The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 24, 1912, Image 8

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The Biggest 5¢ Value—
Why Pay Any | More?
you il pay. "Those who
have used Babbitt’'s Soaps for
over 50 years know that “Bab-
| bitt’s Cleanser must be best.”
Pots, pans, dishes, kettles,—all kinds of metals
are made as bright as a new dollar with bbitt A
Cleanser. You can use it a hundred times a day 5
around the house. Full directions on every can. Get C CAN
it to-day.
Save Trademarks from all Babbitt Products—
Exchanged for Anything in
THE] [A\ [| [30] sromes
154-158 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa.
By special arrangements with this new, up-to-date department store you can buy any sc
article with 10 Babbitt Trademarks—or any 10c article with 20 Babbitt Trademarks and so on.
The Talbot Stores sell almost everything for home or person at popular prices.
Tuesday, August 6th.
For The Nervous Woman,
Or the woman who experiences hot flashes nothing is so good to soothe, quiet Fe sermon.
and calm the nervous system as a pure glyceric extract of native medical plants, , OWilen's Rorvi
end made without hoy which has been sold by druggists for the past forty 0 p. M—Children’s Service.
years, and most favorably known as Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. In
younger years some women suffer from dizziness, or fainting spells, hysteria,
headache, bearing - down {ceilings and pe un. All these symptoms of irregularity
and female disturbance are relieved b by the use of this famous *‘ Prescription ’’ Gray Jones.
teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, ‘‘ shop-girls,’”
house - keepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally,
it is an excellent appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. Philadelphia.
“My disease was called retroversion,” writes Mrs. LypiA McDoN-
ALD, of Mecosta, Mich., Route 1. “1 ha 1d nervous chills and numb spells Wednesday, August 7th.
and they woul 1 leave me very weak, Then I had inflammation and the . . : 2 >
f even months with our Closing Day—10.00 a, m.—Pra
ting kidney. I doctored
family physician. He said I would have to have an operation. Then I
stopped taking his medicine. After taking three bottles of Dr. Pierce's
Service followed at 10.30 a. m.
ais rice wi Jenediction.
10.00 a. m—Praise Service With ¢rowell, Lansdowne, Pa. Bensiichio
Underwear Underwear
We have gathered from the largest Manufacturers, the cream of this se son's
production and are offering to the trade values not to be found e'sewhere, as to priced
quality and particularly as to fit.
As a perfect fitting dress is imposible over poorly fitted undergarments,
Ladies’ “Setsnug” Union Suits The Imperial Union suit has
at $1.00 Men’s
Ladies’ “Cumfy” Union Suits
3 Do od Union Suits at 25¢ U n d 2 rn wie a rn
Ladies’ ‘“Cumfy” Vests,—
come to stay. The most perfect
fitting garment on the market.
Short sleeve, 3-4 length, drop-
can’t slip off shoulders, at 12§ | The most difficult problem is | seat. We show two qualities,
and 15¢ | to secure a garment to retail at | $1:00 and $1.50 per suit
Ladies’ Strap or wing vests, | | :
at 10 and 123c | 26c on account of the high price | *
a i Athletic underwear, showing
of cotton We believe we have
the best to be had in eithér long | UP better each season, made of
fine cloth, Not as clinging as
Ladies’ fine gauze, long or
short sleeve vests, 25¢
Children’s Union Suits, 25¢
or short sleeves, full size, draw-
Children’s Vest and Pants,
high neck, long or short sleeves,
10c to 25¢
Children’s fine gauze vests,
8 strapped, at 10c
§ Infants Wrappers at 10c
Infants Wrappers at 5c
At 50c we offer the Williams | 50c.
Bros. make fine Egyptian yarn,
shirts long or short sleeve, ye’ Balbriggan Underwear,
short sleeve shirts, knee length
| drawers, at 25c¢ a garment.
drawers reinforced seat amd ex-
tension band at waist line.
