy township, 3%
Jacob H
acres of gravel
land with
Laborer Hurt Sun-, A Notice in This List is Read by Sev-
eral Thousand People Weekly
; a . d a person ‘‘ looks pale "in LL uv lly in Fall
A decrease in number of red blood corpuscles an | sually in . : :
fact, is anaemic. the blood does not get the right food and probably the stomach is Miss M. Eva Ibangh, 21 vears, | — a Sunday mo ning at 10.30 o'clock, Following is a list of sales for
disordered. " 1d 1 and | daughter of 8 FI Bites py | — | In answer to a query as to method Svetan Glorgroff, an Italian, was whic > re bee rinted or
, : s i , Spencer Ibaugh, Down { ' which posters have been prin
). R. V. Pierce found years ago that a glyceric extract of golden sea dang i ou op
Dre grape roots, queen's root and bloodroot with black cherrybark, would help ingtown, is in the Coatesville Hos-| FEW LESSONS WITH TURKEYS | SeFdlo lor deters} sing Live ker of Sevan, injured by falling through a P. R. else are advertised in this paper.
the assimilation of the food in the Stomach, corres inh ng TH A | pital in a dying condition as a re- | | pI: 8 of 0 R. bridge betweem Landisville and These notices are given, FREE until
- —~ 1 E the red JOO co S. ¥ . 3 > ™ ’ | . y ry > 3 _— y a
5 called Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. By assimi= | sult of an operation performed. It | Breeder o Toss we Neue Ede There are no marks by which one Dlterville, ) Goryroff Is a laborer gay of sale
lating the food eaten the system is nourished and he blood | 1s alleged, by a Lancaster physician | e"®® Fines Each 9 | can tell the gander from the goose. *MSaked With others in raising the Friday, Aug. 30—On the premis-
utes on 4 fies fed ek. Nervounere 5 Sy oy An antimortem statement given to] y | The only ways are to watch the ao railroad tracks between the two. on Mount Joy street, Mount Joy,
tarved nerves for food 1 — } :
i, te rich vod blood the person looses those irritable feel ' the distrct attorney, Harris L. I have raised turkeys for sale 32 | How of the wide wy Mute the Pigtes : . a large lot of household goods by
ings, sleeps well at night and is refreshed in the morning. [ Sproat, and several physicians, re-| years, and find it a more profitable der hue what is Sieh ik a! When picked up after his fall, Mrs. Wm. Ganin Zeller, auet. >
“ : ny p ich aused by . . y 1 waie ras r . :
a disomored stomach amd liver, whos, MR Jak D. LIVELY, of Wah: | vealed the name of a doctor, who, Dueiniens vgs Ju aye a writer Ia tenor voice. It is possible that ali four vii h was for a distance DO! dutween Saturday, Aug, 81-—At tha Court
burn, Tenn., Rouse 5, Hox Wo on my friends thought 1 would gi 20 | the voung woman declared, per- 1 have had to learn many lessons of your birds may be geese, If 80, | lie ant Kenty feet, HOFBTOT 1ouse, Lancaster, receivers sale of
Golden Medical Discovery, and derived much Donelt from same. ~My | formed the illegal operation, by quite ag expensive route. Ops S suffered great pain. The seventh power plant, pole lines, fran-
hronic t nothing would el . : .
case had run so long, it had become so chron d A telephone message was sent to year I failed entirely by too close ins, rib on the left side was fractured, chise, etc., of the Elizabethtown and
i g Marietta Electric Light Company by
the right side and hands. Bernard J. Myers and John A, Nau-
Friday, Sept. 6—At Gantz’'s stock
of West-
ern horses and colts ranging from 2
vears by D. B. Kieffer & Co. C.
10—On the prem-
a tract of 98
with frame
- 4
| Saturday, Sept, 14-—In Rapho
Summy, auct.
In gray, tan and white.
You will fini some mightv coed values in cotton blankets at Leinbach’s.
Have neat co.ored borders
n the city for the money.
wool nap blanket
wiite, grey tan and pretty plauds.
47-49 North Queen Streat, Lancaster, Pa.
5 making « nice soft finish to these blankets.
A fluffy nap on hath std
woo) for they are warm and serviceable.
needs and buy now
We believe these are the best cotton
All full size and come
people prefer a
Anticipate your winter blanket
WOOL ELANKETS AT $2.69, $3.50 AND $4.50 A PR.
