The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 29, 1912, Image 2

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MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, May 29, 1912,
THE BULLETIN Mealy Bugs on Potted Plants |
One of the questions frequently |
ry ro» i
MOUNT JOY, PA. lasked Prof. H. A. Surface, State
J. BE. SOHROLL, Editor & Prop'r. | Haojogiat. o TE ao do YO U NG M E N Li K E TO LOOK
I +}
I . of the household or greenhouse, To
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1 A YEAR |quch an inquiry he has replied as
Six Months 50 Cents follow 6 | 99
Three Months, 23 Cents The Mealy bug is a small, white f=
Single Coples 2 (‘ents or pinkis! oft insect which in aj
Sample Coples FREE PEATAN Ce nd habit most I
ay as second-class mail matter nian pking its lonz pI
All corre dents must have their , e plant, injecting a poisonou — *
cemmunicy ] each this office not ng out h \ lified He He - ! oA
later thin M nd Telephone new! 1 of | 1ctorial in ach ¢ | | EN [TON TO i wi
of imporiance between that time and ¢ ne rowth: of the mt :
12 © ) won Wednesday Chan- al. eR he leaves to turn ba
ges 01 ertisemse 1 I i ' ( ! i particularly —-— . . . . So , '
tively reach this office not later than gon on the coleus and gora: E think they ought to, its important tc young men to
Monday New advertisements os ttack 21most anv } X ;
EE ire ie ee ia [Dotted plant. In fact, this and look as well as they can; looks count. We have
_— plants, Wietier | 0 planned ahead for this so that you'll be sure not to get (just
EDITORIAL old or greenhouse. Tre
r the two is similar EVRA " vical af ert '
ER~ tho nics. Weather’ Euetbers. ce Mealy bugs are suctorlal anything) near good but the best the market affords. Getz y
> re . » ect they can not be killed 1} ) §:4 N
How would it do to discipline that "NY Arsenical spray or poison tha Brothers Style Plus here for young men that you'll like to see
Mississippi River. Get Teddy to give “an be given to them, but must be .
it a lecture Seatvoved Mby eoltact: Insecticides and to wear; the best models ever designed. Drop in to
2 6 % mong le various things recoms-
5 In addition to having President Mie Ndey for its destruction are as see ‘em.
Tait, Cincinnati is now famous for
Hank O'Day 1. Spraying or washing with ver)
8 ay.
cs oo strong tobacco decoction This can
UNIQUE CLOTHES $7.00 to $20.00 b
GETZ BROS., mr ov. renna.
JO) 1 0
One difference is that the late P. Pe made either by steeping tobacco
T. Barnum had three rings into
which he could shy a hat,
5 ss & 2. Make up a solution of soap and
in water, or by buying the prepared
tobacco leaf extract,
water, using one-half pound of soap
in one gallon of water. To this add
four or five tablespoonfuls of am-
Colonel Roosevelt defines a pro-
gressive as ‘“‘a man who works with
his face towards the light. : : . :
- . . monia Dip a soft sponge into the
It is doubtfull if the experiment solution, and wash the plants with
: . 3 9 1 This is als y \S remedy f
of “passing the presidency along This is as the Je eral) tor
: i the Soft scale whatever pls |
will ever be attempted again. 1 f ale on whatever plants it
“= 4% &. 8 may occur.
3. Set the plants into a vessel like
a washboiler containing water as
hot ag the hand can stand, or by
holding the earth in the crock with
one hand, turn the plants upside
Cepyright Hart Schaffner & Marx
By breaing his own leg a motor-
cyclist has reserved the usual order
of breaking other people’s bones.
” . »* »
~ El Vacuum Cleaner
Bargain Price $10
Bug Death
sure and safe remedy for all
a eating pests. Sure because it
kills the bugs and worms. Safe be-
cause it is
ak |
@® ®
After You Are Through |
Experimenting with The Voi han many high priced clean
ers and much more than any other
J t (I d Ki d |cleaner of an equal price.
1s =dS= 00 = 1m It looks like a carpet sweeper—
works like a carpet sweeper—but is
a vacuum cleaner—a cleaner that
Kaiser Bill has imported a pack
of English fox-hounds; but will they
supplant in his affections his dogs of
down in such water, letting them
remain two or three minutes.
