This machine has come to stay, because it does anything for the operator that is asked of it. Runs 5 your yash machine, ice cream freezer, polishes with a buffing wheel, grinds with an emery wheel, ete Ll kh A full 1.3 H. P. Motor and Xe Hehter machine of ta des on ‘the | VVantsOther Women to Know market How She Was Finally Only a demonstration needed to Restored to Health. convince any one Ask for catalog. think a woman naturally disl ke her troubles me KNOWN to the publie, but complete restor- ation tohealthmeans so much to me that I cannot keep from telling mine for the ther suffer- Mo. t=] like ton Louisiana, pre——— ake of 0 ing women “I had been sick about twelve years, and had eleven doe- tors. I had drag- ging down pains, pains at monthly periods, bilious spells, and was getting worse all the time 1 would hardly get over one spell when 1 would be s gain. No tongue can tell 1 cramps, and at \ t 1 from r T t 3 I « ( lly walk. The doctors id I might die at one of those times, but I t ydia E. Pinkhe [egreta~ ble Cor nd and got better right Yo uable medicine is worth the i t flering w me Mrs. BERTHA MUFF, 503 N. 4th Street, Louisiana, Mo. I + E. Pinkham’s \ table Com I fy Y root 1d herl L 1 I ( is simply a wc ri ed by t : Mn ) {FEY 1 MAGIC AND I : BISSEL ELECTRIC CLEANER P. O. Box 42 MT. JOY, PA When you are eleaning house, | I,vdia Pinkhan lieir why not rent a sweeper and make ) Lynn. Mass Your lette: the hard ork eas Charges are 1 very reasonable Be sure to engage the sweeper in time ; —~ h v ( A d KJ ft < wn \ “WP IAA a de 1 f1 d invited 1 rlor GO TO Novelty 135~1 LANCASTER, PENN Cakes, the kind mother used bake, we stili have Buekwheat flour Tee I wish te inform the public that I | | op work. I had on hand. Ice have one of the largest oreps Pure Orystal Spring Water Ice that have had since I am in the business, | Am Bow or ihe which T am now public. Wagon Fevin daily. your order fer reasonable. thru Mt. Joy the season. C. S. Frank Bell Phone. MT, JOY, P. § «“Afte mily had died of consumption 1 - taken with a frightful cough and lung treuble but my life was 87 pounds a] rongh ~~ DR. KING ~F NEW DISCOVERY | W. R. Patterson, We Ff 58c and $1.00 AT / EERIE I four in our Hy g Rug Co., 37 Beaver St., ready to serve the | to resume work. Am and | fn weight and strength.” Edw. See me before placing | man. Prices| Mt is LUNG DISEASE] ved and I gained Bi N DER Main St., Mount Joy, FOR A AVE ISH HAIR-CUT SHAMPOO Barber Line. last GOOD SH STYL REFRESHING {or anything in the AH, I also carry as a side line | | i | | Camera and Photo Supplies MAKE THE MAY WALK MORE ENJOYABLE BY TAKING A KODAK Then you will have not only the pleasure of the outing, but the add- 'ed pleasure in the pictures whieh preserve the memory of the fum. Ask me for a free eopy of the mew If you are hungry for Buekwheat | Kodak catalogue. 9 [Szom for Standard Steam Laundry. TROUBLES Cured By Vinol—Here is Proof Seymour, Ind.—“I was troubled with a chronic stomach trouble, and five [2 2 ago it got so bad TI had to give tried various medi- of | eines without relief, and was finally 1! induced to try Vinol. After taking the | Bret bottle I was benefited. third bottle | | STOMACH 1 | greatly and ready gaining Nie- rapidly the curative | ments of the cods’ livers { with the strengthenin tonic iron contai Vinol w hich makes it so successful in restoring perfect digestion and at the same X it builds up the tired, over A. worke d and run-down system. Try a bottle of Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will } returned if it does not help you For Sale by E. W. GARBER, MOUT JOY, PA. Electric Sitters Made A Now Man Of Him. “I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back,” writes H. T, Alston, Raleigh, N. ¢., “and my liver and Kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Eleetrie Bitters made me feel like a new man.” PRICE 50 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, —-— SUHULARSHIPS FUR TEACHERS Term Begins July AT U. OF P. SUNMER SCHOOL 1st tories and swimming Upen to Women, In line with the cently ann 1wced by the the Unive y of Penn serve the pi l¢ of the State possible way, the Summer Sc added a number of features which make it more helpful and accessible than ever b re for students in gen eral nd eachers in particula A Cou leading to the usual college If you have ever been a “home soap maker,” you Setiens aid others Specialy ini realize that experience —the know how knack of mixing, O Improve he everyday work o e age . . . . . public school lave been. provided in boiling, cooling—is the one big factor in producing a clean profusion. For particular phases of this soap. work he Pennsylvania Congress of Mother | the Woman's Christian Before most present-day soaps were even known, fou Union are offering free B. T. Babbitt’s Best Soap and other Babbitt Products had scnoia er. Dosing July. 1st become household names. nd \ | certain ol e . : “ Us : ries are reserved Couple such expertness with honest methods and for 1. The swimming po iso modern science, and you touch the very heart of the