PAGE SEVEN TH E BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY. Wednesday, August 14, 1912, PA. — oks Alike it All Lo Deal er in Coal, Lumber, Grain Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cement and Fertilizer A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price paid for grain Estimates of humber and Mill Work a Specialty FLORIN, PENNA. | VHERE DOCTORS but no . t it Our me" FAILED 70 HELP i Re bef select the Kind of Hay Lydia E. Pinkh:zm’s Vegeta- Mrs ; ; ; ble Comp und R red } Wait ' Mrs. Green's Health— eonabl Her Own Statement. ‘Your medicine has than all the doc At Covington, Mo. more good done me ry monthly period id to stay in bed ir di because of morrhages, and ack was soweak har walk. dy n taking tham’s Com- d and now I can up and do my I think it is the best medicine on earth for women.”’ — Mrs. JENNIE GREEN, Covington, Mo. table How Mrs, Cline Avoided Operation. Brownsville, Ind.—‘‘I can say that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has done me more good than anything else. One doctor said I must be opera- ted upon for a serious female trouble and that nothing could help me but an operation. “I had hemorrhages and at times could not get any medicine to stop them. I got in such a weak condition that I would Y YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED « ’ fil's. & H. Trading Stamps A < J {WITH EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PUR $ CHASED FOR CASH AT F. H.Ba CORAL and LUMBER YARDS Mount Joy, Penna Sele agent for Congo Roofing. No. 1 Cedar Shingles always on hang Also Siding, Flooring, Sash, Door , Blinds, Mouldings, Lath, Etc. Agents for Alpha Portland Ceab“at. Also Roofing Slate estimates Quickly and Cheerfully maa pn all kinds Building Material Telephone No. 833. Opposite §OId P. R. R. Depot Hat Bargains Are vou looking for a bargain in a STRAW HAT? _ Then come 1 1 get 1t. to us and you'l Cut Prices on broken lots in Soft and Stiff Hats ~ Wingert & Haas 44 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. ofosfosfoofoofocioefeofosfonfoofoofonfrefocforivueiojorfosfodunioooforfecfoofortecfosfoofecirafeciocfesiioirofoodende WATCHIISS WATCHES will find in cur factories—Hamilton, El. People who want good, reliable stock the products of the best American anfo feof eertesonis gin, Waltham. When you buy a Watch from US you have abso- lute assurance that it will serve you satisfactorily. 5 OUR GUARANTEE COVERS ALL POINTS. + : 3 RAILROAD WATCHES AS LOW AS $3.00. PIROSH & SIMMONS onto Josorfucoofes less Jewelers and Opticians 20 North Queen Street. Next Door to Shaub & Co. Shoe Store i & + LANCASTER, PENNZA. | 1 OL JT fi Hil J) A Engle’s Furniture Warerooms MOUNT JOY, PENNA. GOOD HOMEMADE FURNITURE A SPECIAIAY UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDER 5 ’ $ * 3 3 1 ® ® — pp > Poplar Lumber for sale im lots to suit the purchasers Undertaking and Embalming J 0 0 11 NL TT O00 I OF THE EAST 1897 THE GRAIN HOUSE ESTABLIS HEI WILLIAM L. BEAR & CO. (Members Chicago Board of Trade) BROEERS PENNSYLVANIA BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts., PHILADELPHIA STOCIIS—BONDS— INVESTMENTS 80 SECONDS 2 MINUTES To Chicago Board of Trade. To any Grain ¥ ot in America ancaster Branch 220-226 Woolworth $ldg. I had not got relief soon. Several women who had taken your it and I did ht medicine to 1 4 npound, told me t wid found it to be the ld up the system le troubles. ‘1 am now in great deal better heal an I ever expected to be, so I think I ught to thank you for it.””