At these prices you are getting wondertul values
before the =dvance so we are enabled to offer vou excellent blankets
PURE WOOL BLANKETS AT $5, $6. $7. $8 AND $10. A PR,
We have some of the finest pure weol blankels ever brought to Lancaster. These come in
1 SO
It will pay you to inspect our line before purchasing your winter
Our buyer bought them early in the season
at thi » [far S—— —? . eee —————
In fact anything in the Furniture Line sts crn | an teed purned Sue every esBIng, to raise any goslings even if you do se- Tr 2d ;
5 - . He's a Bad Rascal oy oe re 1 a : 0mey Ja By cure ganders. This is because the Unclaimed Letters gi .
x 2 ¥e v y y all : > em | wine i i 3 T x 7 3 a i
J ndertaking and E mbalmi ng Mrs. Wm. Myers of Rast Peters- | ed ~ have Jeatned to Sons when call- mating season fs In the fall, usually FPollowing is the list of unclaimed Thursday, Sept. 19—On premises
: nd will answer me from ever so 3 : tattars ot +} i shi : "
burg, got off a trolley car at gar when 1 call “Pee tak! A al” , in September or October, and also be- 'efters at the Mount Joy post office in Mt. Joy township, a tract of
a peu Kauffman Park near Manheim, was|I am never too busy or too tired to cause geese very much dislike to have | Wednesday, August 28, 1912. gravel land containing 92 acres,
y Retnst nd g ; their quarters changed when onee ac- Mrs. J. H. Musser with frame house, bank barn and all
> accosted by a man who made im-|&et them up at the approach of a customed to them. For this reason peo- ' Dlg i1di Et
4 m re %. proper demands of her, tore her | hard storm, and at four o'clock in the Die who wich to Boturé birds or road Mrs. Samuel Hiestand outbuildings by Etta M. Bennett,
clothing and bruised her arms. He evening. They soon learn to come (po purposes make thelr purchases in ¢ Miss H. Daugan administratrix of C. K. Bennett, de-
YT TI™NI™ FEDOWY. PEINAT.S was arrested and found to be Al | home. After they are five or six the fall so the fowls will get accus- Miss May Farnsworth ceased. Zeller, aucc.
{oor J. Demmy of Lebanon, and is at| Tees os ! fever ford 5 iin a tomed to their new surroundings. Miss Stella Hefferinger Tuesday, Sept. 24—On the prem-
: ) eb , s at| ed no sloppy fee ut have good 1 \ . i : i Ni ises i 3 :
-.. 5 a ia is das oe | ’ . oubtless nests will be made and the ss Blize Tur y ises jas y
Aentootuofensofeodeotud soos foudusffoslis? fo bootefasde Js of fone forte ford sfociele sir sfofosfosie hope sfeafechoode iio foibipd Sd present in jail awaiting a hearing. | luck with wheat or corn bread, crack- eggs laid, but the egg oh ” not hatch Misy aumlejh FOTHIRSS 85 S03! Donegal towashi, 2
+ | ' gs may h. y Sarhare ior los wost of 3
+ . -1 + Sy | ed corn, cooked soft, wheat, mashed If you are forced to buy a gander this Barbath Mine! ny West of Mount Joy, 2 tract of
3 2 ; : i £ ¢ J Mr. F. R ‘Cormick ar 3 ini 56 > :
x Sum mer S oes Re ugeeda + Visitors to the Millersville Norm- | a atoes ete, spring, it will perhaps be advisable ye oh R McCormick > ” Sones 6 3 Tes ong. 33
* # (al School are always impressed with he pret me Wocks are the most gor voy to purchase some good eggs rist Leese por es | with frame house, bank
3 At leas’ a dollar ur two less than usual; many ¥[the great beauty of the campus, of bl ee §ive each poult a grain of the same breed as you keep, and | Mr. C. W. Herdy yarn, tobacco shed, and outbuildings
i : 1 half . “More than 1 decade ago th Am pi Dd ack pepper when it is 24 hours ygq these rather than the eggs from Mr. Frank Emspeck by John G. Snyder and Henry GG.
