The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 22, 1912, Image 6

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Automobile Buyers!
& Here is a Splendid Collection of Cars For You to Select From =
, w
+ Reo, R. C. Hupp, Premier, Firestone |
. Columbus, Velie. Oakland. .
= a
nx "
- “
b *
® “
- "
= mn
w .
= "
= n
” We are also in position to quote you on delivery trucks and
» carry a variety of second-hand cars. Do not fall to look them over B
- Also carry the largest stock of auto supplies In this end of the
= county.
We have just closed a contract for ofl which enables us to
= sell you oil at wholesale prices in quanities of five gallons and ®
» upward. We have been using this oil for four years and know pg
a it to be good. Your patronage solicit. d n
a a
« Landis B Rh
= Lanais YOS., eenls. =
foefocer! foefordeole ad
C6 ov . 3 - o . 8 we
Spring Offerings of Slightly
- * 99 he
Used Pianos 3
$700 Chickering Grand, $3 $37
+ Beautiful Ebony case, carv- 1 3
1 ed legs, a fine instrument oo
best value ever offered. This 8300 Gilbert Pian 5
i piano came from one of the |
4 finest homes in the city. : al Cas extr
$500 Hardman Upright, $300 ne Pal :
Handsome Mahogany case. Knabe & Gaehle Square Piano,
Artistic. designed Panel. Good || 850 3}
Standard Make Piano, will Walnut Case. 5 1.3 octaves,
ast ifetime +
last a lifetime. | just the Piano for beginners. oh
$550 Player Piano, $400 | Let us mail you catalogue
Clariola Make. Fine Burl || of our new Pianos. Largest i
Walnut Case. || stock, best variety, fill out the
$15 worth of Music, Bench || coupon below, and we will i
and Scarf. Good value at || gladly send catalogue and i
$400. i rms of new and used Pianos. x
a— i
“ ’e
LD ~
J “a ° o>
16 and 18 West King St., LANCASTER, PA. ¥
d - 5
Please send me catalogue of your Pianos, also terms and j
Prices, without obligations to buy. 3
NAME .......... eaten sais fe tresina eres i
ADDRESS .............. is ea +
die iio odode odode goood dood fodedefododeos bd dots
is the only kind I sell—Furniture that 18 Furniture
Rockers Mirrors Hall Racks
Picture Frames Ladies’ Desks
Extension & Other Tables, Davenport
. China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets
In fact anything 1n the Furniture Line
Undertaking and Embalming
All Xinds Concrete W ork
All Styles and Colors
— Porches, Columns and
Door and Window Sills and
: Lintles, Chimneys,
Retatler of the Best
Grades of Cement
For Our Heroes |
whe died that we might live, we
hevor this noble holiday. And im
honer of the day we have set a
»' price om our fine shoes which will
appeal to every man, woman and
ohild, im blaek, and save them
money besides. (This is real holiday
ear, with style, Bt, eemfors
and {wear. Only $1.50 to $3.50 per
pair] Come and choose.
W. Main St, Mount Joy, Pa. |
What Shwilkey Siumblesock Has To
Say This Week,
A \
Grawd we de Polly shunt long ga-
bruffatzied hut. Ich hob mich nuch
nuch om end in druvvel g'shoft mit
mina brief shriva, De Betz Grill
un der Bully Schnellkeffer hen mere
ga-draid mich tsu womsha, un em
ledshta Dun nershdawg is es ob
cooma. Du waisht ich bin shunt en
oldter mon, des consht du saena on
da rudsla in mime g'sicht, un even
we ich yung ware hen olsfart my bae
tsu feel gadenked for mich ga-
garrebed greega. Der ledsht knock-
down os ich g'hot hob wore mit der
Sex-foos Bets ivver em house-butza,
awver ich hob net feel bracktis
greeked ous sellem wile se oll de ar-
Iver ga-do hut Ich
amohl net in shtride cooma
ich 1 1 selver ea ¢ n
0 he 1 )
\ 1
1 J il h wort
fun de uxa tzu l 'sprunga
nn der Bill er noch Are )
lone net tzurick cooma un deshut
my mawga ols shlimmer m !