—Mrs. O. M. CLINE, S. Main St. Brownsville, Ind. y trv nd overe HEALTH CLUB HOME By Dr. David H. Reeder, Chicago. S estions for Hot Weather—It is timely to make suggestions con- I zt} dangerous maladies ( on to hot weather and offer neans of prevention and cure of sickness accidents common to his period of the year. Do not un- derestimate the importance of this article. Keep it. You may need it at any moment. These are the days when the fool- killer should be busy and get after the one who points the gun that is not loaded, at you, and his ‘twin brother who rocks the boat to be funny If they would try this when alone all would be well. At this season, keep cool, mind and body. When it is hot one ] } sould be neither overworked or ov- erheated. Never over-eat., Dress in keeping with the weather, Bathe often. Use sanitary means to keep free from anything which is li to breed disease and you will live longer than does the person vho fails to observe these simple r of health. Sunstroke—Be careful not to en- or instroke. Fatal results ften follow exposure to sun heat lay when the atmosphere is id AV as far as possible 1 into the direct rays of the becoming overheated Do 1lcoholic liquors nor hearty foods. One has of- s, such as loss of appe- it ea ‘hes, and general indispo- The heart’s action is often nd breathing difficult. These restions should be heeded. The erson should seek shady, cool place, bathe the temples and wrists n cool water, keep quiet and rest. rent of sunstroke, place the shade, loosening plenty of air; do give about. and crowd chest and relieve people to ad, arm he neck, water, and lungs of the internal congestion. In other words try to get the blood to the surface. Use hot infusions of red pepper, ginger, or mustard plaster on the spine, ex- remities and on the stomach. Convalescence is usually slow, and the patient is much more liable to repeated attacks than before. A very slight attack may be like a fainting fit Sprinkle water on the face, and -apply smelling salts to nostrils, then in cool place for a fe place a w hours. Sour stomach, heartburn-—Due to acidity from sour foods, or the acidity caused by fermentation of foods, an excellent remedy is a tablet of charcoal, pepsin, ginger, and magnesia, and a half cup of water. Do not eat candy, cakes, etc., at least for a time. Dysentery Indi- ipecac, -(acute stage.) cated remedies, four patient powdered 20 grains in ounces of flaxseed tea Keep Place h and tions of t ficial. in bed. abdomen quiet ot applications to feet. After acute stage injec- hin boiled starch are bene- Summer Foods—In hot weather you will find in rice cooked in vari- ous ways~a most satisfactory article of diet. It is an excellent substitute for heavy and unhealthy meats often indulged in. It is nourishing, and particularly healthful. Get used to eating rice in some of its | very palatable forms of cookery. | Do not be afraid that it will not [sustain you, for it will, and it will | be particularly desirable in hot | weather, as it does not tax the di-| | gestive organs. Remember] that in | China over 40,000,000 Pedple sub- kh ried l yl dis) A I't t CIUB NOTES Dear ) 0 I have been reading with interest your Home Health Club, irticles, and would like to know what you can say in regard to m own case I am a man H4 years old My gen- eral health has not been good for vears, espicially the last two years | have never been down bedfast, but am weak and rather frail, sub- ject to rheumatism and stomach trouble Have headache a great deal, is hard to control, exhausted, appetite What particularly and easily speak of more I wish to | city is a|8 roaring in my head. For about four weeks I have had a constant roaring, sounding like the hum of a telephone pole, in my head. It seems to be more on the right side and back part of my head. It an-| noys me very much. I went to the doctor and had my ears examined he said but he found nothing wrong; that the trouble came from general run-down condition If I have not made my case plain, [ will write