The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 31, 1912, Image 6

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    Wednesday, July 81, 1912,
Lewls Shirk and wife visited rel-
atives and friends at Willow Street,
over Sunday.
John Kauffman and wife visited
relatives and friends at Elstonville,
on Sunday,
Mrs. John Reber, of Philadelphia,
is visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs,
Mary Reber
Mrs, Laura Stone, of Washington,
D. C Is spending the summer here
among rejatives
Miss Irene Brubaker, of Rohrers
town, visited in the family of Amos
Kissinger, on Sunday
Miss Margaret Weber, of State
College, is spending her vacation in
the home of Martin Andus,
George Zeller and family, o
Reading were Sunday visitors in
the home of Samuel F. Andes
Charle Reber ind family, of
Manhein were Sunday nests in
the home of Benjamin Heistand
Mrs Mary Harnish is spending a
weel in the home f her daughte
Mrs. Martin I. Swar at Bamford
Miss Annie Ault ind brother,
Elmer of Bethlehem Te pending
1 few 1 l tl d
Oscar the ree vear old son of
William Keyler, fell down the ce lar
steps ind received 1 scalp wound
that required six stitches
Mrs. Henry Hostetter nd daugh
ters Beatrice and Marion of Wash
ington, D. C. are spending a month
with the latter's grandmother
Monroe E. Zerphy and wife, of
Wilmington, Del., spent several days
of the past week with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Zerphy
Quite a number of our people ac-
companied the excursion up the
Hudson to West Point, on Saturday
They all claimed to have enjoyed a
most splendid trip.
Ray Eby while playing with com-
bpanions was hit in the face with a
board which had a nail in it, The
nail penetrated one of his eyes, and
a physician was required to dress
the wound.
etl eee.
What Makes a Woman
One hundred and twenty pounds
more or less, of bone and muscle
don’t make a woman. Its a good |
foundation. Put iato it health and
strength and she may rule a king-'
dom. But that’s just what Electric
Bitters give her. Thousands bless
them for overcoming fainting and
dizzy spells and for dispelling weak-
ness, nervousness, backache and
tired,, listless, worn out feeling.
“Electric Bitters have done me a
world of good,” writes Eliza Pool,
Depew, Okla., “and I thank you with
all my heart, for making such a good
medicine.” Only 50 c. Guaranteed
by S. B. Bernhart & Co.
eof fedododoeleompotododode dire dodo doles
0 aVllgs guarantee 0 eI’ CL. i
$50, 0CK, g Pp
} joini les that sell exclusively f sh and on a cash price basis i
} The Only Furniture Store in Lancaster and five adjoining counties that sell exclusively for cash and on p 3
+ $
$ Do you realize what this means to you? Throughout the entire counties of Lancaster, Dauphin, Berks, Lebanon, Ches- }
§ ter and York there is but one store that sells furniture for cash only and one store that marks its stock on a cash price basis
$ That one store is “Donovan's” who buys wherever they can for spot cash and sells furniture one-third less than the numerous
3 installment furniture stores throughout the territory just named, t stands to reason and is not hard to understand that the
“dollar a week store” must get a substantially larger prices for their merchandise than the store that caters exclusively to a
cash trade, Then of course there are numberless dollar a week accounts that can never be collected and the man who buys for
cash from these stores, we care not what discount he may have got, he still has to stand his share of these bad debts or else
ly , , . . ;
edie deddediadodeedied dl Be dd Bd 2
such stores could not exist, }
We are not eritizing such installment houses, most of them do a perfectly legitimate business, but the man who buys for cash
does himself an injustice when he purchases goods from a store that sells on installment plan as all furniture stores do in this city. :
e we have made special preparations, The three big floors devoted to furniture and carpets §
For this August Furniture Sal
nearly thirty thousand square feet, full to overflowing with the choicest product of the furniture world.
