The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 12, 1912, Image 3

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What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To
Say This Week,
Mere hen nia nuchbera greeked
em Barrick fargeshter morga, Em
mon gi nawma is Sam Kivler. Es
will nemond wissa woo are hare
soomed Ae hut ae hilsich bae un
schmoked en pife os shtorrick ga-
munk is far en lode misht der bar-
rick nuff tzeega, Si fraw is sheer
gor en match tsu der Sexfoos Betz
un is orrick nuchberlich. Ich gleich
era appearance gor net usht wile se
era rechte hond schwenked we de
Betz won se lawfed. De arsht dawg
ken ge de kinner, (se hen about en
dutzent un aholb) rivver g’shicked
far unser shrowva-tzeeger laena far
era bedlawda tzomma shrowva. De
Polly hut's ena gevva un mere hen
ene gidder nimmy g’saena. Der
same dawg hen se rivver g'shicked
far en kessly foll male un en bissel
poffer. Oweets sin de kinner oll
rivver cooma usht we mere uns der
dish g'hucked hen un se hen so
hoongerich ga-gooked un hen der
ruts so dorrich era nase nuff
g'schnart os ich fum dish aweck
bin un hob g'sawt se mechta my
supper essa wile ich net hoongerich
ware. Se hen druff ni os we de hoy-
shrecka in. Kansas, un hen even de
deller g’'shlecked. Ich hob olles
g’schtand bis der graesht boo my
esagovvel uff ga-picked hut far si
trae ous shtarra un hob eme ous
der hond garissa un hob eme g’'sawd
won are ons ous-mishta wet don set
are nows in my shtoll gae, dart
ware en govvel far selly bisness.
Owets sin don de oldta leit rivva
eooma. De Kivlern hut g’sawt os
86 80 goote nuchbera hut, os woo se
hare wara cooma wara de leit gor
met nuchberlich g'west owver se het
gor nix shunsht expecta kenna fun
so leit. Es warra de meanshta,
dreckichta, un farshtennishta leit
laeva g’saena het, except de leit woo
ga-west 0s se in era se derfore mit
g’wooned hen un selly wara nuch
feel meaner g’'west. Ich hob era tsu
z’horriched mit ame ore un mit em
onera hov ich eram mon ob g’hor-
riched fartzaele we mer kinner uff
treega set. Are hut derno uff g’wind
mit sawga os won mer kinner recht
uff tzeega wet don set mer aw lots
tzu essa hovva far se un eb ich eme
not en holb bushel grumbeera laena
kent. Ich hob g’sawt, “Nae, mere
hen kenny far uns selver.” Se hen
oll es schwetza gadoo. Ich hob
g’saena os es der Polly gor net aw-
shtaid. Se hut wole ganunk ga-wist,
os won en familia ken nuchbera hut
woo se hare coomed brouch mer net |
gooka far grosse friendshoft woo se
fmbedding and hardening of wax |
the ears in the frequent cause of
deafness It is only a very rar
cause, and in most cases the very
thing that causes the hardening o
wax in the ears Is the real cause 0
the deafness When the ear |
perfectly healthy, the formation o
wax cannot be too great in the inner
ear. It is a secretion as natural and
necessary to the hearing as any
other secretion of the human systen
that has a duty to perform, More
Pastor Decries Money Lust, “Style”
And Untruths
! “Ten don'ts for wives were given
g/to the congregation of the Euclid
t Avenue Baotist Church, Cleveland,
0., of which John D Rockefeller is
1 4 member, by Rev. W. W. Bustard,
in his sermon on Sunday evening
y | They are
First—Don't marry a man for a
over, this wax should never be re- living, but for love. Manhood with
moved with ear picks or any other Out money is better than money
instrument. If there comes a time Without manhood
when hardened wax must be remov- Scond-—Don't overdress, or un-
ed it should be done by a physician derdress; commonsense is some-
with warm water and a syringe
properly curved at the nozzle In
attempting this yourself there is ¢
great danger of damage to the
delicate tissues of the ear drum
The wax when in normal condition
should not be removed from the
inner ear. When it has flowed tc
imes better than style.
Third--A wife with a hobble skirt
» and a husband with a pair of
patched trousers make a poor pair.
A woman can throw more out of a
kitchen window with a spoon than a
» man can put into the cellar with a
y shovel
the hollow of the outer ear, it may Fourth——Don’t think that the way
be cleared away by a wash rag in
the regular morning or evening
Yerman ing other women on how to bring up
washings. There is an old
proverb which ought to be the law it children
to run a house ig to run away from
it, It is wrong to go around lectur-
while you are neglecting
is such good advice: “Never put any- Your own,
thing into your ear smaller than
your elbow.”
