PAGE SIX Automobile Buyers! Mere Is a Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier, Firestone Columbus, Velie, Oakland. quote you on delivery trucks and Do not fail to look them over supplies in this end of the - « w K We are also in position to ” carry a variety of second-hand ® Also carry the largest stock of auto w county. n We have just closed a contract for oil which enables us to gell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons and = this oil for four years and know #8 " - »w ou & solicit We have been using Your patronage upward. it to be good. Landis Bros., Rheems. 0 ER «SUMMER "” is the ideal season of the year for Music PO ET oon “MUSIC IS THE SOUL OF A jelefeesfoofoofed dpe do ipofedoriocedofoodefoofosfoots Let us exchange your Silent Piano for one that all can play The Perfect Hardman Autotune r Kirk Johnson 16 and 18 West King St., & Co. LANCASTER, PA. Fgetosireibrdedorforfosdontfosiocieodorfocfoofaciecfootecdosgartesforforieofoniofeodbeleoferd ofosfecioofocfocorfocfoefocfoctocoofefocforfecfocscfoofocfocfecfosfocfocfocfocfosferfocfocfocosfocfocfoofocieofeadoofere Hall Racks Desks is the only kind I sell —Furniture that Rockers Picture Frames Mirrors Ladies’ China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets In fact anything 1m the Furniture Line Undertaking and Embalming MOUNT JOX. PENNA A — J. Y KLINE All Kinds Concrete Worl BUILDING BLOCKS All Styles and Oolors Porches, Columns and Banisters Lintles, Chimneys, Ete. Retailer of the Bes: Grades of Cement esr ma———— PENN A FI. ORIN, DAINTY | SUMMER SHOES | for dainty people and neat, stylish | | | and durable ones for more sturdy wear. In either case our footwear will always give perfect satisfac- tion, because it is faultless in shape, style and finish, comfortable and enduring in its wearing qualities. New styles for Spring ready for J. G. KEENER WwW. Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. y | VEN Extension & Other Tables, Davenport H.C. BRUNNER Door and Window Sills and | THE HOME HEALTH CLUB By Dr, Reeder Chicago Illinols A Case in Point; A man of some- what more than middle age lately wrote the Home Health Club the following letter, which has a lesson In it so pertinent and strong, that by his permission, it 18 given here for the benefit of all the readers of this department He says; ‘About a year ago, business called me to & small city in Indiana where strenuously engaged writing a series of shbjects associated with argriculture; the construction of farm houses and out-buildings el losel and remotely been since ‘in upon have ever papers associated with these. “I took board with a family, the 1 h I had been acquainted with since Lis boyhood, as we are about the same age and brought up in the same neighborhood. He was strong and fairly healthy when he grew to manhood and learned to be a carpenter, at which trade he had orked ever since. But, by dint of enterprise and business qualifica- tions a little better than the major- ity of his fellow workers, he became a contractor, in a small way and thus acquired a comfortable compet- ency, which is well that he did, for he is now unable to follow his call- ing. He is a healthy lookiing man in a zeneral way, but his hands are two bunches of knots, made s0 by rheumatism, and he suffers much in way, from that and from a general indigestion I have observed the same tendency in his brother who vieits him occasionally and the who was a coun- was brother of his wife, try girl, brought up just as he 31 1 oiter and casional } nl nd housekeeper and live with them cook, I have preferred t« for old acquaimtance sake. For a 1 i at thi seeming predispositon of then their kith and kin, to rheumatism and other ood troubles, but lately my eyes have been opened bh) reading the fome Health Club literature and ap- ng Mm (wn experience since | Rave heel boarding n the same family [ have found my own here- tofore rugged physics nature be- coming somewhat worsted. Being very busy and somewhat ymplacent have been eating what was placed before me. That is meat, bread, potatoes, pies, dough- wuts, coffee, tea etc in one continual round, varied on high days and holi- iay’s by somethig extra in the way of a pudding or a dessert These people have been living on that sort of stuff all their ves eat- ing and drinking it without stint and in out season I am informed tha the human frame undergoes an entire change every few years If one lives on the same bread and meat and coffee diet from birth to the grave, what change can there be in him except more of the same sort? I have also observed in this house a window is never opened in cold or chilly weather, except momentarily to throw something out, or if i room becomes super-heated, it off’ Sanitation being an | quality except in my own room, the | to cool | unknown | | where during my presence a window | {is always opened a little, and for | which I have often been admonished | | by the good housewife, | shorely ketch my death- a-cold. Lately I have cut out the tea and coffee, about two thirds of the meat and all of the hot bread and pie, and drink milk, or what my mother used | to call “‘cambric tea” hot water with a little milk and sugar and with my | exercise and death-cold window open, I have begun to feel my old | healthy self again. But because of | my cut outs I am thought to be go- | ing into a decline, which has been | | golicitously observed by my sympath- | izing landlady. | What else in the light of Home | Health Club literature, could be ex- | pected in these rugged and healthy | | Ly that T will nh | | | | | change of diet, but absolute control acre farm at a price of BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, Beole ote eteotestestoote shes tonte atest iteletealeledtedle db 2 0 0 0 5 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 CRC et J J CM a J a J a a a a a a J sede oie mleoTocteotocts steele steeteate ate teste Bt. 8. 