BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, July 10th, 1912 3 * / YO .. Automobile Buyers! Here Is a'Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier, Firestone Columbus, Velie, Oakland. We are also in position to quote you on delivery trucks and carry a variety of second-hand 1 Do not fall to look them over Also carry the largest stock of auto supplies in this end of the county We have just closed a contract for ofl which enables us to sell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons and upward We have been using this oil for four years and know it to be good. Your patronage solicit Landis Bros., Rheems. - ~ » a = ww " =» " Ww m w =» n " w * " = » A ¥ ”n w ™ W w 8 = “SUMMER” TE ETT TT TTETTEeeee ree rere rreeteereed oped diode dodo dh le draedi died df. 2. 2 2 5 2 ar elofeciorforfosfociocioripoosfoefesfocfocfofectecfenfordhelodge Freikplbeieieb dob or bpd ded dodo dof doe a I + " ra pe 3 i + + 3 + + - i / 3 16 and 18 West King st., LANCASTER, PA i p Ran 00D FURNITU is the only kind I sell—Furniture that is Furniture Rockers Hall Racks | Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks Extension & Other Tables, Davenport China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets Mirrors In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalming H.C. BRUNNZER MOUNT JOX. PIEINNA Jd. Y. BUILDING BLOCKS All Styles and Colors Porches, Columns and Banisters Door and Window Sills ang Lintles, Chimneys, Ete. Retailer of the Best | Grades of Cement ———— ORIN. . - PENNA pP it is faultless in shape, finish, comfortable and | its wearing qualities. | for Spring ready for | t I . Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. { fowl’s head off (for th corn-cutter or knife to } ! 4 I THE DONOVAN COMPANY ~ ~ THE DONOVAN COMPANY 1 + 3H > a + + . ow +4 + 3 a i An Ideal Store for out of i + + fe he BUILDING A SHIPPING CRATE i } y . sas. : a) $ To Get Correct Proportion and Still 1 1 \ A + . hs - oe " Make It Light Is Matter Requir MANNER OF STICKING FOWLS + | owl nN 0 S + ing Thought and Experimenting, ; - I ; a Common Pocket-Knife, With Medium. * oo Fo build a stron; ping crate In Sized Blade, Makes Excellent In- 4 3 the correct proportion and still make strument for Operation, * * it light in weight Is a matter that can — I * not be irried on ¥ithout 9 When the market calls a bird T + ty nd r 8 . diiibi ole 3 de thought and experimenting and for to be bled. tl est plan is to stick $ I this reason I have drawn plans n it in the moutl ind by so doing § 3 bullt sample crates in an exper ite avold the unsightliness so common i al way until the result is sa sfactory where they are } ed about the I + to me, and I feel sure Il be to those throat. Using is method, one # de should first of all have a stout cord * ¥ + : ’ pis) > [ + aor {// i Where Else Can You Find The Same Advan- 1 wane. + + > : de ol : tages As Are To Be Had Here t | CORRECT CUT 3 is . : . i ey: ig ¥ Sree 1 Reliable merchandise only; one price to Every thimg marked 1n plain fig- ¥ am—— + ures in every department. Everything exchangeable within a reasonable time. i + oo Poultry Shipping Crate. croove ix kook § (ash refunded willingly on re juest, [he smallest order can be telephoned, we 1 . i vah Hor this OF MOUTH. : c : $ who wish to build crates after this 1 pay nhone charges, All goods delivere { free to anv part of the [ S A. I pattern, writes E. F. Barry, in the o wd S x Baecesstul Farming AA 5 \ rest room provided for our women patrons, telephone ser ice, writing mater- } The drawing will give a corect idea END OF BEAK, . de I oe a en ad TB co oy Mw he ; ’ A & > * of how to put the crates together and ! ials, all the daily papers provided free 3 the following lumber bills will if fol- i lowed give correct results. An attractive cafe where appetizing and dainty breakfast and dinners provided 2% The material, if a person is to use any number of these crates of a cer tain size he can best go to a box fac tory or mill and have them cut to or der, boards any 1 3 inch thick to be used for three-eig bottom, Slats any length three Inches incl Slaughtering Block. ping the Farm and Fireside. After cli] I prefer a hatchet or | ax), place the fowl in the box, where it will bleed freely. This method, to my notion, is more humane than to have them flopping about on the ground. Gather eggs daily. The profits in poultry culture are | measured by the care given. It is useless to expect many eggs from old fowls of any variety. All scraps of vegetables from the table should be given to the hens. A poultryman is judged by his sur- roundings and the condition of his fowls. Hens need to be provided with a | summer dust bath as well ag in the | winter. Grit enables the gizzard to prepare the food for digestion. It is a fowls false teeth. The dropping-boards should be reg- ularly cleaned and the filth removed from the houses. It is of little profit to have a good supply of eggs if we cannot market | them to advantage. A