un ich hob olla ga but widder anes
ob gapetzed on der schwartza bnd-
dle Bis der Billy tzurick cooma is
wore ich ordlich good how come you
so. un ivver dem is der Billy Shnell-
keffer ons wartz house cooma un
hut aw grawd aw g’fonga mit mere
dishbhadeer Es hut mich net long
ea-numma far ene en lingner haesa
un sell wore grawd wos are hut wel-
la. anvhow es naixtx os ich ga-wist
hob ich anes nuff der shawl g’hot os
es shtarna g'floga sin Eg hut mich
mot g'mauched in da onee, awver
‘a un
es naixt os jer Billy ga-wi hut
uff der link awk
ich bin uff mina shtelsa ga-bliv
hov ich eme anes
raiched og are nnichs fee ni ca-
rulled is un hut gablart os we en
varich kolb Des hut anes fun da
uxa farshrecked un are kicked naiva
nows un dreft der Billy about en
tzoll on a holva unich der novvel, Es
hut ene tzomma ga-dubbled os we
ene oldt sock-messer un hut finf
mon gnumma far ene uff maucha.
Der Johnny Sollakupper fs dertzoo
cooma un hut grawd en wornd rous
greeked far mich reshta. Gli hen
ge mich far em ’Shquire Lawbuck |
e'hot, un in wennicher os finf min-
nutta hen se dri charges gaega mich |
ond—Assganlt and battery with in-
tent to hit him on the eye.
9rd Ageravated assault and bat-
tery with intent to kick him by an
| ox.
Ich hob ene g’sawt ich ware net |
reddy far trial shtanda wile ich un |
| der Billy unser rinstee hame driva
mista un der ’Shquire Lawbhuek hut
mich released uff bail bis my trial ob
coomed Tech hob ken geld tsu
ghpenda far en lawyer. Wons ob
gaed harsht do nuch mae derfun,
wile ich tzale my agency plea tsu
maucha Der Billy Schnellkeffer is
der hame in bed Si aned awg is
schwartz un bloe un si wind is nuch
net oll tzurick woe der ux ene go0-
kicked hut Are is in da sama um-
ghtenda os der boo owre os em aisel
si hinner bae ga-kitzzeled hut mit
ma shtrow-holma Der aisel hut
ene dorrich de wedder bearding on
der shire ga-kicked un we si dawdy
ene uff ga-hova hut don hut are
e’'sawt: “My leeves kind, du warsht
in dime laeva so shae os du amohl
! worsht, awver du husht feel mae
. EL
A Fourteen Year Old Boy Won First
\ Prize in State Contest
Hugh Sappington, fourteen year
old eighth grade pupil of Clarks-
bure. has won the first prize of $100
in the State spelling contest He
misspelled fourteen words. Seventy- |
saven pupils of rural schools at-
tempted to spell 200 words for three
cash wizes.
The Sappington lad misspelled
abacus, ukase, jardiniere, appetence,
araneous, dehiscence, defecate, syn-
ovial, apostolicity and dalliance in
the oral test, and in the written con-
test misspelled knout, rouging,
eapital city and characteristios.
Duluth {is to have a penal farm
where its drunkards and other weak
eitizens will be assisted to reform.
Duluth’s work im this field will bear
eareful study.
You have a right to your own re-
ligious amd pelitieal fof smd the
other follow has just muoh right
to Nis. : |
BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, May 22, 1912,
Started With @ Rousing Send Off
The most extraordinary Millinery Sale ever inaugurated in the city of Lancaster. Crowds and
crowds of the most delighted shoppers are carrying away the great “Apt & Co.” stock, and no wonder—
any one person in the great throng will say— this sale offers the most wonderful values they've ever had
opportunity to buy. Even though the saving advantages are so very remarkable, the great response was
far bevond our expectation, and great lots are melting away like so much snow in May. Counters were
Eo EEE EERE Rees fesse fee
piled high at the time of the Opening of the sale and it kept quite a force of stock keepers to replace lots as
were sold The stock is so enormous that our selling space is not suflicient to display everything and
h day will find an almost entire change of sale items.
Odd lots and small lots will chang rices quickly, and the new prices will be so small that they'll
a very short notice; these lot 1 some lively picking as they'll be some of the most sensa-
L y
® 1 rin the sale. Come ¢ 1 f what vou want isn’t n sale today perhaps it will be to-
1 { y ¥ > ¢ aVave 6é IY 1 y ’ y ® TY ow
cy N 477 £9 v f = b 34 Ed #1 2 fr vey, 1 PND Pe
J u nd A J . hn i aL wd A deed PAY AN 8 hs SC WA WN be? WANS TN
hb inel yecean
1 ons ut
E ¢ The unfavoral } ) t lly w 1e Milli vy busi-
= ¢ did not con in so pt & former A501 0 te yacking ig
» n [ Ha I I nd otl I t the ¢ 1 fo fillin
= -eorders, they agreed to leave us have the entire stock at a fraction less than 50c¢ on the dollar.
