The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 22, 1912, Image 2

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J. E, SUCHROLL, Editor & Prop'r.
Six Months 00 Cents
hree Months 25 Cents
single Coples = Cents
Sample Copies FRE)
Enter M
JOY A858 ge ¢
All «
® cominl 4
of lm]
12 o'clo ’ { al
ges 01
tively reac Co th
Mond: emel
indore ‘ esd
night (
Congres me sly Kicking
Mr. Taft's commerce court around
»- » . a»
Some men don't seem to want a
reputation for paying their debts
* LJ » *
Even the political boss gets off
lightly in comparison with
the umpries
» * . *
Justice Hughes should at least
comb his whiskers and prepare for
ap emergency call.
. an - i 4%
back fence
With Britain and
ting peace over the
Jingo is in a bad way.
* & 5 & 9
{ Rev. 8. S. Daugherty
. program with an invoeation.
opened the
ed by the high school.
were the graduates and the
of their addresses: “Im-
ns of Childhood,” Miss Pearl |
“Self-Education,” Vernon
Gvery Day Hero,”
1; “Voices of
some of [keeps a watchful
If You Lose Your Children,
Where to Find Them
| A Lancaster mother had a very
| interesting experience last week.
"| Her little boy of four years strayed
away from home during the after-
noon she hunted high and low for
him w most driven frantic
th anxiet she was on the point
{ ! 0 the police authoriti
| | a
} i
A 1
Y 1 } t
+ 1
} ]
30 popular did t} round 1}
P tl ( ] r
ot store \ 1 d its
removal to new, and 1 er quarter
on the Fourth Fl where Fair
land Tov Department is located
There is a hig clean sand pile
with pails and shovel me-
chanical toys rocking hors and
countless things to please the child-
A lady attendant
and loving eye on
ish heart kindly
the little ones
A trip to the Talbot store play-
ground is almost as much fun for
[the kids as a picnie—and it costs
not a cent
tm saree I een
H. M. Shelly and helpers this
| week gave Amos Sumpman’s house
The average man thinks he wants |
vocal music during the exercises was |
¥ol- |
Mack | lattend this service in a body.
Nature,” { pastor will preach the Memorial ser-
Dr. C. H. Gordinier, of jmon.
lle Normal School, de- service at 7.30 p. m. Rev.
commencement address. Erdman,
was pronounced by |risburg, will preach the sermon. All
; |are welcome.
a fresh coat of paint,
Miss Myrtle B. Piper of Philadel- |
phia, was the guest of relatives and
friends in Bainbridge several days.
Evangelical Announcements
Sunday School at 9.30 a. m., pub-
{lic worship at 10.30. The local G.
A. R. and the Sons of Veterans will
Special singing. Communion
F. E
presiding elder, of Har-
'vY Nn nl
a A
wy W
% 4 1
A y -
ny 1C ok
| |
al ything)
and lo wear;
nead for
Wednesday, May 22, 1912
~ 1) { \ -— A { ( FE
"rm i7NK{ ™ i ™ ¢
the Y 0 ioht to. Its Imi ortant 1¢ youl men 1o
. > il ~ HA An ~~ } iA 'e 3 Wi I a
aS Weil das ticy call 100K “Uli Vy € nay
this so that you'll be sure not to get (just
best the market atfor aSetz :
near good but the |
Brothers Style Plus here for young men that you'll like to
the best models ever designed.
Drop in
UNIQUE CLOTHES $7.00 to $20.00
rl Qe
Helps a Judge m Bad Fix
Justice Eli Cherry, of Gillis
Mills, Tenn., was plainly worried. A
bad sore on his leg had baffled sev-
Prompt Attention given to Sales of
| Reference: Jonas I. Minnich.
nts taken gh Munn & Co. receive
eral doctors and long resisted all | c %
Temedies. 1 thought it was a can- Anyone sending a sketch on 8 | STL ET :
cer, he wrote. “At last I used | auic Kkly ascert: ain gor opinion free whether | an | 3 ERENCH FEMALE :
’ 3 vent » y ten le. Ommunica-
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, and was tor strictly confi Fil HANDBOOK on Patents Ml J MED PILLS
completely cured.” Cures burns, ree. Oldest v fOr securing patents. | .
boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises and piles.
25 cents at S. B. Bernhart & Co.
rt A A
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin,
Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin.
