The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 26, 1912, Image 1

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$ Borage
Ca} pond,
[a days with the family wf Rev. Wall” |
Personals {ter H. Egge at Mahanoy City. { Annual Reunion
The smiling countenance of our
'@gF WHEREABOUTS OF OUR old friend William Connelly of Har-| py. pay EXERCISES HELD AT
FRIENDS THE PAST WEEK risburg, was seen here Friday. HISTORYC SPRINGS
—————————— Mr. Clarence B Hershey and
Who and Where They Have Visited— mother, spent Sunday with friends Society Anniversary D, A. R. Joint
Samuel H. Miller |
spent Germantown,
making the trip on a motorcycle.
Mrs Weaver and
Deodate and
and Mrs.
Sunday at New
San. | at Gathering
Here Over and Popular
Among Them? Mr
Mr. H. G. Myers of Lancaster, was
in town Monday.
Up an Interesting
Donegal Presbyteriax
Historic old
Cassie WO | ‘hurch was th lust
Mr. John Sherrick of Lancester,|daughters of Terre Hill, visited Rev. {day of a double event. which attract-
was in town Friday. Johnson and family on Saturday. ied a very large number of persons.
Ivan Shellenberger made & bus-| Mr and Mrs. Wesley Givens and |, wo ther in the morning was
iness trip to Millway | daughter spent Sunday at Middle- | ip, paatening ind this had its effect on
Wilking of Philadelphia [town as guests of their daughter.
Clarence Campbell spent Sun-
Mr. J. W,
%as in town yesterday. Mr
| the attendance, but the afternoon
| exe rcises drew a larger number of
Mr. D. 8. Wallroth of Lancaster, day at Lancaster, the guest of Mrs. persons. The gathering marked the
was in town yesterday. | Frederick Shaffer and other friends. |; . annual reunion of the church
Mr, Paris S. Kuhn of Columbia, | Mr. F. W. Heckel of the City of | ing the first meeting of Donegal So-
was in town Wednesday. | Brotherly Love, was a welcome vis- | ciety, which was orcanized last year
Mr, J. E. Ellsworth of Lancaster, |jtor among friends here last week. |, perpetuate the memory of Done-
spent yesterday in town. Mr. Joseph Breneman of the | zal Church, to collect relics and an-
Mrs. Chester A Wolf of Lancaster | Chester Military Academy, is home, | 3, ities ine to the church, to
visited in town last week. {having graduated from that institu- |, eserve and beautify the graveyard
Mr. W. E. Seel of Harrisburg, was | tion land to carry on the annual reunion.
a week-end visitor in town { Dr. and Mrs. Wright of Harris- |p one of Donezil descent or per-
Mr. Chester Wolf of Larcaster, urg, spent Sunday here as guests of |. interested in Donegal have
was about town Thursday. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Det- |, =. 46 elicible to membership.
C. W. Freeby of Lancaster, was yiler Prior to the opeing of the morn-
here on business Thursday. « Mr. H. H. Zeller had charge of D ne h the visitors SAW every-
Mr. L. R. Halcombe of Harris- | p @Gable's North Barbara street gro- thin: interest about the church
burg, was in town Thursday cery in the absence of the proprietor hrover nd all registered in books
Mr. I.. B. Brooks of Chicago, Ill, this week provided the purpose
was in town last Wednesday Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert and Miss Charles O° Baker. esi. of l.ancas-
Mr. D. A. Fuller of Harrisburg, | vivian Chandler left for Furniss ter, presided over t} morning ses-
was in our boro on Wednesday whre they will spend some time| . vhich led to order
Mr. M. H. Weltmer of Lebanon, ity friends ( i! 11.30 o’clocl Follo
called on friends here Thursday. Miss Mary Baer, arrived home for | . of the Doxol the
Mr, Charles Parson of Harrisburg ine summer after a very successful : - widnoted } Ret
paid our town a visit on Friday erm 1s a public school tutor in Gn 2 af o chur
Mr. H. 8S Graham of Lancaster, | New Jerse ( nation hymn was sung. The
circulated in these parts last week Mr. J. L. Moser of Newville, Pa.,| 5 i... 4¢ the church was present
