Tr—— — o——— —— - ’ PAGE RIGHT BULLETIN, MOUNT Joy, -re Wednesday, June 26, 1912 HOME HEALTH CLUB U0 cases out of every hundred a cure right arm close to the shoulder, Dr, w—— can be effected by a properly fitted | Wm, Garretson sewed up the wound. By Dr. David Reeder, La Portes Ind. truss and if it is properly fitted ste tl I es there will be no difficulty in keeping ELIZABETHTOWN Imaginary Diseases—Many a phy~ it in place John Tschudy is on an extended trip to the West Miss Gertrude Y. Villee is visiting friends In this place Dr, 8. Ulrich has returned from a visited to Pittsburgh siclan has borne testimony that Rubber bands are not advisable when he was a student at the medi- they interfere with the circula-| cal college he had all the diseases (ion and are uncomfortable while a that he read about in the medical properly fitted truss will not be books. He recognized the symptoms noticed after a few days A com- in himself, every time he felt a little , ) 'o ro ntl "OuL 1 ) e he fell a plete cure is frequently brought A number of extensive improve- 6 4 9 under the weather, about by a ood truss in a few), .. ic are being made to the Green- oO I'his sort of thing is not confined eel It hotel - bee . . . . . wa 101e I'S. ( ) | 188 a y to medical students, Every physi- \!l readers of this publication are Mrs. D. D. Daugherty of Reading cian has had persons to come to him ,¢t liberty to w ) for | ms hos p : N ] Hi : aL beriy to wri for information! . i, ned to her home after a visit with an imaginary affliction in which pertaining to the subject of health here fol v 1 day 9 ere or severa an nS Miss Edith P. Killian of Harris- burg, was visiting in thi ection the victim was certain that he had , ny time Address all communi- it. bad The doctor generally cures cations to the Home Health Club. La that patient with what is termed a porte, Ind. with name and address O you know Mrs. Jones? She lives either on the “next “placebo” —an inert, pretended in full and at least four cents In ay eri nn tor Sever Cars : : ap Mrs. Sarah Allwine aged 77 vears, medicine, given to satisfy a patient; yostage who fell and broke her left leg a » * 11 » * : place”’--or in “the house next door”---or right across to placate him, 50 to speak. Bor cari Tu el Ike as Wh h Varoe are fon Se SING Suet, A EAST PETERSBURG H S Mover who was taken to ylacebo 1s generally a read p , Or I . Bs Rte . WH y 80 ¥ rr i; Yhila . : ¢ t e W ay. a little Water. colored with some in- 5 Shirl y Wie and n Harry, the hospital at Philadelphia for : ot a3 on Sunday visited the family of treatment of the eves, is somewhat . . . 10cent dye. . v Shirk ter Mrs. Jones is to be found in every" little hamlet---at Of thew iagimary’ ligmses) Cus COMIR. amet y Y. Fierre 'Witiet : : Irs. Mi I er ang Ss e “1 * Join ¢ \ TTY itdor “heart disease’ is the most common. enry Nein an¢ I » { 1 1 . \ Jowman spent Sunday with Miss whe rere injured. bv an elevate every” cross-roads-—in every” village, town and city. If The stomach 1s overloaded, or In Lovon Spent Sunda ee re a Sevaiar hafting falling he Shoe factory. some way inflated, mostly by gases, shafting falling at the Shoe factory, Mrs. Barbara Newcomer and son, women had votes Mrs. Jones would be a political power. which conditions have the effect of Moo: Barbara Newcomer and som are getting : 4 : as seriously injured as was firs overcrowding the diaphragm up into x eriously injured as was rst along nicely and are not . Susan B., Dietrich family on Sunday. . DOSE the heart's region, thereby interfer- : supposed : a : . . . Mr. and Mrs. Abr: L.ehman, of astersc 0 Arkans¢ Mrs. Jones is observing. She is economical. She is practical—a good ug, somewhat, with that organ's ue.) 07 NG MIS. thram Lehman, Bff Jobu S, Masterson, of . Arkansas housekeeper, and alwa A good wife and mother : tion. This, however, does not indi- a h City, Kan., Joseph Masterson, of n E always a g ¢ , of Mrs. Peter Rohrer, the latter's oklahoma, and B. F. Masterson, of i ill 11 delicate though powerful part of the mother {1 ong Beach, Cal, and James Master- ¢As a rule, she was trained that way. Her mother, you will usually” Martin, the B5-year-old son of|son, of Illinois, are visiting relatives human system. learn, if you inquire, was an observing, practical, economical, commonsense- § Frequently the same effect as kind-of-a woman that mentioned in the foregoing paragraph, is caused by nervous 1 Q ’ i sympathy with the stomach. brought ¢cAnd more than likely some of Mrs. Jones’ good judgment comes STRPSILY Jim fhe stomach, hong from as far back as her grandmother. or less degree. In any degree it is .