| : Ny NC) OY CIRCULATION ALWAYS ADS BRING BACCALAUREATE SERMON . 1 | —e » D | ’ { 1 : 9.30 o'clock, and interment was ’ el | 10f1a a L.OCa O es | Ol IN ews | uary made In the adjoining cemetery, € rsona S In St. Luke's Episcopal Church on | - | ——— —— —-— TEER v & . y Sunda May 206 arp . ne " EVERYBODY SHOULD HELP | ys Ay = | MANY SHORT NEWS ITEMS OF | HAPPENINGS IN THE BUSY VIL 'HE ROAD WHICH WE ALL MUSi Mrs. Rebecca Horst rie WHEREABOUTS OF OUR MAKE IT A SUCCESS o GENERAL INTEREST \GE WEST OF HERE | TRAVEL SOONER OR LATER Mrs. Rebecca Horst, widow of the | J RIENDS THE PAST WHEK | I'he baccalaureate sermon to the | | | late Rav. Abram Horst, of near | | RE av. 4 st, ar | ———— . : z 1 1912 class of Mou 3 igh | s2,: f y : : : | ’ i Mr. C. N. Mumma is Elected Chief ° Bool oo ' : Su! I High Brief Local Happenings Gathered as | iocal and Personal Briefs That Have some Well Known People From Our | Manheim, died Monday morning at [ Who and Where They Have Visitode A i Scho w e live Be § “Ar : \ , | : ' | . . 4 ’ | yf : Marshall==Mr, Ed. Ream Will Lai is B ! € de iverec By R hey Occur With the Whirl of th Occurred Since Our Last Issue in | Neighborhood Have Passed to the [the home of her son-in-law, Clayton | Many Strangers Here Over Sun g ‘ vg ake Upiscopal c 'C . . \ id for ck R 1 t { : ’ | > " | GT inv i | ; lo v . Have Charge of the Riders— Re piscopal church at 10.30 a Vorld for Quick Reading Withi Our Hustling and Wide Awake | Great Beyond Since Our Last Issue | K0ser, in Landisville, with whom day—Were You Among Them? : m S ay x Ths . 3 . : x | Good Bands Will be Here a wi ay. [| the Past Few Days. | Neighbor Village, Florin. [she had lived the past six pears. | = — , . The f wing is tl TOES s , : | . 3 ,g Other Notes ollowing 1s the program to ir Harry S. Shultz was found dead Death was due to pneumonia, which | Mr. Geo. Drabenstadt spent Sun- : < ve rendered Don’t miss I, D. Beneman’s ad on Roy Vogel is very ill at this writ- in bed at his home in Columbia. He |she contracted a week ago. Deceas- day in our midst. 3 2 3 « "pr SE i i 52 ) \ : | \ | . i “Q y 3: o Memorial Day will, as usual, be Proc ession 11 Hymn 52( l ing was 55 years Old. [ed was a member of the Old Menno- Mrs, Roy Dieter of Harrisburg, is fittingly observed in Mount Joy this Opening Sentences, Book of Com- Se the new style shoes at Bern- Mrs. Tillman Gantz is on the sick! John Zink, one of Manheim bor- {nite church many years. Mrs. Horst here on a visit to friends. m ‘ x rN mot r wr fn y : : { i sil a , J year. The G. A. R., Sons of Vet- MOT Prayer. : | ha Co t ough’s oldest citizens, died on |was in her sixty-seventh year and is | Mrs. Rev. 8S. H. Hertzler of Eliza- erans, in fact everybody in the town Fhe Exhortation, I'h re five cases of small-pox Mr. Lemon Leisey spent Monday | Tuesday, aged 92 years {survived by three sisters, Mrs. Fan- bethtown spent Thursday in town : 1 1 y \ General ( aai n 1d1at Y , : . | . vi Pei is doing everything possible to have \ General Confession at ddletown Lancas William Winkleman, formerly of [nie Lehman, of Scotland; Mrs, |V!th friend: . a 1} yoclarati 4 x 3 x Yin Erm = " . : . . . Mra $ ‘ vy PI this year's event eclipse all former ! : De aration of Absolution ed Voman for light house- J. H. Haldeman and imily ent | Columbia, died at Steelton from tu- | Christ Lehman, of Pequea; and Mrs. In Milton Wittle of Elizabeth- undertakings An excellent pro- or