{. Dip a finely tipped brush into
pure kerosene or coal oil, and touch
the Mealy bugs with this. One touch |
Entirely opposed to the benevo-
When it finishes the Panama
Canal, the federal government might
try its hand on a channel for the
roving Mississippi.
* * * *
clean, modern, bakery at
Prince and Clay Streets, Lan-
reply was sent to him: Use freely on Rose and Currant
bushes, house plants, Grape Vines, |
Fruit trees and Shrubbery. It kills
potato, squash or cucumber bugs,
“Replying to your recent letter
concerning the destruction of cut-|
: ‘ : : is sufficient to destroy the pests.
lence of the Red Cross society is the . : BUICK A : :
“double cross” movement so active Tune away and burn those parts ANYWHERE FROM $1.00 TO or ig SE 1/50 Rirough
3 de beinice that are worse infected.” { armless LGCOMOBILE oe Pouga.
now in politices. C od : . { $10.59.
5 4 9 » ut Worms on Garden Plants {
A Scientist announces that meat | A correspondent from Blair Co., | FINES™ STOCK LAP to plant or blossom, and will not AUTOCAR AND | i
eaters are more effective than Vero recently wrote to Prof. H. A. Sur-| injure bees, buds or domestic ani- BUICK TRUCKS | &
terians. Yes Jou have Zot to first|face. State Zoologist, Harrisburg, ROBES IN THE COUNTY, mals. on
Sash . . = AP asking for i ‘mati oncern-
catch your possum. Ps, asking fol Into; HHasion concern FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- . Sold strictly on their merits.
whew ing the destruction of cut-worms in| a Smo = ~ Prevents Blight | :
his garden. The following timely = ERYTHING FOR THE HORS You are invited to visit our ®| |
| |
| |
| New 1912 Cars Now Here
worms on your garden plants and
rn, Ei
also liable to destroy your c« currant, gooseberry or tomato
“The man should be above the YET, y a
dollars is the adidetes aphorism beg to say that the best thing to do| oes worms, Delivery—Mondzy, Wednesday
© is 3 Oe Ue 2 © © .- : BH
2 Z Naan Rais _« is to kill them by tl poison mash. 3 3 8 Se Pi
Some men are. They demand as ® ‘© oy he Dosen ma THE BEST ALL ROUND REMEDY pn sud Saturday a LANCASICE All [010 I 0 10
much as $2.50 and $3 Mix about equal parts of bran and| ft WD = T ET H : A : | ! bd
aT 4 middlings, and to about fortv parts ol ON THE MARKET 11111 ‘A SF NTN aR
0 aud ae. tddiings, u about forty par U | E | GARAGE NEVER CLOSED
. a 13 of this, by measure, add one part of =
England’s drink bill in 1911 was 2"! : el ) B. DR.O8 r K
Slafds.t : Paris green, or dry arsenate of|= 250.235 W. King Si. |
$810,000,000 the heaviest on record.
No wonder John Bull thought he .
: : : it well together, while yet dry.
saw a German invasion. ~: 3 :
* * ® Chen
lead, or dry white arsenic, and stir’
ULH The Farmers’ INN ascasmer - » . DENNA
TJ ULL Druggist TE ea Free ho
io8 £ EE Mount Joy | he largest and only strictly frst | SOSA unin
dissolve some coarse brown
The style that makes a practice of |° gar in water, or use old strong - ———
constantly voting one. ‘way is Hable molasses i Wore and Pout runks at Half Price. Gr Bar- = Sunday Hours, 8 to 9 a. m. § to FRANK E LEFEY E p class fireproof garage and repair | This Sows the amontt of solid
: 21 8 118 er » POISO Dre - | i anes o ~ y) | a: hi 1 : 3
to miss some exciting demonstration |€toush ot this over the Doisoh bran gains. On The Squa %16.45 p. m. Al v Jd iy R 49 rop. shop in Lancaster City of County. dirt which the Domestic Junior took
during a presidential campaign. mixture to dampen it. Drop a point = = i | from a carpet which looked clean.
