- REE RTETE ERROR ERR RE will will line. ’ine 20 to New kron, town Lan- thru letin [axes eady [axes bate cent, mber 11 be st, § rete. will es of ring and lence and unty THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY. PA. Wednesday, May 22, 1912, Qa Trade. (Members Chicag o Board of Trade) BROE ERS A BUILDING, Chestnut and 15th Sts., PHILADELPHIA HKS—BONDS— INVESTMENTS 2 MINUTES To any Grain Market in Americs jgadh 220-226 Woolworth Bldg. belong to father. | cents in postage. ——e— Don’t live in the past but live in the future—but not so far in the fu- | Binkley, jr., |noon Saturday ture to overlook the present. | Ly jin another stable in Mountville, {three squareg from the Binkley Recently we had a Mother's day | static. The horse showed signs of but thank goodness the nights still having bee driven pretty hard. | was stolen from the stable of Henry Who took thle team is unknown. Stolen Team Recovered Friday night a horse and carriage in Mountville. About the team was found A GREAT RECORD att. Thomp Graded Schools, Statesville, & , writes: Dr. 8. M. Devore, Raven Rock, W. Va., writes; «* They give universal satis. faction.” Dr. H. D. MeGil, Clarksburg, Tenn., writes: “In a practice of 23 years, rT have found no re ‘medy to equal yours.” Prick, 50 Cxxrs, Samples Free. Sold by Druggists. mapTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, PA, PILES x: sii they do all you claim for them.’ Sold in 1 Joy by E. W. Garber asd W. D. Chandler ~&C Cali for free sample. ™ I i a a | HOME HEAI'TH CLUB The Week In Grain Even The Mule Knows SIN Nomplled for the Mount Joy Bulle- : 3 [By Dr. David Reeder, La Porte, Ind. | (1; at Mount Joy, Pa, by Wm. L. | Hard to Duplicate it in Mount Joy: I yo! where the best feed comes from. ‘ear & Co., Pennsylvania Building, | + The best way to get them by our Give Yourself a Chance With the iladelphia, Pa,, by D, B. Lehman Scores of representative citizens | 3 y y Sun Muanuger, Woolworth Building, Lan E Mount J i testify . for 4 store is to buy some feed An eminent authori | id Penna ‘ WLLIEY, of hy 5 ¢ { ing or + A room that does not get some sui Phila, Pa., May 20, 1912 Doa IK y I Such a record 3 TRY IT shine is not fit to live in, ind this \ downward movement, at times | ¢ | ‘ lor t 18 unequalled 3 : | is precisely true If you have ch } 4 1 it } v } l 1 me | public tate . | i It enough to give Lie I : “al ogo ry A 0 vour ho ol or | : : 3 If they balk then its because they '°V!s 1 : } for ear forced selling was the | ment de by a citizen is but of ¥ C t h G ” T 3 v ome other purpose than t of liv : : ili ag A e o ca + nt more Our feed Is not an ex- i n the | l ] thir | 2 nd 3 -0nN Inu Ng 3 e; it is simply an investment he , end ma ’ * r CO \V ’ po ; er re mproved | 1 3 ale YOO m ~ our stock will grow better and do vor y I | Mount > Cc i al Ce Sale of O en S i 2 3 e | ' y { | n of — . } a 3 } 3 / oe 1 1 a dig y | # fo) S o* 3 5 and Children % » 8 mn Mr ES. MOORE $ alle Fe BY h Fond 4 3 S | - y { rea 0 ( we NS ec + } 1 | n “w Ap Pc Ir +* \ 1 . ’ Deal er In 1 ea 1 Ivan 3 ) of oe ’ io 1.7 Ra 001d 1 med 1 V1 an (§ At 1-3 to 1-2 Below Regular Price i Yoal, Lumber, Grain 7 RE be ache sh oo gh : ; : : ' 4 I the marke 0 a + “oa y As TLITR eI, ral ” : t in th rec I lvertised I - eve tl le to be the greatest money-saving event in % oo of v n t Il the more vulner- ¢ to et at 1 and |g 1 o-wear apparel ever inaugurated For every garment offer- «+ n i 4 3 & try ar I t s and l¢ Cove horts furnished : 0 De Drug | & ed is new, clean and of standard quality, taken from our regular & . 