Remission of Sins [. D., Bulletin 1 at Manheim reulos 60 years (BE. W. Weaver, Oregon. These chil- | WN, spent last Thursday in town gram will be rendered in the park, I ord’s Prayer \ table will go into ef- M J. M. Raymond is repairing M1 u S. Sargent, died at |dren survive: Mrs. Clayton Kos- | With friends there will be good music by a num- Versicles and Responses on the Pennsy next Sunday property home in Marittta from a compli- |er, Landisville; Mrs. Henry Shenk, Mr. Elmer W. Gingrich of East ber of bands, and the parade gives Venite. ; : . : : ) 0d. re eratol Peter and Hugh MecGary pent | cation liseases in her 69th year. inheim; Mrs. Martin Risser, Ris- | ©" 0 Spent Wednesday with promise of surpassing those of pre- roper Psa for the Morning of ] & h Apply at th v at Mt. Gretr 1 an H. Witmer, a sister of |: $s Church; Mrs. Jacob Risser, Ye vi , so don't f to come to Whit I Nissl and Roy spent | Mi larbara Herr of Florin, died at | Risser’s Church: Mrs. Abram Kauf- \ David F. Gable visit- x m NE ve ce \ N ny I 3 ¢ 3a ido Q Mount J that day. r I t Lesson : ( I Joseph's Hospital from a compli- a Grand Rap Mich Mrs Bainbridge on Sunday, PE ' Citize who wish to donate flow- Fe Deum , 1) l. 'B \ Groff of Rheems tion of disea n her 76th year. | Anthony Fouser, White Oak; Miss : trl auto. Wh r el Memorial 1 ill e I'h Ie n te Fanny H t. Mant Mrs. Mar- ( tt of Elizabeths hy ; fir ed ( { n held Blanche M. Foie ha Kreider. N ¢ namin n in town as the I . Jenja n( \1 } o'cl noon on I'l ( ] Mi You red four ( Y' 3 A. Ohio. ‘The y M. Baker. Ww d AT ) Of bon )Y ) { iam H "3 ' 1d oh A ] ro Martin, who was q 1 { 0 R D 4 l hools at Honey- { a y Col he 3 f ummes ! t ) Raph ) navely of : } v ] h the guests tinerich . a | 1 »3 . 0 Miss | Li t hilad Ti ) hiladelphia i ; : nd uncle, Mr | ( . A h Infringemei ‘ { y rreenawalt and ( " f£ here for We N G Rn Y hay e ag are ex- I r B rn M ho Cl today. : ) y 1 Rol in Manufa el : [] 1 Boar I , I Go., . 5 \ 14 / i . Garber and son Red Men, H¢ 2 ri rs I ! nt t1 Nd M nite : eR V itharine Dietz EE E 3 i i i 1¢ € Lio . fe I ¢ H rd are WwW A r IY 3 v Esq., I.an ( \ 1 ral took : : : ’ aturday to Monday with 1 ¢ tc i ) h 1 1 for an I 1 \ or wil : The : xg i ( 1 i r I ( { i vhs ; . and Hanover. ( ¢ ( 0 e 1 11 tent friy a Rel ) the ldier te Gov- et nd t is « ( Yio 1d I { or1 0 oo] the ' n y Hen Ts 1 > i. Johnson and family are Mir ron I lay evening. . . = { I omplanant comj al- ond ernment Bo : Bld Irop in hay ver n Th 1M + fine | DO 1 9.30 at th Mennonite |, es 2 1 ; end [ i at Sunbury, y tni 1011 are Lider the a eeder recently } v} r 6 PR & The parade will start t 2 ‘elock ] : . o : ¢ i « V Veidman rch nga nterment was Fete ' x ; 3 Rev. Johnson served a three 1 Jacob 1. Hoste rr, ram ; ” es I'K¢ the \ ndard pat 1 a I m over th followin oute oh : V ole : ) Ray Kell ne : 3 ete 1 Shale ter } 1945 0.1908, k V ( emuth, col Volgemuth, Al- 3 3 Lt | 1 ngement Ve Fr ¢ . Form. ot Main and Markol strects 3 . a motor hicl 1 r ; : : X€ a Ir H. Miller of orm at Mz : t, Elida Wolgemuth, fr 1 1 t : tLe the Roll- 4 I I i tehman f 9 : sia} ( ¢ fro ( 1 r ¢ sntativ ST] Li ! 1 tenman, as Move west on Main to Manheim, to : M a. In addition there n/p mm : : 1 Elizabeth Mus fant a and A ~~ Railroad street, to M to Dor boul ‘Aft other members tof |. > Tia a Mrs. BE h Mu lied at fOr an nt 9 vag ¢ abo 1 members left ‘ ’ : _— 4 ial N Haven. to SL ry Tis . = y . 