THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN VOL. XI. NO.9 MO INT b » YI v v ra Y “ UNT JOY, PENNA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1912 | 1919 $100 A YEAR CIRCULATION ALWAYS COUN ALWAY! OUNTS—OUR 3 BRING RESU OUR ADS BRING RESULTS—THATS WHY MERCHANTS 1 VI MER ANTS USE THIS ADVERTISING ME J i 4 , i ' IEDIUM Cr ou Obituary IRENE RE RE THE LANDISVILLE CAMP ’ Gathering at Eby's : 4 gathering of the Henry Eby Florin N ews Personals ne Misses Kaddish returned to 1 } Cu eir home at Camden, N, J., after Local Note \./ by 4 p wand family was he Hs HE ROA y ‘was held in the grove alon i i ROAD WHICH WE the Big € ong resem wh TRAVEL 8 1 WE ALL MUS} g Chiques creek, on the Eby| HAPPEN ST ; Will Open July 25th, and Close Au- 3 iL SOONER Te homestes oe ‘ CNINGS IN THE BUS ; au x I NER OR LATER iestead farm, at Bender's Mill WES k BUSY VII» gust 7th spending s i last Tuesday. T AGE WEST OF HERE : THE WHERE " : : some time here with Solis Well liaorr In last ¥ eeday. The program consist- . INCI | mr m— | AM ABOUTS OF OUR | friends. SO wn People From Ou | IN Of a song service, remarks Sait} Lacal hil Pore nen | The Landisville Camp Meeting INDS THE PAST WEEK Misses Bess and IB MANY SHORT ws Im 1 y a rhood Have Passed to the able for the occasion. reading of th 2 Wd Personal Briefs That Have | Vill open on Thursday, July 25tl | ove ee and. Mart] 8 ; 1 isther Bowman GENERAI ITEMS OF reat Be Adan j $ » { g e Occurred Since k avert a I Ys y 25th, Who and Where The oy & Martha Stauffer lef rote: sENERAL INTERES yond Since Our Last Issne | Nineteenth psalm by Amos F. Eby Our Fastli wee Our Last Issue in| 8nd close on Wednesday evening NiaRY Str 3 hey Have Visited— | for Mount Gretn " ft yesterday ENT —— ar . 7 y us y Tate isu and Wide . | August 7¢ : S ¥ Slrangers ere Over S rretna where they A Benjamin Herr. a for 1d prayer by Rev. Simon Garber, Neighbor Vil Flor ide Vwake | ne Isl h. day—Were You Among E we un | SDE nd some ime y wii f Local Happenin athere of C , a former resident | followed by refreshments The | > WTI. I'he management have spare —— hems 1. Messer hey Oceur Wi > thered an » Columbia, lied at Harrishu afternoon was ee el expense in arrang Epared in Mr. | essrs. Wm. J Schalk and Fred \ Oeewr With hirl of the *_ aged 83 years arrisburg, SN 3 as spent in amusements, | Mrs. Harty Leib ‘spent Sund Lwin 1 : anging a program tha ! ewis Resk of Newtown, was | Raisbeck of Scranton, are spendin World for Q o Withi such ag fishing : or " ’ spe Sunday i e a igh # «1 IR z r WA : spending | + I UE SoeR : ghing: boating, etc. Those | smnoaster 1) Wid delight to all who may visi Jon } Moadas. |a few days here as guests of Mr th Few Da - sen ere: Grandmother Eby,! N ye Mr. John Hamilt 3 { John MeGinni li \ Committe . ir : Ivy Note our 2 page ad i is Be The . amilton of Salung: y cGinnis, jr | \ Los Ho us Suicide Grandmother Reist, John F. Eby i. D. Bener oo e ad in this paper.| The Great Interdenominational was in town Monday &h1 Mrs. John Wharvell | Hats at big reduction . Nissle . R 4 . . ey NE | Ral ¢ . : ‘ : 3 v IE e ar anghter | HCLIONS at Ge cashier ssley, a former bank | Wife and three children; Rev. Si { ‘ Rally of the Sunday Schools of 5 Mr. C. Swisher o lewar y Mr McGa nd daughter py, at uel ashier, Middletown, e¢ : 1p carber : . Simon [ Communion on Sunday Tul cnstay if of Lan Ne of Newark, N. J.,! Gann and two sons left no m tide. 1 et , committed sui-| iarber, wife and six children t1 . . T 3 July 28, | caster county, w 11 be held or he spent Thursday in tow "| Saturday A £1 : Note our 2 pag : S i Vy hanging himself i g Levi F. El = ie U, B. church camp gi ' ? 