: Eres lof a teaspoonful at each step or two | NANIEEREIAREREREIRRAENRREIRRNSNORATAALARINARENEE | West Main St., MT. JOY, PA. | 4 RN whe bo =e AIl_we ask of any housewife is
: “ +. over vol y en « y fi 1 | a ——0) oye) ) wi 1 hat she give it one fair trial-—pick
“Bewildered man” does not ask °OVer ¥o t ie n or corn field in Bar Well Stocked With All Popular S ® ® u ge the ° give carpet in the Toe
why this season’s fashions for |Places where the pc Ss are most Nu-| pyRLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE Kr all Me at Mai ket Brands of | {and run this vacuum cleaner over
women have repeated those of 1835 | merous. A very small pin 1 plac ed TOWN PROPERTY. | a ae GL | [it then open the cleaner—look at
He would not understand anyway at the base of each plant in the : | WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS mw NTE j | the amount of dirt you got out of
t I stand anyway ' : i | g 4 : ¢ e Bo
* 4 +» | evening will be sure to prevent that | Saturday, June 1st, 1912, | Accomodations for Man and Beast | A A C { ; us pons a Tug | Which you
Te os covlain the remarkal plant from damage by the cut- By virtue of an order of the . : : Bi a : {reolg Vas oiean,
We cannot explain the remarka le ain | Orphan’s Court, the undersigned | { Also Automobile Parties | The undersigned having remodel-| The cost of this wonderful little
silence of George Perkins and Giff “By coring vour corn. field. analy ill offer at public sale on the prem- | BUBE'S MOUNT JOY BEER jed the old Mooney Hotel, adding 2 {vacuum cleaner is just $10.00 and
Pinchot or any other theory than | By: scoring your corn fie alt lises on Church street, in the village | | : 2 |pumber of sleeping rooms, bath, ¢ |is sold to you with the guarantee to
that. thev are too busy writing putting out the poison bran mash in|of Florin, in Mount Joy town ship, 1 always have on hand anything | { | and Piel’s Celebrated New York Ger- | 5 [OW Drepare >d to entertain trans- he perfectly satisfactory in every re-
eh K re “ithe furrows in the evening, you can [the following described real estate: |in the line of Smoked Meats, Ham. | {lent and regular guests. spect or we will refund your money.
‘hecks “ i f 2 ag ¢ : | AI J : ;
: i's ais {kill the cut-worms. Poultry can be TWO LOTS OF GROUND [ Bologna, Dried Beef, Lard, Etec. man Lager on Draught | RESTAURANT Drop card for circular and demon-
J % : {kept from getting it by placing it [situate in the said village of Florin, Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork and | may-15-3m. | in cornection with hotel where he |Stration.
The Chinese populace is awaken- under boards, or by covering it to a fronting 86 feet more or less, On| wutton. Prices always right. | will serve in season. | Have other machines on the same
ing to the fact that it takes more|__. ii. oad i .. | Church streetand extending in depth TTR Y a | principle as low as $8.50.
very sligh pth il. ST; : . h : rn STERS CLAMS y le |
than unanimous hair cut 'to es-|, : BL depen Yi 50 x {of that width 200 feet to a public | Meet Me on the Bridge and We'll oy ds a aa 1s oy amy siyle |
IE © reiblic. an a sreicabis better to put it out in the evening so, alley, adjoining property of Henry | 14 H. KR ALL Have a Plate of the I'URTLE SOV P, Ete. Ete o
Ja 8A ¢ I Bre {it will remain damp. |% Flowers on the East and a public | # Private dining room for ladies. | 3, =, PEFFER
hasis, Rios Woof A Few iE y he Wes The buildings | West Main Street, Opp. Bank, . :
I know of a farmer in Lancaster] alley on the West. The buildings Py |
y m9. leonnty who very effectively cleaned | thereon erected consist of a Two | MOUNT JOY, PA. Best Iee Cream in Town i Agent
i ar i > o se | : . : ; Story Frame Dwelling with Two | 4211 Telephone Fe - | . . SR
An intruder in a Pittsburg House up the cut-worms in his corn field, +e : {== - J. Wr MoS rns, MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
|Story Frame Summer House and |
rded the icers vh 28 Viv lat ’ od |
postharded tie Off dees og sells [Which was growing on sod ground One Story Frame Shop attached. A | Sdvidubdvbdubivivibobiob i iobd bid PROPRIETOR } ; —
after after him wit jam and Jelly. 1 of the previous vear. He is well|Good Large Frame Stable, pig sty | & Sh . 3 : i PI F i
Seeking to preseve his liberty You| ,iisfied with the results.’ [any other outbuildings. The buiid- | HARRY WILLIAMS % American Plan Rates Moderate
see. I ings are all in good repair. There | a +
| —— el 4A ee | . £9 i
ss ® 3 | is a well of excellent water on the | i