3 \/ Re Oscar R. Co pastor o t : 1 1 wt Paldin ( D.0 Nersy I Ad € pect to spend 3 i o 1 On Saturday and Sun- 8 ar wm Ohnreh her Yontv-four ¢ : ima everal d 3 to ( to ] tend tl lovefeast ! y For A. Rollmar a I 1 . » ast vears ago ted Re Duncan and . I kf ( as returned Bar ¢ o Main and the dav st 1 : . ! tl Rollman an 1r- I ® a gy miss , of rain, f 1 or to gener 2 1 ! he ed his ? Bk . will *b eld 1 o A i 8 I I ot} ten trode : i : oaks Ber » [ 1 1 be 1 First N A : 4 Lt 1 the Mr nd. Mrs SA CcO1 { R I 12 n he 1 > Pf y 1 = gs Bond lor {onal Ww Bar Mount J Dated M 1 A ( ip : rge Ul Band inder ] n of [ ) f v clail h rel ; X 919 Ow 1 oi tors , Howard Eberle, will n th fal del Tait h ! ( ame b \ AP pe a : 1 : : 107, call off 1t ne v . : lax i ark the evening i ethtown to attend t as 1 be held at M ( f Lake reat 1.1 rT i -_ on a 1 ( Y ‘ y . it ) 01 i ly Hon. H. Frank Eshleman of TLan col ence. It is expected that . hurch on nday morning at 3 Mr Ch in M. Good of ! Uni 1 [ardwar ; D9 ty 1 j \ y I T ry aa at ’aradise caster, will deliver the addre Mi ill 1 ber of returned Causing Trouble | 9.30 ) I [ ns w Nn e 1e of which was since { A: (ERIagiIse Eshleman is well known - here and rie in attendance. includ- \bout tl weel ago Mr. Harry V1 Mar I h wecepted | red Pal toda h : to Ne Standard Hardware M1 Cl r ’ ; 5 ; : ’ : frie Ave ae 1 eR 4 : a: es : ay ari Pil last needs no introduction line Mr. and Mrs. Amos L. Musser of Rinehe moulder at the Grey |a position at the Florin Shirt fac - Vork It laimed that the pro-|ppig Voiln Nhil : : an Toots : "0 birned Ii Si ot : 5 , ; pat Eriday ever for Abilene, Kansas Thus far five bands have been enm- | India, Mrs. Levi Dohner of Africa, '1'0n. burned his foot, but not to { tory Dr. Joseph W. Overfield duct of factory infringes on the ere he will attend tl} £ 1 of N | meh an “y incanamrate. : Trice x7 ; Y3 4 4 : ‘ yen > ix end tne rune 1 Ol } gaged, namely, the Foresters Band [and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Fry of Such an ext to incapacitate | VIessr Joe Gin 1 and Harvey I Joseph W. Overfield@, died on tents of the plaintiff concern his brother-in-law M Zell 3 3 eo) amie y : hin fay o \ 77 x Cy , : toh A Ti . rouiaer-il-iaw, Mr ellers of this place, Spring Garden Band of | Africa him A fe ago the sore be—PWeaver were at Elizabethtown on | Thursda eve g at his home in About a ¥ ago the Rollman |ayhaiie to t I i : . . | as oYitie 5 wR " uo 3 mw : ; ! . y ‘ : APects e In the t for York, Germania Band of Manheim,| The delegates from Lancaster &an g1Vil trouble and now he is | Sund: { Elizabethtown from apoplexy, with {Manufacturing Company instituted a brief tir " | . 2 : 5 . y « °c ul e East Petersburg Band and the Sa- [county are Bishop Aaron Martin and °©ff duty. Harry Miller and family of Which he was stricken on Tuesday. three suits against the products of Mr. Jacob M. Saud io 3 . : : Fp ! ; : ee ere NN : ! rr 20 o y : bs . . I acob M. Sauder, wife and lunga Band. This combination of [Elder J. N. Martin from Donegal . tta visited Henry Miller on |He was 49 years-old, a native of [the same defendant company, which | 5. opie ini 1 Miss M § : : z : : A : . : x : : a i: . . . . aus eI tinnie ana MIss Mae Sau- well-known musical organizations District; Bishop H. B. Hoffer and Our Home Markets. Sunday. | Illinois and a graduate of the medi- are still spending \in the United |. and friend, Mr and Mrs Clay } m m : : | os i 3 : 9 . | : x : . iriefld, Mr and Mrs. >" should certainly make some music. [Elder H. O. Musser from Rapho | Butter, per 1b., Fhe mail bag was torn to pieces | cal university at Louisville, Ky He | states courts, one of which was also ton Sauder 'M ¢ 'M H g : boot ara: - . ! 