NN Ct wv. snd 1 . I: sow a . 66 - & os - ~ Viilli
« We Are Now Disposing of The Great "Apt & Co. 13,000 Millinery
-r y $
<< v.} C3 on { NC * 1.7 ~ : 11 1f
H STOCK savings m\veradging a u a
~ a ~
WW emacs eae I a
- = GR am .
o Continuation ) ifacturer’s Sale of
a & a &a wb = ak y @
WwW ma 7 ga ; fe. 0 SP 5 1 ¢
be Oi Sik po Chd Bd CI fe > But? Bia db Bo oud
An occasion such as this onl ome o the wide-awake store; the store that is ever watchful, on the
nd knows how to serve its patrons as they have a right to be servedi—that’s why we were success-
ful in obtaining this great sample line of Women’s Suits, We make it a point to gather in every line of
merchandise that we consider good, if the price is such that will save money for our patrons and help us to
retain our reputation for “The Store of Good Values” in Lancaster. See these suits, that’s all that is neces-
sary—vour decision will be quick and wise—for such rare values come so seldom that it's profitable to
buy while you have the opportunity. Samples that they are, you can expect them to be much finer in finish
and in every respect, than the regular stock usually is, as thousands of suits have been sold to the foremost
storeg in the country—from these very samples.
Call 1000 Lancaster, tell oper-
ator to reverse charges and we
will gladly pay for them. Pre-
paid deliveries will be made on
same day as order is received.
32 to 38 East King Street, Lancaster, Penna.
AHL 16
CEA CE CT NE TTS wwe A, = —
a David Hengst, of near Old Line, course by Revs. A. B. Ruhl and H.
S. Zug.
Sheriff Eby Informs Italian That He Livesteck of Other Kinds has In- gpent Sunday with Jonas Snavely
Must Die and is Preparing for creased Proportionately in and wife. Sel Wineries
Hanging Price Jonas Snavely and wife spent An Auto Run
- Sunday evening with their sen Jonas On Tues May 28, Mr. John PF.
Antonio Romezzo was informed in | Notwithstanding the growing pop- land family. Longenecker of Lititz, general agent
his cell in the county prison by ularity of horseless vehicles, both Mr. and Mrs. James Rentschler, for the Imperial automobiles, will
Sheriff Eby that the Board of Par- for pleasure and business uses, the of pear Lititz, spent Sunday with sive am endurance run. There will
dons had refused to interfere in the market price of horses in this vicin- their daughter, Mrs. Jacob Ober. be about thirty Imperial cars in line.
death sentence and that he must ity is higher now than it has been at Albert Kling, wife and children They will leave Duke and Vine
hang. Romezzo’s reply was in line any time since the close of the Civil ang Miss Rosanna Zerphey, spent Streets, Lancaster at 8.30 and go to
with his recent actions, He refused War. The best draft horses are sunday with Mrs. Elmer Roth and Strasburg, Gap, Mechanicsville, New
to believe the sheriff and declared bringing 250 each and drivers jacob Kling and family. Holland, Ephrata, Lincoln, Akron,
that he would not die, a statement about the same. Horses have been Christ Rothfus, wife and daugh- Manheim,, Mt Elizabethtown,
le had often repeated. Asked in great demand for two years past, ters Helen and Mary, and Miss Le- Marietta, Columbia and back to Lan-
whether he wanted a spiritual ad- at steadily increasing prices. Twenty ona May Walborn spent Sunday with caster. They expect to pass thru
viger, he replied with an oath that years ago it took a number one Mrs Catharine Rothfus. here about 0
he did not. Although he has been a horse to sell for $150. Miss Elsie Fetter, a student at
model prisoner, his disposition ap- Live stock of other kinds has in- Millersville Normal School, and Miss
pears to be growing more sullen and creased proportionately im price. Grace Fetter of Manheim, spent
he may attempt to resort to violence Beef cattle or feeders have brought sunday with Miss Stella Weaver.
at the time of the execution. n g Your the Nest gure wih n Ci Henr Buch and wife spent Sun- NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS
Sheriff Eby has made arrange- ollection of the oldest farmers, day with Isaac Walborn and family.