9 families live, it al he treme and forced tore 1 first few doses helped | op ock and irked a third to a half less than the regular, for no % ! Feed, Hay, Straw, Slate, Salt, Cemen it would hing to put in d 1 Wetter avidly as * ; + ; rey the Ven odel recove Coarse grains e and | ew better rapidly as I 3 other reason than to effect a quick clearance. One thing I ore w ( nprove the ven- : : eqs = - —e ee Ln 1 in the eakness o> STOW- mtinued their use I am today in more, we wish to remind v » swine is st g > oi and Fertilizer tilation The exercise of weakness, good grow hotter Taalth Lone tia hay ve * 1s, We ren ind you that during this sale, as always, we ; v little n on your part, or ing weather over the w and de- | Pelle ealth tha ave been ra + shall rigidly maintain our well-known store policy of absolute : the wa e of an expert would often clines in wheat, encour: liberal | long time, thanks to Doan’s Kidney 3 truthfulness in stating values 3 show how this could be done in 5 : Y ud Pills Statement given October 26 A large stock of Feed constantly on hand. Highest cash price pald | jiiici1t cnces lquidation in all pits 1907 el! : Te ' 3 3 1 co. 3 While crop conditions have doubt- hh { ; 3 > But. you say, it would be too ex- I g ux : ‘op * Tailored Suits I for grain pensive. No, friend it would be the less improved south and west of the A Lasting Effect i i best sort of economy. The money Mi souri, the Ohio valley district has | Mrs. Conrad was interviewed on [of \ great, all-embracing variety from which any woman may & for [Redicine and Hocus bills Pgs been less fortunate, and our reports | January 29, 1910 and she said: “I 3 make her choice, m fabric, style and color, to meet her exact I Estimates on Lumber and Mill Work a Specialty S019 Do ved nd ey from thence are more extreme than jam glad of an opportunity to re-en- | § needs Serges, Whipcords, Bedford Cords, Worsteds, Checks, + shine necessary to good health. Be- heretofore, as to the extent of dam- |dorse Doan’s Kidney Pills. My |§ Stripes, Silk and all the new Mixtures, in black, browns, tans, navy, : sides you would have the health aze It is now just as popular to | health. has been of the best since I I grays, creams, etc, at savings ranging anywhere from one-third tT I PE N Which is worth more than all yous dismiss all idea of crop loss, as it | took this remedy two years ago.” '% to one-half and more on odd lots. i A 2) arnings, an you woul p 3 | N xf 5 y 0 o p Bn | FLOR N. N . oa Haan otras he loss that Vas a fortnight ago to assume that | ¥or sale by all dealers. Price 50 : &* < lity 1 OLIERE k sis X ip ’ ; vy toi | cents Foster-Milburn Co New | ¥ . . . oe fliness brings. the entire wheat yield was a failure. | © ; "mired |§ 29 Tailored Suits at $5, Until To-dav # — - - In your kitchen. if you see cling- Both ideas are extreme, just as both | York, sole agents for the United | Le ’ o 3 i r ailing s : 3 . i ‘ | @ 4 4 YOU WILL GET TEN CELEBRATED ing, to the ceiling, spots, here and price movements have been. Crop | States. + Were $12.50 to $25 + ¢ there, of shaggy scot, know Has losses developed in April, but the Remember the name—Doan’s— |¥ I ¢ this is grease evaporated on the : te us and take no | Styles that are quiet, refined and smart, in mixtures, hairlines (S & H Tr din Stam , 7 : : ry he y + Lie T : p | 4 {with EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF COAL PU R i ge hasteria, Day by jo is natural, and the decline, while ab- Joseph Brandt, proprietor of the | $12 50 t $18 50 Suit $7 50 + 3 ‘ this collects and increases. a lors : iv nod 1. CHASED FOR CASH AT gather about cracks, other