The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 31, 1912, Image 3

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Farmers’ Inn
Mount Joy
Wednesday, July 31, 1912.
The Roads, The Mails and the
Good roads and the postoffice,
pecially the rural delivery, have be-
Lancaster, Rohrersto: =, Landisville
Salunga, Mt. Joy and Klizebeth.
town Street Rallway Oo.
come inseparably linked, With the —— - East Main St,, Mount Joy, Pa.
Increasing number of R. F. D. R WESTWARD FOR A
routes the rural communities have FRANK E. LEFEY F Prop. Koave Yo canter sp. +30, 4 Ny GOOD SHAVE
begun to take an interest in good — oh 4.16, 6.15, 6.15, v8.15, 1.18 STYLISH HAIR-CUT
roads equal to that of the automo- Leave Rohrerstown—a m, 4.60, 6. 6.35
Fr iy jie a ot a q on Bar Well Stocked With All Popular | 15" a 3%. sw bom 1 REFRESHING SHAMPOO
. . \ 9 > ) 8 especially since e $ | b ) «3, 835, 0.35.11.
All over America there is a B.T. BABBITTS onium lie jis Brands of [gE frie k Wo (SUR for anything in the Barber Line
"ae 4 roads on which rural delivery is es WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS | Fore iui: Av by J 14 |
* : = tablished shall be aintaine i i #00, 10.0¢, 11.00, 12.00. P m, 1.00, 2.00, 8.00 TAKE ALONG A
big demand for this good, TRADI " ) is 1ed wall . ; maintained in Accomodations for Man and Boast | 0 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 5.00. 9.00, 1000. sod |
condition to be traveled throughout Leave Mount Joy--A m, 530, 615, 1.16 |
. d the year with facility and safety Also Automobile Parties | 8.15, 0.15. 10.16, Lis hom. 12 16, 118, al |
» yea i y i safe t15, 4.16, 6.16, 6.15, 7.15, {
old-fashioned soap pow cr. Since the withdrawal of the rural BUBE'S MOUNT JOY BEER Wg Elizabethtown—A m, 6.45, 7.4. |
MARK mail delivery in a township of Yolk and Piel’s Celebrated New York Ges | 445. he i » ae yg ie, 24
TT County on account of Its poor roads 80,
housands of women have SOAP POWDER the miabituuis bY aut community Wn lager vn aes, Leave Blizabetptowi rn m. 645, 7.4 |
* | | have been brought to a realization may-16-3m. 4b, 5 2. U0 &. Eke Lt 46, AL
. 5, 6.4 m
7 — of the value of good roads Super 12.30.
used it for years anc years A NEW ARTICLE, visors in et AT . Super eet Me on the Bridge and We'll | 1.eave Mount Joy—A m, 6.30x, 7.16, 8.15,
ROIS | © ) es ore 1 1 > 9 |
. : h For saving labor& expense bad’ fonds : fore CRT Have a Plate of the 011s. CF m2 16 L18 235. 816. |
and wi ta € No ot er. NEW YORK, bad roads are suffered can profi is. ‘ ® - |
rom tt ide . ve Salunge--A Hx, 7 8.20
Hon . Snel p i Best lee Cream in Tow 0.30, na » m. 1280.1 bo, 1%. $30
I DeGraw, ‘ourth Assistant h. § k 7.3 3 X > .
Postmaster General, under whose Landisville—A n 548 7.58
T ’ + viral liver 10,33, 11.88 > m, 12.33, 1.33, 233
B jurisdicion is the rural delivery 5.53, 6.33, 7.33, 8.33, 9.33 10.93. 11.8%
» * 501'Y state that there is little if 3
tohrerstown-—/ m R10 7.66 a2
é¢ 9” P d ny use in he majority of cases Rr 11 66 v po Y.50 I x IT WILL ADD TO THE VACATION
. ‘ b6, 6.65, 7.56, 8.65, 9.66, 10.56. 11.56
i 1776 Soap owder or the existence of bad roads, that 5 B20, 1 FUN OF ALL THE FAMILY
} 5 . aj # : ‘ Lancaster—A m, 630x, 8.16
, Lr AVE OF SIX. Yeurs ago the. de 16° Pm, 1216 116, 216, 3.16 Anybody can take good pictures
iS D ent adopted the policy of in 615, 7.15, 815 $15 W.i5. 1B OM io (1
pY > : ; ? y 1.46 with a Brownie Camera.