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheaffer visit- was in town last Wednesday, inti- Pre ia it Raker’ Greeting
. resident Baker's Gree o
ed his parents at Lancaster on Sub-| ating that he may locate here in Words rreotine were presented
Wor ) ‘ ver reser
day. the near future. Yv President Bal who welcomed
Mr. James Morris of East Falls, Merchant Simon Menaugh left |, 1; Bo vnap were made
3 he audience Remarks were made
Pa., called on friends here on Mon- | gunday for Mahanoy City on a visit hh the prindtplos of Donegal Sosiety
day. to Rev. W. H. F fo fn oXvent-] iv’ ‘was oreanized maitly hry
Miss Ida Vance of to return today he forts of Rev. Bossert. .It wa
3 1 ) the e "tS LE HOE 3 | . as
spent Monday with Miss Geta Ben- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates and 80m, | marked that Witne Tree Chap-
| remarke that 1 SS J ¢
c ~ A So 1s i nit } av ri | »
der. Sa : | Albert Calvin, spent Sunday with |, of Columbia. a young D. A. R
Mr. Henry Wolf, Jr., of Lancas-|the Jatter’'s grandmother, Mrs. Cal- | cloty. fitiinzly may celebrate with
t~r, was seen on our streets Thurs-| vin Bates at Florin. | D egal Society sy Baker sald
| Donega ety Vir ¢ St 1
day. ! Miss Laura Staley, a former |, the patriotic women of the
Mr. C. E. Burma of Harrisburg, | school teacher here now of Ship- | rw
3 : > > | country have for several years been
made a business trip to town Mon- pensbhurg, spent Monday with the | Yohr Hn ; i Donexal Church of
| celebrating Za ch,
av Pe lv f . C anni | % : :
day. : A - family of Mr. A. K. Manning, | the ‘Colonial Presbyterian Churches
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Stauffer | Misses Ruth Spangler: and Edith | oa] stands seventh in date of
3 Prd i v onegal ste s sevent 1 1¢
spent Sunday with friends in Quarry-| Bentzel represented the United organization. The first church was
rga Za LE , ’
ville | Brethren church at the Christian a log cabin erected in 1720. Refer-
Mr. W. Snider of Pine Grove, | Endeavor convention at Reading. me 4 is ‘ho found
in | : ring to the Scotch-Irish, who found-
Pa., transacted business here on | Rev. F. P. McConkey, pastor of d the church Mr. Baker told of
' e ie ¢ h, Mr. ake
Friday. “| Center Presbyterian church, at New their characteristics They were
7. B. Carpenter of Harris-| park. York c r. wag tl or a ;
Mr. E.B Carbenter 0 Park, York county, was the guest of mostly Presbyterians and were not-
burg, was seen on our streets ob | Rev. FF. G. Bossert on Wednesday. ed for two things—Ilove of inde-
Friday. Miss Nora K. Hoover returned toi . ... of the Presbyterian
nce shyt
Miss Lavina Hoke of Colebrook, |her home near Maytown, after poss It was made known that
is the guest of B. F. Mishey and spending a week as the guest of her Sov oitenn colonels of the . Colonial
family. little cousin, Kathryn Longenecker. Army come from the {founders of
e 6 i s
Rev. F. G. Bossert Is spending Mrs. S. E. Bertzfield of Lancaster : : ‘hich
time at points in the Lehigh d Mrs. J. ¥. ¥rontz and t Jit Donegal church. The events whic
id a of T\ Ey Te 7 led to the organization of Witness
g e
ey. e i 3 Yay Yedo ®| Tree chapter were related.
Miss Bricker of Lancaster was the | guests of Mrs. ‘G. W. Shaffner, last Verses by Dr. Hugh Hamilton of
Miss Martha Breneman on | Thursday. als : >
Sao Sis a dM D PF Gay d Harrisburg, on ‘Donegal Grave-
Bungay, : Mir. and ors wx ® te an yard” and verses from Mrs. Mary N.
Miss Kathryn Gingrich spent Sat-| daughter spent several days visiting ar by
3 5 Robinson of Lancaster, were read by
urday and Sunday at Lancaster with | his old home in Juniata ceunty. Mr. Baker
friends. They were gone three days and : :
Announcement was made that
Mr. W. S. Ehrhart of the Capital
near town
made the trip by -auto.
Mrs. Mary Walton Cassell accom-
panied the body of her brother from
Mr. Winfield H. Shoemaker of (Chicago to this place Saturday. She
Carlisle, was seen in this vicinity on |is spending a few days with the
Monday. family of Mr. J. H. Stoll.