fuller description H HBR You tell the story quite plainly. The entire cause of the sufferings is in your stomach, not only a radical change of diet, but bsolutely con- trol of your t occur be- fore results [ would, If I were to dire cific treat- 1 t t outline a complete and ecific dietar before begin- tire ali ntar ) a st of rom et ( i untill our ( 1 clean and healthy appearand The ye- he die n Ve care would soon be th and flesh id vould quickly disapear. Of UTS ¢ reful and horough physical examination iS always advisable in such cases as there are sometimes causes for ill- ness which can be four no other vay All readers of this blication are at liberty at any time to write for information pertaining to the Address all Home “Health health. to subject of com- munications the Club”, 5039 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, Ill. U. S. A,, with name and address in full, and at least four cents in postage ie eet For San Jose Scale and Diseases of Grape Vines, A Pennsylvania grower has writ- ten to State Zoologist H. A Hz i isburg, sending cutting and stating that they not healthy He asked what to 1 ind receiv the followin 1 m Di Surfac Thi to the oint, and t plies ) 1 the n I d en 1 seful. The I i vhich 0 injured San Jose scale, and a by some form of plant dise You can prune it back to some extent to put life in the part that is left, and r the leaves drop this fall spray thoroughly with the boiled lime- This solution acts insecticide to fungicide in germs that sulphur solution. as destroy ti an and as a destroy- scale, ing the disease are upon the vine. “Tt will also help the vine to spray now with the Bordeaux mixture. This is not for any insects that are present, but it is for plant diseases that attack the vine itself, or the It will grape berries leaves, or the fruit. prevent the rotting of those which have not already commenced to rot, but those commenced will not be cured. “Make the Bordeaux using three pounds of bluestone and lime in Spray with where the rot has mixture by four pounds of good fresh fifty of this gallons water. soon.” — > ® Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the « 5 ion of the ear. y » is onl » cure deafne inflamed ~ imp rfect vol : s forany case of h) th be cured by d for c + free. *. J CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75¢ : Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. eel convention of badly on sets of The State the Roosevelt men split the color line and sent two delegates to Chicago. Here is where the Bull moose steam roller came in Georgia handy. a — ee t———————— The Philadelphia sub-treasury re- ports that a Chinese bank note 500 years old has turned up there; but maybe somebody is simply trying to get his laundry check cashed. EEE running Funny The subtreasuries are short of $1, $2 and $5 bills. we are in the same fix. PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH delertesleofesfesfoleefontortontoedunterdooteeodeobesdosbededends Soodeodduedesdeobeodeleedeidooioodeododeddosdoodoodeodob hed b Watt & Shand The Recor Sky mblesock Has 1 ilkey IB Say This Week, What ddd dd ddd i i a8 as as N + 1 A *- ° B de z : rain 3 * @ » » 4 » » + » al ale 3 lp > wo. + 3» Es sin amohl tswae hoond txom- 3 | y ing eve i rears agereate 113 ide