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin. |
1 A
NEVER KNOWN Ti T0 FAIL, Salat Suse} Speedy ! Satis-
action Guaranteed oney Refun . Sent prepaid
i $1.00 per box. Will bic Tie on i 0% to be paid for
when relieved. Samples Free. If your druggist does not
have them send your orders to the
special notice, w ithout ¢ harge, in the
Scientific American,
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir-
Bik of any scientific ig. Jou urnal. 'erms, $3 a
year: four months. $1. Soid byall newsdealers.
HUAN & Coz sersrondwnr. New Yori
Sod] in is ir 4 Joy by E. W. Garber
|. Washington. 1 Ch: adler & Co.
| eeal Estate and Personal Property. |
iss Marth: > f Na ans- J
‘shies peotts badly until he bes 10 Miss Martha Henny, of wm Ans MT. JOY, PENNA. od
a g d " re i | town, spent the past week with her | Copyright Hart Schadner & Marx ’
square off and look for It. launt, Mrs. W. M. Gibble.
. Miss Anna Sumpman of Lancas- ARERR TERR RRR A101 RR We
At present the campaign Weapon |... oo oa. pe week with her |B =| a al BoE | 2 Bu Ee | wa A Vacuum Cleaner
it s to : : ® : — =! E: { mel
with the most barbs oN Seems ph brother, Amos Sumpman and family. |= 4 A N K Ee S =| ? (| EAT ® = LC) B P
be the Present Jars . 20 letter. Misses Nettie Kauffman of Lan- 2 =| 'm ®» argain rice 10
g ¢ len ¢ >auline Sum- |= =| |= T | e————
When Congress fails to revise the | kaster, gi] He ley a u e : f = Z| [ ) nm After You Are hrough | :
tariff downward the next thing to my, of Manheim, were guests of z WE SAVE YOU TWO PRO- =| lw ® THE DOMESTIC JUNIOR is a
f ’ {John Kauffman and family, on Sun- |= =| { | ° * * T |vacuum cleaner that will do more
do is to revise Congress upward. \day. |E FITS ON WOOL HORSE IZ a 5 Experimenting with he |work than many high priced clean-
s 9 2% bo . rralich. 2 pe = ! : = | ers and much more than any other
{When speaking of some of the . A yen elie 2nd Stenoson, S| D1ANKETS BUYING DIRECT i Lote. of Bissomiforiiciie: biases) g Just-as-Good-Kind cleaner of an cqual price.
[ candidates against Mr. Taft, Secre- |. : : Spinal P| PROM THE MAKERS, 1S &! x | = 4 =Ad= = It looks like a ~arrot sweeper— J
feel that h must | © airland, and Miss Viola Gantz, of |Z = and many serious sicknesses you will | g | [Yon like a carpet sweeper —but is f
tary Knox does not feel that he (Manheim, visited J. B. Fralich and (2 THE WHY? OF IT. PRICED E| avoid if you keep your bowels liver |x =| BUICK {a vacuum cleaner—a cleaner that
- - C v ’ | . 3
use the language of diplomacy. |g) quring the week. |E ANYWHERE FROM 10010 S| =~" work rb ul [Slezus You? Sarpets 20d Fuge \urouEy
Ry ef [aw = |and stomac good working order “ a
| Mrs. W. D. Groff and daughter, |Z =| LGCOMOBILE
side t's © i : ® |= 50. =!pv ti | |
8 Prosi nt oe iii nl a Mae of Rlizabethtown, spent from |Z $10.50 = | by timely use of u m |
ol. Rooseve it him elow I . | a= = i AUTOCAR AND {
friday to Sunday in the home of her |= =! w = | \
belt naturally recalls the man who | parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wenger |= FINES™ STOCK LAP =, - = |
is v . ator. |: ry df eT ae , =| | BUICK TRUCKS
spoke disrespec Hully of the equator. |y,. Goff spent Sunday at the same = ROBES IN THE COUNTY, = I G AR X = al
. | a= - J {
place. = 5 y um : \ | ee | S . 4 . i
1f Congress is perplexed over the | Edmund Dissingét. wife and son, |= FROM $2.50 TO $25.00.. EV- Z a 2 Sold strictly on their merits.