. . m™ : ¢1 £ : af sisting t » roads on which ru daturdays r will leave Lane :
- was one of the greatest inventions of B. T. Babbitt, famous soap- sisting that the Tou on Wh oo 4 er at 1018 ; eave Elizabethtown Brownies, $1.00 to $12.00
. ye ‘ 'e) "w wri] rnal delivery is in operation shall ’ 11.46 pm ~~ .
maker who made cleanliness popular. Babbitt’s “1 » Powder will be kept in good repair, else to with. #2 1. ZZ ELLER'S wil! Saturdays and spectal occostons cars| The two best sellers are the $3.00
xs . a ey y ; he : Bos ™ 1. a2 JUL De HB iia A Ci 17.00
work like magic in your home, save you money and Get draw service therefrom and also to All Flavors at All Times. joy every hal fo b.1 [and $7.00,
k t a y : ‘operate with State highway com- ‘vecial Prices to Parties, Festivals (P-g7m.. = = = I also carry as a side line
a package to-day. TE Sd 44 S uy Ete 816 a. m. Leave Elizah
’ mission good roads associations, Suppers, lite. a. m. Car marked (x) Camera and Photo Supplies
1 a fia la ' thers
Save Trademarks from all Babbitt Produc local highway officials, and others Mrs. CG. H.Zeller a)
Interested in securing the improve farietta Street MOUNT JOY
Exchanged for Anything i in ment of highways and to encourage THE DOMESTIC VACUUM CLEANER Agent for Standard Steam Laundry.
postmasters and rural carriers to de DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS TNOrks lke 9) ordinary Sipe} sweopes, Send ¥
u likewise The department very Bye, Kar, Noss #08 Theat © g $10 d $16 ¥ 1 0 RRR
much desires that postmasters, ru- oy rice an |.
30- Ww orth Buildin £
ral carriers, and substitute carriers 530-332 Woolw ¥ » EAT
¢ shall not only constitute themselves Lancaster, Pa. ®
apostles of good roads and spread Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m, n ,
the propaganda, but that they shall Sunday and Other Hours a NIeN dUSeI S
by their works arouse interest and By Appointment a
P simulation in others. Many post- Both Phones 2 :
154-158 North Queen Street, Lancaster, a. masters and rural carriers have g }
i carrie) Ind. 1877 Bell Lan., 994 a TIP-TOP,
By special arrangements with this new, up-to-date department store yon can buy any sc been instrumental in forming good & - |
g article with 10 Babbitt Trademarks—or any ioc article with 20 Babbitt Trademarks and so on. roads clubs and associations, the C. 8S. MUSSER. THE BAKER "
) The Talbot Stores sell almost everything for home or person at popular prices. results of which have Zeon vast in. i a | i
DOV : io: t'resh Bread anc Jakes plivered E
B. T. BABBITT, Inc., NEW YORK yom in the Joontigion o the through town daily
3s 1ways, and in several notable in- #“resh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey |
cidents the appropriation of enor- Buns every Wednesday & Thursday
mous sums of money for the re- Funerals, Weddings and Suppers = :
building and improvement of enitre given prompt attention a
county highway systems. Store & Bakery, West Main Stree: | =
While these improvements have Mount Joy, Pa. : 3 oie
- Re lw rebounded to the greatest benefits | ranch Stare ’ You are invited to visit our
5 3 : i Ta, 2 5 Branch Store at E. Ream’s |
! 4 ° ° 3 = | o—% ® ® 0 the Rural Delivery Service, the 8 clean, modern, bakery at
+ > direct and indirect material benefits For Sale |m Prince and Clay Streets, Lan-
i an IC I ) ue After You Are Through to the farmers and other rural resi- Several good Building Lots front- 'm aster.