E. EBERSOLE, «rr nooner
EE =
Children’s Union Suits of fine |
combed yarns, all taped, at | ers reinforced seat, and no the balbriggan and cooler. All :
50¢ | seconds. | sizes, in two qualities, 25 and
1 0 EO
THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, July 24, 1912,
10.00 a. m.—Praise Service with | tery, is living in la large tent with Dollor fer Suits es Fuftsey dollor
3.00 p. m.—Bible Study, Subject:
“The Book of Galatians,” Rev. Wm. Sharer and family of Elizabethtown |
of Doctor Pierce. 6.30 p. m.—Young People’s Ser
: 2. lin . . . aa . ). 0 . 1.—Y¥O eople Ser-
As a powerful, invigorating tonic ‘‘ Favorite Prescription ’’ imparts strength : I 's Dies Bo
to the whole system, and in particular to the organs distinctly feminine. VIC
v4 ’ 1:
For over-worked, ‘‘worn-out,”’ *‘run-down,’’ debilitated 7.30 p. m.—Sermon by Rev. Glad-
stone Holm, D. D., Germantown,
Ed had any nervous chills or weak spells. I am better the Communion Service. Brief Ser-
8 e
‘My daughter is now taking the ‘Prescription’ and Dr. Pierce's mon by the Rev. John Watchorn, D.
Golden Medical Discovery, also the ‘Pellets’ for nervousness and weak, by 2 i
tired feeling. These remedies have helped her ever so much in a short D., Frankford, Philadelphia. All
t sa 3 i : 2 :
time. We have great faith in your medicines for female troubles.” the ministers will assist in this ser-
Mes. McDONALD, Dr. Pierce’s Pi t Pellets induce mild natural bowel mo 2 vice
— a CR TL mite s——— 1.30 p. m.—Children’s Service.
(Continued from page 1.) brief sermon. 3.00 p. m.—Bible Study, Subject:
3.30 p. m.—Sermon by Rev. Geo. 1.30 p. m.—Children’s Service. “The Book of Galatians,” Rev. Wm.
P. Eckman, D. D., LL. D. 3.00 p. m.—Bible Study, Subject: Gray Jones.
30 —Y P le’s Ser- \ - . x ,
. 6.30 p. m.—Young People’s Ser “The Book of Jonah,” Rev. Wm. 6.30 p. m.—Young People’s Ser-
Vv <
0 c Gray Jones. vice.
0 —— GY y r y moe
7.30 p. m.—Sermon by Rev. ge 6.30 p. m.—Young People’s Ser 7.30 p. m.—Sermon by Rev. Rob-
.3 hI g s Ser- 5
H. Arpe. Nice ert E. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa.
' ; = 2 . March Around Camp—Taps and
Monday, August 5th, 7.30 p. m.—Sermon by Rev. Amos b ap
TF 1 ia im
Leader Training Conference | A Grand Success | 0 0 A
The Lancaster County Committee The United Brethren and Metho-
of the Young Men's Christian Asso- dist Episcopal Sunday Schools held
clation will hold a Leader Training their picnic on Friday last in Sny-
Conference, on the Methodist’'s der’s Grove, ut the east end of town.
camp grounds, Landisville, Aug, 10 A more beautiful place than Sny-
and 11. Leaders of Young Men's der’'s Grove for such an occasion,
Associations from many could not wtll be found anywhere.
If not will youtry thetrial size
[towns in Lancaster county will be The day was perfect,
in attendance. Boys’ Work, Secre- There is but one opinion expressed
taries and Rural and Village Work, concerning the picnic and that is
| Secretaries from the State Depart- that it was a decided success in ev-
Imont in Pennsylvania will lead the ery particular. About three hundred
conference. The training of leaders people gathered on the grounds and
| tor boys’ work will be discussed by from 10 A, M. until 8 P, M, enjoyed
| these men It is expected that be- to the full, innocent amusements
and seventy-five leaders and pleasant associations,
| tween fifty
and prospective leaders of boys’
the towns and country the grounds and the schools were
Dinner and supper were served on
[work from
[districts of the county will attend treated to ice cream and lemonade |
County Com- at both meals. Base ball, swimming
left at yotir house today ?