1€ A 3 n. | : id or Atlantic City, where | iBall pert 1.50. @ He Was despowd ’ in a barn. :- : wv, wife and two children l.ook for the Bh hi La grounds, on Wednesday, July Mr. J. J. Riland of the Capit | they will spend a weel : ; l. D. Benema the # Ta spondent over some finen-| Elias H. Lindemuth, wife and twe cL DE 3lue and White sign | 518t ¥Y| City, was in town Friday apitol | Vir. add BE: a veek. $1.00 Women’ . al losses, hi f Te meman’s TT ay. x A f S. Ging at omen s i IAQ p 3 children: Henry Vhw wt : : . ¢ i Ihe foll : Mr. Chi o : ingrich and ! N at but- ® dani I € y H. Eby, wife and Miss. Stclla Wackstetier spent 8 wi owing will be the pro- r, Chas. Petree of Readinz. daughters Fannie, Esther. Alta and Bernhart & Co h or 2 Hone corey ghter; A. M. Breneman, wife and | urday at Elizabethos t spent Sat- | 8ram lor the camp meeting was in town on Wednesday Emily, attended a birthday d # a ie Mr. Samuel Eshlen % : 2 rry Shields wo children: Dav ~ : gy & W178 swthown Mr . a) : ! 1 11 lay dinner in! h 1 ie EC The death : : avid H Eby, wife Mr. C. R. Eby Ls | Thursday, July 25! rank H Cassidy of Liti honor of Mi Bl ; . ground hog on Si : - 45 ¢ $ oy "1. i ‘ N : mr. . ily ( diz: a ay, + S§51d) Jtitz, | lizabetl o i. n Saturd uns, ® Be curred Frid »f Harry Shields oc-|3nd three children; Misses Leah spent Monday 4 t ¥. Buzabetiown, § p. m.—Openin of ih Was seen in town Monday "| Lancaster, on Thursd QingHck a Best things are sl . . L riday nine Bes te Paar ii . gh i ay Ix YW ¥ ning of On ? ay. js ’ 1 sday WME are Ss o s of Feitdict y morning from ap-| Stauffer and Mollie Wagenbach, and Myril Tn row: feast in charg NUD, OVS Mr. Harry Rover of P i Misses Wavear Come soon to B y ros icitis in tne Columbia Hospit Messrs. Elmer Neweon ! | Myrtle Groff of Rheems spent Sat arge of the Spiritual Di-' here on ; of Pittsburg, 1s I ; : argarel Bookman and ( 0 Jenaman My ‘ ‘ £ - Be. 14 ne 1er and dave! urds ’ " 5 alt= | recro 2 . ore a 18i i . | Kathar 14 ' p " ood bn vis ’ 8! He was a son of Charl | mond Davis er and Ray-furday and Sunday in town. rector, Rev. John . Watchorn, D. D. Mr. D ; Be to his parents. Katharyn Steck of York, left Mon- |p ood things can’t t ¢ Shields of Marietta Doscnss e les . Ll HS Musselman is wokkite. or Addresses by the workers. Meh W. Noll of Lancaster, was] 9% for Lancaster, after spending a Beneman’s sale lasts only 10 « S fifteen years oid and is Re us ap i Levi Hackerty at Rohrerstow : : Friday mn town on business Wednesday | few days here with their uncl ad Our job department printed 1 his fath gould andis survived "by Public Sale of Cows [| Mr.D. M is Fosiom riday, July Soh Mr. H. Enger of Elizabet} t aunt, Mr. and M F k Hoo man LX circulars for M Wi > s father, a brother vidny : | Mr. D. M. Sensenig of Lances 16 a. 1 Servic . : = Slizabethtown, | y Tried Mrs. Frank Bookms ars for Mr. y. 1 - : t brother und two sis- On Friday, July 26 ba of Lancaster n.—Service in charg called ol ’ Okman, : ters SIs ay, July 26, Mr. Sol Ros | visited friends i » ew | wirge of“ d on riends here vesterday Messrs. W. W. Cr . man. Bh i 0 r s in tow Tuesd: Rev. Re yesterday. | . . Crowell, ar | ale. enthal of Columbia, will sell 30 head | The stockvards Joys Tuesday. jr Belo D. Allott Mr. Harry Buran of Philadel | 1.annhardt. of New York ol 1] I | 5 ules OF Met tc wor men HW : tsi of extra choice fresh and springing | large ; Florin were en p. m.—Children’s Service in|Phia, Was in town las 7 | A. Hipple, Es ] ohn (of fictio ' i en HB Miss ‘Lizzie B. Zug cows at pabli springing | larged by the P. R. R. Company |charee of Bev. Wm. 8S. D > n last Wednesday. | pple, Esq., of Lancaster, John | jon. Come and fin oat m ee WL 5 © 3 8S ‘ J . 2 - ally. . ‘HB AW Mr. S , r vr r Ra $y | Reneman’ too, m | The funerai of Miss’ Lizzi H t public sale at Newcomer's| Mr. J. H. Dealy of Philadeiphi | 630 p ; wion, | Mr. Samuel Keanophy of Balti]. Pshlematt and 2. W. Zercher of Benemar’s, vor- m took iss Lizzie B. Zug | Hotel, Maytown, Pa. Among them called on fri : ladeiphia, | p. m.—Young People’s Ser-| More. Md. spent Saturday i this place, : - Zeorcher off. ep Gry = ok place Friday morning from her | 2T€ Holstoins. Dur 4 8 hem | called on friends in town Monday | vice, Rev. Perey Carpenter NET On Saturday in town. " s place, are guests of Mr. and] . irade Merchandise vithi and mother’s ho i Sin re x 8, rams and a few Mr. Benj. D : a alr re Em : Mr. E. F. Middrudor of Wyoming, | © M. A. Rollman at di [ reach of the working g me in Elizab , Jerseys. S ne : . j. Doner of Elizabethtown| 50 p. m.