+ 5 dents have been incalculable. "8 95 feet on South Barbara Street, » M. C. BILLETT, Agt.
! - > . ‘ . Strange as it may seem, farmers do Mount Joy and extending in depth of B. . | = FE RR .
i + ape ay i Experimenting with The not fully appreciate the value of hat width 154 feet. There is a good Ant = Delivery—Monday, Wednesday
i 2 3 : e ry | 3 |=
3 S | | Cit H | B h oh Ki good roads to them that it enables able 91 Tieng ing thst cod very | MOUNT JOY, PENNA a and Saturday
3: ity. a n 0 eac + =18= s he a Sic : wo 16 mae. tasily he wo ] NT , PENNA.
% Wildwood, Ocean City Anglesea, e S Ys y y Just das (ood ind them t¢ fol thel produc to mar iwelllng. For further particulars | 0 TC rn J
% Avalon, Harbor, New Jersey 3 ket a any he Queing any seasan| iy to Lewis Seernan. Moun Joy. | 60 YEARS’ =
og og TREY Of the year with ease and facility i
3 THURRDAYS, AUGUST 8, 22 * BUICK and with a minimum of i and HOLLOWBUSH BE. EXPERIENCE
+ fH hin ar .M. H LOWBU | v -
= SUNDAYS, AUGUST 11, 55 % LOCOMOBILE tear on their animals and wagons LR 0
] . y > ] £ ) |
+ $4.10 Round Trip $3.85 Round Trip > The saving in the cost of horses 4
i Via Delaware River Bridge Via Market Street Wharf 5 AUTOCAR AND where the roads are improved is en- Attorney-At-Law | X
3 NT JOY » r S, for there. car De i
* RSDAY TICKET! Say So MONDAY, INCLUSIVE * BUICK TRUCKS OTmous, for there. ean be no doubt! ys west Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa | a
: v TRSDAY CKETS GO 3 ’ A JL NG AX, ‘4 “ | ‘ o "OE 3 S o y 3a - 1 g
% Tata TICKETS GOOD UNTIL THE FOLLOWING THURSDAY, INCLUSIVE i that good roads prolong the useful Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- | TAAL Manns
* STOP-OVER ALLOWED AT PHILADELPHIA 3 Sold strictly on their merits hess of Horses i least one-third. day at No. 62 North Duke Street | COPYRIGHTS &e.
5 For full information concerning leaving tiffie of trains, consult o& | Then again, good roads are not only *h # | Our large ice plant is now in op-
> smali hand bill or nearest Tlcket Agent. of | ne an indication of thrift, but they cer- Sorin Plan Rates Moderate |eration continuously and we Are
! % 3 i tainly enhance farm values and en- prepared to furnish good clean an
i PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD i rs ara ton ss 4 8 2 Hn Siar ie any cunniey. “Wil ras
. :
BEOEEIEEEE ES Shr bt tttb rrr | Now [012 Cars Now Here oioeonre ANA interasis chan o Hotel Scientit fic Fimerican. Ee or RIT iY
| T——— - X / A handsomely illustr ited fab Rix JjatRoss i | Arst get our prices.
nls O 0 r BIE fe journal er ‘a r .