{uff der boweri uff ga-tzoga sin wa- ous records in ay! selling. Every Suit is in the season's new 3 ga-tzoga sin karra, Der onner hoo- } est style. All sizes are here, and once more let us add, for the 3 nd wore en shepherd un wore ous benefit of the doubting Thomas: We guarantee every garment 3 | em bush Are hut en fershtendich to be just exactly what we say it is or your money back. Now 1 g'sight g’hot, wore goot ga-bowe ee .o3 : igh OL, Wore oot ga-howed then, if you want a Suit Bargain, get busy. 3 un wore en groose hilf der boweri y jar hetsa un helfa's fee heeda. We + rd tzomma cooma sin hen se wennich ’ > on 'nonnrer room ga-schmunseled, on 1 00 OZet ) Met ) S 50¢ 3 nonner nuff ga-joomped, un endlich 3 sin mit'nonner naiva nous ga drull- > : oe ? : + ed un sich uff en wausem bank ghuc- & ints 4 Cc -» ked. Der city hoond hut der count- % ’ 3 ! oo hoond awennich aw ga gooked do $ } hi } 1 3 2 5 They are the hit of the season, : the (Ue hit A aW.schiwelza x They are 1€ f 1e se 1n( 1€ equal of many 1 : =" a . y pa. A p “My liever friend’ es hut mich sh- & Shirts that are sold about town for 75c. Made of percales and § unt uft ga-woonered we de leit es 3 madras, in an almost endless vari-ety of handsome stripes and + maucha im lond. In der city shtaen 2 figures; coat styles, with attached cuffs or turn-back French * uff wou 1 hen en lot — . : . . . ) 11f on me [ I 1 10 2 cuffs One lot comes in plain white or tan. Special, 42¢. All 3 leit os oll de arawet doona, 3» : Ta3E is & sizes » ess oll es goot soch os l¢ i Ed lond raisa un bringa uff der morrick ¥ 3 Nn WOR URSer ei YO1 s tznwennich oe - r INTE » un won unser el coon IW Sidi Ce oe yw 50c MARATHON UNDER- & don doona mere ush pawr & FIFTY DOZEN BOYS' 50c sig + wig : es + WEAR, 371c. + ent uit der tzooker dder koff te met ‘ : ~ ce 2 de ooltor od Ie * SHIRTS. 42c. Splendid Summer Under- + ydder kardoo mm: de 1 S el gy ’ ia os » 5 am ANd . wear, 3} sook nd Woo de socha kawi . ek Soft Shirts, of Madras and 4, of ine 'Namsook, knees. § I 30 ‘ ! 3 length drawers and coat ¥ cha widder olles Wo ns oe Percale, with separate collar, ie yo . . > . ; : 5 shirts. All sizes. Special, 1 hase we at % or light blue and tan Cham- 37ic T 3 ic, 9 ena mere noach em sae un won i “3 3 i i b ! % bray Shirts, with collar at- MEN'S 25¢ HOSE, 12ic 3 ns dart ferlaid don dinga mere en . ; eT Sy, rEg Te io ofe he o \ a airv >11lar 3 Pullman Palace Lar. ‘doona » paver tached. Light, cool and airy. tegular made Lisle Thread § Leger mit nemma far’ % Cut coat style, with soft turn- Hose in light blue, tan, black, 3 derno fora mere dorrich’s 3 back cuffs. Made for service. dark green and olive green. 3 : ; A usual 25¢ uality, 123c saena we hardt os dere awren % All sizes. Special, 42c. air 3 id 3 zer shoffa mist. Im lond 5 pats, T shoffa, shoffs by da mons un nix * 1 sie “> os kucha, roashta un bocka by da | 3 3 1 veipsleit. We kent dere’s shanda?’ # COrner Square and E. King Sts. } “Goot ga-nunk,” sawgt der shep-' 3 1 v3 Yor i po Sa : L 4 herd. Unser laeva uff der howe Tooferfoofococforfocfoceciofoctecfecforfocfocfosfortuniocfocfosfosforfoofocfosfonfoofocforforocfestesfocfosfesforfosfonocfooforfonocfooforforfocfocfore ot S 1 dt os du a 11 Fs is wore, mere si 't hissy FET ic Der Soondawg is der lengsht dawk ter ruc teu'™ tisera won, 1D ARE YOU BUYINC YOUR he awet in der weldt in ve dc De leit der city met nee: (rr Ce eeds u hovva un ve's shpeered meed 8 El onser ( g 1 S¢ ra ~ 0 n s na sl - Where You Can Get The Best OV 1 (le 1 o 0 gon! Quality at The Lowets Prices? el ¢ You v answer this auestion correctelv after v hav : ou ¢ answer this question correctely atter you have ex- Ys ; . sleit drickl we | amined and compared our prices with what others ask and )O 1 01 ( t i ta of our goods which are guaranteed to give es ( 'shtor | ich 11 ~ . 11 qr : ou entire satisfaction. All goods Delivered. ond s ) S : . da ove el 1 na ts ) S( 3 wu ¢ S ( less 1 ( 0S 3 9 ¢ hen sin en lusht, 0s ® ® : : (4 €1 3. : les is net s 3 3 i ow en 3 tah oy BELL PHONE ri un es € S - S ¢ 'eNsSaMmoNSse unser o v sin frish un hen nuch der dudder ir Mount Joy, Penna. der mit un unser shoon laish is er - - fun g'sunta feaos mer selver dote : ; . : iinchod hon Uninet. tat J {RRL 1 nauchea nen un si 2 1arrecked | e= - on der cholera in der West Unser 8 REFRIGEATOR AND GO-CART SALE wasser is frish un sees un net misht | = TO DAY WE OFFER REFRIGEATORS, ICE BOXES, GO-CARTS bree os ous em rever g'f is, un | 8 AND SUMMER FURNITURE AT GENUINE REDUCTIONS FROM 20 to un unser bedder maega ne¢ so deef B so PER CENT in feddera si os da cit It era, aw Thirty different styles of Refrigeators and Ice Boxes to select from, all Yor hi ar is wai w Ar : 3 _ 3 : . 