— Sern Rav 20s | 2 ; yoming, an at dinner today | King man ocke grip Services Were sid + ize dothion n. eys. Some of the springers wili| made a business trip t t Rr ins mon by Rev. Will- Pa., spent last Wednesday in town Mrs. Irene Hood, widow of : book at I. D. Beneman’s k a e » held in the Elizabetn-|Pe fresh this fall. Also a few fine day p to town "Mon-{F3 Amthor, Bird-in-Hand, Pa | Mr. Chas. R. Stouffe : f "|A. L. Hood f ; of Rev, The crossii i = ; rethr shure stock a RY. y Th hn sr of Harris-[], of , a former ps . 'rossing on the w } ¢ el i ren church. Interment | Steck bulls. Don’t forget the time Mr Jae { Saturday, July 276 burg, called on friends arrls- | Co er p astor of the! Norih Barbar west side of k place in'the Chieques Burial [2nd Place, Friday, july 2 Mr. ‘Jacob Loran treated the| 19.00 a iy y 27h day s here yester- | “ ch here, with her daugh- arbara street at Gables 3 S 1¢ « ’ ay, 7 So ux wT oi . a. PN 3 : : ay. Tr . oO Ss e as Bn 3 n Grounds. She was forty-eight years | comers ‘Hall ni uly 26, at New- | Florin Grammar School to a coat of | bri m.—Praise Service with| pp, 01 |ter, Mrs. McCurdy and two children tore was relaid this week ® J ght years s all, Maytowr > ai ? )Figl sern Mr. . Tkwit] ; 4 ‘ i Sepeie areai or : ) $4 old and a meniber of the Church of ee — R¥a, = Paint. 1.30 on Jour : R Beckwith of Harris- |" Philadelphia, but now camping at epcial bargains offered in Bo - eee oem ary. | i.o . “hi y ey : | g, circulated ¢ . iavi Hb ¢ Suits for : the Brethren. Her mother and tw Mr. George Shires of Tyrone, was| 6.3 p. m.—Children’s Service. [ppg reulated among Triends here] /AMdiSVille spent yesterday with fey gi for the next two weeks at Gels sisters survive. Barbara ee ] od ed Bread Came Down the guest of friends in ne asf 9 30 p. m.—Young People’s Moet-| ay | family of Dr. Jno. J. Newpher Bros $3.00 for $5.00 values b ‘ K€, barbara, wile ol Dr. Mr. Harry W' ar] : . 1 over | ing. dll Miss Yanrl Stat { ne : a y \ . : : vid ead P. 8 Dorker of Masterasuvitle:. ant slocal ¥ ke v W. Garber, one of our |>unday. . is iw s Pearl Sheaffer of Middle-| Mosers. P. Frank Schock. ¢ Owen Not a scheme to raise money. but x L¥ # rE Yé rs « a . " 50 Nin 3 'n, 18 3 o v | wy ‘ y 3 3 or : . el? ome Mrs. Fannie Hostetter. of e TO — akers, had a mishap whike go- Mr. Elmer Bailey left for York o Ls ‘ p. m.—Sermon hy Rev. E. A.|yj ] 1s the guest of Miss Carrie Brandt, Samuel H. Miller and John the right way to close out all , > ’ 3 Z ye is r 3 ” { AW \ c = 2 NISETe 3 . . » - ly a hothtowsn liza g over nis route on Baturday. The Monday Where he Wns secured n awden, Lancaster, Pa issley. : Stehmar. left Sunday: morning ot summer goods. I. D. Beneman wagon top caug : : 3 24 em- Mr. C. G. Richards of 'N x | ov : g on a vs wr at, one telshiter J! bo &t a tree, which | Ployment. Sundoy. July 25th ui . G. Richards of New York Motorcycle trip to Baltimore, Md Mrs. Anna McGirl is making ex i. ghtenéd the horse : . ce A : Sh 0 y - | y, was a wele ai on. aig : » NM. | tensive i ol : 3 \ Solomon Hoover avselting tt yorse wud it yan off, Mrs. Christ Hossier of Union 9.00 a. m.—Praise Service with|on Mond welcome visitor to town | hen eighteen miles south of York ensive improvements to her East } n . § 18 > rag quar i BI w 1 av wv. Ah: ai ‘5a § : The funeral of Sol h ve wagon. The animai|>duare spent Sunday in town as brief sermon. bndar they abandoned the trip on ace {Main Street property. A la \ of Rheems, toc Rom Hoover, | Was caught after slighily damaging guest of friends n 3s the 14.30 a. 1 3 | Messrs. H. H., Heckman ang H {of the heavy rains account| himney was remov a I wii \ 18, took place Sa , | the wi i Se Sir 1.30 a. m.—Sermon by Rev | F , : : : : ‘| oy : ‘moved, he dinin Rinaldo at RAD an Sa i § yam and scattering bread for Lois, Eva and Elma Wiley atiend Geo. H. Bickley, Philade I a Du : ne. d of TY.ancaster, were in . a | room enlarged. ete, g "om vig'i quite a distance cb 6d : . Vy attend- v3 aGelphia, a. |town Friday oF . late > Ai , hs i distance on Eas 5 ed the D ve Die yi 3 5, i ay. re : $250.00 pz . tected . X 3 home and at 10 o’clock at Boss- | Street. i Net Gro ilisburg picnic at Williams’ 1.30 p. m.