: G ssinger, é £ a a= |
Nautical problems presented by the Witmer, of Bismarck, and John Bar-'= ERYTHING FOR THE HORSE = & You are invited to visit our ®
Panama Canal, jot or He hore to and wife of “Manheim, were the = AT BOTTOM PRICES. FULL B |#@ clean, modern, bakery at HB
thing over to Senator William Alden |, rp Dissinger on Sunday. = STOC OF VETERINARY z im Prince and Clay Streets, Lan- = y ~ RI
Smith . a a Mrs. A. E. Behm, of Manheim, |= > a x = ig aster New 1912 (ars NOW Here
® - : TRYING FA 32 TN NEY a od 9 Ae . ap ses. 25 :
: [spent Tuesday with her daughter, & MEDICINES, MAKER OF ALL = 12 doses, 10c. 36 doses, 25c at M. C. BILLETT, Agt. 5 h
Fhe Sergeant-at-arms dragged npg A, D. Frankhouser = KINDS OF HARNESS ; >
several members of the House from 5 t-3- = ¥ {.. el y Mond: Wednesday >
a baseball game. Served ’em right : C } § i
EE EE Ih esaerall NEWTOWN i : : | Saturd I \ i)
ATT ee Mr. Wil of 1 - . Ain rant Ld Luge ols : SAL P YN J
seaso IRE A b - 8 un os Be E ¢
* * ® . I 1 a Ve § f . 3 EVE OSEIX A
) W hy Mr 2 — I ¢ 3 z St 4
r. Harm fapry ; - 3
t ed flirt Jo =a & » (dX X PENNA i
lelegates, V Bada
0 La 0Y, PA 5 \ trictly rs Tr
\ N Taines oe
I nt the Senate ; : CD ARNE an ¥ pais I the amour
an hat the toga of Y : y ANAND o LILLE YR a er 4 0 unty Domestic Junior
Qenat I. 0 thread bare | © thtown ; ; vy ¥ — which looked
an tle onform to. the | f he 1ts, Mr John | = on of any hot is
_- : ay Kemmer . : . | e it one fair trial-—pick
proprieties : i hive wax bold ast Sunda ! 2d Bar Well Stocked With All Popular - : nest carpet in the house
. s = Preaching, Wag hed Xf he PUBLIC SALE OF A VALUABLE Brands of Is vacuum cleaher. Over
a 1 inspect] 13v LEY ning by the pastor. The ill [OWN PROPERTY brands of ther n th ele he i look at
Government me nspection may | : . 3 'OWN PROPERTY. : TE . x ¢ vpen tie Faery ——0 o
Yo a and Doc. Wiley may. be be preaching rain on Sunday, June WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS HL ¥ NT} i J u of dirt you got out of x
be a J alt Te He after Sunday school Qat Os 1 & go 3 rpet or rug which you ‘
right as to all the neglect and crime ww Pe if : £1 Satu June 1st, 1912, Accomodations for Man and Beast 1 1a} 444 VK tw lean ke if ye 4
> are glac ) nention the 3 1 of a order f We iedll,
he charges, but the price of steak is $ TY ag tom an By vi f an order of the a ve on hand anything : Sati rned hay remode A
0. Sok speedy recovery from diphtheria of | Or 1's Court, the undersigned ; FH Also Automobile Parties Mc ohas Dotol: RATIDE & is wonderful little a
HO JORe. i inerva. Toei lanche o at public sale on » prem- he » d Meats, Ham, | ] nik ut fe is jus 00 ¢ A
v. oe » Miss Minerva Fogie. Blanche, tI Son Be h RE oy in ae ip logna, Dried I Lard, Ete ) { BUBE'S MOUNT JOY BEER f sleeping rooms, bath, etc. | ith I \
: ae {other patient, died of the disease nai i bs Eiaky vay mata Ae i HEE. HA vared to rtain trans yp re OE g
Since the air is already . over-!} : Florin, in Mount Joy township, sq re: Jee Ves York 3 Is dials. Cal ref e Tot V opts Gone, ov : be actory in every re- i
Ga ° Je air is, already. over PY yt dey and. was Foret onl, Too; 3 Mount J yu TReb Also | resh Be o Veal, Pork and {and Piel’s Celebrated New York Gers guests . whl your money % .