Fifth—Don’t tell your troubles to
your neighbors. They have enough
The first attack of deafness ig of their own. Fight it out with
rarely permanent, but to prevent the
loss of hearing, it is best to ward
off, as much as possible, the causes
This can be largely done by keeping
near, in the bathroom, bedroom,
medicine chest or on a convenient Out
shelf, a nasal spray or douch and
and for woman’: beauty than mans
some kind of a mild alkaline
antiseptic wash. When you have
been exposed to an infection, a
common cold or other disease, in
crowded, stuffy and unsanitary
atmosphere, or when you are feeling
a drying, tickling sensation in your
nose and throat, use this wash
thoroughly, and by constant vigil-
ance you will not only ward off deaf-
ness but also colds and other dis-
tresses of the throat, ears, eves
brain, lungs, etc. Under all cir-
cumstances this is an ounce of pre-
vention that is worth all attempts to
cure, because a deep set case of
deafness has, in most cases, come to
Dear Doctor:
Kindly inform me if there is any
cure for lateral curvature of the
spine. State the effects of it and if
there is nothing done to relieve this
condition, will it go from bad to
I know a young woman who is
now a teacher of physical culture,
when about 20 she developed a
lateral curvature of the spine. 1
put her on a severe course of physic-
cal exercises and inside of one year
she was perfectly straight and in
better health than ever before.
Where there is a will there is a way.
You can be straightened if you want
to be and will practice regularly and
vigorously the proper exercises.
Osteopathy would help but you
must do most of the work.
A horizontal bar is one of the
requisites. Of course, it will grow
worse if you do nothing to hinder it
from so doing.
Dr. David H. Reeder
Dear Doctor:
In cases of too much acid in the
onna gaed. Well, we se about red- blood is there anything except
dy wora far hame gae don gooked
Fowler's Solution of Arsenic that I
de Kivlern duff on de uhr un sawgt: [could take to overcome the diffi-
“Bi du liever, boll tzaea uhr. culty? And is there any danger in
your huiebarnd if it takes all summer.
Sixth- l'on’t nag. The saloon-
keeper is always glad to welcome
vour husband with a smile
Seveith- Yn: try to get mo a
of a looking y¢lase ‘han you po’
into it, Nature's sunsghine is beter
powder and paints
Eight—Don’t make gamblers and
drunkards out of your children by
running whist parties for prizes and
serving punch with a stick in it. |
Tenth—Don’'t forget that home is
truth, especially to the conductor, a-
bout the age of your child. Honesty
is worth more to you and him than
a nickel. A boy who is eight years
old at home and six on the cars will
soon learn other things that are
not so.
—Don’t forget that home is a
woman’s kingdom where she reigns
a queen. To be the mother of a
Lincoln, a Garfield or a McKinley is
te. be the mother of a prince.
etl Ae
Annual Institute
The yearly W. C. T. U. Institute
for Mount Joy, Landisville, Eliza-
bethtown and Manheim was held In
St. Paul’s church at Manheim, on
Saturday afternoon, The program
was opened at 1.30 o'clock with mu-
sic by the congregation, followed
by devotions by Rev. H. J. Behney;
next in order were talks on ‘The
Moral and Physical Need of Sabbath
Observance,” “From 2a Pastor’s
Standpoint,” Rev. J. F. Khnittle;|
“From a Teacher's Standpoint,” |
Miss Bess Hiestand of Salunga; |
music; Mrs. Amos K. Waer of Man-|
heim, gave a reading, “The Slaugh-|
ter of the Innocents,” symposium, |
(a) “How can we Gain Members," |
Mrs. Stever; (b) How can we in-|
crease Department work.” Mrs. |
Hess: (¢) “How can we Interest]
our Young People,” Mrs. Daugher- |
ty: Miss Amanda Landes, of Millers-
ville, recited in an entertaining
manner; a quiz, Miss Virginia
Grosh, followed by “A Paper on |
Purity,” by Mrs. W. W. QGriest, of |
Lancaster; the afternoon exercises,
were closed with the offering and
ree etl eee
While this has always been very satisfactory
to users of Babbitt’s Products, yet we wanted to
make our premiums even more attractive.
