THE BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, PA. Wednesday, May 22, 1912, . — — TROLLEY SCHEDULE GOT EVEN WITH NEWLYWEDS Farmers Column NI Luncaster, Rohrerst. Landisville, Salunga, Mt. Joy ana Klizebeth Friends Inserted Small “Ad” in News. : aper, and Seekers After Bar. USEFUL INFORMATION FOR THE town Street Railw Oo paper, anc oo jwivny Yo gains Did the Rest. FARMER \ FTWAR) n ht A y ’ \ bl wor s “A £30, b 6. 1k . a ul ma Of We | C10 The Rotation of Crops a Means of ‘ f B. 8 01 ¥ ‘ . : Financial Benefit to the Farmer Feeds that Cause the Flow of . n, 4 36. 6 1 Lill he Good Hoad Question o : | Babb mi y JIOTESS » ¥ H { . n en en apm— “a : og » nl He h tO I 0OU © | h } " ; I A = X stable of A Saw @a 3 Ho 1 : I - 130, he i ou k che ny 3 . io or ack’ runs a by I mer it the door an ’ : inter time Wi 4 . I < 7 » 10% "} v'! A a gl y ¢ * the . » ™ ye - . 4 1 4 on 1° 4 o IE AE asl Jon fie far fhe fon of a small amount o 1at was Best Yesterc ' ¢ 3 15 “ Te wo od » VO X77 i > B on / 7 ' EN TSE JE “Dont want to sel ft. Good day,” POC a ay be Best 1 o-day only by i # 1§ f f 15, 10.1 16, sald leen. he one le to the good road wem—————————— u a I leave Lanca Again he turned to his bride. Again estion whiel » good thing and | ' - ” os 1 } v n LL. I ! 1 Elizabethtown | 3 knock on the door. ne which few armer seem to cal IC St WOr dal 13 tne constant a 'n 8a lav RE. “l seen your ad in the paper,” said },:i1 an hat is » market side - ] 3 cars 1 : \ 1ink o nd that is the market side. . . . > ° )é nd Mt another prospective buyer " : op x . To ¥ : Why does the price far bt ar ’ ne 3 \ § e 1 8.1 “No, you didn’t [ didn’t have any __ 4 oe n eof apm: as ! application ol SUpPCrior skill. A Sundays, first car leaves r ad. I don’t want to sell anything. I'm “™ : climb skyward In. the Vis ‘Car’ ¢ Elizabethtown at 7.4 | pugy. Good day,” replied Joleen towns every spring. Because of the f X te ow 8Y. ay, ; n. { All day long Joleen and his wife an- short supply. These things pile up B . ! BABBI | y ! 9 “ swered the bell and knocks at the door in the homes of farmers because . ° a and turned away the would-be buyers they cannot get them to town. Good - of ftuine and piano-players. roads would make an even market IS S f [|] i BES ] = out 6 o'clock in the evening it . . c r all the year around and would add n suddenly dawned upon them that the very largely to 7a srofits B. T. BABBITT a . friends whose rice and old shoes they ers 1 rge y to f: rm pT 8. B h “gee BORN 1809 DECEASED 1889 = had dodged by leaving the church I'he Pennsylvania state experi- ecause t e Methods and Facilities : _CHEMIST AND SOAPMARER : where they were married through a Ment station has made a compara I ! To Wise Invent/ve goals FIRASIY Yor rat ® side entrance after the ceremony, had tive study of soiling crops for dairy ave Been Kept Best. Cause of Cleanliness owes = persevered in their joking and had cows It was found that the chief 50 mine won. i ‘nce antity of milk - Tor vears voulve k y . . : : y : - The grobm inna sheepishly. th influence upon quantity of milk pro For years you've known the name Babbitt as representative of household favorites in soap Rn ] grinned sheepishly, then ced during the experiments seem- and washino powder B 1 : 1 thy 1 . ’ : called a taxicab. The only quiet mo- 3 (0 be closely related to palata- a as g powder, ; ut do you know that under the management of a grandson, brought up mm = ments the couple had during the day |... ¢ teodqs That is to say, those the bustness, and carrying out the ideas and ideals of his wonderful grandfather, the Babbitt pro- were spent at a downtown hotel.