ments for the execution, which will selling as high as $9.80 per hundred Elmer Geib, wife and sons, spent Borough Taxes
be conducted in privacy and in strict pounds. Tn 1881 beef eattle sold Sunday with Jacob Weaver and eee
) ] RO or Irom 87 37.57 per. h rod | ir The duplicate for , .
accordance with the law. The Berks lor Irom $7 to $7.37 per hundred wife, _ The duplicate for Borough Taxes
; pounds. The best Jersey, Guernsey I$ now in my hands and I am ready
county scaffold, on which all the os ’ 3 ie ips to re tas :
Te or Holstein dairy cows mow bring , receive taxes. Borough Taxes
Iancaster murderers have been exe- 7 a 60 $70. N : paid on or before July 1st, an abate-
mn pT > 3 3 1 :
cuted. will be employed. Tt reached when fresh, from $6 to x NORTHWEST RAPHO ment will be allowed of 5 per cent.
Common stock cows are werth from John W. Geib has eradicated his During July, August, September
here recently from Franklin ‘county,
where it was used last week; and it
will be erected in the local jail
yard on Monday. The straps used
for confining the limbs of the Astons
on the gallows were gotten in readi-
ness and will be used on Romeazo.
$35 to $50. Beef cattle were last apple orehard to such a degree that and October the full amount will be
vear quoted at $5.50 per hundred only a few trees remain. Fed Bp. i sa eiber : 1st, §
pounds. The lowest price was C. B. Brandt, wife and son Wal- | From May 20th to a yma,
reached im 1910, when it dropped to ter, spent Sumday in the family of receive taxes in one of the offices of
$4.25. 2 Bert Arneld, near Green Tree. the Union National Bank during
: : banking hours. In tk
i C. G. Holl ; . No § 1e morning and
More cows are being raised by the LG ollinger, wife and daugh- |oyvenine 1 will DO AL oe
farmers im this part of the State now ters Barbara and Ruth, spent Sun- eppesite Garber’s Drug Store.
Te than ever before, especially well day in the family of W. B. Shaffer, Conity sad Hate T
: > an a axes
There is more Catarth in this section op Dred stock. The farmers also are near Elisasbethtown. Phe duplicate for County and
$he coumtry than all other diseases put finding that the better grades of Samuel L. Long and wife, of Man- State Taxes for the
til the last f ’ . . year 1912 is
gi Thy abl For a rea: horses are the more profitable to heim, took up their summer abede ROW in my hands and I am ready te
a a Go cin. ag THI. on their farm, tenanted by Gideon Teceive Saxe. A State and County
: ribe , am vib] 7 on or ore June 1st, an
Blog Mein Tg re rawle ae. Sheep tirls year are away dowa. Gibble sear Risser’s ebureh. {abatement of 5 per cent. will be al-
Pavan Catarrh $0 be a consti- Good omes ean be bought for $3.50 Aaron G. Ruhl and wife Sundayed lowed. During July, August and
tutional disease, and therefors requires and $4, and lambs for 40 cents. A im the home of the former’s parents. | September the full amount will be
constitutional treatmest. Hall's Caterrh |
Lure, n ufasiured by F. J Ghemey & year or twe ago a ewe with lamb Miss Mabel Hengst, of mear Old [retuired. Anes Oct 2%. 8 per cent.
siaial cure om the market. It is taken in- sold for $10 to $12. Line, made 2 call on Miws Kathryn |, 0 00 (he offices of the 33) be a:
inion Pl ary op, tie “llond se inn |Wby, on Tuesday. |tional Bank to recive taxes during
d mueeus surfaces of tise system. Th {The session of the Sunday Seheo! | Banking hours, frgdn May 2
- dollars f casa it | y 20th te
or ome 8 So It you don’t get your share of on Sunday at Chiques was well at- |JuDe Ist, and in the morning andl
‘double green trading stamps at I. D. tended, considering the weather. evening at my ro
Mime EOYs 90. Toleds, © Bomeman’s it’s your fault. Read Mis The eaureh services in the evening |Gurber’s Drug Se :
Take Maks Family Pilla for constipation. ‘ad. were woll attended, the audiemes De- ; ‘& Goll.
te ewe, Semd for circulars amd tes-
Seas. Y idence opposite
1 1 OD 0 ELL RL
' Esti
Bele a;
h fo
3 ge (
do 1
*% :
3 th
$ But,
EC "3