ri Y 2 : premises. The property is very|%® BAR th ER i ~ ¢
The political leaders can always Wild Cat Falls Opens Season : gid : oireaenial FERRE
: : The tenth annual BE of the | pleasantly located, in a good neigh- |g ; ;
get together, Why can't the people? Ihe tenth annual opening of thei, ..j.,04 and is well worthy the at-|+# Shaving Massaging clei @
George W. Perkins says that| Wild Cat Falls Club took place Fri-|tention of buyers. There is an 3 Hair Cutting Razors Honed EB. EP 3 . : 5
trusts are a blessing. Sure 100k | day at the famous re sort along thejabundancs of fruit such as grapes, 3 Shampooing Toilet Waters & =T 2 = LLE RS BS TRADE-MARKS and ¢ its obtained or no 6 Mount Joy, Pa. J
what they've done for George. { Susquehanna, and the attendance of Des 05 Dlums on View tie Bren it Singeing Shaving Soaps aH Can y EE eas 0 An =f i
members ar guests was verv larce. | 2rSOns wis g ie > 1 £ Mlavors a Times. | HE patentability. 2 Ss expe ce. M 4
* » * * ik mbe rs and gue sts was very large. ises prior to day of sale will please | % Special Prices to Parties Festivals, | 3 hae ad ont stay ip fe NEW Bookie, s J. 5 Backenstoe, Pro. 4
5 z s » music was furnishe r Asyon’s | os rency F lk ; > S > Te atent information {help you te L
A New York Golfer drove his ball| The music was furnished by Asyon’s|.a1} on the premises. 5 Agency For Elkhorn Laundry i Ss Ete ? | & forme. D PACES 11 ant 1% Let : ; Ho | oiees hy oN
Rivace. cnhachs re 3. | - ~ 7 | : ors, Etc. = € and 12 before applying
so bard that it hit a tree, rebounded | Prass orchestra, of Columbia. At 3 Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P.|% Opp. First National Rank uppers READ PAGES, 11 and 12 be plying ff | J
‘el Kk ‘ rE is realkfas Ws AT xX: . > g r JAR IN J INN A h N | | 7 +
and put his eve out. Should re-| © clock a cats h breaks; st was | M. on Saturday, June i, : 1912, when 3 VIOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA Mrs. C. H.Zeller | SET Go. Has just been remodeled thruout.
member that it is the rule to keep! erved, and in the afternoon a Jie rms AR conditions will be made | Fb Earietts Strect MOUNT JOY. 0B & Yus aVl podorh conveniences sue
blanked che : 4 tas an ide nown by | ? Y v z x
your eye on the ball, not vice versa. | Planked shad dinner It was an id id CHRISTIAN L. NISSLY | : as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam
» 8 ss dav, and the opening was the bhig- DLAI, le AVION | TH AS Z RY LER | Heat, Electric Light, Ete.
M ti Tet tf t th t| gest and most successful in the his- Executor of Eli L. Flowers, dec. | abba Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. |
eantime let us not forget that thea 4 ae 0 18.8. Vosgle, Auct. . =e et lana ic § : re
American mining kills aBout three] tory of the club Oliver Sheaffer, Atty. REAL ESTATE AND W. M. HOLLOWBUSH i Table is Supplied With the Best FY
: | ee I | Tv] MUSSER THE RAR
hundred working-men every year, spi | INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC GS NUMER THR DARER the Market Affords
ivalent of Titanic trage-| ‘There is ‘more Cat arrh in this se - | v o — ! : : : sii
the equivalent of two Titanic trage-| € : For Sate | Ea. Main St., Mount Joy Attorney-At-Law ad vs
dies and no great fuss is made over i‘resh Bread and Cakes Delivered
Several good Building Lots front-
them. g 95 feet on South Barbara Street, | Calling and Clerking of Public Sales £8 West Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. through town daily
Bis 0 atly £: cribe: d : § a sid seal | Mount Joy and extending In depth of | Settlement of Estates. Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri-| fresh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey Also Lunch Counter
Woodrow Wilson perceived the| ence nas proven Cat oh jpegrant orl: | that width 154 feet. There is a good Collection of Rents. day at No. 52 North Duke Street | Buns every Wednesday & Thursday. | Where Soups, Sandwiches, Cheese,
advantage in a candidate being Sutional cisy SL tore requires | stable on these lots that could very Surveying and Convevancing. oT > — Funerals, Weddings and Suppers Tripe, Oysters in Every Style
his own advance agent, but did not| Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & | easily be converted into a double Terms Moderate. Bell Telephone. given prompt attention Etc, Ete., are served
put the idea into effect with any- Co. "Toledo, Ohio, is the omy Coase iwelling. For further particulars 60 YEARS’ CHARLES S. FRANK Store & Bakery, West Main Street | cess
Mount Joy, Pa.
