PAGE RIGHT THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. aaa 'Aaam Wednesday, June 19, 1912 DOUBLE 5. d K. GREEN TRACING STAMPS \/QD r y rh ago ojving you great reductions wv Here Is a RSDAY, UNE 20th. 21 NN IVERSAR X we pen ed i | st and 22nd. Store is CONE OO Own or OR RRR R Money Der every FRIDAY & ~~ lt 3 V AN ! 7 \ A, 4 r™ V re - ~ : Ot Al iN eo VV, ILI o al 1d Wi | res Th E- v1 r three days, Thursday, Fri aon till 8.30 FP. M. E1010 RR st and "lg pn lng June Saturday evening Saving Dppor nity of 11 VINE OoCCdasion Dy til] 1 24 M. J a - ~ ‘ cy, op fy ry oo @ 4 ~ rr 5 \N / ~s i RRRRATAYE BZD | oO ¥ ()1 Hi NOSt ill np rare OO YOU s Important To You [ecause it Offers You Just The Goods You Want, Just #70. 2807 - When You Want Them, at Prices Way Below Normal tl ER \ : {7 wanted most. clothes yet to buy. act quickly. minute. We honestly believe that never have the chance for substantial money saving on high-grade goods at a time when the goods are Hot summer weather is yet io come. : i L 35.2 M aor fferer people of this community been offered such a Most of you have a lot of summer You are here offered a chance to pocket immense savings--but, must THREE DAYS ONLY. Don’t make the mistake of waiting until the last This is the time when you need these clothes, and these are remarkable prices. We expect the biggest business we ever had. Those who come first will be the happiest. ema: TE OO 1 Gale Starts Thursday, June 20 Ac 8 A. M.. Closes Saturday Night June 2 CE 100 G0 CK 0 0 LE SUIT VALUES : Investigate Before Buying a New Suit $10.00 anniversary price ....... ccc iii, $8.00 $12.00. anniversary price ........cec. i iiititntinitriiinnen. $10.00 $14.00 anniversary Pprie ........ceevvriststririttctesnnnas $11.50 $15.00. anniversary Prite .....cceeee tities iinirrrsvrras $12.50 $16.00 anniversary Prife .....ccese ees ivsnviisrrrassonseee $13.50 218.00 aNnIVErSary Prife ...ceeevsnns srinivas vaninvnines $15.00 Men’s Shoes and Oxfords $500 Walkovers redueed .....ccvive.. iiss iiirndnsiia iris $4.25 $4.60 Walkovers reduced .......... fie aa eerie a eee $3.95 $4.00 Walkovers reduced ........cuv.. . cuit $3.50 $3.00 Walkovers reduced $2.95 $295 Shoes and OXPOTAS 0. eves. ivvivniivaninen senses $2.65 $3100 Shoes and OXFOTAR ......0o.c ofc viiiiniiiiiinii iiss $2.50 So b0eShoss and OXIOPAS .ouvvvressriineiien iii insivivenans $1.95 00 Shoes and Oxfords .........coi...c..oiiiiiiiiiiansava $1.60 21h Shoes and OXIOPAS .......conv.i.ivniveiiiivinriviin ne $1.35 Boys’ Knee Pants BEC BUNIVErBArY PrICO wove iver eins ccinnvinarivrnnnivesonneves 48¢ SHC MNDIVErSAPY SPPIBD vue svvr snes inn vivsancrnivecsdvivieddines 65¢ S00 AnBIVOrBaTY PriCO ....c.vvserivarvesnnnnsecetsnnsinresenis 85¢ 21D EBNOIVOTSAIY PRICE ... coco vrunn iris inisineissinees sane $1.00 $1.50 anniversary price............. Prt ret rattnirasanans $1.25 Ladies’ Waists 50c tailored waists ............... Pete svetnieinins sani an iiss 39¢ 1.25 fine lawn wajsts .............. les nnssisvnvuincasissivunsivuvios 93¢ HME fine JaWH WBE .....cvviirne anniv ier ensee $1.25 2.25 fine lawn waists ........ WO WIbiete se sean va vaiana aie ive $1.85 2.50 fine lawn waists .......... wesels coveisnsn riveree nsennan 82.00 D. LOW PRICES ON MENS TROUSERS An Extra Pair Is Always Handy $1100 Anniversary Pri€e .... ieee cen src sesansrssreeeensonnnes |88¢ $1.50 anniversary: Price ....... vies ev encsiiaininiaisios sisisrsair ans vie $1.35 $2.00 anniversary PriCE .....ccevess + viiacre avin svssis ev sisaaie $1.60 $2.50 anniversary price ...:...ece» Bost este wiv sisin nly $1.95 $200 anniversary PrICe. .... i. vise visirsisnviaisisionisisiesisinssnioninene 82.50 $4.50 anniversary price ...........: jeeeeseseatiteaiieeaenaay $3.00 $4.00 anniversary price .......ceee a a es ies Seay ft $3.50 $5.00 anniversary PriCe . ..... ives esrvrsne verses vas sins vies $3.75 Men’s and Boys’ Felt and Straw Hats HATS CAPS The assortment is fully as large as you find in most places at the opening of the season | ::0 oxroras ana Pumps ... Caps For Men and Boys 25c anniversary price ........ 21¢ 35c anniversary price ........ 21¢ 50c anniversary price ........ 44¢ 50c anniversary price ........ 44¢ 75¢ anniversary price ........ 69¢ : : $1.00 anniversary price ....... 88¢ 1.00 anniversary price ........ S|8¢ 1.25 anniversary price ........ 95¢ 1.50 anniversary price ...... . $1.25 Men’s Linen Dusters $2.00 anniversary price ..... $1.75 $2.50 anniversary price .. $2.00 1.75 anniversary price ...... $1.35 $3.00 anniversary price .....Q ©5() $2.50 anniversary price ..... $2.00 To Close Out For The Season. OT 00 OO SENEMA Big Reduction In Ladies’ and Children’s Hats Ladies’ Muslin Underwear Greatly Reduced. Ea ? i | BOYS’ SUITS--GREAT VALUES $2.00 anniversary price uc. cess eran antici: vans iicenn, $2.00 $3.00 anniversary prife: ics sviriticcasninrais crete Nein senna $2.25 $4.00 anniversary prio . fc .: chivmiess cine vi ER saa 82.95 $5.50 annIVerSary PriC . .. ec eiuivesvainisorivien nisin sicaninses $3.50 $6.00 anniversary price... i. ch sins inde a hoes $4.50 $7.00 anniversary DPIC cit ericnsr dint iin ah i aid aie, $5.25 $5.50 anniversary PrICE . oi. vicinus var ea $6.00 SE 1 E111 ER Big Savings To You On Ladies’ and Childrens’ Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps Ladies’ Children’s 1.50 Osfords and Pumps ...8Y 35 1.00 Oxfords and Pumps ...... 88¢ 2.00 Oxfords and Pumps ...§1.60 1.25 Oxfords and Pumps $1.10 ‘$1.95 50 oxtords ana Pumps $1.28 3.00 Oxfords and Pumps ... -$2.50 : 1 3.25 Oxfords and Pumps ... $2.75 1.75 Oxfords and Pumps ... $1.45 3.50 Oxfords and Pumps ...$2.95 2.25 Oxfords and Pumps ----81.%5 4.00 Walkovers ........... $3.25 2.50 Oxfords and Pumps ... - $2.00 50C anniversary Price .......ceeeve vet tctitnrssensesacarssnnnas 44¢ 75¢ aDDIVErSary PriCe ....:..evceesevessssirtsnscesenssrsssrnns, 69¢ 1.25 anniversary Prife .... rss ver ives cissvnsnsssrensssearinee 98¢ 1.50 anniversary DriCe ..........ceieiveececrcnansnnenaennnnn, $1.30 8.00 anniversary PriCe ....cecessssvesesosssssenssssasnesrine. $1.69 2.50 anniversary prio cc.ccssceinsvicssvsvnsenmsrinsissnncns $1.98 2.08 anniversary price .......ccceveeersssrssssesrrctccenens $2.50 8.98 anniversary price ......ccceeseccesesscessceesccsccanes $3.50 East Main Street, je MOUNT JOY prema fiyses firme af yronenfirrnrrfiprmen tly [enfiprmen lip) ener fiyprenotfipremrnfpencallponeofironefyreaeo ly. J Viper fiprnenflponenflyrenenflyrrnenliy Nypremeoflpreneofipssenfipes | joofyroenfipreamnlp mss 4 5 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers