PAGE FOUR A WOMAN'S GOOD LOOKS Depend on her general health and freedom from pain, Many a woman looks old before her time because of those irregularities which are essentially feminine, Starting from early womanhood, she suffers from frequently recurring derangements that upset her womanly health, If she be beautiful she grows into that mellow age without wrinkles and crowfeet about the eyes or the blue circles underneath, It is invariably the rule that such women suffer little, oi wt at all, from womanly derangements which sap the health and leave in the face the tell-tale story of pain and suffering. Dr.R.V. Pierce, the famous specialist in the diseases of women, found a prescription in his early practice that soothed the organism peculiar to woman- hood to pass those painful periods that scar-lined and aged her face. Rockers oiled the machinery, as it were, of and helped the woman This remedy became the human system the well-known Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, that has benefited thousands of women and saved them from misery and suffering at different periods in life. Mis, HarkeLy E. PIERCE, of 244 Bright Street, Sarnia, Ont., writes : “1am now a well woman after suffering for three years and doctoring with several different doctors, each one saying it was something differ- ent, and the last one, after putting me through a thorough examination, said 1 was suffering from a growth, which, in time, would result in cancer, and said | would not live more than two years if not oper- ated upon right away. I became hopelessly discouraged but would not consent to the operation as | was too weak and too much afraid, but at last, through the advice of a friend, I tried Dr. Pierce's medicines, and after using two bottles of the I I y wedi 1 also used two boxes of ‘Healing Suppositories’ and felt a change. ‘Favorite Prescription’ I immediately eight boxes of ‘Lotion Tablets,’ and can safely praise the name of Dr. Pierce's medicines to all who suffer from any female disease, for these medicines are all they they have helped me. Sell is Lhe only kit Picture Frames Farmar Mirrors are claimed to be, and I hope will help others as that 1s Furniture Hall Racks Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenport China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything n Undertaking a a 1 the Furniture Line nd Embaiming I. Svs BRUNN DT BA er STINT JOY. PENNA % 3 4 * 2. > op 0 i Be PecBoaleade Becde store clectoots stood stock eo fooler oP li TET ER TTT Bohs ols cBoaoalococte bh do ole sols sSoote od TEP RT PTT eTTE burg, Philadelphia, anc cations, and prices Do from Lancas a ih i Be teek ppeperTTVYT Satisfied FARM BUYERS ill oO tO see every ot If youwillg them will sell at a profit oi p1000.00 profits’offered them of over $1000. This is also true what kind of a fa Write me send you a list by return m il, eiving complete descriptions, lo- 1t now best bargains be Arrangements will SALE V te: Write fc 7 AC RES, FOR 7 —————C— J. L RUTTER Real Estate a Farmers Trust Builbing efosoofocosoafosdeoofosforgoiosfoofofoeiasfonfoofosentesfocfonfer Summer S At least pairs as low as . a do lar See Windows for Great Bargains Get $2 to $4 Ox We fit you jus full price. < OXFORDS 1 > 8 +y + % 2 J SEAUB & CO. 300TS. HEOES, RUBBERS and HOSIE 18 N. Queen Street, PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD to whom I sold Lebanon Valley farms you will find that not one of with all my customers from Chicago, Pitts- 1 other places made t vith full d two fords are Oxfords 1e of the Lancaster County people Many of them have had rm vou want to buy and I will Early buyers usually get the Vv all improvements, 2 miles and price. scription nd Insurance LEBANON, PENNA. sforfecgesforfoferfocfosiesforfeods forfoofecfocfoole Joofore od oes Reduced less than usual; many Sogo dorleciedorerdn oh one So 0 Z ! jor $1 vo $ fullv. as though you paid FOR ME and £6 now 2.45, at $1.85 xr wb 1 LA 2.8 ofeoforfesfecfonfe rosie sfectesfocforfosfocfecfrocfocienfosfocfoneesfuefosiosfocfonfocfocie “TASTE ELEVEN-DAY EXCURSION TO Ocean Grove Asbury Park or Long Branch Saturday, August 24th, 1912 Round Trip From Mount Joy, Pa. $4.25 Tickets good going only on train leaving 12:36 P. M. Good returning on all regular trains Covers Closing Sunday and Monday of Camp Meeting For detail jRiozgation, consult Agent Gamp Meeting Haud Bills, or nearest Ticket WE ejecforgesioferfedfoociooiocioode dole freldocioddodeoleod Asefesforertesioserfooordeciosiortedorocfecforfeofofosfeofocforfoforfesfocferfofocforfecfocfesfecfocscfeofocfortecfocferfedoforderdooiorn THE BUL The ever held points to all association of providing Lebanon Fair The Lebanon Fair 11 greater August the exhibition efforts of will be the Ww be 27-30, and ev- ef erything far eclipsing former There four good racing program with davs events daily, the of succeeding three big day, Thurs- $5,000 in demonstrates