i i i y | ternally in doses from 10 drops to a tea- 1 to Lewis Seeman, Mount Jovy.
thing like the vigor Mr. Roosevelt] spoonful. It acts directly on the blood apply oy
has displayed. and mucous surfaces of the system. They ee etl Aes
ov & ‘3 » | offer one hundred dollars for a case it
| fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes-
By [limiting presidents to one| Hmonials. : Helps a Judge in Bad Fix Prompt Attention given to Sales of y
» F | Address: F. J. CHENEY & €O., Toledo, O. i i MEN z
term of six years the presidents of Sold Font Bde hioy 75¢. ° Meee DA. Shen. oma ; | Real Estate and Personal Property. DR. J. CLEMENT JENKINS | 29303
r | 311" ills f i , > 3 da = & Reference: i 3 3 \ :
this country will be able to preserve | 2850 Hail's Family Bie tor sonst pation. bad sore on his leg had baffled sev- Traoe Marks | Reference: Jonas L. Minnich. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ‘Good Stabling Accomodation
its dignity and give much more] : era! docters and long resisted all | pesiens - - - — 530-532 Woolworth Building
efficient service to the country od Were at Gettysburg jSemeaiss WL mouglt i Wal & ean Ageing paket En on PISA — Lancaster, Pa. | Local eed Long Distance Telephones
Mes . New Tr, arry ’ | yulekly ascertain our opinion free whe Al :
at the present time. Messrs. James 3 en Phe 4 Harry | Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and was | it in is probably AE ble Com MADAME AY FRENCH FE ci Office Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m.
Gey { Carpenter, Arthur Schoe {completely cured.” Cures burns, | oo, Oldest sioner tor secure patents. | | PILLS. Sunday and Other Hours oLD Dit. THEEL & DR. W. L. THEEL
London and Berlin are soon to be! Shonk accompanied a crowd of F.|pojlg, ulcers, cuts, bruises and piles. | HL Ty inthe { Bl A Sues Crary Rune ji Sopra Now earl ‘ By Appointment | 2 Susi! ioeden St. (ormeriy $35. un
almost as close neighbors as New|& M. Academy students to Gettys- |25 cemts at S. B. Bernhart & Co. | "Scientific Am erican. | § AEE SAI Ae orn Sone prepaid Sok Pacnes Sarit, The German Treatment, tho only
a ' wh, re be r Aut es Fi . ra io d i | can’t Cure, all use Lt A worse than
York and Chicago. The newest burg on Saturday, -- A Batdlaomaly iHustratcd waekly. TAFE: ci rien zotioved. Samples res, If sour druggist doss net Rud tem Sell Lan. 9041 Sin & Prinses Nacll, is a curse of humanity AR
Jrain and; host sehedules will bring ———— Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Buligtin, vant: Tour moRtne. $i. Sold by all Trea UNITED MEDICAL CO., BOX 74, LANCASTER, PA. Jf : 4 ne i a BL Lost Manhood, Drains, Atrophy,
‘them within nineteen hours of each! Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin MUNN 2 Co. 3618r0n sroadway. NEW York A — - ‘ oe] | go eg Taney hide Mydrossies Rupture & Sirtsturs
& by the of Holland route. | Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin.| Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Branch Office. 625 I* St. Washington, D. C. Sold WD. Chandier & Ca. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Builatin. | Ft lemeny. Book Free, delle ll, poring Huson
Sy Ae Frauds.
» >