—Children’s Serviee | Mr. and Mrs. Sar Will Soon Appest 000 f paid for distributing 2. T's C ; : : i . re last week 3 x « Mrs. St \ eth: . The (Ce : . : ‘ee ackaras . ’ er's church with interment in the] _ x ove last week. . p. m~Sermon by Rev. Dr, York, spent Sund nuel Bookman f | he Centennial Souvenir, Histori-|powad ree packages Perfumed Soap cemetery io if | Armen scar Y ry Spe y : S. Jurvis. Sh ~ Fy Fay * , spent Sunday with the fami .lcal a djetoris Powder in your ; te $ ery adjoining. Deceased was | Went to Atlami ~ Lanc oung spent Wedmesday in Ww. Purvis, Sharon Hill, Pa. of B. F. Bookman + 'the Family fo Ind Pieronial Mount Joy . and ime o your tov. Men of No- sixty-seven years old i ; | h Atlaniic City ;ancaster in the interest of ti $30 p. m. Young p le’ : : an. | Florin, will soon make its a ancl en. No money required G.I gromine Cars y « was aj Dr. F. L. Richards, so Hw fem of Younes Br st the ie 8 tople’s Ser- Mr. George McFarland of 3 ance On : its appear-|\w,.q & C Sd . ry. F.— nent resident of East Donegal! Master Ev S, son Jdward, mg Bros. ice Bree. woos 4 £ of Harris. | 21Ce. n account of over-crowded | Co.. 1770 Berteau Ave township, serving '¢ ; 5 x egal | 1 aster Everett and Miss Hs- Mr. Harry Shelly and famii 7:20 p. m Sori rg, was in town last Friday, mak- work the printer has n { Chicago. 4 mM and HI g as school director |ther Frank in the doctor’s St ® HY Harrisburg Y aud fanny of Bick . m.—Sermon by Rev. Dr.|ing the trip by auto : able wl as Noi ye been | A sala c and filling other positions. He was Dayton, am or's Stoddara- sburg, are visiting Alpheus| Misses Gertr j (able to compelte it but having added | A sale conducted by the American a trustee of the Donegal Presbyt ee : , anid Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Eb- Morton and family oad ot ret jesrude and Helen Beck additional help, he will soon 1! i Special Sales and Salvage Co. mean Drew £ esbyteri- jersole, son Bernar ar . Nr ey ge Monday, July 2¢ iladelphia, are the g ol. + § Ye {n saerific : as . ans an church. He is survived by one] Detwiler i sernard and Miss Mary Mr. Herman Myers of Lancaster 10.00 a , y Mh Miss Mary n x ire the guests of able to finish the printing and it 1 sacrifice of merchandise that is sister, Mrs. J. P. 'Watso y one 2 iler in Mr. Ebersoie’s Hudson Miside a plensant ell io friends iol bri a. m.—Praise Service with! .. ary B. Stoll. will then be put on sale. TI | impossible to duplicate elsew} § bethtony 2 atson, of Eliza-}left Monday morning for ihe Tillase P o friends in| brief sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Haversti wily ; sale. 16 HOOK! he «ori 2 ate elsewhere at town; ome daughter, Mrs. Lau-|City wi Ey g for Atlantic age Tuesday. 1.30 p. o ~~: Flint. Micl d averstick of Will be a specially fine one andl prices. This sale is now on at ra Keller of TR a 2 ’ ey ere ‘tney are spending a few Mr. and Mrs. Leo z 3 Se . m.—Children’s Service. Ee 1., are here on a visit to takes a large amo Ga sonTs I. D. Beneman’s. 5 heems; and o ; a few Kobb and so 0+ as friends mount of work Eler. of ter Bre i one son, |days. Charles of Etizabethiows 50n 3.00 p. m.—Bible Study, Subject: riends and relatives. md 2 : res y y a bridge. : > ic 71, are at At- “The Divi Yi OS / . Mrs Ie TN | a ——e > 4 ————— ’ * — Eee lantic City f n 1 ine Library Rev WwW Mrs. James Shoop and y . > : 4 | yi ————— ——— y for 10 days Ys m, and two daugh- Entertained Sixty : | Will Picnic . . Where, Gh W ; rT y oe Jones. ters returned from a tri : : Sixty at Supper I enc Columbia Telephone Company TRA I I Where Can It Be? : Mr. E. S. Weaver and 'D. B. Kief- 630 p. mY bai-and oil ) 1 a trip to Pitts- Martin Siechrist and wife, resid-| I'he Evangelical Sunday School 3 ue i n : shi i & or . our Peo J iin. 8 © rr aces A ’ § =) an ice 3 » The annual meeting of the stock-|of Tk Ne looted Tuesday issue or shipped 150 fine horses -io| vice ing People's Ber-| you. J Dfces ing near Kraybill's Meeting House and Mission Band will picnic at 5 =~ a CE . 