EDITORIALS lebrate e old question of, ex-presidents? is] our ex- dents do with us? fomthing nearly happens Ex-Governer hnypacker of Pa., made his Richmond Pear respecting the | | ve to emphasize case KINDE R HOOK Ty tree heat speakers School afrg interesting and in- at I EI ——— torial the ical dis- is werthy rise to mortals other is that we are shall will | steam- 95,000,000 York the into gen- Roose- party over Bal- derful was o'clock and strong pro- , important be us Be getting dark its was surprise Chas thaiv neir mem- ill be rst ir £ 1¢ “ 1 iscuss Mali rabetl Fo wt of the East and Florin Sunday to at-', these Joy, | ons, pur- | ete., Hudson LER LEE i THAT of houses and nests : cription FREKL-ETER skin special- parts of gasoline and one part will remove these homely spots. FREKL-ETER ap- this statement according to di- In a day worst will have begun to the light freckles vanished entirely, = CHANDL Sunday Hours, mass of plaster. | has been added the | odor and a rather than is necessary to blot up the liquid. Thie powder is to be feathers of the birds affected PA. Krall Meat Market Hity, bear Flnaheihtown. 9’ brother, hear Li Xington loose ning its te 3¢ of drop Ham to roost all( Ing ker H H. KRALL ‘ and hand spr bbb de HARRY WILLIAMS BARBER 1 ait. The | acid). Guiness in Winter, larg Tobias Geiger. At the ware- house of the late M. I. I of implements, office fixtures, household goods, Greider, administrators. ler, Auct. Co IF 30150 1.1 ! | l OY | ednesday, June 26, 1912 Im Cc IHRE NO INHER Don’t Buv—And Then 0 I WO A v won a —— .—.—, — i E Nn == : T1 ha N “1 ~ . + in 2 ' £2 yok - H ] 1c Ln z 1an the Mere Stock 1t Holds Z > Spend l t mer to N 1 ( t to get acquainted with = — Si sid Z = H r liste ) rior in the music room? = : Or, you ro ( nutes ( t in the ladies’ 1 parlors. dc E £ u leave y cl ! in t ayer th ] I ( ements provi LIDDY 5 rolics for the E So Do y ever look on—and « questions about famous Ege Baking Powder—at the Demonstra == x tion Cooking Boot = o Do vou c v bundles nd Lr clothing instead f hecking these burd ns, jree | chap Ze, IN = ir checkin 00 = Ar no the wi ! Do you h vour 1 1 I 1 l sod 1¢ Venet room? . If vo ¢ : 1 ~- i. : ' 1.’ 1 wien VO ne to PUy—Or Just to 10( aroun Eats ————————— A ————————— ——y « pn pod 1 ! Be ~~. i {), . Vie ae 5 b ~- 3 - 1 4 Att c, 1UC, Z29C, SUC and ~ yy’ on | § Almost Kverything—For Home or : i a Cl AC 0 A AS Bla TA . 1 == It will pay you to do your shopping at the Talbot Stores because, in addition to remarkable == Sr values, you may also use your = » slightest = . 3 1 r = oF your = B. T. Babbitt Trademarks—Good as Cash Here = = Or You Can ok -hange Them for Valuable Premiums = E On your way to the Special Babbitt Primbini Department (the store within the Talbot Store) = dis- = if you see anything in the Talbot Stores you want, your Babbitt Trademarks are good as cash for anything. 10 Babbitt Trademarks equal 5c—20 Babbitt Trademarks equal 1oc and so on. THE TALBOT STORES 154-158 N. Queen St. LANCASTER PENNA. Additional Talbot Stores Will Soon Be Open In York, Reading, Hanover, EastonAnd Other Prominent Cities. IRE STREET 2 Drug gist NORTHWEST HAPHO Harry Hollinger, wife and daugh- Launched a New Church - i larry Springer and family spent ter, Grace, spent Monday with her Our Plan 7 The Daily Telegraph of Berlin, 8 to 9 a. m. 5 to Sunday at Henry Ulrich’s. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Graybill Ontario, under date of June 17, con- C. G. Hollinger bought a valuable near Pine Hill. horse at Ephrata last Wednesday. Norman Hollinger and wife spent Nathaniel Hollinger’s were Sun- Saturday and Sunday with John day guests in the family of David Hollinger and wife and with his tains a lengthy article relative to the launching of the first English Lutheran Church in that city. At the first service 44 persons consti- tuted the congregation and 83 in Aaron Gibble and wife and Arthur Jacob Weaver, wife and daughter, the evening. The first two sermons Kauffman and wife, of Milton Grove Stella, and Henry lL. Buch and wife were ably preached by Rev. M. J. were guests in the family of John spent Sunday at Chestnnut Hill, Bieber, who is doing field work in W. Geib. with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Strickler. that section and who was instru- Sunday school at Chiques on Sun- John Enterline is on the sick list. mental in assembling the organiza- day morning was well attended, con- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin S. Hershey, of tion. A Sunday School will be start- sidering the weather The school Manheim: Jonas Snavely, jr., wife ed on Sunday. Rev. Bieber was a was favored by addresses from and son, Clarence, and daughter, former Lutheran pastor here, Revs, A. P. Geib, of Brooklyn, and Anna May, William Heisey, wife 0 reer S. S. Eshelman. and son, Jonas, spent Sunday with Fined $70 Each I fine valuable black horse last Thurs- sac P. Eshleman lost by death a sr, and wife. For catching five bass out of sea- son and using a net with a 13 inch mesh, which is not allowed, Walter Baxter and William Trazer of Lan- I, of near Mt day morning. The deceased was the spent a) and Wednesday at! finest animal of his kind to be seen the same place. 