Mr. M. R. Cranston of Milwau- Mr. Arthur Schock and his friemd
kee, Wis., circulated on our streets | Mr. Mumma, have returned home
Hon. S. 'W. Pennypacker, ex-govern-
or, would not be able to be present,
as the State Railroad commission,
of which he is a member, is meeting
in Pittsburg.
Address by District Attorney
In introducing John M. Groff, dis-
City, circulated in and
Monday. from a trip to Ithaca, N. Y., where trict attorney of Lancaster, Presi-
Mr. Albert Zaepfel of Marysville, | they visited Cornell University, mak-|dent Baker referred to ‘Beggar
Row,” the first Scotch-Irish settle-
ing the trip by motorcycle. :
Mrs. A. L.. Walk and daughter, of
New Castle, Pa., were here on a
visit to her ‘husband, who is one of
the experts now installing new ma-
called on relatives and friends here
Mr. J. H. Powers of Philadelphia,
was sojourning among friends here
fast Friday.
ment in the Drumores and Colerain,
in the vicinity of Chestnut Level.
Mr. Groff said that one reason he
responded to an invitation to give
Messrs. H. H. Heckman and H.|chinery at Brandt & Stehman’s|{an address was his respect for the
F. Reed of Lancaster, were in town | Mill. president of the society, whose
last Friday.. Mrs M. F. Breneman and daught-|grandfather for thirty-six years
Mrs. BE. B. Walton of Bala, Pa. |er, Kathryn, attended the com-|served the church as elder. Refer-
ence was made to Donegal, Ireland,
and the coming of the Scotch-Irish
to this country. The speaker told of
the many prominent men who came
from the founders of Donegal.
Many of them enlisted with Brad-
dock and quite a number served as
officers in different wars—including
the Revolution and French and In-
dian Wars. Too often historians
tell of the doings of the generals
but fail to refer to the work of the
privases. ' It was shown that a meet-
ing was held in Donegal church at
the time when Patrick Henry was
making his famous speech. Donegal
was first to send aid to Washing-
ton’s army and the speaker dwelt on
the officers of that army who were
furnished by Donegal. It was stated
that the blue of the national flag
was taken from the banner of the
Scotch covenanters. Dwelling on
the educational side of Donegal, Mr.
Groff urged a reverence of the name
of John Scott, who gave his entire
fortune for education and who lies
buried in the church graveyard. In
1732 Donegal Presbytery was form-
ed and its members outlined. The
speaker referred to the women who
mencement exercises of the Pennsy-
lvania Military Academy at Chester,
where Mrs. Breneman’s son Joseph
The Bulletin this week received
a subscription from Mr. L. M. Gal-
lagher, son of the late Capt. 1. D
Gallagher of this place. Mr. Gal-
Miss Mildred Fellenbaum Is jagher was once a newspaper publish
spending some time with her aunt er here. He left this place in 1878
at Millersburg, Pa. He is now a real estate dealer in
Former resident Harry KX. Long-|Brooklyn.
enecker of Marietta, was seen in| Mr. and Mrs. Willis Lindemuth
these parts Friday. and son Clyde of Maytown, Mr. and
Mrs. Harriet Shelly spent Thurs-| Mrs. Geo. A. Fisher and sons Jacob
day at Lancaster the guest of her |and Geo. jr., of Elizabethtown, and
daughter Mrs. Maier. Miss Bertha Ricker of Harrisburg,
Mrs. Homer McKee of Lancaster, |were pleasantly entertained in the
spent yesterday in town as a guest| home of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Longen-
of the Misses Shookers. ecker on Sunday.’
John T.. Gehman of Martindale, nami
made a short call at the Evangelical RHEEMS
parsonage on Monday. Annie Black and grandson
Mr. George H. Hewitt of Camden, are spending a short time with
N. J., called on friends and relatives her aistor Mrs. George Ulrich)
in this place on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frderick Platt of
Miss Esther Bozarth of Bryn|philadelphia, are spending a few
Mawr, is a guest in the family of| weeks with Mrs. Platt’s grandpar-
r. and Mrs. J. H. Stoll. ents Mr. and Mrs. George Ulrich.