5 { re > . N L . Messrs. J. . Stewa « : # g se | phvle (1 yt holders of the Columbia Telephone |put in al btadder has mot as yet] us lasi week. . 7.30 p. m 3 Miers of th rowan and H. G. in East Donegal township, on Satur | Eby s Grove, 3 miles east of town AAPTHATI £ 4 an appearance , ip | Mr. and Mrs ed . —Sermon by Rev. Jas.| e ounty Seat ; av rad ? rot =| Thursday v wo ’ company was ‘held las Yad 2 ance. It's life we nd Mrs. Charles Lhawrenc 3 . Jas. ; y Seat, were day evening TOPLAS : wursday, July 2 wo as ast Wednesday | even more brief as fpr s Lawrence of | B. Mackay, Germantow hs seen about town M g entertained sixty | ) y 25th, The trolley afternoon in the : e! ) : e brief than the semi-weel oneyvbrook, are the . : y, G wantown, Philadel- n Monday. guests at s ; Y| fare for the r an » » director’s room in|lYv WwW x eek- guests of Mr. | phia Mr. J. E. E : $ supper. Guests fr | e round trip is 15 cents : i hi 8 I/ e presume e elected as follows: Mrs. Estaer| rs on if Pe U. B. church a m in Rev. J. B. Mackay. | spent last week at Hersh x ae meeting was held at the same place. 19 : nvited to come and enjoy a > oung, Charies E oa i y - i nody’'s doing i i .30 p. m.—Children’s Service i : : ? shey ana also a day’s outing wi : oe se Ba a aries E. Taylor, Dr. S.| sn Extensive Advertis iv Attonling 4 1 Doing | 3.00 p. m.—Camp Fi i rvice. in town with her parents. | Pron; oon with us. Everybody H 11. S . FE. Lenig, Harry'M.| Wewannot hel | vd dav mle at'l. D he speefal 10] 4a : v p Fire Addresses. Mr. David B. Fox of New Holland orin Hall Association Happy | e. Committee Hall, & 7. Hi : a qv 4p ut call nr Ray sale at I. D. "Be an’s ! 3.30 p. m—Y x ) 15 ®or. bovis : 3 Ye olla / hy s va i rt eee 2. W. Hinkle and A. D. Sinith. | tention t i yut eall your at- eneman’s, a i oung People's Ser-| visited the family Sy n( And why shouldn't it be? The - 1tive to the Miss 'Flla E ice ily of M . he The directors organized by : } he two-page udiertise- : lla Easton of Lane ist Frank Fri : Monroe M. annual event, a festival i Order TI icon i ganizel yv electing | ment wr Mr. I. Ty. Bener is spending the week as tt 7.30 1. 1 Horror rank Friday and Saturday Lhe Cota , a festival in the park, Y 1iem Now cers as re MN aratd | fi te nena, Ti GE K- as » HES id 1 Sermon ny % 7 : . ie yas > 3s av wad | ssterdayv *RITE i ollows: DPrevident. Mrs. |one exeepti Eu Bat With Nr tiatar. Ale ? 16 ghes : yw Rev. ‘Wm. The : Misses Holowger el 1elc Saturday evening. There esterday Messrs. Jacob H. Zeller Esther F. Young: Sorat ption, this is the largest ad ster, Mrs. Daniel Stark Reed, ©:olumbia, Pa hotl ger of Eliza- was a good att i and Harry W. Garl ler ! ws; secretary amd |that ever app 4 ERpaaR. Wir. H y Ran ! thtown were guests thai aS attendance and the . Garber were out for tr snrer, Cha ve. 1 Yes 2 . =’ appeared in the y "ti ? enyy Weaver wi TR i vr guests of their aunt, manageme . gro ore “ t for Hea harles E. Taylor; gener { while an a0 (hot Site 1 e Butietin, | riatian Sr botere iF vill have 30 Wednesday, July 31s | Mrs. Anna MeGirl for a few days nage ment had provided for the ound hogs. From the reports of 1 nanager, H. A. Oberdorf: super | Fered ¢ 4 tze has never ap- Worst g o rs from lLebanen to | Interdexominational 8S ¢ . ly | Misses lizabeth ai ow ays. spenders. The receipts totaled al shots north of town (and it wasn't intendent ; yee ared m: any other‘:oce ABer: Tha for him on the water lin | Thav fall 1zape ¥ingrich and 3 , : i Q~jthe s ior’ ‘ ; asnt rdent, H. W. Marks. (is good mvidence « cal paper: This! wir and -Wirs ¥he water line. [ Taay. Toul of lancaster. s most $100, of which a big per cent- he soldier's a Gretna either) they et . oe vidence of the Bulle in’s) A Mrs. Ed. ‘Steicerwati and 9.30 an Disks ; 2 li Ss Not M1 gnea r, spent age will be profit Tl 2 returned with plenty. P > 2 efficiency un bringing result ®ltwo «hildren of Paot a : Ro aise Service with| Saturday with Mrs. C. 8. Gingrich Band furni ST 1e Foresters |, ; plenty. Persons wish- veneman'’s Special Sale wells a ie with “Mr. and M Jy spent Sunday | ef sermoui, i Mr. Samuel Mateer ar d f : ane furnished the music ing to give ground hog suppers can i uy : . ana Mrs y 0° ri TEE an riend : i | be y id IS Ce ir. I. D. Beneman, who ‘Las be . ve rs. G. A. Geyer } 0.30 a m.