addition the agricul- include the four races on day, at a cost purses Each vear the need of a substantial to the reservation for which will the working of will is tural exhibit, last word of manufacturer the and scientific the soil, be no exception, in the Horticultural building Pennsylvania State have its big educational Commission exhibit corps of ex- this year Something assured erection of which will new a in the College agricultural Both perts will State mented breed of cattle, the clude the pick of the herds on will have a large to deliver lectures, as building. The will aug- of sheep present also the new College exhibited be the and by specimens purest swine, will in- and live stock exhibit anon Valley farms, The poultry show will again be in the Pigeon and which will and liberal premiums, and has secured the of an insuring fair dealing in the judging of birds, The main charge of Lebanon Poultry Association, award ten silver cups ser- vices expert, Exposition bulding is certain to again be filled to its doors the exhibits local merchants manufacturers and specimens the product of the farm. The Midway be bigger. and better in the by of and of will of vaudeville the the way attractions than ever, entertainment in and the on raised platform stand, will given front of grand between the racing heats, introduce first-class talent Chester lL.ectures daily. strictly See the State Blight Ex- hibit — Interesting Features at County Fair The the State the demonstrations recognition value of county rapidly growing of educational and fairs is again emphasized of booked by great number exhibits for the October. and in moving pie- the Curtis Fair the by Lancaster County Among others are ture demonstration of the comfort and ad- life: the ex- Department of Publishing Company increased farming Health especially and demonstration bility of vantages in hibit Pennsylvania, of the as related for the Society to tuberculosis the crusade pure milk: by American Anti-Vivisection advancing their particular ideas: a large exhibit by the Southern Pacific Railroad T.and and Industrial De- partment the along their line ted 1N( showing products and the in- theirwith: the of Com- orown dustries connec demonstration Blight the several exhibits of exhibit and large the State Chestnut mission. and Pennsvlvania State Colleze on stock raising and agriculture. In addition to these special exhihits considerable interest is being manifested the several regu- the fair. From the fair will former exposition by the many exhibitors in lar departments of nresent indications greatly exceed any in Lancaster county WATER POWERS OF RIVER. GREEN 150.000 Theoretical Horse Power in Basin of Main Tributary of Color- ado River. River, the the Colorado hile Green and Ww possessing for the develop- practically un- ition Theoret- possible at the to the Unit- Survey, by sites, to 500,000 horsepower From State Green the Wyoming the 11 the 25 miles, 11 of from stream rage fa feet to the mile: and Wy Minnie 200 ate line to the mouth of Maud miles, ming St a distance of fall Creek, the total 3,875 is 3 feet ———— A A eee ee Notice business v The con- ducted Charles K. Main St., Mt. Joy, will be sold or leased. The said has been well established for forty years, and attractive in- for a purchaser or persons interested should the undersigned, on the premises, Charles H. Zeller, 53 East Main street, Mount Joy. tf. ETTA M. BENNETT. lately Bennett on E. meat by business should prove a very vestment either Any consult lessee. or Rn er —— The strength of a school can be the work done by its The work in the class the test of the school’s Look over the list of that are engaged at Mill- ersville and you will be impressed with their ability and understand why the Millersville State Normal School ranks among the first schools of the kind in the country. re dl measured by Faculty. room is standing. teachers Straws! Straws! Any Straw Hat we have is yours for 75c and $1.00 apiece. Getz Bros. the | mn possi- | rn LET N, MOUNT r i EARLY MOLTING OF CHICKENS | Western Poultryman Gives Excellent | Method of Controlling Hens in Changing Feathers. Most people believe that if they can force their hens to molt early they | | will lay more eggs during the season, | | but this 1s not truq, Hens that have | | molted late will lay more eggs during | as the winter than the early molters. | This has been shown by the most | careful experiments, but the facts are |. @ B NE not generally known. Molting hens require a large amount | of feed containing nitrogen such as oil | meal, meat and other feeds rich in pro- | tein. Molting can be forced by eutting | down the feed of hens as it has been shown by experiments that seantily | ! fed hens begin molting earlier than | not finish molting much earlier, Starved hens molt more uniformly than others and this is particularly | noticeable In hens two or three years old. In an