3 : Tih 4 g : it Sauder, Mr. and Mrs. arvey | District; Bishop C N. Hostetter and Eggs, per doz., bv the train on Wednesday at this | practiced in Lancaster a few for an alleged infringement of ag and Miri took | You are Invited {El M. Engle from Manor District. Lard, perlh.. .i..... cu. hes place | vears and in 1891 formed a partner- | cherry seeder patent. | an automo! Mill oft : : 2 i sininin ; 3 : 3 jo i C ¢ aut 0 1 VI rg on To Lieutenant David H. Nissley | eet Potatoes, per bu. os $1.00 Miss Edna Rineer of Elizabeth-|ship with Dr. H. K. Blough, at rr - ' Sunday a 1} visiicd Geor | p sre aw aisie vie . is a . ~q31 +1 : s ji 5 x ay, e the isited reorge Camp, Sons of Veterans, and to the Rapho Township Taxes Wheat. per bu, 0. aos $1.10 |town visited friends in town on | Elizabethtown, since which time he Commencement Program |S. Herr and family Honorable Burgess and Borough | Josiah Keener. the tax. collector Corn. per bu.. 2 ..83 | Monday. | re sided in that borough. Seven Music, Vikings, High School | 4 Co vi] z reside ar Joard of | . :? : : ats hor E Messrs Ralph Bates and Enos |Vvears ago the firm was dissolved, | Chorus " Council and President and Boar |of Rapho township, gives notice that Oats per bu, ................ 651 : : a s : . | Two More Cases School Directors, and to the Presi- |, i ive takes at the foll > a—— —- Wachstetter spent Monday at Eliza- {and Dr. Overfield continued practice Invocation, Rev. I. E, Johnson | Yesterd Healt] Vi "lhe will receive taxes at ° ow- : eas : { esterday noon Health Officer . rice President Yiti- Ce = 5 hethtown on his account until his death His | Salutatory Orati A sb ) a : . dent and Vice President of the o i times and places: May 17, at Class Day. iid % il +3 we | Res 1 1 S be ) ration, A Debt of |p oo quarantined th res en's C mittee who made our Re- |; i.’ v ’ 5 - 4 : Mr. arry K. Miller o .ancaster | Wile survives. fonor, Roy Longenecker. bon " 3 ; zen's on litte : : Vissley creamery and Swanger’s The Class Day exercises of the| bust iio to 1 last ; > ow ri ker {of Mr. Al Mu fo i suc c reat SUCCESS, § 160: 1s . i : 5 2 . nade a business rip to town last | me Chorus eh Sch 1 lovs | : 3 By on Stich a gre io > and the yy, 0ksmith shop; May 18 at Bishop's Mount Joy High School will be held Satur Yor I i ar B A : gol Heys | theria, his f » 1 n X ritizens reneral: 3, th mem- : : 3 : a rday. rv B. srizler nssay, at aurence inbar ot ize g 2 1€ 5 s oi = | st in Mastersonville and Heist- in the Mount Joy Hall on Thursday Miss Pearl M t led tt i yarry I : Hertzler 3 . Poy Te ice Dunbar, | tin ers deutens avid . Nigsley | 1 : De xy : liss Pes vers attended the ex Harrv B. Hertzler. o andisv rane Bailer | , = Is oe eu tena : S107 land’s mill; May 23 at Erisman’s evening, May 30th, at 8 o'clock. In : To haekit Cott bo. 5 : Hertzler, of Landisville, A A er. | Perey Fu tin st. N 478. &G. A. R., do respect- seis : As ercises at Elizabethtown College on | died Friday morning fror le - sic, -May Song. High Scho fo erie : i D creamery and Dissinger’s store at addition to the regular Class Day turday ; r : wd 1 eo a I a : . High ehopl at the home I I Sh for u invite you to attend our Sun- |, Try . : Si | Saturday. monia Yeceased was fftyv-fou Chorus e Inve ; : Sand “ sporting Hill; May 24 at Old Line features a 1s Play, “WHOS 10) 17..