openings 'Pt, was justified. But the crop La Pierre House, was given a hear- | " 0 y ults ” ge Be £ ¢ Ss, 8 y iro ga Hin : a a & y and flues; it permeates in lesser outlook is not good, and price natur- | ing before Justice Lutz of Columbia. Kd Another lot of Misses’ and Small Women’s Suits; sizes 14, 15, + 3 $ ’ ’ F H Baker S degree the house, parlor, bedrooms ally becomes the chief consideration. He was charged with assault and IX 18, a few 38 and 40, in smart mixtures and worsteds: navy black + and all, and makes for the house- apbiv Aviat a , ’ attery. atte 3. 7 PY 2 sel- ? ? y A : ’ d ' 5 wife an Sverlains fieht. From all “I active market should follow, and | battery, atte pted robbery and sel- | ® am and cream hairlines. Choice, $7.50. 3 hi; { a L 8: ght. : . afford good trading turns as a more |ling liquor to an intoxicated person. | ¢ 1is comes odor. ave you not of- . m hid . Bil we hark COAL and oh sores oy And anu Dot Of normal price level is reached. | The prosecutor was Edward Shorb, | 5 $16.50 to $22.50 Suits, $10 2 observed it more in darkened houses ——— — of Marietta : + ¥ LUMBER YARDS where the sun never comes? And Shorb said that he went to |e So many good-looking stylish Suits at this price that it is im- oe : : : ’ Te Chie iy fie : oo : : y have you not heen atiesiel pi Automobile Club's Rapid Growth | Brandt's hotel about two months |& possible to describe any particular model, but all are new, up to * Sy tr og 40 Ss Rot Ten new members were elected |ago, and that the proprietor as- | ¥ minute in fabric, styles and color; and all. have been regularly * Mount Joy, Penna Bot this SOiLion oavils the Botiee by the Lancaster Automobile Club at [saulted him, knocking him down, | 3 $16.50 to $22.50. Now $10.00, + : g f xists, 2 50 a. SG ine hon . of 3 . : Va i OF soul and bodv. its regular May meeting held on causing his left leg to be broken. He | : Sot. sud 8 s always on is unhealthy for sou ) 2 : : | oh i Bele agent for Congo Roofing. Yo. 1 Cedar hinges a A pg To drive away the odors, wash Friday evening at Hotel Wheatland, | was confined to the Lancaster Gen- | ¥ Children’s Coats * i , Mou S 1 ite. . . : y yi i s on. + Also Siding, Flooring, Sag ’ oop y: HINA nas i < ’ . walls and air and sun the rooms. If Lancaster, Dr, Wm. A. Wolf, presid- [eral Hospital for six weeks as the | He Agents for Alpha Portland Cement. Also Roo ng Slate : you cannot give them sunshine, give ing. The club at this meeting took | result of the accident. He further | o $3 Coats now $1.95. + estimates Quickly and Cheerfully made on all kinds Building Material them more frequent washings and steps to erect warning signs on the | stated that he had been given liquor [ of $5 Coats now $2.93 + tes ; C < § SIgns state nat ) ad been give ( "e dace Pir (ft) e No. 833. Opposite Old P. R. R. Depot more fresh airings, and when you op . . he Ba. ye I ARE oh Telephone No PPOs » build a house, see to it that it is con- Much traveled roads of the county | while intoxicated, and that an at- $6.75 and $7.50 Coats now $ 3 structed to gather all of God's at dangerous curves. Charles M. |tempt had been made to rob him. | $8.00 and $10.00 Coats now I bright sunshine that it should Reiling, chairman of the Good Roads The attempted robbery charge + EE —————— 2 S P R 1 Diralty have ond dak is a gredt sammittes reported many improve- | was dismissed, but Brandt was held | ¥ + ee ae - of 3 : 9 7 ments to city streets and country nder $300 ) ippearance | oe _- 3ut how can it be secured? We J : 1 for 1} appearance g p 4 : I re et ry Tonle and waged tore the Toni [or mn oor