experiment conducted by the Cornell experiment station It was found that on a basis of 100 hens the fed flock produced eggs to the value | of $29.97 more than by the starved flock. [ The total income from all the birds was $278 for the starved flock and $360 for the fed flock, a difference in favor of natural molting for the year | of about $95. A western poultryman of long ex- | the power te., of the perience gives his method of controll ing molting as follows: As soon as the hens are through laying he turns them out on alfalfa, | feeding them dry bran only, in addi | tion. Under this treatment they get | thin. Then he feeds them a mixed | ration of grains and meat, giving a light feed in the morning and all they | will eat at goon and night. Under this treatment they finish molting quickly, get new feathers and begin | laying in September. By October 1 they are all in good laying condition and make a profit through: the fall and winter. PLYMOUTH ROCK IS POPULAR Blocky Shape Makes Them Excellent Breed for Broilers—Much Favored as Utility Fowl. The Barred Plymouth Rock is with. out a doubt the most popular breed of chickens in this country—more of them are found on the: farms than any other breed. On special poultry farms the Leghorn is a very popular breed, and in the poultry farming districts the Rhode Island Reds are almost exclusively used, says a writer in the Rural New Yorker. As a general utility fowl the Wyandottes Prize Winning Rock. are second in popul Rocks, the white variety being the most pop- ular. ¢ Their blocky excellent breed Plymouth eds, they horns lay a spect they hz most though qualities of eggs white shell. rity to the n shape makes them an for broile » the Rocks lay ¢ V markets her there OL prides Overcrowding ducklings will indace feather-pulling. Kerosene is sure death to lice, applied as a spray. Hens suffer from overeating much as from starving. It is provoking to have hens steal their nests this time of the year. The feeding of onions to laying hens has produced an onion flavor in eggs. A hen egg-bound will be seen to visit the nest repeatedly without re- sult. Fodder corn makes fue green food for poultry of «ll ages. Try it fed green. Many will realize this fall and win- ter that the early-hatched chick is the winter layer. It is not advisable to allow duck- lings bathing water before the weath- er is warm and pleasant. Market at once all males not kept for breeders, and all pullets that have not kept pace with the rest of the flock. if as hh They Won't be There The York Fair managers an- nounce that they hope to have Taft, Roosevelt and Wilson on hand for epeeches. ¥ ei Ws ms New Arrivals We received a shipment of Fall Clothing and we have them ready for your inspection. $10.00 to $18.00 Getz Bros. EE EERE EERE®R PA. Better (et RR Se Ee Re Ee Wednesday, August 21, 1912, ud LO 1] Boys’ Suits at Big Savings School Opens In 10 Days One and Save $2.50. GETZ re gs ESR ENE BROTHERS Eee RE 0 OR SALE REGISTER | A Notice in This List is Read by Sev- eral Thousand People Weekly Following is a list of sales for those on full feed, but the former do | which posters have been printed or Wednesday, tel bulls at Friday, Mount es on a Mrs. Saturday, House chise, Marietta n DH man, Tuesday, ises northeast acres of limestone land house ings, auct, Saturday, limestone by ad ad Tuesday, ses land I ar | Pierce, large Ww e ernard Receivers. in by | township, 70 = in containing frame perches perches harn, r-Jo of sale "lorin, a 1d heifers Auct Aug. Joy lot of Ganiz. Aug. m. Lancaster, plant, Electric Aug. lot 30 |else are advertised by On street, household goods by in | These notices are given 28- Sol this At FREE t of fine the paper. until he ho- COWS, Rosenthal, premis- Mount Joy, Zeller, auct. -At the 0 receivers sale pole lines, Court of fran- Elizabethtown and Light J. Myers and Sept. Mt. oi Joy frame Jacob H. land Metzler. Sept. East with tobacco shed nn Shelly, Dec’d A township, near with tract of Kraybill’s Church, ste obacco Henry “For ma spite of E. G. adms. of Minnich, Snyde 10 John See ad. On th township, Rheems, barn a a tract of with frame outbuild- nd Stauffer. Sept. 1 acres of with {—In gravel e Company by A. Nau- prem- mile 98 3 Zeller, Rapho and mprovements, Summy, auct. See 24 Donegal {miles west of Mount Joy, a tract 56 and Tr Elias acres and a auct. On house, nd N. Private Sale land along yne and shed and Vitmer, y Ys all so-« & At last Ifous in 25C NTS PER BOTTI those mild, yet really wonderful DR. KING’ Pa) i Re oe k, I Y iL in the brick East the prem- township, 9 of 83 bank outbuildings Henry G. Nissley, Donegal Donegal 104 house, creek, acres barn, outbuildings by in) ty, o ot i the tis a peng BURN & HEBas lo, N + Xo GREATEST COAL MINER. States Produces Two-Fifths World's Output, United of hela first coal-producing 1899, Great The place United States has the world among the this country countries