large part of the heavy loss from | bad eggs can be obviated by the pro- | duction of infertile eggs. The market age of goslings is twelve weeks, which is a short time after they have feathered out. Chickens are creatures of habit. Whether they are lazy or active de- pends largely on the way they are raised. The enemies of the fresh egg mar- ket are the preserved and the tested out incubator eggs. Be above such trickery. Guinea fowls do not mate in pairs ons or doves. One male to per way to like Seve mate is the pr gri t of 0 a Ime DAINTY y or : | > f ill consume MER SHOES | : 4 Setore or £ 30 uch Deople and neat, stylish | po : le ones for more sturdy | il ec — either case our footwear | give perfect satisfac || The Choice of a Husband | fs too important a matter for a wo- man to be handicapped by weakness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid hese killhopes by taking Dr. King’s Aife Pills. New strength, fine com- plexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits —things that win men follow their use. Easy, safe, sure Bernhart & Co's, 25c at S. B. —— eee. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. length six inches wide by The long stock should consist of A very reasonable, + 2 . ‘ . . . 3 Your smallest child is safe to do vour shopping here as you would be yourself t Where to Stick a Bird, 3 fastened to the ceiling, with a two Better Goods For the Same Money or the Same * pound weight attached to the lower 4 . This should be jus ig ‘n >} Qo PT b rs Shot Je uw high enough Good for Less Money-Than Anywhere Else i C lang ne bird ( De DpICKe( € a J vr ow convenient height. The weight {is * EE —— EI ———.. wr ¥ used to save ty a knot each time; 3 - as all t to wind % £ the st d’s legs, and 3 the we y. Use % S$ al or fas into t beoZesdeoeodeodeodeofose 3 BITES ge niasfanjeng & Quoforieciosfesfenfococtentor] A Sorferfeofooter] Jorforeofasfocior} ( £ " . ap » | 7 § h¢ FUK UL 4 4 ; Kr : I 1H Alter You Are Through or y Size Fi] i | Ny iy jus §- y .> . . : "5g : HYnerimentinge wit I i 7 7 3 LXperimenting Witil 1 he Hn! + RIS - ‘ ; who § 4 pe . mtr: 3 PPP c_fiond Kin Ww Ihe sell hie hae Just-as-Good-Kind ro re d 0 to emcee i bi heir deeds. ir thers ORIGIN OF INDIAN RUNNERS BUICK fn } 0 & t al sa les. and’ Ave LGCCOMOBILE 2 stick: ! ner nowled se 1t by y People to Be : ‘as es : fost Profit Ff Duck Family, p \UTOCAR AND eesti recent sales was a 140- BUICK TRUCKS ~ p AIIRIT acre fai ‘ \ price of $9000 to ¢ ANNA GAI 3 Ohi DUST BOX FOR WINTER USF acre farm at a price of $9000 to a vy com r——— Chicago man, a graduate of an J coun] . since the Ind 1 w( { NErits Combination of Hard Coal Ashes and Illinois Agricultural School, who SIBce the Inc : Powdered Tobacco Stems Keeps Hens Free From Lice. Thinking the hens did not use their dust bath as much ag they ought, and believing the reason for this to be because the dust mate- rial was so cold, we changed condi- tions in this way. A dry goods box three feet long, twenty inches wide by eighteen inches deep was obtain- | ed, says a writer in the Homestead. The bottom boards were removed | and a new bottom nailed on, which was one-fourth inch thick. Another box, just enough larger to allow the first to slip inside eastly, was next found. This was placed in the sun- niest spot in the hen house and filled to within four inches of the top with fresh horse manure. On top of this the smaller box was set and filled to | | A Ts TG | A Winter Dust Box. | within six inches of the top with sifted hard coal ashes and some pow- dered tobacco stems. In a short | time the ashes felt warm and the hens soon found this out. They have kept remarkably free from lice, due, we believe, to the tobacco. Fresh horse manure is put in two or three times during the winter. "SALT IN THE POULTRY FOOD | No Living Thing Can Get Along En- tirely Without It and Chickens Should Have Food Salted. Many people labor under the im- pression that no salt should ever be put into poultry food, simply because highly salted food, such ag salt fish or pickled meat, has sometimes killed chickens. As a matter of fact, no liv- ing thin ret along entirely with- out sa hickens can always * by eating grass, a certain But in winter met essen. For Sale Several good Building Lots front- ng 95 feet on South Barbara Street, Joy and extending in depth of stable on these lots that could very easily be converted into a double dwelling. For further particulars BS A Sarx, ( Skin & Private Diseases, Excesses, both sex, Abnses, Weak ply to Lewis Seeman. Mount Joy. | jemes; Nervous Debits, Lost Manhood, D Tecieriesieriesiosiorfeofosfortecfodorosfocionie udboforforfecdrad has traveled xtensively all over the world If you want to buy a farm for farming, speculation, or investment, write to me. I can give you the best references both in Lebanon and Lancaster counties and can easily show you that you can deal safely and profi tably. Many of the farms will increase 50 per cent. in the next few years. The