oon or ts armniane | Corner Square and E. Ring Sts, 3 and made a study of it-—a hi - the club never to forget that oth- | to a I 10 the other two charges | 2 bai idediededeiodohaeioott diedhe iis tie dil. etl dats th at ah LUA AC & thority on thi subject people on the road have their ahi ddd didi BL ddl oa SB 0 E i % : . P1 ¢ y Y 0 that the 1 be re ed Day ! Ext SE \viti Business Cr A AT I HL ETE = —— Born solos und Da - tT will on : 4 ? onl of ‘eit . ; ; : . ; eke Abi 3 he ; ; 0a Di AR YOU ) OF HATS.AND C APS FOR SPRING IS COMPLET] { ) ES } . nd Hats for all 1 for all tastes . s I he city fr } lect, and none tter To 8g 3 - : - x But, above all, DON'T GET A PAIR OF CHEAP GLASSES, that 4 0. B. C. Rheems Man Aids Shut-in tients to be Cut Down 1 al { Lrg X “WILL DO FOR NOW.” They will bother you constantly and * The first thing to do in case of In answer to an a 1] of the mi - rT tal Tiosnhan: ¢1 i al Z & % may injure your eyes permanently. * | Eczema is to correct the died. Avoid Shut-in Society publish The [ol 2 } Youn on amber ne 3 ofe : i ‘rich and fried foods, sauces and ; 3 ebanon has bought 1,800 acres : } f ls, sal t orth American last 1 oP t tivahar bo oIvaing } Dj I i i gravies, particularly avoid oatmeal, N Kpravhill of Sant 54 on nd east of Mt. Gretna to BELL PHONE : ; i An foo Rilbint dis aahid . PY Cold Spring, and extending south- : agg ~~) tea and coffee. Tiocdnvy NY Dross ou i PIROSH & 5 & i Heat some vingar and dilute it In sday, and expressed the hope | wardly to ne ar Hull's Tavern, on the | & with water proportion to the ca- that others would aid, | Lebanon-Lancaster county line, of | Mount Joy, Penna. Jewelers and Opticians 20 North Queen Street. % pacity cf the pe tien) for Saduenes Mr. Kraybill sent $1 to The North | Archbald Rogers of New York This g|0f smarting. If the patient is a American for the vounz man suffer- | Zima ; : : Next Door to Shaub & Co. Shoe Store I strong man or woman, the heated : a ~°" |involves practically all the market- - % vinegar may be applied in strong 'M& from bone tuberculosis Who | aple timber of the Colebrook estate. ARE LL 1 ) LAN CASTE RB, PEN N A. I solutions, the application being Wants a wheel chair, and a like There tire three tracts. One of al a ar wa om of ld : ae made with a soft rag or sponge. amount each for the 12-year-old | dahd. aaa 5 Gia w REFRIGERATORS AND ICE CHESTS ol ejesferiooirefocioefroireierde Moisten the surface that is affected | oi ; ; rk M0 | thousand acres extends from the Moisten le sur ace 3a $ affect girl shut-in who is trying to raise | boundary of the Mt. Gretna U. B. | ® Thirty-five styles, in eight ieading makes, at a guaranteed @& This application should be made money. i ! i ke: 1] Shue s = = twice a day, followed by an applica- | f° OT © Hammock; the S-year | camp grounds to Cold Spring along |@ saving of 15 to 25 per cent. = | tion of pure olive oil or almond oil, jold boy who needs a Fredericke the C. and L. railroad and thence | @ We undersell every one else on Refrigerators and Ice Chests, - 0) EE) TYE 6 0 ly 07 Sill better § siive galisq Besinol, She and the woman who wants to | sonth to near Hull's Tavern. A force | g because of our Bigness in the line. = £ y 3 early ery "ugeges as ake ¢ ri Sg i : : iw . dafricers vn \ Yhest is guar: trict] 10 » This has helped in a good many tke a trip to Chestnut Hill. of fifty men will be put to work in a Every Refrigerator and Ice Chest is guaranteed strictly scien En le’s Furniture Warerooms cases when other treatments have Baw . three saw mills converting the tim- tific in principle, with seasoned hardwood