PEEPS PEIES EEE PEb bbb bb db bbb bb ddd ddiobidelbdefddiod dds | = NEWTOWN | Touts Tour mentum Fi. Nos CAT Also mile soni op id
fd 3 Mr. Samuel Weaver spent Sunday Mount Joy, Pa. MUNN & Co, S01 Smave) New York Ni
b ' { Branch Office St.- Washington, D. C. |
* MR. | HORSE OWNER 3 Laneast ast er Automobile (0 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- | ane w e
$ i a M. B P Cold St
3 It will pay you to read this ad carefully, then come and inspect vy Weaver a i J. . ackenstoe, Io. | Oo Oo a
3 I GARAGE NEVER CLOSED Mr. Harry Shirk and family of . .
| ¢ mv line of 3 Reading are spending their vacation 9938s Penns lvania Railroad | ——
| + Stay & | 230-238 W. King St. y
& Flynets, Cooling BlanKets, Lap Dusters 3 i . y with relatives in these parts. Has just been remodeled thruocut . |
| i and all kinds of needs for the horse. $ LANCASTER - = PENNA. Mr. Jacob Kemmerly and family Has all modern conveniences such Personally-Conducted Excursions |
| 3 $2.25 and $250 3 of Columbia, spent Sunday with his| as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam TO | )
8 4» Driving iy nets, flank, ...cesisessiciiiniiii a . $550, $3.75 3 — brother, Mr. Frederick Kemmerly. Heat, Electric Light, Ete. '
% ~
Driving fly nets, 10 DroRst.c.cevesnsesc.. 75, 50, . + : ve amily: of | ; Mount Jo
* o 3 bain Mr. John Myers and famil, i ie . w New Haven St., un y.
§ Leather team nets,...... ea a Ba a . .$250 %| —e Jatgesy ane i jiaivig ri East Petersburg, were guests of Mr.| lable is Supplied With the Best ia ara d 3 $
® class fireproo arage and repair °° i & | = ~
3 Yellow and Black Cord Nets, 81. 00, $1.15, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 : shop in Og pnd of County and Mrs. Jacob Mumma on Sunday the Market Affords. | August 1 2 2, ie iH er 12, RECOM ND
S . ore Theaters. » 4 wy vod )etoh 0, 19 | MME
3 Woolen Cooling Blanketls,....e crc vivera.. $1.50 to $5.00 I Mrs. Cyrus Frysinger and daugh reeves | R Trio F | AND SELL
3 Always a complete line of all kinds of harness in stock. Prices 3 BREE BEd Br ous oA Buaney 2 Vinay $9.3 Wn phi jn | The
T | ) @ ) with her sister, Mrs. Daniel Moore. .
cheerfully given. | \ . hd
2 Se ys I > Ba : Mr. Horace Hipple and wife of Also Luneh Counter SPECIAL TRAIN of relies. Pagior. Gir‘ a” Ta
T 7 Harrisburg, were Sunday visitors at Where Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese Dinning Car, and Day Coaches, running via the || 5908 pe C
FS . | . ’ 5 A ’ |
3 F. B. GR OFF ¥ the home of his parents, Mr. and Tripe, Oysters in Every Style Picturesque Susquehanna Valley Route ” DRY A -MASH
- & Mrs. Rufus Hipple. KEtc., Etc., are served Tickets good going on Special Train and connect- MAKES THEM
3 North MarKet St., Mount Joy, Pa, ¥ Mr. George Plott of Middletown, | sv esse H winin Fret a WHR iri LAY OR BUST
“ & will move with his family to Lo- yt ay aman within limit |
| raine, Ohio, where he will be em- m IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS Hlustrated Booklet and full information may be
rood 4 oi vd | obtained from Ticket Agents. | : /
J. Y. K1.1 IN Ex | ployed in the pipe mill. SE | OF BEER, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS Pours to Thousand Islands. July 18, August 15 | Your hens can't | they must
| Me. Merman. Prank of 7 SrA, Ana cece and 29: Maritime Provinces, July 24, Montreal, | “punch the clock” (lay ) at Joust tlre
C t WwW Carl Frank of Maytown, with his | July 31: Adirondacks, July 31; Muskoka Lakes, § times per week when they eat The
op August 1; Quebec, August 7; Yellowstone Park, §| ) Pp vd vr sh
All Kinds Concrete ork Mr ad an nda at the home of | Good Stabling Accomodation [| 1 wi rin Veli: | | Pork Pollud Dry Mach,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Resh. | For Sale by
Mr. John Rhoads, accompanied by | Local and Long Distance Telephones BRANDT & STEHMAM
All Styles and Colors
Porches, Columns and
Door and Window Sills and
Lintles, Chimneys,
Retailer of the Best
Grades of Cement
_DRY-MASH $9.7
-esh lot of
Beef Veal ~ Beef Serap ~ Poultry Bone
in three sizes
Ask for prices
Mount Joy, Pa
Direct from the manufacturer.