1an;: Music; Use dasher, broken shaft and badly pun- gpa bought farms through me last Fall in this neighborhood. reel caster, were fined $70 apiece. They A Rev. Amos P. Geib of the Brook- WEST HEMPFIELD SUNDAY didn’e have the seventy and are lyn Mission, who returned home by SCHOOL Is Ab oom now in jail doing 70 days. way of the annual meeting to spend TT —-——— § | short vacation visiting relatives Held District Convention on Satur. With the Freshest Flowers of the Printing Subscribe for the Mt Joy Bulletin % and friends, expects to leave on June day in Kinderhook Church Art. It Is a Complete, Up to Date Print. i 24 for the Mission where he is en- eee ing Plant, Ready to Do Your Commercial \ I gaged in mission work ‘““where- The West Hempfield Sunday Printing Attractively, Your Law Printing LEBANON VALLEY FARMS # soever his aid is required.” School District held its anual con- Accurately, Your Social Printing Artis s 3 Abram B. Brandt had an exper- vention in the Kinderhook church tically and All Printing Expeditiously. FOR SALE & EXCHANGE 3 ience on Sunday evening not so soon the following being the programme: —— 4 + to be forgotten. While on the way 2 P. M., devotional services, Charles Any Size, Location or Description 3 to Elizabethtown his horse was sud- M, ILichty; address of welcome, Rev % denly frightened and began kirking Ww. A. Shoemaker: response, Jacob —— . : and resulted in a torn line, smashed Jy Witmer; 31 elementary Lancaster County people who *$ » ctured wheel Mr. B lucky of Bible in the Sunday School, were offered profits of $1,000 to foshoefoefoofochreferfeetsaenfacforteafestenfonlosfeeis crioiizgh not to he hurt Rev. G music; teach- $1,500 before they had their deeds. Fare ve old creamery, Reist, Kauffman; music; The easiest sales are made to the Nissley & Co... of Mt y ole county « ni Jacob D [.an- best judges of land, and those who owners of the contents of “Stern’s” g musi 1 The 1 ioonf have : zneral knowledge of ove which has been idle since the Hon to the unday School val p be have noved the Rev. R. BR. Butterwi 5 PM, lunch ( of my rece was a 140- to Mi Joy ye 37 PA o1 f rm at a price of $9000 to a o. this mery was the strongest Rp, LR Miller: Our Chicago n graduate of an known within a radius of about six iy the count { | I1linoi \g School, who ile olo, 1 Copeland 1dre Rev g has traveled xtensively all over the cca AI 1 in] i sentra A fer a I ou to buy a farm for LANCASTER JUNCTION Big Sale of Antique = _ arming lation, or investment, ob Ober, wife and da 'S On Thursday Auctioneer Chas. H. wv write to nt Sunday with Harry Hollinger zoijer sold a lot of antique furniture YOU have to keep puff cigar to get I can give you the 1 references nd wife Ic s, linen, ete the property of the good of it. Same with a business. Poth in Lebanon and Lancaster Albert Kling and family and Miss the Jate Elizabeth A. Forney East An effective way to Puff Your counties and can easily show you Rosanna Zerphy spent Sunday at Mt. | Lampeter, at her home near Eden. Business just now is to SEND that you can deal safely and profi- Joy with Henry Evans and wife. {High prices were realized for all of BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS to tently, ; ig Mrs. Isaac Walborn and daughteriine articles disposed of and the . Many of the farms will increase Leona, and Mrs Samuel Connelly gle was attended by a large num- acquired and desired customers. ; per cent. in the next few years. spent Saturday at Philadelphia. ber of persons. Some old dishes See ee abour he t 25 printing of them The best bargains will go to early This weather makes the tobacco hroueht from $1 to $15 and a La- buyers. man smile if he has his plants set pgvette plate brought $8.50. In Team For Sale | Write at once for list and make Good bay horse witk spped, can’t 55, appointment be hitched wrong and not afraid of to see the farms while the crops are growing, out. Tt is, just the weather for it fall 700 yards of old linen was sold. Isaac Walborn, wife and daughter . a > Leona May, spent Sunday with John The report of the . Cmon National a thing on earth, lady broke; also, Rambler and wife, near White Oak. The report of the Ai © rubber tire runabout, surrey, sever- < 3 c Cy « - < - 4 ? al Bank of this place, may be found ,, sets harness, etc. Apply at this J. L. RUTT Amos Enterline, wife and sons, |. °° syeriising columns. ER Amos and Robert, spent Saturday: office. ee AR Qe an and Svnday with Samuel Ebersole | Staten YA cesta eal Estate and Insurance and wife, near Risser’s. Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Builetin. | Farmers’ Trust Bldg. Lebanon, Pa.
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