-0 Woenor wae So ontartinat : eo had i ay ay : Orati , r |a case of at this da ymorial service Sunday, May Z 3 4 5 S | rieni leene 18 SO un tunate of age an ad bee onnec rati Ji E. Kendig { : aay ei 1 eo ut i h : ° |creamery and Mount Hope post | Win Him?” will be presented BY ad los 85 bill. Finder will : DS ! x Seu jconected : 3 q £ | writing 26, to be held at the United Evan- ice: May 25 at Litzenbergzer's i am jas to ose $5 il Finder wil vith the United F'obacco Company, Chorus, Hi School Girls | Thi i a . ‘ : 37 ’ hi y e return at Salunea for 2 ntnmhop r ar Dean ov (ih? gelical church, at 10.30. 0'ClOCK. I'nandwev 2S RT a \ plea retur: t unga for a numbe of years Rssay. Lucy Gibbons | hardware store in Manheim, and hi ol aitd = . . . i Will 1 fain St Meet at hall at 10 o'clock. Meet May 31 at his home Children Take Notice. Mr. P. A. Halecombe of Philadel- | His wife survives as do three slis- Piano Solo, Miriam Kendig | ee 1-9 i Vay a is me. IY id So . : 5 . : 3 The ¢ 1 t with us and honor our fallen heroes " Fhe children of the public schools | phia, made a business trip to town [ters and brother: Mrs. Jonas Snave- Recitation, M Eshleman B re 1 the ~~n--oa + the Tour ade to th ich; : ‘ 5 ; pa ‘ke Boar recently and grant the request of the few from the Fourth Grade to the High |on Friday ly, Union Square; Mrs. Christian Mantle Oration bike. B : ently lew "OSS at . i are Trediie ¢ o .§ ~ y x as { relative ix a who are still living as is the mat- : Ne w Pr ess and Cutter : Schoel are requested to come to the | T D. Ba D a fine | Herr ate. TLandisville. Junior Response ire } . nd % ter of but a few short years when we he increasing demand for job school hot on Monday afternoon | horse from t f Clev ind ear Salunga. Valedictory Oration jrEawan; de rege come shall all have answered the last roll Printing at this office has necessitat- at three o’clock to drill for the Mem- [land Ohio The #1 Y was held from his late Class Sone. | mittee 1 k ‘a they eall ed the installation of a third job orial Day parade | Mrs. Emma Shramusky of TLan- home on Monday morning at 9 Presentation of Diploma Mr. | deen ke Compa- . » 1 5 . rT ‘ I ) Homas MY ¥ p > P. J. Dieter, Adj. gress and last week we added a half > ee | ter. was visitine her mothe Mrs ‘tend Services were held In the | Moyer {ny ¥ de P The y 1 5 A331TY Iniversal \f x | . : ; a 2 : I 1 i ly da a | medium Universal, one of the most Examinations for Teachers Henrv Bear. Mennonite church at Landisville. at Address, Prof. Alt We 1 iy. ‘ ‘ ; ydern in pre onstructi ay. o : » | Yr rvaen and amily o aq. | Attention! Sons of Veterans JRodern in pre i on today County Superintendent Fleisher | I Bryson af ly of T.ancas Director School x ce , 3 The resses ar agpecially ad: © : 3 : + vielited Tacol Tos rr \ 1 7 1 TR Tell 1 Overden ’ All sons of veterans, whether 9 Dresses are bel hd Raped will hold examinations for teachers | sited Jacob Hosteter and fam- | Roth ral High School, Philadelphia . Border ; yr color work. We algo installed a | i Spadav W Izmiit ) : eo M : Son. of w~ they are members of the local camp |" olor York. : ve fs Alled & in this place on Monday, June 10th, | 2 day i y Hamilton will receive Lhe Mus High School Chorus i : % . of Mra, sec & ar Cl D 1 V arhar nd Anr