world- )€ to them for an hour each da : : i ’ w ry oe Rar sa ide popularity of for I i 1 1. A sp | 1 } 1 ¢ calllr atten & SE B. T. BARBI tor ) t vill be visited dn Lo ur Th Soaps and : d iE oi Tc Back in 1836 B. T. Babbi ) 1 1 light soan boil ev ¢ \ soap that evelat > f V ma 10~ 1 5 31 acres ¢ \ : soap maker i : H ¥ A ¢ i i ty ia 3 And, thank 1 that the 5 g : § : fd v 0, ¥ despite the fact that t 1 76 years ago. i . ; v i) t When You Use i ) i 0X ; 2% Pow 1€1, Lve or | : A t ive been 4 1: rs # | h y or Babbitt’s Cli it c M ich, of Indianapol 2 expe ce is Inv: )] by H ( 1 11, now C ! a hl A eo! f / bl m Y lucati of New Jer ; Save B PCE ntt i Vv ua e { but t \ rintend of Ind a ~ Es . olis Schools. Miss Bryan : Premiums Offered To-day. lected to ow how i 0 3! o is done in Loui [ ence | B. T. Babbitt was the pioneer in coupling up * go ior ith soap of 1007, quality wi el 1 in @@ To-day users of qll Babbitt’s products can exch ] 3 1 ure choice from ie | C i thousands of premiums. a tho 1 Loa Ea & we v S 10} 1 ae a ¢ € 1 1 iby 3 wo € ( 3, iC iv i Ur ectur m | I Nf i ) Lal an wo fe scl | | ° : ; 3 ; 3 ‘gis { John Boyd of Brown St., was ar- %* owing Interest in school librarie ot n cour in Library E | rested vee n charges pre oP e iall € 1.1 be 1d ¢ th | ferred by hi wife for drunkenness o d n ead of {and cruel treatment He was held % t1 rary yol Dre ] Inst under $500 hail Gs ' - : of n Miss M. B. BI is suffer- oe ( ition R rence 4 3. oh : u tion 3 ence ani ling from a nerve down, is 3. Ary luconon Ch ¥ dren tu wind How Use being assisted ir : C - I.ibre in Physical Bdu |in the Eng buildir he of I 1vsid ever. | Mrs. Williamson of Highspire og br 1 Carpenter Daniel vior of * two Brown street hile sgisting in ¥ in. Pi Oh 10 y 8 of Er making repairs to the n on the nase 1 edu . . ogo 1 Browse farm near town, fell from 4, the St the overden and is now laid up, } \ he Ur suffering with a badly bruised body x . h y ho Rev. Groh, a retired U. B. $ S ) a! of eral [preacher who moved here with his i ? ) : in suce | family from Royersford, purchased * ) ) } | . : : I a lot of ground on the corner of + 3 : y ap ; % > 'stvoats i oo seven 1 ni provis Park and M unt Joy treets, and * e fo er a thougand has alrady broken ground for a fine i students residence. A. B. Hambright, wife and —— A Giosmsm— : 3 daughter, are spending this week at + Accepted Challenge Dayton, Ohio, as the guests of «& Charles Pike, of Elizabethtown, Rev. N. I. Linebaugh and Rev. by has accepted the challenge of Chas, ¢. W. Miller, former TU. B. pastors | Flickner, of Allentown, for & pretzel of the churches at Florin and Eliza- | making contest for a purse of $200. pothtown respectively. [§ eet A eer 1 3 i eee tll Cee: Japan has accepted the invita- | : okt tien to participate in the Panama Views of Was ngton | Post-eard series; 100 views in | This | another | alty House, Dept. 4, 1731 N. W., Washington, D. C. | PA. X What the “B. T. Babbitt” Years of Know How Mean To You. B. T. BABBITT, Inc, NEW YORK, U. S. A. Established THE. TALBOT STORES IN LANCASTER Are Located at 154-158 North Queen Street. Goofooleddoriorfdesfonfoofortoofosfintoofecfontnfoesfosfeotroonfecdeficiesfociroforfortentotootedioctooiods shocfortorioete oafpafosfefoairedeafectoridrafonfesfoctorfosfosforfosforforfosfoctorfeciecfesdocfosforfecforfordeed Wo At $3.50, Up og + i oe oe Ld Ne & i of y oe oe n you consider that the worth of the ma d the t l : the } 1 ne l we > su ! nge of 1 to § } \ pri ( 1 1 € ¢ ei celection at & ready to we V have see 1 s for t when vou see the dly go ( § but 1 ues 3 0 e Ss T these ( i De Tr oo is ae Ire } 1 € = n I I h 3 de ] ( € ire W > prettily 1 th ( I d witl A [ 11a be ) 1 g 1 batiste i sleeves, dainty a 5, : ists ] ) 1 3 WHITE PIQUE DRESSES, with the cool heav €¢ and ¢ f e v fc \ } Dutch neck, juare or round embroidered col- A Be 1 i 2 : : ¥ : waists, w sailor collar ar ¢ roide lars Another style is the combination dress with > th coatee waist The c« cuffs and belt % cts $ are trimmed with a ottv bli material. Ne Ww Wash Skirts This assortment of exce ( priced at Ready morrow—tub skirts vomen-— $5.00. ves, ready in full assortme y fabric is intended for tub skirts is I i such as natural limen, white linen, “pique, Bec iford cords, Another group of wash dresses, that compels ratine, white duck and repp. The models are new- admiration lin the lawns, voiles, lv fashioned in all the newest and daintiest styles of this season’s $5.00 to $13.50. Wednesday, May 29, 1912) 1836 Agencies Everywhere re men's Isses’ ash Dress $5.00 and | GREAT SALE OF LINGERIE WAISTS ode 3 Excellent the quality o care displayed im the the high Note To $13.50 de lace est and show the use of buttons In profusion, Prices range from 98c, $1.50, $1.98, $2.98 up to $5.90, When in Lancaster we cordially invite you to use our Rest Room on the second floor—bring your parcels here; we will check them free. made of Perfect- of every woman are ens and Egyptian tissue. models. The prices range from SEPPPPPEEIEPPRPPEE PPE P PROP PPb PPI LEINBACH & CO, 47-49 N. Queen St., hancaster, Pa.