So, by special arrangement with the Talbot
Stores, we are placing a wonderfully complete
Babbitt Premium Department within easy reach
of your home, where you can exchange the Trade-
marks or Wrappers from
Soaps and Cleansing Products
Best Soap
1776 Soap Powder
Pure Lye or Potash
White Floating Soap
Naptha Soap
Babbitt’s Cleanser
attempted before.
Simply cut the Babbitt Trademarks from the Wrappers, or, if you do not know how, bring the Wrap-
pers. Trademarks or Wrappers should be put in packages of 10.
Agencies Everywhere
Are Located at 154-158 North Queen Street.
Established 1836
What the B. T. Babbitt Local
Premium Stores Meanto You
Heretofore it has been necessary for you to
send Babbitt Trademarks and Wrappers direct
to the factory, choosing your premiums from a
To whose inventive genius, capacity for great
research, and business ability the
Cause of Cleanliness owes
In this Babbitt Premium Department we offer you an immense variety
of useful valuable articles—some for as little as ten Trademarks.
Every housewife knows that Babbitt Premiums—just like all the Babbitt
Products—represent greater value than any others.
But, in addition to a greater convenience in exchanging Babbitt Trade-
marks, we offer you this extraordinary advantage:
So the thing to do now is to save Trademarks on all Babbitt Products and take them to the nearest
Talbot Store. You get not only valuable premiums in the Babbitt Premium Department, but your choice
of any merchandise, soda or ice cream, cigars, etc., in the store. Nothing like this has ever been
Wednesday, June 12, 1913,
i, TRE
Ich bin so farlora,—sidder os mere taking the solution, say 8 months or
do woona hen mere ken uhr. Kent
dere net uns ains fun eina laena far distressing. Have had it four or
pawr wucha bis mere afforda kenna five years by spells.
aney kawfa?” |
“Nine, nix,” hov ich g’'sawd.]|
“Jia anyhow nix in dem fardulta kind under any circumstances as a
ga-lane.” | medicine. Any condition of the
Se hen g'saena os ich base bin un blood can be changed by a properly Altoona. : WV RA Vallee
se sin hame g'shtart oona uns haesa selected diet. Acidity is caused A burglar in ’ . alleys |
home at Homestead fled from Miss
cooma se saena. Sell hut mich ga-|primarily by fermentation of the
bpleesed. Ich gleich en mensch os food in the alimentary canal. Go to
en insult nemma con oona en kick. the source of the disease, change
Hs gebt nuch ebbes shunsht eb your diet, don’t eat so much but
chew more, drink at least a gallon
of water daily. Try this for two
months and let me have a report at
Home Health Club
re that time. If necessary, I will then
By Dr. David Reeder, La Porte, Ind. iyo you more specific directions.
mere se loos wara.
mA ont et
Growing Deaf:— Probably 90 per
cent of persons over fifty years of ,¢ jiherty to write for information
pertaining to the subject of health
at any time. Address all comuni-
cations to the Home Health Club,
ing than we need, a little less of 1,5 porte, Indiana, U. S. A., with
age are more or less affected as to
their hearing, but as we have, natur-
ally, a far greater capacity for hear-
that capacity is not observable un-
less a test is applied, such, for in-
stance, as listening to the tick of a
watch. Ordinarily one should hear
such a sound at a distance of 30
inches, however, a test would be
controlled to some extent by the
make of the watch. A heavy roug
made movement in a watch would,
of course, make a louder
rougher noise, while the machinery PUPlC
of a fine watch would give forth a
name and address in full and at
least four cents in postage.
All Through the State
Tag day yielded $28,450 to Pitts-
burgh’s Children’s Hospital.
Pittsburgh and its environs are
rapidly freeing river toll bridges.
more? I have Eczema, and it’s very
I never recommend poisons of any
Grace Malley’s shrieks.
in two weeks hold a great reunion |
of 10,000 lodge members at Idle-
wild, Allegheny county.
Potatoes, wheat, corn and clover
were badly nipped by a heavy frost
in Venango, Westmoreland, and
Washington counties Friday night.
Western Pennsylvania retail but-
chers blame the severe winter for
high meat prices, as well as the al-|
most uniform demand for the choice
cuts of meats.
eel A eee
Dr. David H. Reeder.