N. wlio . ¢ . . Tor Numy 3 r wit Tr not, are requested to assemble at econd pape r cutter. With two for Mount Joy, Rapho, Donegal and Barbara and Anna Nentwig of x for Mount Joy township on Benediction, Rev. I. H. Kerr juli : vith the hall at 10 o'clock A. M. Sunday, | utters, three jobbers, a large cylin- Conoy townships. {Mount Pleasant visited Mrs Wm I rsds it his residence in this i GP | M Ir M vn, fel ier res 1d inotyp y y 2 Ta on n Qundav | £4 , $ rn Anne May 26, to attend Memorial Day |der Press and a linotype we can er A agner on Sunday ve Met With an Accidani ¢ “ tho n fooy services, in company with the G. A. Print anything from a card to a Plattorai P oa | Jeo. Barclay was tendered a Mrs. Tillman Gantz and Mrs. Ben The many friends of Mr. Ross|®" ¢”+his right pe R. in the Evangelical church [newspaper on short notice Drop in atform Extended. { dinner o mnday. it being I as the guest of 1 ; CAAT 3 sei Y we bri ¢ the wrist Gi 1@ Evangel 1 1 | v Ee | ( as th uest I 111 reoret + lan al’ 2 WAR On M ial Day they will plosse land see us The east and west ends of Ste / a birthday ; Zi Dati le will regret to learn eof hi Dr. PF. 1 ¢ set the fractures Memoria 2 ey Qas id 1 rithdal at filizabeth “io Ts » T . ak a I s ! ur . n v1 the fied ak : ‘ wien 0am ? platform on the north side of the | Henrietiz. G is amending 1eabels | mishap on Monda) He was assist Le semble at the fire engine house a \ e ia 18. Ape aD ne unloz me he: oT ; ry a M if t . 1 Mail Bag Demolished | tracks at the P. R. R. station here | @ county as M H. A. El l f Miffi ; nigh, Some Reavy tHmnbe i A. M., and from there proceec 3 ols \ § unity a M . A, Ebright o Iintown | prom a waren whan th eid mn : « ee re D oe | rae ae eh ) have been extended. r 5 ; ; LM 1 L 3 from a wagon when the skid or scaf- to the various cemeteries with the 8 yeque day evening e mal a - Soa |! > - ' a gent for the AmOokin shirt factory | r514 broke and the timber fell on his &. A R. baz containing the supply of Bulle- enry re € wand family ma a pleasant ca at the Florin | sont vey eYus : HC . : : 2 O¢ rushing it, as well as severing | All will wear white gloves, and tins for the people of Florin and vic- Strawberry Festival teinholc 1ti were g $ of J. |1nn on sever tend 1 2 1 te Ss, } . : 2 several ndons It be some | those possessing uniforms will wear |inity was ground to pieces beneath St. Luke's church will hold a |K. Freymyer on Saturday Mr will move his | time before Mr Engle will 1 } % | Sale i es ot : 4 AT 3 a ATi i Hn Ll t € efor r. Engle will be able them on both occasions. the train and we are very sorry te Strawberry festival Saturday even- Mrs. J Eichle of Elizabeth- | ranmjly and effects from | to ume the limb | J. Willis Freed, Sec'y, say that very few persons in Florin ing, June 8, In the basement of the town was e st of Henry Eich- Mount Joy into t y vacated — ma — - | collector David Boyce. Tdeut. D. H. Nissley Camp, No. T4,|received their paper. We hope this Parish House. ler and family on Saturday {by Mr. George Im Orphan's Court | __ 3 8. Vv does mot occur again. We did not TS Sea There is a rumor that there will Su y Schoo 9.45, Jr. C. RB Adjudicati h h - A tn | The Band Will Play + Ve : : oy DY Dol at My vi we Adjudications have been filed in Sy Sd scidalon —— ne } « DDE 3 Vv be a new tennizx club organized at E ~ a : . Ls x = ov 3 a 1ave enough extra copies or we Pook Dinser at Florin. ! : a ; A at 