— Sermon wi Ho | Miss Haines. attended tl : ! eee |! suppled, but should order s ’ located Las been Yel) Of a Lund Mr. ‘Henry Weaver receiv : [aa Db; tev. | : ttended the funeral of . order soon. ated in our town for the last 7! Mr. Lewis K h *lder arloatis of pip h received three | Wiimer L. Gray, Pottstown, Pa in friend at Altoona on Saturday : Harvest Meeting on Saturday | Ts rs aml has TV ; Mr. Lewus Koch, ar.aged resid hid iipes which are heing| 1.30 D. hildren’ a | Mrs \ re oe The Brethren in Chri Hy 0 Tq tion 0 Ty vor) good reputa- of this place, fell off a s a nt | used Wy the Florin Waier C ein ' : W.-—Childred's fervice | Ire, A, M. Sherk of Columbia, is j : , enn hrist will hold ur Wome Markets. ion as a Clothier, has decited to!iast T » fel a step ladder Miss : in wier Comnany. LRev. C.'H. Woolston, D, D., Phila | pendifie.. some a : » 18 harvest o services ot tt 4 * per ; cut Bis. Die of Met’ fast Thursday, fracturing three ribs Miss ‘Beatrice Steigerwalt of Pa-| delpiia 1 on 3 ime with Bel Acnia iy ; the res : ..28 I i 1 3 c ye) =s y 0S | ~17 3 : ¢ f aq- | delpnla. lang Tr “Ta { ( en I 1 ( : Clothi i er’s and Boys’ and sustaining a number of Tivs oli is spending a few weeks wth 1 ae iter Mrs. Joseph B. Hershey : : x. Me cne I 20 lothing out and for thi ve i mber of bruises. ; Ww weeks wth her 3.60 p. m Address (illustre | Miss Mabel Krei in : nortk: of Florin, on jl | n is purpese he | He was attended by D I grandparents, G. A. Geve iD ess (illustrated) 1hel Kreiner of Lancaster ) 1 te ny as procure : . y . Jew 8, br. ‘A. Geyer ¢ ri i TOMS sper 101 i : f 0 > noo! umber bs procured the American Speeial!pher and was removed r. J. J. New Mr. Sohn ‘Shoemak r and wife. | DT. C. H. Wooiston, pent seme time with her grandpar 1000. © A number of strange minis- or b a Sales ¢ J: Ly as ved > ot ¥ aker a Ae ag y : : . granapar- ters wi Sis : Ee } Bor ile Sa Salvage Co. of Washing- al tospital Friday wl te the Gener [and Mise Margaret R and wife| 6:36 p. m.-—Young People’s Mest- | nts, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Webb el II be present and take part t er | 9 m, = ton ). ©. Nev W : al Friday where i vi avymo ing r. an rs =n vo » services Me € | . and New ‘York. These!ing as well ag«an b e he is do-1 spending some time at vid nond ole) ne | Mr. and Mrs. Weisenberger and the. services. oO Eo 8 LY people are experts in their line vod 8 «8 e expected. {na at Mount Gret- | 7.30 p. m.—Aildress by Dr. C. H [children of Philadelphia, are guests wo per b an = . g ‘ Ce c—————-—— . elas . . Hon : a, & onests : & are bound to get rid of every suk in Mr. > : e Woolston. {of her parents, Rev. and Mrs . Pemmiocs Are in Earnest — ® the store. M Don't Be Faked Wm. Henry and family f l at 1 Mrs. G. W. T est ES 5 tore. 1 r. Beneman’s ad can be Ba wise. Don’t : eC Manheim, were ATORES 0 “ A of} Thursday, August 1st | (retz. Ihe Democratic fiviahice and eim- * Birthday Surprise he ia y a 3 se. if y . [5S StS o fi 3 1 « £ St. ] em i " i 3 aio eA Tis ll n in this week’s paper. No €x- ¢ : et other mer-{ef Mr. and Sirs, : 2 we family 10.00 a. m.—Prais Crd 5 Rev. Daniel Kauffman gin en committees met at Harris bit 4y surprise Sr : IY pense has be chants make vou believe that nd %frs. J. K. Freymeyer or a. m.—Hraise Service with dale, Som an of Scott- jo i Arris| hela: 4 Se party was S— 0 t the een spared to make this are giving clothir ¢ that they | Sunday. S Hmeief sermon. ale, Somerset county, preached in on Monday and will raise ay. d in honor of Henry Strickler ne ot the ; cessful s : id 1g away = 4 . ] i fund , mini : $e Milas svening : ’ er 8 ee he most successful sales f ing. It can’t be fori 2 > noth Nr. Oliver Verse atid. wit J 1.30 p. m.