The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 19, 1912, Image 1

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was in
Hale of Syracuse,
Trumble of Lancaster, were here on
business Monday.
Messrs. Thomas Shirk and W. F.
Lancaster, called
friends here Monday.
E. Graf of New
City, called on some of our leading ; jewelry, hardware, kitchenware, | _..p a coat of paint. Mr. Emlin
merchants on Monday.
Heister Culp and
the funeral of
family of | Water, it is amazing what a big!
his brother yesterday.
Mr. E. D. Cassell of Harrisburg,
friends here yesterday.
the Strickler
Hershey Park.
J. G. Metzear
returned home after spending a few |
Alice Vanmeter
Harvey Culp.
Taylor of Philadel-
business men last Friday.
H. F. McCloud
Ephrata, were guests of friends in
our borough last Wednesday.
guests in our borough yesterday.
the borough Satur-
Earl of Blue Ball, attended the fun-
eral of their uncle, Mr. Harvey Culp, |
Mrs. Chester A. Wolf of Lancas-
after piano tuning in the interest of |
her husband.
Mr. Harry Ebersole and family of
Blizabethtown, attended the funeral
Harvey Culp.
Messrs. H. F. Reed, H. H. Heek-
man, J. E. Ellwerth and A. M. Mar-
tin were here in an auto Monday,
culling on friends.
Mr. and Mrs.
daughter Dorothy,
spent Saturday
with Rev. I. E. Johnson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Rohrer of New
York City, are spending a few days
in town as guests of Mrs Rohrer’s
and Mrs. W. B. Det-
Horace Slater and
and Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Backenstoe,
Mrs John Steigelman and child "3 '
. . | ~V~ jm fC
¢ ernest the ‘ 11 i ] =\W
re guests in the family of Mi 101 1 “VV
John Evans at Intercourse yester
1: They ade the trip {i Mr. C | \ y
1 They made the trip in Mr. ( \ NGS IN THE BUSY VII
Frank's automobile i 1
Mr. and Mrs J, Willis Freed, C
J. Schweigart and wife and J. K . |
) en ric hat 1}
un: | Hoover of Quarryville, took an dq 8 O St Issue i
automobile trip to Abbotstown and ) 1stlis
i id A wi
New Oxford, Adams county They r Village \
to !left on Saturday and returned Mon
day For Rent—The Tobia Geiger
I'he following attended the Bible ronertv AD] it ho
onference at Chestnut Level on \ Myrtle tro Rheom
ednesday: Ren F'. G. Bossert and tod ond n tox A
mother, Mr. and Mr H S. New re hit t El
M Mart! D1 1t. Mr }
Ian BR NM \M Nn le 3 t G J
M Mann 1 t
M Daniel Schroll. w and son
Ja ( ( tr t
a Mar 1 Olar hroll and
I ¢ f
n R ol \1 1 ( on 1 ]
\ S lar 1 M ( ( 1
Tohn Car T Harve Carson. CY
‘ : 5 ‘ ' y 1 nd I
the | Carson and Miss Annie Shank, spent
ndas gnests in
> 3 . y M William 0) 1 n ar
Columbia, | family of Walter Artz
[ Sunday t I Ma Pal
TS a -
1 Tr he Talbot Stores, La ster
ster, M David Re ( \
her I'¢ 1
a :
tle, I d 1 ion Mi 3 AT : Root
Fri- init t . ; .
I ot (
MM He K Y }
! A
h 1 1
Harris- ) M hn H 0 1st
| [ het
Q \T 1 \ 1 I
1 I eve ] io wn : !
l Pl lelphia vd r tr
M 1
M u R I
n a 0 1 1 1 y i
tir 0 Torn
\ 1
in 1 t
vi rl ( ( eff and A. |
( 1 24 1 ent Wed
( 1
| t ( 1
i I 0 tt I
1 1a
lorin ) I 1 Come
( ¢ ondence nd and 1 :
I y ¢ Tr post ca
’ ; M t 0 Lancaster
tter i 1 rio 3
on : I ( he famil;
Wie ppin 1St (
Mr 1 M1 ¢ Keener
11 i} « hecked off Indeed
: nd Mi Moo )
it s so cool and pleasant inj, 3 4 ;
: .. |Sunday at New 1 [ t
econd ory that it Tn nA “
ted Mr. ¢ i Milton V 1
1 no uncommon n to (
\ re ( ( n sittin the
i ( 1 or doing
i nd Wi Is not thi
ed o
: 1 M ( A Geyer and
re? 1 x ios Y
randson Edgar Steigerwalt of Pa-
‘or 1 should yl be interes ;
of Car : fl : : : oli re spending me time at Mt
ine there is the ition |
to ' Gretna
Booth for Ege Baking Powder, with x : . : oh
: ? : | Ephraim Morton and family of]
an perienced cook to explain how] : 7 . %
1 n 1 i Columbia, were guests in the family
you can make all vour cakes anda | .