5. Sr. C. E. at 6.15, Preaching | ty ege estates of local interest: Fan- | The Foresters Band will give a i ; is place in the very near future. "1K bl . : tsa 5 ay + 5 Stole What Was Left {would have mailed a second lot. Gevernor John K. Tener and a 2 Dias B nth Y 2 ; at 7.15. Mens Bible Class will meet | nie Bott Mt Jov $3824 84: Henry |ecncert on the pavement between | re—— Anes re—— N en's ible Class o h +] a = ES > Ba Ua Wl After the fumeral of Mr. Wm | number ef his friends took dinner ’ vig h 1 Told : {at 10.30 a. m. Sunday ‘PY Baer East Donegal 82.448 0%: | the Exehange Hotel and Dr. E. W. i ! { i . Chureh will hold prayer meeting | "no x3 a i: ET, 48 5 2.44.0! Ss Gants last week, the remaining eat-| Mr. John Brandt, bar elerk at the [at the Florin Inn yesterday. They s ®| The Sisters of the U. B. ehureh | Manna Demmy, Rapho, $939.91: |®arber’s drug store on. Saturday ables were placed in an outkitehen | Exchange Hotel, has severed his ever night but seme time during the [eonnection with that well knewn might some raseal entered the plaee |hoatelry. Mr. Charles H. Dillinger ‘amd carried away everything. There | will sueceed him. is strong suspiciem om a eertain per- en eA si son and am arrest may follow soon. sd Goaduation Day Is near at hand. Are you pro pared? We ean fit you up im proper shape. Suit, $10.00 te $20.00. Getz 08. Jokn Meagle, a former resident of Maytown, a brother-in-law ef Mr. Charles H. Zeller of this plaee, died at Abilene, Kansas, last week. Mr. Hagle went west thirty years age. el A Advertise ia the Mt. Joy Bulletia. ENNA., WEDNES BY. )) ud AY. MAY $1.00 A YEAR \ RESULTS—THATS ~ WHY MERCHANTS Ui THIS K ADVERTISING MEDIUM were out or a little auto #rip. rr eer lM eee Homens for Sale. Bight pairs ef fine homer pigeons {for sale. Your ehoiee at 75 eents a | pair or 50 cents a pair for the lot. Apply at this office. _r rt drpoprfhir:it Belts! Our. assortment of belts this year | | seen in the {accepted the |X Freymye! eclipses anything ever bolt line. 25e¢ te 7he.. Gotz Bros. 10.30 o’clock. All are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hertzler attended the funeral of Henry Hertzler at Landisville on Monday. | Messrs. Samuel Young and John | Weiser attended the funeral of Mrs. John Wagner, at York, on Monday. Howard Musselman of Philadel- phia, ealled on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Musselman last week. Adam Albert of Mount Joy, has at be osition of baker at J. He suceceds John | announce church om Monday afternoon. | Messrs. B. B. Nyce of Washington, | D. C., Henry Wolf of Lancaster, S. |B S | ler all the sisters sheuld evening the sweeping of the that present at It you want to hear good musie come around, TS E——— Will Hold a Banquet. The eighth annual banquet of the Mt. Joy Nigh School Alumni Assoeci- Anna W. Engle, East 788.75. Donegal, $2-| Dee Straw! Straw! Straw hats for every man are here a plenty. 50¢ to $3.00. Getz & hoffstall of Reading, W. C. Kol- and Samuel Mc€all of York Bros. ation will be held in Mount Joy Hall were pleasantly entertained at the ere— eer Monday evening, June 3rd. An em Florin Inn on Tuesday. , For Decoration Day cellent menu will be served and You will want to have a new suit | ©"chestra will be in attendance. eet ini. Advertise in the Mt. Joy B Read the Mt. Joy Bulletin. Advertise in the Mt. Joy Bulletin. 4’ or straw hat. We have them here In all styles and prices. Getz Brose.