—Chiliren’s Service the Mennonite church on Thursday i, go minimum of which shall 1st evening, when about fifty JOY. 2 . e give you File © < ; : » * evening. y e $50,000, . > ; guests rere : ey ould your meney’s worth, but can’t hi Daye, Ohio, are the guests of his 3/00 p. sn—Bible Study, Subject: Mrs. Ch M porting Wil for the purpose of SED.) of var Wore Present. Amusement reel Greece oy , re ests S| corp : i . as. Maie A a g Wilson. yarioug kinds 701, be all Diciic 2.8 any suit for nothing. $11.50 for rother, Rev. Clarence Mease and The Book of Ameos—His Times,” | dren of oh Taier and two chil- 8 in and > kinds were participated ¢ - v S 7 " | - reat eee see SN é Se . shed The : a Success $16.50 values at Getz Bros family. Rev. Wm. Gray Jones. Bore ot Lancaster, spent a few days | % ng 2 present greatly enjoyed them : weather man was very un- RR -—va 2 Mr. Herbert Keener of : 6.30 p. m.—Young People’s Ser- Te 20 guests of her mother, Mrs. ! In Financial Difficulty ¢ cvening: ignd last Thursday and as - 1 burg i i of Harris- .;, : ’ Harriet Shelly. Mr. Reuben V. Fegley } ————— ( toon a result Maahelin Voted & Is spending several days i vice. » \ : . Fegley, one of our i ig aes at the union plenie] 3 ¢. Sumy fore ud town with his parents, ‘Mr oii 7:50 p. m.—Sermon by Rev. C.|g ; v and - Mrs. Jacob Sauder and ocal jewelers, has filed a petition Installing the Signals | vas sli imini - ir y, rieto y ’ . TS. : ‘ -jdaung y eas i Ini 3 : Dr ee $ ghtly diminished. Trolley |Summy House, M D! r of the|John Keener. H. Shirk, Ph. D., Lancaster, Pa § ters Mae and Minnie, took an | n the United States District Court Employes of the P. R. R. are now d service wag very good and it we e, Manheim, on Satur- M $e ar ? , auto trip to the Nor | declaring himself »| busy installing . ow nday timated that th it was es-|day sold that hostelry to Martin|h rs. Tillman Gantz returned Friday, August 20d. Millersvill Normal School at | ,,, ppt sels a voluntary Te stalling the necessary equip- e crowd numbered Dy artin | home after i 10.66 a. m.—Praise ‘Serv _. | Millersville and Lancaster ankrupt. The liabilities ¢ TY iment for the electric signal about eight hundr Tas Oechsle for $30,000. Mr. Oechsle: spending some time at ; ) a. m.— Praise ‘Service with Mr. B. I ‘ : | 433.88 ¢ ties are $3. p ctric signals along ) nded Ny ndred. The picni¢ in wag formerly p : . echsle{ Reading as the guest of her broth brief sermon. : . L.. Garber and wife attend- 3.88 and the assets, $1,137 € . R. R. One of the signals i \ . R. Snyder’s grove was ’ ) roprieter of the|M i rother, ns ed the Mennon i § { ert being plac 1s \ unt, 3 grove was post_omned |p e|Mr. David Youn 1.30 p. m.—Children’s S nnonite Bible and Sunday & placed a short di i . - russian Hou 5 g. wot iildren’s Service. : : and Sunday 8 distance east \ : until the followin . : 8 se, that borough. i . School me o : | Sto > : the d ast of \ , on proved 4 in ; g day, when it Le ' Misses Reta Wilson of Reading 3.00 p. m.—Bible Study, Subject: | which wa eting at Elizabethtown, | ! le Potatoes From the Ground epot here on the north side of £ success. and Elizabeth Wilson of Harrisburs “The Book of Amos—The Preach ch was held Friday and Satur- Early on Sunday morning some 110. iracks. eel eee Pe - - < . < Mary , y Toy Shower are spending a week in a Urg | er?” Rev. 'Wm. Gray Jones * day. | one entered the premises of Miss ——————— from Will Renovate Feathers \ ee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. |8uests of Mr, and Mrs. J. D Sy the 6.90 p. w.-Young. Dgnplc's fers Miss Barbara Baylor of Rheems { Mary Kuhn and stole a lot of ae Please Take Notice the The first oor of the M. L. Grei- ¥e vin Grove, West Main St., was Mr. and Mre Roland i . Easton. vice. » Yue. Walter Viet, and Misses May potatoes, digging up a patch about For the benefit of the bladd ildi c given a toy y ; g owm ” Sco 73 ot lite 3 i . € ria adder we der building has been rented for a| é . Oy shower on Friday by her |New Holland spent Saturd an of 7.30 p. m.—Sermon by Rev. John oe! and Viola Baylor of Philadel. | F1I07 feet square. Miss Kuhn is Wish to state that a bicyclist went Rutt feather renovating establishment : riends, it being the little |Sunday in town with ay and | Bieri, Reading, Pa. phia, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. DOV visiting Yellowstone Park up Main street last evening oie : nily, and will be occupied very soon lady's first birthday. parents, Mr. and M Hie latter's Ream. —-a-a——— : a rear tire, ridin g: Without v . » MF. : * ——— ’ g : and ——— —_———— ! rs. Lemon Leisey. Saturday, August 3rd. Roy Dieter, musici | Rapi Spread yours € on the rim. Mr. Clayton Hertzler and 0 10.00 a. m.