-, » ’ / distressing and may be avoided by ; He's Some Fisherman So it 1s not to be wondered at that Mrs. Jones say-so goes J care. For instance ,one cup of cof- Mrs. John Perry and daughters, old son of Mr fee, may be taken at times, with Mary and Fannie Mae, spent Sunday 7Ze v demonstrated that he a great way m her community. comparative safety when two cups with her mother and grandmother, some fiherman He put in tw would have a decided toxic effect. Mrs. Mary Fulmer lines with three hooks on eacl cate any organic trouble with this Amos Cope, on Saturday while play-|in this section A reunion was re- ing with companions, fell and broke|cently held at their sister's, Mrs. his arm Abraham Shelly, several miles from Wm. Pool and family and Mr. and |here and it was the first time they Mrs. Henry Pool spent Sunday with|met for many years the family of Abraham Heisler at etl Br ee Mechanicsburg. When questions arise on matters of cooking, But colfos 75. in aay Wwov that I call) “The local band will. furnish’ the #nd Hest MOrLin for the children, or household economies and management, Mrs. s is § be taken. highly dileterious to a music on Saturday for a festival at finest pretty much in demand, and her “ inal She § Ie jiate Samah, _— os the, Sd aid is the neighborhood oracle. 3 veteran ex-soldier of the Civil War mimer Gochnaue e handling ~~ Farming Among the Kanucks' is, within our knowledge I Oh—nozw you know Mrs. Jones—perhaps not by that will do as well as another. ties, without er ~. Po Can you realize now what it means to have Mrs. Jones’ ' say-sc v recommendation—a personal, “right-from-the-heart reference,” as it were? § soldiers drank very much coffe rem a goo ———— latter was unobtainible 1d al 1 nches on his _ si . oh waa furnished to the Ar! 8 & » HO i . , There’s a recommendation for you—there’s endorsement which can’t § staple ration, and the soldiers could (eXS] Save Money that above all else ® drink it with impunity—and with- §8 | of out cream—because of their youth > 7 wT AND be bought for money—there’'s advertising, if you will transcends the printed word. : and vigor, and strenuous out-door life, inured to exposure and all ph ey » Mrs. Jones’ “Say-so’’— es of weather. Furnish . This veteran who is, of course, a . Why, it has made some products household names and kept them man somewhere in the neighborhood fE oUt! Ho 2 foremost for their purpose in a million homes. Of SOvOmy Fours ough Ae A kA EI tot 1 me strong and hearty, has been suffer- What if newer products and names are presented from time to ing from heart disease—he thinks— [gg ; FRE b= because he hag kept up the coffee time, with all the fanfare of trumpets and the thousand-tongued appeal of habit. But be has uot. thonsht and TO hes Yodel a pieh m0 nels alae ue . 3 i. 5 ~11 . Ye ’ x e Is o 2 0 help } C Ss we S yecome personally cque ( rich printers’ ink? What if the shelves of dealers are filled up, from time to [thing about that. He is (mot, howe) =° comer . . lever living the same sort of strenu- J . actiTors of “Sorveus’’ Pup ) op arant time, with newer claimants for public attention ? ous lite that he did as. a soldier— The manufacturers of Servos 1 ure Boos Products guarantee and instead of having heart disease the continued excellence of all ‘“Serv-us Pure Food Products. As Mrs. Jones’ “say-so” counts for more than all. For she knows by Ihe simply has coffee disease—or did t1eY are today, so will they always be. This means everything to you . 3 . ’ y Ihave i H Health Club | 2S a consumer. experience, and her mother’s experience, and her mother’s mother’s, what have yu i Heme. 1 th om Therefore. nie OBIS “Berveus” Pie Pood Products end. get the full is b : y Be “°° | benefit of the “U. A. S.,, Point Coupons, which go with them. “U A, 8” 1S best. | “since I let up on coffee the heart-| Wak Point Coupons should be ag good as money in the bank to you. —— . . . . disease has let up on me.” er hn on ee wn ¢c And so it is that Mrs. Jones’ “say-so0” is still the greatest asset a Many persolis. vend palebt medi) Prove for yourself the excellent quality of every Serv-us” Pure | Food Product by giving each one you see on your grocer’s shelves a { 1 1 1 i { icine circulars, and other printed . : Libis 2 : good article, honestly made, continuously improved, consistently distributed or Isl vie, Toi wil enstle you Wo do and sold, can have. the ills that escaped from Pandora’s AND MRS. JONES’ “SAY-SO,” IN THOUSANDS OF CITIES AND A oT Four Different Things sort of “stitch” anywhere in the sys- 1st. You will get the purest and best of foods for your family TOWNS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, IN ENGLAND, Es lun oe Ng ITALY, IN GERMANY, IN SPAIN, FRANCE, SWEDEN—HOLDS that ome, or more, of the many 70, Tou will neti) 4 3 Tou Coponp fies, Wiis wil afflictions so glaringly—and so ridi-| Prove a Savings Bank account. THE B. T. BABBITT PRODUCTS IN FIRST FAVOR... culously—portrayed there, are just 3rd. You will reduce your pense in the cost of living. what is ailing them. They get some | 4th. “Serv-us” Brands mean the best of quality at a popular ivili ne of the cure-all truck, and then if Price. ¢ All over the civilized world—wherever women are devoted to of eh va MM da Hemomper thet over srtios offered 44 the "UU. A. £* eaialon is cleanliness in the home (and where are they not ?) B. T. Babbitt’'s Best it is a mireale. gift to you direct from the manufacturers of “Serv-us” Pure Food Pro- Soap and B. T. Babbitt’s 1776 Washing Powder cannot be supplanted. The fact is that fleeting symptoms ducts and is paid for by them out of their advertising fund and in ne tos : y 3 | other manner. lare generally indicative of nothing|°""'€T Man For Mrs. Jones “ say-so”’—the experience of years—the test of time— beyond the fact that one. of the As a consumer, you know that no article of home consumption can strings in your harp of life may be ever become popular unless it is, and continues to be, really good. keeps them first. accidentally touched, for an instant ¢ And as Mrs. Jones’ endorsement is not idly given, it naturally follows bit of discern. ane wn tere ls 2 Specials For Friday and Saturday . : : ; Tune up and go on. that this popularity” is based upon real not fancied merit—is lasting Forget it. In ninety-nine cases out Ten Extra Green Trading Stamps with every pair of Shoes 13 ’ : : : . of a hundred you will be all right in because “Best” was a fact and not an adjective, in the old Babbitt days, illo moroine, When Uiere is really The Best Green Trading Stamps and is kept a fact in the modern Babbitt plant, which now occupies a something the matter that should be We give, We redeem them With the best premiums or merdhandise looked after by the doctor, there tract of 81 acres and employs the best chemists and soapmakers to be 11 not he ony Gorkt shout ft. Offi preferred . S y A found anywhere in the world. if vou. have a cold, or ‘some. other ecure our own book for our stamps trouble of light rature, that gives Without extravagant publicity*—without fanfare—without exaggeration you an ache or pain, here or there, give yourself a rest and a homely or fanciful claims—B. T. Babbitt's Best Soap, B. T. Babbitt’'s Washing treatment that you will always find S B B h t QC ae Wl \), D, DONNA «Lo. Powder, B. T. Babbitt’s Lye or Potash, and latterly, B. T. Babbitt’s in the Home Health’s Club's books, {and your apprehensions will genex- Cleanser, B. T. Babbitt’'s White Floating Soap, and B. T. Babbitt’'s Naptha aly take sndden Might. Soap—hold the fealty” of housekeepers. Gh. NOTH Shih a Store of Quality : | c And from time to time we shall take occasion to tell you more of | Dear Doctor | I would like you to tell me what the reasons for Mrs. Jones’ “Say-so’’— [to do for our little boy, 22 months Mount Joy, Pa. {old. who has a navel rupture. It is| 2 To tell why the woman who knows always tells her grocer about the size of a shelled hickory-| (who very likely knows, too) that she wants B. T. Babbitt’s. Dit When he cries. He 15» Strong) |active baby, weighs 35 1bs., and on . . J {the move all the time, except when | Do you know that besides getting the best value for your money, you also get asleep. I kept a band on him, with extra value in Babbitt goods because of the fine premiums that are given in exchange for |a piece of rounded lead over the : ¥ ; ; abbitt’s i De artment at th alb 2 |rupture, for a long time. Now Ij trademarks. You will find B. T. Babbitt’s Premium p the Talbot Stores, where keep a rubber or elastic band on him you can not only obtain premiums, but where the Babbitt trademarks will be as good as all the time. Tt Is difficult to keep cash for anything in the store. ‘anything in the right place. He has been this way since he was two | weeks old. Is there ¢ 2. C B. T. BABBITT, Inc., New York. Weeks 01d. Js there any ure? Can [it be cured by an operation? TI can THE. TALBOT STORES IN LANCASTER | hear the water gurgle in it when it goes back and forth. T have been Are Located at 154-158 North Queen Street. using an egg OintHent every nigh, y but nothing I have done does any! good. TI am troubled about it. Mrs. E. L. S. There is no question but what a| {skillful surgical operation would [ i Chance to make a side trip to Atlantic City, Cape May, and {eure the rupture but the danger Hes 2 oltier seasliote resorts. {In the anesthetic and the shock. No *¥ {human being can tell with certainty | [what the after effects will be. ni Pennsylvania Railroad | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. REDUCED FARES PHILADELPHIA AND RETURN ACCOUNT SAENGERFEST Tickets so'd June 28, 29, 30, and July 1, and good returning to reach origi- drsfededesfodondofedfondoofedefodeogoosfoestofodesfodonfofoods go nal starting point before midnight, July 8, 1912. For time of train, and full information, consult Ticket Agent. Be eB eBeoBeeRostectoete cool cte chs Be alee eee als ole Be Boole ale clo diuale als se de Bo Be Ped. BB 0 8B. 2 RR RTT TT PTT PRR eT Te Teee
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