3 s rp ver en bind board is waich won mer high grade and from the leading manufacturers; guaranteed strictly scientific meed is Dohare, my liever friend, in principle, with seasoned hardwood cases and heavily and lined with best daid ich heit net hoondla mit dere.” material 5 nd sir f o’shtonna. sicl is : - i 2 De hoond sin uff g’shtonna, sich I'hese prices show a few of our wonderful bargains: g’shiddeled un ous anonner g'sht- &r1.00 Refrigeators, now § 7.98 $20.00 Refrigeators, now $14.00 ardt, awver eb se fun nonner der city hoond | bershoft | het | feel xj 1 | o . # “ : sin hut $21.00 Refrigeators now $12.00 $28.00 Refrigeators, now $18.00 der shepherd g frog | $27.00 Refrigeators, now £17.00 nuch- | hoond | Moral: Tsu | eb are en bower wist in sinera : iy : . Th Say 3 For a puick reduction of our wonderfully large stock of GO-CARTS, we gooter garn heeda en 0s : . have put them on sale at less than half price. far’s fee s Sr . rue mauched un rue 7.00 Go-Carts now $3.00 $6.75 Go-Carts, now $3.98 §2,50 Go-Carts, now 9Sc, Westernverger, Malev & Mvers 125-181 East King S.., LANCASTER, PA. EO | —— A i The Trials of a Traveler “I am a traveling salesman,” | writes BE. E. Youngs, E. Berkshire, | Vt.,, “ and was often troubled with | constipation and indigestion, till 1| began to use Dr. King’s New Life | Pills, which I have found an excel- | | | | | | | un wu » 1 i LH [lf 1) A Real Jewelry Store 1 1 lent remedy.” For all stomach, liv- er or kidney troubles they are un- equaled. Only 25c at S. B. Bernhart | = & Co's. le Jewelry Stores are plenty in the general sense. But this is a Bitten by a Snake While Roy Ruhl, a thirteen year jewelry store in all the special senses—not merely a little jewel- old son of John M. Ruhl, of Man- ry for Christmas, but for every time—for the gift givers, for the heim, was roaming the furnace! birthday, for the June bride, for the Commencement girl, for the 1 hills with some other boys, he was | bitten by a copperhead snake. His foot began swelling and a physician | who had been summoned wanted to cut out the affected part, but the lad’s father would not have it,, and | honestly priced. he sucked the poison out. The lad | improving very rapidly. f S. H MILLER, silver, gold or diamond weddings. All my jewelry is fairly and Call and be convinced. J East Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PA. is now UA TO, Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | oul mm Om OI ON MOT OR THE FI Who ¢ Ma way Mr, La Mis West Mr, week's Mr, wag i Mr, Spent Mr, was il Me last W Col, a Frid Mr. at Cer Mr. burg, ° Mr: Sunda; Mr, few. da Mr, bia, w: Mr. burg $ Mr, day. at Mr, visited A, spent 1 Mrs. spent f Mess left Su Mr. ter spe ~Mr. - visited Mess Dieter A ne Mariett Mr. bethtow Mr. ter, wai Mrs. Alta, 8 town. Mr. | City, ough. Mr. was St. Ss] in \ ness. Mh i spent tt 4 town. dy Mr. - Elizabet tow Tyree Wry f Seat esp fst. Miss ‘ spending friends. y Mr. C X Lancaste Miller's, Mr. L Md., cir Thursda Mrs. f Phila “.0 frien Miss | two wee of friend Messrs Christiar Columbi Re Maste: A Coatesvi 5 nis fathe 8 Mr. Jc WF & of Broth here Fri E MruH L Mountvil vith frie Mr. J. n town {acquaint A Mr. SF hat Miscka¢ Charle Piizabetl friends i i Mrs. ( rg, wa [rs. Joh Aaron: ast Bex Mrs. C ladely y ey, B61 fixchang IMF, WW o Grey is home Mri. 'S na “Chri riends a "Niss B