8. 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 BE ATryn I THE DONOVAN COMPANY ~ EVERYBODY ATTENTION BE Ss IR PA. Ew THE DONOVAN COMPANY ~ THE D On Saturday July 6th at 7:30 A. M. We Will Open Wide Our Doors To The Greatest Event In The His- tory of This Store A Pre-Inveniory Gale Beginys Wednesday, July 8, 1912 Fhbbbb bib bb bbb bbb bree ONOVAN COMPANY dade 2.2. Th TY TTYTeYY Seedenleralnaedecteate ane de el a Tore RPT TrTYTTYY Resleets ch aleatodtode db 2B 8 8 2 3 ho » b p J ; 4 » ke ofe a i Which means that every item in this big store from a spool of cotton to a parlor suit will be substantially re- § * % duced for immedlate clearance. A oe * og 3 At the end of this month—“Stock taking” takes place; everything is counted and invtentoried; every vard of & je a > ye + goods, every pair of hose,—« very thing from the smallest article to the largest must be gone over and checked so % ooo t bo oS S 5° r 1 1 3 ) + 1c intar 13 1,% < that we ma perly a r book for the half year just about to end’. It is to our interest to make this labor § oe » “ge % as licht as possible if p s can do it. and we thus have ruthlessly reduced every article in every section of this % ype i . - we ole STOT¢ even n { ] 1 few \ h nse t = TL? mT £2 41 h di 3 . 3 oe 2 cr E WW (2 1 ¥ go % [his Is Twentieth Century Merchandising : ole 4 RY 3 A n¢ y al tore ove all it's C 1 petitor 4 i WEEE Or ie RR el T ) A wrg 2 i Dis > RITES ~ 14 1 of fo & : Me £ariv 10 AVOLIG piSssappointments 3 ge 3 3 RA - i ——— . a a - a a— A RC SE ETSY. MA 8 ee sr A FA oo % : SPECIAL NOTICE 'i OUR NEW SODA FOUN : wy BY Bq % » EK i 3 5k J a i AE. iN ) ia ‘i C R ol i FO! TAIN * tf + i i I | a i ‘he 0) y 1 * ; Af : : 3 14 als 1 Satu S x ¥ : bY > 3 3 IAN ii h x 1 50 + ge I { ! £ & x || : * $ “ | oe ole iI i ofe 5 ti % oJ A ——————— A — a—— - prs—— m— A ———————— oe 2 eferfueferforfeofecfonfosfoorts | For about four weeks I have had constant roaring, sounding in my, Send like the hum of a telephone ole. It seems to be more on the oe: side and the back part of my | ead. It annoys me very much, | went to a doctor and had my ears examined but found nothing wrong, | he said the trouble comes from a! | general run-down condition. If I | have not made my case plain will write fuller description. | M HR You tell the story quite plainly. | The entire cause of your suffering is in your stomach, not only a radical |of your diet must occur before resul™ Chicago will appear. I would, if I were to! | direct your specific treatment, first, | | outline a complete and specific die- | tary, but before beginning its use, I would clean out the entire aliment | folks under such a regime as that do canal, by a fast of from three which they live, but rheumatism, | ,_ constipation, biliousness, gia, toothache, and all the bad-blood | trail and train? Little else, than now | |and then, a case of typhoid fever, | | pneumonia, dropsy, gossip concern- | ing the latest funeral in the circle, | and making of mourning clothes for | the women? | This is to inform you that with | strategic care and persistence I am | endeavoring to but in the Home | Health Club methods with ) people, and with | elminating the backaches, in the chist, and sorter migeries ailing at- mosphere that too much prevails. | cations to the Home This because they are friends and I like them. Bully for your water, sanitation, {and all that. They | old Earth an all-season sort. my fresh air, pure exercises, hygiene will yet make health re- CLUB NOTES Dear Doctor; I have been reading with interest your answers in our papers, and i would like to know what you can { say in regard to my own case. I am B4 years old, father of four children | now grown up. My general health has not been good for some years i especially the last two years. I have never been bedfast, but am weak and rather frail subject to rheuma- tism and stomach trouble. headaches a great deal, haused and appetite hard to con- trol. particularly is a roaring in my head. ! | | | roaring in | these the high hope of at liberty to write | bad blood or these killhopes by taking Dr. King's : Have 1 easily ex- | gain both strength and flesh. disappear. | thorough to six days, or until your Beuralgiy, | tongue would present a clean and | healthy appearance. Then begin the new diet in a very careful man- ner, and you would soon begin to The the head would quickly Of course careful and examinationsn is advis- able in such cases as there are some- times causes for illness which can be found in no other way. All readers of the puplication are