: +. |0f Mr. and Mrs. Alpheus Morton on
cookies a success If need be, she’ll
: | Sunday
ike a cake while you watch. |
1 fe t 1 : and Mrs. J. K. Freymeyer spent
the any different departments, | 33% i
(mem ; f I | Saturday at Elizabethtown with
and you don't walk a step but that]
some value surprises you, and you |
: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freymeyer
Then there is the tour through
Messrs. Michael and Charles Low-
Dutch Nickle and George Green-
awalt of York, delivered horses in
| make up your mind that hereafter |
‘vou will do the best part of your | chi
{shopping at the Talbot Stores. n|
1 : this vicinity Monday.
| Men's Furnishings, Women’s waists, | : : 3 :
3 5 ’ s | Mrs. Samuel Gingrich is treating
underwear and articles of wear,|
{her house occupied by A. Morton
china, novelties, toys, even soda |p on is doing the work.
Messrs. Frank Weidman and Har-
|rison Sheaffer returned home last
But the biggest thing about the|mpiqav after spending several
Talbot stores, something that| months at Napierville, TII.
| makes it stand head and shoulders| The open air services are in prog-
{above any other store in the State, |ress at the Florin Park by the U. B
and a feature that is the talk of the|.hurch New speakers every night
country, is the fact that trademarks|at 7.15. All are cordially invited
from Babbitt’s goods are exchanged | Mr. Roy Tshler was very unfortu-
value is given you.
for any article in the store. , [nate while working at J. K. Frey-
Think what this means. Every meyer's bakery A large doughtry
home uses soap, cleansers, soap | containing 900 pounds of dough fell
powder, and Lye or Potash—and|and smashed a finger on the left
most homes use Babbitt’s—and have | hand
for generations Now, instead of Mrs. Elizabeth Richerly of Florin
throwing away the trademarks|is spending the week in Lancaster
from the B. T. Babbitt wrappers or|with her - daughter. Mrs. Eicherly
saving them up until you have|is 83 vears of age, one of the oldest
enough to mail to the Babbitt office,
all you need do is bring them to the
Talbot Stores, and for every ten | Misses Ruth, Grace and Margaret
trademarks you can buy any 5c | Stokes, Mr. and Mr. Reuben Fegley
article in the stores. If you have | and son, Messrs. Earl Derr, Law-
| 20 trademarks, it is just as valuable rence Adams and Haman Cunning-
you as 10e¢, and so on, | ham of Mount Joy, and Mr. Tower
Of course you can buy anything and Neff Stokes of Blaine, Perry
rin the Talbot Stores for cash, just|Co., were the guests of Mr. and
like in any store, or you can use|Mrs. Engle Mumma on Sunday.
Ipart Babbitt trademarks and pay
[the rest in cash.
In this way—you can refurnish
{the home, and clothe the family
{and do it cheaper than ever before
{in your life.
‘While it may be a long time to
Christmas, yet many women—and
children too—are saving up Babbitt
trademarks in order to get Christ-
mas presents. This idea is a splen-
did one, and is well worth consider-
| residents of the village, and enjoys
| trolley rides
Golden Anniversary
Monday evening the village at
Florin witnessed one of those happy
and interesting events known as a
golden anniversary. Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Keener celebrated the fifti-
eth anniversary of their marriage.
Guests were present from Pittsburg,
Harrisburg, Elizabethtown, Mount
Joy and Florin. At four o’clock
dinner was served at which time the
happy couple were presented with a
purse of gold from their children,
which was a surprise, as the invita-
Evangelical Announcements tions stated no presents.