—Chi- cago Record-Herald feeds eaten by the cows with the ducts are, on their merits, known and sold a// over the world still as the “BEST. greatest relish, and consequently of Nat Std which the largest quantity of green atur ts y > “ g e > ent " forage was consumed generally gave y The bat, when winter comes,” sald Go 4 iol : mill hi 1 t a nature student, “folds his long ears the large yields of milk. This seemec i against his sides, shuts off his heart to be true regardless of the amount . and, hanging head down from some of dry matter or percentage of pro- 2 black corner of barn or smokehouse, tein contained in the feed. Breifly, 3 [rn = hibernates till spring. In March he the milk produced bore a much clos- ad = : begins to wake up er relationship to total green forage » x Lizards and snakes hibernate un- 4.0 to drv matter or protein con- derground. Frogs hibernate in the mM or i . ¥ frozen mud at the bottor f their sumed The effect upon quality of y ze a e bottom of 1e . ji r ; # mi} was show "Mn ‘ roe mn 5 Is Abloom ponds. It’s nothing to them that they k wa own only in an indirect > : i Pes FIA Fron nanner I 10 case wa a flavor . . freeze stiff. A frog so stiff frozem MM: r y 1 cas * With the Freshest Flowers of the Printing in February that you could break him imparte tlv marked to be : eo 4 splete. {i sD Print . cus ] Art. It Is a Complete, Up to Pate Print- | yo a soda cracker will thaw out in & detected 1k was cersted ing Plant, Ready to Do Your Commercial | warm March as chipper as you ‘and cooled The Dercontaze. of bul- 5 Printing Att ly, Your Law Prir ple: : 1 4 ' Accurately, Your I Printing Artis Rat nd mice don’t hibernate. ,, 1; ht of # 5 In ot =u ically and All Printing Expeditiously The door 7 ve their : ) hicl - 3 : or 1 ( [ ( — Is Rn TOR'S NOT I( 34 oes late . xy y ’ th 3 De " \ i 1Y 1 - : oo i s + I fo - 1 * 3 X NNT vs t oo : 13 og y i 0 ) ( 11 l= * \ A tratrix wi 1( I of the - h r20-6t infe fre i 1g: Last No I 1SS¢ yf far: ro - ¥ vember I ph cist ho had rain. oy X Crons < EXECT made a bl i ine that he i Cr P a cI oo ; rles Hemple, late of | had prepared discovered soon after de- at a crop ou : Ar each of th t1 classes will of \ ¢ county, | livering it to an u woman that * % . } orous pear on ea field at ltast once hop ring cycel f the rotati { t 7 i Pp He nber of ay 11 Sh 0] ® 1 ts or. -w ¥ : ( the un- nder n crops,” such crops as iN 1 ¢ 1 € t the NY . {4 1 +1 i 1 1 . x 1¢ 1 in y % B I on not to use the medi- heat, barley, flax, and millet may > 0 2 ! ndebted | cine. This conscientious publication pe classed, in their rel: ot the e 1m-| has had a disagreeable result for the ,i Millet. tho | grown for hay, ot 0 : faving DATA , or di gJminies out by has practically the same effect on nds the same [ the police for having delivered a pois- | = =. = = =. © my POE K Ce ! will present them without delay for | ©hous substance without a physician's the Sov 28 & Bram « ron. nose crops ’ PS ig lement to the undersigned, resid prescription. He has just settled by deplete the soil of vegetable matter, rod 7 fe 1 nt te ie under rned, resid- allow weeds {0 erow and have a A ALIA LD ’ : : 3 aying a fine of 100 francs. ing in Mount Joy Borough be ED. REAM Bie the customer dl mil semelued ealency 40 deyiott dhe *yinduotive Maintains a bureau of chemical research and a labora- unknown or undiscovered. The police power’ of the land nder grass Kready, Atty. Executor | had found her. She had not seen any crops may be incluede timothy, ri tory of scientific experimentation, to test all new apr.17-6t. | of the notices the pharmacist had put },.0mus and the clovers. Though in the papers. But dowered With a1 yp clover are not true grasses, they methods and compounds and improve old formulas EXECUTOR'S NOTICE excellent scent she had not used the have heavy root system, and add Estate of Leah Haines, late of | medicine “because it did not seem : IF POSSIBLE vegetable matter to the soil. The Mount Joy Borough, Pa., deceased. | duite right.” 