for information pertaining to the subject of health at any time. Address all communi- Health Club, 5039 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chica- go, Illinois, U. S. A., with name and at least four cents in postage. a i—— The Choice of a Husband is too important a matter for a wo- man to be handicapped by weakness, foul breath. Avoid Ii.ife Pills. New strength, fine com- plexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits § —things that win men follow their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at S. B. Bernhart & Co’s, rr A Aer For Save Several good Building Lots front- ng 95 feet on South Barbara Street, Mount Joy and extending in depth of that width 154 feet. There is a good stable on these lots that could very | sasily be converted into a double ‘What I wish to speak of more Awelling. For further particulars apply to Lewis Seeman, Mount Joy. | 32 to 38 East King Street, Lancaster, Penna > LEBANON VALLEY FARMS FOR SALE & EXCHANGE (| Any Size, Location or Description] Lancaster County people who bought farms through me last Fall were offered profits of $1,000 to $1,500 before they had their deeds. The easiest sales are made to the| best judges of land, and those who have a good gneral knowledge of values. One of my recent sales was a 140-| $9000 to a man, a graduate of an| Illinois Agricultural School, who| has traveled xtensively all over the| world. If you want to buy a farm for farming, speculation, or investment, write to me. I can give you the best references both in Lebanon and Lancaster counties and can easily show you that you can deal safely and profi- tably. Many of the farms will increase 50 per cent. in the next few years. The best bargains will go to early buyers. Write at once for list and make an appointment to see the farms while the crops are growing. | J. L. RUTTER Real Estate and Insurance i Farmers’ Trust Bldg. Lebanon, Pa.| LUNE DISEASE | «After foar in our f: amil ly had died of consumpt V i fd a frightful co but my life wi 87 pounds thre DR. Es “ iN Ew a | W. R. Patterson, Weilin PRICE 50c and $1.00 ER EE Mr. Rockefeller’s pastor at Cleve- land has published ten don’ts for | wives. The man is wrong. What our wives want is not don’ts but] their dues. rm A A Ae Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. | DISC ®) JED ve | : 1 [MERE] &) S El | EE | Aiter You Are Through Experimenting with The Just-as-Good-Kind BUICK LOCOMOBILE AUTOCAR AND BUICK TRUCKS Sold strictly on their merits. New 1912 Cars Now Here Lancaster Automobile (Co, GARAGE NEVER CLOSED 230-238 W. King St., LANCASTER - ew PENNA. The largest and only class fireproof garage shop in Lancaster City strictly first and repair of County. | On ® or bs DOES UPHOLSTERING Persons having upholstering {do, such as sofas, lounges, beds, to 2 | placing window shades or anything | in general repair work, will confer | |a favor and save momey by calling number of sleeping rooms, bath, lon me, Prices are right. H. S. MUSSELMAN, May15-3mo. Florin, Pa. | A Sarz, NEVER KNOWN T T0 FAIL. Safe! Sure! ed action (juaranteed or Money Refunded. Sent prepaid — $1.00 per box. evo send them on trial, to be paid for when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not have them send your orders to the UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74, LANCASTER, Pa. CerTAlN RELIEF for SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, sed Sold in Mi. Joy by E. W.- Garber and W. D. Chandler & Ca. ——— eee eee Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. sole e Toate dob fod todo d soo ecforfoofoofoctorforforfocfocfarorfocfontocfonociocoofocfurie ofocfocfoctarforfocfocfecforfocfooforfoeecerte ofocfocostestoctorfocfoofosfocfoofocfuufoofesfocfuofoferfaforssfocfucfunfoofefeofucforforfsfocfecds ofesfosfoofesfucfactontesfeconforfenfenerortonfocfucfestortesortondosforfortoferiod | EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Estate of Martin L. Greider, late jof Mount Joy Borough, Pa., de- | ceased. Letters of administration on said {estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons {indebted | thereto are requested to make im- {mediate payment, and those having claims and demands against the same will present them without de- (lay for settlement to the under | signed. | SAMUEL 8S, GREIDER, Mount Joy, Pa., R. D. No. 4 CHRISTIAN 8S. GREIDER, [P. O. Box 264, Harrisburg, Pa. ! Administrators. Cleon N. Berntheizel, Attorney. may 29-6t. ce Tce = I wish to inform the publMe that I have one of the largest erops of Pure Crystal Spring Water Fee that 1 have had sinee I am in the business, which I am now ready to serve the public. Wagon thru Mt. Joy and Florin daily. See me before placing your order for the season. Prices reasonable. C. S. Prnak | Bell Phone. MT. JOY, PA. The undersigned having remodel- led the old Mooney Hotel, adding a ete is now prepared to entertain trans- ient and regular guests, RESTAURANT in connection with hotel where I will serve in season. OYSTERS and CLAMS in any style TURTLE SOUP, Ete. Ete. Private dining room for ladies. « Wo. MoGinmnis, PROPRIETOR . Thomas F. Ryan has half a vote as ¢ Virginia delegate. These preda tory interests are simply remorse less, ~ Sp A | 4 ] W * tr E 11 1 2 " » a