Mrs. Fanny Backenstoe of Ling- stmt Ms + ian
lestown, was the guest of her son, J.
attended the Walton funeral here
on Saturday.
Mr. J. BE, Taylor of Harrisburg,
called on a number of our business
men Thursday.
Mrs. Fanny Nobs of Philadelphia,
is visiting her sisters Misses Cynthia
and Mary Miller,
Backenst Sunday Orphans’ Court reared the sons of Donegal. Mrs.
M. Backenstoe on " y These estates have been adjudicat| Andrew Galbraith rode through
Misses May Kimper and Irenef.3. pavig B. Myers, East Donegal, | Lancaster and aided to elect her
Rohn of Lancaster, were guests of
friends here last Thursday.
husband to office. The Female Tract
Society was an important soicety in
$3,832.65; Susan Frankfort, East
Hempfield, $1,406.48; Jacob W'. Nis
work of the women of
maintairing the
while their husbands were at war
It was suggested that Molly Pitcher
1 descended from
Donrnegal in
told of
ay have been resi-
dents of Donegal, In closing his ad- Aurelia Council No. 162, O. U. A. |
| dress the speaker referred to the| gome Well Known I'eople From Our M, of thig place, last Wednesday
religious and educational sides of Neighborhood Have Passed to the €vening nominated the following
Qe i 1 ya cers mm » i 3 5 We » -
| the Scotch-Irish Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue | fice! They will be elected to
Papee by Doregal Descendant night :
Mrs. Joseph P. Zell, of Passaic, Mary Elizabeth Bloomfield, aged ( M. A. Spickler,
N. J., a descendant of one of the one year, died at Columbia V. C.—F. G. Pennell
founders of Donegal, was then intro- Mrs. Margaret Reardon, formerly Rec. Sec’y has. H. Zeller
duced. She read a paper on “The of Columbia, died at Philadelphia Asst J. Willis Freed
r ™ ler’ 8 7 pr
scotel-Irish and Their Characterist- on Wednesday, aged 80 years. Fin. Sec’y—Jos. Weber
Treas 3 1 Mage
icg.”” It is said that the grounds Miss Emma 8. Grossman of Rock- Trea 8. C. Fissel
airroanding the church were a gift Hill, died on Thursday in her 20th Inductor—H. Carpenter
from William Penn. The early set- Yeal Mrs. Albert Brosey of Salun- Examiner—S8. C. Fissel
» r snherege
tlers were those who fled from Scot- i, is a sister, Ek } D. W. Blottenberger.
. , ‘wank Paffar
land into the northern part of Ire- ee 0.1 Frank Peffer
land and therce emigrated to Amer- George M. Walton T'ruste Geo W Shickley, 18
ica It would be more proper to say George M, Walton, a former resi- months
rish-Scotech. The influences of the dent of this place, died at his home
‘ i r 1 ) » i or " i
Scotch-Irish and the Germans on the in Chicago Fhe remains were On Monday evening Hermit
" : n ‘a atle J y C 1 7 \
surroundings where they ettled brought here for interment Saturday Castle, No. 66, K. G. RE, elected
were fought for by the Scotch-Irish and services held in the Church of these officers for the ensuing term:
: : : : ‘Ou N. C I’ R lig
in their ow country ‘and in Amer- God ‘ W. R. Heilig
: dig is 7: 0Y \ Wit
ica Their principles are evident in \ M. M. Leib
the fields, etec., surrounding the Christain Nusser M. of R C. H. Zeller
Donegal church building and their Christian Nusser, a former resi- C. of Ex—M. M .Brubaker
hodies li n the churchyard. dent of near Bainbridge, died at his K. of Ex M. C. Bowman
The sessic vith an home in Fishing Creek Valley. near V. H—J. H. Stoll
: ¥ low .
eal fi em Dor Piketown. Monday, after a lonz ill-] H. P—J. J. Newphe:
Societ nd fo ne from a complication of diseases S. H—E. F. Heiner
Rev. M Bi 1 re- superinduced by old age. He was a Trustee J. H. Stoll, 18 months
mar} relatiy veteran of the Civil War, and sav Te"
hurch reunio hard service and was among the fe Will be Very Interesting
wn the mainte of the h om Bainridee who went ; the The collection of relics at Chand-
nta ¢ 1 churcl first cal He v eighty-one ears Dru Store, which are being
I'he sq ) 3 io 1 wit} 1 re I ( ennial Publish-
\ d the } Cor Is su to be er I
tion rot w R t Jacob Linard and 11 citizen of the
. Jacob 1 thren 1 Cal 8 make it more in-
i \ Chun History .
' 1 Neffsy ter n ding to the collection
| 1 1 ch l V founded 1 : .
1 ™ f : 1 Bri ¢ H one h ng any relics of any kind
y first congr ition
x Ws n his eigl Mr. Lin 1 ) i ) Drug
1 11 i, wi 1 \n ’ :
I 1 Compan Old
G t! yd to Castle nd Mo o yl ot 7 ecos Of frat
Dela Ire n ¢ th 1- . . 3
, rit He to mason by ture, lami old p res, and in fact
horitie f the Presbyterian church 5 : Eh : ’
: trade For yast six yea 16 nything that is old and curious 1
minister be sent to Donegal nt :
. ad been an inn of the home olicited I'he ( n makes it-
Two ministers were sent along back,/| . a ; .
I 011 11 Five children s I'l funeral responsil I e return of
a7 1 ium Sr W yijowe 1ad a
and a number 10 Ec : ed hac Will be held on v.30 aim. Fvihi od orde]
hard time to fight religion on ac- .
y e from the home. Interment will be wt
ount of the Indians and other un- y 2% |
: 1.7 | made at the Green Tree Brethren Kramer—Fetter
civilized people vho then invaded :
- church [Last Thursday Miss Anna Kram-
this part of the country The first] g > He
: : TW SW er, a popular young lady of this
church was built from logs hewn | aa ; ree i er, P 3
: 3 , aaa TEACHERS ELECTED | place and Mr. muel J. Fetter, one
down in the forest, and during the] Said ye .
Revolutionary War it was set on| f of Elizabethtown’s leading business
: ts | West Donegal men, were united in the holy bonds
fire several times and ministers| 3 . . in a yo : : ;
: : | Rutt’s, Miss Mary E. Gish; Union, [of matrimony. After an extensive
were dragged from the pulpit under . : ! : (. ee oe
1 4 {Miss Ruth McAllister; Newville, |trip they will be at home at Eliza-
hreats. . : | : ’ |
The patent dro ohh Thomas | M188 Barbara G. Heisey; grammar, | bethtown, after June 30. I'he) have |
‘ John, Sl. : { : > |
; ; |Simon Landis; Pleasant Hill, John [the best hes of a host of friends.
and Richard Penn to the trustees . : : LEN | |
| : - 4 Brinser; Washington, Mae Fitzkee; | ref lignes
|was granted in 1740. The church i
in 1772 and 4
{charter was obtained. Tn 1851 the
{church was again remodeled. Re-
cently it underwent improvements,
but they did not change the antique
Iwas remodeled
Attractive Tables
Luncheon and supper were pro-
vided by the ladies of the church,
the meals being served on tables on
the church lawn, Everything in
season was included in the menu
and many persons were served.
Visited Cameron Home
During the noon recess many per-
sons visited the summer home of ex-
Senator J. Donald Cameron, which
is not far from the church property.
First Meeting of the Members Was
Most Interesting
Miss Martha Bladen Clark of Lan-
caster, presided over the meeting of
the Donegal Society, which was call-
ed about 2.30 o’clock, The officers
of the society are as follows: Presi-
dent, Miss Martha B. Clark, Lancas-
ter; vice presidents, Mrs. Joseph P.
Zell, Passaic, N. J., Miss Arabella
W. Redsecker, Columbia; Dr. James
P. Zeigler, Mount Joy; recording
secretary, Miss Rebecca J. Slaymak-
er, Lancaster; corresponding secre-
tary, Miss Anna Belle Lytle, Mount
Joy; treasurer, Samuel R. Slaymak-
The minutes of the initial meet-
ing were read by Miss Slaymaker,
who also submitted reports of
committee meetings.
Treasurer Slaymaker reported re-
Shank’s Peter Kraybill; Cedar Hill,
Ammon Hostetter. The term is
seven months and the salaries $50.