000 0 RR RRTNT pepper ads clovers also add nitrogen to the soil; mediate payment, and those having claims or demands against same Letters Testamentary on said es- : y : : r : tete having been granted to the Oriental Metaphor but their chief value in a rotation What does all this mean to you? A g; i Se ; : seems 1 to the fact that : ; “KK > Tw Shes : : as - .aderfigned, all persons indebted The Oriental speaks naturally in Joy ale dug in he onl the soil ? Simply that “Know How” plus exclusive recipes, plus energy, plus ability, plus finest thereto are requested to make im-| metaphor. Even the children continu- ahi ik jes ws materials, plus perfect facilities keep the Babbitt Soaps and Washing Powders Best—in fact, not ally use figures of speech which are With vegetable matttr, thus making is lad n : ) > : es in acy > : merely in claim. Means that the newer Babbitt Products are sensationally appealing—for example often poetical and always suggestive. it more hospitable to plants. Under The Washington Star thus quotes cultivated crops may be placed corn, 1, will present 'm withot , . s ; : ea: n 2 resent them without delay for pjsnop Oldham, a missionary bishop potatoes and root crops. Owing to 1-32 ’ FY - ettle n t¢ n sraione - +1 +} tee 34 ® v, f - settlement to the undersigned, re- of the Methodist church. He writes their cultivation during growth a pitt S S Ae a n er—not 1 Oc ut 5¢ siding a* Mount Joy, Pa from ore i y : - ? : Joy, Pa. ; fre n ore. 5 these crops have a cleaning effect OF . ? § GEORGE HAINES, “« ish you could hear some of the on the soll They are. however. ex- ; "oe c MO FAE FRO 1° 3 oe =F | 6Xtiressive nhrases of the native Doves. 2 soil. are, hf , < ECE I 6f © pd — 3 CHAS. H. ZELLER 75d tha other Sor d a > haustive of soil fertility, because the dos JCOUrS Oo 18 cs Executors A lad the other day was describing te . ’ XN. U. Her 1 Attornes: at rns In abstemiousness of his father. constant cultivation encourages the i SPECIAI A nsel, Attorney. apr 1¢-o.t a en ith very little,’ liberation of large quantities of i Suda 1 7 2% vs : > m1 1 0 EY CY ee ly a a B. T. BABBITT’S FIRST Al + dal reap. 1 ed to the ground ‘No more soil in good condition for succeeding 48 i: + ater in the holes made } grain crops ¢ ee ; i 1 S AP EA : 3 . : . she ps. SIMI 1 m ro 1 1 ly i LA entl verhauled liquip- a chicken’s feet.’ ” 3 : a : : KN0Y n shield, pres- iled and resumed: e tan extra tubes. Tires as A Srain or two CORDELIA i 7 : 5. ..10f t Ye sh d see ARS : a : : ( 1 " Lock Box i : fl p15 boul hy Miss Nora Bard is visiting in im at his meals. He is like a houn ; wm apr.17tf munching flies.” ”” pun Columbia. _— ems — a. Miss Eva Mumma has reurned & = AQ TDI CERIN -_—]/mr 4 4 DOES UPHOLSTERING et from. visit to East Petersburs. ll — iplomati " = os ie ! : ’ Je yy : “How dil von got 0 ar Morris Wittle and family, of Co- IA TT Tat Persons having upholstering to ow did you get your wife to fore- limb ore suits of Mr d Mrs \l [0 do. such as sof lounges, beds, or 80 her desire for that expensive even. ulibla, were guests oi Mr. and Mrs. : Th - Lo : . : 3 ar nN 7 iy " placing window shades or anything ing gown? F. W. Hall. cligseion ied \ 3 in general repair work, will confer “Told her it was just the thing a Mrs. Edward Staley had a narrow a favor and save money by calling plain woman needed.”—Judge. escape from being burned while Irices . ni sin aa s : on me. Prices are right. is lighting her gasoline stove. Oil had eR THE TALBOT STORES IN LANCASTER "here the quality foundation was 3 . S. MUSSELMAN % ‘i ” 4 ; : May1s-tmo. Florin, Pa. | A vers mysterious descent of CTS On fire near the stove. Her Are Located At 154-158 North Queen Street Tei] fof malin all Balin een Se 110 . {] . 4 ery ysterious descent of ai. ie o 3 - rt! ueen reet. hE son, Dennis, removed the burning Products Honestly Best piece of bunting called a pennant by | o class of 2 ; 3 fue Tas of ne caine down the | The Men's Bible class held their 2s i on the school building {second anniver’ vy Saturday even- about 12.35 Tuesday. Perhaps the fie Rev. Dr. G. D. Badorf, of ’ lag 3 2 i ry Sass of 1912 thinks the lower || .hcaster., was present to deliver classes are asleep. Awake to the |i}e address, and gave a most inspir- fact that they are not. Beware the |;,o and encouraging address to the CRITI BANE] | ower classes. imembers of the class, The Men's & re ey - ry and Ladies’ Bible classes took part Subscribe fojf the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. [in the singing. articles and extinguished the blaze. LV RR Ng] (ep NRA