Everything is of the newest and latest, ninety per cent of the entire stock is manufactured less than three months and is
truly the ‘ream of the great furnitnre states such as Indiana. Michigan and the Carolinas. The collection includes a wide range
of grades from the cheapest to the best, from the plain substantial bed room Suit of golden oak which we sell at $18.00, to the
handsome Sheridan Dining Room Suit at $3000.00 or the massive leather Library Suits which we have up to $150.00,
Lancaster people who have been accustomed to attend the August furniture sales in Philadelphia will be delighted to find
that this is no longer necessary and that here in their own city they have at last a furniture store of their own whose prices com-
pare most favorably with any of those bigger Metropolitan establishments because the latters expenses are somuch greater and
the selection as home is almost as representative.
shedfefecfecieiododesfodociocfoofosioofoodrdforoodeddoderde foofecforfecdsforesfesfer drole dor orondorecisdodoi dad dr ded die de de dh docks do eb £53 a
3 Furniture selected during our Aug- CIAL BUCS 20d CaReers
% ust Sale will be stored without extra Mr. Shazzar oora t 1e well known Or-
i charge until wanted; if our customers de iental Rug dealer is displaying a very
i ire 9 All Furniture selected will be de- handsome collection of fine floor cover-
% sire. . : ‘ i
i livered free of charge to any place in : ings. It’s quite a treat to see his coll-
¥ 32 to 38 East King Street, Lancaster, Penna. ections. The prices are remarkably low
% Lancaster County. 4
i deeded dtodd dfofdodobdt
afpfecioefosiosfocfonfortssfocferforfocfororfocfeefoctecfocgentenfocforioricferfecfecfocfestecionlecioofecioctecfesfocfenfocfonfocdenonfecioriocferfeck afeofoefeofeefoadsefesfecforforfecgofoofecfonfocfeciontosfenfoofecforiseforerfosfiofonds fuegooonfoofoofocfortosfeceofonfontesfosfeofesfosesfocfocfesgosfoegosgoofoofoeosfosfosfeofecfocgosfoefoeferfooferte
Miss Margaret Kauffman is visit- Persons having upholstering to |
4 ieee
$ ine at Lebanon and Heilmandale. Indestructible Signposts Will be | REAL ESTATE AND do, such as sofas, lounges, beds, or | The undersigned having remodel-
i a ¥| D. S. Martin of Lancaster visited Erected for Your Guidance {placing window shades or anything ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding =
3 People A re Going to Buy 3 Mother Mrs. Nines, Martie. of we pd INSURANCE {in general repair work, will confer | number of sleeping rooms, bath, etc.
} | Sunday | The first sign posts to be placed pm pro. of Mount Joy la favor and save money by calling is now prepared to entertain trans-
IA O i . ; : | t. Dain ot. Y |on me. Prices are right. |fent and regular guests.
%| Frank S. Miller who was confin- along the highways of Pennsylvania | |
| reek, 1 ill be put i iti i ol — RESTAURANT
2d t 2 se las ek, is about will be put into position this sum
§ ed to the house last week, is abc ; I : ohway Depart- ~alling and Clerking of Public Sales H. S. MUSSELMAN,
1 again. mer by the State Hghway Depar mi Mavis.8mo Florin, P | In connection with hotel where he
#| Henry Walter and wife of Lititz, ment. , Settlement of Estates. i y > a | will serve in season.
» y ead a |
# |spnt Sunday with his brother, Jacob’ State Highway Commissioner E. Collection of Rents. | OLDDR.THEEL & DR.W. L. THEEL | OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style
2 | walter ana wife. M. Bigelow has let a contract for the : 20 ' | 1719 Sorina Garden St, (tormerty 63 N. 6th { TURTLE SOV. P, Etc. Ete.
: y : ; : : Cita § eying and Conveyancing. t., Phila, Pa.) Ein Deutscher Artz, Only Ger
Will You Be One Of Them? 3 Mrs. Joseph Wickenheiser spent first 1,000 sign posts, deliveries to Yering 5 | peal a German Treatments thotnly | | Private dining room for ladies.