of since supplanted 1911 the total coal amounted 1,302,500,000 the United $96,221,168 cent,, when Britain, In world’s production of to ap- proximately short tons, of which States tons, or the In the has contributed 38.1 per according to United States Geological Survey. the 12 1899 to 1911 production United States Jears from of the over 250 1911 Great creased its output 50 per cent, 198,146,731 304,521,195 The 1911 almost tons, increased per cent; from 1899 to Britain has in- from to tons. United States in produced 500,000,000 or 6 per than Great Britain in Germany's production of coal 1899 3.640.500 it 7 cent 1911; and more lignite in was 9 in 1911 tons, an increase The Britain and Germany in 562,744,958 short n tons; was 258,223,763 of over 175 per production of 1911 tons, which the United 66,500,000 tons, 13 These three countries United Britain, and Germany, produce more than 80 per cent. combined Great was exceeded the output of States by only or per cent. States, 2 Great ent of the world’s total supply of coal. rr — WILLIAMS GROVE PICNIC Rates via Pennsylvania Railroad teduced Wil- Aug to 31, Railroad will sell to Williams Grove Pennsylvania and Elmira, Frederick stations on the Railway, Aug. 20 zood for picnic, 26 Grangers’ Pa., Pennsylvania the liams Grove, For the excursion tickets from stations in Baltimore, intermediate Central from and Northern 30 return starting inclusive, reach to to original than passage 0 September 3, 14-21 point not later at reduced rates. Aug, lO Send for an illustrated catalogue if you desire to learn something of Millersville Millersville. book of State Normal School The 146 pages the school. Any the of the Alum- published in the cata- of the this catalogue filled with at new information of one who examines list ni Association logue can form some idea magnitude of the work institution has done RR 1 ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Snyder Strasburg, spent Sunday with and Mrs, W. D, Chandler. William. H. Schofield Philadelphia, spent guest of William Edith Webb and James, the of Mr, and family Thursday as Swords. and children are spending family of J. of the Mrs. Matilda several E. Webb. Mrs. B L.. Nisslev, Misses days with Garber, Mrs, H. N. Nissley and at Carrie Esther Garber Middletown. Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday spent Saturday B. .F. at attended the Alligace ee tll I eee Greenawalt Rocky Springs, where they the meeting of Christian Marriage Licenses Sload, Donegal, and I.. Heisey, Mount Joy. W. Brosey, Rapho, Casiow, Mount Joy Paul 8, East Florence John B. and Katie town- ship. rrr Ae The Anti-Cruelty says there are more cats in Chicago than human beings. Society CR Read the Bulletin PUBLIC SALE On Saturday, Sept. 14, 1912, will offered at public sale on the premises, in Rapho township, the following prescribed Real Estate, to wit: A TRACT OF LIMESTONE AND GRAVEL LAND Containing 70 Acres, more ar less situated on the public road leading from the Manheim and Mt, Joy road to Union Square, about mid- way between Manheim and Mt... Joy, adjoining lands of B. B. Gin- ler. Jacob Becker, D. S. Metzler, A. K. Brubaker and Tobias Musser. The buildings and improvements thereon consist of a Two-Story Stone DWELLING HOUSE, with Two-Story Frame Kitchen attached, Frame Bank Barn, Carriage House with Horse Power Shed attached, Corn Barn with Tobacco Cellar, Hog Stables, Poultry Houge, Wood Shed and other outbuildings: a well of water and cistern with pumps there- in at the cistern at the barn and running between house and barn; ¢ number of fruif trees and grapevines iu hearing or: der The entire tract farming land in a high state of cultivation. Persons wishing to view the above, before the day of sale, will » shown same bt calling on the residing thereon, to commence at 2 o’clock said day when the condition made known by E. 8. Summy, Auct. Hamaker, Clerk. a a aa be 0 nouse, water sO a is undersigned Sale m. of will be METZLIER ule a 11 (RE Brings You Bigger and Better Values Than You've Hver Purchased before A strong statement, but the big price cuts will more than bear it out. garments are marked a-half and some two-thirds less than the regular prices, and Many remember, too, that every garment is of this season’s style. $20 to $25 Wool Coats, Wool Suits, Wash Dresses, Silk Dresses, Lingerie Dresses, all at.. $15.00 to $18.50 Woo and Pongee Coats... ...-. $10.50 to $13.50 Washable and Silk Dresses, W Washable Coats, at $7.00 to $10.00 Stylish Linen Suits and pretty Washable Dresses, white and colors $5.00 to $6.50 White and colored Wash Dresses and Suits; dark and light colors, at. $3.00 to $4.00 Washable Dresses; of many different materials; also, | Linen Suits; for $2.00 Plain Chambray and Light Lawn and Batiste Dresses, plai and figured .... kr UO ‘ $9.98 $7.49 $5.98 $3.98 $2.4¢ $1.4 98 css sess as anes 47-49 North Queen Street, Lancaster, 1 EO EEE i 1 OO 1