i. ir > 7 ai ce ole ¢ ¢ 2CE > as e Cf us { . "Vv {
4 Pairs as low as hair price. %1was 1id out in ; po De Ble re ot jar or vaseline your own flock, or at least mark the | J. Fred. Fenstermacher Shelly, adms. of Elias N. Nissley,
po . ’ as Je accordance with m 0 top of head. 3 , ‘ isti
: \ e eggs B80 that you can distinguish the . Yee! innic o
+ See Windows for Great Bargains J [plans prepared by a skilled land-| Then a feed of hard-boiled egg, shell purchased ones from those laid by | Postmaster. Dec'd. Minnich, anet,
+ Get $2 to $4 Oxf: ras f $1 $2 #% | scape architect, and year by year it| 80d all, crushed fine, mixed with your own birds. In this way you oe - Thursday, Oct. 3—On the prem-
* l l O > or y 10 : grows more beautiful and affords bread sorken sof end squeezed dry. ghould not be wholly disappointed. Inspection fo Experiment Station, |ises in the village of Florin, 3 lots
* ; nL . NY +4 Bl tore and nore. ‘onioviie ve | Fresh water, sand, lime and ground - The Lancaster County Tebacco of ground, with frame house, frame
We fit you jus: as carefully, as though you paid t lovment to the charcoal are kept handy. They eat WLS bl 1 1 outbuild
3 > : . = . § | hundreds of students th: ¢ 2 : . I GIVING CHARCOAL TO FO Growers’ Association will make an stable, carpenter shop and outbuild-
3 Loi ’ | ! § ents that wander of all; I never feed too much. I ; ;
+ full price. = | about the grounds, never feed over four times a day. — inspection of the TLandisville experi- ings by Benj. L. Garber. Zeller,
+ y,
. an * —c iy and that often only a week. More Puts Them in Good Condition for ment station next Monday, meeting auct.
> OXF 0: - DS FOR MEN & turkeys die from overfeeding than un- Work and Prevents Many Diseases on the field at 2 o'clock in t ¢ '-
A 2 Our Home Markets : Y h bos nck § e after Private Sale
. Reonlar $2.50. $4, $5 a nd $6 now $2.4 g. »2.85 * | Butter, perth, .... ... og derfeeding. I use a flat board to Incidental to Season. noon. Among those present will be x Sea ;
3 : . 3 7 sprinkle their feed on, and keep it —-— Dr. William Frear, of State College A tract of land in East Donegal
Begs i: ; Se : E “rear, State ge, :
$ and $4.15 % iggs, per doz. .23 | clean. It pays to be cleanly with tur- Does the average farmer know that D n : I = ¢ township, along the Donegal creek,
oy rr! PY . . arner > .
3 . Ea ; : i Lard, per Ib. .11 | keys, an excellent grade of charcoal cam 4 re *arner, of the urea oF near Kraybill’s Church, 104 acres
x Bos S 23 Ix tot ds al 81.5% + Potatoes, parh e 50 eee eee be made by burning corn cobs till plant industry. The members and with stone and brick house, barn
: iin 3 Wheat . o they turn red, extinguishing the fire friends are expected » attend, as : Vid ’
i 30t, per bu... con, La 94 L Q ’ ruis Z the riends are expectec to attend, as Wi 1 ivi
i - sm 5 or gg _ go ¥ | com, er Ba it LEGHORN HENS AS MOTHERS and when dry grinding for mash the meeting promises to be a very aT and outbuildings by
AST WS TY gd ng dg Fo “len ‘ : . pe——— feeding fot the pouliry ; : ry E. mer.