—Praise Service with|D., 8t ter, musician of Company | Rapidly Improving ad yourself on that one. the A Now Auto A Fruit Grower of ReROWE of -Tanvaster. ate and family brief ron . e Service with i 8th regiment, 4th brigade, N. G.| Mr. Lewis Koch, who was taken —_— 1 2r, Ss 0 \ ; AN. iy ’ as ak at Mr. John Rahm was about town Daniel Mumma of West Donegal | Week in town as the Pending he 1.36 p. m.—Children’s 8 b + Jos for Gettysburg where he will | to the hospital last Friday, is rapid For Father or Son ast evening with a fine new Over- sold 50 bushels of raspberries this parents, , Mr. and — of his 3 or \ " oN ren’s Service. e in the N. G. P. encampment for ly improving. Although Ts We have about 200 pai 1est- land touring car which he purchas- season. His cabbage patch has Hertzler Mrs. Ephraim Te % > 1.— Bible Study, Subject: | twelve days. [| ported dead on Sunday, h - Ie Pants. itt: Flanriels - hairs of odd 1 > ¢ ne > Book of Hosea,” rm. MN h : , > ay, he will beng; : oe orsteds and ed from, Mr. M. B. Hiestand. 5000 heads, and his peach orchard Dr. Bryson and family of I Grav. Jones ’ Rev. We i and Mrs. Ephraim Shearer of brought home the latter part of thi Cassimeres that are being 3 Ye and ————— — has 1100 trees. ter : .ancas- ol : flizabethtown and Mr. an _. | week much aliv S|very low i OnE. a Sold at a were the guests of Mr. and Mr 6.30 p. m.—Young People’s Ser-| Lemon Beck : d Mrs. e. : prices. $2.75 for $3.50 avid Did You Ever ——— Jacob Hostetter on Monday. Th S- | vice ; Sen isited eck of Peabody, Kansas —— —— pants. Getz Bros , A jor 3 y. e . visited Mr. : 3 . 4 TS pa > day Buy the Freeland Overall for| High Grade Mer : ... | were accompani ’ yy 3 EL r. and Mrs. Jacob Sauder Will Picnic at Doneg: i = ‘ chandise within panied by Mr. and Mrs p. m.—Sermon by Rev. Wm.|on Mond t Donegal 45c a pair. We sell them at 45c. reach of the working man’s pocket Geo. Stoll and made the tri bo Gray Jones. J . . » ay. The Presbyterian Sunday School Not a scheme to raise monev. b near Getz Bros. book at I. D. Beneman’s auto. p by Bi and Mrs. John Shelly of|°f this place, and the y ! the right way to elo ey ut A GI . : Ha i ; : : thw 3 : egal | . se ou and er ———-0 — The Florin U. B. Sunday School Sunday, August 4th thts elite, after spending some | Presbyterian Sunday School will summer goods. I. D. Beneman ji : . ) 0 . ; . y.. § ; eS LoD. p old, Summer Shirts aplenty at Getz Murriage Licenses will hold their annual picnic 9.00 a. m.—Praise Service. form ir town as the guest of the hold their annual picnic at Donegal —~—-—— - % 4 Ses : ’ a er’s Ark { e fan. Bros. 39c to $1.50. - C. S. Woldemuth and Kati Helsoy’s Grove near Elidabethtows. Jo 10.00 a. m.—Sermon by RevV.|,.qcturned Horhen Mrs. Mary Shelly, Springs on Thursday Holeproof Hosiery at G nily An ounce of fact is worth a pound | Lehman, both of Rapho atie G.|All are cordially invited om Satur orgs P. Eckman, D.D., LL. D,| 1p a lett me Sunday | —————t——————— 6 pr. for $1.56. Guarant re Hes, : i . - ce - > ) 3 . » ou, rHare = ris- of fiction. Come and find out at day; July 27th. Leave on the S155 Ad tor of “The New York Christian|yary K ng 9 a friend here Mies Everybody's doinz ii bot six months eed to wear Beneman’s ; car i Ni ’ - 9. Ral vocate.” ele ern, who is touring E y : ox Ss oing : . Read the Bulleti > at Eli Nissley’s wareh . . £ g Efrope, | what?. Attending § — etin ” ehouse. says sh iad . nding the specis Ucn ee [ (Continued on page 8.) 1.30 p. m—Children's Service. | the 1 0g expects to visit relatives of | day sale at I. D Aeligi 10] Good thing can’ , , (Continued on page 8.) e late Rev. Conway in Ireland and s—— hus Beneman’s eo BEY Jas: forever 5 OS. ’ " I © S sale > Rev. Downes in England. Read the Bull ale lasts only 10 days. ad the Bulletin —— ee. Read the Bulletin