his wife and daughter, spent Sun- |
day at the home of their daughter, |
Mrs. George Plott at Middletown.
y Raymond Hoffman, a student of |
Annville College, has been enrolled |
by the East Pennsylvania Confer- |
ence as a student for the ministry of|
the U. B. church.
Quite a number of people from |
this place attended the camp meet- |
ing at Landisville an Sunday, and | ®
Sunday School and preaching ser-|
vices were on that |
account, ( ¢
No matter what car you use,
be sure of the best gasoline.
The three famous
Waverly Gasolines—
76° — Special
are best because they have no
carbon deposits—the explosion
is instantaneous, powerful,
clean—the ignition is quick.
No “‘natural’’ gasolines used
in Waverly.
Independent Refiners PITTSBURG, PA,
Also makers of Waverly Special Auto Oil,
P. Book
FREE .5ic Rif bec oi.
® We are Always Prepared to serve
Moderate Charges.
Don’t fail to see us before plac-
ing your order this year.
J. N. Stauffer & Bro.
The Choice of a Husband
Mount Joy, Penna.
is too important a matter for a wo-| XN
man to be handicapped by weakness, | | S000 9990099990
bad blood or foul breath. Avoid | :
these killhopes by taking Dr. King’s | | Shaving
Life Pills. New strength, fine com-|
Joseph B. Hershey
plexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits
dispensed with
———E—e ee
—33ese0e 209000904
Estate of Anna Guhl, late of Mt.
Joy Township, deceased.
Letters of administration on said
estate having been granted to the
Halr Cutting
[Te erms Moderare.
rights obtaine d or no
photos and brief
ch ar nd report on
erie ies
help you to
ent stamp for
patent informatio: Ni
fo REA
PACES 11 Aad 12 before applying
oR a EAD ut. Write to-da,
303 Seventh St. Washington, D. C.
Bell Telephone
Prompt Attention given to Sales of
have same
by calling at this office |
proving property.
mtn ie
Agen for the Middletown Steam
} Laundry. Goods called for Tuesday
{and delivered Friday.
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | {
Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin |
settlement to the undersigned, resid-
ing in Florin, Pa.
Coyle & Keller,
st I Property. |
ee —things that win men fellow their | Real Estate and Persona
undersigned, all persons indebted use. Fasy, safe, sure. 25cat S. 8, JONsorial Pa F lor Reference: Jonas L. Minnich.
thereto are requested to make im- Bernbart & Co's |
mediate payment, and those having : | Bast Main St., MOUNT JOY |
EE —
lai emands against the same | n I
Gains oF comands agaitsh the mame 4 watch. Owner can| Three Chairs. No Waiting MAKES EATING A PLEASURE |
will present them without delay for
J 1)
|Cakes, the kind mother used te
| bake, we still have Buckwheat eur
on hand.
“ Soin C
el n Na
Sond in, Joy by E. W. Garber 20d W. D. Chandter
Mount Joy. Pa-
Ask the man who feeds it
If you are hungry for Buckwheat
nz ala A fMow Man Of Him,
I was suffering from pain in m
d and back,” writes
h, N. CG, “and my
¢ ys did not work right,
at four bottles of Electric Bitters
made me feel like a pew man.”
equal yours.” Pane, 50 Cur
by Druggists, gqppryy Auoy,
A cure guaranteed if you use .
ws: := Suppository
Matt. Thompson, Sup't
Jv Writes :
Call for free sample.