& Sugemn Seen Nb 5 hd & g ® S'0ams per bm... 0. 0 64 Although Called Nonsitters Occasion feeging I as PowneY. food. houxh roresting one,
1 haf eahatdy 4d» wma ee wes §| rn RR Oris Rounds arg Wh those os) Jo Bot » fous, Vash ——————— Setpoint cr one
2 Wis gain Sn an E88 1 n
3 Are ten A i Oh! What a Snake Cover Many Eggs. fts use; it simply puts them and At the Family The Shippen School
t BOUL I RAS FARGRORRAN a 3 With a fishing rod, Daniel Strick- Alt} 2 tbo Leg! tod keeps in a good condition for Mr. Howard E Doan will open 4
oa ; i150 . ie & : Although the Leghorns are called + It 7 : diser :
. 3 c Tia. 2 mm a TorgyTos { ler of Columbia, 15 years old, killed dies i Jb 'L prevents disease because of {10 Family Theatre : ancaster
3 1 .] N. Queen soreet, Ea iN AST = i 2 6.14 fool Backerdte in. Tore nonsitters, they do sit occasionally, its great capacity to absorb , the I amily Theatre at Lane aster on LS
. : f acksnake in or and 1 like them very much as moth- poids wd inveritics. X to oi on, Monday with some bill. The prices
| county, opposite Bainbridge, a few| ers. It would hardly seem possible ative, changing diseased conditions 2'€ !0¢, 20c and 30c and he prom- Re-Opens September {9th
a days ago, that a Leghorn hen would cover more to nc 1al, disinfecting the diges- '1ses surprises for the amusement Full Academi ur Pri
rian . skal : y did / : Full Academic course, Primary
TRIPLETS CELEBRATE Held a Shoot Reet Re i uw tract and toning up the system. lovers of Lancaster city and county. to Grad: Tot Accredited bv ull
" Z\reider Succeeds reem: n putrid disease like r 1 Por. = rad 1 4 c(l1t Pd al
——— Yesterday afternoon a number of : eider Sotoets Freeman a A i a 232 yi rou D, in Ie — the Eastern Colloue. Cental lo:
‘ae . tL Goan 5 aron 8S. {reider, i ri e ion like 8 * crop, in Iintesti- i Tas? 4 oe
Assisted by Grandpa Habecker our local gunners went to Newtown | Kreide : the Annville nal maladies like diarrhea or cholera Have you seen the latest catalog cation, accessible to the P. R. R
res ; . he . { shoe manufacturer, has S of - EF : € » . . 3 . 3 \ 3 3 ] y i :
While Salunga Band Plays where they participated in a little | ant : i Bs bes select it is of great benefit. In spring and of the Millersville State Normal Stati nand to the Suburban Trolley
gan : : ed to succee m . Freeman as ler. w , ; y: r i i tal
ree re target practice at clay birds. Con-| . : in summer, when the fowl’s blood is School? A copy will be sent upon ap- Il. nes Vacati trips, social ad-
: : : RAP : the candidate for Congress fr 78h. tac : ? 3 : : : : :
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Habecker sidering the fact that nearly all i dn e for Congress from the sluggish it is neede 1 as a purifier to plication to the Principal, and full physical training and
Landisville, are the grandparems srom here never shot from a web) th district. ward off diseases incidental to these information of the school will be athletics undes competent super-
5 2 : > ——l a ; . Seasons. ris
of the Wayne Habecker triplets as pefore, they made good scores. The - ba : eiven to all who are interested. VIsion
; oniss of . 3 : : Another BMskrupt It should be kept before fowls in © an .
- well as the parents of twelve 8rown gaat surprise was the shooting of M : 3 I size to suit their age, and where fowlg Comfortable rooms in the school Furth vf 1av be ob-
i Ips Pe . 5 2 ~ ss : ¢ : or Y ei iaf- 5 Sy a 3 i + x . 1 iy y
children. Grandfather Habecker was ‘Scotty’ Detwiler, of this place, who ] Al t rt C. Reinhold of Mariet refuse to eat it fine charcoal should | building may still be engaged for tained from A) Shaub, field sec-
63 years old Sunday and the trip- igok firs money. The breaks out L Is a bankrupt The liabilities be mixed in the mash occasionally. It |the fall term, which begins Tues- retary, 25 FE. Orange St Miss
3 : » $76 078 r oe : ] rive $3 aaa : YT a : . . % v4
lets one year, and the occasion was of a possible twenty-five was as fol- ¢ 6, 1 He was forced in- is best given to individual birds in day, Sept. 3, 1912. Underhiil, Principal, will receive
celebrated as a double event, for jows: to court by his creditors, fvogen capsules—Ilarge doses are | > — ee patrons at the Schoo! Building after
4 . : 2 » 0 necessary, . 3 $ . YY
which the Salunga band furnished Scott Detwiler ............. 19 ™3- 20s Read the Bulletin September 8th, corner of Lime and