[the conference The
[mittee has associations established races,
in enrollment of games were enjoved by all in the
quoits, swings and other
|in ten towns, with
about 350 boys. The first session of grove At dusk the happy gathering
[the conference will be held on Sat- dispersed to their homes rejoicing
There is nothing to equal it
urdav afternoon at 2 o'clock, anoth- that nothing had happened to mar
: : . : C ro
er session in the evening and two the occasion Contributed ! FOR LEA NING CLO ! 1 ING
gegsiong on Sunday, one in the eee ell ee eee | L 4
morning and one in the afternoon Superior Court Decision |
Arrangements have been made by The superior court, in Philadel- | i [I T S t Cl . C |
the County Committee for sleeping phia, has handed down a decision in| 0 reasc or ar po S, caning 0 ors .
accomodations at the camp grounds, the case of H. J. Weiler against the ’ “ 4
and meals at twenty-five cents per Lancaster County Mutual Fire In-! on Men S Or Ladies Coats
head A number of leaders from surance Company, appellant, in|
nearby towns will bring their lunch- which judgment of the Lancaster
It is soon time for house ecleédning and if
es, and return home in the evening. court is reversed Weiler conducted
{The County Committee invites the a store at Ronks, this county. He
clergy, teachers in boys’ classes, carried a policy in the defendant you want to elean the woodwork or
| Sunday Schools and all interested company on his property for $1000.
[in the work for Lancaster County The building and contents were de-
|Boys. In order to accomodate all stroyed by fire, and when he sought | &
| who wish to attend the conference, to collect the insurance payment
| the Committee requests the sending was refused. Suit was brought, and |
of your name to their headquarters Weiler received a verdict in the sum |
at 346, Woolworth Building, Lan- of $942.08. The company contend- |
brighten up the fiurniture tse a
little of the trial size I left yoi so that
1 N11
you wiill be econvineed that there
is nothing better.
For House Cleaning
We can sell any quantity you want
at a very reasonable figure.
Give It a Trial
SGGS SSS SALLE SSNSLAN%%% 95% 555555555555 555% 555%
caster, Pa. ed that Weiler violated his policy
A and making it void by violating one
FLORIN of its provisions that required him
to serve notice upon the company
se——— before taking out any other insur-
Best things are shortest lived. ance in other companies, which was |
done, policies being taken out in | @
(Continued from page 1.)
Come soon to Beneman'’s.
Rev. Andrew Lehman and wife of two Chester county companies.
| York, visited friends in this vicinity Tl Ee
on Sunday. i Now Will Ich Nough de Sea Shore
For Sale—23}-Story Frame House Der Sam un de Bess sin der onner
on Market St. Good stable. Apply dawk fot gonga. Mer hen net gwist |
[to Mrs. Katie B. Gingrich, Florin. 1t woo sei gae hen wella. Heit hen |
The Brethren in Christ will hold mer in der stziedeng gsaena es sei
| their weekly prayer meeting next gahiert hen in Atlantic City. Ich
| Tuesday evening at the residence waes es der Sam tsu de Getz
lof Eli M. Eshleman. Breeder gonga ig fer en nier Suit
Mr. A. R. Kilgore of Lancaster, kawfa, es sei hen de Glater marick
proprietor of the| Florin Shirt Fac- wartich reduced alla while. Nine
om 1 Na BE Ii ® I. " )
his family, pitched on the Washing- worra.
{ton school grounds. | Tom Katunzy.
Adam Longenecker of Lititz, Uli
tcot Miller of Maytown, Ephraim |
East Main Street, Mount Joy, Pa.
A. R. Day at Landisville
Grand Army Posts are actively
preparing to take part in G. A. R.
"Day at Landisville Campmeeting on
Tuesday, July 30. Each post in the
E000 LO)
were the guests of Benjamin Soud- SO
ers and family on Monday.
Miss Annie Lehman, Mrs. Sarah
Herr and daughters Annie, Edith
and Bertha and sons Harry and Mil-
ton; also Amos Klugh of Lancaster,
county will send as many members
as possible. Rev. James B. Mackay
will preach in the morning and in
the afternoon there will be a camp-
fire. Addresses will be given by
Rev. Dr. T. L. Paulsen, Rev. Dr. J.
;. 'W. Sayres ¢ Lieuten:¢ McEwan,
Joseph Eshleman and bride of Eliz- __ g res ind Lieutenant McEwan
abethtown: Mrs. Daniel Snavely and
daughter Frances and son Paul, of
were entertained on Sunday by Ben- 191 ) I ! ) ) e I 1A Ca I?
jamin Souders and family.