i 3 i i i The 3 i | Core ahs ene ae Arsenic, worse than
; 2 : + whi > . fo eg ®|severa ays his week with rela- begin next month. These posts will can’t Cure, all use Mercury & y
» have ‘ee 65-note Player-Pianos which we are offering everal days of this € 2 | the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity. All ae pe {
ve B ve figs 1 Rote : $i... at Lancaster be of iron, with the name of the Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bullets. | Sin & Frivate Diseases, Becomes, both sex, Ainics, Weake |
é c rice 2 n . £4! . S . Te 2 esses. Nerv ebility, Lost Ma in rink Auoras | i
at the price men one ; no nL Ll oi Wickenheiser snd wife road or town to be shown In iron Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin | Piles, Losses, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Rupture & Stricture, | op ~oy- MoeGinnis, 2
These are not inferior players, but a fine grade player, guar | Joseph kKenheiser ( ; : Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin uo euttiug, Kidney, Bladder, 46 yrs. pr elise 56 vis Soop ; i
anteed by us and the manufacturer for five years. ¥ [spent Sunday with Phares S. Mohn letters fused on iron plate, the di- Subscribe for the Mt. ov Bulletin | ity & Country 4 Avertising Frauds. Hrs. 9-4, 6-95 Sun. 9-21 PROPRIETOR 5
o These Pianos play any piece of65-note music made, and play X|and family, at Salunga. rection io be indicated by a1 Atay . i
it perfectly and beautifully 3| Miss Susie Floyd, of near Litiiz,’also of iron. This style was deter. Sdbeeirobdedeededodeododdvidednledededbbodododddeinbbieddd dbdeb ddd ddd deibbiidedeie bidder ddd bid 5
Each instrument includes $15 worth of music of your own §|spent Saturday and Sunday with mined upon after extended investi- ™ : i
i 2 5 x : . a i i ate a 3 i 3
i 3 ner pr rs irs gation in other states and counties. ,
selection, a nice bench and a beautiful scarf. %jher mother, Mrs. Hiram Ruhl. ph . jens are * | WE SELL CHEAPER FREE PHONE SERVICE | $ !
$| Master Clarence Good of East Pe- Alhough the posts and signs are } 5 3 i
% tessburg, is visiting in the home of practically indestructible any at- % | BECAUSE WE GIVE % JUST CALL 1100 t
10.0 f nis uncle, Samuel K. Garman. tempts to deface or injure will be *% S. & H. GREEN & HAVE CHARGES 1
3 . sper, wife : : - vigorously prosecuted. Not only the & | mpADING STAMPS REVERSED x
ce , PATIL EP ,. and the balance at $10 Adam Pleger, wife and son Har § : : ! = NG ] k
Places Se Of Sicko vem 1n vot home, and the balan } I ry, of Lancaster, were Sunday state road maintenance officials, but $& LANCASTER, PA. 1
month, 1 erest, xtras. 0 i loons 3 3 :
per : Naver is delivered to your home % guests of Jonas H. Barto and fami- local officers and citizens will be 5 tT
$10 donw, and the player is delivered to ) ’ $y urged to prevent tampering with * $
ol ior Sic US ir Vv | o
% Jonas Waltz, wife and daughter the sign Dosis because of their value 3 t
° % Susan, were Sunday guests of Elmer to the public. % i
hn on & | 0 ¥ (Brandt ana wife, near Lancaster Mme [ oo :
3 | *
Ir 0 9 X | Junction. NORTHWEST RAPHO | og &
: ; 2
$| Alma Weber, of Kissel Hill, who| ; g gowers and C. R. Geib were & 1
| spe 3 y 4 | ££). i % |g ;
16 and 18 West King St., LANCASTER, PA. | spent the past week in te home ° at Lebanon on Saturday. + ea nN a e y
# her uncle, Samuel Hurst, returne Anybody not having tobacco seed %
{home on Tuesday. heads is far behind the times. [3 : TA GLEAN Gp p
is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture
noon in the family of ®. W. Geib.
EE ———
wy | RHEEMS : : :
N { av Hollinger, > Eliza-
i 1 | Mr. and Mrs. Eli Arndt and sons] David olin} er ot Bear i: |
{ BH jacob ana Ei spent Sunday with |bethtown, spent Sunday at his par-|
| | —-— A | : ¥ |ental home. |
» George W. F family. :
the George W. Foltz fa y | Charles Shelly, wife and daugh-
J. G. E li is treating all his| |
3 g Iter he is . g ter Mary, spent the Sabbath in the!
| buildings with a coat of paint that i
family of John Geib.