music. Dr. F. L. Richards 16 Has Worked at it 45 Years Advertise in the Mt Mpaminlugn Mt. Joy Bulleun Marion Streets
: ; indy IUD, Wade eal celal y ar | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Dulletir lvertise ir > MU Joy elip
The triplets received many pres- Daniel Moore .16 C. L. Hoffer, the Mt. Joy town- ev acs te
ents, including diamond rings and Ine. B. Sehroll..... .. ...., 15 | Ship maker of shaking forks, has Gv ew GR ERR EEO
: : . tiurne 73 00 = oa = » 7 oe - “ VR M y ot ~~
gold bracelets. Emannel Myers ......... .. 12 Ret oat 000 of these useful Single-Comb Leghorn. om 3
The parents and grandparents al- Paul BB. Getz -.............. . g4articles = B R § z -
so received presents. Many people DF. W. M. Thome. shot at 15 gl HL =n > 3 am— eggs than a Cochin, but it is a fact, ; i : ! a
wera, present, not only from the Edgar Bshleman .......... . 1 Now a Bankrupt Sey pe In an aangs. The & i Y w
8 ’ 3 ; g . ; Cochin’s wings are short z stub j 7
neighborhood, but also from Down- In the straight kills Detwiler was Prof. J. W. Lansinger, of Millers- while the BE ona Suh & | 5 i 3
; oo : : ; Is has bean or : while > Let s gs are m
ingtown, Birdsboro, Reading, Lan- first with 11 and Sechroll second lle, has been adjudged a voluntary: and she will spread them over a big Bn g
‘ caster and other places. with six. hankrupt The liabilities are $73,-| nestful. Last summer a Leghorn in- _—— ef yw 2
The triplets attract widespread at- a 196.89 and the assets are $32,800. , cubated 20 eggs for me and hatched ®= 66 ® i% FEE The 99 4
tention. They are a healthy and ee On 19 of them. It was, however, in the a 2 i 9 i » e or a ( “a
hearty trio. Their combined weight IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 1 Regular Jack's Bean Stalk : oath Of July, and her nest Was sare Ek . i Ls 1 2a “ a
ullv ranced i a hagk “Ths Ve S g 2
is 58 pounds. One of the boys TT Mr. Benjamin Souders of Florin, my i g " A Dysta ou s in © v a
ol 99 oi 9 To the People of Mount Joy and | has a hean cinlle i i aid ¥ Eive tnem Jess than Io ey laze | 2 o- A - : : PRA OY E
weighs 22 pounds and the other 2 I Iinity ! 1as a bean stalk in his garden upon| excellent care of their young; being 2 j 7 5 i B wf 5 am | -
pounds, while the girl weighs 17 cinity h there grew forty-nine beans. | light weight, they seldom hurt a § & » | i § > n
pounds. m———t a ee chicks by stepping on it, and they 3 Bo 4 A ha i =
5 bees. The S. & H. Green Trading Stamp Shirts That Fit will fight intruders fiercely. 5 Bu
she be ec o i ; ? i oo ;
GRANTED AN INJUNCTION uid not Ix i onfused with any Are a comfort to the wearer rr : Bid J
an other stamp of the same color. Ask for the Helipse Shirt at 31.00 { i N
ea : Thousands have tri imitz Soraya 4 / E
Filed a Bill in Equity Against the n ousan have tried to imitate Getz Bros. ” 1 Ry Bo) 5 u
. Z 2 this stan av ia fs ! .
Florin Water Company ! S amp, but today this Stamp | — i :
stands ¢ > as > ' . rE T——_. wraers
: re Sut alone 88 ory one | A fine monument was erected in 1 hoi his d t t i : 1 u
16 as s : 5 RE Yo Via it tod Sn 6 ine August a busy month in this department instea ‘ as . =
Samuel G. Engle, Dr. G. A. Har- ig nas stood the test. The S. & | the Mount Joy cemetery this week We have succeeded in ma g Augusta busy m Iw J department in dof a dead one =
3; . . Ste as bee ati 71, : aris i : rly heir } .
ter and H. Roy Nissley, supervisors py 1s been operating for 17 | bs the S. P. Lytle estate y | offering values obtainable at no other tim wa puro uy their coal ln June because it's =
; vears, whic : re ; i Zeoh : : E Ing ¢ le at: : J :
of East Donegal township, haves filed yo i which alone shows how reli i etl De. ... Bd stock healthy, elean and 1 Sata : J 2 ; cs
Ny : * .. able they are | i for A cheaper 31 yur blankets now and save money same as you do on coal. August prices are [€5s
a bill in equity againt the Florin A vist i 3 iis | | Not all the failures of poultry life sages. Tiny Your Doakets now 2h 1 vel es
Water Company and Henry Weaver, . $ Isit to the S. & H. Premium | ROOST IS QUITE CONVENIENT | are due to the hens You'll not be able to duplicate these goods later at anywhere near the present quotations,
: arlor i ancaster 4 ne [are due } S.
defendants. The bill sets forth that in Lancaster will convince | rr { The first duck eggs of the season i
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