If the weather is nice, Sunday| The presentation speech was made
School and preaching services will{phy their youngest son, Edgar C.
be held 8n the church lawn, at 9.30 | Keener of Pittsburg. At eight
and 10.30 a. m.,, on account of the|yclock the guests commenced to
church being re-papered and re-|gather, at which time a reception
carpeted. No service in the even-|fyjlowed from 8 to 10. Luncheon
ing. All are invited to come and|yag served, which consisted of ice
worship with us at this open air|cream, cake and fruit. The table
service, was beautifully decorated in gold
——— i eee
~—— a
£1.00 AY
MUS in the Rural Districts MANY SHORT NEWS |
om Our
| mand were killed
tennial held at
. of exceptionally
Hemple Property Sold A few days ago the hens
nearby and soon
real estate and personal property of |
Hemple, of Rapho | |
teachers The following were chos-
purchased by |
. : : MEA An
Herr for $700, who afterward sold
Fortune Telling Free
some additional the palm of your left
Zeller called the sale.
= coming to you.”
ing Stamps are given “ ;
Getz Bros. $3.00 to $4.50.
Don’t Miss It
: : ” 5 43 They Had Eight Dandies
Herring former pastor of the :
‘ied on Saturday to Dr.
leading practitioner,
Pa casei
Our Home Markets.
Butter, per lb.
Fggs, per doz
Lard, per 1b.,
House Shoes and Style-
Wheat, per bu.,
Taken to the Hospital
A Union Picnic re :
Henry Mumma of Florin, was
On Wednesday a union picnic of |
of God, Lutheran and ||
Methodist Sunday Schools of Landis-|
ville, will be held at Hershey’s Park
Monday by the family
| day, June 8th. About forty were
| present and had a very delightful
Reading station [ time.
disville, at 7.30 a. m.
———— GO er
reset AI.
Deserted His Wife
For President
White House Dull Leather Shoes,
unsurpassed for business wear, with
formerly of this place, charged with
detertion by his wife, was held
Court by Alderman Doebler on Mon-
$3, $3.50, $4,
rr A A Mn
tt Sst: Root Property Sold
Real Estate dealel
sold the A. B. Root
Market street to Mr. Israel Mumma
B. E. Hiestand
Collars are the best collar that you property on S.
fit, wear and
comfort, 2-4-25c.
—_———ee————— | ——
I. D. Beneman
trading stamps,
I. D. Beneman gives double green
and on the centre of the table was a
Thursday, Friday,
Advertise in the Mt. Joy BuMetin. large cake, decorated with fifty|and Saturday, June 20, 21 and 22
trading stamps,
I T-.,iia™:hio cies will doubtless
Taxpayer’s Notice that there is not
No rebate on Boro Taxes after |song, although Ch
July 1. own the exclusive
l 2t T. M. BRENEMAN, Coll. |ine minstrelsy.
Local Not
Those Who Will Wield the Willow
I'he lHowir teachers have been p——
elected by the directors of the ad vief Local Happenings §
\ 3 i | '
! 1 They Occur With the §
Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue Mount Joy Township World for Quick Read
Rockville, Nora Reber: Wood the Past Few Days.
land, Effie Shank Mount Pleasant,
died | Walter Herr: Bellaire. Mary Spring- Mr. Samuel Eshleman
evening er: Wheatland, Walter Eshleman: RUrsing a sore loot
irview . Clavioy é On Dale. Great reductions at
David Hernle Toint Eva Kreider: |" 1 anniversary sale,
Grandview yh mith Ilorin 'xceptionally fine I
Grammar, Ir Kr 1 Florin rs. H. A. Darrenkamp}
' n ‘ Milton Grove Doe rimer beliey
h ( ru I re wing h
H. 1 bersole Sunny- Perhaps the last dite
nesome without Mr.
( Fr, 4 | zene
onnection to the
East Hempfield , :
I'he lowing are the te: v 3
“el Ellen S. Barnhart
} } the 1 { lemp 2 ied
is the administra
» school be own
Met 11 ville Gram 1
: Hor Li¢
pen intermediate Anna M : 1 .