Conoy Township
The school board of Conoy has ap-
pointed the following teachers for
the schools of Bainbridge: Princi-
pal of the high school and alse su-
pervisory principal of the township,
H. S. Brinser; assistant, May Dul-
ebahn; grammar, C. E. Goss; secon-
dary, Cellia Swope; primary. Mary
H. Engle. .
rt eee
A Case From Florin
Mrs, Annie Wachstetter, residing
in the building at Florin in which is
located the waiting room of the
Lancaster and Elizabethtown trolley
line, has been prosecuted before Al-
derman Stauffer, by a neighbor, H.
H. Miller, on the charges of assault
and battery, malicious mischief and
disorderly conduct. She gave bail
for 4 hearing. Prosecutor alleges
that she threw slops over him and
into his house, broke his windows
and poisoned his chickens
An Organ Recital
Mr. Gordon Johnston, of Australia
pianist for J. Raymond Hemminger,
the Evangelist, will pay our towns-
man, Mr. Z. W. Keller, a visit to-
morrow and it has been planned to
have him give an organ recital in
the Presbyterian Church on Friday
evening at eight o'clock when all
lovers of music are invited to attend
ret ee AD eee
Increased Funeral Benefits
At a recent meeting of Otsego
Tribe No. 59, Imp. O. R. M., it was
ceipts of $21.50 and a balance on |
hand of $12.50. {
The report of the president show-|
ed a membership of over 100 includ-|
ing two life members. Report was |
made of finances passing thru the
on hand is $33.46. {
of the committee on constitution |
and bylaws, which was adopted as;
read. |
A list of the members was read
by Miss Slaymaker. Tt was decided |
to class as charter members all per-|
ons who paid dues up to June 12,|
1912. {
The officers of the society were |
re-elected, together with Miss tho |
S. Evans of Columbia, as historian. |
An executive committee was|
elected as follows Clarence Schock, |
Mt. Joy: Mrs. Margaret: McCallister,
R. D, Mt Joy: Miss Bertha Hel-
(Continued on page) 4
Mrs, Simon Menaugh spent sever-isley, Rapho $2499.10 [its time. Continuing, the speaker
| wages paid to start
unanimously decided to increase
the funeral bnefits from $120 to
$250. The $1 assessment was also
|done away with.
net Oe
Open Air Services
The Trinity United Evangelical
president’s hands. The total balance |church will hold Sunday School and |
morning worship at the usual time
Rev. Bossert presented the report!this Sunday on the church lawn. No |
evening service.
Lady Operator Wanted
We are in need of a lady linotype
operator at this office. Would pre-
fer a High School graduate. Good
Apply at once
at this office.
Special Notice
The verv best Green Trading
Stamps, whose value is the greatest,
is the one vou are looking for. That
is the one given by S. B. Bernhart &
{ Co.
Council and Hermit Castle
Home From Hospital |
Master Ward Backenstoe, young |
son of J. M. Backenstoe of the Bx- |
change Hotel, was brought home |
from the University of Penna. Hos- |
pital at Philadelphia on Friday. |
Ward was confined to that institu-
tion for the past seventeen months.
While not yet able to be about he is
greatly improved,
Found Potato Seed
A fine cluster of eight potato
seeds were found in the garden of
Mrs. Henry PP. Baer at Florin. This
is the first seed found in these parts
for some time and our older citi-
zens say this is a good ‘“‘sign” of an
abundant potato crop this year,
ern ee ell
Broke an Arm
Mrs. Stoll, an aged lady residing
with Mr. Sumpman along the pike a
short distance north of town, fell
last Friday night, fracturing her
arm. Dr. W. M. Thome attended
Bullet Thru Hand
Mr. Harry Yoblonovitz, the shoe-
maker, was trying to remove a cart-
ridge from a revolver when it was
accidentally discharged. The bullet
passed thru his left hand between
the thumb and index finger.
EE etl Aree
| Our Home Markets.
Butter, per lm. .:....00 0. ius 28
| Begs, perder... ....c. ins 18
(lard. per 1D ..........c0enns 11%
| Potatoes, per DU., ...... $1.25
| Wheat, POE DY, .... vives $1.10
| Corn, PO DU. vs ovisny cee 90
tOnts, Der bu, .....0 0 a0 60
CQ rer
Glad to Hear Tt
Miss Anna K. Miller of Millers-
iville, a former teacher here, but
| who taught at Marietta the past few
| years, was elected assistant princi-
pal of the publie schools at Lititz at
a salary of $75 a month
a —
Going to Columbia
The Foresters Band of this place,
{ will go to Columbia on Saturday
{night where they will play for the
| Metropolitan Band.