cas and heavily insu- ® 4 = failed. A New Pest { ber into shingles and laths. ® ated with best material. This #asures great saving in ice and ®W = dear Doc *- ‘ . ; | a mes in srfect safety i preserving f 8. MOUNT JOY, PENNA B Sp oe tor i ndanchier, 8° vears Some farmers complain about a | WW @ perfect safety in pr ing foods ° = 01d, is bothered with boils. Are | ew pest in hay fields, a worm about | Notice, Sir Knights = See our Special Refrigerators for $16.75 worth $24.00; in our ® EE B | ihey caused from poor blood or do a half inch long, large in the middle | All members of Florin Castle, No. |g middle window. " MB ® do they zoe Jom 2 germ from outs ind tapering at both ends. It works {13, A. 0. K. of M. C. of Florin. Pa.. 7 B wm cide, and what kind of soap is best 1 x : : | 3 1 t ni i 4 he e Ve 1i or varie 00D HOMEMADE FURNITURE A SPECIALTY a a aa oe I ¢ on the leaves of the clover, filling 1 requested to be present at their Fa I I 1 1 riety 2 UPHOLSTERING DONE TO ORDER o : ? wg | then with holes, and has more of a | next meeting on Thursday evening | ol these lustrous ell- § 188, more 1 e STERING a = a0 1 hankering for clover than for timo- | Ma 23, at 8 o’clock there is | 1 2 n £ Apply directly to the boil powder- Fortunately the lance of | special bu to transact. 0 ! I hundreds ¢ pattern are x — Ret 2 od fenugreek 3 the form of 1 poul- in" th S has caused such | H. 3 Buller. 8. XK. ( 1 y 51 red Ori A » fhe » and > Jhtorially t 30 Le ywih « h ass that the ra | IK BS jesi WW eve color 3 elements, S ia and Na Sulph. al- ! Poplar Lumber for sale im lots to suit the purchasers = mer ; “ f the wo n not un | | uy " D r doses. e first should be i uj x BRT as end on WDD F239 SF 23 w? L SZ pon 3 terns Bling 4 fis Be Br . oni the procession y WY esternne:s o Ee X QD ™M vers Ee . 2. con ea 3 125-131 East Ki LANC ASTER, PA. © - 1 - at a i. | 15 ood : { Hl #7 # RC TEST . . al? A : | Shaving Haly Cutting | r 14 += - \ ( Xn | EE SE 50 WPT WE Emr os 30 Ne A Undertaking and Eatiming 0 ker Earl | : a from the blood and ase 7s Joseph B. Hershevw edeiodeforderteded sdesfeefesfeedoodenfeedentonfoodofosofocfeoiontonfonfonfeaforfefeofoodoosfoofoosfondesdontosfuntesfocente- urge Joep " mr me rom the condition of the 1Wa } rasl | 1000 1 EEE 1 B re ) . HN ] 3 : ] { - - i Bm Keep the skin active, do not ass and an investigation showed To nsoria P arior THE PE Ii B i " _.. seem as em ———————— [overe it and do not allow constipa- that the large French plate : A OF LE’ S LA 2 5. E : = tion ies hei ast Mazin St, MOUNT JOY "Ail readers of this publication are front of his place of business was & GRANITE WORKS HE GRAIN HOUSE OF THE EAST | at liberty to write for information broken. The loss will be $100. Three Chairs. No Waiting 2 Nh - ertaining to the snbject of health | Persons breaking windows s ' : : SEL i ———— AEE: ESTABLISHE!' 1897 I any time. Adress all communica- etl but on 1 2 hould be Agen for the Middletown Steam Now is the time to order Cemetery work for Spring at big reduct- [tions to the Home Jealth Club, La = Se i ¥ ™ ton broken for printers | ranndry. Goods called for Tuesday fons. Satisfaction guaranteed. IAM 1. BEAR & CO. | Porte, Indiana, U. S. A., with name | they should be lynched. and delivered Friday Sure days at Elizabethtown, from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays. land address in oe and at least four > ea + I 3 + Hy i = OPPOSITE S. G. HERSHEY'S STORE, PARK STREET. Ind. Phone 610D., Elizabethtown, or 728B., Maytown. J. H. KEENER, Prop’r. Works and Offices : Maytown and Elizabethtown CHARLES W. OOBLE Mgr., Eli oa a,