ed He
rime Jdith 1 un
prin Dum 1 : D
nt 1 I 1 Roh-
$ J Foun \ bunch «
y O1 M S. Strick-
n i
G. Gochnauer; 1
I (
11 r W I y
a3 I i vou want
11 open primary, \
t I I s rvill
e tu et
y I nkompf A
\ I 3
mar lar 3 Vill Ds
Ue irk et
rt zy: J i ¢ Iary | 4 wis
A ) — os
Roy Don't iv
r Y M: le,
: dar to a
wel ted Hall Ii 1
: n het n that
) ¢ 1 8
! Y i J. M,
Fairvie 11¢ 3. He
wapho Township I
Alvit ( \ ) 1
I i \ YW1 rin years of ¢
I hrer, Lincolr Juy your pine
Jol B. J } ‘ ( el Harry M1 H A. Dj
Back R 1it1 ruit and prices
A William Ho
Hill 1 Rutl Sport Boro, fell while
Hill Prin v B CC Mackley te and dislol
I I I G [. DB. Penemar
1¢ I 1¢ Chiq ding tam}
( \ 1 \ [Ov 1 t1 y
1 \ ¢ I t ( ) Ange I nd \
> M Y 0 Gert 1¢ J
ly 1 ( [.o ¢ ( 11 1 Vi
wr Mim
I R ( ( Elm
( M Vi 1 a ! oD
The term i \ r J
$45 to $H5H: tax rate tr mill The “Holeproof” Hod
nember of the board are A. K.|6 pair for 6 months
Brubaker, president; H. G. Greiner, | weight. $1.50 per
vice president; Amos N Musser, | Bros.
secretary: Levi F Eby, treasurer: Don’t fail to read
and P. S. Strickler. page ad in this issu
i considerable store
interest all,
Mr. Tillman Ban
Donegal, purchased
pacing horse from M
this place.
i No, the brilliant *V
g | that the society colum
| with just now was hd
and Verna Peck; Grammar, Susan | "©! Chicago,
Joseph McDonald, sg
Washington Boro, 1}
Kast Donegal Township |
3 Donegal School Board
held a special meeting on Saturday |
in the High School Building at
Maytown for the purpose of electing
Central High, principal, John
Simons; assistants, Ella Gladfelter
3 : 5 2 |
C. Beck; Intermediate, Florence Ev- |
ans; Second Primary, Anna May |
3 : y | squeez Vy & r ‘
Hoover: First Primary, Jessie C. [= Jueeze b : a wood lan
: 3 y ng over
Johnstin; Lincoln Grammar, Wm. er him.
Mrs. Mary Detwiler
Hallenbaugh; Lincoln Primary, A go
{has applied for a
ira Beck; Lincoln Primary, as-
Joseph H. Detwiler o
{of cruel treatment.
The man who tho
{mary vstem would si
sistant, Ruth Grove; Franklin, Dav-
id Witmer; Franklin assistant, Alice
Blessing: Donegal, Victoria Clen-
denin Donegal, assistant, Grace A.
just now too h
Holland Was ston Grammar
Wm. F. Brubaker; Washington Pri-| A i exp
mary, Helen R Minnich; Union, nn Eine; of M:
Mervin W Brandt; Union, assistant, 0 an ol cistern an
I: ret Raymond Fairview, B drowned had not
ame to the e
Chicago camer
en prudently indus:
Hine pictures of ce
were in a fran
look pleasant
Lehman Kraybill; Rock Point, Pax-
ton Wolfe; Mt. Pleasant, Peter R
— ©
Fish Peddler Pinched
A fish peddler by the name of | i
: : 4 ‘een trading
Jack, from Harrishurg, at the insti-| Q Rn P 2 sa
: . . an }. Bernhart x
gation of Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt of %
2 : much appreciated
this place, had his team taken from 1 . ted be
: : people know they
him and locked-up in the stable at : : : V
in exchange fo
the Exchange Hotel yesterday. Jack
Instead of standij
was charged with cruelty to
class of fifty as wad
Ruth Kraybill of Ha
well known here, w
graduating class of J
mals. He skipped vesterday and
has not been heard of since
I ————— ps
Held a Reunion laved
The descendants of the late J :
Hoffman and Barbara Hershey held
their reunion at the home of Mr. Many Thanks
I wish to thank
neighbors who so
during the sickness
and Mrs. Cyrus G. Frey on Satur-
Estates Adjudicated
The following estates have been Shot Wife,
adjudicated: Mr. David Brackb
Cyrus Ruhl, Rapho, $5,025.79; | Went to Ephrata ye
Abram Horst, Rapho, $1,991.44, instantly killed hig
rai — le nesses shot himself. He
“Reddies” Take Notice fifty years. Two ¢
The members of Otsego Tribe No.
59, Imp. O. R. M., are urgently re- Messrs. Bryan
quested to attend on Friday even-| who allege that
ing sorbed some of thd