——— eee
Will Hold a Festival
| The Foresters Band will hold a
festival in the park here on Satur-
Gay evening, July 13. Full particu
lars will be announced later.
rr Arn
Dislocated His Shoulder
Mr Lawrence Adams was SO un-
unat s to dislocate his should-
g” a few days ago.
‘er while “foolir
(and a
$1.00 A YEAR
"Local Notes
Brief Local Happenings Gathered as
They Occur With the Whirl of the
World for Quick Reading Within
the Past Few Days.
Thomas Brown, jr graduated at
Yeates School
Found-——A set of false teeth. Ap-
ply at this office.
Nearly 4000 Lutherans attended a
reunion at Lititz last week.
The report of the Union National
Bank appears in another column.
For a neat and snappy suit of
;o0d clothes, go to 1. I’. Beneman.
Clothing, hats, caps, furnishings,
ete, at I. D. Beneman'’s Departmennt
For Sale—A good piano with
player attachment and a lot of mu-
sic, Apply at this office. 4
Vauted—A girl between 14 and
yer ol age, lor general house-
ork \pply Box 208, Mt. Joy. tf
Slake were driven and every-
thing in readiness to start the
tion the rotary at the east
1 O ywi.
ed Woman 40 or 45 years
1d 0 eneral housework, small
amil no washinng or ironing 30
Race Ave., Lancaster, Pa. 2t
\ horse valued at $250 and own=-
ed by William Hallman, a Lancas-
drover, 11 into a 60-ft. well on
killing him instantly.
he 1 tobacco shed on the’
ffman farm, south of town, was
»d on Saturday Men from the
Iron took an important part,
l rl) onference services
eld in the Methodist church
eesday evening by the district
erintendent, Rev. E. C. Griffiths,
Rev. H. Mohler on Tuesday mar-
Smith, of Bainbridge,
Mi Elizabeth Drace, of Eliza-
ethtown. After a wedding trip
they will
reside in Elizabethtown.
my 1
I'he festival in the park on Satur-
day night by the Foresters Degree
Team was a grand success. The
sic, a big crowd
furnished good
was in attendance,
neat sum was realized. ‘“Hit-
High Hat” was a feature.
Preaching next Sunday
by the pastor.
Foresters mu-
ting the
Mr. John Mumma and family of
York, were guests of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Abram Mumma
Mr. Martin Metzler, Miss Annie
Arndt and Mr. Malvin Roy of Mt.
Joy, were Sunday visitors at the
home of A. C. Geltmacher.
Mrs. Maurice Wittle and Ward
Hogentogler of Columbia, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Peter
The Brethren in Christ held bap-
tismal services on Sunday morning
at Chickies creek near Stauffer’s
Mill, when eight were taken into
fellowship by immersion. Th audi-
ence was very large.
The following were Sunday visit-
ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rhoads: Mr. Frederick Hahn and
family of Landisville; Mr. Abram
Gamber, wife and children of
Moore's Mill, Mr. Samuel Givens
and Miss Rodacker of Lancaster
and Mrs. Houk of Millersville.
Sale Register
Saturday, June 29—On
premises in the village of Florin, a
large lot of household goods by
Mrs. Tobias Geiger. Vogle, auct.
Saturday, June 29—At the ware-
house of the late M. L. Greider, Mt.
Joy, large lot of implements, wag-
ons, office fixtures, household goods.
etc., by C. S. Greider and 8S. S.
Greider, administrators. C. H. Zel-
ler, Auct.
———— I ee em
The degree team of Court Mount
Joy, No. 228, Foresters of America,
take this means of thanking all wha
so kindly assisted in making thef
festival a grand success on Satu
day evening.
— eee
Team For Sale
Good bay horse with spped, can’t]
be hitched wrong and not afraid of
a thing on earth, lady broke; alse
rubber tire runabout, surrey, sever
al sets harness, ete. Apply at thi
Beautifying the Surroundings
Because the property owners cog
sented and in order to beautify th
surroundings, the Union Nation
Bank is white-washing all hi
stables, fences, etc., in the rear g
the bank at its own expense.
Green Trading Stamps wi
which you can get fine premiums,
I. D. Beneman’s.
Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bullet