‘rowdae )y amateur wireless operat- : 4 : a . rs : rey ~F Th oo t fntton Prices always right, | . : SEE a 2 ? : shi |
bre. the plan of teaching wireless Ten hi Bm inthe comet TWO LOTS OF GROUND : man Lager on Draught. RESTAURANT Drop card for circular and demon- ‘8
: : pe : {in is place. in the sai rillage ¢ Mori { yr 1E.S in connection with hotel where he tration.
telegraphy in public schools seems in the said village of Florin, a may-15-2m. 1 Connect }
hardly necessary, { EE [onung 26 Joo! Hos or less, on HH H. KRALL | =|" serve in season, fave other machines on the same ¥
: A » | IK N {Church streetand extending in depth |. _ tre QF and i a { OYSTERS and OLAMS in any style Drinciple as low as $8.50. .
hE » BACK RU N et lof that width 200 feet to a public t Main Street, Opp. Bank, | Meet Me on the Bridge and We'll I'VRTI i” SOP on Eta ly Sty
avi Talty riqite rie g at | 3s . 4 NT JOY > v AUR i, nte. hu
Secretary Knox of the state de- David Waltz visited friends at|gajjey, adjoining property of Henry | i ala uh os MOUNT JOY, PA | Have a Plate of the Private di 5 1. for indies i
partment visited the Panama canal, | Manheim on Saturday. | W. Flowers on the East and a public re:ephons | vale dining room for ladles B. =. PEFFFER
and poetically names it the “Isthma- | Ellis Rettew and family enter. fulley on the West, The Saag | & Awont
” aine yf rine 3 qv _ | thereon erecte( consis & y; 8 foofecfocfocfocfocforforfocte | Age
an golden gate.” Doubtless the sec- [tained the following on Sunday: Is-| = “OF on 56 0s with Two Ea iriniol-iod hk Ahi J. WW. MoeGinnis, ®
aac Cei if . a apg | CLWYD c v 5 3 0 a ;
retary of treasury, after glancing | 2a¢ Geib, wife and son, and Messrs. [Story Frame Summer House and | | % L HARRY wil I IAMS + PROPRIETOR MOUNT JOY, PENNA. \
over the items of cost for which he | Osc ar Sheetz, Phares Sweitzer and |One Story Frame Shop attached. A | Lk EEA sia 3 = NES
has paid out money, will agree that | Elmer Blocher. {Good Large Frame Stable, pig sty | American Plan Rates Moderate 3
the name is appropriate. | Albert Rettew and family enter- | and other outbuildings. The build- BARBER % : : 7
. iy wii [tained the following on Friday ev en- | Ing gs are all in good repair. There E: il )
Ite: Jacob Ginder Landis Brubaker | a well of excellent water on the | Shaving Massaging
¥ Coal hs ] dk 2 I a The property is very : 3 {
Latest reports of the recent direct |, ifo. Panis premises | £ Hair Cutting Razors Honed |
i elocki in Tibert " {and wife, lenjamin Ginder, wife | Dicenuiieiy located, in a good neigh- , | ;
pr mary lat on n ti a 4 land daughter Mary, Phares Peters |borhood and is well worthy the at- | 3 Shampooing Toilet Waters &
close contest and a possible iver- {anq Miss Martha Lauver | tention of buyers. There is an |% Singeing Shaving Soaps |
sion of honors. The Tibe DE A i k i | Mount Joy, Pa.
of honors. The Tibetan Reac-| payvey Rettew entertained the |adbundance of fruit such as grapes, + AT GS LLE R'S| stehos or photos and Brief »
tionaries have succeeded in burning |¢o11owine on Sunday: Mosirs. Ben |pesches , plums, etc. > Agency For Elkhorn Laundry J RR closorsprson Jor FR Ene report on f§
several hundred Chinese Progres-|:..,.: T Da a os Persons wishing to view the prem- | Opp. First National Rank ( All Flavors at All Times. | Ml Send 2cent stump for NEW BOOKLET, J M Backenstoe Pro |
gives. but the Chi have tied th jiammn orry, anie Breneman, |ises prior to day of sale will please | & MOUNT JOY, PENNSYLVANIA ipecial Prices to Parties, Festivals, | fortune Peng fvfermarion wal neip you io . . ’ .
ives, oe he Chinese have tied € | Clayton, John and Harry Hossler. [call on the premises. [# INT « » PENNSYLVANI! Subpers, Bic | REA AD PACES 11 and 12 before applying fi Stas - x,
score Dy s ) as- | Mic , 5 3 | ‘ ’ teafopefosfoeocfefocfocfocfociocfecieefoofocfociocfrcls food Sibi | 2 ¥
Score by Setting fire to the monas-| Miss Jenny Hossler entertained| Sale to commence at 2 o'clock P. | %%® pd { : |
tery in which the grand Lama him- |njoces Anna, Fanny and Katie Ret-|M. on Saturday, June 1, 1912, when | { Mrs. GC. H. Zeller | b, SWIFT & CO. Has just been remodeled thruocut
self had taken refuge. tew. on Sunday | Loris aud conditions will be made | Pe SVR * Yiarietta Street MOUNT JOY. BE PATENT LAWYERS jf lias all modern conveniences such
A | Known by | £4 Q = YR RY ar 8 303 Seventh St., Washing ton, NDC.B as Baths, Hot and Cold Water, Steam :
NCEMEY BUISES BAINBRIDGE Executor of Eli L. Flowers, dec. | REAL ESTATE AND | Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin.