Francis Arndt and: wife entertain-
ed the following guests on Sunday:
Hummelstown; Simon Eshleman, . Unclaimed Letters . 3
wife and daughters, Anna and Kate Following is the list of unclainted > ]
of Donesal, oie 2 Be Foan! Joy post office +
y esday, . 24, 1912. 3
United Brethren Church odnesgay oy > ! *
= . hi ! Mrs. Fannie B, Brubaker. *
Sunday School 9.45, Preaching at
“a : S - Mrs. John Rhoads. &
10.30, Junior Endeavor at 5.30, . s 5
a oe . Mrs. Lizzie Shank.
S. Endeavor at 6.30, Preaching at 4 i
- 5 Mrs. Orin Callan.
7.30, Prayer meeting every Thurs- 7 3 2
day. All are invited Mr. Geo. W. Ynaco. :
di 5h : J. Fred. Fenstermacher i
ee et CAN
Postmaster. 1 Q
Bomgardner—Fitzkee — et . RS
J Diogu a : ) + 0
George W. Bomgardner of Mid- All Are Pleased Imperial Model 33 Roadster $1250 5
dletown, and Miss Ruth L. Fitzkee . wid ri ih i dvs 2 3 : : ; . *
: : . : : ; : Dr. Martin with some friends re- & Specifications—4 5-16 by 5 1-4; 40 h. p; wheel-base 115; C
of Bainbridge, were united In mar- gounty farms he bought through J. § 34x33 demountable rims and tires, Mohair top, wind-shield; :
riage on Saturday evening at 7 L. Rutter last Fall, and was de- x speedometer and gas tank. &
o'clock at the parsonage of St. lighted to find such splendid crops. Be
John's Lutheran church, Mayiown, All of his Lancaster County Cus- 4 Model 44 Fully a i 750 :
by the pastor, Rev. G. Arthur PLY. vumors who {00k possession of their $ Equipped P
Mr, and Mrs. Bomgardner will re- go this Sprng report they are : Motor, 4% by 5 1-4; wheel base, 120 inches; full floating rear "
side pesr Middletown. making out well, and have refused § axle; tires, 36 by 4. Silk Mo hair Top; Wind-Shield, Speedometer E
| a rs opportunities to sell at big profits. bs and Gas Tank. it
Fustian Trousers were $2.25, now ee 0-0 3 Where can you get better value for your money?
$1.75. Getz Bros. ! Wvery piece of goods sold during & Imperial cars are noted for their quiet and beautiful oper- n
| CG this sale is personally backed and ‘ ation, remarkable flexibility, hill climbing capacity, simple con- »
Look for the Blue and White sign guaranteed to be up-to-date mer- b struction, easy-riding qualities.
at I. D. Beneman’s. {handise by Mr. I. D. Beneman, & These are features that should satisfy the most critical d
soli less Seip ¥ buyer. d
Read the Bulletin | Read the Bulletin 3 Imperial Cars are strictly high grade and at a medium price. !
T Vi is
$ Imperial Modei 34, Touring Car, Five | 400 i .
3 Passenger, Fully Equipped
I Specifications: Motor, 4 5.16 by 5 1-4; 40 horse power; wheel is
I base, 116 inches; tires, 34x4; demountable rims; mohair top; te
& windshield; Speedometer and Gas Tank.
3 A demonstrator will be here at intervals and can be seen at a
¥ post office or Exchange Hotel. Pro-spective buyers are invited to G
§ request a demonstration. ' BELL 4-3, IND. 78-L.
For Home, Shop, Mill, Vacation and Traveling. & e ¢ S
One of the troubles to leave behind when you go away is + F 1 ONGENECKER
+ J = = ! P:
<* mg. fr
3 General Agent, Lititz, Pa.
fT 11 116
= bu
Have your Shoes fit. Have Comfort Shoes for those tired feet, A Real Jewelry Store
E-Z Shoes for those burning soles -Shoes for your Corn and Bunion an
donick Sh for weak arches, which Fr
feet, and best of all, The Great Pedonic oes Jewelry Store’ dre plenty in the general sense, But this is a v
cause you to feel tired all over. All of these and more styles fitted with jewelry store in all the special senses—not merely a little jewel- bil
great care at ry for Christmas, but for every time—for the gift givers, for the
3 is
{ birthday, for the June bride, for the Commencement girl, for the a
silver, gold or diamond weddings. All my jewelry is fairly and
honestly priced. Call and be convinced. We
: La:
S B Bernhart &GCo :
* °
: S. H MILLER, 0. ba
. . y MOUNT JOY, PA. Bas
> i
East Main Street, Mount Joy 1 TODO