All readers of this publication are
County Tobacco Market
The planting of most of the 16,-
000 acres of Lancaster county's
1912 tobacco fields will be finished
A Arne
this week. The crop being planted
Lancaster County Association Holds ., jate will mature dangerously
Session at Lititz near to the season of frosts, a fact
The Lancaster County Associa- (at causes considerable concern
p tion of the Jr. O. U. A. M. held its yong the leaf tobacco dealer, as a
second annual session ‘in the Rudy pod many growers, fearing an ear-
and building at Lititz on Saturday. A jy frost, are tempted into harvesting
session was held im the {pair crop before it thoroughly rip-
with Franklin ABdrews ens
3 bfficers l.ess than 5 per cent. of last
year. year's crop now remains unsold,
1 ‘of and the larger growers are now
etary. packing their crop in preference to
g Was gelling it at the prevailing prices.
which gxamination of packings of force
nearly sweated tobacco shows that very
P were jittle black rot has developed. The
from natural sweated goods will not be,
ready for examination before July.
d rere nt A Qe
ce the, President Taft should have re-
der to membered that one who expects the
p fell-' worst can be surprized but never
think disappointed.
eel Ieee
| Even dyspepsia demonstrates that
th athe ultimate consumer always gets!
| the worst of it. |
Pennsy is arresting and fining | ‘aster, Penna
many trespassers on its tracks at
Western Pennsylvania Elks will
mand and the price level advanced
[tinguished from the activity of re-
'cent weeks, in that it has been less
| speculation.
'the trade is now on a more stable |
The Week in Grain (
“ompiled for the Mount Joy Bulle- |
tin, at Mount Joy, Pa., by Wm. L.|d
Bear & Co., Pennsylvania Building, %
Philadelphia, Pa., by D. B. Lehman, &
Manager, Woolworth Building, Lan- % WE SELL CHEAPER El B & 0 FREE PHONE SERVICE
nels. Pa. June 10, 1912. 3 {| BECAUSE WE GIVE : JUST CALL 1100
Weather conditions in the main §& S. & H. GREEN & HAVE CHARGES
have shown improvement, for while § | TRADING STAMPS LANCASTER, PA. REVERSED
moisture has been insufficient for
the most part, the area of scattered +
showers has been enlarged and af-
forded considerable relief. But the
market has met an improved de-
Tremendous Sale of Men's And
Boy’s Fine Suits at 1-3 Ofi
Begins Saturday June 15
A sale that in time—quality—selection and price is the best ever held in
Lancaster. This big event is the outcome of a mighty purchase of 8oo suits by the
Leinbach store. These were purchased from one of the best makers of men's fine
hand tailored suits in America; and talk about values, just read the following and
note the reductions.
steadily from the demoralization
that prevailed a week ago. The up-
ward movement is to be dis-
erratic and with a smaller volume
of exciting rumors and excited
In the opinion of the most au-
thoritative experts now in the fields
of the west, much of the winter
wheat damage is irreparable. A
definite summary was furnished by
John Inglis during the week in
which he places the present condi-
tion to yield, in the states of Tlli- : ie
nois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and $10.00 Mens Suits, ........ oi in sannaiiden dG, $ 6.65
Missouri, one hundred million bush-
els less than last year, and in the
states of Nebraska, Kansas and Ok-! $12.00 Men's Suits,................... EERE -$ 1.95
notwithstanding the small yield of a
vear ago, The Michigan Crop Report
for June ave the condition 58
$ 9.95
$12.00 Men's Suits, ............ ona ie
against 91 last vear, and in addition ; :
shows, 24 per cent. of the total acre- $15.00 Mews Suits, ............ coi v0, :
age abandoned.
For the first time during the ad- 3 .
vance, the cash trade has figured $20.00 Men's Suits, ............0o 000000, “ .
largely as an influence. The demand
in all departments has been excel-
lent, with Bradstreet placing Amer-
jcan clearances at six million]
against but slightly more than sev-|
en million for all other exporting |
nations. As suggested last week, |
$22.00 Met's SHS, ....ccrr cc iviiinvnsisiinivns inne suis 5 14.45
$25.00 Men's Sits... isin ites ait ud $16.65
“These are values that are apparently without “rhyme or reason’. At the
end of July or August one might expect something of this sort but certainly not in
June. Don’t wait but come at once and pick out a good hand tailored suit at 1-3 off,
basis, and we continue to suggest an |
active traders position. |
ene A
an hh ah hh a a a a a a a a a a a a ah J ah dd a he a dC A dd Ce J AC ar te a ho a a a a a a a a a a
Care will kill a cat, but it’s a poor
lahoma, twenty million more. Thus, 4
weap~~ with which to kill time. 4
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