$1.98 and $2.98 Values Special at 98¢c $7.00 and $7.50 Values Special at $3.98
oiooibaiaaRodboaaaioeeaiaalioaliaxeale ale ddd ih ad a a
TE RPT TTT rrr ried
Jeddvelo shir doviioelecieh dhdedoh hdd St 2 2 5. a.
beautifys the east end of this place. ;
: . x | F. 8. Shenk with his force of is . , y g ur 1.98 and : : Heo man
R k Mirrors Hall Racks Mrs. Eyman and daughter Anna, a ey br 2 ; Aline In this group We have put all ou ! nade A good selection of tub suits Wool Suits
OCKETrS of Pittsburg, are visiting the fami- threshers is kept very busy fi me $2.98 wash dresses that are full of sty Sy, i Voile Dresses—Wool Dresses—and linen crash :
: i oh'W » ;. calls from all around. | inghams, chambrays, lawns and linenes; all a ro pidee d You certainly will want some- ¥
: \? lies of Joseph W. Kraybill and A. S. : = of ginghams, che ys, two-piece dresses. C y .
Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Lies o John Henry and wie of Harris-|% of SIELE me vv 1
. T { J. F. Binkley of Elizabethtown, ig are SPORMNE Ue Nf , a S ial at $1 49 gains. 3
Extension & Other ables, Davenport ,..... through this place with his the i Se of fami sghioma ] $3.00 and $4.00 Values pecial a . : h!
[new delivery wagon which is an up-, Dear Wisser's church, | You’ll find some pretty big values here—such $10 and $12.50 Values Special at $5.98 ¥
. : : : | —— —e—————— S retiy 8 9
to-date vehicle. . ; oh s Rite WW > 2 ; bo
China Closets Kitchen Cabinets o-date ve ) So i : i a 2 {§ as Misses’ W hite Pique Suits—Women’s and Women will be in » hurry to get these bargains
J The demand for horses keeps up tailway Business for May [ ey inzhams-- French tissue and. colored ] LA : 3
: stables. PB ; t| ¥ Misses’ Ginghams— ; 5 2 : in White Serge Dresses—White Serge Suits—Pon-
: 3 . a at the Rheems exchange stables. | For the month of May the ne 3 Lawn Dresses—also some plain tailored Hnen " UE = % at
In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line Abe Mumma handles a large number | operating revenue of the railways|$ on gee Soster Nod 28d 5 ™ Jes hoa An $
| S. 0 Suitg— A Y yn 5.
b I : of all sorts. declined five and five-tenths per cent|¥ Linen Suits unior’'s Woo ats; all at $5. i
} aimin H. H. Musser, telephone operator of line as compared with May, 1911, |% 3 . . . >
Undertaking and Em 8 of Elizabethtown, filled the vacancy and that for May 1911 was four and $ $5.00 and $6.00 Values Special at $2.49 $3 and $3.50 Tub Skirts Special at $1.98
at Rheems tower, caused by Amos] eight-tenths per cent. less than % This group consists of some smart apparel— $3.00 and $3.50 Tub Skirts in one big lot— ¥
om H. Eppler being appointed operator for May, 1910. This is $s; 4 pretty lingerie dressts—dainty striped Ginghams consisting of Natural Lintn—Repp and Brown *
{at U. tower working the hours 7 a.|salient fact of the monthly summary | & asd sheer tissue dresses—also some fine silk Linen with colored stripes. Come and see these 3
" " {m. to 4 p. m. [of the Bureau of Railway Economics | % dresses and linen tub suits. These are really ex- bargains. Extra special at $1.98. 3
| Jacob Henderson, one of the old-| compiled from the reports of the & traordinary values. <>
MOUNT JOY. PENNA fest brick masons of this end of|railways to the Interstate Commerce | § >
| Lancaster county and his large force|Commission, and embracing ninety; § y 9 Cl thi t H If P 1 B tt 3
{are erecting the brick house for A.[per cent of the steam railway mile- | & Boy S and Men = 0 ng a a rice= € er I
If You Want Good Results [Joes co te ior porcusealase of the country $ : $
{from B. H. Greider. When com- etl eee ; i A th WwW k I] b th iL. t &*
9 |pleted it will be a modern double For Sale—A good piano with $ Hurry or no er ee Wi e € as 2
1 Re . > hb
Advertise In “THE BULLETIN [roe sr Newer win occuny the oiayer attachment and a Jot of mu: |§
yern 1p . sie, 2pply #1 this odin, | tb Sh ES RR HH EPSPS Pb