best bargains will go to early buyers. Write at once for list and make an appointment to see the farms while the crops are growing. J. L. RUTTER Real Estate and Insurance Farmers’ Trust Bldg. Lebanon, Pa. “After fuar in our family had died of consumption I was taken with a frightful cough and lung trouble, but my life was saved and I gained f 87 pounds through using 3 NEW g DISCOVERY W. R. Patterson, Wel Tex. b PRICE 50c and $1.00 AT AL 157s. * DR I EE TNS 57S SVE a @uas. HM. ZELLER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE E. Main St., Mount Jou alling and Clerking of Public Sale Settlement of Estates. Collection of Rents. Surveying and Conveyancing REE pep a ¥ #8 BR A 998 FRENCH FEMALE id ADAME DEA 'p ILLS. § TAIN RELIRP fC WN TO FAIL, Sar NEVER KNO UNITED MEDICAL CO., 20x 74, LANCASTER, Pa % % EERE REPRE Sold in Mi. Joy by E. W. Garber hand and W. D. Chandler & Co. vidth 1 54 feet. There is a good OLD DR. THEEL & DR. . L. THEEL i 19 Spring Garden St, St., Phila., Pa.) Ein Deats: Artz, Only German Specialist. The German atment, the ouly Guaranteed Cure for Specifie Blood Poison, others can’t Cure, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse than the Disease itself, it’s a curse of humanity. All ormerly 535 N. 6th ns, Atrophy, e, Hydrocele, Rupture & Stricture, no eutting, Kiduey, Bladder, 46 yrs. practice £6 yrs. Hosp. a — Read the Mt. Jov Bulletin. ren Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | Exp. in Germany. Book Free, tells all, exposing Museums, ity & Country 4 ivertising Frauds. Hrs. 9-4, 6-9; Sun. 9-2. | | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | | their appearance in 1 came originally from the years, chiefly as egg-producers. They derive their name from their native land and racy, upright carriage. In color they are fawn and white, with yellow shanks and light-green bill; the latter being sometimes Ese Soy eo sna row na LACEY AWOMONTe (5, is carried in an almost upright posi tion. Neck is long and thin, with fine- ly formed head. The Indian Runner is rather small, fully matured ducks weighing from LANCASTER - wn =» four to five pounds. Drakes from five to six pounds, live weight. But they grow very rapidly while young and are easy to raise. What they lack in weight is more than made up for in their other good qualities. To begin with, they are very prolific layers; beginning when about six Mas = a a 5 | is | months old. Their eggs are pure @ @ mir white and a little larger than those > of a Plymouth Rock hen. They are superior in quality to any I wish to inform the pubiie that I have one of the largest crops of Pure Crystal Spring Water Ice that I have had since I am in the business, which I am now ready to serve the public. Wagon thru Mt. Joy and Florin daily. See me before placing jour order for the season. Prices reasonable. C. S. Frank MT. JOY, PA. New 1912 Cars Now Here GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 230-238 W. King St., PENNA. The largest and only strictly firs¢ class fireproof garage and repair shop in Lancaster City of County. Indian Runner Drake and Duck. duck’s eggs that we have ever eaten, and as a rule, they bring higher Bell Phone. prices in the market. — = The ducklings reach a marketable size when about twelve weeks old. HOTEL M G1 I When forced, they will weigh four to C five pounds at two months. The meat of the Runner is of su- perior quality; fine in the grain, juicy, and excellent flavor. Hotels and res- taurants pay fancy prices for duck- jent ang regular guests. lings. The eggs are in good demand, also. RESTAURANT In winter when eggs are high the In- in connection with hotel where he dian Runner is “on the job.” Any Will serve in season. enterprising person can work up a OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style ig on By ls rad Pips TURTLE SOV P, Etc. Ete. at should prove highly profitable. Priv ining There is no great danger of strong FrIvate duing room for ladies. competition, as comparatively few poultry raisers have taken up this J. Wo. McecGinnis branch of the industry, notwithstand- ’ PROPRIETOR ing the fact that nearly all kinds of emit ent rT The undersigned having remodel- ed the old Mooney Hotel, adding a number of sleeping rooms bath, ete. is now prepared to entertain trans- poultry products are bringing un- heard-of prices in the open market. In summer the Indian Runner when given free range will find the greater part of his living in the fields. But of course when being fattened for mar ket, they need some grain. It would DOES UPHOLSTERING Persons having upholstering te do, such as sofas, lounges, beds, or placing window shades or anything | be well to say right here that for best in general repair work, will confer results the grain should be either a favor and save money by calling ground or cooked. on me. Prices are right. Sm ns Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin, MUSSELMAN, Florin, Pa. Advertise In the Mt. Joy Builetin | : \ H. S May15-3mo. 1 A