Roy J. Landis of B ra., |G. S. Vogle, Auct. | r BUS e ISN ‘ » Be
Class of Four Receive Diplomas at| "i oo epi Reo, Va. | Sliver Sheaffer, Atty. INSURANCE W. M. HOLLOWBUSH C. S. MUSSER. THE BAKER Table is Supplied With the Best
3 as e gues 8 arents near | i | ms ; YOY Fa
Elizabethtown Bainbridge | BE. Main St. Mount Joy | NOTARY PUBLIC the Market Affords
Tt Bl Sethtown hist tool Mrs. Lottie Finley of York, was ™ | | Attorney-At-Law resh Bread and Cakes Delivered “ % wise
1e Iulizabethtown high schoo S . ives in Ral : S 3 1t- | Jalling and COlerking of Public Sales | through
the guest of relatives in Bainbridge ve ; nt- | ing and g : WW ” 3 through town daily
commencement exercises were held | . or Ria I Balninidee ¢ on th Barbara Street, | jettlement of Estate 4% West Main Street, | Mt. Joy, Pa 3
: . several days. ee 1 Barbara streei, | Settlement of Estates. i. ; 5 2 +, | Fresh Doughnuts, Crullers and Dewey Also Lunch Cot ten
in Market House Hall, last Thursday Yeliman Herchelroth and Herbert nt Jov and extending in depth of | Collection of Rents Days at Lancaster, Monday and Fri- |, ns every Wednesday & Th 1 a. Sp > Counter
2 «chman chel and Herber nt JOY a 2 15 pith ol | Jollecti I Dis. ig 3 Juns every Wednesday & Thursday
y, Alth y TE4 £ y err } iay N 52 North uke Stree i There S x ie
or Kod Ee o he Haldeman of Philadelphia, were vis-| hat width 154 feet. There is a good Surveying and Convevancing gay at +Yo ye Duke Street Funerals, Weddings and Suppers 'W1eFe Soups, Saudwiches, Checse,
hee der |... mm . ot le 0 hese 1 hat c¢ 3 er | Tripe, Oysters in Every S<vle
3 : iting here several days. | stable on these lots that could very | : : : - prompt attention pe, Uy rs in bvery Syl
4 i Sane a Tew Mrs. B. Frankley and son Harlan | “asily be converied into a double | | forms Sefale Bel! Yelophone, Store & Rakery, W est Main Street Bie, Yt, wre served
; on = Sms to 2 sa On OL !,¢ philadelphia, were the guests of | welling For further particulars | SO ARS CHARLES S. FRANK Monnt Joy, P 33vus
e school building, the class was a . : riz So M vi = ! nt Joy, Pa
the former's parents in this place. |&pply to Lewis Seeman. Mount Joy. | TOT > ; a ar . y A
Yery creditable one, i, AUCTIONEER Branch Store at BE. Peam's BAR IS STOCKED WITH THE BEST BRANDS
DR. J.
530-532 Woolworth Building
Sunday and Other Hours
Ind. 1877
ce ® +00
Good Stabling Accomodation
Local and Long Distance Telephones
Ear, Nose and Throat
Lancaster, Pa.
ce Hours: 9a. m. to 3 p. m,
Spring Garden St., (formerly 535 N. 6th
34 di Pa.) Ein Deutscher Artz, Only German
Specialist. The German Treatment, the only
Sunranteed Cure for Specific Blood Poison, others
t Cure, all use Mercury & Arsenic, worse than
the Disease itself, it’s 8 curse of humanity. AN
Skin & Private Diseases, Excesses, both sex, Abuses, Weak
nesses. Jorvous Debility, Lost Ml Atrophy,
By Appointment
Both Phones
Bell Lan., 994
Advertise in the Mt., Joy Bulletin.
anhood, Dralus,
i) e, Hydrocele, Rupture & Strictore,
no eotting, ani Bladder, 46 yrs. practice 46 od Hoep.
in Germany. Book Free, tells all, pgs
iy & Country Advertising Frands. Hrs. Si, 6-9